HEART By James H. O'Keefe, MD The Great Influenza-the - Saint Luke's Health System

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HEART By James H. O'Keefe, MD The Great Influenza-the - Saint Luke's Health System
Winter 2021


HEART                                                                                             Newsletter from

                                                                                         Get the COVID
Silver Linings of the Pandemic
By James H. O’Keefe, MD                                                                  Vaccine ASAP

         he Great Influenza—the              including 675,000 Americans, at a time      By James H. O’Keefe, MD
         deadliest pandemic ever—            when the world’s population was only
                                                                                            Ever had polio? How about
         was first reported in 1918          one-fifth of what it is today.
                                                                                         smallpox, tetanus, or diphtheria?
         in the sparsely populated             My grandparents were born be-             Of course you haven’t, because
county of Haskell, Kan. This was an          tween 1903 and 1908. They survived          you were vaccinated against these
H1N1 flu virus that likely mutated in a      the Great Influenza, and then suffered      and other debilitating, often fatal
pig and spread to humans on a farm in        through WWI, the Great Depression,          diseases as a child. Smallpox was
the southwestern                                                and World War II         a common viral illness that killed
corner of Kansas.                                               (WWII).                  about one in every three people
   Subsequently,                                                     Tough times         who became infected. Over the
a few new recruits                                                don’t last, but        past 1,600 years, smallpox ended
from Haskell                                                      tough people do.       the lives of hundreds of millions
County reported                                                   My grandmothers        of people around the globe. An
to Camp Funston,                                                  always seemed          effective vaccine completely eradi-
located within Fort                                               to be happy and        cated this disease with the last
Riley, near Manhat-                                               hardy, strong          documented case being in 1977.
tan, Kan. At this                                                 women of family            One of the reasons worldwide
camp, 56,000 U.S. soldiers were in           and faith. On the other hand, one of        life expectancy surged upward
training, waiting to be shipped out to       my grandfathers died of alcoholism          over the past half-century is that
Europe to fight in World War I (WWI).        shortly after WWII, and alcohol nearly      we have developed safe and effec-
   At least one of these young volun-        killed my other grandfather before he       tive vaccines that prevent many of
teers from rural Kansas unknowingly          “quit the drink for good.”                  the most lethal viral and bacterial
carried the novel and lethal virus on           In early March 2020, we suddenly         illnesses.
arrival to Fort Riley. He went on to in-     found ourselves in an unimaginably             Now we have vaccines against
fect some of his fellow recruits, many       dire worldwide catastrophe, and now         the SARS-CoV-2 virus— the cause
of whom fell ill in transit to, or shortly   we’re living through perhaps the worst      of COVID-19 infection. The two
after arriving in France.                    “tough time” of our collective lives. The   vaccines that have received FDA
   From there, the contagious                weight of this crisis can crush us—or       Emergency Use Authorization
virus spread like wildfire around the        it can make us stronger. Look at what       thus far are manufactured by the
globe. The Great Influenza eventually        our grandparents lived through—it’s         American pharmaceutical compa-
infected about 500 million people, or        not for nothing that they are called        nies Pfizer and Moderna.
one-third of the world’s population.         the Greatest Generation.
It killed at least 50 million individuals,                                                               Continued on page 7
HEART By James H. O'Keefe, MD The Great Influenza-the - Saint Luke's Health System

    Silver Linings of the Pandemic
       Our current pandemic has present-       Randy Thompson, MD
    ed us with ongoing challenges and             “The pandemic has forced me to
    disruptions. It’s easy to get dragged      slow down my overly busy life. I’ve
    down, especially with the sensational-     been able to spend more time with
    ized negativity on the news.               my wife and adult children, to sleep
       Alternatively, we can offer ourselves   properly and to exercise more regu-
    a perspective shift by looking for         larly. Despite the stress around us,
    things that may have actually changed      with respect to our health and sense
    for the better, and things for which       of well-being we’re doing better than
    we are grateful. With this thought in      before the pandemic.”
    mind, I asked my friends, family, and
    co-workers if they had found any silver
    linings in the black clouds we’ve been
                                               Andrew Kao, MD                            Alex & Andy with new family member, Hank.

    living under in 2020, and here’s what         “One of the biggest impressions or     pleasures have always been here, we
    they said:                                 surprises for me has been the number      just never stopped and noticed them
                                               of patients who go out of their way to    until now.”
                                               ask how I am doing and to urge me to
    Christina LeGay                            please stay safe. We have all dedicated
       “With gyms closed, my fiancé and I      our careers to caring for others, never
                                                                                         Tracy Stevens, MD
    turned to the outdoors and at-home         expecting anything in return. These          “Because of the pandemic, we now
    workouts, which have included a lot        genuine expressions of concern and        have a new member of our family—
    of yoga. Through all the uncertainty       encouragement from patients have          Hank. We lost our family dog over a
    at the start of the pandemic, and now      been so touching and very much ap-        year ago. Our son Alex brought home
    the second-wave, yoga has connected        preciated. It gives me the extra energy   an orphaned shelter dog to foster for
    us in a new way and allows us both         to keep soldiering on, doing what I am    the weekend. Hank stole our hearts
    to center ourselves. One of the most       trained to do.”                           and we adopted him for good; he has
    empowering quotes from our favor-                                                    brought us such laughter and plea-
    ite online yoga instructor is, ‘All the                                              sure since then. Brian and I escaped
    strength and energy you need resides
                                               Shaun Hamontree                           to our farm a number of times, and I
    within you.’ I have repeated that many        “When we, like many others became      relearned how to sit quietly and listen
    times to myself since and have shared      victims of the various financial and      to the sounds of nature. I can’t recall
    it with friends and family.”               social burdens that the pandemic          the last time I just stared up at all the
                                               brought, my amazing wife and I chose      beautiful stars. The experience has
                                               to embrace the tactile all around us.     been the best treatment for my blood
    Allen Jetmore, MD                          The feel of soil. The real smell of a     pressure.
      “People are riding bikes like crazy,     flower. One note on a piano that you         As a member of SLCC for over 23
    and fishing too. There have not been       let completely ring out. Staring at my    years, I have never been prouder to
    so many kids fishing since the 1950s!”     dog’s eyes and noticing her pretty        be part of this amazing group. My
                                               chestnut colored speckles.                colleagues have shown unmatched
    Ryan Holiday                                  Over the past months I’ve noticed      resilience in addressing the challenges
      “As much as time has blurred to-         how we’ve both slowed down and            in health care brought on by the
    gether for some of us, it’s also slowed    relished our moments, both together       pandemic. Although we are working
    down. Don’t you feel like you’ve been      and in our individual endeavors. And      harder than ever, we remain commit-
    really living lately—even though           while the stresses are very much there,   ted to our patients, community, and
    you’re doing less? You’re more fo-         they’re now muted by a home full          each other.
    cused. You’re more rooted. You know        of slow-brewed love and music we
    what matters.”                             are creating ourselves. These simple

2   Saint Luke’s Cardiovascular Consultants | From the Heart
HEART By James H. O'Keefe, MD The Great Influenza-the - Saint Luke's Health System

