Harnessing neurodiversity to enhance strategic decision making in your firm - Robert Millard

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Harnessing neurodiversity to enhance strategic decision making in your firm - Robert Millard
Harnessing neurodiversity to
     enhance strategic decision
     making in your firm

     Robert Millard

Cambridge Strategy Group Limited
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United Kingdom
Harnessing neurodiversity to enhance strategic decision making in your firm - Robert Millard
    The Good Doctor                                just a few. Some of these do better jobs
                                                   than others in properly depicting the
    I enjoyed watching the ABC TV series           conditions, their underlying issues and
    ‘The Good Doctor’. Starring Freddy             the implications for people who live and
    Highmore as the likeable Dr Shaun              work with them.
    Murphy, an autistic surgical resident
    at a California hospital, the series has       It is probably fair to say that some
    been massively popular. I thought it to        of these have created perceptions of
    be an interesting, engaging example of         neurodiversity that are unhelpful in
    neurodiversity in a highly professional        inspiring firms to better accommodate
    workplace.                                     neuro-atypical individuals who work in
                                                   them, and even less helpful in guiding
    As both a keen scholar and a practitioner      firms on how such individuals might be
    of business strategy, I have a deep interest   proactively and thoughtfully engaged
    in strategic decision-making processes.        in harnessing their unique capabilities
    In particular, I like to explore how firm      to create competitive advantage for the
    leaders and leadership teams make              firm.
    sense of volatile, uncertain, complex
    and ambiguous (‘VUCA’) situations
    and reach the best decisions, to deliver       Autistic savants are extraordinary
    the best outcomes for their firms. So,         human beings
    it was very easy for me to imagine
    the benefits of having somebody on a           True     savants      can     demonstrate
    firm’s leadership team who, although           spectacular skills. In a series of lectures
    perhaps lacking in some social skills, can     delivered in 1887, the English physician Dr
    visualise the most difficult challenges        J. Langdon Down described a boy who
    and opportunities and to conceptualise         could recite extensive passages from
    innovative solutions that are far beyond       Gibbons’ six volume work: ‘The History
    the capabilities of colleagues. Who            of the Decline and Fall of the Roman
    would not want such a person on their          Empire’. He also described a different
    team?                                          boy who could effortlessly multiply any
                                                   three figures by another three figures
    I was surprised though to be taken             but who, even after seeing Dr Down
    to task by my daughter Shannon, a              almost daily for two and a half years,
    neuroscientist, who told me that in her        was persistently unable to remember Dr
    opinion the series misrepresents autism        Down’s name (Down 1887).
    and might even harm the cause of
    neurodiversity.                                Typically, savant skills occur in five
                                                   general areas: music, art, calendar
    Dr Murphy is not only autistic but             calculating, mathematics or mechanical/
    also a savant who is blessed with              visual-spatial skills. Less frequently, they
    a photographic memory.             Savant      can include polyglotism (the ability to
    syndrome is exceedingly rare. A mere           speak many languages), unusual sensory
    handful of true savants (perhaps a few         discrimination, athletics or outstanding
    hundred) are alive on earth today. It does     knowledge in specific fields. They can
    occur more frequently amongst people           also be acquired following cerebral
    with autism, but still only at a rate of       damage through stroke, illnesses such
    one percent or less of that population.        as meningitis, or trauma (Treffert 2014).
    So, the story in ‘The Good Doctor’ is
    about an especially rare human being           Strategic decision-making is
    with extraordinary savant talents, who
    is autistic, rather than about a ‘typical’
    autistic person.
                                                   Can neuro-atypical team members
                                                   help improve the quality of decisions
    The autistic savant is a familiar trope
                                                   in teams responsible for the complex
    also for filmmakers, examples being
                                                   problem-solving in VUCA situations
    ‘Rain Man’ (1988), ‘Little Man Tate’
                                                   such as in addressing strategy business
    (1991), ‘Mercury Rising’ (1998) and ‘A
                                                   transformation and innovation?
    Brilliant Young Mind’ (2015) – to name
Harnessing neurodiversity to enhance strategic decision making in your firm - Robert Millard
                                               neurodiversity, given the challenges that
The complexity involved in top                 neuro-atypical people can encounter
management team decisions has been             at work and generally. These, include
long recognised and drivers of success         social difficulties, heightened anxiety,
and failure in such teams are a perennial      problems with self-advocacy, and a
research topic. These include cognitive        sense of being stigmatized (Gillespie-
processes including, for instance,             Lynch et al. 2017, cited in Ortiz 2020).
cognitive diversity, task conflict and
competence-based trust (Olsen et al            Diversity alone is not sufficient unless
2007).                                         mechanisms are put in place to make it
                                               ‘safe’ and to constructively harness its
Intuitively, one would expect that             effects. How the team’s activities and
diversity in decision-making teams             processes are designed are crucial to
should improve the quality of their            creating that safety.
decisions. It generates a wider range of
perspectives and alternative solutions         The Olsen et al. research into the effects
than in more uniform groups. Correlations      of cognitive diversity studied ‘task
between      top   management       team       conflict’ as a key variable, following
diversity and performance in strategic         previous research (Amason 1996) which
change in multicultural contexts have          showed such conflict to be “inevitable”
also been well established (for instance       in strategic decision making. This is
Díaz-Fernández et al. 2018). In fact,          because diverse executives will typically
harnessing multinational, multicultural        view environments differently and thus
diversity can be surprisingly powerful.        voice different perspectives. Olsen et
As an example, unrelated teams of              al. argue that benefits of diversity tend
diverse,    multinational  professionals       not even to emerge unless task conflict
were able to beat Netflix’s algorithms         is allowed to surface and that this is
in predicting user movie ratings based         “extremely important” especially in
on ratings applied previously to other         highly complex decisions being made
movies by those users (Page 2019).             in environments that are constantly
Research findings about the benefits
of diversity in teams engaged with             Competence-based trust (or, conversely,
complex problem-solving and decision           for clarity, lack of mistrust based on
making have not been uniformly positive,       perceptions of diminished competence)
though.                                        interact with diversity to modify levels
                                               of task conflict. This allows such conflict
For instance, research into the impact of      to exist without becoming acrimonious
gender diversity on board performance          or degenerating into interpersonal,
in boards of 25 banks in the United Arab       ‘relationship conflict.’ Well-intentioned
Emirates (Iren and Tee 2017) and those         but misguided leadership action aimed
of 186 publicly listed companies in The        at defusing conflict and maintaining
Netherlands and Denmark (Marinova              harmony can reduce the benefits of
et al. 2016) concluded that it made no         diversity and, ultimately, harm the

