HEART & HAND - Spiritual Care Support Ministries

Page created by Stephen Shelton
HEART & HAND - Spiritual Care Support Ministries

                  HEART & HAND                   Reaching for a hand, and touching a heart

                                                                                                       IN THIS ISSUE
                                                                                                       Scars Into Stars                  Page 2

                                                                                                       Heartache                         Page 2

                                                                                                       Where Do You Fill
                                                                                                       Your Vessel?                      Page 3
         The Beauty of Peace
        BY CHAPLAIN LIZ DANIELSEN                                                                      Ways You Can
   The year 2020 was extremely challenging
                                                                                                       Help                               Page 3
and painful for all of us. The pandemic
disrupted education and put additional                                                                 2020 Christmas
stress on families. I think in time God will                                                           Lights Memorial                    Page 4
reveal to us that there were some good and
beneficial things happening that year for
                                                                                                       Teens and Grief                    Page 6
everyone, but I am not sure we are ready to
see that yet.
   Most of us will remember the distancing                                                             Resource Corner                    Page 6
from family, friends, and our community. We          courage, loss of independence, and loss of
had to wash our hands constantly, wear               faith in God, just to mention a few. You may      Christmas Offerings,
masks, learn how to use technology that we           be at a place right now and believe that you      Memorials, Honorariums,
never understood, and teach children how             have no hope for the future, or you are           and Thank You's    Page 7
to learn virtually. Not being able to give the       discouraged and feel defeated. I can
support we so earnestly wanted to give to            understand how you would feel like that. It       scripture and prayer. I hear from Him
our family and friends because of the                can cause us to be fearful and filled with        through others. God gives me what I need
restrictions that were placed upon us as a           anxiety and anger. You may not want to            when I need it and not before. I can choose
community, state, and country was just so            admit that you have changed and are not           to allow the year 2020 and all the losses I
difficult.                                           the same person you were before all this          have experienced to destroy me, and
   We were, and are still, struggling with all       happened in 2020. We are entering 2021            it can, or I can choose to trust God in spite of
the losses that we have had to face. For me,         with a new identity and that takes time to        what is happening around me. No, this does
it was the loss of my husband, who was my            get used to. Some changes were good, and          not mean it is easy or painless. Loss
soulmate and best friend; my father, Frank;          others were not so good.                          produces much pain and suffering, but as
and my cousin, Arlene, who died of the virus           The one thing I have learned for myself         we do the work that is needed to heal, we
without any family around at the hospital. I         during this challenging time in my life is that   can come out on the other side better and
also had several lifelong friends die. It is         I cannot allow my emotional feelings to           not bitter. I choose to leave 2020 behind and
hard to explain in words how the pain of             dictate how I should feel and how I should        go into 2021 knowing that I am not alone.
separation feels when you have so many               do things. My feelings take me in all kinds of    My Savior Jesus Christ and precious people
losses at once.                                      directions. My feelings bring me to a place of    whom God sends my way walk beside me,
   How about you? What are your losses? Did          fear, isolation, weakness, and anger. What I      guiding me, and reminding me that I have
you lose a loved one or maybe you lost more          have had to do is CHOOSE TO BELIEVE in the        purpose because I am still alive. I have God’s
than one? Other losses can include job loss,         purpose and promise of each day that God          promises that I will make it. You can too.
financial loss, loss of relationships, loss of       has given me. I hear from Him through             How will you choose?
HEART & HAND - Spiritual Care Support Ministries
Scars into Stars                                                                      I are still on our farm, but our boarding
               BY PAM STILTON                                                                   business is beginning to wind down, and we
  In 2010, all was right in my life and the                                                     have now said goodbye to many of our
universe! I had a very successful dog/cat                                                       beloved furry friends.
boarding facility ('Ohana Pet Paradise),                                                          I've gotten older (and hopefully wiser),
caring for people's pets while they went on a                                                   and I've definitely become aware of how life
vacation, and I lived on a farm with over 33                                                    comes around full-circle. I am thrilled to say
personal animals (including alpacas, dogs,                                                      that I have recently joined the staff of SCSM
cats, and goats). Things were good - until                                                      as their receptionist! Life is definitely what
they weren't.                                                                                   you make it (scars and all). It is my hope that
  Over the next two years, I would                                                              I can be a blessing to others and pay forward
experience the unexpected loss of my father,                                                    the love that I was given in my time of need
mother, sister, last aunt, uncle, and cousin.                                                   by giving back to others currently seeking
Both my mother and sister died in my arms           "It was never easy, but by learning to      help. God definitely turns our scars into
                                                  take one step, one prayer, and one breath     stars!
within two weeks of each other. My life
                                                  at a time, I became aware of the Lord
changed overnight, and I felt alone and lost      carrying me through it all until I could
                                                  walk on my own!"
in this world and didn't know which end was
up. It was almost my emotional undoing.           Between the classes that were offered,
  Soon after the loss of my mother and          one-on-one counseling, and support offered
sister, I began searching for therapists/       by Liz and her staff, all at no cost to me, I
agencies in the surrounding areas that          survived those devastating first months and
offered services for grief support or           years and pulled through. It was never easy,
counseling, but I was very discouraged as I     but by learning to take one step, one prayer,
discovered that I couldn't afford any of them   and one breath at a time, I became aware of
as I had limited financial resources. Then I    the Lord carrying me through it all until I
found Spiritual Care Support Ministries!        could walk on my own again!
                                                  Times are different now. My husband and

