Healthy Living - Mt. Airy News

Page created by Clara Gibbs
Healthy Living - Mt. Airy News
                                      Summer 2020
                            A Special Supplement to
                                                      The Mount Airy News
                                                             THE CARROLL NEWS
                                                                            The Yadkin Ripple

      Stay Safe
    Personal safety
     tips to live by.
         Page 5

How to find the right one
   for your children
         Page 6

   The ideas behind
         Page 3
Healthy Living - Mt. Airy News
2   Healthy Living   Summer 2020

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Summer 2020                                                                      Healthy Living                                                                                3

                                                                                                            Great ways to
                                                                                                           bond with your
                The ideas                                                                                    new infant
                 behind                                                                           parent’s job begins the moment
                                                                                                  a woman learns she is pregnant.
                                                                                                                                          Breastfeed baby. Breastfeeding
                                                                                                                                          provides more than nutrition. The close
               strength-                                                                          Upon receiving such news,
                                                                                            women typically make important
                                                                                                                                          contact during nursing helps the child to
                                                                                                                                          hear Mom’s heartbeat and gets skin-to-
                 based                                                                      changes to ensure the well-being of the
                                                                                            fetuses growing inside them.
                                                                                                                                          skin contact.

               parenting                                                                    Once a child is born, the first few weeks
                                                                                                                                          Make eye contact. Parents should
                                                                                                                                          keep eye contact with baby when
                                                                                            with baby certainly can be a whirlwind.       engaging in feedings and other care.
                                                                                            During this period, pediatricians note        This helps the baby remember who
                                                                                            how important bonding with parents is

                                                                                                                                          their parents are and reassures them
       any a parent is familiar with the    find anyone who made the most of their          for a baby’s development. Parents may         that their parents can be trusted.
       notion that children do not come     talents without also relying on their           be unaware that the touches, cuddles
       with instruction manuals. Since      character strengths. For example, even          and feelings of safety and security
                                                                                            provided by them help set a foundation        Read baby’s messages. A child who
babies are not born with instruction        the most gifted natural athletes need
                                                                                            for emotional well-being, which can last      wants to engage will make little noises,
manuals, the best way to raise              to draw on their work ethic in order to
                                                                                            throughout their child’s life.                such as cooing or laughing sounds.
children is open to interpretation, and     reach their full potential as athletes.
                                                                                                                                          He or she also may look relaxed and
interpretations often lead to theories on
                                                                                            According to Jeff Simpson, Ph.D.,             interested, while some may seek out
parenting.                                  Dr. Waters’ research has led her to
                                                                                            adjunct professor of psychology at the        their parents. React to these messages
                                            conclude that children and teenagers
                                                                                            University of Minnesota and an author         promptly.
One such theory is strength-based           whose parents help them to identify
parenting, an approach that focuses         and use their character strengths               of a study about childhood attachment,
on developing and nurturing a               benefit from that assistance in myriad          babies who were securely attached to          Respond to cries. Parents can do
child’s character. Dr. Lea Waters,          ways. Such children experience more             their mothers by 12 months old (turning       their best to always respond to cries
a Melbourne, Australia-based                positive emotions and flow, are more            to her for comfort when exploring an          for attention as it helps the baby to
psychologist and author, has studied        persistent, are more confident, and are         unfamiliar place) were more likely to         feel safe. This is key during the first
ways to improve interactions between        more satisfied with their lives compared        come out of an argument in their early        three months of the baby’s life. As the
parents and their children for decades.     to children whose parents did not help          20s still feeling connected to their          baby ages and has already developed
                                            them identify and use their character           partners. Simpson surmises that the           a bond, parents can encourage more
Dr. Waters emphasizes the value of          strengths. Dr. Waters’ research,                ability to trust, love and resolve conflict   self-soothing.
identifying and nurturing children’s        published in 2018, also found that              develops in part from how people are
character strengths, and the value          children whose parents took a strength-         treated as infants.                           Bonding is important for babies and
that such efforts can have in regard        based approach to parenting earned                                                            parents. Developing a connection early
to promoting children’s long-term           better grades, were less stressed,              The Australian parenting website              on can provide a safe and nurturing
happiness and achievements.                 more capable of coping with friendship          Raising Children Network says                 environment that can set the course for
In an article for Greater Good              issues, and more capable of coping              repeated human contact like singing,          the child to feel loved and supported
Magazine, Dr. Waters defined                with homework deadlines than children           cuddling, talking, touching, and gazing       throughout his or her lifetime.
character strengths as those things         whose parents did not employ a                  into each other’s eyes enables a
that are personality-based and internal,    strength-based approach to parenting.           newborn’s brain to release hormones
including curiosity, courage, humor, and                                                    that help his or her brain to grow. This,
kindness. These character strengths         Parenting is a big responsibility,              in turn, helps to develop memory,
work in conjunction with talents, which     and parents can explore various                 thought and language.
may include things like athletic ability,   approaches to raising happy children
musical skills and problem-solving.         to fulfill their responsibilities as parents.   New parents may wonder what they
                                            One such approach is strength-                  can do to foster strong bonds with
Strength-based parenting espouses the       based parenting, which parents can              their babies. The following are some
importance of cultivating kids’ character   explore on their own to decide if it’s an       strategies to build those bonds.
strengths as much as their talents. Dr.     approach they want
Waters notes that it would be hard to       to pursue.
Healthy Living - Mt. Airy News
4                                                                            Healthy Living                                                                   Summer 2020

                                   What is attachment parenting?
                                         Parents may subscribe to various             that put an emphasis on emotional             more than 20 hours a week for babies
                                         parenting models as they look to bond        responsiveness, according to Greater          younger than 30 months old, says
                                         with their children. One such approach       Good Magazine.                                WebMD. At this early developmental
                                         is attachment parenting. Proponents                                                        stage, the nearly constant presence of
                                         of this type of parenting include the        Another core component of attachment          a parent is recommended.
                                         well-known pediatrician William Sears,       parenting, according to the organization
                                         M.D., an author who coined the term          Attachment Parenting International,           One potentially controversial aspect of
                                         “attachment parenting.” Attachment           is responding with sensitivity. API           attachment parenting is co-sleeping.
                                         parenting promotes methods that aim          notes that babies communicate their           The American Academy of Pediatrics
                                         to build attachments between parent          needs through body movements,                 advises against sleeping with a young
                                         and infant by responsiveness and also        facial expressions and crying, and            child in the same bed, as it may
                                         through continuous bodily closeness          that infants learn to trust when their        increase the risk for SIDS. However,
                                         and touch.                                   needs are met with consistency and            workarounds, including having a baby
                                                                                      sensitivity. It’s only after consistent and   in a separate cradle or co-sleeper very