This ambiguity might be a result, at least
partially, of lack of holistic consideration              “Research findings about
of the multiple dimensions of team
diversity in existing scholarly literature               the benefits of diversity in
(Díaz-Fernández et al. 2018).
                                                       teams engaged with complex
Another reason might be critical mass.
The boards of the companies studied
                                                       problem-solving and decision
by Marinova et al. had an average of                       making have not been
only 5.4 percent female directors, for
instance, and some of them had only                        uniformly positive ....”.
one female director. Critical mass might
be especially important in the case of
Harnessing neurodiversity to enhance strategic decision making in your firm - Robert Millard
                             MODIFIED BY                                                1. Cognitive diversity was NOT shown
                                                                                           to lead to relationship conflict
                                   EXTERNAL SOCIO-CULTURAL
         DIVERSITY            ENVIRONMENT (E.G. SOCIETAL ATTITUDES,                     2. Relationship conflict was NOT
                                ORGANISATIONAL CHARACTERISTICS)
                                                                                           shown to mediate the relationship
      SOCIO-ECONOMIC                                                                       between cognitive diversity and
                                                                                           decision outcome

       RACE / ETHNIC
                                                    MODIFIED BY

         CULTURAL                                                                                                UNDERSTANDING
         DIVERSITY                                    COMPETENCE-
                                                      BASED TRUST


          DIVERSITY                                                                                                                              BETTER
                                        COGNITIVE                               TASK
                                                                                                                   COMMITMENT                  SOLUTIONS /
                                        DIVERSITY                             CONFLICT
      NEUROCOGNITIVE                                                                                                                            STRATEGY
                                                                         1                    2

         DIVERSITY                                                           RELATIONSHIP                             DECISION
                                                                               CONFLICT                               QUALITY


         RELIGIOUS                  Source: Olsen, B.J., Parayitam, S. and Bao, Y. (2007). Strategic Decision Making: The Effects of CogniHve
         DIVERSITY                  Diversity, Conflict, and Trust on Decision Outcomes. Journal of Management, Vol. 33 No. 2, pp. 196-222

