HEALTH AND SPORT SCIENCES 2019 - Western Sydney University

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HEALTH AND SPORT SCIENCES 2019 - Western Sydney University
HEALTH AND SPORT SCIENCES 2019 - Western Sydney University
HEALTH AND SPORT SCIENCES 2019 - Western Sydney University
Located in the heart of one of Australia’s fastest growing economic
regions, Western Sydney University offers unlimited potential to
students with the talent, drive and ambition to succeed.
Western Sydney is an exciting place to be. As the nation’s third
largest economy, and one of the fastest growing population and
employment centres, it is an increasingly important, dynamic and
culturally diverse hub of business, industry and innovation.
With a large multicultural population of more than two million
people from 170 nations, Western Sydney’s global links are
creating unlimited opportunities for international business,
investment, education and cultural exchange.
Ranked amongst the top two per cent of universities in the
world, Western Sydney University values academic excellence,
integrity and the pursuit of knowledge. We are globally focused,
research led and committed to making a positive impact on the
communities we engage with.
Your success starts here.
HEALTH AND SPORT SCIENCES 2019 - Western Sydney University

                                 Most people are good at something. What’s your passion?
                                 Do you excel at English literature? Are you a mental
                                 mathematician? An advocate for social justice? A designer
                                 extraordinaire? Do you breathe foreign languages?

                                 It’s important to acknowledge and play to your strengths
                                 because, ultimately, your strengths will determine your future.
                                 This is the premise behind Western Sydney University’s HSC
                                 True Reward - a unique early offer program that recognises the
                                 strengths of each individual.

                                 True Reward offers you a place at Western before you receive
                                 your ATAR, on the basis of relevant HSC subject results. Why?
                                 Because at Western we recognise that too often, the ATAR
                                 system overlooks natural strengths and talent.

                                 At Western, we see the awesome in you. We recognise that
                                 you are much more than your ATAR. True Reward focuses on
                                 the scores that reflect your strong points.

                                 True Reward is a better system. It’s a more equitable system.
                                 It’s a system that makes sense.

                                 True Reward acknowledges the idea that if you’re good at
                                 something, you’re just what Western is looking for.

                                 Find out more about True Reward and how to apply – visit

4                                                                           Western Sydney University
HEALTH AND SPORT SCIENCES 2019 - Western Sydney University
                        HEALTH AND SPORT SCIENCES 2019

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HEALTH AND SPORT SCIENCES 2019 - Western Sydney University

6                                Western Sydney University
HEALTH AND SPORT SCIENCES 2019 - Western Sydney University

≥	ADVANCE HUMAN HEALTH                          ≥	HEALTHY, WEALTHY                            ≥	STUDY IN MOTION
 Get plenty of practical, hands-on experience.     AND WISE                                        Our Sport and Exercise Science students
 Our Health Sciences programs equip you for       Our Health and Sport Science degrees             have well-equipped laboratories at their
 the important work of advancing human health.    provide a range of exciting career options,      disposal, offering instruments and equipment
                                                  including paramedicine, physiotherapy,           to measure a whole spectrum of factors
                                                  podiatric medicine (podiatry), occupational      relating to sport, physical activity and
≥	BUILD HEALTHIER                                therapy, traditional Chinese medicine,           biomechanical indicators of performance.
  COMMUNITIES                                     public and social health, health research,
  THROUGH SPORT                                   environmental health, education, health
                                                  promotion and management, sport and           ≥	CAREER-READY GRADUATES
 Be a leader in and on the field. Our one
                                                  exercise science, diversional therapy,           We offer distinctive Health Promotion and
 of a kind Bachelor of Sport Development
                                                  and health and physical education.               Health Services Management key programs,
 opens the door to a broad range of
                                                                                                   with graduates winning highly‑competitive
 career opportunities in the delivery
                                                                                                   traineeships with the Australian College
 of sport and recreation programs.               ≥	INNOVATIVE CLINICAL                            of Health Service Executives. For the
                                                   PROGRAMS                                        clinical programs, approximately 1,000
≥	LEADING THE HEALTH                             The School of Science and Health offers          hours of clinical education is provided at
                                                                                                   the University’s clinical training facility
  SCIENCES INDUSTRY                               Bachelor programs in Physiotherapy,
                                                                                                   and at external placement sites.
                                                  Podiatric Medicine and Occupational
 If you are serious about a career in health,
                                                  Therapy. The University was also the first
 then Western Sydney University is the place
                                                  in NSW to offer an integrated university
 to study. We are internationally-renowned
                                                  course in Traditional Chinese Medicine.
                                                                                                ≥	HANDS-ON TRAINING
 for producing health and sport science                                                            Practise your newly-gained skills by treating
 graduates who enjoy very high employment                                                          patients under the supervision of qualified
 rates. The University provides high-quality,    ≥	LEARNING IN REAL-WORLD                         practitioners in the University’s UniClinic.
 evidence-based health studies, emphasising
 a balance of theory and clinical practice,
                                                   ENVIRONMENTS                                    This clinical training facility is where students,
                                                                                                   under professional supervision, provide a
 and interdisciplinary learning, to prepare       The Paramedicine course, taught at               range of health services to the public.
 you for work in the healthcare sector.           Campbelltown, includes emergency
                                                  ambulance placements with a paramedic

                                                  team and diverse placements in hospitals      ≥	INTERNATIONALLY-
                                                  and primary/community healthcare
                                                  settings. Our state-of-the-art Sports
                                                                                                  RECOGNISED RESEARCH
                                                  Science facilities are centred on an             The School of Science and Health offers a
                                                  Exercise and Sport Science Laboratory            range of programs across the continuum from
                                                  complex at the Campbelltown campus.              the health sciences to the biomedical and

                                                                                                   other science disciplines. The school hosts
                                                                                                   the National Institute for Complementary
                                                                                                   Medicine, the Nanoscale Organisation and
                                                                                                   Dynamics Research Group, the Men’s Health
                                                                                                   Information and Resource Centre, and further
                                                                                                   strengths in agriculture and horticulture,

                                                                                                   nutrition and food science, wildlife and
                                                                                                   water ecology, forensic science, reaction
                                                                                                   chromatography, clinical sciences and
                                                                                                   rehabilitation, physical activity and health,
                                                                                                   and sport science and human performance.
                                                                                                   These concentrations, in addition to our work

                                                                                                   linked to the Hawkesbury Institute for the
                                                                                                   Environment places us firmly on the world
                                                                                                   stage. Our research underpins the core
                                                                                                   activities of teaching and learning, and allows
                                                                                                   us to create the evidence base required to
                                                                                                   train the next generation of professionals.

                                                                                                ≥	FREE DIGITAL TEXTBOOKS
                                                                                                	Western was the first university to
                                                                                                  provide all the digital textbooks for your
                                                                                                  first year units for free. We are pleased
                                                                                                  to be offering the benefit of free digital
                                                                                                  textbooks for first year units to students
                                                                                                  once again in 2019! That’s up to $800 in
                                                                                                  value. Why? Because money shouldn’t
                                                                                                  stand between you and opportunity.
                                                                                                  Discover more about free digital textbooks
                                                                                                  at                                                                                                                                   7
HEALTH AND SPORT SCIENCES 2019 - Western Sydney University

Future thinking.
Unlimited possibilities.
The Academy at Western
Sydney University.

