Sun shines for summer party - Guild of Health Writers

Page created by Mathew Brewer
Sun shines for summer party - Guild of Health Writers
health writer
newsletter                                                                                JULY    l   2016

Sun shines for summer party

                                                                                                                       Photographs: Rupal Shah-Sekhawat, PixelPlus Photography
                                             left, Sabeha
                                             left, Sabeha
                                             Syed and
                                             Syed   and

                                            Pimms, prosecco and a perfect setting – it was a return to the
                                            Royal Society of Medicine’s Chandos House, with its elegant
                                            rooms and beautiful terrace, for our summer party. About 60 Guild
                                            members and their friends enjoyed an evening of networking,
                                            socialising and a delicious barbecue. A huge thanks to Boehringer
                                            Ingelheim for their very generous sponsorship of this event and for
                                            their continued support of the Guild.

Michele Simmons, centre, with party-goers

                                                                                                 Kasia Murphy and
                                                                                                 Laura Bond

    Gabriel Roberts
    and Heather                                                                         Janette Marshall, Jonathan
    Stephen                                                                             Woods and Kate Hawkings

                                                                                                                p2 u

      For further information on Members’ News and forthcoming events visit:

Sun shines for summer party - Guild of Health Writers
health writer
newsletter                                                                            JULY    l   2016

                                                                                              Nick Johnson, left,
                                                                                               Richard Pitt, both
                                                                                      Corporate Affairs Managers
                                                                                        at Boehringer Ingelheim,
                                                                                              greet Michele and
                                                                                                         Jo Willey

                                                         Abbie Carter, left, Howard
                                                         Thomas and Helen Cowan

Kasia Murphy, left, and Katie Randerson

                                          Danny Buckland, Jill
                                          Palmer (background)
                                          and Heather Maisner


                                                                                       A big thank you to
                                                                                       our sponsors to
                                                                                       Boehringer Ingelheim
                                                                                                              p3 u

    For further information on Members’ News and forthcoming events visit:

Sun shines for summer party - Guild of Health Writers
health writer
newsletter                                                                                      JULY    l   2016

                                                                                       Letter from
                                                                                       the Editor
                                                                                       Those of you who have been
                                                                                       around the Guild for a while
                                                                                       might remember the days when
                                                                                       this newsletter popped through
                                                                                       your letterbox once every couple
                                                                                       of months. I still like print – and
                                                                                       I still work for print publications
                                                                                       – but, on the other hand, I’m
                                                                                       glad we now have so many other
                                                                                       ways of communicating with one

                                                                                         So I’m excited
                                                                                       that my fellow
                                                                    Above, from        committee
                                                                    left, – Michele,   member
                                                                    Alan Sumner,       Charlotte Haigh
                                                                    Head of            MacNeil has
                                                                                       just launched
                                                                    Boehringer         the Guild’s
                                                                    Ingelheim,         new Facebook group. Check her
                                                                    and Janette        article on page 4 which tells you
                                                                    Marshall;          all you need to know. Please
                                                                                       do sign up today and join the
                                                                    Left, Katie
                                                                    Randerson,         discussion!
                                                                    Kasia Murphy
                                                                    and Janet             What is more, we now have
                                                                    Horwood            a lively Twitter feed. Follow the
                                                                                       Guild on @HealthWritersUK for
                                                                    Below: Helen
                                                                    Foster, left,      the latest health news and so that
                                                                    and Madeleine      we can retweet what you are up
                                                                    Bailey             to!
                 Mary-Claire Mason, left,
                 and Hilary Freeman                                                      Over the coming months, the
                                                                                       Guild will be focusing very much
                                                                                       on how we can all get more out
                                                                                       of social media – so if you have
                                                                                       ideas, please do get in touch.

                                                                                         And if you have ideas for
                                                                                       articles in Health Writer Online, I
                                                                                       would be delighted to hear from
                                                                                       you at

                                                                                         Have a great summer!

