Howard R. Hughes, Jr. and his Influence on the Transition from Gambling to Gaming

Page created by Jamie Chapman
Howard R. Hughes, Jr.
and his Influence on
the Transition from Gambling to Gaming
                                                      by Tyrus Mulkey

   I wrote the following term paper                                                   gaming industry. A business that was
in 1994 for a class called “Sociology                                                 once isolated in the State of Nevada
of Gambling”, which I took at UNLV                                                    and run by the mob has grown into a
as part of my curriculum to earn a                                                    nationwide industry that is corporate
Bachelor of Science in Hotel                                                          controlled. It will soon be a half-tril-
Administration. Dr. Frey gave me an                                                   lion dollar a year industry; with casi-
‘A’ and placed the paper on reserve in                                                nos not only in Nevada, but on river-
the Special Collections Department at                                                 boats in the Mississippi, on Indian
the UNLV library. It is still there                                                   reservations throughout the nation,
today. I conducted heavy research                                                     and land based casinos in a few
when I wrote this paper, but, as you                                                  states. The mob may have run Las
can tell by some of Mr. Maheu’s                                                       Vegas with a strong hand from the
comments, there is a lot of inaccuracy                                                forties through the sixties, but they
out there.                                                                            were not capable of transforming the
                                                                                      sawdust floored gambling joints of
    Earlier this year, I was able to                                                  yesterday into the billion dollar gam-
spend some time with Mr. Robert A.                                                    ing resorts of today. It was corpora-
Maheu, who was Howard Hughes’              mend it. Next To Hughes, published         tions that were able to raise the capi-
right-hand man during the Las Vegas        by HarperCollins, was printed in           tal needed to grow; and the corpora-
chapter of his life. He graciously         1992. It is often available on ebay.       tions could not have done it without a
offered to critique my paper and gave                                                 law that was passed in 1969 to
me permission to include his com-          “Howard Hughes has put a Good              accommodate Howard Hughes and
ments in this publication. Thanks          Housekeeping Seal of Approval on           The Hughes Tool Company. [RAM:
Bob! I have indicated his comments         Las Vegas gambling and                     “Hughes did not need this law and, in
in italics with his bolded initials pre-   has exorcised the last ghosts of the       fact, opposed it.” ToolCo was owned
ceding them. While some are exact          bad old mobster days.”                     100% by him, so he didn’t need the
quotes, others are paraphrased from        Nevada Governor Paul Laxalt 1969           law. When the law passed, it allowed
my memory and, since Mr. Maheu                                                        other deep pocket corporations, like
has a heavy hand as a bartender, may       Introduction                               Hilton, to come in and compete with
not be exact. If I’ve remembered                                                      him. Without the law, he had very lit-
incorrectly, I apologize. I have no           Today's casino business is an           tle competition.]
doubt Mr. Maheu will let me know           industry that is respected throughout
and I’ll pass it along!                    the world. Casinos might not have             This paper will examine the events
                                           been accredited today had it not been      that led to the legitimization of the
   Thanks again to Mr. Maheu for           for the actions of an eccentric recluse    casino business. In particular, this
taking the time to read and critique       and a government that was over-anx-        report will explain why officials in
my paper and spending several after-       ious to rid the state of a criminal ele-   Nevada "bent the rules" to allow
noons with me going over the details       ment. The marriage of Howard R.            Hughes to enter into casino opera-
and telling me some great stories of       Hughes, Jr. and the State of Nevada        tions and how their decision changed
his life. He should write a book. Oh       brought about changes in ideas, poli-      the industry into an acceptable
wait, he has – and I highly recom-         cies, laws, and perceptions for the        American institution.

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The Transition from Gambling to            In 1959, the Gaming Control Act was       that first caught his attention.
Gaming                                     passed and the Gaining Commission         Whatever the reason, by the mid
                                           was created to work with the Gaming       1960’s, Hughes was a different man.
   What a difference there is between      Control Board.2 This new system of        He was now more interested in priva-
the gaming industry of today and the       gaming control was a step in the right    cy than anything else. He was also a
gambling business just a short 30          direction, but it was not enough to       restless man.
years earlier! In the 1960's, organized    discourage organized crime from the
crime controlled casinos. Financing        gambling business.                            Hughes had spent most of the pre-
came from the pension fund of the                                                    vious two years in hiding. As majori-
Teamster’s Union, and “skimming”               The pressure to rid the state of      ty stockholder of TWA, he was sued
and cheating were rampant. Today,          organized crime continued to grow. In     for mismanagement when the airline
casinos are operated by corporate          May of 1963, the FBI sent the Justice     nearly folded. As a result, manage-
management teams. Financing is             Department a two volume document          ment of TWA had been taken away
made possible through the stock mar-       titled “The Skimming Report.” It          from him by a judge and the new rep-
ket and banking institutions. There is     explained skimming and stated that it     resentatives of the airline were trying
no cheating and the industry enjoys a      was taking place at an alarming num-      desperately to subpoena Hughes.
