How COVID-19 is changing rheumatology clinical practice - Nature

Page created by Anita Peterson
                                                                                                     by the largest tertiary public hospital in

How COVID-19 is changing                                                                             Latin America, consisting of 2,400 beds and
                                                                                                     eight specialized Institutes (Heart and Lung,
                                                                                                     Orthopaedic, Psychiatry, Children, Cancer,
rheumatology clinical practice                                                                       Central, Rehabilitation and Radiology
                                                                                                     Institutes). As the clinical director of the
                                                                                                     hospital and one of the coordinators of
Eloisa Bonfá , Laure Gossec , David A. Isenberg , Zhanguo Li                       and
                                                                                                     the COVID-19 crisis Committee, I was
Soumya Raychaudhuri                                                                                  involved in the decision to isolate the
                                                                                                     Central Institute (containing 900 beds)
Abstract | The emergence of COVID-19 in early 2020 led to unprecedented
                                                                                                     solely for patients with COVID-19 (ref.3).
changes to rheumatology clinical practice worldwide, including the closure of                        This decision meant that the other seven
research laboratories, the restructuring of hospitals and the rapid transition to                    Institutes remained at low exposure for
virtual care. As governments sought to slow and contain the spread of the disease,                   COVID-19. All non-COVID patients from
rheumatologists were presented with the difficult task of managing risks, to their                   our General Tertiary Emergency Unit
patients as well as to themselves, while learning and implementing new systems for                   and from more than 30 specialized ward
                                                                                                     Units allocated in the Central Institute,
remote health care. Consequently, the COVID-19 pandemic led to a transformation                      including the rheumatology unit, were
in health infrastructures and telemedicine that could become powerful tools for                      transferred to these COVID-cold Institutes.
rheumatologists, despite having some limitations. In this Viewpoint, five experts                    Patients from the rheumatology unit were
from different regions discuss their experiences of the pandemic, including the                      transferred to the Orthopaedic Institute,
most challenging aspects of this unexpected transition, the advantages and                           along with patients from almost all
                                                                                                     specialized clinical wards. Each specialized
limitations of virtual visits, and potential opportunities going forward.
                                                                                                     ward was allocated to one Unit that had
                                                                                                     approximately 50% as many beds as
      Since the COVID-19 pandemic began,          to travel into health-care facilities, including   were previously allocated to that ward.
       what have been the biggest challenges      for diagnostic tests and clinical laboratory       Overall, the pandemic resulted in delays
to managing patients with non-COVID-19            monitoring or even infusions. The result was       in non-emergency hospitalizations.
conditions?                                       that with the COVID-19 pandemic, many of               One main challenge during this period
                                                  the tools that we commonly wielded became          was to divide the team between those who
Soumya Raychaudhuri. In mid-March                 unwieldy.                                          would work in the non-COVID-19 area and
2020, Massachusetts, USA, had about 100               This issue was particularly problematic        those who were recruited to exclusively care
reported cases of coronavirus disease 19          for patients seeing us for a first visit, for      for patients with COVID-19 in the isolated
(COVID-19), most emerging from an                 patients who were failing to respond to            COVID-19 Institute. A safe hospitalization
outbreak from a meeting of pharmaceutical         therapies, for patients who needed to be seen      flow for inpatients and employee safety was
company executives at a Boston hotel in late      urgently for concerning new symptoms or            quickly established and upon suspicion
February1. Simultaneously, my colleagues          for patients who needed a referral to another      of COVID-19, the patient was rapidly
and I were confronted with rapidly emerging       specialist for evaluation and work-up of           transferred to the transition area of the
data about the asymptomatic spread of             related independent diagnoses. In many             isolated COVID-19 Institute. Another
this virus2. By 13 March, Boston and the          instances, we used inadequate temporizing          challenge was to increase the number of
surrounding public schools were shutting          measures rather than a durable solution.           intensive care unit (ICU) beds available
down, and our research laboratories were          For example, some patients with newly              in this Central Institute from 100 to 300 in
directed to work from home except for the         diagnosed inflammatory arthritic diseases          2 months. To achieve this goal, we had to
most essential functions. At the same time,       were prescribed courses of prednisone              convert 34 surgery rooms into 76 ICU beds.