                                         Components of attachment parenting           repeated responsiveness in a sensitive        close to a parent’s bed so children can
        any parents aspire to develop    include bonding with the baby before         manner that babies will learn to soothe       be touched and soothed through the
        close emotional bonds with       and directly after birth, breastfeeding,     themselves as they get older. These           night, are options.
        their children. Children who     bedding close to the child, and wearing      sensitivity strategies should be carried
understand that their parents are        the baby as much as possible.                through as a child becomes a toddler          Expecting parents who want to
nearby and will respond to their needs                                                or a school-aged child.                       learn more about the philosophy
effectively begin to develop trust in     Attachment parenting may have                                                             behind attachment parenting and
those around them. This nurturing        evolved from anthropological studies         Proponents of attachment parenting            its techniques can visit www.
can extend to being well-rounded and     of indigenous childrearing practices         also advocate against childcare for 
emotionally secure into adulthood.

                                     espite all of the potential hazards       3. Stick to sensible shoes. Sensible             check that exterior handrails are secure.

                                     around a house — from electrical          shoes fit properly and have sturdy, nonskid      Falls can cause serious injury or death,
                                     issues to fire hazards to carbon          soles. Avoid walking around in slippers          particularly for aging men and women.
                               monoxide — the National Home Security           or even in stocking feet, which are much         Simple fixes around the house can make
                               Alliance says that falls are the leading        more slippery.                                   things more secure and reduce the risk for
                               cause of death due to home accidents.           4. Store items within reach. Store items         falls.
                               Falls are responsible for one-third of all      that are used frequently, such as dishes,
                               home-related fatalities. Although seniors       in easily accessible cabinets and other
                               are the group most affected by falls, these     locations. This prevents having to climb or
  ways to                      types of accidents can affect anyone.
                               A broken bone may be a minor
                               inconvenience for young people, but
                                                                               reach for them.
                                                                               5. Install more
                                                                               lighting. Poor
  prevent                      fractures are more serious for the elderly.
                               As a result, seniors must take measures
                                                                               visibility can
                                                                               contribute to
                               to protect themselves against falls. These
  falls                        steps can minimize risk at home.
                               1. Remove tripping hazards. Examine
                                                                               falls. Lighting in
                                                                               hallways, stairways,
                                                                               bathrooms, and
  around                       rooms and hallways for potential hazards,
                               such as slippery throw rugs, floorboards
                               that stick up, loose carpeting, or furniture
                                                                               bedrooms — even if
                                                                               it is a small night light
                                                                               — can be enough to
  the house                    that blocks walking paths. Remedy these
                               hazards as soon as possible. Address
                                                                               light the way.
                                                                               6. Reinforce your
                               loose floorboards and/or place nonslip          home’s exterior.
                               materials beneath rugs.                         Falls do not only
                               2. Install grab bars or railings. Install       occur inside. Inspect
                               grab bars in certain locations for extra        the perimeter of a
                               stability or where someone may need             property for uneven
                               leverage getting up from a seated position.     turf, holes or cracked
                               They are particularly helpful near toilets      or uneven patches of
                               and bathtubs and in stairways and               walkways. Make sure
                               hallways.                                       lighting is working
                                                                               at entryways, and
Healthy Living - Mt. Airy News
Summer 2020                                                                      Healthy Living                                                                              5

   safety tips
   to live by                                                                                              Prevent
                                                                                                        injuries with
                                                                                                       ladder safety

                                              • Move to a public place. If you think
                                              you are being followed, either on foot
                                              or in the car, go to a public place or a            he
                                              police station.
                                              • Don’t overshare on social media.           temperatures of
                                              People have a tendency to throw              spring and summer make
                                              caution to the wind on social media,         these great times of the year
                                              revealing personal details they likely       to tackle jobs around the house.
                                              wouldn’t share in other settings.            When cleaning or remodeling goals
                                              Posting you are out of the house or          involve reaching heights, ladders are
                                              away on vacation is an invitation for        often put to use.
                                              trouble.                                                                                 Climb
                                                                                           The American Ladder Institute reminds
                                              • Avoid isolated places. Waiting for a       do-it-yourselfers and professionals         carefully
                                              bus, taxi, ride share, or even to meet       that ladders are tools, and it is the       Never use a
                                              another friend in a place without a lot      responsibility of people to follow safety   ladder if you are
                                              of people around can put you at risk.        precautions when using ladders just as      feeling dizzy, tired or

                                              It’s better to wait inside of a store or a   they would any other tool.                  impaired, as such feelings
      he fight or flight mechanism is         building with others, if possible.                                                       can cause accidents. Be sure to
      an important tool in safeguarding                                                                                                place a ladder where the climb will
      well-being, but there is much more      • Check visitors first. Whether at
                                              home or in a hotel while traveling,          Choose the right size                       not be impeded by electrical wires,
a person can do than relying strictly on                                                                                               obstacles or even wind and other
gut reaction. Taking personal safety          confirm who is knocking on the door          The right ladder makes a job safer,
                                              before opening it. If someone states         as it prevents the user from having to      weather conditions. The National
seriously means having a realistic view                                                                                                Safety Council recommends wearing
of the potential dangers in the world,        they are from a particular business          stand on the top rung or step, which
                                              or service, ask for identification. Call     can throw off DIYers’ balance. Ladders      slip-resistant shoes with clean soles
and employing various strategies that                                                                                                  for maximum traction. Always grip
promote safety.                               the front desk of a hotel to confirm         come in various sizes and types, from
                                              identities and purposes.                     step to straight to combination. Do not     the rungs and climb the ladder while
• Put down the phone. Distractions                                                         exceed the maximum load rating of a         facing it, all the while maintaining three
are a major cause of injury and putting       • Watch your                                                                             points of contact with the ladder (two
                                              drink. Never                                 ladder. When calculating, include the
oneself at risk. Texting while walking                                                     weight of the person or persons who         hands and one foot or two feet and
or driving increases the risk for injuries.   leave a drink                                                                            one hand). Hang tools from a tool belt
                                              unattended                                   will use the ladder and any tools and
Predators also look for signs of                                                           equipment he or she may carry on the        while climbing or have them handed up
distraction or weakness, and eyes that        in a public                                                                              to you after you’ve safely reached your
                                              restaurant                                   ladder during a job.
are glued to a phone make it hard to                                                                                                   height.
remain aware of your surroundings.            or bar, as
                                              something                                    Keep it steady
• Lock your doors. Everyone wants to          can be                                                                                   Be smart
believe theirs is a safe community. But       slipped into                                 The Occupational Safety and Health
crimes like door push-ins or break-ins        it. Similarly,                               Administration advises against shifting     Do not overreach while on a ladder.
happen in every community. Locking            don’t accept                                 or moving a ladder while a person           Go slowly when ascending or
home and vehicle doors puts an added          a drink you                                  or equipment is on the ladder. Use          descending, being deliberate where
barrier between a would-be criminal           that didn’t                                  the ladder only on a stable and level       hands and feet are placed. Avoid
and your belongings or person.                see being                                    surface, unless it has been secured         distractions while working on ladders
                                              poured.                                      to prevent displacement. The proper         to further reduce the risk of balanced-
• Stick to well-lit areas. The dark can                                                                                                related accidents.
hide people and ill intentions. Try to                                                     angle for setting up a ladder can
                                              Maintaining personal safety is               help keep it steady. The base of the
run as many errands or tasks during           something that requires forethought                                                      Ladders are an important tool around
daylight hours as possible. When you                                                       ladder should be at one-quarter of          the house. Safety is key when climbing
                                              and practice.                                the working length of the ladder from
must go out at night, walk or park in                                                                                                  to new heights.
well-lit areas.                                                                            the wall or other vertical surface, says
Healthy Living - Mt. Airy News
6                                                                             Healthy Living                                                                    Summer 2020