Success is not just about        The Academy at Western Sydney        ≥ unprecedented opportunities for
                                 University offers advanced              industry and real-life experience
getting a degree, but also       degrees that prepare you to thrive
developing the critical          in the face of change and seize      ≥ world-class research,
                                                                        researchers, teachers,
thinking and leadership          success at every opportunity.
                                                                        experts and innovation labs
                                 Whether your dream is to achieve
skills to support a              as a professional, an entrepreneur   ≥ travel to national and
successful career.               or an academic, you will learn to      international leadership
                                 think differently and creatively        experiences and conferences
It’s about learning skills       in whatever you do.
for your chosen life, not        The Academy offers high-
                                                                      ≥ a range of professional
                                                                        and personal development
just a job.                      achieving students a unique,           workshops
                                 hands-on approach to learning in
                                 an interdisciplinary environment.    ≥ internship, service learning and
                                 Led by Professor Jonathon Allen,       volunteering opportunities
                                 The Academy draws on the unique
                                 experience of leading thinkers,      ≥ personalised career planning
                                 social change agents, community
                                                                      ≥ mentorship programs
                                 leaders, and high-achieving
                                 students both past and present.      ≥ applied leadership experience in
                                                                        student-led, community-focused
                                 With a focus on ethical leadership
                                 and critical thinking, built on
                                 the pillars of academic rigour,      Visit
                                 community engagement, and            theacademy for more information.
                                 professional and personal
                                 development, The Academy
                                 offers students access to:

           The Academy

8                                                                                        Western Sydney University

BIG                                9
Isabella Stojanoski

“This degree offers many great
 study abroad opportunities.
 Being able to apply my learning
 to an international context
 really challenged me (in a good
 way!) and helped clarify what
 I want out of my career.”

Bachelor of                      COURSE                     UAC
                                                                      CRICOS WS INTAKE
                                                                      CODE   CODE
                                                                                                        LOCATION        DURATION ATAR

Health Science                   B Health Science          723500 044779G 4656            March/July    Campbelltown 3F*              70.30

(Health Promotion,
                                 (Health Promotion, Health
                                                           723514 044779G 4656            March/June/ Sydney City** 3F                70.25
                                 Services Management,
                                 Therapeutic Recreation,

Health Services                  Public Health or Public
                                 Health (online))

Management,                      Key: B = Bachelor of; F = Full-time.
                                 *You may choose to study with a reduced load, but classes are not offered in the evening.

Therapeutic                      **The course may be fast tracked at this campus to 2 years.

Recreation or
                                 A Bachelor of Health Science from Western               managing people, resources and finances.
                                 Sydney University opens up opportunities                The health service management program

Public Health)
                                 for work in many growing areas of healthcare            is accredited by the Australasian College
                                 services, in both clinical and non-clinical             of Health Service Management.
                                 roles. You will build a comprehensive
                                 foundation of health science knowledge                  THERAPEUTIC RECREATION
                                 and pursue study in one or two of the
                                 following specialisations: Health Promotion,            Therapeutic Recreation is the link between
                                 Health Services Management, Therapeutic                 leisure and health improvement, using
                                 Recreation and/or Public Health.                        recreation as a way to improve quality of
                                                                                         life. Graduates may work in rehabilitation
                                 The University has developed an innovative              centres, psychiatric units, special schools,
                                 and integrated suite of Health Science                  day care centres, aged care facilities, or in
                                 programs which share a number of first and              local government or community settings. You
                                 second year units. This integration between             will develop the professional competencies
                                 the programs allows some options at the                 important for high-quality care and the
                                 end of the first year for you to transfer               skills to work in multidisciplinary teams. The
                                 between Health Science courses if you meet              therapeutic recreation program is accredited
                                 the criteria, with advanced standing for the            by Diversional Therapy Australia.
                                 units that you have completed. Note that
                                 transfer places to some courses may be                  PUBLIC HEALTH
                                 limited and competitive, and transferring
                                                                                         The Public Health key program may be taken
                                 may extend the duration of the degree.
                                                                                         as a fully online or mixed delivery (internal
                                 Most of the Health Science units have an                and external online) program. The course
                                 online component, giving you even more                  prepares students for roles that evaluate
                                 flexibility. Online studies will help you develop       and improve population health, including
                                 independent learning and self-direction.                the prevention and monitoring of disease,
                                 Programs in health promotion, health service            design and implementation of health
                                 management and therapeutic recreation                   awareness campaigns, and finding health
                                 offer up to 240 placement hours which help              solutions for disadvantaged communities.
                                 students apply their theoretical knowledge              There is room for further electives from
                                 in the health workplace. The Public Health              areas of individual interest, allowing a
                                 degree is offered as a fully online course.             richer experience of university life.

                                 HEALTH PROMOTION                                        PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE

                                 Health Promotion extends beyond raising                 Placements in a diverse range of health
                                 awareness of healthcare issues to developing            professional workplaces offer real-world
                                 and implementing strategies that improve                learning. At least 240 hours of workplace
                                 health and wellbeing. These are aimed at                learning is included in the Health Promotion,
                                 strengthening the capabilities of individuals           Health Service Management and Therapeutic
                                 and changing social, political, economic and            Recreation courses. Students enrolled in
                                 environmental determinants of the health of             the fully online Public Health key program
                                 individuals and populations. If you enjoyed             will experience ‘virtual’ placement, where
                                 personal development, health and physical               collaboration and learning with real
                                 education in high school, take a close look             workplaces occur via online modes of
                                 at Health Promotion.                                    communication. Practical experience is
                                                                                         structured to meet the requirements of
                                                                                         relevant professional recognition bodies and
                                 HEALTH SERVICES MANAGEMENT
                                                                                         to give experience in diverse workplaces, as
                                 Health Services Management plays a vital role           well as to enable you to build relationships
                                 in society, ensuring that public investment in          with potential employers.
                                 health is well spent and that private healthcare
                                 businesses deliver effective, efficient services.
                                 It puts management studies in the distinctive
                                 context of the health sector and provides
                                 clinical understanding, management skills
                                 and knowledge of the healthcare system and
                                 policy development. You will build skills in

12                                                                                                                  Western Sydney University