   The pandemic has also given me an                                                      my workload. These changes suddenly
opportunity to visit patients in their                                                    provided more time for other activi-
homes via virtual visits. I have been                                                     ties—leisurely outdoor lunches, hiking
able to meet other members of their                                                       local trails, reading books I’d had no
families, including their four-legged                                                     time for, and the opportunity to write
family members who insisted on be-                                                        articles for medical journals. We have
ing part of the visit. I have been given                                                  this amazing gift—our lives. We can
virtual tours in their homes, have seen                                                   live only in the moment. Facing a
the family photos and have heard                                                          pandemic with its potential to steal
some of the greatest fishing stories                                                      our lives or those of our loved ones,
after seeing the fish mounts on the          Katie playing outdoors.                      can lead to fear and inaction, or can
walls!”                                                                                   enable us to live each day with more
                                             Katie O’Keefe, Licensed                      awareness and gratitude for what is
                                             Professional Counselor                       real and meaningful to us...and that
Laura Schmidt, MD
                                                 “With my work as a psychotherapist       is what I have endeavored to do, and
   “My twins, Eva and Vivian, are                                                         to more deeply appreciate everything
                                             now on a telehealth platform, I can
getting along so much better now                                                          and everyone...each and every day of
                                             work virtually anywhere, which means
than they were pre-pandemic. They                                                         my life.”
                                             I can spend weeks at a time with my
used to bicker and pick on each other
                                             mother in North Dakota. And without
constantly; six months at home with
                                             a commute time and a much lighter            Peggy Panis
only each other has made them best
                                             ‘social calendar,’ I have been able to
friends. We’re cooking more and eat-                                                         “Thank God for technology. Video
                                             enjoy more play time — hiking, knit-
ing healthier. We’re now better about                                                     chat and FaceTime were a game-
                                             ting, painting, cooking, more time
making a meal plan and grocery list.                                                      changer when my dad was in the hos-
                                             outdoors, and even neighborhood
By not traveling and eating out, we                                                       pital without visitors. We were able to
                                             pickle ball! Prior to the pandemic,
saved some cash too. Staycations                                                          have conversations with the doctors
                                             with life in full swing, it was more of a
meant finding new ways to have fun                                                        when they made rounds. Seeing and
                                             challenge to find that healthy work/
at home. I had always wanted to get                                                       hearing friends and family made the
                                             life balance. As a society, the bright-
into gardening and didn’t have the                                                        pandemic feel less isolating.”
                                             est and most far-reaching silver lining
time to do so. My gardens this year
                                             has been our focus on, and boosting
were the best they’ve ever been, and I
                                             of, wellness efforts. The pandemic has       F. Joseph Glynn
learned again how much I love being
                                             exposed just how pervasive our collec-          “Pre-COVID, my work required
outside puttering in the garden.”
                                             tive struggles are with anxiety, depres-     significant travel. Along with the rest
                                             sion, and substance use. Having been         of the world, my business travel came
                                             stigmatized for far too long, we are         to a crashing halt. My wife, Kerry, was
                                             now talking much more openly about           always working from home, but now
                                             mental health and wellness. The silver       our son Daniel was home from college
                                             lining here is how people are sharing,       doing virtual classes, and son Jack
                                             seeking out support, and learning new        was working from our home too. It
                                             strategies for living and thriving.”         was wonderful; we had more together
                                                                                          time as a family. Homemade pizza,
                                             Felice Gersh, MD                             with everyone helping in a festive
                                                                                          manner, became a Friday norm. At
                                                “As COVID took hold, my career was
                                                                                          quitting time, Jack and Daniel would
                                             ultra-busy, with a full-time medical
                                                                                          have the soccer ball or badminton
                                             practice and frequent lecturing at
                                                                                          rackets out in the backyard. Kerry and
                                             conferences. COVID initially slowed my
                                                                                          I found solitude hiking and biking on
                                             medical practice, and all the confer-
Twins Eva and Vivian are now best friends.                                                obscure trails deeper in the foothills
                                             ences I was slated to speak at went vir-
                                                                                          near our Boulder, Colo., home.”
                                             tual, ending my travels and reducing

                                                                                         saintlukeskc.org/slcc |    816-931-1883    3
HEART By James H. O'Keefe, MD The Great Influenza-the - Saint Luke's Health System

    My Mom’s Recipe for Staying Fit
    During and After the Pandemic
    By Jessica E. Sturgess, MD, with Mary Sissons

                   y mom, Mary, first          • Weight bearing exercise is so im-
                   became a certified          portant for maintaining muscle mass.
                   aerobics instructor 30      It’s also important to maintain upper
                   years ago. Four years       body strength. Some examples of
    later she started teaching physical        exercises that are easy to do at home
    fitness classes to senior citizens in      or in an open space with friends in-
    our hometown of Port Perry, Ontario        clude squats, stair climbing, push-ups
    in Canada and she has been doing           against a wall or on the floor with bent
    so ever since. She has attended over       knees, light weights, and work with a
    20 yearly CanFitPro aerobics confer-       resistance band. These should all be
    ences because she is passionate about      done with an emphasis on good form
    cardiovascular fitness, mobility, and      and joint protection.
    nutrition. I am biased, but I would say    • Core strength is key. It’s so important   Mary out for her daily walk near Port Perry,
    that she is truly an inspiration. She      for preventing back pain and injuries.      Canada.
    turned 70 this year, and you would         Mat work is avoided by many older
    never guess it. She remains dedicated      adults because getting down and             • Make a point of developing active
    to teaching her aerobics classes each      back up is a concern. Yoga can help         hobbies, such as gardening and mow-
    week and getting out in nature every       because there are many good transi-         ing the lawn. These can become part
    day. I asked for her thoughts on how       tion poses. Chairs can also be used as      of your routine. Take the stairs when-
    to keep our older citizens well during     props for those who can’t get on the        ever possible. Choose the farthest,
    the pandemic.                              ground. Core bed exercises can be           not the closest, parking spot when
                                               done each morning while lying in bed        shopping. Shop in large stores or
                                               in less than 10 minutes. They will get      malls to get in some walking when the
    What motivates you to stay active?
                                               your heart rate and blood pressure up,      weather is especially bad.
       Exercise makes me happy and
                                               and then there are no worries about         • Outdoor activities such as biking, ski-
    it gives me energy; so does being
                                               blood pressure drops as you get out of      ing, snowshoeing, canoeing, kayaking,
    outside. Knowing this gets me out
                                               bed. I swear by it. My routine includes     and hiking are wonderful, and can be
    the door every day, even if it’s rain-
                                               toe touches, dead bug, bicycling the        easily done with social distancing.
    ing or cold outside. My Fitbit keeps
                                               legs, bridge raises (double or single       • If going to an exercise class and
    me honest. I get 10,000 steps a day
                                               leg), runner’s hip stretching, and wind-    getting outside are not possible, then
    at a minimum. I am happiest walking
                                               shield wipers for stretching the hips.      simply put on your favorite music and
    alone because I can go at my own
    pace and listen to my own thoughts.        • Balance activities are just as impor-     dance or march to it. Music is a great
    Group fitness is fun too, especially       tant. Yoga is excellent and many online     motivator and it can make just about
    with good music!                           videos are available that can be used       any activity more fun. Use your arms
                                               on a laptop or smartphone. Check out        as you march or dance. Walking in the
                                               Yoga with Adriene—she’s the best!           woods or by a lake is always good,
    How can seniors keep themselves            There are other simple exercises that       but walking anywhere is better than
    strong and mobile during the pan-          can be worked into any schedule, such       sitting.
    demic?                                     as brushing your teeth while balanc-        • Bodywork, such as going to the chi-
    • Aim to be active for 30 to 60 min-       ing by the sink on one leg, or balanc-      ropractor or getting a massage, should
    utes every day, ideally outside and        ing while working in the kitchen.           be used as needed. Aging doesn’t
    with good company (your canine best                                                    have to be painful.
    friend, for example).

