Ransomware: Innovative Risk Management as a Disincentive - Glasswall Solutions

Page created by Lewis Murray
Ransomware: Innovative Risk Management as a Disincentive - Glasswall Solutions
Innovative Risk Management
as a Disincentive

Ransomware: Innovative Risk Management as a Disincentive - Glasswall Solutions
“Someone once asked Slick Willie Sutton, the bank robber, why he robbed banks.
The question might have uncovered a tale of injustice and lifelong revenge. Maybe
a banker foreclosed on the old homestead, maybe
a banker’s daughter spurned Sutton for another.

“‘I rob banks because that’s where the money is,’ he [allegedly] said….”1

I. Introduction

Executive Summary

This white paper largely focuses                              campaigns have touched fewer
on ransomware as it has been                                  victims, but with greater target
experienced over the last few                                 specificity. Ransomware attacks, now
years. It explores some high-profile                          clearly entrenched as one of many
incidents, traces the evolution of                            options in threat actors’ arsenals,
ransomware campaigns, and offers a                            remains an event of potentially great
couple of approaches to managing                              consequence for victims.
risk considering ransomware’s
apparent trajectory.                                          As just one example, SamSam
                                                              ransomware has been used recently to
Ransomware is not a new                                       target transportation and government
phenomenon, although its rise within                          infrastructures. Following SamSam
mainstream attention reached a                                attacks on Colorado and the City of
crescendo in 2017 with two large-                             Atlanta, it was reported in July 2018
scale campaigns. Based on the                                 that the U.S. network of shipping
security community’s experience in                            giant COSCO suffered a ransomware
2017, initial forecasts for 2018 and                          attack. While SC Magazine reports
beyond suggested sustained, if not                            that “[i]t is unclear what type of
increased, ransomware campaigns.                              ransomware was used in the attack,”
Experience over the first half of                             SamSam is suspected as the most
the year, however, indicates a                                likely cause.2 “The incident took
more nuanced trajectory. Whereas                              place on July 24 and the company’s
ransomware attacks historically                               American IT infrastructure including
were large in scale, opportunistic                            email servers, telephone network, and
and not generally targeted, recent                            company website” were impacted.3

1 Robert M. Yoder, “Someday They’ll Get Slick Willie Sutton,” in The Saturday Evening Post (January 20, 1951), Vol. 223, Issue 30. Citing an alleged statement from Willie Sutton
  who disavowed ever saying it.
2 Robert Abel, “Ransomware attack knocks out shipping giant COSCO’s U.S. network,” dated July 26, 2018. Available at: .
3 Id.
Also on July 24, ransomware spread                          threat may be incomplete. Third,
through the network of Alaska’s                             ransomware is now a commodity
Matanuska-Susitna borough,                                  tool of cyber threat actors, and the
encrypting the “email server, internal                      barrier to its use is quite low. Finally,
systems and disaster recovery                               ransomware is generally used to
servers.”4 This impacted most                               convince a victim to part ways with
of Matanuska-Susitna’s desktop                              its money, but not always—a threat
computers, 120 servers, telephones                          actor can just as easily use it as
and a physical access card system.                          destructive malware with no intention
Although antivirus software “spotted                        of decrypting impacted files.
one part of the virus on July 17…[it]
failed to detect all the components                         Certainly ransomware should be
of the malware.”5 Resourceful                               taken seriously, but there is no need
employees resorted to using                                 to subscribe to the “doom and
typewriters in order to maintain some                       gloom” narrative that one might
level of productivity.                                      spin from recent experience. Well-
                                                            planned risk management strategies,
These and other examples highlight                          based on proper assessments of
a few characteristics of ransomware.                        organization assets, threats and
First, it can quickly spread across                         vulnerabilities, can be applied in
an enterprise or across the globe in                        support of organizational business
either a targeted or opportunistic                          or mission goals. The combination
fashion. Second, as with other                              of people, processes and innovative
malware, antivirus solutions will not                       technologies can significantly mitigate
always detect a particular strain of                        the risk of ransomware alongside
ransomware, and even when they                              other forms of malware.
do, their ability to eliminate the