                                                               BY RAY GILBERT

                                                A wise man once told me
                                                some words I never knew.
                                                He said, "When someone you love dies,
                                                a part of you dies too."

                                                A mother, a brother,
                                                a lover, a friend.
  Thank you Manassas Presbyterian
                                                One after another,
    Church for the lovely prayer
                                                when does it end?                                 Ray Gilbert and David Price were coming
       shawls and blankets!
                                                                                                home one day from bowling and were
   The shawls have been knitted or
crocheted and prayed over by women                                                              talking about the loss of each one's wife and
                                                The part of you that dies
who believe in the power of prayer.                                                             the pain of those losses. David expressed
As people place these shawls around             you will know from the start.
                                                                                                how aware a person becomes when
them during a moment of crisis, it is a         Because the part of you that dies,
reminder that God and others care                                                               someone you love dies because a part of you
                                                is a part of your heart.
and can bring change to a person’s                                                              dies with them. These words led Ray to write
life.                                                                                           the poem to the left.
    If you are someone who is willing
 to provide prayer blankets for
 children and teens, please contact our
2 office for details.
HEART & HAND - Spiritual Care Support Ministries
                WHERE                                                                                           1. Pray Regularly

          DO YOU
                                                                                                                2. Give Monthly
                                                                                                                      Rent & Utilities
                                                                                                                      Supplies & Training Materials
  FIL L Y O U R                                                                                                       Support Groups
                                                                                                                      Community Events
                                                                                                                3. Make a One-Time
   VESSEL?                                                                                                         Donation