4   Saint Luke’s Cardiovascular Consultants | From the Heart
HEART By James H. O'Keefe, MD The Great Influenza-the - Saint Luke's Health System

What keeps you in good spirits?
   Spending time with people who
like to laugh and who make me laugh.
                                            New Research Finds Promising Therapy
I do my best to surround myself with
people who do not spread negativ-
                                               to Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease

ity. Family time always brightens my
day, even if it’s by phone or video chat             new study authored by
rather than in person.                               Saint Luke’s Mid America
                                                     Heart Institute cardiolo-
  Gratitude is important. Every night
                                            gist James O’Keefe, MD, sug-
before sleep, I think of three people or
                                            gests that therapies to block a
things that I’m grateful for.
                                            hormone called tumor necrosis
 I love yoga and tai chi, both of           factor, or TNF, can greatly reduce
which focus on breath and movement.         the risk of developing Alzheimer’s
  I stay connected to our community         disease.
through volunteering at our hospital          Dr. O’Keefe and his fellow researchers—including two of the world’s
auxiliary store. It always feels good to    premier Alzheimer’s prevention physicians—Dr. Gary Small from UCLA, and
give back.                                  Dr. Richard Isaacson from Cornell—hypothesized that taking inhibitors to
  Never underestimate the power of a        reduce chronically elevated levels of TNF could prevent Alzheimer’s disease
good night’s sleep.                         and improve mental health.
                                               The physicians conducted a comprehensive analysis of all published
What are your top tips for maintain-        scientific studies and concluded that TNF-blocking agents are consistently
ing a balanced diet?                        associated with a decreased risk of Alzheimer’s disease. The most potent
• Water is #1 on my list. I start the day   TNF blocking agents are injectable biological drugs including etanercept
with a glass of warm water with half        (Enbrel) and adalimumab (Humira) used to treat autoimmune diseases like
a lemon. I drink eight glasses of water     rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis.
a day, plus green or herbal tea. I also        Curcumin, the active ingredient in the spice turmeric, is a natural com-
love my daily coffee.                       pound sold as a supplement that also strongly reduces TNF levels in the
• Eat the most for breakfast, less for      body. Theracurmin, a highly absorbable form of curcumin, was effective
lunch, and least at dinner.                 in improving memory in a small randomized trial in older adults without
                                            dementia. It was also effective for reducing beta amyloid plaques and tau
• Incorporate fresh fruit, vegetables,      tangles—the pathologic findings seen in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients.
and lean protein at every meal.
                                               “This is so exciting because inhibiting TNF looks like the most promising
• My favorites are green veggies, like      approach for preventing this devastating disease,” Dr. O’Keefe said. “The
kale and swiss chard, colorful berries,     data are remarkably consistent from observational studies, small random-
oranges, kiwi, and proteins like tofu,      ized trials, and animal data. TNF inhibition is a scientifically plausible strate-
legumes, low-fat cheese, yogurt, fish,      gy that could reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease by 50 to 70
and eggs.                                   percent. I’ve been working on research and education my whole career and
• Save treats for the weekend. My           published 423 scientific articles; I don’t think I’ve ever been more excited
must-haves are dark chocolate and red       about the potential importance of a new treatment strategy.”
wine, always in moderation.                    Dr. O’Keefe stated that this is still a hypothesis and he hopes this new
• Avoid soda/pop, juice, and energy         scientific analysis will convince researchers and pharmaceutical companies
drinks. It’s better to eat the fruit and    to do large clinical trials to further investigate potential brain benefits of
drink pure water instead of downing         TNF inhibitors like Enbrel, Humira, and Theracurmin in populations at risk
fruit juice—that way you will get more      of Alzheimer’s.
fiber and fewer calories. Herbal teas          Disclosure: Dr. James O’Keefe is Chief Medical Officer/Founder of CardioTabs,
are nice alternatives. They are hydrat-     a supplement company that sells Theracurmin.
ing, relaxing, and contain no calories.

                                                                                     saintlukeskc.org/slcc |      816-931-1883   5
HEART By James H. O'Keefe, MD The Great Influenza-the - Saint Luke's Health System

