Honors Recognition Convocation - Prairie ...

Page created by Jaime Smith

     Founders’ Day and
Honors Recognition Convocation
 Quality Without Compromise: Building on the Past

                          Hosted by

        The College of Juvenile Justice and Psychology

             William J. “Billy” Nicks, Sr. Building

     P R A I R I E V I E W A &M U N I V E R S I T Y
                      Prairie View, Texas

               Wednesday, March Twenty-Fifth

                     Two Thousand Nine

                         Ten O’Clock

L.W. Minor
                                     George C. Wright                          E.H. Anderson
                                        President                                 Principal
                                      2003-Present                               1879-1884

               Charles A. Hines                                                                   Laurine C. Anderson
                  President                                                                             Principal
                 1994-2002                                                                            1884-1894

Julius W. Becton, Jr.                                                                                        Edward L. Blackshear
      President                                                                                                   Principal
     1989-1994                                                                                                   1895-1915

                            Administration Building
  Percy A. Pierre                1899-1943                                                                      Isaiah M. Terrell
    President                                                                                                       Principal
   1983-1989                                                                                                       1915-1918

                                          Principals and Presidents
                                     P R A I R I E V I E W A &M U N I V E R S IT Y

               Alvin I. Thomas                                                                        J.G. Osborne
                  President                                                                             Principal
                 1966-1982                                                                             1918-1925

                                      Jesse M. Drew                       Willette Rutherford Banks
                                        President                                  Principal
                                          1966                                    1926-1947
                                                        Edward B. Evans

                              P R A I R I E V I E W A &M U N I V E R S IT Y
Prairie View A&M. University, the first state-supported college in Texas for African Americans, was established during the Reconstruction
period after the Civil War. This was the historical period when political and economic special interest groups were able to aggressively
use the federal government to enact public policy designated to “alter or reshape the cultural milieu of the vanquished Southern state.”
The University had its beginning in the Texas Constitution of 1876 which; in separate articles, established an “Agricultural and Mechanical
College” and pledged that “Separate schools shall be provided for the white and colored children, and impartial provisions shall be
made for both.” As a consequence of these constitutional provisions, the Fifteenth Legislature established “Alta Vista Agricultural and
Mechanical College of Texas for Colored Youth” on August 14, 1876.

                                          Enrollment of the First Students
The Board of Directors purchased the Alta Vista Plantation (1338 acres) from Mrs. Helen Marr Kirby, the widow of the late Col. Jared
Ellison Kirby. The College was named “Alta Vista Agricultural and Mechanical College for Colored Youth.” The Board, authorized to
appoint a principal to administer the College, selected L.W. Minor of Mississippi. Eight young African-American men, the first to enroll
in a state-supported college in Texas, began their studies on March 11, 1978.

                           Era of Principals as Cheif Administrative Officers
                                                              1878 - 1948
Prairie View strengthened and enlarged its curriculum and grew under the leadership of a series of dedicated principals. These men led
the College during those difficult decades as Federal Reconstruction ended and the doctrine of “separate but equal” emerged with the
Plessy v. Ferguson Supreme Court decision of 1896. The eight principals and their tenures were: L.W. Minor, 1878; E.H. Anderson, 1879-
1884; Laurine C. Anderson, 1884-1894; Edward L. Blackshear, 1895¬1915; Isaiah M. Terrell, 1915-1918; J.G. Osbourn, 1918-1925; Paul
(Uncle Paul) Bledsoe (Interim Principal), 1925-1962; Willette Rutherford Banks, 1926-1947; and Edward B. Evans, 1947-1948.

                            Era of Presidents as Cheif Administrative Officers
                                                           1948 to Present
In 1948, as a result of America emerging as the leader of the “Free World” after World War II, President Harry S. Truman ordered the racial
integration of the U.S. Armed Forces. The Board of Directors changed the title of the Chief Administrative Officer of the College from
Principal to President on December 3, 1948. The Presidents and their tenures are: Edward B. Evans 1948-1966; Jesse M. Drew, 1966; Alvin
I. Thomas, 1966-1982; Ivory Nelson (Interim President), June 1982-January 1983; Percy A. Pierre, 1983-1989; Milton R. Bryant (Interim
President), June 1989-December 1989; Julius W. Becton, Jr., 1989-1994; Harold S. Bonner (Interim President), August 1994-October
1994; Charles A. Hines, 1994-2002; Willie A. Tempton, Sr. (Interim President), 2002-2003; George C. Wright, 2003-present.

                                           Names Given to the University
                                                              1878 - 1998
The Fifteenth Legislature (August 14, 1867) established “Alta Vista Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas for Colored Youth.”
The Sixteenth Legislature (April 19, 1879) established “Prairie View State Normal School” in Waller County for the training of colored
teachers. The Twentieth Legislature attached the words Agriculture and Mechanical Department of Prairie View Normal School. The
Twenty-sixth Legislature (1889) changed the name to Prairie View State Normal & Industrial College.” The Forty-ninth Legislature (June 1,
1945) changed the name to “Prairie View University.” The Fiftieth Legislature (March 3, 1947) established “The Texas State University of
Negroes” (now Texas Southern University) and changed the name of Prairie View University to “Prairie View Agriculture and Mechanical
College of Texas.” The Sixty-third Legislature (1973) changed the name to Prairie View A&M University.

                                     Excerpts taken from Prairie View, A Study in Public Conscience
                                                    By Dr. George Ruble Woolfolk
                                            Edited by Frank D. Jackson and Jimmizine Taylor

                                          Dr. Sidney A. McPhee is the tenth president of Middle Tennessee State
                                          University. Prior to his appointment at MTSU in 2001, he was executive vice

                                          chancellor at the Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR) in Nashville. McPhee

                                          served in various administrative capacities at several major universities and

                                          in May 2007, President McPhee received the title of Honorary Professor at

                                          China Agricultural University in Beijing. The Honorary Professor title is the

                                          highest academic award given at the institution.

McPhee earned his B.A. degree (with highest honors, summa cum laude) from Prairie View A&M University; a master’s

degree from the University of Miami in Coral Gables, Florida; and a doctorate in applied behavioral studies in education

from Oklahoma State University. He is also a graduate of the Harvard University Management Development Program

and has completed professional development programs at St. Mary’s University of San Antonio, Texas, and Colorado

College in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

As an academician, President McPhee’s scholarly publications and presentations are extensive. His writings have

appeared in local, national and international professional journals. In addition, he is the senior author of a book,

Understanding the Campus Culture: An Introduction to College , and has co-authored a chapter for a major college

textbook on academic advising. McPhee’s scholarly pursuits include several international visits and presentations.

McPhee currently serves on numerous boards and committees. In 2002, former President George W. Bush appointed

him to serve on the National Council for the Humanities. McPhee was recently elected to a three-year term as a

commission member of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.

President McPhee is married to Elizabeth McPhee and they have two children, Seneca and Sidney-Anthony.