    COMING          We have an exciting
                    programme of events planned
                                                     l Meet a charity – ‘speed
                                                     dating’ evening October 5 (tbc)
                                                                                       Expert panel (tba)
                                                                                       Further events to be
    SOON . . .      for the autumn. Watch out for…   l Can diet cure diabetes?         announced later in the year.

     For further information on Members’ News and forthcoming events visit:

Sun shines for summer party - Guild of Health Writers
health writer
newsletter                                                                                  JULY    l   2016

    SPOTLIGHT on . . . Facebook
    When I joined the Guild Committee
    recently, I thought it was high
                                            Committee member                     Why it will help your work
                                                                                 For those reasons and more, I’ve
    time we had a Guild Facebook            Charlotte Haigh                      been an enthusiastic Facebook
    group. We already have a
    successful Twitter account (@
                                            MacNeil introduces                   member for nine years. I chat
                                                                                 to friends, share music and
    HealthWritersUK, if you’re not          the Guild’s new                      New Yorker cartoons and post
    following us yet), where we share
    facts, studies and articles that will
                                            Facebook group                       pictures of my Burmese cats. But,
    interest health writers – but there                                          increasingly, I use Facebook for
    was a Facebook-shaped hole in           virtual smile and handshake, a       work purposes.
    our social media presence.
                                            little welcome into their world –
                                            and means people feel a touch                 I’m a member of a
                                            safer, knowing who can see their              couple of freelance
    How Facebook compares
                                            posts (you can always customise               journalist groups and
             I find Twitter invaluable
                                            sharing options if you’d rather               find them supportive
             for picking up all sorts
                                            certain contacts didn’t read         with everything from dealing
             of fascinating nuggets
                                            something).                          with late payments to help
             - and getting in touch
    with colleagues and PRs. As                                                  with expert suggestions. As for
                                              Posts ‘stick’ for much longer on   finding case studies, Facebook’s
    tweets are public, Twitter’s
                                            Facebook, in contrast to Twitter’s   invaluable – that side of my
    usually the way posts go viral.
                                            rapidly-rolling feed – so your       job is much simpler now that I
    And because there’s no need to
                                            connections are more likely          can reach so many people by
    request contacts, you can follow
                                            to see anything you post. Plus,      posting a request and asking
    anyone you like, not just those
                                            Facebook has numbers on its side     my Facebook friends to share it
    who accept you – that means
                                            – an estimated 968 million daily     among their connections.
    celebrities, leading experts, even
                                            active users worldwide, dwarfing
    long-dead authors (I was once
                                            Twitter’s 316 million.                 Working at home alone all
    retweeted by Vladimir Nabokov
    who died in 1977).                                                           day, I don’t have the chance to
                                                                                 chat to colleagues by the kettle
       I’m a member of LinkedIn, too,                                            and wind down in the middle
    and that’s useful for professional       Facebook pages for                  of a stressful day. But I can pop
    contacts and for showcasing              health writers                      onto Facebook to comment on a
    work. Several colleagues have            n Mosaic Science, from the          fellow freelancer’s post – it serves
    been approached for copywriting          Wellcome Trust, posts fascinating   a similar purpose.
    work via LinkedIn as it tends            long-read pieces about the
    to be widely used by corporate           science of life.                      So come and join us. We’re
    clients who perhaps don’t have                    posting Guild news and events
    contacts in the traditional media.       mosaicscience/?fref=ts              and anything else we think you’ll
    But Facebook’s always been my            n The New Scientist page shares     find interesting. We also hope
    favourite social media site. With
                                             a range of its brilliant stories.   you’ll chat among yourselves.
                                               Feel free to ask for help with
    no character limits, you can
                                             top/?q=new%20scientist              finding experts or case studies,
    express yourself in a bit more
                                             n The Sense About Science page      talk about issues that affect health
    detail and engage in something           debunks health myths, comments
    akin to a proper conversation. It                                            writers, tell us about your book
                                             on news stories posts highly        launch or share your pieces.
    feels friendly and personal. You         shareable infographics.
    can only see someone’s profile                                               Just visit
                                                      groups/146878362393614/ and
    if they agree to your ‘friend            senseaboutscience/
    request’, which is a bit like a                                              send a request to join.