                                                                                                                        ENVELOPE          OVER THE
  With all the COVID-19 impact, stress, and       they bring? Do you pour them out and                                                    PHONE
adversity for so many, depression, anxiety,       replace them with a cheap substitute?
addictions, and suicide have dramatically         Do you go to the dollar store to grab items                           ONLINE             IN PERSON
increased since mid-April. The internet is        that break easily, causing you to revisit
filled with many tips to help cope, but the       frequently without ever being satisfied?
following ad really caught my attention: "10      If so, go to the luxury store where you'll find
ways to be happier in 2 minutes or less."         quality that lasts. What's more, God's luxury                 VISIT US:
Wow! What a deal! I would even splurge and        store is full of FREE items and He'll give
give up 10 minutes. Would you have been           them to you abundantly.                                       WWW.SCSM.TV
tempted to click on that link? Be honest with        Today, more than ever, remain in the
yourself! I would really like to know how         presence of God. He is excited and pleased
many people did click in search of quick-hit-     to fill you with His Glory-gifts. But this takes
happiness. I'm even more curious to see           time. Don't rush the process. Examine some                    WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/
how many Christians clicked.                      truths you already know. See if you can                       SPIRITUALCARESUPPORTMINISTRIES
  Why is true lasting happiness, regardless       consistently apply them to a couple more
                                                                                                                FOLLOW CHAPLAIN LIZ'S BLOG
of circumstances, so hard to "find?"              small areas of your life, instead of applying
Moreover, when we do find happiness, why          cheap imitations from the world or your                       WWW.SCSM.TV/BLOG
does it seem to leave so quickly? Scripture       past. This is how you use and re-use the
tells us that God created us as earthen           Glory-gifts in your vessel. Whether your
vessels. However, we are very leaky               pursuit of happiness pushes you to fill                       SCSM Mission Statement
containers that can never stay filled because     yourself with what God offers or you fill                     Providing support, education and a
our fleshly lenses are so "me" and "now"          yourself with the leaky and ineffective false                 Biblical perspective to those who
oriented. We pursue quick fixes to soothe         claims of the world - it's your decision, so                  are ill, dying, grieving and
ourselves. We focus on our discomforts and        choose well.                                                  experiencing personal loss, and to
what we lack. Happiness seems elusive. Our                                                                      those who journey with them.
selfish need to have more makes happiness
                                                                                                                SCSM Vision
very short-lived.
                                                                                                                To establish a local, national and
  We need frequent refills because we are
                                                                                                                international resource center to
emptied so quickly. While it's true we are
                                                                                                                provide ministry, training and a
earthen vessels, God designed us to be filled
                                                                                                                retreat for those who are ill, dying,
with heavenly content that that can't leak
                                                                                                                grieving and experiencing personal
out. His desire is to fill us with Himself and
                                                                                                                loss, and to those who journey with
His wisdom. The million-dollar decision that
we get to make every day is whether we will
fill our vessel with what God offers or fill it        "However, we possess this precious                       SCSM Values
                                                     treasure in vessels of earth, that the                       God's Word
with the crappy stuff that easily leaks out.         grandeur and exceeding greatness of
  So, here are some questions to ponder.             the power may be shown to be from                            Prayer
Where do you go to fill up your vessel? What         God and not from ourselves."                                 Value Every Life
                                                                       2 CORINTHIANS 4:7                          Integrity
do you put in your vessel? In addition, when
you do put God's gifts in your vessel, do you                                                                     Confidentiality
                                                  (From Dr. Karl Benzio, Lighthouse Network's Stepping Stones
use and reuse them and enjoy the happiness        Daily Devotional, Oct. 1, 2020. www.lighthousenetwork.org)      Excellence in Everything We Do