healthy relationship with both state       ber of Las Vegas casinos. This embar-     [RAM: “It was not the judge who
and federal governments.                   rassed Nevada by showing the federal      took away control.” Bankers in NY
                                           government that the rigid license         kept raising the interest rates on
   These changes happened because          standards and enforcement that were       Howard. They pressured Howard to
of a transition in the industry. The       supposed to free the gaming industry      put his stock into a voting trust. At
date the transition began cannot be        of any criminal element were simply       that time, he owned 78% of TWA
pinpointed. The exact reason is even       myths. Then in the summer of 1966,        stock. When he put his stock in the
difficult to say. However, it is safe to   the Chicago Sun-Times disclosed           trust, it was valued at $10/share.
assume that it started with a man          skimming to the public. This started a    When he was forced to sell, it was at
named Estes Kefauver over fifteen          barrage of unfavorable publicity that     nearly $83/share. An interesting note
years before the arrival of Howard         gambling profits in Las Vegas were        is that when TWA was suing Hughes,
Hughes.                                    being funneled into organized crime.3     he was in a position where he paid
                                           The federal government threatened to      for both sides of the lawsuit. He was
   In the early 1950’s, Estes Kefauver     take action if Nevada did not shape       paying 70% of TWA lawyer fees suing
was a U. S. Senator from Tennessee.        up. The state was not happy about the     him and 100% of his lawyer fees
He was chairman of the senate com-         possibility of federal intervention.      defending himself!.] He was terrified
mittee investigating the influence that    Nevada has always preferred to regu-      of being seen in public and because
organized crime had on America. The        late itself. The governor, the State      he refused to appear in court, he was
final report issued by the committee       Gaming Control Board, and even a          ordered to sell all his shares in TWA.
was highly critical of gaming regula-      private citizen started thinking of       It is ironic that this “penalty” earned
tions in Nevada. In testimony before       ways to legitimize both Nevada and        him a profit of over $546,500,000!4
the committee, Nevada officials            the casino industry. The pressure was     [RAM: “Not quite correct.” He was
admitted that little or no effort had      being applied from all sides.             not ordered to sell the shares.]
been used to screen applicants. It was
a great boost to the career of Senator     Howard Robard Hughes, Jr.                    The TWA failure put tremendous
Kefauver and a black eye to the State                                                pressure on Hughes and his health
of Nevada.1                                    Howard Hughes was not a stranger      deteriorated. Not only did he fail at
                                           to Las Vegas. Before he became a          business, but his wife, Jean Peters,
    It was the Kefauver hearings that      recluse, he visited Las Vegas several     was threatening to divorce him. He
led to the creation of the Gaming          times. [RAM: He actually spent a lot      moved himself and his entourage to
Control Board in 1955. The sole            of time in Las Vegas.] He was a mem-      Boston under the assumption of seek-
responsibility of the board was to         ber of the Hollywood social scene         ing medical attention. However,
keep undesirables out of gaming, but       and Las Vegas was one of the hot          while in Boston, Hughes never saw a
it basically grandfathered in the unde-    spots. Perhaps it was the 24 hour         doctor. Instead, he plotted where he
sirables that were already in gaming.      activity or the opportunity to blend in   was going to live and what he was

62       CASINO CHIP AND TOKEN NEWS | July · August · September 2004
going to do with his $546 million.         in the Castro deal, which was in           mob. Actually, he had absolute con-
Hughes despised paying taxes and he        1958/59. I moved to CA. in 1961 to         tempt for the underworld. The hoods
knew he would have to invest the           work for Hughes.] While Robert             were wary of him and the mob bosses
money in order not to pay taxes. He        Maheu’s life is extremely interesting,     knew how he felt about them.12
had bought 25,000 acres of desert          it is beyond the scope of this paper       Hughes was furious when he found
near Las Vegas in the early 1950’s for     and is only mentioned to stress the        out that Dalitz owned the Desert Inn.
