He Pānui ki te Whānau - Nga Taiatea

Page created by Norma Griffin
He Pānui ki te Whānau - Nga Taiatea
24 August 2018

                  He Pānui ki te Whānau

Nei rā te tuku i ngā kupu whakamoemiti ki tō tātou Kaihanga
              Ka whakahōnore tō tātou Kīngi
         rātou ko te whare Kāhui Ariki, Paimārire.
      Ki ngā mate, moe mai rā ki roto i ngā ringa kaha
                o tō tātou Matua i te rangi.
Rātou te hunga mate ki a ratou tātou ngā urupā o rātou mā,
    e whakakotahi nei ki raro i te maru o te Kīngitanga
                 Paimārire ki a tātou katoa
He Pānui ki te Whānau - Nga Taiatea
24 August 2018

                                   Tena koutou katoa e te whanau
Ngā kaupapa hirahira kei te haere mai / Important upcoming events
25 August 2018          Pō Whakahirahira (Yr 12 & Yr 13 students)
31 August 2018          Last day to pay NZQA fees to kura
31 August 2018          Last day to submit NZQA financial assistance form
31 August 2018          Report Summary sent to whanau
2-7 September 2018      Upper North Island Secondary Schools Netball Tournament (UNISS)
5-8 September 2018      North Island Secondary Schools Basketball Tournament
11 September 2018       Rā Whakanui i ngā Kura Kaupapa Māori – ‘Ko te reo kia ngahau’
12 September 2018       Hui Whakawhiti Kōrero
13-17 September 2018    Whakamātautau-ā-kura
26 September 2018       Rā Mākete
28 September 2018       Last day of Term 3 / Kāhui Kapa Haka
15 October 2018         First day of Term 4

Hui Whakawhiti Koorero Tuaakana NCEA
Teenaa koutou e te whaanau,
Teenei te whakamaanawa, te mihi taioreore ki a koutou katoa, mauri ora!

Ka tuu ngaa Hui Whakawhiti Koorero Tuaakana NCEA hei te Wenerei 12th o Maahuru - 3.00pm-6.00pm. Ko te hiahia
kia haere mai ngaa whaanau katoa ki te tautoko i a koutou tamariki, ki te aata matapakihia ngaa kaupapa NCEA moo
teenei tau. Teenaa, whakaritea he waa hui, aa, tauti mai, nau mai!

Learning Conversations for tuaakana are being held on Wednesday 12th September, 3.00pm-6.00pm. We ask that
whaanau book a time slot using this interview booking system. Please go to: www.schoolinterviews.co.nz and enter
the code znufm. Please find the name of your son/daughter’s kaiako marau and select a hui time. Please note that
each hui is 5 minutes.

The purpose of this hui is for whaanau, kaiako and aakonga to prepare for NCEA externals and to know what internal
standards have been achieved or still need to be completed. If you have any questions, please
contact mere.clendon-smallman@taiatea.school.nz

Hei roto i aku mihi
Naa Mere Clendon-Smallman

NZQA Examination Fees (last week to pay)
NZQA charges a general fee of $76.70. Year 13 Scholarship entries are $30.00 each on top of the general fee. NCEA
payments are required to be made by Friday 31 August 2018. The school cannot accept any payments after this
date. Whānau will need to pay directly to NZQA who will then charge a $50.00 late fee if not paid by their cut-off date.

NZQA Financial Assistance Form (last week to submit)
For those that are eligible, the NZQA Financial Assistance form must be submitted to us no later than Friday 31 August
He Pānui ki te Whānau - Nga Taiatea
24 August 2018

Ngā Taiātea Wharekura
 Enrolments are now open!
  For more information please contact our school office on (07)8506358

 Enrolments can also be completed on our website www.taiatea.school.nz

           Tūrei 11 o Mahuru 2018
                     OPEN DAY – 9.30am
“Ko Te Reo Kia Ngahau” (Konohete) – 11.00am-2.30pm
He Pānui ki te Whānau - Nga Taiatea
24 August 2018


Some sports team photos & the Kapa Haka photo are to be taken later on this year. If you wish to purchase any of
the following, an order envelope can be collected from the tari. Payment can be made by cash (exact amount
required) or a cheque made payable to PhotoLife-add $0.25 cheque fee. EFTPOS is not available. Costs are as

Class photos                             Standard size   $15
                                         Up-size         $17

Sports & Cultural Teams photos           Standard size   $15
                                         Up-size         $17

Whole Wharekura                          Large (50cm x 25cm)   $25

We are expecting to receive the class photo’s that were ordered last term, in a few more weeks. These will be given
to your child to take home.