HEART & HAND - Spiritual Care Support Ministries
2020 Christmas
                                                IN MEMORY OF                                   Barb Fricke; Sonny Testerman; and Andria
                                                (White Lights)                                    Lynne, given by Pat Testerman
                                                Darrell Nygaard, given by Ed & Lisa Lyons      Jimmy Weimer; Louise Posey; Doris, Tom,
                                                Arvid Danielsen and Cal Dodd, given by            and Paul Sanders; Allison Weimer; Walter
                                                   Dorothy Slaga                                  and Louise Weimer, given by Joan Weimer
                                                Cliff Grimsley, given by Margaret Grimsley     Marlene Gardner; Robert Oliver; Frank Conti;
                                                Parents, Walter & Margaret Hodges; and            Arvid Danielsen; Norman Pleszkotch;
                                                   father, Clement Sharp, given by Donald         Delores Enos; Drew Munroe; Eula Peters;
CHRISTMAS TREE SPONSORSHIP                         and Brenda Hodges                              Gloria Calcagni; and Dana Osterndorf,
In memory of Arvid Danielsen and Bridget        Chess Heater; Angaleene Lee; and Fitzhugh         given by Carol and Dennis Acotto
   McCargo, given by Jay McCargo                   Lee, given by Nathan and Melissa Hall       Angela Dawne Grigsby Carter; Caleb Ezar
In loving memory of Segundo and Carmen          Daniel Kotek; Thomas Kotek; Loretta and           Wingert Proper; Grandma Alice Beckwith
   Hernandez; Rafael Hernandez; Carmen             Joseph Kotek; Peggy and Bill Beverley;         Porter; Grandma Hildeguard
   Lydia Hernandez; Sylvia E. Melendez;            Joe and Clare Wilkins; Joe Eller; Jerry        Foerstemann; Granddaddy Lawrance
   Antonio Melendez; Carmen Elizabeth              Denny; and Ginnie Masson, given by             Freeman; Aunt Bertie Lib Aylor;
   Garcia; Izabeau "Mou-Mou” Hernandez;            Joseph and Mary Kotek                          William “Junie” Carter; David Gearheart;
   Wilfredo Hernandez; Ramon Feliciano;         Fitzhugh Lee; Angaleene Lee; Edwin Lee;           Rebecka Jenkins; and Claes Noron, given
   David Butler; and Antonio Pito Melendez,        Lake Lee; Howard Fletcher; Mabel Cooper;       by Sharron and Elizabeth Proper
   given by Rose Hernandez                         Cecil Goff; William Byron; Rick Hyson;      John Vouros; Hazel Vouros; Ruth Ashley;
In memory of John and June Payne, given by         Madoline Keyser; Bud Trenis; Jay               Norman Ashley; and Eftalia Cummings,
   Sue Kenworthy                                   VanGelder; William and Doris VanGelder;        given by George Ashley
In memory of George Fayas; Irene E. D.             Douglas and Virginia Ennis; Bob and Mary    My darling, Gary; My parents, Gene & Vera
   Fayas; Lila DeGroot; Erma Louckes;              Blaser; Shirley Harney; Jerry Utz; Elva        Bast; My sister, Cathy Kiser; My brother,
   Jeannette G. (Anderson) Fredrickson; Roy        Grove; Marsha Lee Scott; Theresa Lee;          Lynn Bast; and My brother-in-law, James
   Fredrickson; Marilyn Faye Fayas; Amelita        Chess Heater; Madalyn Leonard; and             Bassett, given by Vickie Richey
   Drost; Paul Drost; Nathan Calcagni;             Arvid Danielsen, given by Janice Heater     Mary D. Condren, given by E. Latham
   Florence Liddle; George Miller; Duane G.     Jesse Harrison; Mary Ellen Hansen; Sadie       Rev. Terry Wayne Sisk, given by Dancy
   Fayas, given by Carol and Dennis Acotto         Anne Clark; Justin Clark Mallon; and           Cowan
A special gift from Rev. Daniel R. & Ruth Ann      William A. Clark, Jr., given by Joyce       Tim Maahs, given by Sydney White
   Schafer                                         Mallon                                      Mary Teresa Gazillo, given by Mark Gazillo
In Memory of Kenneth Boudwin, given by          Mrs. Janice Brandt; Mr. Richard Vogel; Mr.     Rob Christiansen and John S. McCarty, given
   Ken and Kathleen Boudwin                        William Levin; Mr. Lloyd Sims; Mrs. Edna       by Ann Marie McCarty
In memory of Arvid Danielsen, given by             Johnston Payne; Mr. Markwood Butler;        Arvid Danielsen, given by Elizabeth Nehmeh
   David and Robin Carter                          Mrs. Winnie Butler; Ms. Beth Wilson; Mr.    Annie Garbe, given by George Garbe
STAR SPONSORSHIP                                   Rodney Coates; Mrs. Mary Ida Owens; Ms.     Lizabeth Leilani (Beth) Merritt, given by Dr.
A special gift from Jim and Sandra White           Laurie Stowell; and Mr. Phuoc Huynh,           Sandra-Joy Gray
In memory of Presley and Viola Wright, and         given by Jacqueline Schoenfeld              Edward West (My Dad), given by Susan
   Arvid Danielsen, given by Virginia Wright    Arvid Danielsen, given by Helen Danielsen         Payne
In honor of Chaplain Elizabeth Danielsen,       James Reynolds, Jr.; Charlotte Reynolds;       Otis, Elsie, Louie Smith; Cecil, Mabel, &
   given by Virginia Wright                        Terry Sisk, given by Rev. Robert Reynolds      Herbert Crowder; Ivan, Jean, & Debbie
In memory of Thomas Fitzgerald, given by           and Pamela Reynolds                            Craig, given by Dottie Crowder
   Jane Fitzgerald                              Arvid (Dad) Danielsen, given by Rose           Pete Grossarth; and Ray & Jenny Reinertsen,
