Page created by Donald Santos
               SUMMER / 2021

Luceat                                     Lucea

                  Luceat                    Luceat



    4                                               10                                                21
    FROM THE HEADMASTER                             CHAPLAIN’S CORNER                                 ROB DUNCAN PROFILE
                                                    It’s time for a reset and fresh start. May 2021   Beaconhills foundation student Rob
    4-5                                             be a year of renewal for us all.                  Duncan has taken the helm at a new local
    VCE RESULTS                                                                                       school. He shares his news.
    Beaconhills students are celebrating            11
    strong VCE results across a wide range          STAFF PROFILE                                     22-23
    of subjects, with 27 students achieving         When Sam Watson accepted the position             BEYOND BEACONHILLS
    ATARs of 90 or more.                            of Berwick Campus Principal he could              Discover some of the fascinating work
                                                    never have imagined what 2020 would               of two of our alumni scientists – Kurt
    6                                               bring - but he rose to the challenge.             Peterson and Lauren Macreadie.
    The breadth of subjects chosen by our           12-17                                             24
    highest scoring students shows the              TAKE THE LEAD                                     VALE NEVILLE CLARK
    freedom of choice at Beaconhills. The           We profile some of our new student                John McConchie reflects on the passing
    choice for students to follow their interests   leaders and they reveal their aspirations         of fellow College founder and House
    and build on their strengths.                   for 2021.                                         patron Neville Clark and his significant
                                                                                                      contributions to the school
    7                                               18
    TOP ATAR FOR SAM                                NEW ARTS AND SPORT COMPLEX                        25
    Sam Sail has recorded the highest               The new Community Arts and Recreation             FROM THE ARCHIVES/ALUMNI
    ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admission Rank)       Centre is taking shape at the Berwick             ASSOCIATION
    possible – an impressive 99.95.                 Campus, with some amazing features.               A flashback to the 1993 school fete and
                                                                                                      Alumni Association news.
    8-9                                             19
    SHAPING THE FUTURE                              COLLEGE GOVERNANCE                                26-27
    The College has a number of exciting new        The College Board has welcomed three              WHERE ARE THEY NOW?
    initiatives planned for 2021. Bring on the      new directors. Catch up on all the latest         Careers - and a very joyous wedding -
    new school year!                                developments.                                     feature in this issue of Lux Luceat.

                                                                                                         FROM THE HEADMASTER

                                                                                       Allowing our students
                                                                             to choose from a huge range
                                                                                of subjects gives them real
                                                                             ability to follow their passions.
    Welcome to the first issue of Lux
    Luceat magazine for 2021.

    What a memorable way to finish 2020.
    Some wonderful VCE results for our
    students and a credit to all those
    students, families and teaching staff
    for their hard work, determination and
    commitment to seeing through one of
    our most challenging school years.

                                               1.   Sam Sail                     2. Jaime Watts             3. Callum Pritchard
    I would like to congratulate our College        College Dux, Pakenham Dux,      Berwick Dux, 98.25         Berwick, 98
    Dux, Sam Sail, from the Pakenham                99.95
    Campus, for his outstanding ATAR of
    99.95, along with Berwick Campus
    Dux, Jaime Watts, for achieving 98.25.

    Each year we talk about the benefits
    of choice in our VCE years. Allowing our
    students to choose from a huge range
    of subjects gives them real ability to
    follow their passions and capitalise on
    their strengths. The results speak
    for themselves.

    Thank you to everyone
    in our community for the part they
    played in supporting our students          5. Erin Schubert                  6. Benjamin Coleman        7. William Peiris
                                                  Berwick, 97.4                     Pakenham, 96.65            Pakenham, 96.3
    through 2020.

    Tony Sheumack

                                               9. Sharnie Foot                   10. Harleen Kaur            11. Jai Lewis
                                                  Berwick, 96.1                      Berwick, 95.6               Pakenham, 95.5


                     VCE RESULTS

                     Beaconhills College VCE        The College has celebrated      He said despite the
                     students have produced         strong results across a wide    challenges of COVID-19,
                     some spectacular 2020          range of subjects. Twenty-      the exceptional work of
                     VCE results, including         seven students achieved         teachers in supporting
                     a perfect 99.95 ATAR           ATARs of 90 or more, with       students through months
                     (Australian Tertiary           12 students in the 95+          of remote learning – along
                     Admission Rank) for College    category.                       with the resilience shown by
                     Dux, Sam Sail.                                                 students themselves – had
                                                    Headmaster Tony                 paid dividends.
                     Sam, our College Dux           Sheumack said students
                     and Pakenham Campus            from both campuses              “I am extremely proud of
4. Sandy-Amick Wu
   Berwick, 97.45
                     Dux, recorded perfect          achieved 40s in all             how our students have
                     scores of 50 in French and     learning domains.               risen above the difficulties
                     Mathematical Methods,          These included English,         of 2020 and shown the
                     47 for English and 44 for      Mathematics, Visual             tenacity and resilience to
                     Specialist Mathematics,        and Performing Arts,            achieve these results,” Mr
                     along with his 2019 score of   Technologies, VCE Vet           Sheumack said.
                     50 in Physics.                 Programs, Humanities,
                                                    Science, Digital
                     The Berwick Campus Dux         Technologies, Health
                     was Jaime Watts with           and Physical Education,
                     98.25. Jaime scored 42         Business and Economics,
                     in Theatre Studies and         Languages and Extended
                     Psychology, 40 for Media,      Investigation.
                     39 for French and 38 for
                     Literature, to add to her 48   “These results really
                     for Extended Investigation     reinforce the benefits of our
8. Alex Aumann       in 2019.                       open-entry, diverse College,
   Berwick, 96.15                                                                                                      VOX POP
                                                    where students can follow

                                                    their passions and succeed,”                                      What are you
                                                                                                                   looking forward to
                                                    Mr Sheumack said.
                                                                                                                        in 2021?