    For further information on Members’ News and forthcoming events visit:

Sun shines for summer party - Guild of Health Writers
health writer
newsletter                                                                                JULY   l   2016

    A patient’s journey in the digital age
                 Social media has profoundly influenced every aspect of
                 our life. But what is the impact of social media on health
                 information? New Guild member and digital health writer
                 Radhika Narayan reports on patient care
    MOST healthcare professionals        to the online portals being          To me, this sounds like an issue
    are yet to fully embrace             implemented by the NHS.              that Guild members might
    social media platforms for                                                want to get involved with.
    patient care but there is no         The online patient
    doubt that this is where we          Connecting online can help to          Portal limitations cannot
    are heading – so now is the          build a better physician-patient     be ignored. Capabilities such
    time to address some major           relationship. The benefits           as registration, appointment
    issues. A key question to            for patient engagement have          scheduling, billing, access to
    explore is – can social media        been highlighted by research         lab results, image uploads,
    really direct patients to secure     in Scotland and elsewhere.           repeat prescription requests
    communication channels               Of course, merely making a           and alerts are all possible.
    and help them access health          portal available at a healthcare
    data? So far, it is certainly a      facility is just the first step.       But how much and what
    promising tool that can support      Implementation is the next           kind of data should the patient
    patients in their quest for the      challenge. Getting any patient       be in control of? Can patients
    health information. For a start,     to use a portal, does tend to be     request a repeat prescription
    with the government’s latest         an issue, particularly if they are   without having seen the
    attempt to create a paperless        not ‘techno-savvy’.                  doctor in person, for example?
    health service and improve                                                Which of the above elements
    the use of IT in healthcare,           Most patients are looking for      are ethical to provide? And
    accessing health records             a consumer-like tool – like the      can portals ensure patient
    should now be possible via           online shopping they are more        confidentiality and privacy?
    patient portals.                     familiar with. Therefore, there
                                         is a need to educate patients          A final aspect is the extent of
      Patient engagement via             about how online health              patient portal adoption among
    portals is a part of government      portals work and the benefits.       so-called ‘Millennials’ versus
    policy and a means of                                                      Baby Boomers, ie, does age
    involving patients in their        REFERENCES                              make a difference when it
    own care. These portals pull       Patient Online. comes to the willingness and/
    together health information        Healthcare Improvement Scotland.        or ability to become an online
    from different health provider     Social media and e-participation in     patient?
    channels into one common           NHS Scotland.
    platform and make it securely                    I hope this gives you a
    accessible to the patients.        Healthcare patient portals:             glimpse of how patient care
    Recently, the Royal College        Millennials vs Baby Boomers.            may evolve with social media
    of General Practitioners, in                  and spark off some ideas and
    partnership with the Royal         Engage! Transforming healthcare         debate. For more about what I
    College of Nursing, published      through digital patient engagement. do, visit my website at
    Patient Online, a guide          

     For further information on Members’ News and forthcoming events visit:

Sun shines for summer party - Guild of Health Writers
health writer
newsletter                                                                                             JULY    l   2016

    NE W M E M B ERS’ F oc us: Lyndon G ee

                                                            Lyndon Gee has been writing for 15 years but before
                                                            that worked in hospitality, training at the Savoy and
                                                            with Antonio Carluccio. He managed a bakery and
                                                            restaurant chain in the United States and has also run
                                                            the food and restaurant operations for Selfridges.
                                                            “As a health and food writer I love creating healthy
                                                            recipes and writing about food. The healing properties
                                                            of food are integral to my recipes. It’s rewarding
                                                            to develop dishes that help people manage specific
                                                            medical conditions or allergies,” he says. “I’m also a
                                                            food futurist, working on product development for
                                                            niche clients and big brands. So as well as sharing my
                                                            knowledge of healthy eating, I influence the future of
                                                            food for consumers in all elements of the food chain.”