Whether Willie Sutton truly offered                         themselves and entities with supply
the rejoinder that he robbed banks                          chain connections to those victims.
because they were the locations with                        It also includes the use of malware
the largest, concentrated amounts                           and other exploits tied to the most
of money,6 the underlying logic                             prevalent operating systems and
repeatedly holds true in ongoing                            software applications. A survey
efforts to manage cyber risks. Nation                       of ransomware’s evolution and its
state, terrorist and criminal cyber                         application by threat actors over the
threat actors are smart, organized,                         last decade certainly follows Sutton’s
and ruthlessly focus their resources                        purported logic – they simply go
where they are most likely to obtain                        where the money is.
access to the data, processes, money
or other targets in which they are                          In the world of cybersecurity, one
interested. This includes the victims                       could not escape 2017 without a deep

4 Rozina Sabur, “Alaska town returns to typewriters after ransomware attack shuts down computer network”, dated August 1, 2018. Available at: .
5 Id.
6 In his autobiography, Sutton claims that he never offered such an answer.
appreciation of the risks presented by                      incidents were just the exclamation
ransomware. In May 2017, WannaCry                           point on many years of evolution in
ransomware spread globally and                              ransomware. First observed in 1989,
severely impacted organizations,                            the tactics applied by ransomware
including the National Health                               have changed over the ensuing
Service in the United Kingdom.                              decades, but since at least 2004 or so,
Shortly thereafter, the NotPetya                            the end goal of ransomware has been
malware impacted organizations                              to encourage victims to part ways with
across over 60 countries, hitting                           their money. However, even recent
Ukrainian transportation, commercial                        high-profile ransomware campaigns
facilities sectors and the national                         are not necessarily what they appear
bank particularly hard. Yet these                           to be.

II. 2017: A Window into the Business of Cybercrime

By early 2017, the authors and users                        Data Breach Investigations Report
of ransomware had matured their                             presents a similar forecast, noting
tools and tradecraft far beyond                             that while the 2018 report suggests
their initiatives from a decade                             a decrease in malware and hacking
earlier. In 2017, ransomware, was a                         events in 2017, this was largely due
prominent tool in the hands of threat                       to the removal of botnet infections
actors. And a year later, among the                         from the data and the fact that the
megatrends identified in a February                         report is based on confirmed data
2018 Ponemon Institute report                               breaches and “it is important to keep
was the “risk [that] cyber extortion                        in mind that attacks that [Verizon]
and data breaches will increase                             see[s] on the rise, such as ransomware
in frequency” over the next three                           and some financial pretexting, do not
years.8 This is supported by 67% of                         require a breach of confidentiality
respondents who ‘strongly agreed’                           for the attacker to meet their goal.”9
or ‘agreed’ that the “risk of cyber                         Of course, these sentiments were
extortion (such as ransomware) will                         the product of respondents’ own
increase in frequency and payout,”                          experiences in 2016 and 2017 as well
with 19% judging such cyber extortion                       as the visible consequences of two
to be very frequent in 2018 and 42%                         major events in 2017.
expecting it to be very frequent over
the next three years. Verizon’s 2018

7 Ponemon Institute, Research Report, “2018 Study on Global Megatrends in Cybersecurity”, p. 1. Available at: . Sponsored by Raytheon.
8 Id., p. 7.
9 Verizon, “2018 Data Breach Investigations Report”. Available at: .

Early in the morning on May 12, 2017,     More advanced than WannaCry,
U.S. authorities began receiving          NotPetya encrypted victims’ devices
reports from Asia and Europe of a         and displayed a screen demanding
ransomware campaign, which rapidly        a ransom. Despite this demand and
spread across 150 countries and led to
over a quarter of a million infections.
                                          the temporal proximity between
                                          WannaCry and NotPetya, there is           The attack quickly
Ultimately, it impacted operations at
hospitals, automakers, gas stations,
                                          an important distinction to make
                                          between the two. Whereas WannaCry
                                                                                    spread worldwide,
railways and shipping companies.
Reports suggest that the ransom
                                          was a rapidly spreading ransomware
                                          campaign that netted relatively little
                                                                                    causing billions of
amount demanded from each victim          revenue, NotPetya was not quite           dollars in damage
                                                                                    across Europe,
fell between $300 and $600 in bitcoin,    ransomware. It certainly demanded
and the perpetrators ultimately only      and offered an opportunity for victims