                                                                                                                   What I am most
                                                                                                               looking forward to in
                                                                                                                 2021 is being able
                                                                                                                to help and support
                                                                                                                 Creese House. As
                                                                                                                  a Creese House
                                                                                                                Captain, I’m excited
                                                                                                               to take care and take
                                                                                                                  charge of House

                                                                                                                    Year 8, Berwick
12. Alicia Scalzo
    Berwick, 95.05    in all learning domains
                                                                                                                         SUMMER 2021

    The breadth of subjects chosen by                                                                                                     2020

    our highest scoring students shows

    the freedom of choice at Beaconhills.
    The choice for students to follow their
    interests and build on their strengths.


                        BUSINESS MANAGEMENT


                                                    ENGLISH LANGUAGE

                                PHYSICAL EDUCATION

                         JAPANESE SECOND LANGUAGE
                                           FURTHER MATHEMATICS
                                                                             THEATRE STUDIES 4                 MATHEMATICAL METHODS

                             SPECIALIST MATHEMATICS
                        THEATRE STUDIES


                        STUDIO ARTS

                   1                   2                3                4                  5              6          7               8

                                                                 number of students



With his 99.95 ATAR,           studying maths subjects,
College Dux and Pakenham       I think it was actually an
Campus Dux, Sam Sail           advantage. COVID affected        In 2019, his excellence in
joins an elite group of just
38 Victorian students who
                               us all in slightly different
                               ways, but it brought us all
                                                                French studies also earned
achieved the highest
rank possible.
                               together.”                       him the title of best overall
                               His advice to students           Year 11 student in Victoria in
Sam had already
foreshadowed his academic
                               preparing for VCE is to
                               choose subjects they
                                                                the Alliance Française Berthe
excellence a year ago,
when he scored a perfect
                               enjoyed learning, rather
                               than base their choices
                                                                Mouchette Competition.
50 for VCE Physics. He’s       on whether subjects were
now added two more 50s         “easy or hard”.
in French and Mathematical
Methods, a 47 for English      “It will mean you can put
and 44 for Specialist          in more time and achieve
Mathematics.                   better results, while feeling
                               like it takes much less effort
In 2019, his excellence        than it would for a subject
in French studies also         that doesn’t genuinely
earned him the title of best   interest you,” he said.
overall Year 11 student in
Victoria in the Alliance
Française Berthe Mouchette

Last year he joined the
University of Melbourne
Extension Program to
study Physics once a week
after school. The program
allows students to extend
themselves in their most             VOX POP
enjoyable subjects and
                                    What are you
gain credit before starting
                                 looking forward to
an undergraduate degree.              in 2021?
This year he hopes to start
                                 Returning to school
a Bachelor of Science at the
                                 and having my best
university.                       friend in my class.

Sam said while learning
                                  Year 7, Pakenham
remotely during 2020 had              Campus
its challenges, there were
also some positives: “For

                                                                                         SUMMER 2021

    2020 challenged us all in unimaginable         CROSS CAMPUS CLASSES
    ways. But, now is time to look to the future   One thing COVID taught us all is the power
    – taking with us some valuable lessons we      of Zoom! Three VCE subjects with small
    learnt along the way.                          numbers of students at each campus will
                                                   now combine to run as a multicampus
    How can our learning community best            subject. The subjects will run similar to a     COMMUNITY ACTION LEARNING (CAL)
    maximise the exciting and challenging          tertiary model - with lectures, tutorials and   While CAL was already underway in
    opportunities that await us in 2021            personalised learning time. They include        2020, this year students will see a number

    and beyond?                                    IT – Data Analytics, Music and Extended         of service activities integrated into the
                                                   Investigation.                                  program, along with a strong family
    Beaconhills College is implementing a                                                          involvement in our service programs.
    number of new learning initiatives for 2021,                                                   An example of CAL was Year 8 students
    along with innovative plans for the use of                                                     completing a literacy unit based on bees.
    all indoor and outdoor spaces across the                                                       They discovered Australia’s native bee
    College.                                                                                       population was at risk, with a lack of places
                                                                                                   for bees to live, so students built ‘bee hotels’
                                                                                                   for the College gardens to help pollinate
                                                                                                   plants. This is service to the environment..
                   OUR EIGHT


                                                                                    How can our learning
                                                                                community best maximise
                                                                              the exciting and challenging
                                                                              opportunities that await us in
                                                                                        2021 and beyond?
WELLBEING                                       BEACON EXPLORERS                                 SPACES WITH PURPOSE
Giving students the skills and opportunities    COVID-19 delivered a hit to the College’s        The College is working on a master plan
to build essential wellbeing capacities will    global and outdoor education programs            where every single square metre of space
continue to be a focus in 2021.                 in 2020, but by the end of the year the          throughout the grounds will be used for a
                                                team was delivering a variety of on-campus       specific purpose. From active play areas
Programs such as the highly successful          activities including bushwalking, setting        to exercise stations, a supervised ropes
Resilience Project provide evidence-based       up tents, science activities and an exciting     course, natural bush areas and outdoor
strategies and activities to help students      ‘silent crate climb’ challenge.                  classrooms, this innovative plan will have
improve their wellbeing.                                                                         a strong focus on sustainability. The
                                                A series of long-day outdoor education           College has consulted with students to
Other 2021 programs will focus on nurturing     programs were held at Gembrook’s Gilwell         seek their suggestions.
mental health, strengthening physical health,   Park for students in Years 5, 6, 8, 9 and 10,
growing connections, building resilience,       along with children from Little Beacons,         Classrooms will also get an overhaul with
supporting safety and diversity and             were a massive success.                          improvements to acoustics, colour schemes
protecting the environment.                                                                      and furniture, and move to decluttered
                                                This year will see students out doing day        spaces. There is even a plan to name
Topics of cyber safety, personal safety,        trips and extended stays in bush settings with   classrooms after inspiring academics, so get
positive relationships and health will be       activities such as rogaining and abseiling.      ready for the Einstein Room.
covered and students can take part in a         Fingers crossed that international programs
range of groups throughout the year.            will return sooner rather than later.