the same reason.5 It cannot be stated      complicated and involved acquain-          [RAM: “Wrong!” Howard knew
that this is the reason Hughes moved       tances and circumstances that led to       Dalitz owned the DI. He knew
to Las Vegas. He was a very private        Hughes becoming a casino owner.            Dalitz’s background. He did not dis-
man who did not share his ideas or         Hughes was a very political man and,       like the mob, he even asked Moe for
strategies with anyone. What is            indeed, politics makes strange bedfel-     advice several times.] As the holiday
known, however, is that he was con-        lows. Maheu was very “politically          season grew closer, Hughes refused
tacted while in Boston by a Las            connected”, and he constantly used         to leave and Dalitz kept raising the
Vegas man who was embarrassed of           those connections for the benefit of       rates.13 Dalitz became frustrated
his city and its’ connection with          Howard Hughes.                             when his demands that Hughes leave
organized crime.                                                                      fell on deaf ears. Dalitz told Hank
                                              From the beginning, Maheu had to        Greenspun he was fed up and ready
   Hank Greenspun was the publisher        make special request to his contacts       to sell. Greenspun notified Ed
of Las Vegas’ smaller newspaper, The       to accommodate Hughes. Las Vegas           Morgan, the Washington attorney, and
Sun. He stated publicly that he would      hotels are not in the hotel business,      Morgan called Robert Maheu.14
like for his children to be able to tell   they simply provide rooms to people
people that they were from Las Vegas       who are there to gamble. When                 Dalitz’s partner in the Desert Inn
without being embarrassed. He noti-        Hughes insisted on occupying an            was Ruby Kolod, who had recently
fied Hughes that he would be wel-          entire floor and the rooms directly        been convicted on federal conspiracy
come in Las Vegas. He pointed out          beneath his, no hotel wanted him.          charges growing out of an extortion
that Nevada had no personal or cor-        Maheu contacted Washington attorney        case. The Nevada Gaming Control
porate taxes, no gift or inheritance       Ed Morgan, a friend. Morgan repre-         Board was determined to force Kolod
tax, and tax on real estate was limit-     sented Jimmy Hoffa of the Teamster’s       out of the gambling business. Maheu
ed. He also assured Hughes that his        Union. The Teamster’s had financed         contacted John Roselli, an important
privacy would be honored.6 Whether         Cleveland mobster Moe Dalitz in            mob boss in Las Vegas who was
this was the reason or not, Hughes         acquiring the operating rights to the      associated with Maheu during the
notified his right hand man, Robert        Desert Inn.9 (The physical property        Castro assassination attempt, and
Maheu, that he was going to Las            was actually owned by Harry                together they persuaded Kolod to sell
Vegas.                                     Helmsley.)10 Hoffa asked Dalitz to let     to Hughes. Over the next several
                                           Hughes stay there. Dalitz reluctantly      months, Maheu and Dalitz negotiated
    Robert Maheu played an integral        agreed, but only on the condition that     the multi-million dollar deal. Maheu
role of Hughes’ Las Vegas                  Hughes would be out by mid                 had never met Howard Hughes, and
operations.7 He had recently left long     December. The holidays have tradi-         did not have written authorization
time positions with the CIA and FBI        tionally been the busiest time of year     from Hughes to represent him.15 The
and was now working for Hughes.            for the casinos and the Desert Inn had     wheels were in motion.
His duties with the CIA included           a group of high rollers coming in for
counter espionage, Washington poli-        New Year’s Eve and needed the              The Gaming License
tics, and assisting members of organ-      rooms. In the early morning hours of
ized crime in a failed assassination       November 27, 1966, Howard Hughes              Because tourism is the industry
attempt on Cuban leader Fidel              arrived by private train and was trans-    that supports the entire state, it is
Castro.8 [RAM: I left the FBI in           ported to the top floor of the Desert      imperative that the public perception
1947. In 1954, I started Robert A          Inn. Only a handful of people knew         of Nevada, and gambling, is positive.
Maheu & Associates and continued a         he had arrived.11                          The recent hostile publicity was dis-
relationship with the CIA. The CIA                                                    couraging tourism. Nevada needed a
was my 1st client. I did not assist           Howard Hughes not only disliked         way to repair the state’s tarnished
organized crime, I assisted the CIA        paying taxes, he also despised the         image. In January 1967, Paul Laxalt

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took office as Governor of Nevada           Hughes’ intention of donating money       Harold’s Club in early 1969.] Within
and decided to be Hughes’ ally. The         for a medical school, the Nevada          one year, Hughes had spent $65 mil-
Justice Department was still cracking       State Senate sponsored and enacted a      lion in Las Vegas. His hotels – the
down on mob involvement in casinos          resolution praising Hughes for his        sixth, eighth, twelfth, and fourteenth
and Laxalt felt that Hughes’ presence       generous offer to give the Silver State   largest on the Las Vegas strip – had
would discourage further investiga-         a medical school. That same day,          2000 rooms, representing twenty per-
tions.16                                    Hughes’ incomplete application for a      cent of all hotel accommodations on
                                            gaming license was unanimously            the strip. Hughes was advised by his
    The negotiations between Hughes         approved.21 The next day, the Clark       attorneys not to buy any more casinos
and Dalitz were finally settled in          County Licensing Board granted the        for fear of federal intervention con-
March of 1967 for $13,250,000.17            local license. Effective 12:01 A.M. on    cerning antitrust laws.25 [RAM:
Hughes applied for a gaming license.        April 1, 1967, Howard Hughes, 61          Howard’s attorneys did not want him
He also started political maneuvers.        years old, was Nevada’s newest casi-      to get involved in a lawsuit with the
Hughes had read in the paper that           no boss. No one in the Hughes’            government.]