In memory of Herbert & Dorothy Ott, given          Hernandez                                      given by Hillie Grossarth
   by Andrew & Joan Rodolico                    Shelia Wolk, given by Virginia Wright          Chris D. Jenish, Sr; and Roy R. Weakley,
In memory of Richard Illingworth, given by      LouAnn Sterzer; Henrietta Mitrione; and           given by Frances W. Payne
   Janice Illingworth                              Alice and Arthur Ebert, given by Melanie
A special gift from Gossom & Costello              Ebert
   Paving, Inc.                                 Arvid Danielsen; Dad - Frank Conti; and
A special gift from James Brown                    Arlene Kirk, given by Chaplain Liz
A special gift from Juliana Russell                Danielsen
A special gift from Cherlyn Decker Coaching     Arvid Danielsen, given by Sue Kenworthy
In memory of Ronald Beard, given by Carol       Barbara McNeil; Lawrence Stevens; and
4 Beard                                            Victoria Sullivan, given by Mary McNeil
HEART & HAND - Spiritual Care Support Ministries
Program Names
                                                 "Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and Your dominion endures
                                                 throughout all generations."                         Psalm 145:13
                                                Mr. Arvid Danielsen, given by Dominic          IN HONOR OF:
                                                  Rigano                                       (Red Lights):
                                                Marcus D. Fields, Sr., given by Robin Fields   Stanley, Sue and Linda Heflin; Dolores Goff;
                                                Arvid Danielsen, given by Robert and             Everly Hall; and Madoline Jaskiewicz,
                                                  Lorraine Tammera                               given by Janice Heater
Kathryn Jennings; Terry Mardis; Delores         Arvid Danielsen, given by Sophia and Mariah    Julia Hernandez; Lucy Hernandez; Pedro
   Dennis; Arvid Danielsen; Donald J. Rodis,      Tammera                                        Hernandez; Sylvia Leggett; and Liz (Mom)
   Sr.; Donald J. Rodis, Jr.; Mary Lou Rodis;   Arvid Danielsen, given by Jim and Marie          Danielsen, given by Rose Hernandez
   and Michael Ark Angell, given by Karen         Reinertsen                                   The “WE TEAM” Dan Reckley and Jim
   Duby                                         Carter, given by Bill and Carol Ann Cole         Presley, from the SCSM Family
Pastor Gerald Fillman (Dad), given by Gerald    Arvid Danielsen, given by Peter and Ingrid     Helen Danielsen; Alice and Eddy
   and Rita (Fillman) Wagner                      Johnson                                        Abrahamsen; Soul Purpose Class; Robert
James Legg, given by Stewart & Debbie           Rev. Tom Pierce, given by Karen Pierce           and Lorraine Tammera; and Sylvia
   Lindsey                                      Arvid Danielsen, given by Ronald Reinertsen      Leggett, given by Chaplain Liz Danielsen
Sandy Martin, II; Janice M-Tate (Sister),       Carolyn Toth and Arvid Danielsen, given by     Dr. Debra (Fillman) Coyner and Naomi
   given by Sanford Martin                        Pam Proctor                                    Fillman (Mom), given by Gerald and Rita
Vilma Koster and Arthur Koster, given by        Kryne Prol, given by Audrey Prol                 (Fillman) Wagner
   Sheila Beard
Arvid Danielsen, given by Shirley Fox                                                          IN MEMORY OF MILITARY SERVICE:
C.L. "Boots" Ritchie; Jeffery Ritchie; and                                                     (Blue Lights)
   Glenn Ritchie, given by Gail Ritchie                                                        Robert L. Taylor, III, given by Barbara Taylor
Nina Hansen Kirk, given by Annemarie Paine                                                     James B. Reynolds, Sr, given by Rev. Robert
Rodney Via, given by Nadine Via                                                                   Reynolds and Pamela Reynolds
Dennis C. Shaw; Cheryl Caracciolo; and                                                         Jesus M. Hernandez, given by Rose
   Kathy Joerger, given by Elizabeth Shaw                                                         Hernandez
Russell Burnie Jones, given by Gregory                                                         Ryan Fayas and Justin Fayas, given by Carol
   Jones                                                                                          and Dennis Acotto
Carol Dubinsky and Ronald Dubinsky,                                                            Sgt. Jason A. Shaffer, given by Roger & Gwen
   given by John and Nancy Allen                                                                  Shaffer
Ida and Bill Layton, given by Loretta Green                                                    Gilbert B. Crowder, given by Dottie Crowder
Joe Holland, given by Heidi Holland                                                            Capt. Kenneth Lee Dean, Jr., given by Sheila
Arvid Danielsen, given by Tony Rigano                                                             Beard
Vernon W. Brugger, Jr., given by Frieda
   Brugger                                                                                     IN MEMORY OF PETS:
Norma and Martha Koller; Walter and Anita       IN MEMORY OF CHILDREN:                         (Red Lights)
   Nigreville, our parents; Wyn Koller and      (Green Lights)                                 Josie and Henry, given by Carol and Dennis