    What are you working on now?              What achievement are you                   schedule is brilliant. Thanks too to
    I’ve just finished a five day shoot for   most proud of?                             technology I recently moved out of
    Diabetes Balance magazine. I create       As a founding board director of Slow       London to the south coast – and I
    the recipes to ensure they meet the       Food in the UK, and through my two         can now have a swim in my lunch
    exacting nutritional standards of the     campaigns, Eat:Fit and What’s on           hour!
    Diabetes UK clinical team. I always       your Plate? I helped to bring media
    make sure they taste great too – just     focus onto food provenance and the
    because you have a health condition       importance of local foods. The major       What are your work-related
    doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy food.        supermarkets and many restaurants          ambitions?
    So right now I’m in the kitchen           now concentrate on the origins of          I would like to do a more TV and
    re-testing the recipes and simplifying    their food so my work has helped           radio work and also get another book
    the methods to ensure they’re easy to     change the way we eat.                     out. To celebrate healthy food in
    follow and 100 per cent right before         Also, recreating favourite dishes for   every aspect, to the widest possible
    it goes into print and eventually onto    people who have a health condition         audience, and thus help to improve
    the Diabetes UK website (www.             is very worthwhile. From a child           the health of the nation.        who can’t eat gluten to someone
    Recipes/)                                 diagnosed with a heart problem,
                                              being able to offer them healthy           Finally, what do you like
                                              recipes based on familiar tastes is a      to do to relax when you’re
    How has your work changed                 big help.                                  not working?
    over the years?                                                                      I grow my own vegetables and
    There are lots of opportunities writing                                              go foraging for wild berries and
    for websites and I do a lot more          What are the best and worst                mushrooms; I also like rambling on
    work with corporate clients. Being        things about being a freelance/            the Kent Downs or along the White
    able to deliver the whole package is      your job?                                  Cliffs.
    very attractive for business clients,     One actually has more job security           A couple of times a month I
    so I’ve put together a team including     as a freelancer than a staffer! You        pop across to France and love to
    photographer, dietitian and designer      won’t be made redundant but you            wander around the markets, buying
    to deliver print-ready artwork for        do need to constantly seek new             ingredients from the small artisan
    recipe cards, leaflets, brochures and     clients and income streams to avoid        producers to cook and enjoy with
    in-store information. This one-stop       becoming reliant on one customer.          friends – along with a good selection
    shop approach is very popular!              The freedom to control my own            of wines of course!

    For further information on Members’ News and forthcoming events visit:

Sun shines for summer party - Guild of Health Writers
health writer
newsletter                                                                                               JULY   l   2016


            Janette Marshall                             HON. Co-CHAIRS                                Michele Simmons
        Janette is a freelance                           Janette Marshall                              Michele is a freelance
        journalist and author                            Michele Simmons                               health journalist who has
  specialising in health and                                                                           contributed to titles such
    fitness and plot-to-plate                                                                          as Woman, Essentials,
      healthy eating features                            HON. Secretary                                Sainsbury’s magazine, Top
about growing and cooking                                 Janet Horwood                                Santé and Best. She has
    your own food. She has                                                                             edited magazines for the
   edited health magazines,                              HON. TREASURER                                consumer and customer
written award-winning diet                                                                             markets, including Practical
    and nutrition books and                               Susan Aldridge                               Health, Healthy Times,
 worked with food business                                                                             Crossed Grain and Better
  start-ups devising recipes                               MEMBERSHIP                                  Health. She has also written
                  and menus.                               SECRETARY                                   books on diet, wellbeing
                                                           Lee Rodwell                                 and dreams.