PROFESSIONAL RECOGNITION                           You will share common units with other             ≥≥ Health Services Management graduates
                                                   Health Science students in health and physical        are in demand in project management,
Graduates of the Health Services Management
                                                   education, sports sciences and clinical health        health service administration, financial
program can seek accreditation with the
                                                   sciences. This interprofessional learning             management and human resource
Australasian College of Health Service
                                                   will build health professional competencies           management, and in areas that deal
Management. Graduates of the Therapeutic
                                                   in biomedicine and behavioural health                 with policy initiation, development and
Recreation program are eligible for Level
                                                   science fields. This will help you to work in         evaluation. Two areas of growth are in
1 membership of the Diversional Therapy
                                                   interdisciplinary teams and centres, and to           mental health services and the aged care
Association of Australia. Our Health Services
                                                   move into new sectors as your career unfolds.         sector. Our graduates are reaching the
Management graduates have won highly-
                                                                                                         top of their organisations, building on the
competitive traineeships with the Australasian
                                                   Core units include: Human Biology;                    management skills they gained at Western
College of Health Service Management.
                                                   Medical Science; Evidence-Based                       Sydney University.
                                                   Practice; Research Methods; Professional
                                                                                                      ≥≥ Therapeutic Recreation graduates work
COURSE REQUIREMENTS                                Competencies; Communication; Culture,
                                                                                                         with patients to use leisure activities to
In order to enrol into units that involve          Diversity and Health; Population, Health
                                                                                                         improve health and life quality, for example
fieldwork, all students must have a                and Society; and Psychology.
                                                                                                         in rehabilitation centres and psychiatric
National Police Certificate, a Working with                                                              units, or in local government or community
                                                   You may also choose electives from across
Children Check Student Form and a First                                                                  settings. Your career might start as a
                                                   the University, provided prerequisites are met
Aid Certificate. To be eligible for fieldwork                                                            diversional therapist in a public hospital
                                                   and space is available, allowing you to expand
placements in public hospitals, students must                                                            or as a day care centre coordinator.
                                                   your career options.
comply with vaccination requirements and
                                                                                                         If you are primarily interested in Health
be prepared to submit a completed Adult
                                                   For detailed information about the                    Promotion or Therapeutic Recreation,
Immunisation Card to placement institutions.
                                                   course structure and units, visit                     taking an additional major in Health
NSW Health can provide details of necessary
                                                                    Services Management will position you
                                                                                                         to move into management roles.
                                                   FURTHER STUDIES                                    ≥≥ Public Health professionals are required
                                                                                                         to assess and respond to emerging public
                                                   Postgraduate research programs are available
To graduate with a Bachelor of Health Science,                                                           health issues. Public Health graduates work
                                                   to our high-achieving students. Information
you will be required to complete 24 units. In                                                            in a variety of settings, including health
                                                   and details on how to apply will be provided
the second session of first year, you will start                                                         departments, community organisations,
                                                   to you as you progress through your
to pursue your chosen specialisation in Health                                                           the pharmaceutical industry, corporate
                                                   Bachelor degree, or you can find out more at
Promotion, Health Services Management                                                                    wellness programs, centres for disease
Therapeutic Recreation or Public Health.                                                                 control, environmental protection agencies
                                                                                                         and research. Public health projects cover
                                                   CAREER OPPORTUNITIES                                  a wide range of areas, such as health and
                                                   A Bachelor of Health Science will give you            healthcare programs, disease prevention
≥≥ Health Promotion – health politics, and                                                               and control, data analysis and clinical trials,
                                                   a broad set of health science skills that are
   planning, health promotion practice,                                                                  environmental and occupational health,
                                                   applicable to a range of sectors, and which
   injury prevention, and public health                                                                  community outreach and fundraising.
                                                   will expand your career options on
≥≥ Health Services Management – health             graduation and in the long term.
   services management practice, health
   services, finance, and workforce issues         ≥≥ Health Promotion graduates help
≥≥ Therapeutic Recreation – leisure and               communities and individuals to change their
   recreation theory, workplace learning,             behaviour to prevent ill health and injury,
   leisure education programming, aged                and work with employers such as not-for-
   care, disability, and mental health.               profit foundations, the public health sector,
                                                      community health centres, youth centres,
≥≥ Public Health – contemporary issues in
                                                      schools and, increasingly, local government.     Leah Brown
   public health epidemiology, health politics,
                                                     Health Promotion projects are as                  BACHELOR OF HEALTH SCIENCE
   policy and planning, and health promotion.
                                                     diverse as injury prevention, skin cancer         (THERAPEUTIC RECREATION)
You must choose one of these specialisations         prevention, HIV/AIDS awareness and               “I was so excited when I received my Early
as your key program. You may also choose             community development. You will also              Offer from Western Sydney University.
to pursue a second specialisation to increase        be able to apply the skills you learn in          I wasn’t sure I was going to get into uni so
your career options.                                 Health Promotion at the University to             when I received my offer it took that weight
                                                     initiate, develop and evaluate policy.            off my shoulders. Western Sydney gave me
                                                                                                       a chance to study the course I wanted.”                                                                                                                                   13

Bachelor of                                         COURSE                     UAC
                                                                                                           INTAKE         LOCATION        DURATION ATAR

Health Science                                      B Health Science           723504 089443D         4747    March/July Penrith          3F*           73.85

(Health and
                                                    (Health and Physical

Physical Education)
                                                    Key: B = Bachelor of; F = Full-time.
                                                    *You may choose to study with a reduced load, but classes are not offered in the evening.

Our Health and Physical Education (HPE)             CORE UNITS AND ELECTIVES                                 COURSE REQUIREMENTS
program brings together a comprehensive             To graduate with a Bachelor of Health Science            In order to enrol in second semester of second
foundation of health sciences, understanding        (HPE), you will be required to complete 24               year, all students must have a Child Protection
of physical activity and skills in interacting      units. You will study core common units with             Certificate (Prohibited Employment
with diverse people. You will gain the              other Bachelor of Health Science students                Declaration Form), a First Aid Certificate, and
theoretical skills to analyse new challenges        and allied health students. This will develop            a Working with Children Check. For detailed
and the practical skills required to                a solid understanding of health science,                 information about the course structure and
help people improve their health.                   competencies needed for ethical and safe                 units, visit
                                                    work, and high-quality communication skills.
HPE graduates stand out for their holistic
understanding of the concepts of health and                                                                  INDIGENOUS AUSTRALIAN STUDIES
                                                    Core units include: Evidence-Based
physical activity, and their relationship to        Practice; Research Methods; Professional                 Enrolment in the Indigenous Australian
other components of physical education.             Competencies; Communication; Population                  Studies (IAS) major, sub-major or units is
                                                    Health and Society; Psychology; Health                   available to all undergraduate students who
The HPE program is known for the                                                                             have open electives. For more information,
                                                    Promotion; and Culture, Diversity and Health.
international standard of its facilities. Western                                                            visit or refer
                                                    The skills you will gain from these core units
Sydney University has invested significantly                                                                 to the University Handbook.
                                                    will be valuable throughout your entire career
in practical facilities used for HPE.
                                                    and in your life. HPE studies include such
                                                    areas as youth health, games, gymnastics                 FURTHER STUDIES
These are complemented by a wealth of
                                                    and dance, movement and skill development,
sports venues in the local region, and the                                                                   Our high-achieving students can apply to
                                                    nutrition, outdoor recreation, sport coaching,
opportunity for outdoor activities in                                                                        gain entry into a Master of Research as an
                                                    physical activity and psychology.
the Blue Mountains.                                                                                          additional two-year program for full-time
                                                    You may also choose electives from across                students (or a longer equivalent for part-time
The course explores challenging areas                                                                        students) at the end of third year. You will
                                                    the University, provided prerequisites are met
including youth health issues, sexuality, drugs,                                                             design and undertake original research, under
                                                    and space is available, allowing you to expand
psychology and risk-taking behaviours, as                                                                    the supervision and guidance of experienced
                                                    your career options. The professional practice
well as general health science, including                                                                    researchers, and write a thesis. The Masters
                                                    placements require full‑time attendance.
human biology, health systems, health                                                                        program offers a way of adding to your
promotion and research. The University has                                                                   qualifications and opening up the world of
developed an innovative integrated suite of         PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE
                                                                                                             research to you. You will be expected to
health science programs. The integration            Practical experience is integrated into                  identify new ways to address real problems,
between the programs allows some options            course units.                                            working under academic supervision.
at the end of the first year for you to transfer
between the various streams if you meet
                                                    PROFESSIONAL RECOGNITION                                 CAREER OPPORTUNITIES
the criteria, with advanced standing for
the units you have completed. Note that             Our graduates may be eligible to apply                   The Bachelor of Health Science (HPE)
transfer places to some streams may be              for accreditation with the NSW Board of                  program is a popular pathway to a
limited and competitive, and transferring           Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards              Master of Teaching (Secondary) degree,
may extend the duration of the degree.              following the successful completion of                   and then on to a teaching career. You
                                                    a recognised teaching qualification.                     can extend your teaching opportunities
                                                                                                             beyond HPE by studying electives,
                                                                                                             such as science and mathematics.