our outpatient clinic shifted to limit capacity   until an in-person visit became possible.          During the first 4 months of the pandemic
to all but those patients most in need of care.   COVID-19 has also taken an emotional toll          (April–July) in São Paulo, >4,000 patients
Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH)                on our patients, as, like many, they struggled     with severe COVID-19 were hospitalized
made the remarkable switch to making              to balance their personal lives as our society     in the isolated institute, and ICU beds
virtual visits available to our patients.         shifted towards a lockdown and with the            accounted for more than half of these
Although virtual care worked well for some        anxiety of a pandemic.                             patients. In terms of patients with rheumatic
of our patients, it did mean that we faced                                                           diseases, the number of hospitalizations
unprecedented challenges in taking care of        Eloisa Bonfá. On 23 March, 1 week                  decreased by ~40% compared with the
our newest and most active patients. Many         after the first death from COVID-19 was            same period in the previous year and
of our patients are on immunomodulatory           reported in the city of São Paulo, Brazil,         the number of patients in our Rheumatology
therapies and were appropriately reluctant        a major and difficult decision was taken           outpatient clinics decreased by ~34%,

Nature Reviews | RhEumaToLoGy

reducing from a mean of ~1,730 patients               David Isenberg. Managing patients                  was scarce or lacking, and I feared bringing
per month to ~1,148 patients per month.               with serious autoimmune rheumatic                  COVID-19 back home. This situation
The Rheumatology Biological Center,                   diseases (who are often on steroids,               challenged my conviction that my job as
a separate Unit dedicated exclusively to              immunosuppressives and/or biologics)               a rheumatologist is the best in the world!
patients under biologic therapy, remained             who you cannot see and examine and do                  For me, the second biggest challenge
opened during the pandemic, and the                   blood tests on has been a huge challenge.          to managing my (non-COVID) patients
number of appointments reduced by                     It is clear that many patients who have            over the past months has been my fear
only ~16% compared with the same                      been carefully shielding have not wanted           of putting them at risk through my
period in the previous year.                          to come to hospital (at the University             prescriptions. I mainly see patients with
                                                      College Hospital, situated in the centre of        inflammatory arthritis, most of whom are
Zhanguo Li. As a rheumatologist                       London) and some have clearly tried hard           treated with biologics or other targeted
practicing at Peking University People’s              to deny (to themselves as well as to their         therapies. Initially, we had no information
Hospital, Beijing, the biggest challenge              physicians) the fact that their underlying         as to the potential risk associated with such
during the COVID-19 pandemic has                      disease was getting worse. We had a                treatments, in terms of increasing the risk
been how to manage patients with                      particularly troubling time 2 months into          of or severity of COVID-19. Thus, whereas
rheumatic diseases remotely using online              the pandemic when, in a period of about            I have always prescribed such treatments
systems, social media platforms (such                 1 week in April, we had to admit six patients      with the conviction of helping my patients,
as WeChat) or telephone calls, because                with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)            the challenge here is a profound rethinking
the patients simply could not physically              who were experiencing acute flares — three         of the benefit-to-risk balance of my
attend the hospital. This alternative                 of whom went straight into the ICU and             prescriptions.
access to care was unprecedented and                  two of whom died.
was previously even prohibited by our                                                                          How have your clinical and research
medical systems and insurance policies.               Laure Gossec. An overall and overarching                 activities changed? What adaptations
The situation was extremely challenging               challenge to my practice as an academic            have you put in place?
for rheumatologists and patients for quite            full-time rheumatologist at Sorbonne
a few months, as rheumatologists had                  Université and Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital,         Eloisa Bonfá. For the first time, the
no existing online, regulated system for              Paris, France, was my inner turmoil. When          Rheumatology Outpatient Clinics of our
prescribing treatments. Consequently,                 I was young, I spent a few months doing            Hospital provided virtual care over the
the ceasing of medication or inappropriate            volunteer medical work in a developing             phone to define which patients could have
self-management occurred in many                      country, but for me, this role led to less         their visit postponed, which patients needed
patients across the country, resulting                personal risk than the current pandemic,           a change in prescription or which patients
in flares of disease in some patients.                especially as personal protection equipment        had to come to the clinic for an appointment.