       VOX POP

      What are you
   looking forward to
        in 2021?

  Doing better in sport
  and spending more
  time with my family.

   Harrison, Year 7,
  Pakenham Campus

                                                                                                                                SUMMER 2021

                                                                                                         CHAPLAIN’S CORNER


     Isaiah 40:31
     But they who wait upon the Lord will get           What will you prioritise this year? God tells
     new strength. They will rise up with wings         us through the prophet Jeremiah that He
     like eagles. They will run and not get tired.      has plans to prosper us and not harm us.
     They will walk and not become weak.                Sometimes it’s hard to see God’s hand in
                                                        the things around us, but He is there none
     Jeremiah 29:11                                     the less. Maybe you’ll keep the Zoom
     11 For I know the plans I have for you,”           catch-ups going with relatives and friends
     says the Lord. “They are plans for good            overseas or interstate. Or maybe you’ll
     and not for disaster, to give you a future         keep your fitness up.
     and a hope.
                                                        Jesus said, ‘wherever your treasure is,
     It’s a new year – thank God! We need one,          your heart will be also’. As a community
     after the events of 2020. I can’t remember         based on compassion, integrity and
     a time when I was so keen to see a                 respect, Beaconhills knows what that
     year over and done with. Sadly, many               treasure is – our people; our students,
     in our community lost loved ones, work             staff and families. This year will give us the
     or security last year, which was indeed            opportunity to care even more deeply for
     a hard experience. Others have come                each other and to teach our children to do
     through with a renewed commitment to               the same.
     the important things in life – family, friends
     and love for the community.                        May 2021 bring you peace and comfort
                                                        and, more importantly, be a year of
     2021 is a fresh start for all of us. It gives us   renewal for all of us.
     an opportunity to say goodbye to 2020,
     mourn the sad things, celebrate the good           Revd Kathy Mildred
     things, and start again.                           Senior Chaplain, Berwick Campus



                                                                             “What I found hard about

SAM                                                                          the lockdown is that I’m
                                                                             a people person, I love
                                                                             meeting parents and talking
WATSON                                                                       to the students, and I feel
                                                                             that was torn away.”

PRINCIPAL                                                                                             VOX POP

                                                                                                     What are you
                                                                                                  looking forward to
                                                                                                       in 2021?

                                                                                                  I’m looking forward
Sam Watson admits to           The COVID-19 pandemic             perspective on education.
                                                                                                    to being a House
a pang of guilt about his      in his first year as Campus       And what’s really important.     Captain and helping
career choice. As the eldest   Principal was certainly a trial                                           others.
son of a farmer, he should     by fire and challenging for       “If every student leaves               Bailey,
probably have followed in      someone who is anything           Beaconhills saying that            Year 8, Berwick
his dad’s footsteps; farming   but a “leather chair leader”.     they felt valued and loved            Campus
and working the land in the                                      – that’s the culture I want to
Albury region.                 “What I found hard about          instill,” he said.
                               the lockdown is that I’m a
However, a year working as     people person,” he said. “I       We suspect his dad is very
a gap student in England at    love meeting parents and          proud.
Parkside Preparatory School    talking to the students, and I
in Cobham, Surrey sparked      feel that was torn away.
a passion for teaching, and
he has never looked back.      “But I did get to know what
                               each staff member really did
Mr Watson said the             in the College and the huge
Parkside’s Head of Sport,      influence they have on the
Ian Stamp, was a successful    day to day running of a
cricketer and inspiring        school. This year has taught
mentor: “He showed me          me that we really have to
what you could do as           focus on doing the basic
a PE teacher…it was a          things right – if the kids and
phenomenal year.”              staff can feel connected to
                               the community, then we can
Starting as a graduate         get the best out of them.”
teacher at Beaconhills
13 years ago, Mr Watson        Mr Watson has a genuine
has progressed from PE         love for Beaconhills and
teacher to Head of House,      says becoming a father
Head of Sport, Head of         (he and his wife Ingrid now
Senior School and in 2020,     have two boys, Henry and
Campus Principal.              Alfred) has changed his

                                                                                                         SUMMER 2021

      YOU BE IN 2021?

     I aspire to always be an      I would like to be more of     To me a leader is an             As a school captain for
     approachable person           the representative than        individual that not only leads   2021, I hope to foster an
     who anyone can have a         the leader. The College        or commands individuals,         environment that prioritises
     chat with, but also be that   values we always use           a group or an organisation,      kindness and inclusivity in
     ‘bridge’ between students     at Beaconhills: Integrity,     but is rather an individual      all areas of the community,
     and teachers to help foster   Compassion and Respect..       that inspires and motivates      encouraging connections
     a healthy relationship        Those words might sound        individuals among those          among students, families
     between all members of        simple, but they’re also the   around them. A leader, most      and College staff. I
     our community. I’m always     unchanging truth. I have       importantly, stimulates and      acknowledge that we’ve
     up for a chat and I’m very    the belief that a leader       empowers action among            all had our fair share of
     excited to lead our school    shouldn’t force goals on       those around them and            hardships given the impact
     into the new year through     others but instead meet        guides them to strive for        of COVID-19, so I hope to
     new opportunities and         their eyes, listen and co-     their best. Through my           empower the Beaconhills
     challenges.                   operate. A leader isn’t just   position as a captain for        community to support one
                                   about leading, but also        2021, I will endeavour to        another as we enter this
     Aaron Sharpe                  about reading the people       encourage my fellow pupils       new year.
                                   surrounding them. This is      to be the best of themselves
                                   the sort of leader I would     and enable them to achieve       Charlie Hondow
                                   like to be.                    their full potential and
                                                                  ultimately encourage them
                                   Amisha Singh                   to let their light so shine.