                                                                                                             Note that admission to the Master of Teaching
                                                                                                             requires a separate application.

                                                                                                             Alternatively, graduates work as sport
                                                                                                             development officers, personal trainers and
                                                                                                             sports coaches, and new opportunities are
                                                                                                             opening up in community-based recreation.
                                                                                                             Western will give you a broad set of skills that
                                                                                                             you can apply to working in fitness,
                                                                                                             the education sector or for yourself.
James Perrett
“I chose to study here because I heard good
 things about the University and the practical
 field experience. I have found the staff and
 students kind and willing to go out of their
 way to help you when you need it most. The
 course is great fun and provides valuable
 practical experience and knowledge.”

14                                                                                                                                     Western Sydney University

Bachelor of                                         COURSE                       UAC
                                                                                                             INTAKE           LOCATION        DURATION ATAR

Health Science                                      B Health Science (Health     729033    089200A      4742     March/July Penrith           3F*             80.00

(Health and
                                                    and Physical Education)
                                                    Pathway to Teaching

Physical Education)                                 M Teaching (Secondary)       950920 057369G         1714     March/July Penrith           2F/4P           N/A

Pathway to
                                                    Key: B = Bachelor of; M = Master of; F = Full-time; P = Part-time; N/A = Not applicable, alternative entry.
                                                    Note: Part-time refers to study load, not to timetabling of evening classes.

                                                    *You may choose to study with a reduced load, but classes are not offered in the evening.

Our Health and Physical Education (HPE)             CORE UNITS AND ELECTIVES                                   A formal assessment of your non-academic
program brings together a comprehensive                                                                        capabilities and undergraduate degree will
                                                    To graduate with a Bachelor of Health
foundation of health sciences, understanding                                                                   be undertaken as entry into the Master of
                                                    Science (HPE) Pathway to Teaching
of physical activity and skills in interacting                                                                 Teaching course.
                                                    (Secondary), you will be required to
with diverse people. You will gain the
                                                    complete 24 units. You will study core
theoretical skills to analyse new challenges,                                                                  COURSE REQUIREMENTS
                                                    common units with other Bachelor of Health
and the practical skills required to help
                                                    Science students and allied health students.               In order to enrol in second semester of second
people improve their health.
                                                    This will develop a solid understanding                    year, all students must have a Child Protection
The degree also gives the advantage of              of health science, competencies needed                     Certificate (Prohibited Employment
early access to Education Studies units             for ethical and safe work, and high-                       Declaration Form), a First Aid Certificate, and
through completion of an Education                  quality skills in communication.                           a Working with Children Check. For detailed
Studies sub-major. These units of study                                                                        information about the course structure and
                                                    Core units include: Evidence-Based
are structured to gain the necessary                                                                           units, visit
                                                    Practice; Research Methods; Professional
learning areas to satisfy the NSW Education
                                                    Competencies; Communication; Population
Standards Authority discipline knowledge                                                                       INDIGENOUS AUSTRALIAN STUDIES
                                                    Health and Society; Psychology; and Culture,
requirements for entry into teaching.
                                                    Diversity and Health. The skills you will                  Enrolment in the Indigenous Australian
Teaching opportunities can be extended
                                                    gain from these core units will be valuable                Studies (IAS) major, sub-major or units is
beyond HPE by studying electives, such as
                                                    throughout your entire career and in your                  available to all undergraduate students who
science and mathematics, where students
                                                    life. HPE studies include such areas as youth              have open electives. For more information,
gain a second teaching specialisation.
                                                    health, ethics, games, gymnastics and dance,               visit or refer to
The HPE program is known for the                    movement and skill development, nutrition,                 the University Handbook.
international standard of its facilities. Western   outdoor recreation, sport coaching, physical
                                                    activity and psychology.
Sydney University has invested significantly                                                                   FURTHER STUDIES
in practical facilities used for HPE. These are
                                                    As part of this program, you will complete                 Our high-achieving students can apply to
complemented by a wealth of sports venues
                                                    a sub-major in Education Studies as well as                gain entry into a Master of Research as an
in the local region, including the opportunity
                                                    four units to specialise in a second teaching              additional two-year program for full-time
for outdoor activities in the Blue Mountains.
                                                    area to help expand your career options.                   students (or a longer equivalent for part-time
                                                                                                               students) at the end of third year. You will
The University has developed an innovative
                                                    PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE                                       design and undertake original research, under
integrated suite of health science programs.
                                                                                                               the supervision and guidance of experienced
The integration between the programs allows         Practical experience is integrated into course             researchers, and write a thesis. The Masters
some options at the end of the first year for       units. Our students use the University’s                   program offers a way of adding to your
you to transfer between the various streams if      practical facilities and state-of-the-art                  qualifications and opening up the world of
you meet the criteria, with advanced standing       teaching and learning classrooms.                          research to you. You will be expected to
for the units you have completed. Note that
                                                                                                               identify new ways to address real problems,
transfer places to some streams may be
                                                    PROFESSIONAL RECOGNITION                                   working under academic supervision.
limited and competitive, and transferring
may extend the duration of the degree.              The course meets the NSW Education
                                                    Standards Authority subject content                        CAREER OPPORTUNITIES
                                                    requirements for the undergraduate degree                  The Bachelor of Health Science (HPE)
                                                    for students continuing to a Master of                     Pathway to Teaching (Secondary) enables
                                                    Teaching. You are advised to check the                     direct entry into a Master of Teaching
                                                    appropriateness of your undergraduate                      (Secondary) degree, and then on to a
                                                    studies for teaching in NSW with the                       teaching career. You are required to extend
                                                    requirements for secondary teaching on                     your teaching opportunities beyond HPE by
                                                    the NSW Education Standards Authority                      completing an Education Studies sub-major
                                                    website:                            and studying a second teaching specialisation,
                                                                                                               such as science or mathematics.
                                                    To enter the Master of Teaching course,
                                                    you will be required to demonstrate
                                                    your suitability for teaching.                                                                                                                                                15