                                                                                          How parents can find
        How                                                                               the right pediatrician
     parents can                                                                          for their children
                                                                                                xpecting parents must make a
                                                                                                host of important decisions before
                                                                                                their children enter the world.
     their stress                                                                        Finding the right pediatrician is one of
                                                                                         the decisions that expecting parents,
                                                                                         especially those who are expecting
                                                                                         their first child, may find challenging.
                                                                                         The American Academy of Pediatrics
                                                                                         notes that pediatricians have special
                                                                                         training in the health and illnesses
                                                                                         of children from birth through
                                                                                         adolescence and into the young adult
                                                                                         years. In many instances, parents trust
                                                                                         the same pediatricians to look after        • Where is the pediatrician’s office
                                                                                         their children’s health for years on end,     located? Parents who rely on public

                                                                                         making the choice of pediatrician a           transportation should determine if a
       uggling responsibilities to work     Don’t take work stress home. It’s                                                          pediatrician’s office is accessible by
       and family can sometimes make        easy to bring home work-related              highly important one.
                                                                                                                                       bus or train. Many parents also prefer
       parents feel a little overwhelmed.   problems, which can then combine             In recognition of that importance, the        pediatricians who are local, as that
That feeling of being stretched thin        with issues at home. Try to talk to a        AAP facilitates the process of finding        can make doctor’s visits more
can contribute to stress, which many        coworker or a spouse before leaving          board-certified pediatricians via the         convenient, especially in the case of
parents acknowledge is part of their        work to diffuse tricky situations so they    “Find a Pediatrician” tool on the             sick visits.
daily lives.                                can be left at work.                website. Similary,
Stress isn’t always caused by life-                                                      the Canadian Paediatric Society, via        • Who returns phone calls? Parents of
                                            Increase quality family time. Take a         the website,             newborns often have many questions
changing events. In fact, a recent study    break from the extracurricular activities,
of 2,000 parents in the United Kingdom                                                   provides links to various organizations       in the first few months of their child’s
                                            volunteer responsibilities and the other     that can help parents find pediatricians      life, and some may feel more secure
found that the daily worries of bed time,   tasks that pull families in different
getting homework finished, weekly                                                        for their children.                           knowing the child’s pediatrician will
                                            directions. Slow down and schedule                                                         be the one returning their calls.
food shopping, and meal times were          fun activities that foster parent-child      The AAP recommends that expecting
parents’ biggest stress triggers.           relationships, such as game nights or        parents interview pediatricians to learn    • Is this a group practice? If so, how
The research, conducted by BPme, a          family movie nights.                         more about them. Pediatricians are            often will my child see our preferred
new app that allows customers to pay                                                     accustomed to such interviews and will        pediatrician? And who covers for the
                                            Seek professional help. Parents who          likely be happy to schedule visits with       doctors during vacations or times
for their fuel without leaving their car,   are having difficulty coping can enlist
said the average parent felt stressed                                                    expecting parents (or parents who are         when the preferred pediatrician is out
                                            the services of trained mental health        looking for new pediatricians to care for     of the office?
six times a day. Data from a 2015 Pew       professionals, advises Psychology
Research Study indicates 15 percent                                                      their children). During such meetings,
                                            Today. These therapists can offer            the AAP advises parents to ask the          • What are the short notice visitation
of American parents say their job as        helpful strategies for coping with                                                         policies? These policies will indicate
a parent is tiring all the time, while an                                                following questions.
                                            life’s challenges.                                                                         how accessible a pediatrician is when
additional 18 percent say parenting                                                      • Which medical school did the                children develop spur-of-the-moment
is tiring most of the time. Ten percent     Stick to a routine. Keeping kids on            pediatrician attend and where did he        issues like colds, sore throats, etc.
indicated being a parent is stressful       routine schedules enables parents to           or she undergo postgraduate or              Many parents prefer practices that
all of the time, while 15 percent said it   know which moments of the day they             residency training?                         have daily walk-in hours.
is most of the time. The younger the        can get a break to rest and recharge.
                                                                                         • What are the pediatrician’s current       • Which insurance does the
age of the children at home, the more       Ask for help. Do not be a martyr or            hospital appointments? This is an           practice accept?
stress many parents say they face.          attempt to be a superhero. Parents             important question as it can indicate
It is well documented that stress can       who need help should reach out for             which hospital a child would be           When interviewing pediatricians,
have various negative physical and          assistance, especially if it’s to tame         admitted to in the event that the         parents should not hesitate to ask
psychological symptoms, which put           stress. Doing so is in the best interest       youngster had to be hospitalized.         any questions they have. A good
stress sufferers’ overall health at risk.   of the entire family.                          Parents may prefer certain hospitals      pediatrician will welcome all questions
Parents can curtail stress by instituting   Stress is something many parents face,         and may want to find a pediatrician       and patiently answer each one.
some lifestyle changes and employing        but it can be overcome.                        who is affiliated with those
other management techniques.                                                               preferences.
Healthy Living - Mt. Airy News
Summer 2020                                                                  Healthy Living                                                                7