Nevada officials desperately wanted a       organization was investigated or had
new medical school, but did not have        any experience in gaming. [RAM: “I        Hughes as a Casino Owner
the money, Hughes notified Laxalt           was investigated and licensed.”
that he would give $4 - 6 million to        When I was fired, the 7 casinos oper-        Howard Hughes was the first to
establish Nevada’s first medical            ated over 2 years without a license. I    admit he knew nothing about operat-
school. Two days before the Gaming          was asked to transfer my license to       ing a casino. His first move was to
Control Board met to decide Hughes’         the Board of Directors of ToolCo, but     find someone to run the Desert Inn
license, Laxalt announced Hughes’           refused.] No one in Nevada govern-        for him. He chose Moe Dalitz! Dalitz
donation.18                                 ment had proof that Hughes was even       ran the casino operations for Hughes
                                            alive.22 Governor Laxalt stated that      without salary. [RAM: Dalitz only
    The Gaming Control Board has            Hughes’ donation for a medical            ran the hotel for the two week interim
strict requirements for approving           school “had nothing to do with the        period from the close of sale in mid
gaming licenses. This includes an in-       application for a gaming license.” 23     March until April 1st when Hughes
depth personal investigation of the                                                   took over at the start of the new quar-
applicant, submission of financial          Buying Las Vegas                          ter.] He stated he thought Hughes
statements, fingerprints and photo-                                                   was good for the gambling industry
graphs of the applicant, and a person-          In July of 1967, Hughes bought        and the state of Nevada and was
al appearance before the board.             the Sands for $14.6 million. His buy-     happy to help him.26 This is ironic
Basically, an applicant is subject to       ing spree had begun. The Frontier         considering the feelings Hughes had
“full disclosure” of his life to the        was his next purchase. The sale was       for the mob bosses.
board.19                                    made on September 22,1967.
                                            However, the license was not                  When Hughes started acquiring
   Howard Hughes was an exception.          approved until two months later. In a     other properties, he took more of an
He is the only person to receive a          special midnight meeting using a con-     interest in operations and started
gaming license without appearing            ference call, the Gaming Control          implementing new policies. [RAM:
before the board. He never submitted        Board, without all of the members         “Wrong.” I immediately set up the
a photograph and an old set of finger-      present, granted Hughes the license       cages with full accountability. I
prints was used. Gaming Control             for the Frontier. He then bought the      brought in Haskins and Sells, which
Board Chairman Alan Abner admitted          Castaways ($3 million) and the Silver     is now Deloitte and Touché, to control
no Nevada gaming authorities had            Slipper ($5.3 million). In September      the cages, so no one else, from the
ever met Howard Hughes. He stated,          1968, Hughes bought the half built        old-timers to any of Howard’s repre-
“Howard Hughes’ life and back-              Landmark ($17.3 million), but it was      sentatives, including me, were
ground are well known to this board         not approved until January of 1969.24     allowed in the cage. To this day, I
and he is considered highly quali-          [RAM: Sequence is wrong. DI,              have never been inside a casino
fied.” 20                                   Sands, Castaways, Frontier (Bought        cage.] When Hughes bought the
                                            land & building first, then the           Sands, he tightened security at both
     Two days after Laxalt announced        license), Slipper, Landmark, then         the Sands and the Desert Inn. He

64        CASINO CHIP AND TOKEN NEWS | July · August · September 2004
allowed no skimming. Before               early 1968 that trouble began. When          is that sin is rampant here. Anything
Hughes, the mob had skimmed off           Hughes attempted to purchase the             this man does, from the gaming
thousands in undeclared revenue.          Stardust, the Department of Justice          industry all the way down the line,
Now, the casinos were as tightly run      intervened, saying that Hughes would         will be good for Nevada.” 34
as any banking institution. He had        be in “violation of anti-trust laws.”
security watch the dealers so they        Governor Laxalt and the Clark                    Next, Hughes bombarded the news
could not steal and he installed hid-     County District Attorney rebutted.           media with great things he was going
den cameras. Hughes stopped the tra-      They said the Justice Department had         to do for the State of Nevada. He pro-
ditional use of cocktail waitresses or    no jurisdiction because the purchase         posed building an electronics indus-
showgirls as prostitutes. He forbade      did not involve interstate commerce.         try, expanding his hotels into large
the girls to have sex with the high       At the same time that Laxalt was             scale resorts, turning McCarran air-
rollers.27 The business decisions         defending Hughes, he and the                 port into a major hub for supersonic
made by Hughes during his stay in         Gaming Commission started to show            air travel, and building a high speed
Las Vegas changed the industry.           concern that Hughes was not doing a          train to Southern California. [RAM:
                                          good job with his casinos. They also         Hughes was going to buy McCarran,
    Profit was never a main concern       expressed concern about a possible           build a supersonic air travel airport
for the Hughes organization in any of     monopoly.31 Others in the industry           near Jean, then connect the two with
his business ventures, including Las      were concerned as well. According to         a high speed train. I actually signed a
Vegas. [RAM: “Not quite right.”           a casino worker employed at the              contract to buy McCarran.] For twen-
Hughes’ ToolCo, always made money.        Frontier when Hughes purchased it,           ty years, Nevada had tried unsuccess-
Hughes Aircraft also made money           “Hughes ruined this town! It used to         fully to encourage an industrial devel-
until Howard stuck his finger in it.]     be no problem changing jobs.                 opment boom, and now, overnight,
This showed as his casinos never          Overnight, Hughes came in and if you         Howard Hughes did it.35 There was a
made any money. Most Las Vegas            got fired, you were banned from half         public outcry of praise for Hughes.