    Figure 1: The impact of cognitive diversity on solution-finding and strategizing, building
    on the work of Olsen et al. 2007 (the model for which is illustrated in the grey box).

                     quality of team decisions. This logic is                                     For instance, a particular characteristic
                     shown in Figure 1.                                                           might be attributable to a combination of
                                                                                                  being neuro-atypical and of a particular
                     The challenges of diversity                                                  gender, socio-economic background,
                     management                                                                   sexual orientation, ethnicity and culture.
                                                                                                  Interacting complexly and dynamically
                     At its core, diversity means any dimension                                   with each other, their        effects are
                     that can be used to differentiate groups                                     modified also by external factors and
                     and people from one another. Simply                                          each individual’s learning experiences to
                     put, it is what makes each of us different                                   create each unique human being.
                     to each other. The boundaries between
                     categories are furthermore porous.                                           Likewise, the factors that make a
                     Figure 1 shows twelve interconnected                                         particular situation safe for one
                     dimensions of diversity that are relevant                                    demographic might make it safe also
                     to strategizing or, more particularly,                                       for another – or it might not be enough.
                     the factors that lead to good strategy                                       The point is, if the positive effects of
                     such as creativity and innovation,                                           diversity are to be harnessed, then the
                     sense-making (especially of complex                                          needs of all the diversity characteristics
                     situations), empathy, discipline, analysis,                                  present in the participating individuals
                     handling ambiguity and collaboration.                                        need to be considered and addressed
                                                                                                  in the processes that are put in place to
                     It is often impossible to reliably allocate                                  address the task in hand – for instance,
                     a particular characteristic that an                                                                                 Image credit:
                     individual has to a single form of diversity.                                                            Tim Mossholder, Unsplash
    complex problem-solving,        innovation     particular ‘disorder’ never gained much
    and strategizing.                              traction and was rapidly consigned first
                                                   to the realms of pseudoscience and
    The Neurodiversity View                        then to intellectual oblivion. It remains,
                                                   though, a dire warning about how much
    According to a critique published in the       harm pseudoscientific approaches can
    Journal of Applied Philosophy (Nelson          do in this field.
    2021), the ‘Neurodiversity View’ (NV)
    makes claims that are both conceptual          At its origin in the 1990s, the NV focused
    and political in nature. Conceptual NV         initially on high-functioning autism
    claims hold that some neurocognitive           (HFA). This is, autism where the patient
    atypicalities currently classified as          exhibits no intellectual disability, but
    disorders should instead be understood         might exhibit deficits in communication,
    simply as forms of diversity.                  emotion recognition and expression,
                                                   and social interaction. The fictional Dr
    Political    NV     claims    hold   that      Murphy would be an example of HFA.
    neurodiversity ought to be respected in
    ways similar to how human differences          The scope of the NV has since expanded
    such as ethnicity, age and gender are.         to encompass the broader autism
    To illustrate, the National Symposium on       spectrum and other neurocognitive
    Neurodiversity at Syracuse University          differences including attention deficit
    defines neurodiversity as: “a concept          hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), bipolar
    where neurological differences are to be       disorder, schizophrenia, developmental
    recognized and respected as any other          dyspraxia,      dyslexia,      epilepsy,
    human variation.”                              psychopathy, sociopathy, Tourette’s
                                                   syndrome, oppositional defiant disorder,
    A broad and varied range of labels and         dyscalculia, and paracusia – among
    descriptors have emerged through the           others. Stigmas, discrimination and
    NV, including, besides ‘neurodiverse’          exclusion frequently associated with
    itself, also ‘neurodivergent’, ‘neuro-         those who are neuro-atypical have also
    atypical’, ‘differently abled’, and ‘on the    begun to attract attention in disability
    spectrum.’ Avoiding stereotypes and            research.
    being respectful to sensibilities and
    preferences can be a real challenge            While acknowledging its powerful
    when applying labels though, especially        challenge to the status quo and fully
    in working with neuro-atypical people          defending its political aims of respect,
    (Ortiz, 2020).                                 inclusion and accommodation, Nelson’s
                                                   critique concludes that the NV falls
    NV arguments include that seeking              short of convincing that autism is
    to cure neuro-atypicalities would be           not a disorder. Few would argue that
    on a par with seeking to ‘cure’ people         some of the other conditions that now
    who are gay, or black, or left-handed          attract attention are not disorders, too.
    (Ortega 2009). These arguments point           In progressive firms, equally few would
    to behaviours that were previously, but        argue against the NV political claim
    are no longer, classified as disorders.        that so long as they are able to do their
    For instance, homosexuality was only           work, given all support that might be
    decriminalised in the UK in 1967 and it        necessary, neuro-atypical people should
    continued to be considered a mental            be accepted and celebrated in the
    disorder by the American Psychiatric           workplace in the same way as any other
    Association until 1973.                        minorities. That, quite simply, is the right
                                                   thing to do.
    As an even more bizarre example,
    consider the disorder ‘drapetomania’.          Neurodiversity as a source
    At roughly the same time that Dr Down          of sustained competitive
    was delivering his lectures on savant          advantage?
    syndrome, drapetomania was considered
    briefly in slave-owning America to be a        But can the harnessing of unique
    mental disorder that caused enslaved           capabilities of neuro-atypical people
    Africans to flee captivity. Thankfully, this   yield deeper benefits for firms that
are able to effectively harness those
capabilities?   People      have     long                  •   Are competencies that neurodiversity
speculated that some disorders might                           unlocks, and the neuro-atypical
impart certain cognitive benefits, such                        people who hold the capabilities
as better insight, inventiveness and                           involved, rare in the market?
creativity (Schuldberg, 2001, White &
Shah 2006). Can these even help create                     •   Are rivals able to easily imitate, e.g.
the strategic ‘Holy Grail’ of sustainable                      by simply hiring similar people, can
competitive advantage for a firm?                              they achieve the same ends by other
One of the most compelling models of
competitive advantage, the ‘Resource                       •   Is the firm so organised or can it
based View’ (RBV), holds that sustained                        be (including structures, systems,
competitive advantage is derived from                          processes and culture) to effectively
so-called ‘VRIO’ resources that a firm                         harness the talents of neuro-atypical
possesses. That is, resources that are                         people?
Valuable, Rare and Inimitable, and that
the firm is 0rganised so as to be able to                  Dyslexia – the case of David Boies
exploit their benefits (Barney 1991). This
is illustrated in figure 2.                                Dyslexia is a good example of a neuro-
                                                           atypicality that can be very productively
From this one might derive the following                   harnessed. On the one hand, it is a
questions, when asessing options for                       particular torture for those so afflicted
integrating neurodiversity (and other                      who select professions (like law) that
forms of diversity that enhance cognitive                  require a great deal of reading. On the
diversity into the firm’s strategic                        other, the brains of people who are
decision-making and other processes) :                     dyslexic frequently compensate by
                                                           developing other rare and extremely
•     Can     harnessing     neurodiversity                useful skills.
      deliver benefits that are objectively
      valuable,   for    instance   better
      problem-solving, strategy, solutions
      for revenue generation and/or for
      enhancing efficiency and reducing                         “Some disorders might impart
                                                                   certain cognitive benefits,
                                                                     such as better insight,
       IS IT                      IS IT      IS THE FIRM
                                                                 inventiveness and creativity”.
                IS IT RARE?                  ORGANISED
    VALUABLE?                 INIMITABLE?
                                            TO EXPLOIT ?