                         Janet Horwood
                                                          Charlotte Haigh                   Susan Aldridge
                         Janet is a freelance
                         journalist and editor. She           McNeil                   Susan is a freelance
                         has written for most major        Sarah Stacey                   writer and editor,
                         national magazines and          Corinne Swainger        specialising in medicine,
                         newspapers. She was                                           health, science and
                         features editor for Choice      ADMINISTRATOR        psychology. She is currently
                         Magazine, editor of Caring                            Editor of Diabetes Update,
                                                          Jatinder Dua            Diabetes UK’s quarterly
                         (magazine for members
                         of the charity Carers UK)       GUILD PRESIDENT          magazine for healthcare
                         and until recently was                                      professionals. She has
                                                          Dr Carol Cooper       written and contributed to
                         health editor at Woman’s
                         Weekly. She is the author of,                        several popular science and
                         among others, Comfort for                               medical books including
                         Depression, Coping with the                            The Brain Book and Magic
                         Menopause, Caring: How                                     Molecules: How Drugs
                         to Cope and Exercise for                                                     Work.

                            Lee Rodwell                                                    Charlotte Haigh McNeil
     Lee has been writing about health                                                     Charlotte is a freelance writer and
       since the 1980s and her features                                                    editor covering all aspects of health
    have been published in most of the                                                     and psychology. She contributes to
 nationals, many magazines in the UK                                                       consumer titles including Women’s
 and abroad, and on websites such as                                                       Health, Woman & Home, Marie Claire, She has produced                                                      Stylist and Yours, and to customer
 leaflets, booklets, patient information                                                   titles such as Healthy, WeightWatchers
  packs and press releases for charities                                                   magazine and Vitality. Charlotte also
  and healthcare companies – and has                                                       writes content about behaviour change
written eight books, including ones on                                                     techniques for health charities and
   sex, on women’s health and on prostate problems. For many                               healthcare clients.
                     years she was health editor at Take a Break.

                         Sarah Stacey                                                     Corinne Swainger
                         As health editor of the Mail on Sunday’s            Corinne is a freelance medical
                         YOU magazine, Sarah writes a weekly             copywriter, writer and editor, who
                         page on every aspect of health.                  specialises in producing content
                         Her particular interest is integrated               for pharmaceutical-healthcare
                         medicine. She is a passionate                   marketing and education. She has
                         campaigner for public access to                more than 20 years’ experience in
                         reliable broad-based information about        digital and traditional media. Based
                         health and wellbeing. She was Health         in London, Corinne is a lay member
                         Journalist of the Year 2013. Sarah was a    of the research committee for the UK
                         founder member and first Hon Chair of      Tuberous Sclerosis Association charity.
                         the Guild.

    For further information on Members’ News and forthcoming events visit:

Sun shines for summer party - Guild of Health Writers
health writer
newsletter                                                                                         JULY    l   2016

    M E M B E RS’ NEWS

OBITUARY Elizabeth Adlam
It is with much sadness that we report
the death of long-standing Guild
member Elizabeth (Liz) Adlam.
Liz Hodgkinson remembers her . . .
Liz Adlam, who has died aged 73, was in many ways luckier
than most, blessed with a supremely happy long-lasting
marriage, a loving family, and a rewarding career that lasted
almost to the day she died.

    Born Elizabeth Morley, she was the only child of a
Weybridge bank manager, and attended a local convent
school. She read English at St Andrews’ University, where
she met her future husband Tony Adlam. They married soon
after graduating, and remained soulmates for life.