casinos were earning 10 - 25% profit,     the casinos in town.”32 While this           “Hughes has made a major contribu-
but Hughes’ casinos earned 1%.28          was happening, a small group of state        tion to the state by forcing other
The Landmark, Castaways, and              legislators called for an investigation      industrialists to take an objective look
Frontier all lost money under Hughes’     of state licensing practices. The legis-     at Nevada’s potential. This, along
ownership. Only the Desert Inn and        lators were concerned with Hughes’           with the nationwide publicity Howard
the Sands made money out of all his       casinos and also about the mysterious        Hughes has generated since his
1967 purchases. But their combined        circumstances under which the gam-           arrival, promises to give our economy
profits for 1967 and 1968 totaled less    ing license was issued for the               a giant boost,” said the Las Vegas
than $5 million. This was a fraction      Frontier.33 Hughes’ political expertise      Review Journal. It went on to say,
of what the Sands alone had formerly      surfaced.                                    “We have managed to acquire a super
earned in a single year.29 The reasons                                                 salesman as a resident, and the results
Hughes did not make money in his             Howard Hughes knew how to play            will undoubtedly be exciting and
casinos are only speculative. It could    the game. He was used to getting             profitable.”36 Las Vegas Sun publish-
have been that Hughes appointed           what he wanted and this was no               er Hank Greenspun came to Hughes’
executives from his other industries to   exception. Hughes used political ties        defense and publicly supported the
run the casinos. These executives         and public relations to turn things          sale of the Stardust.37 The usually
knew nothing about the gambling           favorably. Hughes first turned to            savvy New York Daily News did a
business. Nepotism was rampant, and       Governor Laxalt. After a lengthy talk        feature story suggesting that Hughes
it is believed that skimming and steal-   on the phone, the governor publicly          had gone to Las Vegas to drive out
ing were widespread.30 Nevertheless,      boasted of Hughes’ Nevada interest.          organized crime.38
Nevada had a hero and there were          His praise of the invisible casino
people ready to defend him when oth-      owner was effusive. Laxalt said                  The state legislators backed down
ers were ready to condemn him.            Hughes’ presence, “has added a               and on April 30,1968 the Gaming
                                          degree of credibility to the state that it   Commission approved Hughes’
Doubt                                     would have taken years of advertising        license for the Stardust. The Justice
                                          to secure. Let’s face it, Nevada has an      Department expressed concern and
   It was during the spending spree in    image problem -- the typical feeling         requested Hughes delay the $30.5

                                                            CASINO CHIP AND TOKEN NEWS | July · August · September 2004     65
million purchase for ninety days          hand of one of the world’s greatest       it was the letter written by Mr.
while they investigated. In August of     industrialists has steadied the city’s    Greenspun, or, perhaps, he kept Las
that year, the purchase plans were        economic outlook and brought to it a      Vegas in the back of his mind ever
voluntarily terminated.39 President       financial and industrial solidarity       since being fascinated by a casino in
Lyndon Johnson’s administration was       never before experienced.”41 One          Brussels at the tender age of
not friendly with Hughes. [RAM:           year later, in the report of 1969, the    nineteen.45 Whatever the reason, the
“Not true.” Johnson was not               Chamber of Commerce President’s           state’s decision to accept him with
Howard’s choice to be President, but,     message said, “The emergence of the       open arms was a wise one. The tran-
once he was there, the relationship       corporate structure within our world-     sition from the mob to the corpora-
was good. Larry O’Brien was close         famous resort hotels signifies further    tion may have eventually happened,
to Johnson.] Richard Nixon had been       expansion of the successful tourism-      but Hughes and the cooperative
supported by Hughes for years. When       convention industry.”42 The               Gaming Control Board were able to
he was elected president, his attorney    Tomorrow section then went on to          do it virtually overnight.
general, John Mitchell, overruled his     state, “The image is changing. The
own department and gave Hughes the        rousing flamboyance of the gambler        1969 Corporate Gaming Act
okay to purchase his sixth and sev-       is giving way to the ordered solidarity
enth casinos. [RAM: The Stardust          of the corporation.”43 The immediate          Prior to 1969, anyone that owned
deal never went through. John             reaction by the Chamber was flatter-      even part of a casino had to be
Mitchell ruled on the Landmark,           ing to Hughes and was not a surprise.     licensed. With a public corporation,
which they were able to buy because                                                 the licensing of thousands of stock-
of the bankruptcy. Mitchell wasn’t in         However, a cover story from           holders was impossible.46 This was
power when the Stardust decision was      United States Equity Research in          not a concern prior to Hughes arrival,
made.] The Landmark deal went             1992 gave indirect credit to what         because corporations were not inter-
through, and, by 1970, with the last      Howard Hughes accomplished twen-          ested in owning casinos. Hughes
acquisition, Harold’s Club in Reno,       ty-five years earlier. It stated,         never actually purchased casinos; His
Hughes became Nevada’s number             “Adding further momentum and cred-        company, Hughes Tool Company,
one gaming boss.40 Doubt was no           ibility to gaming is the growing domi-    bought the properties. [RAM:
match for politics.                       nance of large, well-recognized pub-      “ToolCo did not buy all the proper-
                                          licly held firms…..Public                 ties.” ] This was not a problem when
Problem Solved                            Corporations now own most casinos -       Hughes purchased the casinos.