    Menopausal Reflections
    By Felice L. Gersh, MD

       can vividly recall the                                   self; estradiol is its driver   love and happiness, we can maintain
       sick resignation I felt                                  and regulator. Virtually        our metabolic health.
       as I looked at the                                       every organ in the body           These are the daily rhythms and
       lab tests confirming                                     has estrogen receptors          protocols that I live by:
    what I already knew—at                                      and requires estrogen
                                                                                                  • Eat predominantly plant-based
    age 43, I had entered                                       for optimal functioning.
                                                                                                foods with only small amounts of
    menopause. My periods                                           Without adequate            healthy animal products.
    had stopped, and I was                                       estrogen, the body can
                                                                                                  • Eat a large healthy breakfast, a
    getting night sweats and                                     survive, but nothing
                                                                                                medium lunch, and a small early din-
    hot flashes.                                                 works quite right. This
                                                                                                ner, and stop snacking.
       My tests showed                                           body-wide dysfunction
                                                                 manifests as a state             • Keep a regular bedtime and be
    that my estrogen level
                                                  of chronic low-grade inflammation,            sure to get 7-8 hours of sleep.
    measured in the low menopausal
    range, and FSH, a pituitary hormone           referred to as “inflammaging.” We now           • Exercise regularly and sweat!
    that rises as ovarian estrogen declines,      know that menopausal inflammation               • Focus on meaningful relationships
    was sky high. As the significance of my       is the driver of the diseases associated      and find purpose in your life.
    lab results fully registered, I rapidly al-   with aging—osteoarthritis, osteoporo-
                                                                                                   Additionally, I believe every meno-
    ternated between sadness and fear for         sis, Alzheimer’s Disease, and of cancers
                                                                                                pausal woman should seriously con-
    my future. As an OB/GYN doctor, I was         such as breast, uterine, and colorectal.
                                                                                                sider taking human-identical, often
    well-acquainted with this scenario, but          Estrogen deficiency also underlies         called bio-identical hormones as soon
    as a woman, I was devastated.                 the most common cause of death of             as she enters menopause.
       Instead of mourning, I became an           postmenopausal women—cardiovas-
                                                                                                  The pervasive fear of estrogen
    expert in the science of ovarian senes-       cular disease. Without adequate es-
                                                                                                arose from a large study done by the
    cence—aging of the ovaries. During            trogen, the lining of arteries becomes
                                                                                                Women’s Health Initiative, which stud-
    a woman’s menopausal transition,              inflamed, causing hypertension.
                                                                                                ied equine (horse) estrogen combined
    the ovaries stop making hormones.             Atherosclerosis and unstable plaque
                                                                                                with a synthetic progestin. They gave
    Most importantly, they stop making            can develop. Cholesterol levels rise
                                                                                                women these hormones that didn’t
    estrogen. Estrogen is a hormone, and          and oxidation (likened to rusting) of
                                                                                                naturally exist in the female human
    hormones are messengers, delivering           cholesterol occurs. Insulin resistance
    information and instructions to cells.        increases, raising the incidence of
                                                  prediabetes and diabetes. The heart              Of course, the outcomes were
       Ovarian estrogen, called estradiol, is                                                   different and not as favorable had
                                                  muscle can develop a state of energy
    the master hormone of female repro-                                                         human hormones been studied. Those
                                                  deficiency, making it “stiffer,” and its
    duction. It turns out that Estradiol is                                                     “foreign” hormones do not deliver the
                                                  electrical conductivity may falter,
    also key to female health—mind and                                                          same messages to cells as our “real”
                                                  leading to an increasing incidence of
    body. In this second role, estradiol is a                                                   estrogen. But when women take the
    master controller of metabolic homeo-                                                       hormones naturally found in our bod-
    stasis, which is defined as the ability         The more I learned about meno-
                                                                                                ies and given the right way to achieve
    to maintain a relatively stable internal      pause, the more frightened I became.
                                                                                                physiologic hormone levels, the mes-
    state that persists despite changes in        But I also learned that there is much
                                                                                                sages delivered are the right ones, and
    the world outside.                            we can do to optimize postmeno-
                                                                                                the desired state of metabolic homeo-
                                                  pausal health. By eating the right
       Estrogen is critical to the produc-                                                      stasis can be maintained.
                                                  foods, timed to our inborn rhythms, by
    tion, maintenance, consumption, and                                                           When I went through menopause, I
                                                  getting plenty of sleep and exercise,
    storage of energy throughout the                                                            had to make the same gut-wrenching
                                                  by living with the natural rhythms of
    body. Energy is the essence of life it-                                                     choice that all women face—do I be-
                                                  the 24-hour day, and by focusing on

6   Saint Luke’s Cardiovascular Consultants | From the Heart
HEART By James H. O'Keefe, MD The Great Influenza-the - Saint Luke's Health System

lieve that Mother Nature knows best
and that losing my hormones is what’s
best for me, or do I follow the science
                                            Get the COVID
and choose to maintain youthful hor-
mones even though my body can no
                                            Vaccine ASAP
                                            Continued from page 1
longer produce them?
  The natural world is full of events
that are both natural and horrific.            Both of these vaccines, which are based on mRNA technology, have been
Salmon die after spawning. Black            scientifically proven to be 95% effective in preventing COVID infection. They
widows eat their mates. Menopause is        were even more effective in preventing severe and fatal cases. It is remark-
natural, but it does not grant women        able that in the 30,000-person Moderna trial, their mRNA vaccine was 100%
enhanced health. Based on my sci-           effective in preventing severe COVID disease and death. Importantly, these
entific studies, I chose to replace my      vaccines by Pfizer and Moderna have been tested in 75,000 people and were
estrogen and progesterone.                  found to be very safe, in addition to being highly effective, as judged by an
   Throughout menopause, I have             independent panel of vaccine experts.
harnessed the innate abilities of my          After getting the COVID vaccine, your B-cells learn how to produce anti-
body to stay healthy, combined with         bodies custom-made for attaching to and destroying the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
bio-identical hormone therapy. This         Your body will also squirrel away a store of long-lived memory B-cells that
has enabled me to live with excellent       know how to produce those specific antibodies. So, if your immune system
health throughout the many years            ever detects the SARS-CoV-2 virus in your system, it will jump into action,
that have come and gone since I first       quickly building up an army of immune cells equipped with weapons tailor-
got the news of my very early meno-         made for killing these nasty invaders before they get a foothold.
pause. Despite the heightened health           Although these vaccines are very safe, you should expect minor symptoms
risks that come with early menopausal       during the first 24 hours after getting the shot. The most common complaints
onset, I suffer from none of the diseas-    are fatigue, muscle aches, headaches, and chills. These are not adverse reac-
es and conditions I mentioned earlier,      tions—they are evidence that your immune system has detected a foreign
in spite of the fact that I am now well     invader and is mounting a defense
into my 60s.                                against it. These vaccines contain mRNA
   Because I am healthy and energetic,      that codes for the spike protein on the
I am free to follow my passions. I still    surface of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, but
practice full-time integrative women’s      they can’t cause an infection. Even so,
health care at my office. I lecture na-     your body responds to this potential
tionally and internationally and write      threat and learns how to defeat the
prolifically. I am a forensic medical ex-   virus should it encounter it in the future.
pert on high-profile cases. I am always        In summary, the mRNA vaccines
busy doing work that I find interesting     against the SARS-CoV-2 infection are
and fulfilling. And I am not a medical      a monumental triumph of American
miracle. I have many patients who           science and technology. Astoundingly,
made the same choices I did, and they       our scientists in less than one year have
are in excellent health, just like me!      produced a game-changing vaccine
   A long health span can be achieved.      that will keep us safe from COVID-19.
                                                                                         Evan getting his COVID-19 vaccine.
Women statistically live longer than        My son Evan, who graduated from medi-
men, but with far more chronic dis-         cal school earlier last year, has recently
eases, yet this need not happen. The        received the Pfizer vaccine because he is on the front lines caring for COVID
initial shock of learning of my early       patients in an Intensive Care Unit. I too have gotten my COVID vaccine, and I
menopause has long since dissipated.        will make sure everyone else in my family gets it as soon as they can. You and
By choosing the healthiest lifestyle        everyone you care about should also get the vaccine. The sooner we are all
and by taking safe and efficacious          vaccinated, the sooner we can resume our normal lives.
hormones, I lead the life I love.

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HEART By James H. O'Keefe, MD The Great Influenza-the - Saint Luke's Health System