                                                                  Shubhneet Sodhi


                                            “I hope to foster an environment
                                      that prioritises kindness and inclusivity
                                                in all areas of the community.”


In 2021, I aim to be a leader   I am so excited to have the    In 2021, I want to be an       I hope that this year, I can
who is a strong connection      opportunity to be one of       approachable leader. I         be a kind, strong and active
between the students and        the 2021 College captains.     want to be the person that     leader in order to properly
staff to bring the school       I aspire to be a leader        anyone can come up to, to      lead my peers by example.
community together.             who is respectful to all my    talk about anything. Whether   I am looking forward to
I will be approachable          peers, shows compassion,       it’s schooling, friendship     working together with staff
and trustworthy as well as      empathy and integrity. I aim   or home-related,. I want to    and students alike and
a shoulder to lean on in        to combat the challenges       leave Beaconhills College      representing the student
anyone’s time of need. As       which we will face and be      knowing I have made a          body alongside Brooke,
a leader in 2021, I want to     a source for reassurance       difference to at least one     Jack, and Emma to help
make a real difference.         and understanding,             other person,                  make 2021 a brilliant year.
                                while continuing to learn      as well as to the school
Brooke Ellis                    and grow and unify our         itself.                        Riley Thornton-Mackay
                                                               Jack Stanton
                                Emma McRae

                                                                                                              SUMMER 2021

                                                      “OUR STUDENTS WILL
                                                      BE THE LEADERS OF
                                                      TOMORROW AND SO IT
                                                      IS OUR RESPONSIBILITY
                                                      TO PROVIDE THEM WITH
     If any year showed the value of good,
     strong leadership, it was 2020. We all look
     to leaders locally, nationally and globally to
                                                      THE OPPORTUNITY
     make the tough decisions in challenging
     times.                                           TO DEVELOP, TEST
     Many Beaconhills students will become the
     leaders of tomorrow. All students have the
                                                      AND REFINE THEIR
     opportunity to develop their leadership skills
     through classroom activities, Beaconhills        LEADERSHIP SKILLS.”
     Explorers camps and experiences and the
     Co-Curricular Program.                           including the SEISA Leadership Camp – a
                                                      two-day program for senior students from
     Pakenham Campus Principal Sarah Rudiger          both campuses where they can develop
     said students from both campuses could           their leadership skills and network with
     apply for leadership positions across all        students from other schools.
     year levels.
                                                      “Our students will be the leaders of
     Student leaders had many different               tomorrow and so it is our responsibility
     opportunities to practise ‘servant leadership’   to provide them with the opportunity to
     during their time at the College, she said.      develop, test and refine their leadership        VOX POP
                                                      skills,” Ms Rudiger said.
                                                                                                     What are you
     “Servant leadership moves away from                                                          looking forward to
     traditional, hierarchical systems of                                                              in 2021?
                                                                                                  I am looking forward
                                                                                                      to my duties as
     “Rather, our leaders accept the need                                                            a House Captain
     to serve the College community by                                                               and completing
     contributing ideas, actions and the                                                               Certificate of
                                                                                                  Excellence in Year 8.
     modelling of expectations and guidance.”
                                                                                                    Pahal, Year 8,
     Students can participate in a number of                                                       Berwick Campus

     leadership programs during the year,


MANY                                            BAXTER
WAYS                                            SCORES A
TO BE A                                         CAPTAINCY
LEADER                                          TRIFECTA
                                                Year 12 student Baxter Stickland has three
                                                captains’ roles this year; Citizenship and
Environmental Leader    SCHOOL
                                                Service, Light and Sound, and Leaver House
                        Cadet Leader
Faith and Social                                Captain.
Justice Captain         Chapel Captain
                                                Baxter probably understands more about
House Captain           Choir Captain           volunteering and fundraising than most
                                                young people his age. But there is a special
Junior School Captain   Dance Captain
                                                reason why.                                        Youth Council, which he said taught him a lot
Performing Arts         Drama Captain                                                              about being a leader and helping the community.
Captain                                         His dad was diagnosed with Motor Neurone           And he’s also on the Beaconhills College
                        Environmental           Disease in 2015, hence why he volunteers           Beacon of Hope Student Committee, a group
Sport Captain           Captain                 each year at FightMND’s DIY Big Freeze             of senior students who organise the College’s
Visual Arts Captain     Faith and Social        events, a charity he describes as “very close to   citizenship and service programs.
                        Justice Captain         his heart”.
                                                                                                   With a keen interest in IT and performing arts,
                        French Captain          For his Year 9 Personal Best project, he           Baxter has also enjoyed being part of the Tech
                                                organised and hosted a trivia night to raise       Team helping out with the light and sound during
                        House Captain
                                                funds for FightMND, raising more than $7000        productions. In his Light and Sound Captain’s
                        ICT Captain             towards research for a cure.                       role, he will lead training of other students after
                                                                                                   school once a week, teaching them about
                        International Captain   Baxter said when his dad was diagnosed, he         lighting, sound and multimedia consoles, as well
                        Japanese Captain        was told he had less than two years to live.       as the video camera, different microphones,
                                                                                                   lights, screens and many other technological
                        Library Captain         “Thankfully their prediction was wrong, since      aspects of the Lois Maghanoy Centre for
                                                he is still with us today, although still slowly   Performing Arts.
                        Light and Sound
                                                deteriorating,” said Baxter, adding that he
                                                would love to see the Beaconhills community        And then there’s his House Captain duties
                        Music Captain           donate to the MND cause.                           at various House competitions, along with
                                                                                                   student mentorship.
                        Performing Arts         His service to the community saw Baxter
                        Captain                 become a finalist for the Cardinia Shire           Sounds like a busy year ahead for Baxter.
                        Reconciliation          Council’s 2018 Young Citizen of the Year
                        Captain                 Award. This year he was part of the Cardinia
                                                                                                   YOU CAN DONATE TO FIGHT MND AT
                        School Captain                                                             FIGHTMND.ORG.AU

                        Science Captain

                        Sport Captain
                                                This year he was part of the
                        Strings Captain
                                                Cardinia Youth Council, which
                        Technology Captain
                                                he said taught him a lot about
                        Visual Arts Captain
                                                being a leader and helping
                                                the community.