Founders’ Day and Honors Recognition Convocation
                                Quality Without Co mp r o mi s e : Bui ld i ng o n t he Pa s t

                                                                      Presiding: Ms. Chelsei Hill
                                                                            Junior, Psychology

*Prelude . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Performed by the University Chamber Brass Ensemble
                                                                                                                                          Mr. Jeffery Freeman, Director

*Processional: “War March of the Priests” (Athalia). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Felix Mendelssohn
                                                  Dr. John Cornelius, Organist

Invocation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Mr. Heath L. Kinder
                                                                                                                                                     Senior, Criminal Justice

Greetings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ms. Aida Fall
                                                                                                                                                              Junior, Psychology

Occasion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Mr. Elguin Contreras
                                                                                        Senior, Criminal Justice with a specialization in Juvenile Justice

Music: “The Battle Hymn of the Republic”. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Arranged by Peter Wilhousky
                                                    University Concert Chorale
                                                     Ms. A. Jan Taylor, Director
                                                   Dr. John Cornelius, Organist

Introduction of Speaker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ms. Valerie Lott
                                                                                                                                              Senior, Criminal Justice

Convocation Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dr. Sidney A. McPhee
                                                                                                              President, Middle Tennessee State University

Music: “America the Beautiful” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Samuel A. Ward
                                                           University Symphonic Band
                                                            Dr. Victor Hèbert, Director

Recognition of Honor Students . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Dr. George C. Wright
                                                                                                                   President, Prairie View A&M University

Recognition of Honor Societies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Ms. Tiffany Allen
                                                                             Senior, Criminal Justice with a specialization in Juvenile Justice

Music: “Bugler's Holiday” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Leroy Anderson
                                                             University Trumpet Ensemble
                                                         Dr. William F. McQueen, III, Director

Acknowledgements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Ms. Tiffany Ogburn
                                                                                                                                                    Senior, Psychology

Alma Mater “Dear Prairie View”. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Sibelius/Fuller/Wyatt

Benediction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ms. Alexis Taylor
                                                                                                                                                           Senior, Psychology

*Recessional: “Pomp and Circumstance”. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Edward Elgar
                                                                      Dr. John Cornelius, Organist

                                                                       *Audience remains seated

                               Student participants are majors in the College of Juvenile Justice and Psychology.

SP RING 2 0 0 8

COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE            Ford, Christopher A.               Ross, Dominique D.        Redwood, Camillka Y.
AND HUMAN SCIENCES                Motin, Ashley N.                   Scott, Aundrea L.         Williams-Simien, Derrec J.
Anderson, Shanoy C.               Thibodeaux, Amber L.               Woods, Megan G.           Jack, Jeremy J.
Birmingham, Andrea M.             Herrera, Rodolfo                   Christie, Tasheika Y.     Coleman, Marnae L.
Clemons, Eric L.                  De Anda, Juan                      Simon, Amy B.             Baxter, Loren D.
Faggard, Stephen B.               Esquivel, Victor A.                Gould, Robyn C.           Brown, Elizabeth M.
Glass, Aziza N.                   Hughes, Arron J.                   Oyiboke-Osifo,            Copeland, Malcolm J.
Pham, Priscilla T.                Martin, Tajonique R.                  Amenaghawon E.         Harris, Ryan J.
Saunders, Linsley L.              Martinez, Yesenea C.               Pickett, Hondrea T.       Knight, Kasey N.
Smith, Bobby J.                   Nickson, Jamal K.                  Polk, Amber Y.            Kuo, Vickie W.
Smith, Sheldon E.                 Okpamen, Osagie J.                 Rogers, Sharee L.         Little-Ferguson, Cene
Thomas, Audrene M.                Sanders, John A.                   Taylor, Emery             McCarty, Na'Tasha L.
Walker, Vanessa R.                Alexander, Derrius D.              Ansah, Latisha D.         Mouttet, Brandice M.
Washington, Gabrielle N.          Fondel, Gary P.                    Binns, Joceline S.        Shannon, Debrisa S.
Wilburn, Lajoya A.                Herron, Brandon T.                 Henry, Tiara L.           Adebayo, Felicia O.
Yarbrough, Raekesha D.            Martinez, Cristina                 Augustine, Lajerald D.    Byrd, Antauis J.
Jones, Johnie L.                  Nguyen, Long P.                    Dotson, Erica D.          Carlson, Heather
Norman, Nicholas H.               Tatum, David W.                    Gilbert, Patrick A.       Crenshaw-Webb, Ronnita
Palmer, Courtney P.                                                  Watson, Jerecia E.        Lacour, Kendrick J.
Blackmon, Terronica L.            MARVIN D. AND JUNE                 Rhinehart, Heidi D.       Tyson, Keizra M.
Boyd, Ashley L.                   SAMUEL BRAILSFORD                  Bluford, Jay C.           Williams, Joy A.
Oliphant, Mi'Kell L.              COLLEGE OF ARTS AND                Gyebi, Grace              Johnson, Quodesia D.
Skeene, Dawnette A.               SCIENCES                           Nelson, Matthew A.        Johnson, Maderia
Arkadie, Chelsea E.               Allen, Jerrell L.                  Reed, Erin K.             Glaspie, Michael S.
Blakemore, Krystal R.             Amagwula, Tochi M.                 Sharpe, Crystal J.        Hargrove, Keela M.
Brown, Marcia A.                  Banks, Arisa A.                    Taylor, Latracia U.       Ramirez, Debra L.
Carter, Mark J.                   Berry, Jessica D.                  Thibodeaux, Nikela D.     Reece, Taneshia N.
Chapman, Michelle N.              Birchfield, Michael L.             Anyanwu, Eugenia O.       Scott, Lakeisha N.
Murrell, Krystal E.               Comeaux, Kelsey N.                 Carter, Jamall L.         Ward, Harolisha S.
Wheeler, Phillip A.               Earls, Ramona R.                   Clark, Timmoneshia L.     White, Cheree M.
White, Ketera C.                  Eguae, Eseosa                      Colby, Joshua T.          McGary, Deonna D.
Wilborn, Jasmine L.               Elliott, Sharmeka R.               Crissmon, Gaylyn D.       Carrigan, Edward E.
Pounall, Tareq R.                 England, Aleceia M.                Edmond, Lloyd N.          Cuillier, Joseph A.
Spears, Quinton O.                Fleeks, Jeremy L.                  Fulton, Tiara M.          Durham, Lecresha S.
Willis, Kara K.                   Franklin, Trevin D.                Gaston, Coiette P.        Holmes, Ernest D.
                                  Gordon, Ramone L.                  Harris, Whitney C.        Manuel, Viktoria N.
SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE            Gyebi, Gifty                       Mitchell, Makeda S.       Robbins, Phillip B.
Aybek, Hulya                      Higgs, Amber N.                    Plair, Brook
Browne, Errol A.                  Johnson, Aurora G.                 Briers, James N.          WHITLOWE R. GREEN
Coleman, Phylicia L.              Johnson, Jhaurel R.                Sencherey, Maxwell K.     COLLEGE OF EDUCATION
Flaggs, Daryl W.                  Johnson, Nelline D.                Brown, Tassine K.         Alexander, Candice N.
Forest, Nicholas L.               Joshi, Vidula M.                   Lockridge, Brandon D.     Berry, Ashney D.
Gates, Rickey L.                  Legault, Linda M.                  Veal, Antronette Y.       Bryant, Tiffany R.
Hernandez, Deborah                Martinez, Rebecca T.               Alhassan, Fatimat         Buckner, Nancy J.
Hines, Joseph A.                  Merriweather, Jameka V.            Blacklock, Demetrius E.   Cross, Crystal D.
Jerry, Alan C.                    Mitchell, Mikayla S.               Chatman, Timothy M.       Deese, Beth A.
Joseph, Nemesi B.                 Montoya, Magda L.                  Culmer, Candace M.        Gibson, Kenderlette N.
Morton, Douglass O.               Moore, Curtis R.                   Dillon, Ti-Tinisha S.     Gonzales, Analisa
Richardson, Crystal M.            Moore, Shamier E.                  Hebert, Chelsea M.        Harrison, Ashley B.
Robinson, Trinity Y.              Murray, Gabriella D.               Matlock, Nastashia Q.     Leslie, Tremaine N.
Schneider, Dustin J.              Nguyen, Christine T.               Robinson, Roderick O.     Lloyd, Judy C.
Shelton, Christopher J.           Nomamiukor, Nicole O.              Sassau, Nashia M.         McGhee, Shannon E.
Walter, Marlone C.                Ovu, Steve E.                      Singleton, Danyca N.      Pintor, Bulmaro
Drame, Cheick S.                  Parker, Jasmine D.                                           Rodriguez, Becky
Ewoh, Tyrone T.                   Patterson, Wesley C.               COLLEGE OF BUSINESS       Snow-Mcadams, Maria C.
Liedstrand, Chelsea M.            Perry, Sheneria J.                 Adu, Mary A.              Summerford, Melissa A.
Quintero, Maria A.                Ragston, Francine M.               Bateman, Nicolas          Swaby, Sharon S.
Gonzales, Joshua                  Romero, Miguel A.                  Brown, Gregory V.         Thibodeaux, Ashley M.
Ramirez, Cynthia O.               Sanjoto, Widyanti P.               Cornejo, Adela            Tillman, Tiffany A.
Stoneham, Christa D.              Semba, Trumayn M.                  Delatorre, Elia           Tyree, Le'Mia
Taylor, Britney D.                Sharpe, Christy J.                 Harris, Senae L.          Ware, Cherita R.
Tinajero, Tomas                   Singleton, Carlton E.              Jordan, Amfonique L.      Bassett-Collins, Lisa L.
Veal, Joshua M.                   Slayton, Ashley M.                 Living, Dekeith J.        Hines, Nicole J.
Vu, Tuan D.                       Svec, Elizabeth A.                 Michelin, Pamela E.       Miles, Aleah A.
Watson, Shallan L.                Dao, Nhu Y.                        Morgan, Quinton A.        Paul, Michelle L.
Pryor, Tiffany N.                 Tubaishat, Rawya A.                Nelson, Erica R.          Raglin, Tiffany L.
Taylor, Andre B.                  Dawson, Alfred E.                  Okpo, Edak                Burton, Ashley D.
Cormier, Joshua D.                Iwuala, Stephanie                  Pegues, Kayla R.          Coronado, Bridget M.