    Why Andorrans Have the World’s
    Best Life Expectancy
    By James H. O’Keefe, MD

        n early February of 2020, just            Our 3-hour road trip from Barce-
        before the coronavirus pandemic        lona to Andorra was an awe-inspiring
        caused the world to grind to a         drive through snowcapped peaks and
        halt, I had the opportunity to visit   alpine lakes. We went through 20 tun-
    Andorra—a tiny nation perched high         nels, some of them several miles long,
    in the Pyrenees Mountains on the           and the road was constantly switching
    border between Spain and France.           back and forth with hairpin curves and
       Though just 50,000 in number, An-       steep climbs. Thankfully, the highway
    dorrans are renowned for their happy       was meticulously maintained and
    and hardy nature; and they enjoy           there were few other vehicles on the
    the longest life expectancy of any         road. I realized one of the reasons that
                                                                                              Everyone we met was friendly and
    country. For this reason, I have always    so few people live in Andorra is that it
                                                                                           relaxed and they all seem to know
    wanted to visit Andorra to experience      would have been nearly impossible to
                                                                                           each other, which may in part ex-
    their culture first hand and get a feel    get there in centuries past.
                                                                                           plain why there is almost no crime in
    for why they have such exceptional            Andorra, comprised of a scant 181        Andorra. Their health care system is
    longevity.                                 square miles, has always maintained         very good, with a strong emphasis on
      When I was invited to the Global         neutrality, never getting into conflicts    prevention.
    Omega-3 conference in Spain, I pulled      with its neighboring countries. Plus,
                                                                                               Evan and I snowboard, whereas
    up a map of Europe and saw that            its secluded setting in the middle of
                                                                                           Kathleen prefers to ski, but we all
    Andorra was only 135 miles north of        snowcapped peaks has allowed them
                                                                                           agreed that our time cruising down
    Barcelona—where the meeting was to         to live undisturbed for 1,200 years.
                                                                                           the pristine slopes in Andorra was one
    be held. I jumped at the opportunity          Skiing is their national sport in the    of our favorite winter adventure trips
    and invited my son Evan and daughter       winter. When the days get longer, and       ever. There were no lift lines, and the
    Kathleen to join me.                       the bright sun melts the snow, the          lift ticket prices were about half of
                                               Andorrans hike along streams, kayak         what they are in Vail, Beaver Creek, As-
                                               in lakes, and climb up into the moun-       pen, or Keystone. The altitudes at the
                                               tains. In the summer, competitive           peaks of the ski areas in Andorra are
                                               cyclists come to Andorra to train on        about 8,000 feet, compared to 12,000
                                               the steep and winding roads.                feet at the peaks of the Colorado
                                                  Though Andorra is a mountainous          resorts. This made exercising in the
                                               country, it is only 100 miles from the      Pyrenees much less taxing than we
                                               Mediterranean Sea. Through the ages,        were used to in the Rocky Mountains.
                                               the Andorrans have followed a ver-             According to the World Health Or-
                                               sion of the traditional Mediterranean       ganization, the average Andorran lives
                                               diet they call Catalan cuisine, with its    for 85 years—the best life expectancy
                                               emphasis on vegetables, nuts, berries,      of any country, with Japan coming in a
                                               and olive oil. Fish from the alpine lakes   close second.
                                               remains a staple, but the Catalan diet
                                                                                              We got to know one local citizen,
                                               also includes moderate amounts of
                                                                                           Alex, a 36-year-old chef who owns
                                               lamb, chicken, and goat cheese, with a
                                                                                           and operates a superb little restaurant
    Evan and Kathleen in Andorra.              glass or two of red wine at the evening
                                                                                           called La Cort in the mountain village
                                                                                           of Soldeu, where we stayed.

8   Saint Luke’s Cardiovascular Consultants | From the Heart
HEART By James H. O'Keefe, MD The Great Influenza-the - Saint Luke's Health System
His relatives have generally lived            Andorra is not a wealthy nation,
into their 80s and beyond in good              but there is virtually no poverty. The
health, and his grandfather lived to           economy is based on banking and                       Take-home
age 96. When I asked him why he
and his fellow Andorrans enjoy such
                                               tourism. The low tax rates encourage
                                               many Europeans to deposit money in
remarkable vitality he said, “It’s very        Andorran banks, and there is no tax
quiet and relaxed here, with no traffic,       on food or liquor, so some locals use               Tips from the
honking horns, or stress.”                     gin as their windshield washer fluid
                                               because they can buy it for about $2
                                               per liter.
                                                  Alex says sometimes Andorrans’               • Get outdoors to get
                                               slow pace of life can irritate some             some exercise, sunshine,
                                               visitors. “Grandpas play card games             and a dose of nature.
                                               on outdoor tables at restaurants, and
                                               sometimes we take two hours to do               • Relax, slow down, and
                                               something that can be done in half an           enjoy the company of oth-
                                               hour.” I will have to admit that we no-         ers.
                                               ticed the service was not the speedy
                                               pace we are used to in the U.S.                 • Eat a Mediterranean
                                                  He also said, “It is a very nice place       diet. By the way, a little
Enjoying Alex’s cooking and his stories were   to raise your children. It’s super safe,        fresh, red meat won’t kill
highlights of our Andorra trip.                which means people are not con-                 you.
                                               cerned about their security at any
   Indeed, we noticed that the people          point. If you feel safe and calm, then          • Drink lots of clean wa-
strolling around the cobblestone               you enjoy your life better.” We cer-            ter.
streets never seemed to be in a hurry.         tainly enjoyed life while we stayed in
Alex told me, “We breathe fresh air,           Andorra, which seems like a long-ago,           • Try to avoid polluted air.
and drink pure water.” The mountain            surreal dream looking back now from
air did seem crisp and fresh; and their                                                        • Surround yourself with
                                               the depths of the pandemic. But this
crystal-clear water comes from glacial                                                         people you trust.
                                               too shall pass, and one day soon we
runoff and alpine lakes. Alex told us          will all be able to get back out there,
that as a boy he and his friends rou-          exploring our amazing planet once
tinely drank water straight from the           again.
lakes and streams.

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HEART By James H. O'Keefe, MD The Great Influenza-the - Saint Luke's Health System

     Extra-Virgin Olive Oil: Golden Foundation of
     the Mediterranean Diet
     By Emilio Ros, MD, PhD