                                                                                    Asia, and the
made just over $140,000 according to      to pay a ransom, but the malware
most reporting, it could have been in     and supporting infrastructure were
the multiple millions if they were more
organized. Clearly, the significance
                                          not designed for the threat actors to
                                          associate a payment with a particular     Americas
of the WannaCry campaign had              victim’s device through an installation
little connection with the actual         identifier. As such, perpetrators
dollar amount obtained by those           would be unable to decrypt an
responsible (other cyber incidents        affected device upon receipt of
netted far more), and much more to        payment. In reality, it seems that
do with the speed and breadth of its      NotPetya was nothing more than
global spread as well as the impact       destructive malware—a wiper with
it had to business operations among       the ability to spread fast and wide.
critical infrastructure entities.         In February 2018, the White House
                                          released a statement that “[i]n June
The sting of ransomware in 2017           2017, the Russian military launched
felt even more painful due to the         the most destructive and costly
NotPetya campaign, which followed         cyber-attack in history. The attack,
shortly on the heels of WannaCry          dubbed ‘NotPetya,’ quickly spread
in late June 2017. The NotPetya           worldwide, causing billions of dollars
malware, so named due to its              in damage across Europe, Asia, and
similarity with previously seen Petya     the Americas.”10
ransomware, used a few technical
options to spread laterally within
an organization and to quickly
spread globally. For example, it
included the use of previously known
vulnerabilities, for which patches
were already available, and so-called
“living off the land” techniques
whereby the malware uses legitimate
system tools to achieve its intent.

10 Id., p. 7.
While WannaCry and NotPetya may                             to the Russian military, the former
not have shared the ability to decrypt                      was attributed to the North Korean
a victim’s device, they did share an                        government. The breadth of the
ability to impact a vast array of victims                   campaigns, the destructive nature of
over a short period of time. They also                      NotPetya and the attribution to nation
shared another attribute. Unlike prior,                     states placed these two events on a
well-known ransomware campaigns,                            plane far apart from prior, concurrent
WannaCry and NotPetya were both                             or subsequent ransomware
attributed to nation state actors.                          campaigns.
Whereas the latter was attributed


Consistent with the Ponemon Institute                       the United States in a crisis short of
and Verizon forecasts of increased                          war,” and that “[r]ansomware and
risks from ransomware going forward                         malware attacks have spread globally,
are survey results reported by                              disrupting global shipping and
Cybersecurity Insiders, which found
that “Ransomware is the fastest
                                                            production lines of US companies.
                                                            The availability of criminal and
                                                                                                                         Ransomware is the
growing security threat, perceived
as a moderate or extreme threat by
                                                            commercial malware is creating
                                                            opportunities for new actors to launch
                                                                                                                         fastest growing
80% of cybersecurity professionals.                         cyber operations.”12                                         security threat
75% of organizations affected by
ransomware experienced up to five                           SophosLabs noted four 2017 trends
attacks in the last 12 months alone,                        that they expected to continue
25% experienced [six] or more attacks.                      in 2018, including “a ransomware
79% predict ransomware to become                            surge fueled by [ransomware-as-a-
a larger threat over the next 12                            service (RaaS)] and amplified by the
months.”11                                                  resurgence of worms.”13 Viewed
                                                            as a lucrative threat, ransomware
And these three forecasts did not                           authors increased the availability
stand alone at the end of 2017 and                          of RaaS on the dark web, which
beginning of 2018. In his February                          makes it accessible to even those
2018 “Statement for the Record”                             with little technical expertise, while
related to the “Worldwide Threat                            also improving the features of
Assessment of the U.S. Intelligence                         their malware, such as improved
Community”, the U.S. Director of                            encryption and antivirus evasion,
National Intelligence observed that                         broader ransom payment options,
“[t]he risk is growing that some                            and applicability beyond the Windows
adversaries will conduct cyber                              operating system.14 At least a dozen
attacks—such as data deletion or                            other forecasts suggested that the
localized and temporary disruptions                         experiences of 2017 were expected to
of critical infrastructure—against                          continue in 2018 and beyond.