        P R A I R I E V I E W A &M U N I V E R S IT Y   Founders’ Day and Honors Recognition Convocation

     Mathews, Mikesha D.              Wade, Thomas J.                         Spurk, Heidi L.                       Walker, Monica A.
     Johnson, Cathyrn D.              Walker, Latonya N.                      Burton, Devan D.                      Cornelius, Brittney E.
     McKinnis, Stephanie R.           Bly, Donald W.                          Holts, Shantelle D.                   Robinson, Jasmine G.
     Mitchell, Darcelle               Daniels, Jonathan J.                    Ashinhurst, Nathan D.                 Summons, Chasatee N.
     Ratliff, Chelsea M.              Kumar, Bharat                           Brown, Ashanti D.                     Valentine, Jasmyn V.
     Dean, Krystal L.                 Kuriakose, Shawn                        Adeh-Ajayi, Titilola K.               Vargas, Amada E.
     Stephenson, Auberia C.           Ansley, Shameika N.                     Dawkins, Mikeyia L.                   Armstrong, Courtney L.
     Babers, Omar D.                  Nnaji, Derrick C.                       Morris, Dareishia E.                  Arojo, Itunuoluwa O.
     Hernandez, Celene                Holmes, Stephanie R.                    Nettles, Dalvin D.                    Castano, Babylyn D.
     Jackson, Selena L.               Horton, Chase                           Quan, Traci M.                        Dejurnett Moses, Latesha
     Villasana, Martha P.             Majors, Antoinette M.                   Thompson, Reginald L.                 Johnson, Dandria L.
     Williams, Zana E.                Balogun, Oyewole O.                     Hancock, Chassity M.                  Prada, Michelle
     Woodard, Denisea R.              Shorter, Martel L.                      Cooper, Lasherree D.                  Smith, Deltra C.
     Henderson, Brittney R.           Martin, Francois C.                     Downey, Sharece V.                    Conteh, Mohamed S.
     Prejean, Atiya L.                Mnyapara, Duncan M.                     Madere, Jessica L.                    Gentry, Krystal M.
     Cook, Ashley N.                  Walker, Jabreel E.                      Mays, Sumorria X.                     Hinson, Autumn N.
     Hollie, Peggy L.                 Patterson, Brandon D.                   Moore, Bryce G.                       Hubbard, Lauren C.
     Sargent, Jamie N.                Uket, Okoia K.                          Sanchez, Lorena P.                    Jackson, Leslie R.
     Cook, Donald C.                  Femi-Fowode, Taiwo I.                                                         Moss, Alicia M.
     Harris, Tannklakneekqia          Nwozu, Nelson N.                        COLLEGE OF NURSING                    Rhodes, Marquis S.
     Shivers, Dominique M.            Asif, Wajahat                           Adu, Martha A.                        Rowe, Tyrondria A.
     Sutton-Rivers, Ciara C.          Bain, Kyle-Michael R.                   Bailey, Sherdon C.                    Wright, Julia E.
     Thomas, Savannah C.              Auguste, Ricardo V.                     Brooks, Dianna E.
     Onyejiaka, Chukwuebuka N.        Adebayo, Joshua O.                      Cantu, Mayra A.                       UNVIERSITY COLLEGE
     High, Richard R.                 Combs, Natalie D.                       Clark, Jantel M.                      Johnson, Shemika D.
     Salter, Dewitt T.                White, Tafford Q.                       Ewing, Rekeisha J.                    Ferguson, Joel T.
     Ward, Tiffany C.                 Heard, Jacqueline M.                    Feldtman, William W.                  Nyatoti, Kudakwashe
     Akpobome, Oghenemaro O.          Hysmith, Erica N.                       Forbs, Deidra M.                      Valdez, Aracely F.
     Graves, Whitney C.               Copeland, Naresh W.                     Imasogie, Erina
     Holstein, Billie J.              Olaleye, Oluwaseun A.                   Ledet, Ayana K.
     Bell, Regina D.                  Martey, Oritsebemiyo                    Mitchell, Elexis
     Allen, D'Arnisha                 Muhia, Joan W.                          Oommen, Tobin
     Baudoin, Kieva S.                Collins, Alisha N.                      Puga, Consuelo
     Bray, Brittany T.                Hillebrandt, Crisentia                  Scales, Porshetta D.
     Ivey, Carol                      Tillmutt, Kamau M.                      Shorter, Jonezolyn N.
     Perez, Maria J.                  Babri, Emad T.                          Taylor, Krystal D.
     Scott, Joanie M.                 Barnett, Milan Y.                       Williams, Gaysha E.
                                      Madison, Thasia L.                      Wynn, Franklin J.
     ROY G. PERRY COLLEGE OF                                                  Wright, Dalesia A.
     ENGINEERING                      COLLEGE OF JUVENILE                     Gibson, Alexis S.
     Aguilar, Alexandria Y.           JUSTICE AND PSYCHOLOGY                  Knowles, Justin D.
     Dunkley, Ricardo K.              Adeniran, Olawumi O.                    Steele, Lakendrel M.
     Khan, Shahriar M.                Butler, Kiara L.                        Ibarra, Karen
     Lee, Markel L.                   Carrillo, Luz S.                        Johnson, Courtney R.
     Nash, Don D.                     Contreras, Elguin                       Moore, Latarvia R.
     Powell, Robert A.                Douglas, Lauren S.                      Scott, Shauntel E.
     Turnage, James D.                Ferguson, Jessica L.                    Williams, Phelicia S.
     Uzor, Desmond I.                 Figgins, Ashlee N.                      Alikah, Cordelia C.
     Vigilant, Tamara C.              Ford, Chelsea N.                        Edward, Jacquetta D.
     Betz, Courtney D.                Guidry, Johnny A.                       Lee, Crystal D.
     Varkey, Jerin J.                 Holmes, Genovia L.                      McCloud, Monica M.
     Bazil, Craig                     Hutchinson, Roselyn R.                  Peck, Melissa L.
     Owo, Oladipupo A.                Session, Jasmine S.                     Thompson, Ahrin T.
     Shelton, Jamial D.               Smith, Ashley D.                        Vincent, Robyn M.
     Ledbetter, Raymond R.            Sultana, Sayema                         Aghimien, Amenze L.
     Olawale, Olufela A.              Lott, Valarie M.                        Bernard, Farrah K.
     Scurry, Christopher M.           Augustus, Deandre S.                    Iyegbu, Ugo E.
     Allotey, Thomas A.               Kinder, Heath L.                        Jones, Marvine A.
     Narcisse, Joseph A.              McHerrin, Nia S.                        Massingburg, Blakely C.
     Obasuyi, Fiona                   Randall, Tramesha R.                    Matthews, Angela R.
     Galvis, Jenny C.                 Simon, Jennifer I.                      Nnaji, Krystle C.
     Smith, Camille S.                Tarver, Kiara A.                        Pinnock, Kiera N.
     Brown, Kaylar M.                 Townsend, Tanesha R.                    Norris, Brittany E.
     Dalcour, Dedrick J.              Wilson, Jocelyn D.                      Jennings, Mendy N.
     Qureshi, Fahad A.                Legaux, Kenneth E.                      Mitchell, Ashley N.
     Rollie, Amie E.                  Anderson, Jerime L.                     Young, Antonique M.