  Addressing the childhood
  obesity epidemic
        besity is a health epidemic that       portion control;
        does not discriminate based on       • socioeconomic status; and
        age, gender or ethnicity. While
obesity poses a serious health risk for      • eating more meals out than at home.
everyone, children who are obese may        The CDC defines obesity as a body
be setting themselves up for a lifetime     mass index, or BMI, at or above the
of medical problems.                        95th percentile of the CDC’s sex-
The Centers for Disease Control and         specific BMI-for-age growth charts.
Prevention says childhood obesity is a      Treating obesity begins with changing
serious problem in the United States.       behaviors. The following lifestyle
According to the CDC National Center        changes may be effective.
for Health Statistics, 18.5 percent
                                            Place a greater emphasis on daily
of children and adolescents are
                                            physical activity. Eschewing devices
considered obese, which equates to
                                            for physical activity can help children
around 13.7 million youth. In Canada,
                                            get off the couch and lose weight.
obesity rates among youth have nearly
tripled in the last 30 years, as noted by   Change dietary habits. Entire families                    Thank you for choosing Access.
the Government of Canada. Children          may need to change some of their
who are overweight or obese are at          dietary habits, such as poor food                     With the support of our great community,
a higher risk of developing a range         choices and lack of portion control, to
of health problems, including type 2        help obese youngsters lose weight.                          Access has humbly achieved
diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep        Focus on consuming fewer calories
apnea, and bone and joint problems.         each day while increasing nutrient
                                            intake if previous diets were low on
                                                                                                      the following accomplishments.
Females may miss or experience
abnormal menstrual cycles. Childhood        fruits and vegetables.
obesity is not just an issue in North       Help kids change their behaviors.
America, as it has even reached             Children also may need to modify
epidemic levels in developing countries.    behaviors if they routinely turn to food
Childhood obesity has become the            for stress relief or to quell boredom.
most chronic disease of childhood,          Parents can help set positive examples
states the Obesity Action Coalition.        about healthy eating and exercise by
Although the causes of obesity are          incorporating healthy habits into their
widespread, certain risk factors are        daily routines and encouraging kids
major contributors. Some causes             to join in.
can include:                                Obesity is prevalent among children,
  • heredity;                               but it can be overcome with diligence
  • lack of physical activity;              on the part of parents and youngsters.
  • dietary patterns, such as poor

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Healthy Living - Mt. Airy News
8                                                                                  Healthy Living                                                                                                              Summer 2020
                                                                                             prevail about bullying, and it’s important                           found that abused children are

       How parents can help                                                                  that parents recognize these myths.
                                                                                             No child is immune from bullying, as
                                                                                    indicates that children
                                                                                                                                                                  more likely to bully others and be
                                                                                                                                                                  bullied by others than children who
                                                                                                                                                                  are not abused. Maintaining a home

       address bullying                                                                      from all racial and ethnic backgrounds
                                                                                             are vulnerable to bullying, which also
                                                                                             affects kids of all ages. In addition, any
                                                                                                                                                                  environment in which every individual,
                                                                                                                                                                  including children, is respected can
                                                                                                                                                                  reduce the likelihood that kids will bully

                                                                                             child can engage in bullying. Parents                                or be bullied by others.
       ullying is a global issue that             Failure to address such behavior can       who recognize these facts are in                                     These are just a handful of strategies
       affects children every day. A              lead to bullying, and children whose       better position to identify signs their                              parents can employ to address bullying
       2018 study from the UNESCO                 aggressive behavior goes unchecked         child is being bullied or even bullying                              with their children. More information is
Institute for Statistics found that nearly        may experience other problems with         other students.                                                      available at
one-third of teens worldwide had                  their peers. Whether their children
recently experienced bullying. Even               have exhibited aggressive behaviors        Teach by example. Children reflect the
more troubling is that the same study             or not, parents can encourage              attitudes and
found that, in countries where children           cooperative behaviors like helping,        behaviors of
reported the highest incidences of                sharing and problem-solving.               their parents. If
bullying, 65 percent of girls and 62                                                         parents exhibit
                                                  Engage with your children. Various         disrespectful
percent of boys reported bullying.
                                                  studies have shown that children are       behaviors
Preventing bullying is a community-               more likely to bully other kids if their   toward one
wide responsibility. Parents can do               parents spend little time with them        another or other
their part by taking the following                or do not regularly supervise their        people, children
measures to address bullying.                     activities. But studies also have found    are more likely
Address aggressive behavior.                      that students are less likely to bully     to follow suit. In
According to,                    other children if their parents warmly     addition, a 2001
a website managed by the U.S.                     engage with them.                          study published
Department of Health and Human                    Learn about bullying. Parents who          in the Journal
Services, aggressive behavior in                  learn about bullying are in better         of Clinical Child
young children is very common.                    position to prevent it. Various myths      Psychology

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Healthy Living - Mt. Airy News
Summer 2020                                                                     Healthy Living                                                                              9

                                               How to spark more
                                               family communication
                                                      ommunication is at the core of any successful
                                                      relationship. Families who are able to communicate
                                                      effectively can express their concerns, needs and            • What has been the best part of the week so far?
                                               desires to one another in an open and honest manner.                • Tell me something interesting you learned
                                               Effective communication can change a home environment,                at school (work) today.
                                               foster more intimate and trusted relationships, and serve as a      • What is the funniest joke you have ever heard?
                                               foundation for children to grow.                                    • If you could be anyone or anything in the world, what
                                                                                                                     would you be and why?
                                               The benefits of effective home communication are numerous.          • If you won a lot of money, what would you spend it on?
                                               According to Hearing and Speech-Language Services, regular          • What do you do when you see someone being teased?
                                               and intentional communication with a child is one of the most       • Name a quality of yours that you are most proud of.
                                               effective tools parents and caregivers can use to foster healthy    • If a genie granted you three wishes, what would they be?
                                               development, paving the way for the child to be an effective        • What is your favorite childhood memory?
                                               communicator as he or she grows and interacts with others.          • Where in the world would you like to live most?
                                               In addition, regular communication can foster a strong sense        • Are there things that scare you? If so, what?
                                               of self-esteem, improve problem-solving abilities, decrease         • What would your superhero power be?
                                               problem behaviors, and prepare kids for voicing their opinion       • If you could fly for a day, where would you go?
                                               on important issues.