                                                                                                         Postponing all previously scheduled
 The contributors                                                                                        rheumatology outpatient appointments
                                                                                                         was a challenging task owing to the large
 eloisa Bonfá is a full professor of rheumatology and the clinical director of the largest tertiary      number of patient appointments per week
 public hospital of Latin america. Her main clinical and research interests are systemic lupus           (approximately 400), and it required a team
 erythematosus and autoimmunity, with relevant contributions in the fields of autoantibodies,
                                                                                                         of staff fully dedicated to this assignment.
 vaccines and drug monitoring in autoimmune diseases. she graduated at the university of são
 Paulo Medical school, Brazil, and undertook specialist training in rheumatology in the same
                                                                                                         Those health-care workers who were at a
 university followed by a 4-year rheumatology research fellowship at the Hospital for special            high risk of severe illness from COVID-19
 surgery, New York.                                                                                      were selected for this job. This procedure
                                                                                                         required several adaptations for the medical
 Laure Gossec is a professor of rheumatology at sorbonne université and Pitié-salpêtrière Hospital,
 Paris, France. she has a half-time clinical position where she mainly sees patients with inflammatory   staff and patients due to the lack of previous
 arthritis, and a half-time teaching and research position. Her main research interests are patient-     experience with virtual care, as telehealth
 reported outcomes and quality of life, as well as e-health and big data in psoriatic arthritis,         was only endorsed by the Federal Council
 spondyloarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis and she has authored more than 350 papers. she is a          of Medicine during the pandemic4. Several
 past-chair of the epidemiology standing committee of euLar.                                             measures of care and risk assessment were
 David isenberg is the academic Director of rheumatology at university College London, uK.               established for patients who were required
 He has run both general and autoimmune rheumatic disease clinics for over 30 years. His major           to come into the clinic for an appointment,
 research interests are in the structure, function and origin of autoantibodies and improving the        such as screening for COVID-19 symptoms
 assessment of patients with autoimmune rheumatic diseases.                                              at entry and at the reception as part of the
 Zhanguo Li is a professor and head of the department of rheumatology and immunology                     routine clinical assessment. Patients were
 at the Peking university People’s Hospital, China. He is the past president of aPLar, and the           recommended not to attend a face-to-face
 president of the Clinical immunology Committee at the Chinese society for immunology. He is             appointment if they had any symptoms of
 editor-in-Chief of the Chinese Journal of rheumatology. His research interests are the mechanisms       COVID-19. Other adaptations included
 and immune therapy of rheumatic diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus             reviewing appointment scheduling, physical
 erythematosus.                                                                                          distancing in waiting rooms, hand hygiene
 soumya raychaudhuri is a Professor at Harvard Medical school, and a practicing rheumatologist           care and appropriate personal protective
 at the Brigham and women’s Hospital arthritis Center. He is also appointed at the Broad institute,      equipment. Mask wearing is still mandatory
 and the university of Manchester. He spends most of his time running a lab that is focused on           in Brazil for any outside activity during
 defining mechanisms of disease in rheumatoid arthritis, and other immune-mediated diseases,             the pandemic5 and is also compulsory
 using computational biology, genetics and functional genomics.
                                                                                                         for patients during appointments.


Zhanguo Li. To adapt to the totally               Laure Gossec. My professional life has            to encourage my patients to come in and see
unexpected changes to clinical practice, one      profoundly changed since February.                me, especially when so many of them are
option in my department of the People’s           My research activities usually involve            worried about COVID-19 and the personal
Hospital was to set up a consultant team          very frequent travels to other countries,         risk to themselves. Although these changes
consisting of 26 rheumatologists to provide       which have completely stopped since               are essential to our ability to see patients
medical service free to patients with rheumatic   February. My academic work as a professor         in person, they do make the experience
diseases, supported technically by an internet    of rheumatology involves face-to-face             of being a doctor somewhat less personal.