                                          more than subtly eliminating ties to      However, when he decided to divest
   The original problem for Nevada        the netherworld of organized crime.”      ownership in Toolco, problems arose.
was a strong influence on the gaming      It went on to say, “With gaming more      The Corporate Gaming Act was
industry from organized crime. This       credible as a corporate activity, the     approved to accommodate Toolco’s
led to threatened federal intervention    industry has steadily broadened its’      multiple ownership.47 [RAM: Again,
and a lack of respect from the nation.    appeal and market interest.” 44           Howard fought this. He could see
The state wanted Hughes to give                                                     that it was the genesis of him not
respect to the industry by cleaning           Whether by accident or intent,        being the biggest.]
out the mob. His personal finances        Hughes’ transformation of Las Vegas
and ability to operate a casino were      was a success. It will never be known        The regulation was retroactive to
never a concern. In this respect, the     why he came to Nevada. [RAM:              July 1, 1967. Regulation 15.030,
arrival of Howard Hughes was a            Howard told me that he was a small        paragraph 1, subsection (a), states the
tremendous success.                       fish in a big pond in CA and he was       policy is “To broaden the opportunity
                                          tired of it. He wanted to be a big fish   for investment in gaming through the
   Positive reaction was not only         in a small pond, where he could do a      pooling of capital in corporate
heard in Nevada, but throughout the       lot of stuff. There was a lot of compe-   form.”48
nation. In the 1968 Las Vegas Report      tition for political attention in CA
published by the Las Vegas Chamber        with the movie studios and oil compa-        Regulation 15.060, paragraph 1,
of Commerce, the city’s future was        nies and banks, whereas there was no      subsection (c) made it all possible. It
discussed in a section titled             competition in NV.] It could have         states, “Only those that own 5% or
Tomorrow. It stated, “The unseen          been Nevada’s tax-free status. Maybe      more of the equity securities of the

66      CASINO CHIP AND TOKEN NEWS | July · August · September 2004
corporation must be licensed.”49 This     Board of Directors.51 [RAM: Mike            well as the government.
opened the door for corporations to       and Phil went to Howard because his
enter into gaming, further legitimizing   casinos had been operating without a           Howard Hughes was the predeces-
the industry.                             license since I had been fired.] It was     sor of the corporation. Hughes was a
                                          his last display of concern for his         legitimate and respected industrialist
    Hilton was one of the first jump at   casino interests.                           who had just profited $546,500,000
the opportunity. Previously, Hilton           The condition of the Desert Inn         from a legally forced sale of TWA.
could not have entered the gaming         reflected Hughes attitude for the           Hughes wanted to buy Las Vegas
industry because anyone who owned         industry he had changed. “By the end        because Nevada was a tax-free state.56
Hilton stock would have had to be         of October 1974, ninety rooms in the        The state government and the
licensed. This would have been an         once-lavish Desert Inn had been             Gaming Control Board were eager to
impossible task considering the thou-     closed by the Department of Health,         rid the state of the criminal element
sands of stockholders in the Hilton       and Howard Hughes had become the            to prevent federal intervention.
organization. Only having to license      first slum hotel owner on the glitter-      Consequently, Hughes was given spe-
those with 5% or more ownership           ing Las Vegas Strip.”52                     cial treatment by the State and the
made it possible for Hilton to enter                                                  Board. The casino industry experi-
gaming. [RAM: The directors must            Howard Hughes died April 5,               enced incredible growth during the
also be licensed.]                        1976.                                       Hughes years. From 1966 to 1976,
                                                                                      Nevada’s taxable gaming revenue
Good-Bye Howard Hughes                    Summa Corporation                           increased 258%.57 Hughes is not
                                                                                      credited with this growth directly. His
   In 1970, Hughes disappeared as             Before Hughes died, his top aides       casinos never made money. What
quickly as he had arrived. Hughes did     persuaded him to form a new corpo-          Hughes did do was open the door for
not like the boom he had created.         ration. Summa was formed. After             corporations to enter into the gaming
Hughes felt that being in Nevada was      Hughes died, Summa took over his            business, bringing with them standard
putting too much pressure on him.         Nevada operations. Hughes had               accounting practices and corporate
Because he owned so much of the           owned seven casinos, the local CBS          controls. This legitimized the industry
state, every little thing that happened   affiliate KLAS-TV, several air-trans-       and Wall St. took notice. Today, casi-
in Nevada affected him. Governor          port facilities, the 548 acre Krupp         nos are financed through public stock
Laxalt did not seek re-election.          ranch, several houses, substantial          offerings. This brought in a new era
Hughes supported Howard Fike.             parcels of land, and nearly 28,000          of casino proliferation throughout the
When Fike lost to Mike O’Callaghan,       acres of raw desert.53                      nation, and in 1993, the gaming busi-
Hughes was distressed. At about the                                                   ness broke its’ previous growth
same time, Hughes suspected Robert           Summa improved the Desert Inn            records. Handle was up 17.12% to
Maheu of stealing from him and fired      and the rest of the casinos before sell-    $394 billion and revenue rose 14.2%
him. (Maheu was later declared inno-      ing them.54 Summa now concentrates          to $34.7 billion.58 The mob could not
cent in court and won a multi-million     on land development and is a respect-       have achieved these results.