                                               No topics are off limits when it comes to stimulating family       These are a handful of interesting conversation starters
                                               conversation. In fact, the more creative, funny and adventurous    that can get creative conversation juices flowing at home.
                                               the ideas, the more apt children and adults may be to engage       Families can customize the questions or turn them into
                                               in the discussion. These talking points can help get the           a regular game that everyone can enjoy throughout the
                                               conversation flowing and require specific answers instead of       week.
                                               vague generalities.

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Healthy Living - Mt. Airy News
10                                                                              Healthy Living                                                                                              Summer 2020

                                   he dog days of summer can be                       That can reduce athletes’ risk of injury or      plan to spend time outdoors. On hot days,

                                   challenging. As the mercury rises                  illness, though it’s still important to avoid    make sure you’re taking in more fluids than
                                   to potentially unhealthy heights,                  exercising in especially hot temperatures        you’re losing. Take water with you when
                            spending time outdoors can become less                    regardless of the time of day.                   going outside, and be sure to rehydrate
                            comfortable and even dangerous.                           2. Practice passive cooling at night.            with more water when going back indoors.
                            Finding ways to beat the summer heat                      Nightflushing is a passive cooling               Summer heat can be a formidable
                            can help people avoid injury and illness                  technique that involves opening the              opponent, but it can be overcome in
                            and ensure they still get to enjoy their                  windows in a home at night. Doing so can         various ways.
                            summers. The following are three ways                     make indoor areas healthier and more
                            to beat the summer heat, though it’s                      comfortable for a home’s inhabitants
strategies                  important that seniors, pregnant women,
                            parents of young children, and anyone with
                                                                                      during the dog days of summer. HVAC
                                                                                      systems keep homes cool in summer, but
                            a preexisting health condition speak with                 over time hot and stale air can accumulate
to beat                     their physicians about the precautions they
                            should take before going outside on hot
                                                                                      inside a home. If that air is not removed,
                                                                                      a home can feel stuffy and airborne
                            days.                                                     pollutants like carbon dioxide can reach
the                         1. Change your exercise routine, if
                            necessary. Summer is a great time to
                                                                                      potentially unhealthy levels. By opening
                                                                                      their windows at night, homeowners can let
Summer                      exercise outdoors. However, it’s important
                            that people who are used to working out
                                                                                      that stale, potentially unhealthy air out and
                                                                                      let the cool air of summer evenings in.
                            in midday change their outdoor exercise                   3. Stay hydrated. It’s easy to become
Heat.                       routines on hot days. Members of the
                            Miami-based Bikila Athletic Club provide
                                                                                      dehydrated at any time of year, but
                                                                                      especially so during the dog days of
                            a list of tips to new members who may                     summer. The U.S. National Library of
                            be unaccustomed to the Florida heat and                   Medicine notes that the human body needs
                            humidity. One of those tips recommends                    an average of three quarts of water per
                            training early in the morning before the                  day on a normal day. However, conditions
                            sun gets too high. During the dog days of                 on mid- to late-summer days make it
                            summer, early morning temperatures tend                   necessary for many people to consume
                            to be more mild than midday temperatures.                 more water than that, especially if they

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Summer 2020                                                                  Healthy Living                                                                             11

            3 ways parents
          can become more
          involved in their
           kids educations
       he dawn of a new school year         understand and work with numbers.
       provides a host of opportunities
       for students and their families.
 Students begin a new school year
                                            Continuing to foster that same
                                            environment as students continue
                                            their educations is equally beneficial.
                                                                                         How to keep your
 with a clean slate, while their parents
 can look at the start of the school
                                            Establish quiet hours after school
                                            so kids can concentrate on their             baby Sun-Safe
 year as an opportunity to take active      homework free from distractions.
 roles in their children’s education.       When kids ask for help, offer it                 pending time outdoors is a            that researchers at the University of
 Parents who pursue that opportunity        promptly. Such a response sends the              summertime tradition for people       Miami found that only 43 percent of
 can have a profound impact on their        message to students that school is of            of all ages. Sunny summer             parents consistently cover their babies
 youngsters’ academic success.              the utmost importance.                    afternoons may be especially cherished       with hats, and even fewer (40 percent)
 According to an analysis from the                                                    in 2020, when people across the              cover babies with long-sleeved shirts
 National Center for Family and                                                       globe have been forced to spend more         and pants when going out in the sun.
                                            3. Become more involved at                time indoors as they adhere to social
 Community Connections with                 school.                                                                                • Consider sunglasses. Sunglasses
 Schools, students perform better                                                     distancing guidelines implemented to         are another way parents can protect
 in the classroom and enroll in more        Of course, it’s not just what parents     prevent the spread of the COVID-19           their children from the sun’s harmful
 advanced classes when schools and          do at home that can have a                virus.                                       ultraviolet rays. Sunglasses can be an
 parents work together. Parents who         profound impact on their children’s       Parents of infants may be extra excited      alternative for parents whose infants
 want to take a more active role in their   educations. If possible, take an          to get outdoors this summer. Chances         keep taking off their hats, as many
 children’s educations can consider         active role at school as well as at       to get out and about don’t come around       baby-sized sunglasses are equipped
 these three simple means to doing          home. Get involved with parent-           very often for parents of infants, and       with elastic straps to keep the glasses
 just that.                                 teacher organizations and/or offer to     those chances may be even more rare          on. Sunglasses may be vital because
                                            assist with extracurricular activities.   as social distancing guidelines remain       the melanin in infants’ eyes is still
                                            Parents also can attend board of          in place. But before parents rush out        forming, and that development can be
 1. Help children establish academic        education meetings to learn about the     the door to soak up some summer sun,         adversely affected if infants’ eyes are
 goals.                                     happenings in their children’s school     it’s imperative that they take steps to      exposed to UV rays.
 The National Education Association         district. Such meetings typically         protect their tiny tots from UV rays.
                                            provide parents with an opportunity to                                                 • Introduce sunscreen at six months.
 notes that the most significant type of                                              • Avoid exposing infants to the sun.         The SCF advises parents to begin
 parental involvement is what moms          comment publicly on any issues they
                                            feel are important, providing a great     The Skin Cancer Foundation notes that        applying sunscreen to their infants
 and dads do at home. Before a new                                                    infants’ skin is especially sensitive to     when their children reach six months of
 school year begins, parents can            channel for parents to communicate
                                            directly with decision-makers.            the sun, so the organization advises         age. Choose a broad-spectrum, water-
 discuss academic goals with their                                                    parents to shield children six months        resistant sunscreen with a minimum
 children. Be as specific as possible       Parents can take various steps to         and younger from the sun rather than         sun protection factor (SPF) of 15. The
 when establishing goals so kids have       be more active in their children’s        using sunscreen. Instead of applying         SCF notes that sunscreens that contain
 something definitive to work toward        educations, which can benefit             sunscreen to their infants, parents          zinc oxide and titanium dioxide are
 during the school year.                    students in myriad ways.                  should keep them out of the sun              good choices because these physical
                                                                                      entirely. Seek shade between 10 a.m.         filters do not rely on absorption of
 2. Foster a strong learning                                                          and 4 p.m., when the sun’s rays are          chemicals and are therefore less likely
 environment at home.                                                                 especially intense. When taking infants      to cause a skin reaction. The SCF
                                                                                      out in their strollers, make sure they are   also advises testing the sunscreen on
 Numerous studies have highlighted                                                    shaded at all times and avoid walking        your baby’s wrist before applying it all
 the effects that strong home learning                                                on the sunny side of the street.             over the body. This can indicate if the
 environments can have on students.                                                                                                product irritates the child’s skin and
 A 2014 study published in the Journal                                                • Dress babies for the sun. The SCF
                                                                                      advises parents to dress their babies in     needs to be replaced, or if it’s safe to
 of Experimental Psychology found                                                                                                  use.
 that something as simple as playing                                                  brimmed hats and lightweight clothing
 games with numbers with children                                                     that fully covers their arms and legs.       In the rush to get outside, parents
 can improve young students’ ability to                                               Dressing babies for the sun may seem         should make sure
                                                                                      like common sense, but the SCF notes
12                                                                         Healthy Living                                                                  Summer 2020

