Harrow Bush Nursing Center Strategic Areas & Actions for Feedback

Page created by Nathaniel Lewis
Harrow Bush Nursing Center Strategic Areas & Actions for Feedback
Harrow Bush Nursing Center
Strategic Areas & Actions for Feedback
                              June 2021
Harrow Bush Nursing Center Strategic Areas & Actions for Feedback
Request for assistance
This report contains the complete set of possible priority areas and actions that have been identified as a result of Environmental Scanning and community, staff and
stakeholder engagement processes undertaken as a part of the Harrow Bush Nursing Centres (HBNC) Strategic Plan development.

The purpose of this document is to ensure that we have heard and understood what is most important to the community, staff and stakeholders in relation to health and
community service provision now and into the future.

We are once again seeking your feedback in relation to the identified areas and actions contained within this report. We would like to know:

1.   Have we heard and understood what’s important to the community, staff and stakeholders in relation to health and community service provision?
2.   Have we missed capturing any priority areas?
3.   Have we missed capturing any priority actions?
4.   If you could only select six priority actions for the HBNC Strategic Plan what would they be?
5.   Is there anything further you would like us to consider when developing the HBNC Strategic Plan?

Use this survey link to provide your feedback:

Or contact Claire Edwards, Strategic Planning Consultant on 0438112347 (between 5 – 30 July 2021) to provide feedback.

Please note: that whilst each of these areas and actions are important, HBNC is trying to determine
which areas and actions are of highest priority for the community, staff and stakeholders. HBNC will not
be able to complete all of the activities documented in this report but HBNC will be able to complete
those activities deemed to be of highest priority and importance.
Project methodology.

   Environmental                                 Engagement                                Engagement
     Scanning                                     Phase One                                 Phase Two
 An internal and external environmental       An extensive engagement initiative was   This is your opportunity to inform the
 scanning process was undertaken to fully     undertaken with community, staff and     priority areas and actions required, to
 understand the current state of HBNC. This   stakeholders throughout May and June     transition HBNC from its current state to
 information was overlaid with key data       involving surveys and interviews to      the desired future state.
 points to provide a comprehensive            inform the areas and actions contained
 understanding of HBNC current internal       within this report.                      Phase two engagement includes:
 performance and broader eco-system                                                    • On-line feedback in relation to the
 position. This was critical to understand    Over 180 individuals have provided         areas and activities identified by the
 how and what HBNC currently does and         valuable feedback and insight to date.     community, staff and stakeholders
 how well HBNC performs and integrates                                                 • Physical feedback feedback in
 with other eco-system participants in                                                   relation to areas and activities
 relation to service delivery. This process                                            • Community and staff member forums
 also identified key societal, sector,                                                   to refine the priority areas and actions
 geographical and community trends likely
 to impact on the HBNC strategic plan.

 Service access              Service models &                  Health                    Collaborative                Leadership,
• Increasing access to        models of care                  workforce                 partnerships &               governance &
  services through the use   • Refining how services are
                                                           • Increasing the              planning at a               performance
  of technology                delivered
• Focusing on increasing     • Ensuring community            capability and capacity      local level               • Meeting the regulatory
  access to services for                                     of the workforce
                               needs are being met                                                                    and accreditation
  priority cohorts           • Smart systems to enable     • Extending access to
                                                                                       • Working to fullest scope     expectations
                                                             specialised workforce
                               staff to be their best                                    of practice                • Being financially viable
                             • Expanding the range of        cohorts
                                                                                       • Contributing towards       • Being know for an area
                               services available          • Supporting the health
                                                                                         health eco-system goals      of excellence
                                                             and well-being of the
                                                                                       • Achieving more             • Generating new
                                                                                         together                     revenue streams
                                                                                       • Formalising
Service                                1. Develop and implement pathways of care that are planned, effective, safe and predictable with local, sub-regional
                                          and regional health services based on local community need
                                       2. Establish options for e-health and social pre-scribing across all program areas

access                                 3. Invest in the development of technology and infrastructure tailored for local health service need, for example self
                                          service telehealth hubs, supported telehealth hub and specialist telehealth hub
                                       4. Develop and implement community engagement and education strategies that promote preventative health and

                                          early intervention
                                       5. Develop and implement ways to better inform our community about the services and support programs available to