    Liz always wanted to be a writer, and after her first job
with a publishing company, began writing for Reader’s
Digest, always a highly demanding and exacting outlet,
where she was greatly valued. When Tony’s job as a
geography teacher took them to Australia, she was instantly     condition seemed to have stabilized. She was reasonably
offered regular work with Reader’s Digest down under.           able-bodied and able to resume both work and driving.
‘She walked straight into a job there,’ said Tony. After they
returned to the UK in 1987, Liz took up with British Reader’s       In June 2016, she had a routine bone marrow biopsy
Digest again, specializing in health.                           when it became clear that all was not going well. She
                                                                went rapidly downhill and died on July 5, in Southampton
    She also wrote many advertorials for them. In the           General Hospital, with Tony and her twin daughters by her
1980s, Liz pioneered a campaign for child safety seats in       side. “The last thing she said was: ‘you will be all right,
cars, now of course compulsory, and later won a Guild           won’t you?’” Tony told me. He added: “I may be biased,
of Health Writers’ Award for a groundbreaking article           but Liz was the kind of person who always thought of
on retinoblastoma, an uncommon form of eye cancer               others before herself.” Indeed, she had nursed Tony back
that affects young children. Liz’s work was known for its       from a serious heart attack a few years previously, and
attractive combination of close research and readability        wrote amusingly to Guild members about putting her “Flo
– not always easy to achieve, as writers on complicated         Nightingale cap firmly on”.
medical subjects will testify – and this was a major reason
why she was in demand right up to the end.                          Those who knew Liz will remember her sunny
                                                                personality, ready smile, great sense of humour and relaxed,
    When the Guild of Health Writers was founded in             approachable manner. She made friends easily, and
1994, Liz became an enthusiastic supporter and committee        although an accomplished journalist, she remained very
member, even though she was by then living in Bembridge         modest, never drawing attention to the highly professional
on the Isle of Wight. She travelled frequently to the capital   work she had produced without fuss for decades.
for meetings and events, staying at the Royal Over-Seas
League.                                                            Liz leaves Tony, her two daughters Carol and Samantha,
                                                                and two grandchildren, teenagers Jemimah and Oliver.
   Having enjoyed good health all her life, Liz was
devastated when, in 2014, she went to her GP with a bad         l The family has requested that any donations should go
back and out of the blue was diagnosed with multiple            to Myeloma UK. The Guild will also be making a donation.
myeloma, or bone marrow cancer. She was prescribed              Tony would love to hear from Guild members who knew
chemotherapy, but a year later stopped treatment as her         Liz. He can be contacted at

    For further information on Members’ News and forthcoming events visit:

Sun shines for summer party - Guild of Health Writers
health writer
newsletter                                                                                            JULY    l   2016

     M E M B E RS’ NEWS

    NEW BOOKS                               country. As the NHS faces one of its
                                            most difficult financial periods since
                                            its creation, the book celebrates the
                                            continuing dedication and skill of
                                            its workforce, and some of the most
    Improving the NHS and
                                            pioneering projects being carried
    social care                             out at the frontline of health and
                                            social care.
    Paul Dinsdale, below, has produced
    a new e-book, looking at how NHS
                                               In projects ranging from the use
    and social care professionals are
                                            of mobile phone apps to improve
    improving the delivery of health
                                            mental health, to the training of
    and social care in the UK.
                                            prisoners as restaurant chefs and
                                            the setting-up of social micro-            by experts
                                            enterprises in deprived areas, the         including Dale
                                            book gives a broad picture of health       Pinnock, Ian
                                            and social care innovations across         Marber and
                                            the UK, and provides ideas for NHS         Janey Lee
                                            and social care professionals to           Grace, has
                                            improve services in their own areas.       been carefully
                                            It also gives a current overview of        developed
                                            the state of the NHS and possible          by Christine,
                                            future trends in healthcare, at a time     who is an
                                            when publicly-funded care is under         award-winning nutritionist and
                                            intense scrutiny in the UK.                chef. Whether you are looking to
                                                                                       lose a few pounds or seeking a
                              Tales          The e-book is available from              new way of eating to boost energy,
                              from the      Amazon.                                    Go Lean Vegan will provide you
                              Frontline:                                               with all the nutritional principles
                             Improving      The vegan approach to                      you need for a vibrant, healthy life.
                             the NHS        weight loss                                The book includes nutritionally
                            and Social                                                 balanced recipes such as the
                            Care is         In her new book, Go Lean Vegan             Coconut Quinoa Bowl with Berries,
                            based on        (Hodder, Yellow Kite), Christine           Courgette Carbonara and Orange
                           a series of      Bailey, above right, presents a            Chocolate Pots.
    articles in The Guardian, showing       plant-based diet that can help you
    how innovations in health and           not only look great, but also lose           For more information, go to www.
    social care are having a real impact    weight! This revolutionary step-by-
    on people’s lives around the            step 30-day diet plan, endorsed            lean-vegan