Bachelor of                                      COURSE                      UAC
                                                                                                        INTAKE          LOCATION         DURATION ATAR

Health Science                                   B Health Science            723502    079923D     4669     March       Campbelltown 3F*                  80.00


                                                 Key: B = Bachelor of; F = Full-time;
                                                 *You may choose to study with a reduced load, but classes are not offered in the evening. The clinical
                                                 practice placements require full-time attendance.

                                                 Paramedics play an integral role in the health           the skills to work in multidisciplinary teams.
                                                 system, responding to acute and sub-acute                The final year focuses predominantly
                                                 health problems in a range of diverse and                on the practice of paramedicine and
                                                 uncontrolled settings. Paramedics provide                clinical leadership. Evidence‑based
                                                 unscheduled care to patients of all ages,                practice is a strong theme across all units,
                                                 dealing with health complaints that span                 preparing you to think critically about
                                                 across the spectrum of illness and injury                paramedic scope of practice, roles and
                                                 severity and complexity. They are frequently             responsibilities, and contemporary issues.
                                                 required to interact with primary care or
                                                 community allied health professionals,                   The program has a very strong practical
                                                 contributing to the inter-professional care              component, integrating theory with simulated
                                                 of patients in the out-of-hospital setting.              or workplace practice consistently throughout
                                                                                                          the course. Importantly, the course is
                                                 Western Sydney University’s Paramedicine                 designed to take you beyond the traditional
                                                 program has been developed to provide                    emergency response role, preparing you with
                                                 you with the requisite skills, knowledge                 advanced clinical decision making and patient
                                                 and understanding that will enable you to                assessment skills that will enable you to work
                                                 function effectively as a paramedic in a                 in a variety of existing or emerging roles
                                                 government ambulance service or in the                   across the paramedicine industry.
                                                 private paramedicine industry. A strong focus
                                                 is placed on contemporary and emerging                   The course is a full-time program and
                                                 models of paramedicine, expanded scopes                  clinical practice placements require full-
                                                 of paramedic practice, and clinical decision             time attendance. Any student going on
Jessica Topping                                  making. The course uses an evidence-                     placement in NSW health facilities will need
                                                 based practice approach, combined with                   to comply with the relevant occupational
 BACHELOR OF HEALTH SCIENCE                      innovative flexible learning and assessment              screening policy and vaccination requirements
 (PARAMEDICINE)                                  strategies, to prepare you for a diverse                 before placement. NSW Health can provide
“Paramedicine is an amazing degree with          and successful career in paramedicine.                   details of the necessary vaccinations.
 tutors and lecturers who are the top of
 their game, both clinically and academically.                                                            Students will also be required to
                                                 PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE
 I’ve learnt so much about myself, others,                                                                undertake a prescribed health, fitness
 and what it’s really like to be a paramedic     In second and third year, our students                   and medical assessment prior to
 through the guidance of the wonderful           undertake a total of three months of                     undertaking clinical placements with
 academics. Everyone in the degree works         supervised clinical practice with an                     an emergency ambulance service.
 together to achieve a common goal as            emergency ambulance service in NSW or
                                                 ACT, and in rural or metropolitan locations.             In order to enrol in clinical practice units, all
 team work is a massive part of being a
                                                 These placements occur in three blocks of                Bachelor of Health Science (Paramedicine)
 paramedic. It’s a truly amazing experience.”
                                                 between 3-5 weeks, and involve weekend                   students must provide a completed NSW
                                                 and shift work. Students are responsible for             Health National Criminal Record Check and
                                                 all travel and accommodation arrangements                a Prohibited Employment Declaration Form
                                                 and costs associated with mandatory                      and obtain a First Aid Certificate (including
                                                 placements. Opportunities for international              cardiopulmonary resuscitation).
                                                 clinical placements exist for eligible students.
                                                 Additional short-duration placements will                Students will also be required to purchase
                                                 be undertaken in the private paramedicine                a paramedicine uniform and other essential
                                                 industry, mental health services, and in                 equipment at their own cost. For detailed
                                                 community and primary healthcare.                        information about the course structure and
                                                                                                          units, visit
                                                 PROFESSIONAL RECOGNITION
                                                                                                          FURTHER STUDIES
                                                 This program is accredited by the Council of
                                                 Ambulance Authorities.                                   Postgraduate research programs are available
                                                                                                          to our high-achieving students. Information
                                                                                                          and details on how to apply will be provided
                                                 CORE UNITS AND ELECTIVES
                                                                                                          to you as you progress through your
                                                 This course in paramedicine is offered as a              Bachelor degree, or you can find out more at
                                                 three-year Bachelor of Health Science degree.  
                                                 There are no electives in the program. The
                                                 first two years of the program combine                   CAREER OPPORTUNITIES
                                                 studies in paramedicine with a broad
                                                 understanding of biomedical sciences and                 As a graduate of the Bachelor of Health
                                                 health science to develop the professional               Science (Paramedicine), you have the
                                                 competencies important for ethical and                   potential to work in Australia or internationally
                                                 safe practice, and high quality care, and                as a paramedic in an ambulance service
                                                                                                          or in the private paramedicine industry.

16                                                                                                                                   Western Sydney University

Bachelor of            COURSE                     UAC
                                                                              INTAKE          LOCATION        DURATION ATAR

Health Science         B Health Science           723506    069280F      4658    March/July Campbelltown 3F*                 83.15

(Sport and
                       (Sport and Exercise

Exercise Science)
                       Key: B = Bachelor of; F = Full-time;
                       *You may choose to study with a reduced load, but classes are not offered in the evening.