              xtra-virgin olive                                veggies) plain, without       lunch and dinner. This was how my
              oil (EVOO) is the                                EVOO and a dash of salt?      father reached age 99 and my mother
              flavorsome, tasty,                               Maybe you use canola,         89. They were in good health and cog-
              and nutritious                                   corn oil, or safflower oil,   nitively intact, which is no small feat!
     culinary fat of the tra-                                  but to we Mediterranean       As we shall see, olive oil should get
     ditional Mediterranean                                    citizens, these oils are      much of the credit for the beneficial
     diet—characterized by                                     almost tasteless and do       effects of the Mediterranean diet.
     a high consumption of                                     not encourage us to eat
     olive oil, nuts, fruits, veg-                             our greens. If you have
     etables, legumes, and                                     traveled in Spain, Italy,
     whole grains; moderate                                    or Greece, you will have
     consumption of fish,                                      noticed that their restau-
     poultry, eggs, and fermented dairy          rants always have a bottle of EVOO at
     products (yogurt and cheese); but low       the table to pour generously on your
     consumption of red meat, processed          foods.
     meats, sweets, and sugar-sweetened             You’ve probably heard that the
     beverages. Alcohol is allowed in mod-       Mediterranean style of eating is one of
     eration, mostly as wine consumed            the healthiest dietary patterns around.     Mediterranean Gold
     before or during a meal.                    The scientific evidence is abundant            Olive oil is obtained from the fruit of
        The Mediterranean diet/lifestyle         and irrefutable. There is consistent        the olive tree (Olea europaea), which
     involves consuming fresh, local,            evidence from many large prospective        was first cultivated in the Middle
     seasonal, and ecologically friendly         studies that increasing adherence to        East at the dawn of the agricultural
     foods (sustainability), eating a variety    Mediterranean-style diets by differ-        revolution 10,000 years ago. The olive
     of foods (biodiversity), limiting serving   ent populations is associated with a        tree, its fruit and oil were central in
     sizes to modest portions (frugality),       reduced risk of overall mortality, in       the ancient civilizations and trade of
     sharing time and food with family and       addition to lower rates of cardiovascu-     Assyrians, Phoenicians, Egyptians, and
     friends in the kitchen and at the table     lar diseases (heart attack and stroke),     Greeks. The Romans widely cultivated
     (conviviality), being physically active     high blood pressure, diabetes, and          olive trees in all suitable areas with
     each day, and prioritizing daily rest       neurodegenerative diseases, such            a mild climate along the territories
     and relaxation. This is not merely a        as Alzheimer’s disease. In summary,         of the Roman Empire, particularly in
     Mediterranean diet; it is the Mediter-      people following the true Mediterra-        Hispania (known as Spain in modern
     ranean culture!                             nean diet enjoy healthier and longer        times), which still is the top olive oil
        Unlike most other healthy diets,         lives.                                      producer in the world.
     the Mediterranean diet encourages a            I live in Barcelona, on the shores          The Roman emperor Hadrian, born
     high-fat content, mostly due to gener-      of the Mediterranean Sea, and have          in Spain, adopted a branch of the
     ous intake of nuts and olive oil. Impor-    followed this diet since I was a kid.       olive tree as the symbol to represent
     tantly, using EVOO for dressing salads      At home we have always insisted on          Roman Hispania. Much later, after the
     and cooking vegetables improves             fresh, seasonal Mediterranean prod-         devastating wars of the 20th century,
     their palatability, thus facilitating       ucts. We eat together around a table        a white dove carrying an olive branch
     consumption of substantial quantities       whenever possible, and eat slowly,          was chosen as the worldwide recog-
     of greens and other veggies.                savoring the meal, and enjoying the         nized symbol of peace.
       Have you tried to eat cooked green        company. There is always olive oil at
     beans, peas, and carrots (or any other      the table and a glass of red wine for

10   Saint Luke’s Cardiovascular Consultants | From the Heart

                                             tomate,” one half of a ripe tomato               antioxidants, had no health benefits.
                                             rubbed on bread toasted until it is red-            Antioxidant molecules such as poly-
                                             dish, then topped with a little salt and         phenols in extra-virgin olive oil are
                                             olive oil. This is still a favorite treat for    believed to underlie many of the ben-
                                             me and my family even today—great                efits of olive oil for the heart, including
                                             for breakfast or a light dinner with a           lower rates of cardiovascular diseases,
                                             French omelet!                                   atrial fibrillation, and diabetes.
                                                                                                 These salutary effects have been
   Besides using olive oil as culinary
                                             Olive Oil: Quality is Key                        confirmed by scientifically sound
fat and for produce preservation, the
                                                As in the Roman times, EVOO is pro-           randomized trials, mainly the land-
ancient inhabitants of the Mediter-
                                             duced using a traditional stone mill for         mark Prevención con Dieta Mediter-
ranean utilized it as a basic ingredient
                                             cold-pressing fresh-picked olives. This          ránea (PREDIMED) study, conducted in
of medicines, skin lotions, perfumes,
                                             is pure “olive juice,” high in oleic acid—       Spain, and for which I was privileged
body massage oil, lubrication of ma-
                                             a healthy fat—in addition to potent              to design and enforce the dietary
chinery, maintenance of metal tools,
                                             anti-inflammatory and antioxidant                intervention.
and for lighting lamps at dusk.
                                             components from olives that imbue                   This study recruited nearly 7,500
   In the 16th century, the Spanish
                                             EVOO with a somewhat bitter taste.               older men and women at high cardio-
conquistadors brought olive sprouts
                                                Indeed, the intensity of that black-          vascular risk. One-third of the partici-
to the Americas, where olive trees
                                             pepper-like burn at the back of your             pants were assigned to a traditional
thrived in areas with a climate similar
                                             palate is proportional to the amount             Mediterranean diet supplemented
to the Mediterranean, including parts
                                             of polyphenols present in the olive              with EVOO (to consume at least 4
of Argentina, Chile, and California,
                                             oil. You can also perceive this slight           tablespoonfuls per day), another third
where high-quality olive oil is still pro-
                                             pungent sensation at the back of your            of participants to a Mediterranean diet
duced today. Last but not least, olive
                                             throat due to polyphenols in other               supplemented with nuts (30 g/day of
trees, which can live for hundreds of
                                             healthy natural foods like walnuts, pe-          a mixture of walnuts, hazelnuts, and
years, are beautiful with their twisted
                                             cans, pomegranate seeds, and some                almonds), and the remaining third, to
trunks, silvery leaves, and green/black
                                             berries.                                         a diet low in fat, meaning little olive oil
tantalizing fruits.
                                                                                              and no nuts.
   My personal history with olive oil           Ordinary or refined olive oil is
                                             obtained from high-acidity, left-over               After five years, both groups of the
goes back to 1945, the year of my
                                             olive oil by extraction methods that             Mediterranean diet—those consum-
birth. As a boy, my mother used to
                                             use chemical solvents, bleaches, and             ing the EVOO, or those consuming the
send me to the local market to buy
                                             deodorizers. Heavily processing the oil          nuts, enjoyed a 30% decrease in the
olive oil, sold only in bulk at that
                                             eliminates color, odor, and flavor, mak-         incidence of adverse major cardio-
time. So I went with an empty, 1-liter
                                             ing the olive oil taste more neutral, but        vascular events. These results provide
green-colored bottle, and I was always
                                             this also removes all of the health-pro-         first-level scientific evidence of the
amazed at the contraption that deliv-
                                             moting antioxidant compounds.                    cardioprotective properties of EVOO
ered the oil. It was like an ancient gas
                                                                                              within the context of the Mediterra-
pump that drew the oil up from a tank
                                                                                              nean diet.
below the floor to fill a glass container    Health Benefits of EVOO
with a golden oil alive with awesome                                                             Of note, the 30% reduction in heart
                                                When it comes to olive oil, the               attack and stroke achieved with the
bubbling.                                    quality is crucial for bestowing health          supplemented Mediterranean diets is
   When this container was full, the         benefits. Astoundingly, a recent study           similar to the best results obtained us-
grocer (a gentle graying middle-aged         found that, for every 10 grams (about            ing drugs such as statins, but without
lady always dressed in dark colors,          1 tablespoon) per day increase in                the side effects; and no prescriptions
with a worn grey apron), put a cork          consumption of EVOO, there was a                 needed!
in the bottle, and then I hurried back       10% reduction in the risk of cardiovas-
home, taking extra care not to fall                                                              In spite of the high-calorie content
                                             cular complications like heart attack
or spill the precious oil. My prize for                                                       of olive oil and nuts, in the PREDIMED
                                             and stroke. In contrast, consumption
the errand was a delicious “pan con          of refined olive oil, low in polyphenol                              Continued on page 13