company. It was the first rheumatologist          interactions with students, which likewise        Implementing social distancing has meant
team to provide such support to patients in       have disappeared completely and have been         that I see fewer colleagues and staff. It also
the country. Many patients nationwide were        replaced (partly) by online courses, which        means that many of the spouses and family
helped by this group over a 2-month period,       are by essence much less interactive.             members that often accompanied my
from early February to late March 2020.               As regards my clinical work, my               patients are no longer present. I no longer
    In addition, we used a previously             practice has changed because the hospital         greet my patients in a crowded waiting
developed smartphone application (smart           has become a place of dread and doom.             room, rather they are brought in from an
system of disease management (SSDM))              My patients with inflammatory arthritis           empty waiting room. Masks are essential
as a patient self-care instrument to evaluate     do not want to come to the hospital               to protect our patients, especially those on
disease activity and remind patients to           anymore, and I myself feel reluctant to           immunomodulatory therapies, but they
contact rheumatologists. The SSDM system          ask them to come. For this reason, for            do make non-verbal cues harder to glean.
was designed for a research project6, and         3 months, all of my patient clinics were          Overall, in-person visits continue to be
the clinical value was also clearly shown         switched to teleconsultation, where no            essential, but they do not feel quite as warm
in the patients who used this SSDM system         physical examination is possible and where        or friendly.
during the initial months of the COVID-19         the quality of care is lower. In the hospital,        On the other hand, virtual visits have
pandemic.                                         instead of accommodating patients with            been much more effective than I might have
                                                  severe rheumatic diseases, our beds were          anticipated. Our clinical infrastructure has
David Isenberg. My practice has changed           taken over for patients with non-rheumatic        enabled video visits, which have proven to
completely. During the first 3 months of the      diseases, for whom my added value and             be far more productive than a simple phone
pandemic, no routine appointments were            competency is much lower.                         call. The video visits are very practical and
offered (although an emergency clinic once            One of the fun and interesting parts of       effective for my longstanding patients who
a week was available) so that all outpatient      my work is interactions within the medical        are doing well on established therapeutics.
consultations took place over the phone           and non-medical team as well as with              Previously, some patients who live further
or occasionally by video conferencing. For        colleagues outside of rheumatology (such as       away might have taken a day off to drive
patients with longstanding, well-established      through staff meetings). Most of this social      into Boston — in some instances from
disease and on low or moderate doses of           interaction has now disappeared, replaced         out of state — for a physical visit. For some
steroids and immunosuppressives, I was            somewhat by e-mail exchanges.                     of these patients, the ability to do a visit
reasonably content to miss seeing the                                                               virtually has saved them valuable time. The
patients at routine follow-up appointments,       Soumya Raychaudhuri. I spend most                 virtual visit is often more efficient as visits
but increasingly I have become concerned          of my time running a research lab in an           can be easily started and ended, and the next
about the inadequacies of what can be done        academic setting. That part of my life has        visit can be started immediately. But the
when not seeing patients face-to-face.            completely changed. Like many workplaces,         virtual visit has definite limitations. Most
    Among the pleasures and responsibilities      we have moved almost entirely to virtual          obviously, the inability to do an in-person
of running clinics in an academically             work environments. Hence, research and            physical examination and joint examinations
inclined institution are doing research           education has become much less interactive        cannot be reproduced via video. The exam
and educating both undergraduate and              and we have had to shift our culture to           is essential for assessing our patient’s disease
postgraduate students. The introduction           accommodate this major change.                    activities or making diagnoses, and taking
of more remote patient assessment has had,            My clinical practice is within the BWH        care of new patients or patients with active
and will always have, a detrimental effect        Arthritis Center, which is a large clinic that    disease can hence be really challenging.
on both. It will be harder to recruit patients    hosts 30,000 patient visits per year. My          Video visits expose the digital divide of our
to trials. We cannot, for example, perform        practice specifically has shifted to include      society, and some of our patients are unable
ACR20, ACR50 or ACR70 assessments of              more virtual visits and fewer in-person visits.   to fully take advantage of our infrastructure,
our patients with rheumatoid arthritis or         From March to July, my practice was almost        especially those who are of fewer means,
British Isles Lupus Activity Group (BILAG)        entirely virtual.                                 have poorer internet access or are older
assessments of our patients with SLE, to              For in-person visits, to reduce the risk      and less comfortable with technology.