      V            R              I            O
       NO                                                       COMPETITIVE DISADVANTAGE

      YES          NO                                           COMPETITIVE PARITY

      YES          YES            NO                            TEMPORARY COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE

      YES          YES           YES            NO              UNUSED COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE

      YES          YES           YES            YES             SUSTAINED COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE

Figure 2: The resources upon which a firm relies for sustainable competitive
advantage must be valuable, rare, and inimitable, and the firm must be
organised in such a way as to be able to take advantage of them (Barney 1991).
    Best-selling author Malcolm Gladwell’s       achievement, employment performance,
    excellent 2013 book ‘David and Goliath –     and social relationships, clinical research
    Underdogs, misfits and the art of battling   indicates positive consequences such
    giants’ contains a number of case studies    as enhanced creativity and ideating.
    that are relevant to neurodiversity in law   Indeed, ADHD might be difficult to
    firms. One of the most directly relevant     diagnose at least partly because people
    concerns David Boies, chairman of            with ADHD share characteristics such as
    the prominent New York City law firm         high energy and creativity, with gifted,
    Boies, Schiller & Flexner. Boies’s brain     non-ADHD individuals (Leroux & Levitt-
    compensated for his inability to read        Perlman, 2000).
    efficiently by developing extraordinarily
    amplified listening skills and memory:       Relevant to strategizing and innovation,
                                                 ADHD can have opposite impacts on
        “But he was devastating in               two aspects of creativity: convergent
        the    cross-examination       of        thinking and divergent thinking (White
        witnesses, because there was             & Shah 2006). Before progressing,
        no nuance, no subtle evasion,            though, it is important to remind that
        no peculiar and telling choice of        no two people are the same, that
        words that he would miss – and           characteristics vary broadly between
        no stray comment or revealing            them, and that coping mechanisms
        admission from testimony an              that people develop also differ widely.
        hour or a day or a week before           A statement commencing, for instance:
        that he would not have heard,            “ADHD people are ….” is very likely to be
        registered, and remembered.”             wrong in its application to a particular
        (Gladwell 2013, p110).                   person.

    Arguably one of the most accomplished        Convergent thinking means the ability
    trial lawyers in the world, Boies might      to form associations between disparate
    have failed dismally as a corporate          concepts. Given their challenges in
    lawyer. I know several very senior           focusing for long enough to make all the
    and accomplished lawyers, who have           correct connections to reveal the best
    distinguished themselves greatly in          solution, individuals with ADHD might
    their careers, who are badly dyslexic.       be less successful as a group at this
    As it happens, dyslexia is frequently        form of thinking. Such challenges can be
    associated with brilliance in other          explained by lower levels of ‘executive
    areas, too. Roughly a third of successful    function’    (EF),    most     commonly
    entrepreneurs might be dyslexic, Sir         described as a combination of response
    Richard Branson being a very well-           inhibition, updating and monitoring of
    known example.                               working memory, and mental set shifting
                                                 (Daucourt et al 2018). ‘Inhibition’ in the
                                                 context of decision-making,
    Disorder (ADHD)                              EF means the ability to obstruct
                                                 inappropriate automatic or dominant
    Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder     responses. Leaping, one might say,
    (ADHD) is another condition that can         to premature conclusions. ‘Updating
    yield unanticipated benefits in the          Working Memory’ means screening
    workplace if it is recognised, welcomed      incoming information based on its
    and properly harnessed. A relatively         immediate     significance,   constantly
    common      childhood      developmental     eliminating    irrelevant   information
    disorder,   ADHD       is   characterized    and replacing it with more relevant
    by inattentiveness, impulsivity, and         information. It also represents our
    hyperactivity.    These    characteristics   cognitive capacity for simultaneous