                       If you love exercise and have a passion                  CORE UNITS AND ELECTIVES
                       for science, Western Sydney University’s                 To graduate with a Bachelor of Health Science
                       Sport and Exercise Science program                       (Sport and Exercise Science), you will be
                       is for you. Throughout your three-year                   required to complete 24 units. You will study
                       degree, you will be exposed to, and gain,                core common units with other Bachelor of
                       a comprehensive understanding of human                   Health Science and Allied Health students.
                       anatomy, sport and exercise physiology,                  This will develop a solid understanding of
                       biomechanics, motor control and skill                    health science, professional competencies
                       acquisition, and exercise prescription.                  needed for ethical and safe work, and high-
                                                                                quality communication skills.
                       The program prepares you to work across
                       the spectrum of people’s abilities, fitness              Core units include: medical sciences such
                       levels and ages: from high performance,                  as Human Anatomy and Physiology;
                       through general health and fitness, to                   Evidence-Based Practice; Research Methods;
                       rehabilitation and management of such                    Professional Competencies; Psychology;
                       problems as obesity, diabetes and heart                  and Culture, Diversity and Health. Sport and
                       disease. You will build a comprehensive                  Exercise Science studies include such areas
                       understanding of the science that underpins              as Exercise Bioenergetics; Biomechanics;
                       health, physical activity and exercise, and              Sport and Exercise Physiology; Motor Control
                       learn to apply this knowledge to client                  and Skill Acquisition; Exercise Nutrition;
                       assessments and in designing, implementing               Professional Practice; Psychology; and
                       and evaluating exercise programs.                        Strength and Conditioning.
                       The Sport and Exercise Science program                   For detailed information about the
                       features extensive student interaction                   course structure and units, visit
                       and a focus on individual students.            
                       Facilities are state-of-the-art, centred
                       around our dedicated Exercise and Sport
                                                                                FURTHER STUDIES
                       Science Laboratories. The Campbelltown
                       campus also maintains a wealth of sports                 Postgraduate research programs are available
                       venues that are also used by students.                   to our high-achieving students. Information
                                                                                and details on how to apply will be provided
                                                                                to you as you progress through your
                       PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE
                                                                                Bachelor degree, or you can find out more at
                       Our students spend 140 hours in professional   
                       practice placements in third year, working with
                       the general population, sporting populations
                                                                                CAREER OPPORTUNITIES
                       or rehabilitation of special populations.
                                                                                Graduating with a solid health science base
                       The professional practice placements require             and your knowledge of sport and exercise
                       full-time attendance.                                    science, you will enjoy a range of career
                                                                                options and potential for continued career
                       PROFESSIONAL RECOGNITION                                 growth, which may include roles in:
                                                                                ≥≥ health and fitness centres run by businesses
                       The University’s Bachelor of Health Science
                                                                                   and communities, for example as a personal
                       (Sport and Exercise Science) course is
                                                                                   trainer, a health and fitness specialist or a
                       accredited at the level of exercise science by
                                                                                   fitness assessor
                       the National University Course Accreditation
                                                                                ≥≥ government agencies associated with
                       Program of Exercise and Sports Science
                                                                                   sport, physical activity and health, perhaps
                       Australia (ESSA). Graduates are eligible
                                                                                   as an exercise scientist or in research
                       for exercise science accreditation.
                                                                                ≥≥ professional sporting groups, for example
                                                                                   as an analyst, biomechanist, physiologist,
                       COURSE REQUIREMENTS                                         conditioner and trainer
                       In order to enrol at the start of second                 ≥≥ rehabilitation clinics and hospitals that
                       year, all students must have a National                     require skills in using exercise in rehabilitation
                       Police Certificate, Prohibited Employment                ≥≥ consulting and teaching.
                       Declaration Form and have a First Aid
                       Certificate. To be eligible for fieldwork                If you decide to study beyond your degree at
                       placements in public hospitals, students                 Western Sydney University and gain higher-
                       may need to comply with vaccination                      level accreditation as an exercise physiologist,
                       requirements and be prepared to submit                   you may also be able to provide healthcare
                       a completed Adult Immunisation Card to                   services funded by Medicare (Australian
                       placement institutions. NSW Health can                   Government), where prescribed and monitored
                       provide details of necessary vaccinations.               exercise is used to treat and prevent risk factors
                                                                                for cardiovascular and metabolic diseases.                                                                                                                 17

Bachelor of                                        COURSE                       UAC
                                                                                                   INTAKE       LOCATION        DURATION         ATAR

Physiotherapy                                      B Physiotherapy              723560    4706     March        Campbelltown    4F               95.00

                                                   Key: B = Bachelor of; F = Full-time.

                                                   Our Physiotherapy program focuses strongly          PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE
                                                   on the relationship between the therapist
                                                                                                       Practical experience takes place in first and
                                                   and the client. Our graduates not only know
                                                                                                       second years. Students undertake clinical
                                                   how to do their jobs technically, but also
                                                                                                       placements in clinical practice in third and
                                                   understand how to work with colleagues
                                                                                                       fourth year. They then return to the University
                                                   and patients, and take on responsibilities.
                                                                                                       for a final module that explores the lessons
                                                                                                       of the clinical experience for a professional
                                                   We take an evidence-based approach to
                                                                                                       career, focusing on professional, technical,
                                                   health sciences teaching, learning and
                                                                                                       industrial and legal topics, and complex cases.
                                                   research, to produce professionals who
                                                                                                       Students are responsible for their own travel,
                                                   can truly help clients and communities
                                                                                                       accommodation and related expenses during
                                                   to lead healthier, more productive lives.
                                                                                                       clinical placements, which are located in
                                                   Being evidence-based is one of the most
                                                                                                       metropolitan and rural areas of NSW.
                                                   important trends in healthcare today and
                                                   is a strong feature of the Western Sydney
                                                   University Physiotherapy program.                   PROFESSIONAL RECOGNITION
                                                                                                       The academic and clinical curriculum has
                                                   The University has developed an integrated
                                                                                                       been developed in line with physiotherapy
                                                   suite of health sciences programs. The
                                                                                                       accreditation standards. Upon completion
                                                   integration allows some options at the
                                                                                                       of the Bachelor of Physiotherapy course, our
                                                   end of the first year for you to transfer
                                                                                                       graduates may be eligible for registration
                                                   between the various streams if you meet
                                                                                                       as physiotherapists in Australia. The
                                                   the criteria, with advanced standing for
                                                                                                       Australian Physiotherapy Council has
                                                   the units that you have completed.
                                                                                                       accredited the current program.
                                                   Note that admission and transfer places may
                                                   be limited and competitive, transfers are not       COURSE REQUIREMENTS
                                                   available in all programs and transferring          To be eligible to undertake fieldwork or clinical
                                                   may extend the duration of the degree.              placements, our students must complete a
                                                   Also, if you enrol in the four-year Bachelor        National Police Certificate, a Working with
                                                   of Physiotherapy but decide to leave at the         Children Check, Student Declaration and an
                                                   end of the third year, assuming you have            Adult Vaccination Card, and hold a current
                                                   successfully completed all of the first three       First Aid Certificate. In clinical placement
                                                   years, you may be eligible to be awarded a          units, students must wear the University’s
                                                   Bachelor of Health Science.                         physiotherapy uniform (short-sleeved polo
                                                                                                       top and trousers), which complies with the
                                                                                                       NSW Health uniform requirements. Students
                                                                                                       in this program are required to participate
                                                                                                       fully in practical classes. This involves
                                                                                                       disrobing to shorts and singlet or swimsuit
                                                                                                       equivalent and, at times, to underwear in
                                                                                                       mixed gender classes. Students will practise
                                                                                                       hands-on physiotherapy examination and
                                                                                                       treatment techniques on all genders, and
                                                                                                       will personally experience these techniques,
                                                                                                       which will be performed on them by other
                                                                                                       students and relevant academic staff.