help determine their eligibility for a clinical   of infection for our staff and our patients,
trial. The patient cannot agree to have their     the BWH Arthritis Center has made                        Will COVID-19 change your clinical
blood taken remotely for a project. Likewise,     dramatic changes in the way we interact                  and research activities for good, or will
teaching opportunities are restricted if we       with each other and with our patients, the        you return to business as usual once the
cannot, for example, demonstrate the use          flow of patients in and out of the clinic         situation is back to ‘normal’?
of the cross fluctuation test to show fluid in    and the clinic rooms, how clinic rooms are
the knee of a patient, identify an enlarged       turned over and many other components.            David Isenberg. Although apocryphal,
liver or spleen or identify an extensor plantar   The changes have been well executed and           there is a story that the then Chinese
response. These problems will obviously be        have affected every aspect of our clinical        Premier Zhou Enlai, when asked by Henry
detrimental for patient care too.                 experience. The result is that I feel confident   Kissinger, Richard Nixon’s secretary of state,

Nature Reviews | RhEumaToLoGy

for his opinion on the effects of the French       I do think the situation will mostly go back      areas including health. This limitation of
Revolution, replied “too early to say”. I think    to normal, as my clinics require the use of       resources will hinder the development and
the same is true for assessing the long-term       physical examinations and ultrasonography.        implementation of innovations. Hopefully,
effects of COVID-19. The pandemic has              I am planning to keep around 10% of               increased solidarity, a hallmark of this
highlighted the value (at least in the short       consultations online for patients in the          crisis, and regional cooperation will help to
term) of fully electronic record systems,          long term.                                        overcome the challenges we will have during
which makes it possible to see patient                                                               reconstruction.
records, including letters, imaging and blood      Soumya Raychaudhuri. I think that some
test results, remotely. I can certainly envisage   of the changes will be here to stay. Boston is    Soumya Raychaudhuri. I think telemedicine
that some routine follow-up appointments           a challenging city for many of our patients to    and virtual medical care could become
can be undertaken remotely and safely              get in and out of, particularly those who are     really powerful tools for the right patient
(provided local blood tests can be done),          coming from far away, or for those for whom       with the right infrastructure. I think that
which may well reduce the numbers of               driving or navigating public transportation       we need to make sure that our patients
patients attending specialist clinics.             is hard. For these patients, especially for       have access to a proper IT infrastructure
                                                   routine follow-up visits, a virtual visit can     to mitigate access issues. If language is a
Eloisa Bonfá. Engaging back to ‘normal’            offer real advantages. There are patients all     barrier, we need to have a means of enabling
activities will take time and it will probably     over New England who would benefit from           translation services during our virtual
have to wait for a vaccine. Until then,            access to a referral centre. I can imagine if     visits. To realize the full potential of virtual
all adaptations and risk assessments               our institution or others are able to build a     care, we need to be able to arrange services
will remain. But one of the major gains            great virtual care infrastructure, we could be    and testing for our patients within their
the COVID-19 pandemic will bring is the            in a position to expand the scope of patients     communities. After the visit, having an
consolidation of telemedicine and televisits       who our physicians are connecting with and        integrated health-care system that enables
in the care of patients. Taking into account       caring for.                                       seamless data transfer is essential. With
that many patients with rheumatic diseases                                                           such an integrated health-care system,
have mobility difficulties, telehealth will              If temporary adaptations are to become      arranging imaging, lab work, therapeutic
provide an alternative approach to the care of           permanent, what barriers need to be         infusions and other services near to home
these patients, when possible. Furthermore,        overcome?                                         becomes possible without cumbersome
in a large city such as São Paulo, with chaotic                                                      administrative barriers. Currently, for my
traffic and long distances, the possibility of     Laure Gossec. Barriers to online                  more distant patients, I often need to bring
avoiding public transportation, not only to        consultations include poor access to the          them into Boston for tests and services.
prevent the spread of COVID-19 but also            internet for some patients, low-quality           In many cases, they have alternative facilities
to avoid other issues beyond the pandemic,         internet connection on either side, a lack        near to their home, but those facilities are
will be more convenient for the patient.           of user-friendly medical files and also a         not connected to our system, and arranging
                                                   psychological reluctance from patients            local testing and services is challenging
Zhanguo Li. COVID-19 has certainly                 regarding online consultations (most              without extensive administrative effort.