Netball / Poitarawhiti – Games for 25 August

 10:00 AM      Ct 10   NTW Senior Team      MLV OPEN A         SS Montana Food & Events Senior 2B

 10:50 AM Ct 14        SHGC 10A1            NTW Year 10A       SS Montana Food & Events Yr 10 Pool 3A

 10:50 AM Ct15         NTW 9A               Waikato Dio 9A2    SS Montana Food & Events Yr 9 Pool 1B

 11:40 AM Ct 9         NTW Year 9B          Hillcrest 9A2      SS Montana Food & Events Yr 9 Pool 3B

KAMAR - What is the Parent/Student Web Portal?
The Portal enables student information to be accessible on the web for access by each student and their

The following information is available on KAMAR:
• Daily Notices
• School Calendar of Events
• Student Details, including the ability to submit changes
• Attendance (live or delayed) and Timetable information
• All Results, current year results and NCEA Summary
• Progress Reports
• Financial Summary, with or without 'Online Payments'
• Groups
• Awards
• Pastoral

How do you access KAMAR?
You can access KAMAR via our school website www.taiatea.school.nz and then click on the ‘parent/student portal
login’ or download KAMAR on your electronic device.
You will require a login & password. You can request this from your child’s kaiarahi or you can contact the tari.
24 August 2018

                                                            Nga Taiatea School App
                                                            Ngā Taiātea Wharekura School APP is available. This APP
                                                            allows whānau to have access to pānui, information
                                                            regarding your child, key dates etc through your phones.
                                                            It enables teachers and coaches to send out notifications
                                                            to whānau and the students in regards to classes at
                                                            school, sports teams and other groups within the school.
                                                            The APP also enables whānau to communicate with the
                                                            school through the APP if your child is going to be absent.

                                                            Careers Information
                                                            University Applications – We have visits this term from
                                                            Otago, Auckland, and Waikato Liason Officers to help
                                                            tauira with their applications. Tauira should be starting
                                                            to apply now for all of the courses they are interested
                                                            and should also be applying for Scholarships. Many
                                                            Scholarships have closing dates at the end of August.

                                Community Notices
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Hamilton

I’m Sue McAllister from an organisation called Big Brothers Big Sisters of Hamilton. In my role as case manager of this
programme I recruit volunteer mentors from the community to match with young people. We are looking for fun,
safe, consistent and reliable adults to mentor children aged between 7-12 years. The role of our mentors is to be a
fun adult friend. Through everyday interactions our mentors teach young people how to grow into good men and

We welcome enquiries from both men and women. We have a real need at the moment for good role models for
young boys. If there are any men keen to help out a young person we would love to hear from them.

Thank you for your time.
24 August 2018

                                                   Hi all,

 Registrations are open for ALL Waikato Touch Junior and Senior representative
                          teams for the 2018-19 season

Please see below for the relevant links

Under 10's - 14's Skills Sessions and Trials Registration
     Skills Session: Sunday 23rd September at Swarbrick Park, 1pm - 2.30pm (Registrations open at 12
   Trials Day 1: Sunday 30th September at Swarbrick Park, 10am - 12noon (Registrations open at 9am)
   Trials Day 2: Sunday 14th October at Flagstaff Park, 10am - 12noon (Registrations open at 9am)
U10s-U14s Skills Session and Trial Registrations-CLICK HERE

Under 16's - 18's Trial Registration
     Trials Day 1: Sunday 30th September at Swarbrick Park, 12 noon (Registrations open from 11am)
     Trials Day 2: Sunday 14th October at Flagstaff Park, 12 noon (Registrations open from 11am)
U16s-U18s Trial Registrations-CLICK HERE

Dispensation form for Junior skills and representative trial days
To be considered for Representative selection you must attend the skills session (U10s-U14s only) and both
Trial Days. If you are not able to meet these requirements you must complete and submit a dispensation form
explaining why. These will be considered on a case by case basis.
Junior Dispensation Form-CLICK HERE

Registrations are open for the Waikato Touch Youth, Opens and Masters Representatives teams. Teams will
only go ahead if they are viable and have the coaching and management staff to cater for them. Please note that
you may need to make yourself available for the Super Touch series as part of the trial process.
 Youth, Opens & Masters Player Registrations-CLICK HERE

NOTE: Touch NZ rules apply and Waikato Touch Associations Code of Conduct applies also.

*UNAFFILIATED RULE: Any person who partakes in an unaffiliated competition/module either as a
player/organiser/coach/manager or has any involvement with one is ineligible to trial.

Nga mihi
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