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     Kathleen’s and Leonard’s Secrets to Longevity
     By James H. O’Keefe, MD

                r. Emilio Ros, MD, PhD, is a                                              lemon tree, persimmon tree, guava
                brilliant endocrinologist/re-                                             tree, walnut tree, and an almond tree.”
                searcher who lives and prac-                                                 When Kathleen was a young
                tices in Barcelona, Spain. We                                             woman, a doctor mistakenly diag-
     have become friends while working                                                    nosed her with diabetes. Subsequent
     together on various nutrition-related                                                tests reassured her that she was not
     endeavors for the American College of                                                diabetic, but Kathleen took that scare
     Cardiology. Emilio graciously accepted                                               as a warning and decided she would
     my invitation to write an article for                                                take control of her future health by
     From the Heart about olive oil—one of                                                learning everything she could about
     the best foods for conferring brain and                                              nutrition. Kathleen never went to col-
     heart health, as well as for promoting                                               lege, but she was a smart woman who
     longevity.                                                                           became a self-taught authority on
        Emilio grew up in Spain on the Med-                                               the topic of nutrition. While Joan was
     iterranean coast eating a diet naturally                                             growing up, she recalls often seeing
     rich in nuts and extra-virgin olive oil.   Leonard and Kathleen.                     her mother sitting cross-legged on her
     He also designed and carried out the                                                 bed surrounded by books and articles,
     PREDIMED Trial—widely considered              Leonard was born in Hawaii in 1911     earnestly poring over all the informa-
     perhaps the most important diet            to Portuguese immigrants. He was a        tion she could find on diet and health.
     study ever done.                           child of nature—always outside play-         Leonard worked on the Fisherman’s
        The other diet expert who I consider    ing barefoot in the sand (he received     Wharf and would often bring home
     my most trusted source for navigating      his first pair of shoes when he was 10    fresh seafood/fish as the day’s catch
     the often-confusing world of nutrition     years old). For after-school snacks he    was being unloaded from the boats.
     is my wife, Joan O’Keefe. Like nearly      and his friends would pick fruit and      Every day, Kathleen would make a
     all physicians, I received no education    dive for abalone from the beaches of      large salad of greens dressed with
     about nutrition in medical school or       Waikiki on the Pacific Ocean.             generous amounts of extra-virgin olive
     during my training to be a cardiolo-         When he graduated from high             oil and red-wine vinegar. She steamed
     gist.                                      school, he moved to the mainland          vegetables and served only whole
        Joan is a regis-                        where he worked as a longshore-           natural fresh foods, salted to taste.
     tered dietitian who                        man in San Francisco. That’s where           They never had desert, but they
     taught me most of                          he met Kathleen. The two of them          had happy hour every night before
     what I know about                          settled down and built a suburban         dinner, during which they would often
     nutrition, which is                        home in Walnut Creek, where Leonard       socialize with neighbors on the back
     just one of countless                      turned their yard into an orchard/gar-    patio. They virtually NEVER went out
     reasons why marry-                         den. Leonard’s favorite pastime was       to restaurants, and when they finished
     ing her was the best Joan, age 7, with     gardening, and he supplied their little   dinner at about 6:30 p.m., they NEVER
     thing that ever hap- Gourmet.              family with a year-round bounty of        ate anything else. Kathleen and Leon-
     pened to me. Like                          vegetables, fruits, berries, and nuts.    ard would go to bed early and fast 13
     Emilio, Joan has remarkable instincts         When I asked Joan what he planted      or 14 hours every night, then awaken
     about nutrition that run much deeper       and harvested, she closed her eyes        early the next morning. They were
     than her formal education. She grew        and visualized her childhood yard. “We    joyful, active, mentally sharp folks with
     up as an only child of Leonard and         had a huge vegetable garden, mul-         very good general health until they
     Kathleen, eating what in essence was       tiple berry bushes, two cherry trees,     died of old age rather suddenly—
     a traditional Mediterranean diet.          an apple tree, apricot tree, plum tree,   Leonard at 94, and Kathleen at 99.

12   Saint Luke’s Cardiovascular Consultants | From the Heart

   Kathleen and Leonard developed a                                                             Leonard, they derived most of their
nearly ideal diet/lifestyle and followed                                                        food from their gardens, orchards,
this for almost a century. Meanwhile                                                            vineyards, and the ocean.
the “U.S. diet experts” were advising                                                             Gardening is one of my favorite
Americans to avoid all dietary fat and                                                          hobbies too; though we purchase our
instead eat 11 daily servings of bread                                                          peasant Mediterranean food at the
and other carbs—a diet almost guar-                                                             supermarket. Joan prepares meals
anteed to increase belly fat and raise                                                          almost exactly like Kathleen taught
the risk of diabetes.                                                                           her, and I have stopped even suggest-
  Fast forward to Joan. Well, the apple                                                         ing we go out for dinner—Joan’s a
didn’t fall far from the tree. Joan’s                                                           homebody.
unerring intuition on diet and lifestyle                                                           As Emilio will enthusiastically tell
arose organically during the first 19                                                           you, the traditional Mediterranean
years of her life while she lived with                                                          diet and lifestyle is a delicious way to
Kathleen and Leonard.                        Joan in her favorite part of the grocery store.
                                                                                                eat and an enjoyable way to live. Give
    Luckily for us, our four children and                                                       it a try—pretend you’re a Mediter-
                                             quite similar to the traditional diet fol-
I were indoctrinated into that diet and                                                         ranean peasant—transported to 21st
                                             lowed by peasants living on the shores
lifestyle, which not coincidentally is                                                          century America.
                                             of the Mediterranean Sea. Much like

   Extra-Virgin Olive Oil                                             Continued from page 11

   study body weight did not increase in the Mediterranean
   groups. The reason may be that olive oil and nuts are satiat-
   ing, allowing one to eat less of other foods.
      Furthermore, the oils in nuts and EVOO are preferentially
   burned for energy rather than stored as body fat. I have
   never been overweight, despite pouring lots of olive oil on
   my food my whole life. My wife, who is also slim, scolds me
   for using too much olive oil, but I know that it’s good for me.

      The Mediterranean diet best fulfills the need for nour-
   ishment, health, and pleasure. Extra-virgin olive oil is the
   foundation of this diet, and is obtained by cold pressing ripe
   olives so as to retain their healthful antioxidant polyphe-
   nols. By the way, olive oil sales increased by 30% during the
   COVID lockdown in Spain, meaning that people were doing
   more cooking at home the Mediterranean way!
      Olive oil is also healthy for the planet. It comes from the
   fruit of a tree that can live hundreds of years and catches
   CO2 year-round, so olive oil is highly sustainable and helps
   to lower greenhouse gases. Hence, olive oil helps mitigate
   climate change and fosters planetary health, besides en-
   hancing human existence. Use olive oil and let food be thy