                                                                                                       These requirements are not negotiable.
                                                                                                       Inherent requirements apply to this course.

                                                                                                       For further information, visit

 Dalena Pangna
“There is no other leadership program like
 The Academy available in this region to
 such a diverse, multidisciplinary group of
 passionate, driven people with so many
 opportunities for development. Western has
 definitely far exceeded my expectations and
 I am absolutely thrilled I chose to come here.”

18                                                                                                                              Western Sydney University

Building a solid, broad understanding of         An accelerated Honours program is available
biomedicine and various health science           to high-achieving students and is integrated
fields in this way will give you a deeper        with the four-year program. This structure
understanding of physiotherapy, help you         enables Honours students to graduate with
to work in interdisciplinary teams, and          a Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours).
assist you in advising clients on treatment
options. You will share your new knowledge       CAREER OPPORTUNITIES
and experiences with other students, and
gain professional competencies important         Physiotherapists have considerable autonomy
for ethical and safe practice and high-          within medical and healthcare professions.
quality care. In the core units, and in your     Physiotherapists work in private practices,
studies of physiotherapy, you will also          aged care, private and public hospitals,
develop a client focus, which is as much         workplaces, women’s health, schools,
about the questions you ask as the way you       rehabilitation and chronic health management.
interpret what you see, hear and read.           Settings also include community-based
                                                 agencies, rural and regional healthcare
Physiotherapy is an exacting and physically      providers, and working with athletes and
demanding profession, as you will be             sporting organisations. Patients range across
working closely with other people’s bodies.      the lifespan, from birth to old age.
The final two years of the program contain
the majority of the physiotherapy studies,       Graduates may also choose careers in
developing your analytical and clinical          research and teaching, or as consultants
skills. In addition, an extensive clinical       to industry and/or government bodies.
education program provides practical
experience in general and specialised areas of
physiotherapy practice, giving you extensive
hands-on experience before graduating.

For detailed information about the
course structure and units, visit                                                                                                         19

Bachelor of                                        COURSE                     UAC
                                                                                                          INTAKE         LOCATION        DURATION ATAR

Occupational                                       B Occupational Therapy     723555    086212K      4711    March       Campbelltown 4F*               83.00

Therapy                                            Key: B = Bachelor of; F = Full-time;
                                                   *You may choose to study with a reduced load, but classes are not offered in the evening. The professional
                                                   practice placements require full-time attendance.

                                                   Occupational therapy is a health profession              Our occupational therapy program offers
                                                   which focuses on working with people                     the flexibility of an early exit point if you
                                                   who have difficulty completing everyday                  enrol in the Bachelor of Occupational
                                                   tasks, also known as ‘occupations’.                      Therapy but decide to leave at the end
                                                                                                            of the third year. Assuming you have
                                                   Occupational therapists can work with a                  successfully completed all of the first three
                                                   range of clients who, because of illness,                years, you can be awarded a Bachelor of
                                                   injury or circumstances, are limited in                  Health Science (but you will not be qualified
                                                   their ability to perform everyday tasks.                 to work as an occupational therapist).

                                                   You may help someone with a spinal cord
                                                                                                            CORE UNITS AND STRUCTURE
                                                   injury return to work, you may recommend
                                                   modifications to their car so that they can              To graduate with a Bachelor of Occupational
                                                   drive again, or you may help children with               Therapy, you will be required to complete
                                                   disabilities attend school. Occupational                 all compulsory units (320 credit points). You
                                                   therapy is about helping people to                       will study core common units with other
                                                   participate fully in every part of their life.           Health Science students located on the same
                                                                                                            campus. Building a solid, broad understanding
                                                   Our Occupational Therapy course is well                  of biomedicine and various health science
                                                   respected in Australia and is offered as                 fields will give you a deeper understanding
                                                   a four-year Bachelor of Occupational                     of occupational therapy, help you work in
                                                   Therapy degree. Our graduates are                        interdisciplinary teams and assist you in
                                                   renowned for their ability to use their                  advising clients on treatment options. You will
                                                   knowledge and skills in a practical,                     share your new knowledge and experiences
                                                   evidence-based approach in practice.                     with other students and, together, gain
                                                                                                            professional competencies important for
                                                   Western Sydney University takes an                       ethical and safe practice and high-quality care.
                                                   evidence-based approach to health
                                                   sciences teaching, learning and research, to             In the core units and your studies of
                                                   produce professionals who can truly help                 occupational therapy, you will develop a
                                                   clients and communities lead healthier,                  client focus, centred on each individual
                                                   more productive lives. Being evidence-                   within his or her social, cultural and physical
                                                   based is one of the most important trends                environment. The University’s Occupational
                                                   in healthcare today and a strong feature                 Therapy program promotes the value of
                                                   of the Occupational Therapy program.                     human diversity, fundamental human rights,
                                                                                                            and the dignity and worth of every client.
                                                   Independent learning, self-direction and
                                                   experience in analysing and resolving
                                                   problems will help you to develop
                                                   the skills that employers particularly
                                                   appreciate in our graduates.

 Shelly Chung
“If you have a passion for directly working with
 people and helping them, the Occupational
 Therapy program at Western is definitely the
 best choice. The practical and hands-on
 experience you will gain, merged with the
 theoretical components, is the key to a
 well-rounded and recognised education.”

20                                                                                                                                    Western Sydney University

FURTHER STUDIES                                  PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE
An embedded Honours program is available to      You will complete a minimum of 1,000 hours
our high-achieving students and is integrated    of professional practice in a range of settings
with the four-year program. This structure       in order to meet the fieldwork guidelines
enables Honours students to graduate with a      of the World Federation of Occupational
Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Honours).      Therapists. Occupational therapy practice
                                                 units are undertaken in each year of the
CAREER OPPORTUNITIES                             course. All clinical placements will occur
                                                 during normal work hours of the various
Occupational therapists work with people         clinical facilities.
who have special needs and life challenges
that hinder their ability to meaningfully and    You are responsible for your own travel,
effectively engage in their occupational roles   accommodation and related expenses during
and everyday tasks. Occupational therapists      clinical placements, which are located in
help their clients to develop new skills or      metropolitan and rural areas of NSW.
alter their environment and daily activities
to meet their goals. They use occupations as     There are international placement
therapeutic means to improve an individual’s     opportunities in the final year of the degree.
health, wellbeing and quality of life.
                                                 PROFESSIONAL RECOGNITION
Occupational therapists are employed in a
range of settings, including:                    The Occupational Therapy program is a
≥≥ public and private hospitals                  professionally accredited program of study
≥≥ rehabilitation centres                        and graduates are eligible for registration to
≥≥ insurance companies                           work as an occupational therapist in Australia.
≥≥ schools
≥≥ private practice                              COURSE REQUIREMENTS
≥≥ disability services
                                                 In order to enrol in Spring units in first year,
≥≥ mental health settings
                                                 you must have a National Police Certificate,
≥≥ work, health and safety rehabilitation
                                                 a Prohibited Employment Declaration Form
≥≥ private rehabilitation providers.
                                                 and a First Aid Certificate. To be eligible for
                                                 fieldwork placements in public hospitals, you
                                                 must comply with vaccination requirements
                                                 and be prepared to submit a completed Adult
                                                 Immunisation Card to placement institutions.
                                                 NSW Health can provide details of necessary
                                                 vaccinations. For detailed information about
                                                 the course structure and units, visit

Bachelor of                                        COURSE                       UAC
                                                                                                         INTAKE        LOCATION       DURATION ATAR

Podiatric Medicine                                 B Podiatric Medicine         723565    086123M   4708    March      Campbelltown 4F              80.00

                                                   Key: B = Bachelor of; F = Full-time.