How to prevent                                                                       How to prepare kids to go
dehydration during the                                                               back to school
dog days of Summer
                                                                                            he end of summer can be a          Scholastic notes that the slide is
                                                                                            bittersweet time for students.     largely attributed to a lack of reading

                                                                                            While many students look           when school is not in session. By
        person’s desire to be outdoors                                               forward to seeing their friends, few      encouraging kids to read during their
        can sometimes be at odds with                                                want to say goodbye to the relaxing       summer vacations, parents can make
        the outdoors itself. The dead                                                days of summer.                           sure youngsters’ brains stay sharp
of winter tends to be a time of year                                                 Parents know that getting their           and are ready to learn once the
when people know to stay indoors,                                                    children back in the school day swing     school year begins.
but the dog days of summer can be                                                    of things can be a challenge. The         • Focus on the positive. Even
dangerous as well.                                                                   following are some ways to make           kids who love school may be
Heat-related diseases like dehydration                                               that transition go smoothly.              apprehensive about returning to
can put lives at risk. According to                                                  • Introduce more structure as             the classroom. After all, summer
Johns Hopkins Medicine, children                                                     summer vacation winds down.               vacation is fun. Parents can confront
and people over the age of 60 are                                                    The chance to unwind in a structure-      that apprehension by focusing on
particularly susceptible to dehydration.                                             free setting can benefit students         the positives of returning to school.
Understanding dehydration and how to                                                 at the onset of summer vacation.          Emphasize the chance to see friends
prevent it is essential for anyone who                                               Many parents grapple with the             every day or participate in a beloved
plans to spend time outside during the                                               notion that their children’s lives are    extracurricular activity, like sports,
summer.                                                                              overscheduled, and the Cleveland          band or a favorite academic club.
                                           skin that does not flatten when pinched   Clinic notes that limiting organized      • Let kids do some of their own
What is dehydration?                       and released.                             activities clears up down time for kids   back-to-school shopping. The
The U.S. National Library of Medicine      How to prevent dehydration                to play and relax and spend time          items that constitute back to school
notes that a dehydrated body does not
                                           Drinking plenty of fluids when working    with their families. So it’s important    supplies may have changed since
have enough fluid and electrolytes to
                                           or playing in the sun is one way to       that parents afford their children this   parents were in school. But many
work properly. On an average day, the
                                           prevent dehydration. Being sure to        down time during summer vacation,         parents still take their children on
human body needs about three quarts
                                           take in more fluid than you are losing    only gradually introducing more           back-to-school clothes shopping
of water. But the USNLM notes that
                                           is another way to prevent dehydration.    structure as the school year draws        excursions. Let kids choose their
anyone planning to spend time outside
                                           Anyone, and especially people who         closer. In the weeks before the           own clothes, as an opportunity to
in the hot sun needs significantly more
                                           sweat a lot, should keep a close eye      school year is slated to begin, start     wear clothes they picked themselves
water than that to avoid dehydration.
                                           on fluid loss when spending time          waking kids up a little earlier and       might make them excited for the new
What are the signs of dehydration?         outdoors in the summer. Sports            reintroducing bedtimes for younger        school year.
Johns Hopkins Medicine notes that          drinks that help people maintain their    children who may have been staying        Parents can take various steps to
people experience dehydration              electrolyte balance, such as Gatorade,    up later over the last couple of          make the transition back to school
differently. However, there are some       can help prevent dehydration as well.     months. This can be an effective way      a successful one for their young
common symptoms that indicate              Pedialyte is often recommended for        to begin slowly preparing youngsters      students.
someone is dehydrated. These               sick infants or children who have         for the structure of the school year.
symptoms include:                          experienced vomiting, as it can help      • Encourage children
• thirst,                                  restore electrolyte balance that was      to read throughout the
                                           adversely affected when kids became       summer. A
• less frequent urination,                                                           report from
                                           sick. The solution can be equally
• dry skin,                                effective at restoring electrolyte        the education
• fatigue,                                 balance that was thrown off during        publishing
                                           heat exposure.                            company
• light-headedness,                                                                  Scholastic found
                                           Dehydration poses a significant health
• dizziness,                                                                         that 47 percent
                                           risk at any time of year, but people
• confusion, and                                                                     of parents are
                                           who spend time out in the summer
                                                                                     unaware of the
• dry mouth and mucous membranes,          heat may be especially vulnerable.
                                                                                     “summer slide,”
                                           Limiting time spent outdoors on hot
• increased heart rate and breathing.                                                which refers
                                           days and keeping a close eye on your
Children who are dehydrated may                                                      to the loss of
                                           fluid intake and fluid levels can help
exhibit additional symptoms, including                                               academic skills
                                           prevent dehydration.
dry mouth and tongue; no tears and                                                   that occurs
crying; no wet diapers for several                                                   when school is
hours; sunken abdomen, eyes or                                                       not in session.
cheeks; listlessness; irritability; and
Summer 2020                                                                    Healthy Living                                                                              13
                                             subjects like mathematics, parents
                                             should recognize that art can be
                                             incredibly valuable to young minds as
                                                                                           How Parents can Govern
       Simple                                well. For example, art can help young
                                             children develop language skills, as
                                                                                           screen time
                                             creating art projects, even while just a
       ways to                               toddler, often compels children to talk
                                             about their art. In addition, a recent