   David Nigreville, our brothers, given by     Son, Donald Ryan Hodges; and                     Acotto
   Marianne and Doug Nigreville                   Granddaughter, Peyton Joy Hodges, given      Sheeba and Sabastian, given by Roger and
Parents, sisters, The Loves, Jenkins, and         by Donald and Brenda Hodges                    Gwen Shaffer
   Burger, given by Dick and Carol Jenkins      Ladd Campbell, given by Melanie Ebert
Arvid Danielsen, given by Mary Ann and          My granddaughter, Kinsey Morgan, given by
   Danny Bowersock                                Vickie Richey
Darrell W. Nygaard, given by Ann Nygaard        Jennifer Nicole Shaffer, given by Roger &
Lois Marie Smith, given by Bobby Smith            Gwen Shaffer
Berni Novak, given by Nina Abrams               Our loving son, Bobby Goff, given by Lora &
Frank May, given by Patrick and Carolyn           Jay Goff
   Doran                                        Glenn Grossarth, given by Hillie Grossarth
Sheila Bell-Clifford, given by Ursula Garcia-   Orion Bickings, given by Karen Duby
   Mayes                                        Ryan David Green, given by Loretta Green           Please contact us if any names were
Jean W. Drennan, given by Arthur Drennan        Sadie Prol, given by Audrey Prol                         omitted or misspelled.
HEART & HAND - Spiritual Care Support Ministries
Your donation makes                           available to them and hearing their stories,                   Teens and Grief
             a difference                              and in doing so they found healing and                           BY GINA PETRO
      BY CHAPLAIN LIZ DANIELSEN                        purpose, and fear did not have a stronghold          On September 6, 2005, my sons, John and
The year 2020 was difficult for children,              on them anymore.                                   James, lost their dad. He died suddenly of a
teens, and adults all over the country and                                                                heart attack at 42 years old. John had been
                                                       Because of your generosity, we can do
the world. The COVID-19 pandemic caused                                                                   living with his dad before he died while
us to socially distance, wear masks, feel                                                                 James lived with my husband, his step-
depressed, feel anger, and wonder why God                God is good, but that does not mean that         brothers, and me. After his father’s death,
would allow this to happen. People felt                            everything we go through is            John had to transfer to a new school, make
weak in their faith, and some                                              good. Spiritual, physical,     new friends, and readjust to a large family
wanted to abandon their                                                            emotional, mental,     life full-time. At his dad’s home, he was the
trust in God that they had                                                         relational, and        only child. John was overwhelmed with grief
for so many years. There                                                           financial suffering    and frequently told me how much he hated
were others that came to us that wanted to             does not feel good. It is real and it hurts, but   me. He couldn’t yet see that his being home
know more about God and found healing for              as we bear each other's burdens and share          with us was just where he needed to be.
themselves and their marriages or other                our stories in a healthy way, our hope can be
relationships. Some needed resources and               restored.
other people wanted Bibles that they did
not have, and we were able to give them                Because you sacrificially give, we can
what they needed. The pandemic made                    minister to the suffering.
some people interested in going deeper in
the understanding of who God is and will be
for them.
Because of your donation, we can do this.              Thank you from all the children, teens,
                                                       and adults that are finding
     The losses were numerous, and God knew            healing because of you!                                "I realized that I had to grieve for my
that many years ago when God gave me the                                                                   ex-husband, forgive him, and let go of
                                                                                                           all the bitterness.
vision of SCSM in a dream. That is when                Please know that you are always
                                                                                                                Otherwise, I would not be able to
Spiritual Care Support Ministry counselors             welcomed to come visit us at our                               help my sons grieve."
stepped in during the year reassuring                  new Center. We would love to give you a tour
children, teens, and adults that God does              of our new building. If you are personally in        James did not have the bond that John
understand their pain. We were able to give            need of a fresh perspective from the Lord, we      did with their father. He always felt closer to
them the support that they requested. Being            are here for you as well.                          his stepfather. He felt anger for “missing