Published at the end of each semester of the academic year, the University Honor Roll includes qualifying students who have carried a minimum
  12 semester hour course load, maintained a 3.50 GPA or greater (not including developmental courses) and earned no grade lower than C.

                                         Qu al i t y Wi t hout C o m p ro m i se : Bui l di n g o n t h e P a s t
FALL 2 0 0 8

COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE            Jenkins, J Corbin K.      England, Aleceia M.           Boyd, Courtney J.
AND HUMAN SCIENCES                Martin, Tajonique R.      Gaston, Coiette P.            Carlson, Heather
Brown, Marcia A.                  Wilson, Kevin L.          Longmiles, Leticia L.         Hunt, Ryan A.
Faggard, Stephen B.               De Anda, Juan             Norman, James H.              Jordan, Amfonique L.
Glass, Aziza N.                   Esquivel, Victor A.       Rogers, Sharee L.             Makuni, Munashe E.
Hill, Don                         Goff, Melvin L.           Wade, Matthew C.              Williams, Latoya D.
Norman, Nicholas H.               Gonzales, Joshua          Martinez, Rebecca T.          Harris, Melvin J.
Oliver, Regina A.                 Herrera, Rodolfo          Alexander, Yoshara G.         Johnson, Quodesia D.
Palmer, Courtney P.               Kelley, David H.          Anyanwu, Eugenia O.           Cahee, Calisa Q.
Smith, Bobby J.                   Liedstrand, Chelsea M.    Hagans, Stacy R.              Carrigan, Edward E.
Thomas, Audrene M.                Martin, Jaron A.          Iwuala, Stephanie             Lacy, Aberzine L.
Walker, Vanessa R.                Martinez, Cristina        Rhinehart, Heidi D.           Summers, Matthew R.
Ward, Tiffany C.                  McBride, Zachary          Shaw, Asia D.                 Durham, Lecresha S.
Williams, Christine M.            Molinar, April P.         Jones, Chaka C.               Durham, Lecresha S.
Williams, Sherventina O.          Morton, Douglass O.       Toure, Dieynaba M.            Scott, Lakeisha N.
Birmingham, Andrea M.             Rucker, Kourtney R.       Durand-Roguely, Clarissa M.   Jackson, Cherisse E.
Clemons, Eric L.                  Stinson, Alcheri M.       Flores, Allison S.            Breed, Rachel D.
Wilburn, Lajoya A.                Webster, Ashana J.        Akindoju, Feyisayo O.         Foster, Jason W.
Anderson, Shanoy C.                                         Brown, Shirley A.             Hargrove, Keela M.
Blackmon, Terronica L.            MARVIN D. AND JUNE SAMUEL Matlock, Nastashia Q.         Harris, Senae L.
Jones, Johnie L.                  BRAILSFORD COLLEGE OF     Scott, Krystal A.             Holman, Trenise R.
Blakemore, Krystal R.             ARTS AND SCIENCES         Ferguson, Khadejia J.         Holmes, Ernest D.
Granston, Gorman B.               Allen, Jerrell L.         Jaimes, Florida               Knight, Kasey N.
Willis, Kara K.                   Alvaro, Jessica R.        Simon, Amy B.                 Mathews, Michael A.
Pham, Priscilla T.                Anyanwu, Brian C.         Clarke, Mahogany N.           Nelson, Erica R.
Walker, Kameila M.                Augustine, Lajerald D.    Garza, Ricardo D.             Perkins, Vaneisha L.
Washington, Gabrielle N.          Batts, Alfreda F.         Hagger, Jamiya S.             Ray, Candice M.
White, Ketera C.                  Batts, Vorice M.          Williams, Tina F.             Shannon, Debrisa S.
Wilborn, Jasmine L.               Bell, U'kevia T.          Clark, Timmoneshia L.         Thibodeaux, Nikela D.
Arkadie, Chelsea E.               Blankenship, Krystain A.  Gibson, Ciera E.              Tyson, Keiva M.
Forbs, Deidra M.                  Bracy, Ranelle M.         Howard, Benita J.             Williams-Simien, Derrec J.
Hyatt, Keidra F.                  Briers, Demarcus I.       Johnson, Shantel D.           Ellis, Vincent I.
Carter, Mark J.                   Brooks, Courtney R.       Maples, Darien L.             Bordelon, Cassandra B.
Hollins, Jasmine N.               Bryant, Tiffany R.        Richardson, John W.           Coleman, Marnae L.
Pounall, Tareq R.                 Colby, Joshua T.          Simmons, Shaunteria J.        Baxter, Alura D.
Smith, Sheldon E.                 Comeaux, Kelsey N.        Plair, Brook                  Baxter, Loren D.
                                  Coss, Jerrod W.           Nwafor, Uchenna E.            Bazan, Jonathan
SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE            Du Four, Linda M.         Fitzgerald, Crystal R.        Brown, Gregory V.
Acosta, Juan P.                   Elliott, Sharmeka R.      Romero, Miguel A.             Brown, Gregory V.
Blackwell, Kimberly A.            Ferguson, Jessica L.      Turner, Kyle R.               Collins, Troy
Carrasco, Alberto                 Gordon, Ramone L.         Hobbs, Asha G.                Johnson, Maderia
Drame, Cheick S.                  Gore, Shanton E.          Bledsoe, Veronica E.          Lowe, Donna M.
Dunn, Taryn R.                    Gould, Robyn C.           Brown, Kandis W.              Michelin, Pamela E.
Foster, Brea S.                   Harris, Whitney C.        Burchett, Julius D.           Okpo, Edak
Gaines, Preston A.                Jackson, Brandon D.       Cleveland, Josette P.         Postell, Earl
Gazader, Richard A.               Johnson, Aurora G.        Culmer, Candace M.            Pratchett, Ashtene
Hernandez, Deborah                Joolukuntla, Adithya      Dees, Cynthia A.              Schmidt, Terri M.
Jerry, Alan C.                    Nguyen, Christine T.      Dodd, James M.                Taplin, Kimberly N.
Joseph, Nemesi B.                 Parker, Jasmine D.        Fortune, Ashley R.            Vance, Rachel L.
Quintero, Maria A.                Patschke, Markus D.       Johnson, Kiyah B.             Villalpando, John
Richardson, Crystal M.            Ragston, Francine M.      Oyiboke-Osifo,                Williams, Joy A.
Robinson, Trinity Y.              Ross, Dominique D.           Amenaghawon E.
Rose, Quentin E.                  Sanjoto, Widyanti P.      Parks, Deshawn D.             WHITLOWE R. GREEN
Schneider, Dustin J.              Taylor, Latracia U.                                     COLLEGE OF EDUCATION
Tinajero, Tomas                   Trowers, Juliet           COLLEGE OF BUSINESS           Allen, D'Arnisha
Walter, Marlone C.                Watson, Jerecia E.        Cornejo, Adela                Berrios, Jasmin
Motin, Ashley N.                  West, Brandi G.           Garcia, Julian L.             Berry, Ashney D.
Tatum, David W.                   Woods, Grace E.           Garcia, Sheena B.             Gonzales, Analisa
Royster, Phillip J.               Scott-Turner, Arielle C.  Kuo, Vickie W.                Green, Ladonna R.
Barrett, Kymberli D.              Jones, Whitney G.         Lacour, Kendrick J.           Johnson, Cathyrn D.
Guillory, Brittany R.             Granville, Antoniece L.   Malone, Jessica N.            Leslie, Tremaine N.
Love, Michael A.                  Bonton, Ashley J.         Martinez, Claudia Y.          McGhee, Shannon E.
Mitchell, Keiana R.               Kidd, Kera A.             Porter, Clarence D.           Merino, Evelyn N.
Ramirez, Cynthia O.               Reed, Erin K.             Prestage, Kendramia B.        Nwankpa, Charity S.
Shahandeh, Sohrab                 Ansah, Latisha D.         Ramirez, Debra L.             Perez, Maria J.
Shelton, Christopher J.           Bellamy, Kendra D.        Redwood, Camillka Y.          Snow-Mcadams, Maria C.
Washington, Dominique R.          Gyebi, Gifty              Robbins, Phillip B.           Tillman, Tiffany A.
Hollie, Stanton T.                Hafeez, Nadia N.          Shamsid-Deen, Abrea S.        Dixon, Lakrisha J.
Browder, Corey A.                 Henry, Tiara L.           White, Cheree M.              Graves, Whitney C.
Fondel, Gary P.                   Banks, Arisa A.           Bain, Kyle-Michael R.         Hollie, Peggy L.
La Fleur, Lacey N.                Chapron, Lacey E.         Copeland, Malcolm J.          Rodriguez, Becky
Brown, Noah C.                    Coleman-Shepherd,         Jagers, Bosha L.              Buckner, Nancy J.
Cormier, Joshua D.                   Gwendolyn C.           Pegues, Kayla R.              Babers, Omar D.
Gant, Shanicqua R.                Dennis, Mary D.           Akindoju, Akinbsodun          Donald, Dominique M.