11 Verizon, “2018 Data Breach Investigations Report”. Available at: .
12 Statement from the Press Secretary, The White House (February 15, 2018). Accessed on July 5, 2018 and available at: .
13 SophosLabs, “2018 Malware Forecast”, p. 1.
14 Id., p. 5.
III. Ransomware’s Evolution

Despite the news coverage and                               Since mid-2017, ransomware
government response around the                              campaigns continued. For
events of May and June 2017,                                example, SamSam ransomware
ransomware was nothing new at                               emerged in 2016 and continued
that time. Digital Guardian reports                         to be encountered in 2017 and
that “[a]fter the first documented                          2018. In March 2018, the City of
ransomware attack in 1989,                                  Atlanta, Georgia suffered a SamSam
ransomware attacks remained                                 ransomware attack, and the State
uncommon until the mid-2000s….                              of Colorado previously experienced
Popular during this time were                               the same ransomware. In early
Gpcode, TROJ.RANSOM.A,                                      December 2017, Glasswall Solutions
Archiveus, Krotten, Cryzip, and                             protected one of its customers from
MayArchive.”15 Other, more                                  a new variant of the GlobeImposter
recent and commonly encountered                             ransomware, which demands $1,037
ransomware variants include                                 from its victims and was being
CryptoWall, Teslacrypt, Cerber, CTB-                        distributed via email attachments by
Locker, Cryakl, Scatter, and Locky,                         the Necurs botnet.18
and the “total number of users who
encountered ransomware between                              Plenty of information is available
April 2015 and March 2016 rose by                           about earlier and current iterations of
17.7% compared to the previous 12                           ransomware. Without repeating that
months (April 2014 to March 2015)                           information, it is best to consider two
– from 1,967,784 to 2,315,931 users                         aspects along the historical trajectory
around the world.”16 And a paper                            of this threat—(1) types of extortion
by the Heritage Foundation found                            and ransomware, and (2) actor targets
that “[b]etween 2011 and 2016 the                           and motivations.
number of ransomware attacks grew
steadily, with incremental evolutions
in sophistication and scale. That all
changed in 2017.”17

15 Nate Lord, “A History of Ransomware Attacks: The Biggest and Worst Ransomware Attacks of All Time”, dated April 6, 2018. Available at: .
16 Kaspersky Lab, “KSN Report: PC ransomware in 2014-2016,” dated June 22, 2016. Available at: .
17 Klon Kitchen and Megan Reiss, “Ransomware is Coming. It’ll Make You WannaCry,”, dated May 8, 2018. Available at: < https://www.heritage.org/technology/commentary/
18 Glasswall Solutions FileTrust™ Advanced Threat Protection prevented this ransomware incident on day “T”, although the antivirus community did not indicate awareness of the
   ransomware file’s hash until day T+1.
Types of Extortion and Ransomware

Symantec provides an analysis of how                        authors to expand into crypto
online extortion and ransomware                             ransomware. With a locker, the
evolved between 2005 and 2015.19                            targeted device may no longer be
Four general categories of extortion                        accessible, but there remains the
and associated ransomware can                               potential to recover the files stored
be used to trace the history of this                        on its hard drive. However, crypto
online threat. These categories                             ransomware encrypts individual files,
include: misleading applications;                           rendering recovery difficult if not
fake antivirus; lockers; and crypto                         impossible. Interestingly, this final
ransomware. The first category                              category that emerged over the last
generally presented an end-user with                        three years had a relatively significant
the appearance of a spyware removal                         presence in 2005, but fell out of favor
or performance optimizing solution                          during the intervening years.21
available to the user for a fee. Over
time, the presence of fake antivirus                        The trend is fairly obvious.
increased. This category of extortion                       Extortionists generally moved from
presented the end-user with alleged                         approaches that relied on using a
scan results, which appeared to                             false threat to scare a victim into
detect significant malware infections.                      parting with its money to approaches
Perpetrators scared their victims into                      that presented very real threats to the
purchasing fake antivirus. As the first                     availability of a victim’s computing
two categories began to recede in                           resources or data. Intended victims
relative prevalence, the activity of                        could learn to differentiate false
locker ransomware increased.                                from real threats, thereby rendering
                                                            misleading applications and fake
According to Symantec, “[f]rom                              antivirus less lucrative. Cyber
2011 to 2012, attackers transitioned                        criminals, however, followed the logic
from fake antivirus tools to a more                         attributed to Mr. Sutton and increased
disruptive form of extortion. This                          their use of lockers and crypto
time, the cybercriminals disabled                           ransomware, which led to sustainable
access and control of the computer,                         profits.
effectively locking up the computer
from use.”20 Although locker
ransomware has decreased in
its relative prevalence, it has not
disappeared. However, network
defenders and incident response
teams sometimes found ways to
defeat lockers, leading ransomware