Goal: improved access to appropriate
and comprehensive care for our
Service                          1.
                                     Explore opportunities to expand service provision into NDIS services
                                     Explore opportunities to expand service provision into CHSP services
                                     Explore opportunities to expand service provision into mental health, mental ill health and community resilience

models &                         4.
                                     Explore opportunities to expand services into the family violence, legal aid and community services
                                     Explore opportunities to extend outreach services to vulnerable community cohorts
                                     Undertake a digital maturation assessment and develop a plan for increased technology adaption throughout the

models of
                                 7. Develop and implement digital health models
                                 8. Develop and integrate social prescribing practices throughout all models of care
                                 9. Introduce and support service models that recognise alternative models of primary healthcare that uses a range of

care actions                         innovative workforce solutions
                                 10. Explore opportunities to increase the number of locally and visiting health service providers to HBNC
                                 11. Identify and implement successful innovations in health service delivery, scalability and transferability from other
                                     service settings that will assist HBNC to best meet its communities needs
Goal: Our community will have    12. Support the involvement of the community and staff in the design of health and community services
                                 13. Integrate multi-disciplinary and flexible models of care across all service delivery areas, and provide the necessary
effective, appropriate and
                                     supports for the se models to ensure sustainability
sustainable healthcare service   14. Develop and implement processes to ensure evidence underpins service planning, design and delivery, and to inform
delivery                             the community
Health                                   1.
                                             Develop and implement a shared nursing workforce pool
                                             Develop and implement a shared health administration workforce pool
                                             Design and develop a workforce exchange model

workforce                                4.
                                             Design and develop an innovation and change management framework
                                             Develop and implement a remote workforce model for specialised services including: urgent care, general practice,
                                             allied health, and clinical services

                                         6. Design and develop in partnership with the Centre for Participation a new model for volunteering
                                         7. Develop and implement staff health and well-being framework
                                         8. Develop and implement flexible work arrangements
                                         9. Identify and implement opportunities for new or expanded roles and varying of the skill mix of multi-disciplinary team
                                             members to enhance services
Goal: HBNC has an appropriate, skilled   10. Explore flexibility in the scope of practice for all health service providers and promote more advanced skill roles for
and well-supported health workforce          nurses
                                         11. Develop and implement interdisciplinary training to reduce barriers between healthcare professionals
Collaborative                           1. Actively participate in cluster based planning activities, strongly advocating fro the needs of the local community
                                        2. Formalise partnerships with other bush nursing centres to consolidate operating systems, policies, procedures,
                                           regulatory and accreditation practices

partnerships                            3. Work with local health services, community services, local government and the primary health network to identify,
                                           assess and coordinate appropriate services to meet local community needs
                                        4. Develop community engagement and education strategies that promote preventative health and early intervention

& planning at
                                        5. Develop and implement strategies to maximise the use of physical infrastructure across HBNC
                                        6. Foster partnerships and cooperation with different levels of government and with other relevant sectors to support
                                           the health and well-being needs of the community

a local level
Goal: Health service planning for our
community is collaborative
Leadership,                               1. Select and implement an area of focused health service innovation, that HBNC can be known for and possibly
                                          2. Safeguard the financial sustainability of HBNC ensuring all programs are viable and self sufficient

governance &                              3. Develop funding streams and incentives that support best use of information communication technologies for
                                              delivery of health services
                                          4. Develop new funding streams that leverages HBNC physical assets for the benefit of the community

                                          5. Develop governance succession planning for HBNC
                                          6. Identify strategies to attract and retain leaders and managers for all program areas
                                          7. Provide clinical and non-clinical governance training that is tailored to HBNC context as part of ongoing professional

actions                                   8. Develop and implement mechanisms that support collaboration and cooperation in leadership
                                          9. Ensure a balance between corporate and clinical governance to achieve safe sustainable health services
                                          10. Promote to use of high quality, local population health data in planning and decision-making, and identify gaps or
                                              areas for improving data collection
Goal: Improved health outcomes
through strong leadership, governance ,
transparency and performance
These areas and actions bring together the latest thinking, HBNC experience and, most importantly the experiences of the community, staff and stakeholders to guide HBNC
now and into the future.

The priorities and actions recognise that HNBC are doing well in many areas, but there is room for improvement. It also recognises that people’s needs and the tools to
address them are changing and HBNC needs to keep up with those developments.

In seeking your feedback and assistance to determine the priorities within each of these areas and actions, HBNC is committing to continuing to work with the community,
staff and stakeholders to improve health and well-being outcomes now and well into the future.

Remember to
• Complete the survey (https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/HBNCfeedback)
• Contact the Strategic Planning Consultant (Claire Edwards on 0438112347 between 5 – 30 July 2021)
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