        P R A I R I E V I E W A &M U N I V E R S IT Y   Founders’ Day and Honors Recognition Convocation

     Alexander, Candice N.            Wariso, Anthony                         Butler, Kiara L.                      Bazile, Jerrae R.
     Bell, Regina D.                  Benjamin, Marcus D.                     Lee, Rickell A.                       Massingburg, Blakely C.
     Ratliff, Chelsea M.              Garmon, Kendric C.                      McCloud, Yazmint                      Mitchell, Terrie' J.
     Fenlon, Tina K.                  McKnight, Jamal M.                      Otulana, Olasumbo G.                  Ogundele, Olufunbi A.
     Celestain, Asahanti M.           Patterson, Brandon D.                   Rutledge, Christopher L.              Thomas, Antoine' L.
     Robinson-White, Elexia C.        Cranford, Chelsea A.                    Wilkerson, Andrew W.                  Watson, Jade M.
     Bassett-Collins, Lisa L.         Wooten, Karla J.                        Wilson, Jocelyn D.                    Johnson, Sharneace M.
     Porter, Tia R.                   Patterson, Jessica L.                   Holts, Shantelle D.                   Limbrick, Sherri N.
     Salter, Dewitt T.                Fuentes, Luis S.                        Sultana, Sayema                       Marshall, Cameo M.
     Scott, Joanie M.                 Attaway, Christopher L.                 Allen, Tiffany G.                     Akaluso, Obioma I.
     Ward, Rachael L.                 Holman, Damon J.                        Freeman, Gabrielle N.                 Jones, Marvine A.
     Mitchell, Darcelle               Rollie, Amie E.                         Ivey, Carol                           Oliver, Kimico S.
     Armstrong, Devoe M.              Femi-Fowode, Taiwo I.                   Bradley, Emerald S.                   Celestine, Dora J.
     Blackburn, Benjamin D.           Bahrami Dashtaki, Hamoon                Combs, Shondria L.                    Davis, Jade A.
     McKinnis, Stephanie R.           Diop, Abdou K.                          Cox, Tiffany L.                       Hubbard, Lauren C.
     Williams, Zana E.                Garrett, Tyler J.                       Hall, Susannie                        Ita, Maryann E.
     Hines, Nicole J.                 Neale, Ian R.                           Hamilton, Amanda C.                   Roberts, Odyssey S.
     Burton, Ashley D.                Obasuyi, Fiona                          Hartford, Tyra S.                     Shorter, Jonezolyn N.
     Holloway, Dametra D.             Shorter, Martel L.                      Moore, Keisha R.                      Washington, Whitney A.
     Holstein, Billie J.              Allen, Donald R.                        Sadler, Kristina R.                   Young, Antonique M.
     Jones, Sonceri C.                Chambers, Nicholas J.                   Williams, Melody P.                   Dejurnett Moses, Latesha
     Stewart, Estella                 Powell, Robert A.                       Hall, Pilar N.                        Garcia, Gabriel M.
     Lovell, Nancy T.                 Segura, Marco A.                        Young, Shatawna V.                    Harris, Antoinette J.
     Mathis, Michael L.               Brewer, Jeren J.                        Bailey, Reginald J.                   Imasogie, Erina
     Pintor, Bulmaro                  Matlock, Allen Z.                       Cato, Jelan A.                        Parker, Alaka
     Raymond, Shana D.                Obregon, Heydee G.                      Derouen, Brenda G.                    Vargas, Amada E.
     Thomas, Savannah C.              Burrell, Allan S.                       Madere, Jessica L.                    Wallace, Velencia A.
     Wesley, Courtney O.              Shakir, Salman                          Mays, Sumorria X.                     Benton, Kayla J.
                                      Hayes, Kendra N.                        Milling, Frederick M.                 Brown, Melanie C.
     ROY G. PERRY                     Pirtle, Zataria T.                      Morris, Dareishia E.                  Yotin, Alexander K.
     COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING           Galvis, Jenny C.                        Murray, Troixgeimne S.                Boone, Jasmine M.
     Combs, Natalie D.                Okedokun, Akintunde O.                  Neal, Lashun A.                       Cline, Kirt D.
     Copeland, Naresh W.              Dilworth, Eudel S.                      Rodgers, Joseph P.                    Puga, Consuelo
     Dalcour, Dedrick J.              Hernandez, Jose J.                      Shepard, Tempestt N.                  Foley, Cherelle S.
     Daniels, Jonathan J.             Juniel, Raphael M.                      Stubbs, Crystal K.                    Jackson, Jessica V.
     Dunkley, Ricardo K.              Kinzer, William R.                      Taylor, Alexis N.                     Jones, Eboney D.
     Hysmith, Erica N.                Majors, Antoinette M.                   Wilkins, Grady D.                     Mays, Chantal J.
     Keller, Brittnee' M.             Poerwanto, Aris                                                               Milo, Keira D.
     Khan, Shahriar M.                Walker, Jabreel E.                      COLLEGE OF NURSING                    Rhodes, Quintonna
     Madison, Thasia L.                                                       Adams, Danielle R.                    Thomas, Rochelle S.
     Maxfield, John T.                COLLEGE OF JUVENILE                     Adu, Martha A.                        Ingram, Veronica J.
     Ovbiagele, Oruare O.             JUSTICE AND PSYCHOLOGY                  Adu, Mary A.                          Hill, Megan E.
     Tillmutt, Kamau M.               Brown, Ariyelle M.                      Aghimien, Amenze L.                   Williams, Tonya N.
     Torres, Sally K.                 Carter, Ebone S.                        Butler, Sashe' L.                     Cunningham, Candace L.
     Varkey, Jerin J.                 Contreras, Elguin                       Dow, Jazmine L.                       Postell, Shaneka A.
     Vigilant, Tamara C.              Duffield, Rachel S.                     Edward, Jacquetta D.                  Arojo, Itunuoluwa O.
     Warren, Morgan D.                Figgins, Ashlee N.                      Forde, Natasha A.                     Dominics, Victoria C.
     Woodard, Evelyn A.               Guinn, Valencia A.                      Gibson, Alexis S.                     Edwardsen, Gala G.
     Bookman, Kris L.                 Kinder, Heath L.                        Harrington, Christian C.              Jackson, Brittney L.
     Alexander, Sonia T.              Ogburn, Tiffany M.                      Hayward, Ebonee I.                    Olusanya, Zainab O.
     Gooch, T'Ron G.                  Powell, Kierra K.                       Holley, Jowanza E.                    Samuels, Jeffrey S.
     Grandison, Brionne W.            Sadiq, Idowu A.                         Johnson, Dandria L.                   Gary, Stephanie J.
     Terrell, Jared E.                Spurk, Heidi L.                         Jones, Victoria A.                    Chase-Knox, Jasmine M.
     Williams, Corrin                 Wilson, Mahnaz A.                       Knowles, Justin D.                    Cole, Jaimee T.
     McGhie, Malcolm E.               Scott, Aundrea L.                       Njoku, Naomi C.                       Frank, Brittany R.
     Allotey, Thomas A.               Adeniran, Olawumi O.                    Pelton, Amanda N.                     Jekayinfa, Oluwabukola L.
     Betz, Courtney D.                Bunton, Triniti D.                      Richard, Symone E.                    Madu, Ifeoma J.
     Kumar, Bharat                    Carter, Doretha S.                      Rogers, Alexis M.                     Milburn, Cheryl L.
     Turnage, James D.                Dolphus, Tyra P.                        Scott, Shauntel E.                    Rasco, Chasity D.
     Hillebrandt, Crisentia           Gails, Katrina A.                       Shipp, Janda L.                       Ray, Tamara D.
     Qureshi, Fahad A.                Griffin, Deanna D.                      Stephens, Katrina N.                  Rodriguez, Diana
     Fuchs, Jordan R.                 Jones, Christopher J.                   Villalobos, Claudia M.                Uzuh, Rosy N.
     Owo, Oladipupo A.                Moses, Danielle L.                      Woods, Rachel D.                      Valentine, Jasmyn V.
     Uket, Okoia K.                   Sanchez, Lorena P.                      Wynn, Franklin J.
     Bazil, Craig                     Scales, Porshetta D.                    Manis, Mike A.                        UNVIERSITY COLLEGE
     Heard, Jacqueline M.             Steele, Lakendrel M.                    Elsaleh, Angela M.                    Nyatoti, Kudakwashe
     Barron, Carlos I.                Townsend, Tanesha R.                    Collins, Crystal C.                   Smith, Rochelle D.
     Ivey, Mark A.                    Trujillo, Luis A.                       Etters, Jordan L.
     Auguste, Ricardo V.              Hutchinson, Roselyn R.                  Harris, Shantinique S.
     Grant, Damion E.                 Jones, Chaney D.                        Holland, Amber M.
     Sidney, Ezra                     Brown, Taylor C.                        Moore, Latarvia R.