19 Kevin Savage et al., “Security Response: The evolution of ransomware”, dated August 6, 2015, pp. 7-11). Available at: < http://www.symantec.com/content/en/us/enterprise/
20 Id., p. 9.
21 Id., p. 8.

The victims of ransomware have             Again, the shift to ransomware types
largely cut across government              that open up greater opportunities
and private sector organizations,          to extort large public and private
critical infrastructure sectors,           sector organizations reflects one of
small businesses, and home users.          the most predictable attributes of
Arguably, small businesses and             unpredictable threat actors—they
home users were more susceptible           and their tools will gravitate towards
to the early categories of misleading      the victims of greatest value to them.
applications and fake antivirus.           The NotPetya experience, although
This has little relationship to the        technically not ransomware, shows
sophistication of a business or user       that value is not always reducible to
and everything to do with decision-        clear monetary amounts. Especially
making authority. In a small business      among nation states, strategic
or home user setting, the person           interests can have much more to do
experiencing the extortion is also         with disruption of infrastructure and
more likely to be the person in a          institutions within competitor nations.
position to spend money on the
security and maintenance of their          There is no reason to believe
information technology resources. In       that threat actors will abandon
larger organizations, the initial victim   their pursuit of victims they value.
is more likely—although not always—        However, the continued trajectory of
to defer to an information technology      ransomware is not as obvious.
department for handling the issue
and making payment. At that point,
information security professionals
have the opportunity to intervene,
recognizing the false threats for what
they are.

With respect to lockers and crypto
ransomware, however, the advantage
of the larger organization falls away.
The threats are real and, absent
the execution of pre-existing risk
management strategies, the pressure
to pay a ransom may be very great.
IV. The Threat Landscape Isn’t So Clear:
    The Latest Observations

The cybersecurity community                                 This and similar reporting indicates
entered 2018 with well-defined                              that while ransomware is not
ransomware capabilities and victims.                        expected to disappear as a concern,
Ransomware tools had evolved in                             it is expected to evolve. Less
their ability to spread quickly and
cause considerable disruption. A
                                                            indiscriminate than the campaigns
                                                            of 2015 through the high-profile                            Ransomware efforts
debate around whether or not to
pay requested ransom amounts co-
                                                            campaigns of 2017, threat actors are
                                                            using ransomware to focus on specific
                                                                                                                        were becoming
existed with the increasingly visible
events. Whereas law enforcement
                                                            victims. And while the common
                                                            ransomware families appear to be
                                                                                                                        much more
generally encouraged victims to not                         dying, the ransomware that remains                          targeted
pay the ransom, the final decision                          is being presented to victims through
belonged to the asset owner. Within                         the use of larger malware variants.
this context, security professionals                        Finally, access to the malware is widely
predicted that 2018 would see a                             available through RaaS.
growth in ransomware.
                                                            This is perhaps as worrisome as the
Yet, by mid-2018, assessments                               broad ransomware salvos of the last
suggested a more nuanced trajectory.                        few years. Now, potential victims
In March 2018, a Recorded Future                            are likely to be specifically targeted.
blog noted that over 2017 and                               SamSam ransomware, for example,
into 2018 there actually had been                           is now characterized by threat actors
“a steady decline in ransomware                             scanning for the presence of specific
campaigns”, that ransomware efforts                         vulnerabilities that can be exploited
were becoming much more targeted,                           to achieve an initial infection as an
focusing on specific industries and                         alternative to using phishing emails.
using a greater number of variants,                         And once inside a victim’s network,
and that RaaS “would continue                               SamSam threat actors “prep[] the
to thrive, at least through 2018.”22                        victim for full exploitation.”24 In this
Similarly, in April 2018 it was observed                    emerging era of ransomware, a threat
that ransomware “is falling into such                       actor will have the discipline and
a steep decline that some of the                            focus to tailor its delivery mechanism,
major families responsible for taking                       such as spear phishing emails with
millions from victims have ceased                           attached malicious files, to achieve a
operation….It is a sharp contrast to                        greater probability of exploiting the
how ransomware performed during                             victim.