                                                        I think a good sport captain
                                                        is someone who is fair and
                                                        honest – and lets everyone
     VOX POP                                            have a go
INTERNATIONAL                                                SPORT CAPTAIN
                                                             I keep fit by dancing.
I like languages a lot and I                                 I’ve been dancing for
am studying French (Units                                    about 10 years and do
3 &4) this year, as well as                                  big concerts at the end of
English, Maths Methods,                                      every year (Olivia dances
Data Analytics and                                           with Cathy-Lea Dance
Software Development.                                        Works). I was very excited
                                                             when I found out I got
As International Captain, I                                  Sport Captain.
will be helping out during
LOTE Week and helping                                        My job is to help make
include international                                        everyone participate in
students in activities                                       sport. I think I will start
during the year.                                             working on getting
                                                             people to join in some of
Ben Hetherington                                             the sport not filled up for
Year 12, Pakenham                                            the SEISA competitions. I
Campus                                                       think a good sport captain
                                                             is someone who is fair
                                                             and honest – and lets
                                                             everyone have a go.

                                                             Olivia Sutton
                                                             Year 8, Berwick Campus

                               ...helping include
                               international students
                               in activities during
                               the year.

CAPTAIN/HOUSE                   I want them to                                                   FEATURE
As Woods House
                                feel comfortable at
Captain, I will help out this
year with events like the
                                Beaconhills and be
Swimming Carnival and           proud of choosing a
sports days.
                                language to study.
As International Captain,
I will be trying to help
international students feel
welcome. I want them
to feel comfortable at
                                     VOX POP
Beaconhills and be proud
of choosing a language              What are you
to study.                        looking forward to
                                      in 2021?

Mavis Lee                         Hopefully a year
Year 12, Pakenham                 with less dramas
                                 and more cheerful

                                 Year 7, Pakenham

                                                      FAITH AND SOCIAL
                                                      JUSTICE CAPTAIN             I am looking forward
                                                      Being the Faith and
                                                      Social Justice Captain
                                                                                  to being a good role
                                                      means I need to show        model for other kids.
                                                      the College Values of
                                                      respect, integrity and
                                                      compassion. I will need
                                                      to help out when people
                                                      need me, especially
                                                      when they need caring
                                                      for and to feel included.
                                                      I will also need to
                                                      help organise jobs for
                                                      assemblies and chapel,
                                                      which is special. I think
                                                      being a good captain
                                                      means standing up for
                                                      people when they need a
                                                      friend and being a good
                                                      person. I am looking
                                                      forward to being a good
                                                      role model for other

                                                      Trent Dawson
                                                      Year 4, Berwick Campus
                                                                                                 SUMMER 2021


     NEW ARTS,
     Work has started on Berwick Campus’         Built across three levels, it includes:      “While the existing multipurpose building
     new Community Arts and Recreation                                                        has served us well for 17 years, it was
     Centre, due to open in 2022.                •    ground floor with two large gyms,       never purpose-built,” Mr Sheumack said.
                                                      spin room and wellness room             He said the new design would meet
     The $12.2m development, including                                                        the needs of the College’s growing
     $2m funded by the state government,         •    first floor sessional drama and two     Performing Arts Program and provide a
     will replace the existing multipurpose           dance studios/classrooms                range of spaces for community groups to
     building, with the chapel temporarily                                                    hire.
     relocated until a new chapel is built on    •    main auditorium with 640 fixed-seats,
     the campus.                                      black box studio, gallery/exhibition    Founding Campus Principal, Jenny
                                                      space and large foyer area              Williams said the old chapel had been
     This exciting new development built on                                                   decommissioned, but valuable elements
     campus – yet to be formally named –         •    second floor music classrooms,          from the space were saved for inclusion
     provides professional standard facilities        tuition studios and instrument          in the future new chapel.
     for Beaconhills students and the wider           storage.
     community, including a much larger                                                       These include leadlights donated by
     stage area, orchestra pit and fly tower     Headmaster Tony Sheumack and Campus          founding families and staff, a quilt created
     for technical equipment such as lighting,   Principal Sam Watson officially turned the   in a project led by the first Head of Library
     sound and props.                            ‘first sod’ on the construction site on      Services, Clare Burford, and wood from
                                                 9 December ready for the deconstruction      the pews which will be used in a feature
                                                 of the old building.                         wall or design. Also preserved are the
                                                                                              metal cross, collection plate and lectern
                                                 Mr Sheumack said the planned                 donated by graduating Year 12 students.
                                                 development was due to start in 2020 but
                                                 was delayed due to COVID-19 restrictions.