     encourage                               report from Americans for the Arts
                                             found that art education strengthens
                                             problem-solving and critical-thinking
       young                                 skills. If parents recognize the value of
                                             art, students are more likely to follow
       artists                               suit and reap all the rewards that art
                                             education provides.
                                             • Allow children the freedom to

                                             create. While technique is important
       o two students are the same.          for artists, young artists can benefit
       Some students may love to read        from some space. Other subjects are

       and naturally gravitate toward        necessarily structured, but art sessions
English class, while others may be           can be a great time for kids to simply              echnology has transformed              In addition to following AAP
fascinated by the world around them          explore their creativity without much               nearly all facets of life, including   recommendations about screen time
and find nothing stokes their academic       interference from parents or educators.             education. While desks and             as closely as possible, parents can
passions quite like the study of physics.    A designated room for arts, including         blackboards can still be found in the        take steps to ensure their children are
A passion for a given subject can make       arts and crafts, can illustrate to            classroom, technology has become             not spending too much time using their
students more excited about school.          children that their interest in the arts is   more and more influential in regard to       devices.
But what about students with a passion       important and worthy of exploration.          how students learn.                          • Promote extracurricular activities.
for art? Many school districts have          • Keep supplies well-stocked. Much like       Many teachers now employ tablets             Urging children to participate in
drastically cut back on fine arts classes.   parents of young athletes enroll them         and other devices to help students           extracurricular activities that do not
For example, a recent analysis of data       in sports leagues or purchase the latest      better understand their coursework.          employ screen media, such as sports,
from the State Department of Education       equipment, parents of children with a         Devices can make for useful learning         music lessons and academic clubs,
in Oklahoma found that schools in the        passion for art can indulge that passion      tools, but when does screen time             can be a great way to get kids to put
Sooner State cut more than 1,100 fine        by enrolling them in local art classes        cross over from useful learning tool to      down their devices and engage in in-
arts classes between 2014 and 2018.          and keeping them well-stocked with            something that’s potentially harmful to      person interactions with their peers.
In the face of such budget cuts, parents     art supplies. Even if the supplies are        students’ overall health? The American       • Establish no-device hours at home.
may need to take a more active role          as simple as crayons and construction         Academy of Pediatrics has produced           The AAP recommends that parents
in support of their children’s passion       paper, their availability can send kids       age-specific guidelines that can help        designate certain times of the day
for art. The following are some ways         the message that their passion for art        parents determine if their school-aged       as media-free times for the whole
parents can encourage that passion.          is not taken lightly.                         children are spending too much time          family, and not just children. Parents
                                             The arts can benefit students in myriad       staring at screens.                          can put down their smartphones and
• Recognize the educational value of
art. PBS notes that creative activities      ways. If local school districts no longer     Children between two and five years          tablets and engage with their children
are some of the building blocks of child     offer art programs, it’s up to parents to     of age                                       without the television on. In addition,
development. While schools may be            find ways to encourage their children’s       Parents should limit screen time for         make sure devices don’t make it to
shifting their focus to common core          love of art.                                  this age group to one hour per day           the dinner table, as nightly, device-
                                                                                           of high-quality programs. The AAP            free dinners together can help families
                                                                                           advises parents to co-view with              build strong bonds.
                                                                                           children in this age group so they can       • Establish media-free zones.
                                                                                           help kids understand what they’re            Designate certain areas of the home,
                                                                                           watching and how it applies to the           such as the kitchen and dining room,
                                                                                           world around them.                           as device-free zones. Keep devices
                                                                                           Children ages six and older                  out of bedrooms unless children need
                                                                                                                                        them to do their homework.
                                                                                           The AAP does not provide specific
                                                                                           information regarding how many hours         Devices in the classroom can help
                                                                                           children ages six and older should           young students fulfill their academic
                                                                                           use screen media. However, the AAP           potential. Parents can govern their use
                                                                                           advises parents to make sure such            outside the classroom by adhering to
                                                                                           media does not take the place of             some simple strategies.
                                                                                           adequate sleep, physical activity and
                                                                                           other behaviors essential to health.
14                                                                               Healthy Living                                                                Summer 2020

                                          it to create the “tentacles” of a jellyfish.   figurines for a fairy garden or even       Head off kids’ boredom by having
         activities to                    Kids can use salt dough clay to fashion
                                          seashells, sea snails or crustaceans.
                                                                                         small superhero figures for a spot for
                                                                                         boys to tend.
                                                                                                                                    plenty of ideas at the ready.

         keep kids                        2. Painting: Shaving cream is a great
                                          sensory material that is relatively easy
                                                                                         5. Box makeovers: Tissue boxes
                                                                                         or cereal boxes can be made into
         entertained                      to clean up. Kids can whip up a batch
                                          of shaving cream paint and use it to
                                                                                         many different creations with paint or
                                                                                         construction paper. Use a few craft
                                          finger paint on a table or even in the         supplies like pom-poms or wiggly eyes