changed rheumatology practice. Although            patients prefer to see me face-to-face).
the patient volume has now returned to                The wearing of masks is also a barrier         David Isenberg. I anticipate that it will be
normal in China, the demographics of               to my clinical practice. It hinders the           even more important to stress to patients,
patients attending outpatient clinics have         interactions with my patients, which makes        if their disease is worsening and they have
altered in terms of disease severity and           shared decision-making (probably the most         not been seen by a physician (or nurse),
distance of travel. Patients with mild diseases    rewarding part of my clinics) more difficult.     that they must contact the hospital and
who live in remote areas now tend to see           Will it be that masks will push us back in        arrange a face-to-face appointment as
their local doctors, rather than come to           time, to paternalistic prescriptions?             soon as possible. From the administrative
rheumatology centres.                              Who can say?                                      point of view, there will need to be greater
                                                                                                     flexibility about determining whether
Laure Gossec. At this stage, I do not              Zhanguo Li. Current barriers are the lack         patients are to be seen face-to-face or
really foresee the situation ever fully            of a ‘telehealth’ and medical support system      via a telephone consultation. Closer
getting back to normal. It seems to me             for patient care, which can facilitate patients   links with general practices will also
that social distances will be increased for        and doctors in terms of consultations,            be necessary as, in my experience, some
a long time. In France, we usually hug             efficient follow-up and clinical studies.         general practitioners have been reluctant
and kiss a lot, which I do not think will go       If a second wave of COVID-19 comes,               to take on routine monitoring of patients
back to normal anytime soon. As for my             we will face the same difficulty as we had        on immunosuppressive medication.
professional life, I do not foresee going back     a few months ago.
to my previous rate of travel related to my                                                                What other opportunities lie ahead for
research activities. I also think that medical     Eloisa Bonfá. The most important                        transforming rheumatology practice?
teaching will be profoundly modified now           adaptation is consolidation of the
with much more online resource use and             regulatory framework for telemedicine             Zhanguo Li. Many opportunities lie ahead,
much less face-to-face teaching. From that         in Brazil, including reimbursement for            as long as we focus on the needs of patients
point of view, we were quite late in France        this activity. Another notable barrier that       and rheumatologists. Undoubtedly, more
in adopting these teaching methods, and            is expected is the serious economic crisis        patient-associated and doctor-associated
this pandemic might well be an opportune           resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic              activities will be held online, providing
moment for this change. As for my patients,        that will limit investment resources in all       opportunities for patient education and


virtual conferences, although patients with       educational opportunities for physicians and            7
                                                                                                           Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, Cambridge,
                                                                                                          MA, USA.
severe or difficult-to-treat disease will still   the difficulties in undertaking translational
need face-to-face appointments with their         research.
                                                                                                           Manchester Academic Health Science Centre,
                                                                                                          University of Manchester, Manchester, UK.
                                                                                                          ✉e-mail:; laure.gossec@
                                                  Eloisa Bonfá. Innovations associated with
Laure Gossec. Improving access to best            self-care, including smartphone apps and      
care, through online consultations but            wearable technologies, consolidated during    
also by improving the patient trail (that         the pandemic, are interesting alternatives              Published online xx xx xxxx
is, the way in which patients first see their     for the management of several chronic
                                                                                                          1.   Stockman, F. & Barker, K. How a Premier U.S. Drug
general practitioner before being referred        conditions and will certainly also be                        Company Became a Virus ‘Super Spreader’. The New
to a rheumatologist) and decreasing the           useful for patients with rheumatic diseases.                 York Times
                                                                                                               coronavirus-biogen-boston-superspreader.html (2020).
delay before a consultation, is a priority.       Above all, there is no way back and the                 2.   Rothe, C. et al. Transmission of 2019-nCoV infection
Better use of online resources and maybe          acceleration of digital transformation                       from an asymptomatic contact in Germany. N. Engl. J.