                   RESOURCE CORNER                                                                        out” on time with his dad and struggled to
                                                                                                          grasp onto memories of him. John’s grieving
                                                                                                          was more outward and James’ was more
BOOKLETS AVAILABLE ON OUR WEBSITE                                          AUDIBLE                        inward with occasional bursts of crying
WWW.SCSM.TV/RESOURCES                                                  ARTICLE READINGS
                                                                                                          and questions.
       UNRESOLVED ISSUES                                 SCSM now has audio available of the                Our pastor suggested grief counseling at
       WHAT IS LOVE?                                     articles you are reading in this current         Spiritual Care Support Ministries. I set up an
       PREPARING YOUR CHILD FOR SURGERY                  newsletter! If you know of                       appointment to meet Chaplain Liz who we
                                                         someone who has poor                             called Ms. Liz. She spoke with the boys and
                                                         eyesight or would enjoy
JOURNEY FROM           $                                 listening to words of hope
                                                                                                          me about the things we were feeling. She
HEARTACHE TO HOPE                                                                                         reassured us this was normal. Then at the
                                                         and encouragement, we now
                                                                                                          end of the session she prayed with us. We
                Filled with true stories of God's        have the tools to assist you.
                                                                                                          began seeing Ms. Liz weekly, and we all
                miraculous healing power told by
                                                         Go to www.scsm.tv/audio-inspiration              looked forward to seeing her. The boys
                 SCSM clients and volunteers.
                                                         to check it out!
                  Your spirit will be renewed by the                                                      would always share what was on their hearts
                  the faith of people in devastating                                                      with her, and they began to learn to grieve
                                                         Spiritual Care Support Ministries Hours:
                   situations that should have                        Monday - Friday                     and grow.
                   robbed them of happiness and                         9 am - 2:30 pm                      Ms. Liz would generously offer me reading
    comfort, but instead brought strength and                     Tuesdays & Thursdays                    material. How to Help Your Teenager Grieve,
    courage to their lives.                                      2:30 - 5 pm (by appt. only)              How to Help Your Young Child Cope with
HEART & HAND - Spiritual Care Support Ministries
Death, etc. It was through reading one of                                       2020 Christmas Offerings
these booklets that I learned about a              Hurley Shortt                    Margie Merced                        Henry Essian
beautiful word: EMPATHY. I realized that I         Richard White                    Cindy Pletez                         Jane Calvert
had to grieve for my ex-husband (something         Ruth Pavlik                      William Bethea                       Georgia Lanham
I was resisting), forgive him, and let go of all   Sharon Rizzo                     Doris Fletcher                       Sandy Matthews
the bitterness. Otherwise, I would not be          Joan Andes                       Helen Maloney                        Suzanne Wanzer
able to help my sons grieve. In doing so,          Debra Jean Norris                Sandy Matthews                       Victoria Cordova
I could be there for them, listen when they        Francis Frary                    Ruth Dominguez                       Levi Atkins
wanted to talk, help them remember                 Richard & Carol Geer             Mary Hilleary                        Carol Brinegar
memories and things about their dad, focus         Garry Duvall                     Rachelle Byars-Sargent               George and Angela Hull
on good things about him, and plan a road          Robert & Barbara Taylor          Linda Mansfield                      Virginia Peltzer
trip to put flowers on his grave. We even          Rev. Bob & Marsha Grant          Novum Baptist                        Martha Ronayne
honored their dad that December with three         Evelyn Shepard                   Florence & Ed Ramey                  Chapel Springs A/G
lights on the SCSM Christmas tree. It was a        Bonnie Knauf                     Eleanor Callahan                     Calvary A/G
great time to reflect on how far we had            Terry Brosius                    Beverly Cropp
come, how much SCSM and Ms. Liz had                Joseph Dahle                     Mary Ann & Danny Jenkins
helped us, and how good God is.
                                                                    Memorials, Honorariums, and thank you's
                                                   IN MEMORY OF                                     IN HONOR OF
                                                   James Bassett, given by Linda Bassett            Liz's Birthday, given by Berni Olsen
                                                   Scott Neth, given by Jack and Joyce Neth
                                                                                            THANK YOU
                                                   Pamela Miel for donating water, cups, etc.; Karen Duby & Pam Dudley for donating cards; Nilsa
                                                   Martins for the special artwork; Debra Jean for the Bible study materials; ARServices, Ltd for
                                                   donating water and pens; and George Ashley for being Santa for Coffee & Conversation.