22 Allan Liska, “5 Ransomware Trends to Watch in 2018”, dated March 6, 2018. Available at: < https://www.recordedfuture.com/ransomware-trends-2018/>.
23 Danny Palmer, “Ransomware: Not dead, but evolving nasty new trick”, dated April 9, 2018. Available at: < https://www.zdnet.com/article/ransomware-not-dead-but-evolving-
24 Doug Olenic, “SamSam ransomware payments hit $6 million, malware called labor intensive to operate”, dated July 31, 2018. Available at: .
At the same time, increasing varieties      where it falls in relation to the early
of a particular piece of ransomware         2018 forecasts and the nuanced
have the potential to avoid detection       trajectory suggested more recently.
and prevention by signature- and            From an organization’s perspective,
heuristic-based intrusion prevention,       determining the probability of facing
next-generation firewall and antivirus      ransomware is important. But RaaS,
solutions.                                  which lowers the bar for those who
                                            want to use this threat, and the threat
Yet if recent reporting is correct,         actor-specific determinations of victim
then most organizations are                 value, which suggest a dynamism
unlikely to experience ransomware           around whether one is a target at a
unless they are targeted. From a            particular time, suggest that a given
risk management perspective, an             probability determination could
organization needs to understand            quickly become stale.

V. How to Manage Risk as Ransomware Evolves ations

If ransomware is seen for what it now       asset owner can choose to mitigate
is—just one more commoditized tool          threats (or at least the threat vectors),
to achieve cybercriminal and nation         vulnerabilities, consequences, or a
state goals of financial gain, disruption   combination thereof. However, as will
or obfuscation—then associated              be discussed, innovations in threat
risk management approaches                  vector mitigation offer tremendous
are relatively straightforward.             opportunities for broader risk
Ransomware risk management fits             management efforts.
well within broader risk management
efforts. This is evident through a          Beginning in reverse order,
decomposition of the risk. Whether          consequence mitigation strategies
risk is: (1) presented as the common        include business continuity
function of a threat interacting            planning, recovery planning, and
with an exploitable vulnerability           the implementation of back-up and
and a resulting consequence; (2)            recovery solutions such that systems
identified using the Factor Analysis        can be reconstituted and data
of Information Risk and its focus on        restored based on pre-determined
quantifiable loss event frequency, loss     restoration points and maximum
magnitude and their concomitant             downtime targets.
threat, vulnerability and loss
component measurements; or (3)
assessed using any other common
methodology; the risk manager’s
conclusion is clear. Ransomware risk
can be mitigated to a level at which
remaining risk is either acceptable
or fit for transfer. The mitigation
techniques are nothing new. An
Whether a threat actor wants to extort    postures and how to improve them
money in exchange for decrypting          in light of the threat. Generally,
files, or whether an actor is focused     email attachments are scanned by
on disrupting a business or sector, a     traditional, signature-based antivirus
well-planned, exercised and practiced     solutions at the email gateway
back-up and recovery strategy will        and upon execution at enterprise
greatly mitigate the consequences.        endpoints. Innovations have added
Of course, this approach also could       heuristic-based antivirus solutions
be used to mitigate the consequences      and sandboxing opportunities. Such
from other types of attacks as well       organizations’ success is largely based
as non-malicious human errors and         on prior experience—a combination
natural disasters that impact an          of previously seen malicious files,
organization’s data. As such, it serves   malicious behaviors, suspect
as a threat-agnostic, all-hazards risk    behaviors, and other attributes
management solution.                      of prior attacks. Yet email-based
                                          malware continues to effectively
Some ransomware and initial               compromise individuals and
ransomware infection vectors will be      organizations. Increasingly, it is used
designed to exploit known, published      as a pivot-point from which so-called
vulnerabilities. A vulnerability          “file-less” malware can be introduced
management program, which likely          into an enterprise, presenting its own
includes vulnerability detection, patch   detection and prevention challenges.
management and other mitigations,         And as recently observed, the number
can limit the attack surface              of ransomware variants in use appear
available to ransomware. Similarly,       to be increasing, thereby reducing the
configuration management, proper          chance of successful detection and
network segmentation, and identity,       prevention.
credential and access management
can prevent or otherwise limit            Considering the success of threat
ransomware’s ability to spread            actors using phishing emails loaded
laterally within an organization. Of      with ransomware attachments,