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     Journey from Broken-Heart
     Syndrome to Heart of a Healer
     By Jessica Love, MSN, APRN, FNP-C

         n our lives, there are                               severe illness, or being      subo in school, but never in my worst
         experiences that                                     the victim of a violent       nightmare did I imagine it would
         change us forever.                                   crime.                        nearly end my life.
         An unforeseen event                                   Whether it’s fear or            I woke up the morning of March 1,
     occurs that completely                                 dread, love or affec-           2016 feeling lightheaded, dizzy, and
     shifts our perception of                               tion, envy or sadness,          weak. I checked my pulse and found
     our internal and external                              anger or hate, pride or         my heart was racing. I skipped my
     worlds. And if we open                                 shame—every emotion             usual morning coffee and hurried to
     our hearts and listen                                  instantaneously registers       a clinical training session for my NP
     closely, it’s often an op-                             its effects on your heart.      program. The symptoms spontane-
     portunity to learn valu-                               Perhaps you won’t be            ously resolved, but suddenly returned
     able life lessons.                                     surprised to learn that         later that day.
        In March 2016, I woke up on life        Takotsubo cases have increased 500%            The physician I was working with
     support in the cardiovascular intensive    during the COVID pandemic, even             recommended I be evaluated in the
     care unit (CV ICU), with a breathing       among people who have not had the           emergency department. I did not lis-
     tube down my throat and multiple IV        SARS-CoV-2 infection.                       ten, as I thought this was perhaps just
     lines pumping medications into my             The unrelenting and protracted           a simple panic attack (though I’d never
     body. I remember a physician asking        stress of this virus has raised levels      had one before).
     me to shake my head “yes or no” in         of fear, anxiety, and depression to            By the time I made it back to my
     response to questions and to squeeze       unprecedented levels.                       apartment on the Plaza, I was experi-
     her hands. She seemed relieved when
                                                   Four-and-one-half years ago, I was a     encing severe chest pressure, short-
     I was able to follow these commands.
                                                critical care nurse studying to become      ness of breath, and heaviness in my
        The physician explained to me that      a nurse practitioner (NP). I lived at a     legs. I was so weak I could not open
     my heart had stopped, and it took 7        hectic pace, with anxiety and stress as     a can of soup. I kept thinking, “I’m
     minutes of full-on resuscitative efforts   my constant companions, but this was        healthy, there’s no way that this could
     before my heartbeat was restored.          nothing out of the ordinary for me. I       be anything more than a panic attack.
     During this time, I had a seizure, which   idled on a level of high anxiety, a con-    I can run for miles and I eat cleaner
     raised concerns about how long my          stant worrier, always pushing myself        than anyone I know.”
     brain was deprived of oxygen. I was        to achieve more.                               I went to my parents’ house in Lee’s
     diagnosed with Takotsubo cardio-
                                                   I believe that I had become desen-       Summit to check my blood pressure as
     myopathy, also called stress-induced
                                                sitized to the “fight or flight” response   I was unable to get a manual reading
     cardiomyopathy, or broken-heart syn-
                                                because I was constantly living with        at home. I was also unable to get a
     drome. It is one of the most extreme
                                                chronically high adrenaline levels.         reading on their machine, and I no-
     examples of a stress-induced illness.
                                                Even so, I am a generally happy person      ticed my arms were turning very pale.
        Approximately 90% of Takotsubo          with a wonderful life, supportive              I finally checked myself into the
     cases occur in females, typically          friends and family, and in good physi-      emergency department at Saint Luke’s
     post-menopausal women. It’s called         cal health. I was 30 years old without      East and was found to have a heart
     broken-heart syndrome because it           any of the classic cardiovascular risk      rate of over 180 beats per minute and
     is often triggered by severe emo-          factors like diabetes, high blood           systolic blood pressure in the 70s. I
     tional and/or physical stress, such as a   pressure, high cholesterol, or being        watched the emergency department
     natural disaster, death of a loved one,    overweight. I had learned about Takot-      nurses, respiratory therapists, and phy-

14   Saint Luke’s Cardiovascular Consultants | From the Heart

sicians working quickly with obvious       breathing tube suctioned, asking what
concern.                                   the plan was. With time, the lifesav-
  My clinical condition deteriorated       ing devices and medications were no
despite multiple IV medications. My        longer needed, and I was transferred
blood pressure was dropping, my            out of the ICU.
heart racing, and I couldn’t catch my         Although my body was recovering
breath. The physicians recommended I       from cardiogenic shock, I was still very
be intubated and life-flighted to Saint    much in shock mentally. I remember
Luke’s Hospital on the Plaza for further   walking in the halls, trying to regain
management. I asked to see my par-         my strength and realizing I was, by far,
ents one more time and told them I         the youngest person on the cardiac
loved them very much. The physicians       floor. After suffering from the sudden
then administered the IV sedation and      onset of nearly fatal Takotsubo heart
everything went black…                     failure, in a matter of days my heart
   I woke up several days later in the     had regained its normal strength.
CV ICU. I was on a ventilator and I           My family never left my side. My             The NP program recommended I
remember there being so many IV            friends came to visit and would say,         take the semester off, but I declined.
lines—some in my neck, arms, and           “Jess, we didn’t realize you were that       I graduated with a 4.0 GPA, as I had
groin. I was afraid to move. I had         stressed, you should’ve called us!” The      planned, but there was something
worked as a critical care nurse for        problem is, I didn’t feel like I was that    different: my awareness of the mind-
many years and I could not believe         stressed. I was later discharged and         body connection. The realization
I was now on the other side of the         spent a week at my parents’ house. To        that high levels of stress and anxiety
bedrails.                                  be honest, I was afraid to go back to        cannot only affect our mental and
   Attempting to gain some control of      my apartment for fear of dying alone         emotional state, but can also severely
a situation in which I felt frightened     in my sleep. After some soul-search-         impact our physical health.
and powerless, I wrote on paper while      ing, courage, and prayer, I returned             Caring for our emotional well-being
intubated, asking about my vital signs,    home, and things gradually started to        is just as important as caring for our
asking to be turned or to have the         get back to normal.                          physical needs. The interconnected-
                                                                                        ness of the mind and body fascinated
             Techniques to Reduce Stress and Achieve Relaxation                         me. I began practicing yoga regularly,
                                                                                        meditating, and reading countless
 Meditation				Deep breathing exercises
                                                                                        books about the mind-body connec-
 Yoga/Tai Chi				                       Being in nature
                                                                                        tion. It became a priority in my life.
 Laughter					                          Daily affirmation or spiritual practice
 Enjoying a light-hearted book or movie Pets
                                                                                           I would love to tell you that I no
 Guided imagery				                     Practicing sleep hygiene
                                                                                        longer have anxiety or stress, but that
                                                                                        is absolutely not the case. What I do
 Music, dancing, and art			             Spending time with friends and family
                                                                                        have are tools to manage it. Some-
                                                                                        times we can’t control the external
            Potential Benefits of Practicing Relaxation Techniques
                                                                                        stressors we are experiencing, but
                                                                                        we can change how we perceive and
 Slowing heart rate				                      Lowering blood pressure
                                                                                        respond to them.
 Slowing your breathing rate			              Improving digestion
 Maintaining normal blood sugars		           Reducing activity of stress hormones          If you take only one thing from my
 Increasing blood flow to major		            Reducing muscle tension and		              story, please pay attention to your
 muscles				                                 chronic pain                               stress level and take healthy steps to
 Improving concentration and mood 		         Improving sleep quality                    support your mental and emotional
 Lowering fatigue				                        Reducing anger and frustration             health. In this time of heightened
 Boosting confidence to handle problems      Improved relationships		                   feelings of distress, with extraordinary

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