Published at the end of each semester of the academic year, the University Honor Roll includes qualifying students who have carried a minimum
  12 semester hour course load, maintained a 3.50 GPA or greater (not including developmental courses) and earned no grade lower than C.

                                         Qu al i t y Wi t hout C o m p ro m i se : Bui l di n g o n t h e P a s t

Alpha Tau Alpha                            Agriculture                                             Dr. Nelson Daniels
Kappa Omicron Nu                           Human Sciences                              Ms. Tenelinger Abrom Johnson
		                                                                                             Dr. Sharon McWhinney

Tau Sigma Delta                            Architecture and Allied Arts of Design             Mr. Marshall Brown, Jr.

Alpha Delta Mu                             Social Work                                             Dr. Felix O. Chima
Phi Alpha                                  Social Work                                             Dr. Felix O. Chima
Alpha Mu Gamma                             Foreign Languages                        Dr. Carolina-Henriquez-Sanguineti
Alpha Psi Omega                            Drama                                                 Ms. Rachel Dickson
Beta Beta Beta                             Biology                                                   Dr. Joy Marshall
		                                                                                                    Dr. Seab Smith
Beta Kappa Chi                             Sciences and Mathematics                                Dr. Laurette Foster
		                                                                                                  Dr. Deirdre Vaden
Lambda Pi Eta                              Communications                                         Ms. Chieri Sanders
Mu Alpha Sigma                             Music                                                Dr. William McQueen
Pi Mu Epsilon                              Mathematics                                         Dr. Mohammed Shayib
Pi Sigma Alpha                             Political Science                                      Dr. Michael Nojeim
Sigma Delta Pi                             Spanish                                  Dr. Carolina Henriquez-Sanguineti
Sigma Pi Sigma                             Physics                                                     Dr. Fred Wang
Sigma Tau Delta                            English                                                    Dr. Diljit Chatha
		                                                                                                    Dr. Tonya Scott
Phi Alpha Theta                            History                                                  Dr. Charles Grear

Delta Mu Delta                             Business                                                  Dr. Rahim Quazi

Kappa Delta Pi                             Education                                              Dr. Clarissa Booker

Eta Kappa Nu                               Electrical Engineering                                      Dr. John Fuller
Pi Tau Sigma                               Mechanical Engineering                                     Dr. Ziaul Huque
Tau Alpha Pi                               Engineering Technology                                Dr. David Kirkpatrick
Tau Beta Pi                                Engineering                                                  Dr. John Attia
Upsilon Pi Epsilon                         Computer Science                                      Ms. Myrtle Tompkins
Chi Epsilon                                Civil Engineering                                           Dr. Hsiang Yeh
Omega Chi Epsilon                          Chemical Engineering                                     Dr. Kamel Fotouh

Alpha Phi Sigma                            Criminal Justice                                        Dr. Camille Gibson
Psi Chi                                    Psychology                                                Dr. Derek Wilson

Sigma Theta Tau                            Nursing                                                    Dr. Joann Blake

 P R A I R I E V I E W A &M U N I V E R S IT Y   Founders’ Day and Honors Recognition Convocation

                      Dr. H. Elaine Rodney, Chair

                       Ms. Carol Campbell, Chair

                    Ms. JoAnn Burbridge, Co-Chair

   Dr. Clarissa Booker                            Mr. Augustus Manuel

    Dr. Myrna Cintron                             Ms. Tina Montgomery

   Ms. Shelia Cleveland                             Ms. Thelma Pierre

   Ms. Deborah Dungey                                  Ms. Jo Purvis

    Dr. Camille Gibson                             Ms. Shelia Robinson

    Ms. Rosyln Hearne                               Ms. Paula Sandles

     Dr. Marion Henry                                 Mr. Ed Schauer

  Ms. Sheleah D. Hughes                              Ms. Karen Scott

   Ms. Sherlene Husfeld                               Mr. Ron Server

    Ms. Freda Jackson                             Ms. Sandra Siegmund

  Mr. Johnie L. Jones, III                           Ms. Gloria Tachia

  Dr. Rebecca Johnson                               Dr. Bonnie Walker

     Ms. Diana Jones                                 Mr. Larry Watson

    Dr. Danny R. Kelley                           Mr. Andrew Williams

     Mr. Daryl Kemp                                 Mr. Elijah Williams

Mr. Bryce Hairston Kennard                           Dr. Derek Wilson

    Ms. Belinda Lewis

   Qu al i t y Wi t hout C o m p ro m i se : Bui l di n g o n t h e P a s t

          Dear Prairie View
    Dear Prairie View, our song to thee we raise
      In gratitude, we sing our hymn of praise,
  For mem’ries dear, for friends and recollections,
For lessons learned while here we’ve lived with thee,
  For these we pledge our hearts full of devotion,
      To serve thee now, and through eternity.