dollar suit against Hughes.)50 Hughes     ed corporation in Nevada. The 28,000
decided to leave. On Thanksgiving         acres of desert is called Summerlin            Hughes was a terrible business-
Eve, Hughes moved to the Bahamas.         today.                                      man. He never had profit as a goal.
Only a handful of people knew he                                                      Officials came to doubt his ability to
was gone.                                 Conclusion                                  operate casinos. However, Hughes
                                                                                      was a great manipulator of politics.
    Hughes’ interest in casinos disap-        The casino industry of the 1990’s       [RAM: “He sure was!”] He con-
peared as quickly as he did. He came      is substantially different than the casi-   vinced his critics that the legitimiza-
out of seclusion on March 17, 1973 to     no business of the 1960’s. Organized        tion of the industry and the state was
meet with Governor O’Callaghan and        crime has been replaced by corpora-         more important than his daily opera-
Gaming Control Chairman Philip            tions. Casinos are no longer consid-        tions. They wisely agreed and let him
Hannifin in London concerning the         ered a Pariah industry. They are being      have his way. The 1969 Corporate
licensing of his attorney Chester         legalized across the nation, and have       Gaming Law was enacted to accom-
Davis, who was now on Toolco’s            the respect of the financial world as       modate The Hughes Tool Company,

                                                            CASINO CHIP AND TOKEN NEWS | July · August · September 2004    67
but it allowed other corporations to                as the casino business. It is also not              Howard Hughes lost millions of
enter the business. [RAM: “Wrong                    possible to say that they are still              dollars during the Las Vegas chapter
again, he did not need the corporate                involved with gaming. However, if                of his life. [RAM: “Wrong as hell.”
law.”] When Howard Hughes died,                     the mob is still connected with casino           The DI was bought for $12.3 million,
his Summa Corporation sold his casi-                gaming, they are forced to do busi-              the Sands was bought for $23+ mil-
no interests and now concentrates on                ness under a new set of rules. These             lion. They were sold later without the
land development. Summa is a                        rules include disclosing income, pay-            accompanying land for $116 million.]
respected corporation, continuing to                ing taxes, and answering to the                  The state, the industry, and many
do great things for Nevada.                         Securities and Exchange                          individuals profited handsomely by
                                                    Commission. Whether or not the cor-              his presence in Nevada. Hughes him-
    The original problem was solved.                poration is mob-influenced is not the            self probably never realized that his
Nevada is no longer considered an                   issue. The issue is that the gaming              actions would help the gaming indus-
outlaw state and the gaming industry                industry is successful. The industry             try prosper into a nationwide, accept-
is respected and trusted. The union of              employs tens of thousands of people,             able form of entertainment.
Howard Hughes and Nevada’s gam-                     provides entertainment to hundreds of
ing industry was a success.                         thousands of Americans and foreign
                                                    tourists, and pays millions of dollars
   It would be naive to think that                  in taxes, both at state and federal lev-
members of organized crime would                    els. This would not have happened
just pack up their bags and leave                   had the mob kept control of the casi-
behind a cash business as profitable                no business.

     Kilby, Jim. 1993. Casino Management. Las Vegas, NV. Kinko’s Packet.
     Barlett, Donald L., Steele, James B. 1979. Empire: the life, legend, and madness of Howard Hughes. New York, NY: Norton.291.
     Presswood, Gary A. 1992. Howard Hughes, alive and well in Las Vegas? Las Vegas, NV.10.
     Dietrich, Noah. 1972. Howard, the amazing. Mr. Hughes. Greenwich, Cn: Fawcett. 4.
     Davenport, Elaine., Eddy, Paul. 1976. The Hughes Papers. New York, NY: Ballantine.23.
     Presswood, Gary A. 1992. Howard Hughes, alive and well in Las Vegas? Las Vegas, NV. 12.
     Barlett, Donald L., Steele, James B. 1979. Empire: the life legend, and madness of Howard Hughes. New York, NY: Norton.281.
     Higham, Charles. 1993. Howard Hughes : the secret life. New York, NY: Putnam’s.217.