The College Board was                further develop the Learning    KIMBERLEY FLANAGAN           LINCOLN WULFF                MITCHELL ZADOW
very pleased to welcome              That Matters framework          Kimberley Flanagan is        Founder and CEO of a         Former College Vice-
three new Board directors in         to provide more choice,         a parent of two children     construction firm with       Captain and Clark House
                                                                     at the Berwick Campus        a passion for family,        alumnus, graduating in
2020; Kimberley Flanagan,            personalised learning, and
                                                                     and is keen to put her       philanthropy and             2000, Mitchell Zadow
Lincoln Wulff and Mitchell           an impressive future-oriented   skills as a management       growing financial literacy   went on to complete a
Zadow. We also welcomed              education program.              consultant in community      in adults and youth,         Bachelor of Laws and a
Honourary Board Chaplain,                                            and social services to       Lincoln is a parent of       Bachelor of Arts at the
Revd Matthew Scheffer, while         The Board has established       work for the benefit of      five students attending      University of Melbourne.
                                                                     Beaconhills.                 Pakenham Campus.
Jill Healey was reappointed          a number of committees to                                                                 Passionate about
for another three year term.         support College governance.     Passionate about             Lincoln holds several        creating opportunities
                                                                     inclusion, gender            existing governance          for every student to
They bring skills in law, property   These committees will work
                                                                     equality, sustainability     roles with local             help them develop their
development, philanthropy,           this year on key domains        and the environment,         companies. He has            full potential, Mitchell
governance and community             of the College governance       Kimberley offers the         a strong sense of            seeks to use his skills
development.                         strategy including finance,     College a combination        community service,           and experience as the
                                     risk, community engagement,     of extensive governance      being most proud of          Managing Principal of a
                                                                     experience on the            the work done for            law practice and as an
The new directors complement         board governance, property
                                                                     boards of Outlook            Monash Health, as Co-        Accredited Commercial
the Board’s existing expertise       and the new Beacon of Hope      Victoria, Gippsland          Founder and Co-Chair         Law Specialist
in business, accounting,             Foundation.                     South Health Services        of the Dandelion Wishes      (accredited by the Law
Christian ministry, governance                                       and Youth Affairs            Foundation.                  Institute of Victoria), to
and leadership, health               The Board is always keen to     Victoria, together with      Offering a broad range       serve the Beaconhills
                                                                     qualifications including     of skills and experience     community.
and wellbeing and risk               hear from community members
                                                                     a Master in Public Policy,   with qualifications
management, to name a few.           interested in contributing to   and as a graduate of the     ranging from a Bachelor
                                     the proud tradition of good     Australian Institute of      of Business and an
The Board has listened and           governance at Beaconhills.      Company Directors.           Advanced Diploma
worked hard together to              For details, email                                           in Building and
support the College and its          David.Young@beaconhills.vic.                                 Construction to financial
community during 2020 and  
have been so impressed by the        or refer to the governance
courage and strength shown of        section of the website.
our community as we all worked
through the various challenges       Dr David Moseley
of this pandemic year.               College Board Chairman

In 2021 and beyond, the Board
will work to ensure the College
remains in a strong position
and able to continue helping
students, families and staff to
recover from the disruptions
of 2020. We are impressed
and excited about innovation
and development work
occurring within the school to

                                                                                                                                         SUMMER 2021

                                 HAPPENINGS AROUND
                                              FROM THE

     ALUMNI                       I would like to congratulate
                             all of our VCE students on their
                                              results for 2018.

           VOX POP

          What are you
       looking forward to
            in 2021?

      I am looking forward
         to being the best
          role model I can
        be for the younger

         Josh, Year 8,
        Berwick Campus




                                                                                    pictured far right
WITH                                                       Who at Beaconhills College
                                                           influenced your decision to
                                                                                                         What is your fondest memory of
                                                                                                         Beaconhills, as a student?

                                                           become an educator?                           The friendships. I made some great
                                                           I was very fortunate to have some             friends and we were all very close
                                                           fantastic teachers at Beaconhills.            as a group. The camps, especially

STUDENT                                                    The originals - Frank and Joy
                                                           Millett, Dot Wiltshire, Debbie Mason
                                                                                                         Central Australia in 1985. Andrew
                                                                                                         Staindl, our College Maintenance

                                                           and David Curtis were amazing                 man who, like me, was a mad
                                                           in helping us settle into the new             Demons fan. It was just such a great
                                                           school environment. The teachers              community and Frank is largely
                                                           who had the biggest impact on                 responsible for that. His leadership
Beaconhills foundation student Rob Duncan is an            me were probably Frank, who                   style filtered right through the whole
experienced educator. He has taught at Narre Warren        was a great maths teacher - I had             place and I am very fortunate to
South P-12 College for the past 16 years and served        him fromYears 7 to 9 - and Rob                have been a part of that early ride.
as Assistant Principal and Principal. This year he takes   Leone was also outstanding. Colin
on an exciting new challenge, heading up the new           Burns was a brilliant PE teacher              Also, we understand Deanna
Cranbourne West Secondary School.                          and an even better bloke. I was               Armstrong – another former BHC
                                                           incredibly fortunate to have Colin            student – is going to be working
                                                           Parrish, David Munro, Jeannette               at the new school? What role
                                                           Hillman and Alan Calaby as Year 12            does she have?
                                                           teachers. All outstanding teachers            Deanna is our Wellbeing and
                                                           who displayed great passion for               Inclusion Leader, a senior leadership
                                                           their subject areas and, in equal             position in the school. She is an
                                                           doses, great passion to see their             outstanding educator with great
                                                           students do well. But the biggest             experience across a range of
                                                           influence I had was Garry Black.              sectors from primary right through to
                                                           When I did teaching rounds some               tertiary. I feel very fortunate indeed
                                                           years later Garry was my supervisor,          that she applied for the position
                                                           along with John Waterhouse, and               and equally fortunate that we get to
                                                           I never had more fun. His work on             rekindle our friendship. It certainly
                                                           the Year 9 Program is the stuff of            doesn’t feel as though it has been
                                                           legend and rightly so. He impacted            33 years since we were last at
                                                           so many students’ lives.                      school together.

                                                           What do you hope to achieve as
                                                           The true measure of the success
                                                           of any education is what you
                                                           actually do with it. I want all of our
                                                           students to achieve a positive post
                                                           school destination - further study,,
                                                           apprenticeship or full time work. I           Left - Deanna
                                                           want our students to celebrate                Armstrong and
                                                                                                         Rob Duncan
                                                           diversity, promote inclusion and              outside their new
                                                           aspire to personal excellence.                school.