course, instituting these practices       one can only conclude that while
will provide vulnerability mitigation     detection is necessary for effective
beyond the threat of ransomware.          cybersecurity, it is not sufficient. The
                                          “SANS 2018 Survey on Endpoint
Finally, the ransomware threat            Protection and Response” suggests
vector can be mitigated. Common           that “[t]raditional tools are no longer
approaches include the use of             sufficient to detect cyberattacks, the
intrusion prevention systems, next-       data shows: Antivirus systems only
generation firewalls, antivirus and       detected endpoint compromise 47%
sandboxing solutions. These are           of the time,” and that advanced
all good, if not best, practices. But     behavior-based detection tools are
they should be seen as baseline
solutions. More is required. Focusing
on the common threat vector of
ransomware delivered via a spear
phishing email, organizations looking
to mitigate the ransomware risk
should consider their defensive
Considering the success of threat                           the cybersecurity marketplace.
actors using phishing emails loaded                         Glasswall FileTrust™ Advanced Threat
with ransomware attachments,                                Protection is just such a technology.
one can only conclude that while                            In near real-time, it will compare a
detection is necessary for effective                        file to that file type’s standard or
cybersecurity, it is not sufficient. The                    specification (e.g., Microsoft Office
“SANS 2018 Survey on Endpoint                               specifications, ISO 10918 for JPEG,
Protection and Response” suggests                           ISO 32000 for a PDF file), regenerate
that “[t]raditional tools are no longer                     the file in accordance with that
sufficient to detect cyberattacks, the                      specification, and pass the file
data shows: Antivirus systems only                          forward. During the regeneration
detected endpoint compromise 47%                            process, Glasswall FileTrust™
of the time,” and that advanced                             performs two sets of actions. First,
behavior-based detection tools are                          it remediates structural deviations
being purchased, but not used due to                        from the file type specification. This
lack of training and bandwidth among
already over-worked information
                                                            includes fixing byte-level anomalies,
                                                            which may be intentionally or
                                                                                                                         A departure from
security teams.25 For too long,
the cybersecurity community has
                                                            unintentionally introduced into
                                                            the file, but can create unwanted
                                                                                                                         traditional security
been trying to solve an increasingly                        consequences. Second, it sanitizes                           techniques
intractable problem—identifying and                         functional aspects of the file based on
stopping malicious file attachments                         an enterprise’s security policies. For
before they infect an endpoint or                           example, it can remove extensible
network. Yet, automated assembly-                           attributes, such as macros, JavaScript,
line ransomware generation on                               embedded files and metadata.
an industrial scale, coupled with                           Sanitization can be applied differently
sandbox-aware or at least sandbox-                          depending on user groups and their
evading attributes, will continue to                        business needs.
defeat detection approaches far too
often. The end goal of preventing                           The d-FIRST™ approach is a
malicious files from infecting an                           departure from traditional security
enterprise remains sound, but it                            techniques; more to the point, it’s
requires solving a simpler problem.                         approach is the complete opposite of
Instead of detecting and preventing                         all preceding security solutions. All
“known-bad” files, enterprise email                         files are subjected to the process on a
security must incorporate technology                        least-trust basis, instead of only acting
to simply look for, generate and pass                       on files that match a known signature
“known-good” files.                                         or heuristic pattern. The results,
                                                            however, fill a gap in traditional
Generating and passing “known-                              architectures. For instance, Glasswall
good” files can be achieved using                           Solutions tested 6,000 known and
deep-file inspection, remediation and                       unknown malicious files with a global
sanitization technology (d-FIRST™),                         defense contractor.
which has been maturing for several
years and is already available in