     Barlett, Donald L., Steele, James B. 1979. Empire: the life. legend and madness of Howard Hughes. New York, NY: Norton.
     Mathison, Richard R. 1977. His weird and wanton ways, the secret life of Howard Hughes. New York, NY: Morrow.50.
     Higham, Charles. 1993. Howard Hughes: the secret life. New York, NY: Putnam’s.217.
     Barlett, Donald L., Steele, James B. 1979. Empire: the life, legend, and madness of Howard Hughes. New York, NY: Norton.286.
     Presswood, Gary A 1992. Howard Hughes, alive and well in Las Vegas? Las Vegas, NV. 14.
     Gerber, Albert Benjamin. 1967. Bashful billionaire: the story of Howard Hughes. New York, NY: L. Stuart.
     Presswood, Gary A. 1992. Howard Hughes, alive and well in Las Vegas? Las Vegas, NV. 15.
     Barlett, Donald L., Steele, James B. 1979. Empire: the life, legend and madness of Howard Hughes. New York, NY: Norton.293.
     Gerber, Albert Benjamin. 1967. Bashful billionaire: the story of Howard Hughes. New York, NY: L. Stuart.
     Presswood, Gary A. 1992. Howard Hughes, alive and well in Las Vegas? Las Vegas, NV. 16.
     Gerber, Albert Benjamin. 1967. Bashful billionaire: the story of Howard Hughes. New York, NY: L. Stuart.
     Presswood, Gary A. 1992. Howard Hughes, alive and well in Las Vegas? Las Vegas, NV.
     Barlett; Donald L., Steele, James B. 1979. Empire: the life, legend, and madness of Howard Hughes. New York, NY: Norton.302.
     Higham, Charles. 1993. Howard Hughes: the secret life. New York, NY: Putnam’s.228.
     Presswood, Gary A. 1992. Howard Hughes, alive and well in Las Vegas? Las Vegas, NV.23.

68               CASINO CHIP AND TOKEN NEWS | July · August · September 2004
     Barlett, Donald L., Steele, James B. 1979. Empire: the life, legend, and madness of Howard Hughes. New York, NY: Norton. 367.
     Presswood, Gary A. 1992. Howard Hughes alive and well in Las Vegas? Las Vegas, NV.23.
     Personal Interview with John Pokrzyk. November 7, 1994. Las Vegas, NV.
     Barlett, Donald L., Steele, James B. 1979. Empire: the life, legend and madness of Howard Hughes. New York, NY: Norton. 304.
     Newsweek. January 19, 1968.25.
     Las Vegas Review-Journal. January 22, 1968.
     Presswood, Gary A. 1992. Howard Hughes, alive and well in Las Vegas? Las Vegas, NV.29.
     Phelan, James. 1976. Howard Hughes, the hidden years. New York, NY: Random House. 80.
     Presswood, Gary A. 1992. Howard Hughes, alive and well in Las Vegas? Las Vegas, NV.29.
     Phelan, James. 1976. Howard Hughes, the hidden years. New York, NY: Random House. 101.
     Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce. 1968. “Las Vegas Report”. 2.
     W. Bruce Beckley, President Greater Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce. 1969. “Las Vegas Report”. 2.
     Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce. 1969. “Las Vegas Report”. 3.
     Vignola, Margo Levy. 1992. Gaming Industry: entering the mainstream New York, NY: Salomon Brothers.
     Keats, John. 1972. Howard Hughes. New York, NY: Random House. 14.
     Kilby, Jim. 1993. Casino Management. Las Vegas, NV: Kinko’s Packet. 14.
     Phelan, James. 1976. Howard Hughes, the hidden years. New York, NY: Random House. 80.
     Nevada Laws Statutes. July 1, 1969. Regulations of the Nevada Gaming Commission and State Gaming Control Board. Carson City, NV. 452.
     Nevada Laws Statutes. July 1, 1969. Regulations of the Nevada Gaming Commission and State Gaming Control Board. Carson City, NV. 454.
     Phelan, James. 1976. Howard Hughes, the hidden years. New York, NY: Random House. 104.
     Barlett, Donald L., Steele, James B. 1979. Empire: the life, legend, and madness of Howard Hughes. New York, NY: Norton.557.
     Presswood, Gary A. 1992. Howard Hughes, alive and well in Las Vegas? Las Vegas, NV. 10.
     Barlett, Donald L., Steele, James B. 1979. Empire: the life, legend, and madness of Howard Hughes. New York, NY: Norton.558.
     Presswood, Gary A. 1992. Howard Hughes, alive and well in Las Vegas? Las Vegas, NV. 10.
     Higham, Charles. 1993. Howard Hughes : the secret life. New York, NY: Putnam’s.217.
     Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce. 1977. “Las Vegas Report”. 18.
     Christiansen, Eugene. 1994. “1993 Gross Annual Wager.” Gaming & Wagering Business. 15:14

                                                                       CASINO CHIP AND TOKEN NEWS | July · August · September 2004           69
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