                                                                                     2016 Jacobs Science Writer
     Edge of Consciousness                  Alzheimer’s – New Insights into
     Conference                             the Potential of Alzheimer’s and         Zurich-based Jacobs Foundation is
                                            its Care came out last year and          offering Fellowship awards to science,
     Maggie La Tourelle will speak at the
                                            she wrote a blog for Alzheimer’s         social and health policy journalists. The
     Edge of Consciousness Conference
                                            Dementia Awareness Week in May           award covers travel and other costs to
     at the College of Psychic Studies on
                                            which is available at                    a five-day study programme in Zurich
     September 3. She shares a platform
                                         from November 29 to December 3.
     with Dr Penny Sartori and Anthony
                                                                                     Apply at by
     Peake. Maggie’s book, The Gift of      things-you-need-to-know/
                                                                                     August 21 2016.

    For further information on Members’ News and forthcoming events visit:

Sun shines for summer party - Guild of Health Writers
health writer
newsletter                                                                                                 JULY      l   2016

     M E M B E RS’ NEWS

  MJA awards                                                      well understood by scientists
                                                                  as the relapsing-remitting type.       Cystitis
  winners                                                                                                campaigner
                                                                     However, there are many
  Madeleine Bailey and John                                       ways that people can manage            Angela Kilmartin,
  Illman have both been                                           their symptoms and recently            a Braintree District
  recognised in the 2016                                          there have been several                and Witham Town
  Medical Journalists Association                                 promising breakthroughs in             Councillor, is
  Awards.                                                         treatment and research. The            campaigning to stop
                                                                  booklet can be downloaded              cystitis in the elderly.
    Madeleine was named                                           from              She sits on the health
  Charity Writer of the Year                                                                             committee and recently
  2016 for a health information                                      John won the MJA award              joined the Braintree
  booklet for the Multiple                                         for Feature of the Year               District Council Cabinet
  Sclerosis Society entitled                                      (for a specialist audience)            as a member for health
  Understanding progressive                                       for an extract from his                in a road show exhibit
  MS. Her aim was to create an                                    new book Handling the                  in Witham town centre,
  accurate, up-to-date resource                                   Media: Communication                   where she helped
  for people with progressive                                     and Presentation Skills for            launch the campaign.
  MS as opposed to the more                                       Healthcare professionals. The
  common relapsing-remitting                                      extract appeared in British
  type.                                                           Journalism Review. The judges
                                                                  pronounced the piece “thought
    With this type of MS, there                                   provoking on an issue that is
  are no periods of remission                                     vitally important for medicine
  and, as yet, no treatments                                      and medical reporting.
  that can halt progression of the condition,        Superbly written.” The article is available at
  leading many people to feel that hope has
  been lost after diagnosis. It is also not as       full.pdf

                          News in brief…
                          Charlotte Stirling-Reed, left, has recently up-
                          dated her website to allow her work as a child
                                                                                                        New full Guild members
                          nutritionist to become more evident. Charlotte
                          has also written a comprehensive blog entitled                                David F Marks: Freelance
                          Top Tips to Dealing with a Picky Eater. Visit                                 author and editor
                          Charlotte’s website                                    Heather Stephen: Freelance
                          Helen Cowan, right, has started writing for the                               Anna Pattenden: Freelance
                          Hippocratic Post, at the following link www.
                                                       Laura Bond: Freelance
                                                                                                        writer and online editor

                                                                                                        This newsletter is kindly sponsored
Th e                          Gui l d of Health Wri ters                                                   by an educational grant from
Dale Lodge, 88 Wensleydale Road, Hampton, Middlesex TW12 2LX.
Guild office hours: 9am -12pm Monday to Wednesday. Tel/Fax: +44 (0)20 8941 2977. Email: admin@ Administrator: Jatinder Dua.
Members are very welcome to send in contributions to Health Writer and to submit ideas for events and
workshops. Copy deadline for next newsletter: August 16, 2016.                                     

     For further information on Members’ News and forthcoming events visit:

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