    can persist into adulthood, although         processing of multiple tasks. ‘Mental
    symptoms       usually    diminish    and    set shifting’ involves back and forth
    individuals tend to develop coping           movement between tasks and higher
    mechanisms.                                  and lower levels of mental processing.
                                                 It enables us to adapt dynamically to
    While significant ADHD can have              changing task demands and contexts.
    negative consequences for academic
One might easily imagine how important        properly when working with or in a
convergent thinking is to detailed and        group to solve the complex problems
complex business planning, or mapping         that strategizing usually involves, it is
out implementation of a complex new           necessary to separate the creative and
process as in digital transformation, or      decision-making stages of the process.
in assessing the legal implications of a
massively complex transaction.                During the former stage, the divergent
                                              thinkers typically lead, and convergent
Divergent thinking, on the other hand,        thinkers have to work hard not to kill
means the ability to rapidly generate         creativity by swinging into critical-
multiple ideas or solutions to a problem      analytical assessment of each idea as
– including perhaps viable (or even           it emerges. During the latter, the focus
exceptional) solutions that might have        is on assessing the ideas that have
been ‘screened out’ by individuals            emerged and deciding which are worthy
whose bias is in favour of convergent         of implementation and investment.
thinking. Individuals with ADHD typically
outperform the general population in          Neurodiversity in the broader
divergent thinking.                           context of firm-wide strategizing
However, they can also exhibit poor           Business strategy is a relatively new
verbal fluency, especially when the           concept in business science. It dates
task involved is complex or pressured,        only from the 1960s. Back then, strategy
which means that their ideas might not        usually took the form of a secret plan.
emerge if the process in which they are       Henry Minzberg’s book ‘The Rise and
participating is not carefully facilitated.   Fall of Strategic Planning’, published in
                                              1994, showed why this fails. Even today,
The relevance of this is obvious to           many strategy failures can be blamed on
brainstorms, design-thinking sprints and      mistakes that Mintzberg identified. Yet
other idea-generating processes now           firms continue to make them.
common in many firms. In leadership
teams too, the one with the highest-          Today, we know that a radically different
potential idea might remain silent in         approach delivers better results. Best
the cut-and-thrust of debate typical of       practice means strategy developed
many high-performance meetings.               through processes that are as open,
                                              inclusive and transparent as possible.
Somewhat         surprisingly     given       These need to draw wide-ranging
their    supposed     challenges   with       and diverse stakeholder groups into
convergent thinking and a tendency            identifying and assessing opportunities
to be distracted, another ‘superpower’        and challenges, and then into finding
frequently observed in adult ADHD’s is        the best options to address these.
that of hyperfocus. That is, a state of
heightened, focused attention which, at       After being so deeply involved in
an extreme, can even resemble ’hypnotic       developing the strategy, people can
spells’ (Brown 2006).                         easily apply it to their own roles in the
                                              firm. Implementation is much more
A recently-developed ‘Adult Hyperfocus        effective. People are well equipped
Questionnaire’ assessment tool (Hupfeld       to suggest action to fine-tune as this
et al. 2018) shows that hyperfocus            becomes necessary. Which, in a ‘VUCA’
is indeed more prevalent amongst              world, is usually sooner rather than later.
individuals with ADHD than amongst
‘neurotypical’ adults. Furthermore, it        Not only does this mean that cognitive
found that greater severity of ADHD           diversity is useful for purposes of
symptoms was associated with higher           inclusion, employee engagement and
ability to hyperfocus.                        as an aid to implementation generally,
                                              but the same arguments apply as
One might easily imagine how powerful         were advanced earlier for applying
the combination would be of individuals       neurodiversity thoughtfully as a means to
with a bias towards convergent thinking       enhance the quality of teams specifically
mixed with those with a bias towards          tasked with strategy, innovation and
divergent thinking. To harness this           complex problem-solving.