                                                                                                                                  SUMMER 2021

                                                                                                          BEYOND BEACONHILLS

     Kurt Peterson (Class of 2009)                    Following his PhD, Kurt applied for a
     Kurt Peterson graduated from Beaconhills
     to study a Bachelor of Science Degree at
                                                      postdoctoral associate position at the
                                                      Donald Danforth Plant Science Center in St
                                                                                                       Now Kurt is
     Monash University. Originally, he was unsure     Louis, USA, where the head of his lab is Dr      working on the
     of his future direction but, under the care
     of a particularly inspiring lecturer, realised
                                                      Elizabeth Kellogg; an extremely successful
                                                      scientist and member of the prestigious          evolutionary
     that it was the evolution behind plants that
     really fascinated him. Soon after making
                                                      American National Academy of Sciences.
                                                      Now Kurt is working on the evolutionary
                                                                                                       ecology of
     this discovery, Kurt started searching for       ecology of grasses in Andropogoneae,             grasses in
     volunteer work to network into a lab or
     company. He volunteered and worked
                                                      using a mix of bioinformatics, genetics, field
                                                      ecology, and taxonomy.                           Andropogoneae,
     with Deakin University/Melbourne Water,
     The Carbon Project at Monash University,
                                                                                                       using a mix of
     and finally, in Professor Martin Burd’s lab at                                                    bioinformatics,
     Monash University.
                                                                                                       genetics, field
     After completing his bachelor, he continued
     his work with Professor Burd while starting
                                                                                                       ecology, and
     his Honours degree. It was at this point that                                                     taxonomy.
     Kurt’s talents were first really acknowledged.
     He was awarded the Jim Willis Studentship
     at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Victoria. This
     paid studentship gave him experience in
     a taxonomic or systematics project at the
     National Herbarium of Victoria.

     After finishing his honours, Kurt was
     awarded a Postgraduate Research
     Scholarship by Monash University to help
     him through his PhD, as well as receiving
     funding from an Australian Research
     Council Discovery Grant. His PhD explored
     the evolutionary ecology of spores in
     lycophytes. During this study, he did a short
     course on phylogenetics (the study of
     evolutionary relationships between species)
     at the University of California, Davis, and
     travelled around Australia, to Singapore,
     and to Washington DC collecting data,
     while presenting at various seminars and


                                                                As a College, we seem to have
                                                              produced more that our fair share
                                                                of incredible scientists. Here we

                                                            highlight two of them, Kurt Peterson
                                                                         and Lauren Macreadie.

 Lauren Macreadie (Class of 2005)              help them gain broader recognition of their
Lauren Macreadie’s stellar career in
science continues to become more
                                               career achievements.                           In 2020, Lauren
impressive as time goes by.                    In 2020 Lauren also received a Discovery       also received
Lauren completed her bachelor’s
                                               Early Career Researcher Award - only 10
                                               of which were awarded across Australia         a Discovery
degree at Monash University in 2010,
specialising in Biomedicine, Chemistry
                                               in chemistry that year. This award will fund
                                               her work in developing ultra-absorbent
                                                                                              Early Career
and Biotechnology. Her honours followed        MOF composites as high performance             Researcher Award
the next year with her academic focus
becoming more specialised. This study
                                               materials, aiming to improve the absorption
                                               properties of porous materials through         - only 10 of which
evolved naturally into her own PhD
project in Materials Chemistry which she
                                               enhancing their selectivity and also
                                               creating new composites. The benefit
                                                                                              were awarded
completed at CSIRO, while working there        of this research is in bridging the gap        across Australia
as a research assistant.                       between porous material synthesis and
                                               industrial application, contributing to        in chemistry that
A year of teaching as a Postdoctoral
Research Fellow followed at the beautiful
                                               Australia’s becoming a world leader in
                                               clean energy research.
Trinity College in Dublin, before Lauren
returned to CSIRO for more postdoctoral
research, this time specialising in the
design and synthesis of MOFs (Metal-
Organic Frameworks) with the particular
interest of implementing these materials
into medical devices. Further travel
beckoned with two opportunities in New
Zealand – working as a commercialisation
consultant and lecturing at Massey

2020 – a year of struggle for most – saw
Lauren’s work recognised in a number of
incredible ways. Since July, she has been
based at the University of Sydney as a
Research Fellow and has received two
major awards.

The first was the Rita Conforth Lectureship.
This award, by the Royal Australian
Chemical Institute, is offered to an
outstanding female early-career chemist to

                                                                                                           SUMMER 2021


     In November 2020, the College lost one of its founders
     and House patrons, Neville Clark, aged 86. Fellow founder
     John McConchie reflects on his significant contributions.
     I first met and knew Neville and Carole          smiled and listened, then diligently attended    that Beaconhills was a big talking point in their
     Clark at St James Church Pakenham and            to the task in hand.                             family daily life.
     later through our shared times as part of the
     Beaconhills Christian College fraternity.        He was a wonderful support for me.               Neville was part of our team that visited St.
                                                                                                       Catherine’s School to arrange the collection
     Carole and Neville have always been highly-      One day not long before the portable             of the portable classrooms that St. Catherine’s
     regarded people in the Pakenham area.            buildings were to be erected in December         generously donated to our school.
                                                      1981, we received advice that a large quantity
     Neville and Carole attended the early            of soil fill was needed to build up the height   Neville also assisted moving the portables
     meetings of the school and Carole joined         of the ground level.                             again some six months later, from the vacant
     the Steering Committee on 5 February                                                              block next to St James Pakenham up to
     1981. She continued on until 25 October          The area was susceptible to flooding. Neville    ‘Purdy’s Orchard’ in Upper Pakenham.
     1983 when the College incorporated as a          said to me that he may be able to obtain
     Company Limited by Guarantee. Carole then        enough “fill” to do the job. I think the area    Neville was a humble man. He was a true
     became a Board member and continued in           that needed to be built up was about one         gentleman and a highly-respected and
     that role for many years.                        metre high. Neville said that he was working     admired founder of Beaconhills College.
                                                      with the MMBW on some road works in
     Neville was a pillar of support for many of us   Pakenham and that he thought that maybe          His light will continue to shine brightly. Thank
     who were involved in the College.                some “surplus” soil could be obtained. So he     you Neville. God bless you mate.
                                                      said that he would look into it.
     He was a gentle man, an honourable man,
     a trustworthy man, a fine family man and         A few days later many truckloads of clean
     contributed massively to the establishment of    soil fill arrived. 3500 cubic metres were
     the College.                                     delivered free of cost. No fuss, just quietly
                                                      arranged by Neville. He then proceeded to
     Carole also, as is well known, was a vital       spread and pack the additional soil with his
     member of the College Steering Committee         own excavator.
     and Board of Directors.