                                          bathtub. Simply mix shaving cream              to turn boxes into “monsters.”
          hat parent hasn’t heard their with food coloring in a bowl, or use a           6. Boat races: Build a small sailboat
          child utter the familiar phrase muffin tin to separate the colors.             for each member of the family. Fill up a
          “I’m bored” at some point?      3. Build a birdhouse: Birdhouses               long, shallow container and take turns
 Despite a seemingly vast array of        or bird feeders can be made from               racing the boats by blowing on the
 toys, electronics and other items at     scraps of material found around the            sails.
 their disposal, children can be quick    house. Scavenge for spare lumber or
 to sulk and say there’s nothing to do. other supplies in the shed or garage.            7. Leaf art: Gather leaves and twigs
 Parents can counter “I’m bored” with An adult or older sibling can help cut             from around the yard and then combine
 these eight boredom-busting activities the wood into pieces. Young children             pieces to make them look like various
 that are certain to help pass the                                                       animals.
                                          may enjoy painting the house. Wood
 time in entertaining and sometimes       adhesive or screws can be used to              8. Spray park: Create an at-home
 educational ways.                        assemble the project.                          spray park with a garden hose and a
 1. Craft time: Pick a theme and                                                         pool noodle. Poke several small holes
                                          4. Plan a garden: Kids can help to             into the pool noodle on all sides. Stick
 gather the materials for the project.    design a garden the entire family will
 For example, kids can evoke a trip to maintain and even be responsible for              a garden hose into the end of the pool
 the ocean by creating handmade sea a special parcel that’s all their own.               noodle and hot-glue a wine cork into
 creatures. Paint a paper plate and                                                      the hole at the other end. Turn on the
                                          Gardens can grow food, flowers and             water and let kids run through.
 hang brightly colored yarn underneath more. Add a touch of whimsy with

  Cyber safety is
  important for every grade                                                                          • Exercise caution when sharing
                                                                                                     information like your name,
                                                                                                     address, phone number, and
                                                                                                                                           browsing when using school-
                                                                                                                                           issued devices. Administrators
                                                                                                                                           may have the right to monitor
                                                                      reported being online almost other personal data online.             student activity without students’
                                                                      constantly. Common Sense       Check with a trusted parent or        knowledge and you can easily
                                                                      Media says teens spend an      teacher before sharing private        get yourself in trouble.
                                                                      average of nine hours a day    data.                                 • It is easy to hide or fake one’s
                                                                      online, compared to roughly    • Report any online activity that     identity on the internet, so never
                                                                      six hours for those between    makes you feel uncomfortable,         take someone you meet or
                                                                      the ages eight and 12 and 50 scared or confused, whether it is       speak with online at face value.
                                                                      minutes for kids younger than directed at you or a classmate.        Never meet up with someone
                                                                      eight.                         • Think carefully before you post     you do not know or only met
                                                                      Students must exercise         comments online. Data remains         online.
                                                                      caution when spending time     online indefinitely, and your         • Talk to your parents or
                                                                      online. Connectivity can       words and actions today can           educators about extortion and
                                                                      be empowering, but it also     greatly affect your future.           ransomware that tries to trick
                                                                      puts students at risk from     • Respect others online by            you into providing payment in
                                                                      others and even their own,     refraining from demeaning or          some shape or form to prevent a
                                                                      sometimes irresponsible        bullying comments.                    perpetrator from releasing private

                                                                      behaviors. Staying safe online                                       information about you, advises
     eople rely on the            and work and to maintain            should remain a priority for   • Do not try to get around            the Readiness and Emergency
     internet every day. In       relationships with friends and      students who must spend        firewalls and blocked websites        for Schools Technical Assistance
     recent months, reliance      family.                             more time on the internet      set up by school administrators.      Center.
on digital technology was                                             and using digital education    These limitations are there for
                                  A 2018 report from Pew                                                                                   Various steps can be taken
pushed even further as social     Research Center indicated           tools. These are some tips for your protection.                      to promote cyber safety
distancing measures had the       that nearly 25 percent of           maintaining cyber safety.      • Stick to school-sanctioned          among students, parents and
world going online for school     young adults in America                                            assignments and internet              administrators.
Summer 2020                                                                     Healthy Living                                                                                 15

    Parents can exercise
    caution with youth-based
    social apps
  nternet access is no longer limited to   is designed for creating and sharing           through
  desktop or laptop computers. World       short videos, notably music videos.            messages,
  Advertising Research Center, using       Users are urged to express their               video calls
data from mobile trade body GSMA,          creativity, and special effects can be         and live
says almost three-quarters of internet     added. While minimum age for use               streams.
users, or roughly 3.7 billion people,      is 13, there is no real way to validate        With no
will access the internet exclusively via   users’ ages so anyone can download             option to
smartphones by 2025.                       the app. Parents say the videos are            set privacy
Young people are one of the largest        plagued by inappropriate language              limitations,
demographics utilizing smartphones         and content, including pornographic            users can
today. A Common Sense Media                material. Also, some have warned that          freely
survey says just over half of children     when sexual predators are identified,          view other
in the United States now own a             the app is slow to flag and remove             profiles
smartphone by the age of 11. In            these users.                                   within the
addition, 84 percent of teenagers                                                         vicinity.
                                           Kik: This is a cross-platform
have their own phones. Most youth                                                         Also,
                                           messaging app that enables users to
grew up with the internet, and they                                                       reaching
                                           chat anonymously without the need
have embraced a variety of apps,                                                          out to
                                           for phone service. Users also can
particularly social media apps, that                                                      others and
                                           share most digital media and video
connect them to the world.                                                                viewing
                                           chat with one another. Forbes reports
Social media certainly can be an           that Kik has had issues with child
                                                                                          generates                                  Yolo: Yolo is an easy add-on for
asset, but it has inherent risks, such     exploitation and sexual harassment.
                                                                                          in-app reward incentives.                  Snapchat, which also is a popular
as making kids easy targets for            Tellonym: The web resource                                                                app among children. Yolo lets users
identity theft or sexual predators.                                                       Bigo Live: Common Sense Media
                                           FamilyEducation says this messenger                                                       ask anonymous questions and
Other apps expose users to explicit,                                                      says this app is like YouTube and
                                           app allows kids to ask and answer                                                         receive feedback. The anonymity
unfiltered content. Parents must                                                          Twitch in that Bigo Live lets users
                                           questions anonymously, purporting                                                         of commentary can be a recipe for
educate themselves about the popular                                                      stream live video of themselves that
                                           to be the “most honest place on the                                                       bullying, trolling and hurt feelings.
apps their tweens and teens may be                                                        others can see and comment on in
                                           internet.” Cyber bullying and violent                                                     Parents can safeguard their children
using and weigh their pros and cons.                                                      real time. People also can send and
                                           threats are common, according to                                                          by monitoring internet access and
Here’s a list of apps every parent                                                        receive “beans,” which are virtual gifts
                                           watchdog groups.                                                                          understanding popular apps used by
should know in 2020.                                                                      that cost real money. The warning is
                                           MeetMe: This social app advertises its         that Bigo has a lot of mature content      today’s youth.
TikTok: This app (formerly     ability to have users meet new people          and predatory commentary.

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