               Digital tools that have emerged over         With the addition of competence-
               the past twenty years are becoming           based trust, cognitive diversity benefits
               far more common, and less expensive,         complex decision-making processes
               and more effective. IBM ‘Jams’ is the        such as is involved in strategizing,
               original archetype of such tools, and        innovation and complex problem solving.
               one still in use today. Many of the          It enhances understanding, commitment
               practical arguments that have been           and the quality of decisions that are
               traditionally applied to a firm NOT          made. Team members must be able
               being open, inclusive and transparent        to disagree, perhaps robustly, without
               in its strategizing have lost validity       damaging inter-personal relationship
               and, in most cases, been completely          conflicts emerging.
                                                            Competence-based trust is crucial for
               This approach negates three serious          this to be achieved. Given its complex
               shortcomings of previous approaches,         preconditions, developing this amongst
               namely failure to create strategy that       team members must be proactively
               aligns with realities across the firm and    addressed before the team will be able
               externally of which the firm leadership is   to function properly. Leaders also need
               not fully aware, partners and employees      to watch for issues that emerge that can
               failing to engage with and ‘buy into’ the    harm that competence-based trust.
               strategy, and for people to know what
               they need to do, each in their own roles,    Some neuro-atypical attributes and skills
               to contribute best to achieving the firm’s   are highly relevant to tasks involved in
               strategic objectives.                        strategizing, especially those that require
                                                            creativity, hyperfocus and reaching
               Conclusions                                  novel solutions to VUCA situations.
                                                            Neurodiversity is however not the only
               The need for neurodiversity as part of a     form of diversity that delivers cognitive
               firm’s commitment to equality is clear. It   diversity. Firm leaders should therefore
               is simply the right thing to do. Deeper      view cognitive diversity holistically
               rationales also exist, though. Properly      when incorporating it into teams and
               harnessed, it can help create sustainable    designing the processes through which
               competitive advantage for the firm.          those teams do their work.

    Figure 3: Business strategy has evolved a great deal since it was first conceived in the
    1960s. Best-practice today involves processes that are as open, inclusive and transparent
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