Podiatrists are best known for treating            You will take several medical science units             COURSE REQUIREMENTS
problems that people commonly experience           including Human Anatomy, Pathophysiology
                                                                                                           In order to enrol in the second semester
with their feet, but they are increasingly         and Clinical Pharmacology, and learn about
                                                                                                           of second year, all students must have a
playing an important role in addressing            functional anatomy, physiology, medications
                                                                                                           National Police Certificate, a Prohibited
chronic conditions, such as diabetes. As a         and their relationship to normal physiology,
                                                                                                           Employment Declaration Form and a
podiatrist, your patients can range from           pathology and the disease process.
                                                                                                           First Aid Certificate (including advanced
children to active sportspeople to the ageing.
                                                                                                           resuscitation). To be eligible for clinical
Western Sydney University offers podiatry          You will progress to more specialised
                                                                                                           placements in public hospitals in the second
as a Bachelor of Podiatric Medicine degree,        discipline units in the latter years,
                                                                                                           year, students must comply with NSW Health
which delivers career-ready graduates.             with a focus on clinical skills, practical
                                                                                                           vaccination requirements and attend a ‘bulk
                                                   experience, providing you extensive
                                                                                                           compliance’ appointment to have their special
The University has developed an integrated         hands-on experience before graduating.
                                                                                                           requirements verified. NSW Health can
suite of health sciences programs. The
                                                   You will also gain invaluable knowledge                 provide details of necessary vaccinations.
integration allows some options at the end
of the first semester and first year for you to    about sports medicine, such as
transfer between the various streams if you        biomechanics, rehabilitation programs,                  FURTHER STUDIES
meet the criteria, with advanced standing          training surfaces and footwear.
                                                                                                           An accelerated Honours program is available
for the units that you have completed. Note                                                                to our high-achieving students and is
that transfer places to some streams may           Several units build skills in podiatric
                                                                                                           integrated within the four-year program.
be limited and competitive, and transferring       medicine and practice in general,
                                                                                                           This structure enables Honours students
may extend the duration of the degree.             while other units focus on the high-
                                                                                                           to graduate with a Bachelor of Podiatric
                                                   risk foot, pharmacology, dermatology,
                                                                                                           Medicine (Honours).
Also, if you enrol in the four-year Bachelor       gerontology, neurology, paediatrics
of Podiatric Medicine but decide to leave          (children), sports medicine, radiology,
                                                                                                           The Honours program offers a way of adding
at the end of the third year, assuming you         musculoskeletal disorders and surgery.
                                                                                                           to your qualifications and opening up the
have successfully completed all of the                                                                     world of research. You will be expected
first three years, you may be eligible to          For detailed information about the
                                                                                                           to identify new ways to address real
be awarded a Bachelor of Health Science            course structure and units, visit
                                                                                                           problems, working under the supervision
if you have met all the requirements.    
                                                                                                           of experienced academic researchers.
                                                                                                           For many of our graduates, Honours is
CORE UNITS AND ELECTIVES                           PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE                                    an early step in the path to leadership
                                                   Approximately 1,000 hours of clinical                   in a profession. As well as facilities for
To graduate with the Bachelor of Podiatric
                                                   education is provided at the University’s               podiatry, our Honours students can use a
Medicine, you will be required to complete
                                                   clinical training facility and at external              range of other high-quality health science
all compulsory units (320 credit points). This
                                                   placement sites, including one week of                  research facilities at the University, such as
includes the study of common units with other
                                                   placement in the second year, two weeks                 equipment for medicine and sports science.
health science and allied health students.
                                                   in the third year and 16 weeks in the
Building a solid, broad understanding of           fourth year. This experience focuses on                 CAREER OPPORTUNITIES
biosciences and various health science             providing extensive clinical practice prior
                                                                                                           As a qualified podiatrist, you will be an
fields in this way will give you a deeper          to graduation. Our fourth year students
                                                                                                           independent, highly-skilled practitioner who
understanding of podiatry, help you to work        also complete a professional practice unit
                                                                                                           is able to diagnose and treat disorders of
in interdisciplinary teams, and assist you in      that explores aspects of clinical practice
                                                                                                           the foot and lower limb, and a number of
advising clients on treatment options. You will    for a professional career, focusing on
                                                                                                           career paths are available to you following
share your new knowledge and experiences           professional, technical, industrial and
                                                                                                           graduation. Podiatrists may work in a range of
with other students, and gain professional         topical legal issues of complex cases. All
                                                                                                           different settings including, private practice,
competencies important for ethical and safe        clinical placements will occur during normal
                                                                                                           public and private hospitals, community-
practice and high-quality care. The skills         work hours of the various clinical facilities.
                                                                                                           based agencies, rural and regional healthcare
you will gain in communication and working         Students are responsible for their own
                                                                                                           providers. The types of patients that need the
with people will be valuable throughout your       travel, accommodation and related expenses
                                                                                                           expert care and attention of a podiatrist are
career and in your life.                           during clinical placements which are located
                                                                                                           varied and include children, the elderly, those
                                                   in metropolitan and rural areas of NSW.
                                                                                                           with chronic diseases such as diabetes and
An introduction to podiatry unit is included
                                                                                                           those with sporting injuries. The employment
in the first session of the first year, allowing   PROFESSIONAL RECOGNITION                                prospects for podiatrists remain excellent;
you to explore the roles and responsibilities of
                                                   Accreditation has been gained from the                  there is a national shortage of podiatrists as
podiatrists. As the course strongly emphasises
                                                   Australasian and New Zealand Podiatry                   evidenced by the current skilled occupations
developing clinical and theoretical skills based
                                                   Accreditation Council.                                  list. Many podiatry graduates have gone
on the best evidence available, the study
                                                                                                           into teaching and academic research, and
of research methods and evidence-based
                                                                                                           the embedded Honours program offered at
practice is an important component within
                                                                                                           Western Sydney University is the ideal start
the course, and is part of the common core
                                                                                                           to this career path.
of units for the Bachelor of Health Science.

22                                                                                                                                 Western Sydney University
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