                                                                                                               Med. 382, 970–971 (2020).
of rheumatology nurses, if they are allowed       and the improvements in internet speed                  3.   Miethke-Morais, A. et al. Overcoming barriers to
to play a bigger role in France, are options to   that occurred during the pandemic will                       providing comprehensive inpatient care during the
                                                                                                               COVID-19 pandemic. Clinics 75, 2100 (2020).
move forward, which may be facilitated by         continue and will transform our lives.                  4.   de Britto Ribeiro, M. L. Letter No.1756/2020, Federal
the COVID-19 pandemic.                            This change will provide new opportunities                   Council of Medicine, Brasilia (Mauro Luiz de Britto
                                                                                                               Ribeiro to Luiz Henrique Mandetta). https://portal.cfm.
                                                  for physicians to update their knowledge           
Soumya Raychaudhuri. The implementation           on the field and for continuing medical                      (2020).
                                                                                                               Doria, J. Decree No. 64.959, Legislative Assembly of
of effective virtual visits will be really        education online, without the need for                  5.
                                                                                                               the State of São Paulo, São Paulo
powerful for rheumatology. The need               physical travel. In addition, for organizations,    (2020).
for an in-person visit will always be there,      a new way of dealing with administrative                6.   Zhong, J. et al. COVID-19 in patients with rheumatic
                                                                                                               disease in Hubei province, China: a multicentre
especially for patients with very active          work took place with changes in workflows,                   retrospective observational study. Lancet Rheumatol.
disease or for new patients with uncertain        including replacement of meetings with                       2, e557–e564 (2020).

diagnoses. But for patients who we know           e-mails, increased working from home                    Acknowledgements
well, managing them to some extent virtually      and accelerated automation that will                    E.B. has received grants from the Conselho Nacional de
                                                                                                          Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (#305068/2014-8)
will have great value. I think in practice        forever change the way we work.                         and Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo
these are the patients we talk to on the                                                                  (FAPESP) (#2015/03756-4). Z.L. would like to thank all the
                                                                                                          rheumatologists in his group, at the Peking University People’s
phone informally and e-mail with. So,             Eloisa Bonfá 1 ✉, Laure Gossec 2,3 ✉,                   Hospital, for their contributions to patient care, and would
having a formal mechanism to take care of         David A. Isenberg 4 ✉, Zhanguo Li 5 ✉ and               also like to thank Dr. Fei Xiao and his colleagues for providing
                                                  Soumya Raychaudhuri 6,7,8 ✉                             SSDM system support during the COVID-19 pandemic.
them will be beneficial to them and to us.
                                                   Rheumatology Division, Hospital das Clinicas           Competing interests
                                                  HCFMUSP, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de         L.G. receives research grants from Amgen, Galapagos, Janssen,
David Isenberg. By doing more telephone           São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.                       Lilly, Pfizer, Sandoz and Sanofi, and receives consulting fees
consultations and reducing the numbers            2
                                                   Sorbonne Université, Institut Pierre Louis
                                                                                                          from AbbVie, Amgen, BMS, Celgene, Gilead, Janssen, Lilly,
                                                                                                          Novartis, Pfizer, Samsung Bioepis, Sanofi-Aventis and UCB, all
of patients attending clinics face-to-face,       d’Epidémiologie et de Santé Publique, Paris, France.    unrelated to the present paper. S.R. is an employee of Brigham
it should be possible to reduce the               3
                                                   Department of rheumatology, AP-HP, Pitié Salpêtrière
                                                                                                          and Women’s Hospital, and has recently served as a consultant
                                                                                                          for AbbVie, Biogen, Gilead, Merck and Pfizer. He is a founder
waiting times for patients referred to            Hospital, Paris, France.                                of Mestag. He currently receives research funding from Biogen.
rheumatologists. I am, though, becoming           4
                                                   Centre for Rheumatology/Division of Medicine,
                                                                                                          E.B., D.A.I. and Z.L. declare no competing interests.

increasingly concerned about the ‘downsides’      University College London, London, UK.                  Publisher’s note
of what has happened in the past 6 months,        Peking University People’s Hospital, Beijing, China.
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                                                                                                          claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.
notably the missed occurrences of increased       6
                                                   Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical
disease activity in patients, the loss of         School, Boston, MA, USA.                                © Springer Nature Limited 2020

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