25 Kelly Sheridan, “Less Than Half of Cyberattacks Detected via Antivirus: SANS”, dated July 16, 2018. Summarizing the SANS 2018 report and available at: .
Initially, only an antivirus solution was   day-zero, but it took up to three,
deployed. Of the 6,000 malicious            seven and even 30 days for the
files, 3,592 of the files were detected     antivirus community to indicate
by the antivirus solution—a 40.13%          awareness of the malicious files,
failure rate. Subsequently, a heuristic     and longer for the sandbox vendor
layer was added by the systems              to develop, test and release its
integrator, which reduced the failure       updated software. Of course, with
rate to 35.58%. Finally, Glasswall          the d-FIRST™ approach this is to
FileTrust™ was inserted in place of         be expected. By subjecting all files
the signature- and heuristics-based         to the security solution, previously
solutions. Each of the 6,000 files was      unknown malware will be rendered
effectively remediated and sanitized        inert. Customers are not only
because Glasswall FileTrust™ was not        protected by Glasswall FileTrust™
looking for known-bad.                      on day-zero, but they have access
                                            to personalized threat intelligence
In an operational example, a well-          as these are files often specifically
known brand that is a Glasswall
Solutions customer in the tech sector
                                            directed towards them.                      Multiple security
received 347 million emails over a
six-month period, including Microsoft
                                            As with consequence and vulnerability
                                            mitigation strategies, the deployment
                                                                                        layers failed to
Office, PDF and image files. Four           of Glasswall FileTrust™ Advanced            prevent malicious
layers of defense were applied to           Threat Protection alongside more
the files, including next generation        traditional solutions is threat-agnostic.
firewalls, anti-spam and anti-phishing      Whether an adversary is engaged in a
filters, antivirus solutions and a          ransomware campaign or attempting
heuristics filter. Fifty-five million of    to introduce another type of file-
the original files were processed and       based malware into an enterprise,
allowed to pass as ‘clean’ to Glasswall     Glasswall FileTrust™ Advanced Threat
FileTrust™, the company’s final line        Protection will neutralize the threat.
of defense prior to the email server.
The multiple security layers failed to      It serves an organization well to
prevent 171 malicious files, almost an      identify those risk management
average of one file per day. According      solutions that can best mitigate
to the customer, Glasswall FileTrust™       the widest set of probable threats,
neutralized the threats with no impact      vulnerabilities and consequences.
to the end-user experience. Glasswall       At the same time, not all systems
Solutions began querying well-              and data are of equal value to
known malware repositories with the         the organization or threat actors.
hashes of the original 171 malicious        Investment and architectural
files. In some cases, the malware was       decisions should take this into
known to the antivirus community,           account, applying security, back-up
but the traditional solutions lacked        and recovery solutions based on
a matching signature and did not            risk-informed decisions. Glasswall
interdict those files, similarly, the       Solutions can support this effort
sandbox layer had been bypassed             through a no-cost risk assessment,
using new and previously unseen             which will demonstrate current
techniques, so it was not looking           security gaps and exposures as they
for that malign behavior. In other          relate to the formatted files entering
instances, not only did Glasswall           and exiting an enterprise.
FileTrust™ protect the customer on
VI. Conclusion

Ransomware can cause significant             One need only take a step back and
losses in terms of extortion payments,       assess cyber threat actors for what
the interruption of business                 they are—value-maximizing individuals
operations, and associated cascading         and entities. Just like Willie Sutton,
consequences. Clearly, some within           they will target the prize—data,
the security community expect the            money, disruption or other objectives
threat of ransomware to increase in          they value—in their efforts. Whether
prevalence. Others expect the threat         an organization is confronting
to remain, but evolve in terms of its        ransomware, other malware-based
victims, availability to a broader set of    attacks, other malicious activity, or
users, and ability to evade traditional      non-malicious incidents, a common
security solutions. The events of 2017       set of established and emergent risk
confirm that ransomware is no longer         management practices are available.
the tool of cyber criminals focused          In the aggregate, the threats driving
solely on financial gain—nation              these incidents will not stop. Smart
states have their own, unique use-           prevention, response and recovery
cases for it. No doubt, the direction        investments are available to address
ransomware will actually take over the       them in the aggregate.
next few years is unclear. However,
the associated approaches to
managing the risk it presents are well-

   UK: +44 (0) 203 814 3900             cdssales@glasswallsolutions.com
                                                                             Glasswall Solutions limited   @glasswallnews
   USA: +1 (866) 823 6652               glasswallsolutions.com
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