     Clark House represents and affirms the Clark
                                                      He also did an immense amount of ground
                                                      works around the College; the oval, the
                                                                                                        Neville was a
     family contribution to the College.              first road into the College and around the        pillar of support for
     Neville was a thoughtful and generous
                                                      waterhole. He dug the feature waterhole.
                                                                                                        many of us who
     reliable worker and a man of action for and
     around “all things Beaconhills.” He always
                                                      He would discuss many things with
                                                      tradespeople and help in any way to prepare
                                                                                                        were involved in
                                                      our school for the Opening Day. I am sure         the College.

FROM THE ARCHIVES                                                                                                           ALUMNI


FETE 1993
Bethany Thearle, one of          out the back of the newly-
our staff alumni, remembers      built Science building. The
the popular School Fete at       teacher is Bev Connor. I
the Pakenham Campus in
the 80s and 90s.
                                 am not sure why I look so
                                 gleeful; she did not teach
                                 me that year, but it was a
Much of what is now school       very popular activity.          Assuming that 2021 is as normal       for 2021 is the creation of a
buildings was paddocks                                           as anything can be in a post-         Mentoring Program for current
in the 80s and early 90s.        The School Fete in those        pandemic universe, it promises        students by volunteers from
There was ‘cow pat bingo’        days was a big event,           to be a busy year for the alumni      within the alumni community.
where classrooms now lie.        a gathering of different        community. As it was impossible       Embracing some of the online
The cow paddock near             members of the community,       to host even one reunion event        technologies that became
Pakenham and Syme roads          not just the school itself.     in 2020, there will be eight          familiar to us all during the
was drawn up into grids          Everyone would be there.        separate events to look forward       pandemic and featuring this
and you could ‘purchase’ a       There were many things to       to next year!                         initiative on the College’s
square in the hopes that the     do, from a hovercraft on the                                          website, we hope to create
cow would ‘deposit’ in that      grass, to an art exhibition     Term 1 will see all the four          a proactive and mutually
square and you would win         put on by the students,         scheduled reunions for this           beneficial relationship between
a prize. It was a simpler time   to displays and activities      year taking place, with the one,      the present and past students of
back then.                       involving the College Sailing   five, 10 and 20-year events all       the College.
                                 team and the Cadet Unit.        occurring before March is over.
Another fundraising activity     There was even a teacher        Then later in the year, and more      I will be making a shout out
was the opportunity to throw     dunking stall this same         spaced out, will come the same        for volunteers soon, but if you
wet sponges at teachers. I       year, another very popular      four events but for the cohorts       would like to get to the front
would have been in Year 8        activity.                       from one year on. So, this hectic     of the queue, then send us an
when this photo was taken                                        festival of events will start on      email anytime:
                                                                 Friday 12 February with the 20
                                                                 (and a bit) Year Reunion for the
                                                                 Class of 2000.                        Alan James
                                                                                                       Community Relations
                                                                 All reunions this year will be held   Co-ordinator
                                                                 at the Holm Park Recreational
                                                                 Reserve in Beaconsfield. This
                                                                 venue has a brand new function
                                                                 management team and we very
                                                                 much look forward to working
                                                                 with them to create some
                                                                 magical evenings.

                                                                 As much as we enjoy looking
                                                                 backwards at reunion events, it
                                                                 is also exciting to look forward,
                                                                 and one of the major initiatives

                                                                                                                            SUMMER 2021

      THEY NOW?
     1.   Chelsea Gilbert                     2.   Stephanie Lehmann               3.   James McPhie
          After graduating in 2017,                Class of 2009, is making her         Class of 2008, works for
          Chelsea took a gap year to               mark in ANZ as their Contact         Amazon as Head of Business
          work and travel, which she               Centre Manager for Retail            Development and Education
          said was a great experience.             Banking. She was nominated           for Australia. He has also
          She’s now studying an Honours            for the Auscontact Victorian         founded and co-founded two
          Degree of Geospatial Science             State Hero Award in 2020.            companies. Pure Planet is an
          while working at Cardinia Shire          This recognised her focus on         environmentally-conscious
          Council as their Geographic              engaging a large workforce,          business which manufactures
          Information Systems Officer. As          empowering her leaders to            electronics and personal care
          the GIS Officer, she integrates          support their people each day        items that have no plastic,
          data into mapping applications           by creating a 3pm moment of          carbon or deforestation impact.
          to analyze patterns and                  wellness, involving a stretch        And VACAY seltzer, which
          information. It is a very unique         and dance for five minutes to        produces a premium Australian
          and interesting field to work            reset the mind and body.             spiked sparkling water and is
          in as it is a mix of cartography,                                             now one of the best-selling of
          programming and analytical                                                    its type in Australia. It donates
          skills.                                                                       10 per cent of its net profit to
                                                                                        cancer research.

4.   Caitlin Gifford
     (Class of 2011) married Jarrad
     Donders at a ceremony
     at Stillwater at Crittenden
     in Dromana on 9 January
     2021. Four of Caitlin’s
     six bridesmaids are also
     Beaconhills alumni. Caitlin is a
     current staff member.

                                        SUMMER 2021
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