    As days go by, our hearts will not grow cold,
      We’ll love thy purple royal and thy gold,
  We’ll through our lives exemplify thy teachings,
        We’ll always strive a blessing to be.
   Thy children we our love and pride confessing,
     We’ll love thee now, and through eternity.

            Words by O. Anderson Fuller
         Music from “Finlandia” by Silbelius

   A Member of The Texas A&M University System
     www.pvamu.edu | (936) 261-3311


    COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE            Whiteside, Candace L.                  Bazan, Jessica A.                      Creswell, Amosha M.
    AND HUMAN SCIENCES                Benton, Alexis J.                      Evans, Markeisha N.                    Green, Aleeza T.
    Herrera, Herlinda                 Fullwood, April L.                     Greer, Damian D.                       Lewis, Leslie R.
    Miller, Krystal A.                Guice, Rory D.                         Ray, Lakisha D.                        Mason, Quarnetta M.
    Ridley, Nicole D.                 Johnson, Demetria R.                   Turner, Lloyd L.                       Thurman, Sykeshia M.
    Cason, Glenn E.                   Lazard, Christina J.                   Martin, Tiffany R.
    Walker, Shayna T.                 Marks, Angela N.                       Sanders, Beveier J.
                                                                                                                    COLLEGE OF NURSING
    Clemons, Kyle E.                  Williams, Nicole R.                    Kimbrough, Ashlee B.
                                                                                                                    Anassi, Daniel A.
    Donelson, William F.              Wills, Brittany D.                     Parker, Kenneth H.
                                                                                                                    Fray, Sasha M.
    Gray, Olivia D.                   Watson, Brent D.                       Conley, Ashley J.                      Grimes, Chasity J.
    Turcios, Jose G.                  Beavers, Jaleesa C.                    Hill, Shannon S.                       Mickey, Brittany G.
    Cooper-Dyke, Cynthia L.           Hernandez, Carlos A.                   McDavid, Ortega M.                     Tezeno, Brittani R.
    Funderburk, Angelica J.           Kyle, Yermesha L.                      Norwood, Donnell C.                    Watkins, Errin M.
    Johnson, Richard G.               Lucas, Rattchel F.                     Parker, Brenda S.                      Alex, Porsha J.
    Pope, Brandolyn M.                Mitchell, Kimberlyn E.                 Rembert, Denisha J.                    Albatarseh, Malak H.
                                      Redmond, Caryn E.                      Russell, Ebony A.                      Nichols, Ashley M.
    SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE            Mable, Alicia L.                       Swanson, Jacquelyn R.                  Arterberry, Jasmine D.
    Battle, Jerry H.                  Maronie, Kyle T.                                                              Nicely, Safiyah
    Evans, Keshia L.                  Mosley, Kristopher J.                  ROY G. PERRY                           Johnson, Erica B.
    Ford, Donald R.                   Ogah, Juliet                           COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING                 Banks, Kristie L.
    Jones, Derick D.                  Whyte, Ada C.                          Babb, Henry D.                         Duncan, Tiffanie N.
                                                                             Henderson, Chase M.                    Otokiti, Samantha M.
    Tolliver, Andre E.
                                                                             Roberts, Christian R.                  Gustave, Jean A.
    Wortham, Keon G.                  COLLEGE OF BUSINESS
                                                                             Burroughs, Alvin L.                    Gholston, Leah I.
    Gill, Latoya N.                   Canida, Adrien K.                                                             Carter, Brianna D.
                                                                             Piggee, Johnny J.
    Mensah, Wilfred R.                Cofield, Mary A.                                                              Coleman, Carmen J.
                                                                             Jones, Jesse C.
    Jones, Carl T.                    Hodges, Ashley N.                                                             Deocampo, Kristine J.
                                                                             Oriakhi, Edgar
    Aluka, Ken O.                     Howard, Devin D.                       Walker, Ryan C.                        Eason, Sha'Myra E.
    Brooks, Wendell A.                Martin, Jeremiah A.                    St Julian, Jeremy T.                   Riddick, Akilah E.
    Torres, Edgar G.                  Orhue, Victoria O.                     Moss, Shaunte' N.                      Williams, Cassandra N.
    Bujol, Barry W.                   Polk, D'Andrea D.                      Shavers, Roderick N.                   Wilson, Skyla M.
    Ozuna, Antonio                    Collins, Andre' S.                     Tyson, Ryan K.
                                      Williams, Tiffany R.                   Warren, Shenequa R.                    UNVIERSITY COLLEGE
    MARVIN D. AND JUNE                Epps, Reginald A.                      Ryan, Rickie B.                        Hicks, Corey J.
    SAMUEL BRAILSFORD                                                        Hudson, James R.
    COLLEGE OF ARTS AND               WHITLOWE R. GREEN                      Appiah-Siriboe, Philip B.
    SCIENCES                          COLLEGE OF EDUCATION                   Bertrand, Eric D.
    Board, Romeka D.                  Celestain, Ashley D.                   Folorunso, Otariya V.
    Curvey, Ciceley R.                Edmonds, Astin L.                      Wallace, Elizabeth M.
                                                                             Jefferson, Roddrick O.
    Ealum, Sean O.                    McGruder, Netesha C.
                                                                             Kante, Cheick O.
    Gallon, Danielle L.               Meador, Kirby
                                                                             Taylor, Tajare D.
    Goldman, Oscar F.                 Shields, Ashley N.                     Herring, Alvanetta J.
    Jennings, Donald J.               Williams, Mashala M.                   Davis, Marcus J.
    Jones, Brian R.                   Bailey, Charlene N.                    Washington, Allyson L.
    Jones, Sheronica L.               Nnamani, Chinasa J.
    King, Alecia J.                   Porter, Angel D.                       COLLEGE OF JUVENILE
    McCowan, Tiffany J.               Williams, Christian P.                 JUSTICE AND PSYCHOLOGY
    Montgomery, Jaryt C.              Tyson, Kyle L.                         Eaton, Jaqueynne L.
    Muckleroy, Rici N.                Whitmill, Markisha S.                  Gordon, Ora O.
    Savoie, Alena M.                  Moffett, Olivia H.                     McCartey, Shunterica
    Southall, Yoshownda D.            Robertson, Mishawn                     Moore, Leslie D.
    Swift, Reginald                   Gupton, Ella M.                        Sanders, Shane R.
    Riley, Tyshinia A.                Jones, Lakesha N.                      Sierra, Adam
    Becktemba, Nyasha O.              Mackey, Lenzy D.                       Perry, Monique D.
                                                                             Goodman, Jamekia L.
    Lilly, Josh T.                    Seals, Larenzo F.
                                                                             Grigsby, Dewayne M.
    Allen, Antoinette R.              Moore, Diamonique S.
                                                                             Guzman, Diana G.
    Brewer, Shayla L.                 Spears, Briana E.                      Scott, Stacie S.
    Deckard, Shunte M.                Watkins, Dennis E.                     Castle, Kameika
    Guillory, Ashley A.               Adeyemi, Adebola B.                    Cooper, Tamara H.
    Lee, Quincy D.                    Venson, Patrick E.                     Johnson, Tierra M.
    Williams, Angela M.               Iyamu, Constance I.                    McClendon, Thaddeus A.
    Woods, Artavia S.                 Thomas, Anson D.                       Gardner, Miriam S.
    McMillan, Erinn                   Ipina, Katarina E.                     Sharp, Constance R.
    Reeves, Melissa A.                Jones, Daphne M.                       Stephens, Katawna J.
    James, Ta'Shya A.                 Matthews, Kristy A.                    Whittaker, Ashley N.
    Laurent, Boaz D.                  Phillips, Jessica A.                   Willhelm, Sarah G.
    Swift, Jaron C.                   Holmes, Kalsshea L.                    Artis, Meagan L.