                                                   Also, thank you tothe following people who helped with the Christmas program: Joseph Kotex
                                                   (Santa), Bobby Reynolds (music), Jim Ammons (videographer), Pastor Jeff Light (MC), and all
                                                   our SMSC staff and volunteers who made the event a success.

                                                                   Newsletter Editor                                   Associate
                                                                     Anna Hansen                                     Cheryl Reynolds

 We have many new and different types of
    classes (in-person and online) that we
   will be offering in the next few months
                                                                                                                We Praise
                                                                   We Pray...
     that will help people to find healing.
        Visit www.scsm.tv/calendar or                                                                           the Lord...
       call 540-349-5814 for more info.                                                                     For our new receptionist.
                                                        For our caregivers and their
                                                                                                            For our new Center and all the
                                                        loved ones.
                                                                                                            extra space we have now.
                                                        For the chronically ill to see that
                                                                                                            For the many financial donations
                                                        they are valued by God and
                                                                                                            that allowed us to end the year in
                                                                                                            the black.
                                                        For those who are experiencing
                                                                                                            For keeping us all healthy at the
                                                        loss and the pain of separation.
                                                                                                            Center as we follow the CDC
                                                        For our pastors and ministry
                                                                                                            For allowing us the privilege of
                                                        For our leaders who govern our
                                                                                                            ministering to those that are in
                                                        country, that they will pray and
                                                        seek God for all the decisions
                                                                                                            For all the creative ideas we are
                                                        that have to be made.
                                                                                                            getting as we wait on God.
HEART & HAND - Spiritual Care Support Ministries
Spiritual Care Support Ministries, Inc.
                                                                 NONPROFIT ORG
Reaching for a Hand, and Touching a Heart
7179 New Hope Lane P.O. Box 643                                 US POSTAGE PAID
Warrenton, VA 20187 Warrenton, VA 20188                           CULPEPER VA
                                                                PERMIT NO. 00096
540-349-5814 www.scsm.tv

                                                       RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED

                              FOR LO, THE WINTER IS PAST;

                                            THE RAIN IS OVER AND GONE.


                                     THE TIME OF SINGING
                                                    HAS COME,

                               AND THE VOICE OF THE TURTLEDOVE

                                               IS HEARD IN OUR LAND.

                                                SONG OF SOLOMON 2:11-12
HEART & HAND - Spiritual Care Support Ministries HEART & HAND - Spiritual Care Support Ministries
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