Published at the end of each semester of the academic year, the University Honor Roll includes qualifying students who have carried a minimum
  12 semester hour course load, maintained a 3.50 GPA or greater (not including developmental courses) and earned no grade lower than C.

                                         Qu al i t y Wi t hout C o m p ro m i se : Bui l di n g o n t h e P a s t

                       COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE                  Choyce, Sharod D.         ROY G. PERRY
                       AND HUMAN SCIENCES                      Becktemba, Nyasha O.      COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING
                       Authorlee, Ashley D.                    Hudlun, Shannon D.        Appiah-Siriboe, Philip B.
                       Clemons, Kyle E.                        Manor, Victor L.          Bradford, Didymuras B.
                       Roberts, Meagan J.                      Mixon, Anita S.           Crawford, Alexis L.
                       Rochelle, Antecia T.                    Wilson, Shanda N.         Folorunso, Otariya V.
                       Johnson, Calvin T.                      Moore, Lindsey A.         White, Trevlyn Z.
                                                                                         Lane, Cheneal L.
                       Norwood, Shante M.                      Allen, Antoinette R.
                                                                                         Bailey, Christina D.
                       Bryant, Joshlyn R.                      Collins, British L.
                                                                                         Makanjuola, Temitope O.
                       Johnson, Richard G.                     Henry, Ashley C.          Stewart, Melisa L.
                       Turcios, Jose G.                        King, Alecia J.           Jefferson, Roddrick O.
                       Miller, Krystal A.                      Rush, Alecea M.           Johnson, Roderick J.
                                                               Salazar, Perla Y.         Babb, Henry D.
                       SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE                  Bible, Adriene C.         McCarver, KaDeedra J.
                       Agyekum, Phillip                        Berry, Steven J.          Kante, Cheick O.
                       Brown, Demonde O.                       Egbuna, Jonathan L.
                       Nathan, Evan L.                         Johnson, Shacotta R.      COLLEGE OF JUVENILE
                       Neal, Randall                           Warren, Cassandra         JUSTICE AND PSYCHOLOGY
                       Brown, Paul A.                          Arrington, Tammy Y.       Bailey, Marcus L.
                       Simpson, Sarai A.                       Berry, Andrea Y.          Brown, Simone
                       Brown, Harris D.                        Cook, Marquis D.          Chinn, Jamie M.
                                                                                         Jackson, Lauren D.
                       Castro, Lexi K.                         Ealum, Sean O.
                                                                                         Jackson, Shetocquia D.
                       Spurlock, Darius A.                     Hill, Gary A.
                                                                                         Lewis, Elease R.
                       Torres, Edgar G.                        Savoie, Alena M.          Opamen, Rebecca R.
                       Ozuna, Antonio                                                    Spivey, Timara N.
                       Wiggins, Jasmine J.                     COLLEGE OF BUSINESS       Wheaton, Natasha J.
                       Yeldell, Jeremy T.                      Black, Vanessa S.         Hatcher, Kiamesha P.
                       Chavez, Luz M.                          Brown, Grant C.           Alex, Porsha J.
                       Bujol, Barry W.                         Fontenot, Takeisa J.      Baker, Nikita N.
                       Garcia, Jose A.                         Gutierrez, Mercedes P.    Guerrier, Melissa L.
                       Herndon, Nicholas L.                    Hogg, Krystal L.          Jernigan, Destiny K.
                       Ogletree, Aaron P.                      Leach, Jeremy R.          Ison, Marc D.
                       Victor, John-Clifton B.                 Paster, Ashley N.         Chambers, Brittney D.
                       Wortham, Keon G.                        Thompson, Gelisha E.      King, Valencia L.
                                                               Armstead, Terrence J.     Tanner, Alexis M.
                       MARVIN D. AND JUNE                                                Thompson, Blake A.
                                                               Berry, Stewart S.
                                                                                         Fields, Sheraton A.
                       SAMUEL BRAILSFORD                       Harmon, Lauren N.
                                                                                         Cooper, Tamara H.
                       COLLEGE OF ARTS AND                     Jawandor, Hannah B.
                                                                                         Scott, Jeremy D.
                       SCIENCES                                Holloway, Aaron T.        Watson, Erinette R.
                       Agers, Ashley B.                        Clarke, Jonathan R.       Woodyard, Kamal B.
                       Blount, Kenyana S.                                                Brown, Shondalin S.
                       Dixon, Angela T.                        WHITLOWE R. GREEN         Willhelm, Sarah G.
                       Foster, Briana S.                       COLLEGE OF EDUCATION      Wolfe, Latoya L.
                       Goodwin, Megan L.                       Iyamu, Constance I.       Dixon, Ladeisha S.
                       Johnson, Brittany K.                    Jackson, Randyshia J.     McGee, D'Korian L.
                       Jusu, Pula A.                           Jones, Lakesha N.         Mendes, Crysta M.
                       Lucas, Rattchel F.                      Brown, Daniel L.          Sharp, Constance R.
                       Palmer, Rodney N.                       Blanks, Ashley N.         Stallings, Ashleigh C.
                       Ray, Shanika D.                         Martin, Tiffany R.        Whitney, Jabbar R.
                       Tabor, Justin R.                        Shorts, Kristina R.
                                                                                         COLLEGE OF NURSING
                       Titus, Burks E.                         Barnes, Jaleesa N.
                                                                                         Whitt, Nieshia S.
                       Wheeler, Shuntia S.                     Hendrix, Desiree' N.
                                                                                         Williams, Miranda L.
                       Woods, Shannon C.                       Brunn, Jatoya L.          Campbell, Esmesha D.
                       Banks, Malcolm J.                       Greer, Damian D.          Doty, Matika A.
                       Vernon, Martienne D.                    Evans, Markeisha N.       Thompson, Vivian M.
                       Williams, Lindsey A.                    Kimbrough, Ashlee B.      Cook, Sherron R.
                       Lampkin, Deon A.                        Russell, Ebony A.         Woods, Latoya L.
                       Morris, Nicole C.                       Morrow, Uriah K.          Duncan, Tiffanie N.
                       Quigley, Tiffany T.                     Smith, Tanisha Q.         Peterson, Ladoya K.
                       Rasmus, Thelma J.                       Hill, Shannon S.
                       Redmond, Caryn E.                       Jones, Daphne M.
                       Wingate, Brittany D.                    Brown, Jennifer E.        UNVIERSITY COLLEGE
                       Clark, Chelsi O.                        Ellison, Crystal L.       Foster, Samuel R.
                       Wynn, RonDarius J.                      Fleming, Adelin L.
                       Granger, Aurielle                       McCoy, Chasney J.
                       Kanne, Nicholas R.                      McGruder, Netesha C.

Published at the end of each semester of the academic year, the University Honor Roll includes qualifying students who have carried a minimum
  12 semester hour course load, maintained a 3.50 GPA or greater (not including developmental courses) and earned no grade lower than C.

               P R A I R I E V I E W A &M U N I V E R S IT Y   Founders’ Day and Honors Recognition Convocation
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