IAB Ireland / Retail Ireland Masterclass: Video Advertising - 25th May 2021 Mark Corrigan Commercial Director Packed.House

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IAB Ireland / Retail Ireland Masterclass: Video Advertising - 25th May 2021 Mark Corrigan Commercial Director Packed.House
IAB Ireland / Retail Ireland Masterclass: Video Advertising
25th May 2021

Mark Corrigan
Commercial Director
IAB Ireland / Retail Ireland Masterclass: Video Advertising - 25th May 2021 Mark Corrigan Commercial Director Packed.House
Presentation Content

        A practical overview & understanding of
    1                                               2   Best practices: Six steps for success.
        video advertising.

        Identifying Key Performance Indicators
    3                                               4   Case studies and key takeaway points.
        (KPI) for video and suggested process for
IAB Ireland / Retail Ireland Masterclass: Video Advertising - 25th May 2021 Mark Corrigan Commercial Director Packed.House
Overview of Video Advertising
A practical understanding of video advertising,

Video advertising can provide your business with the unrivaled combination of sight, sound and motion to capture attention, drive engagement, and build a relationship between
your target audience and your business.

It’s important to stress video advertising does not require gigantic budgets and production. It can be an extremely effective format that delivers on ROI and drives brand awareness.

The video advertising ecosystem can appear complex – however there are two main types of video advertising:

               Linear – Video advertising that runs                                                 Non-Linear – Video advertising that does not run
       1                                                                                     2
               before, during and after content.                                                    alongside content, but instead appears in an overlay
IAB Ireland / Retail Ireland Masterclass: Video Advertising - 25th May 2021 Mark Corrigan Commercial Director Packed.House
Best Practises: Six Steps for Success
Best Practise:

1. Think B2P not B2C: When it comes to video and communication, be wary of the term B2C. We do not watch video as a ‘consumer’ - we watch video as a person. So you need to think “Business to

2. Entertain: As people, we want to be engaged by video and most of all entertained. Ask yourself, would I watch a video like this?

3. If it doesn’t work on paper, it will never work on film: Never turn on the camera until the pre-production is complete. Work through the story – no matter how big or small - you’re trying to tell, write the
   script, choose the best locations etc.

4. Video is storytelling: So, think of the beginning middle and end of your story arc – its not a list of facts.
IAB Ireland / Retail Ireland Masterclass: Video Advertising - 25th May 2021 Mark Corrigan Commercial Director Packed.House
Best Practises: Six Steps for Success.

 5. Keep it simple: What are to two to three things you want people to remember after watching?

 6. Be inspired: Look for inspiration when creating a video. See who does it best. You won’t always reach the same
 production values but it will push you to think differently about your video.
IAB Ireland / Retail Ireland Masterclass: Video Advertising - 25th May 2021 Mark Corrigan Commercial Director Packed.House
Identifying KPIs for your Video campaign

         What is your marketing goal for this
     1                                            2   What are the KPIs for that marketing goal?
         campaign? Awareness, Consideration, or

     3   What are the best video analytics to     4   How will you optimize for engagement?
         measure your KPIs?
Identifying KPIs for your Video campaign

 Source: Think With Google
Process: How to create great video

Retail Case Study – Top Oil

 ●   Overview: With Ireland coming out of lockdown in Summer 2020 Top
     Oil needed to maximise footfall to their retail stores as Irish people
     took part in the biggest staycation drive in recent times.

 ●   Their target audience were pit stoppers (18-44) and families (24-44)

 ●   By using a pull marketing strategy to bring users into stores, video
     was crucial to this communicating their message to Irish adults
     gearing up for 2020 staycations.
Retail Case Study – Top Oil

 ●    The concept we needed something attractive to Irish adults to encourage
     in store visits during a highly competitive period for forecourt stations. The
     call to action here was a Free Fuel For A Year competition.

 ●   Video played key role to this strategy to tell a story, make it human and
     relatable to the two target audiences with a very clear call to action.
Retail Case Study – Top Oil
●   Clear call to action at the start of the video
●   Kept simple with minimal messaging
●   Told a story – kept it human ‘rediscover home’
Retail Case Study – Top Oil

 ●     Distribution – Using both Linear and Non Linear video advertising strategies with
      relevant contextual and 1st party data targeting to both target groups.

 1.   YouTube ‘True View’ was used for completed video views – advertiser only paid upon
      full video. Less intrusive with the option to skip after 5”

 2.   Programmatic video advertising was used to drive mass awareness and views

 ●    Both distribution strategies allowed for Dublin and non Dublin targeting. Programmatic
      allowed for re-targeting

 ●    Distribution strategies like this can range from €5K+
 ●    Production value like this can range from €1k+
What does Success look like?
●   This campaign has 2
    objective of Awareness
    and Action.
Retail Case Study – Boots Ireland & Beaut.ie
 ●   Overview: Boots Ireland needed to increase consideration and sales across their make up range to all category buyers
     in Ireland from their eCommerce platform.

 ●    The concept needed to feel authentic to the consumer and showcase real people using Boots products for real life,
     special occasions. Make Up Artist featured in the video to show how experts use Boots make up products for multiple
Retail Case Study – Boots

●   Clear call to action ‘available on boots.ie’ not product specific in
    this case.
●   Kept simple with minimal messaging but with an expert tone.
●   Told a story – from prep through to final products.
●   Kept it human – real people, real life and #noreally tag.
●   Pre produced to allow multiple cuts from ‘hero video’.

                                                                           Twitter ‘square’ video   Instagram TV ‘portrait’ video
Retail Case Study – Boots Ireland & Beaut.ie

 ●   Distribution – Using beauty.ie for contextual relevance we applied a story
     telling approach. There was a ‘hero video’ used with multiple shorter ‘cuts’
     targeted to each specific target audience cohort. A social strategy was put
     in place to ensure the right eyeballs came across this content

 ●   Over 12 versions of this video were produced to the audience were
     watching the right video on the right screen.

 ●   The contextual relevance and social nature of this video and utilising the
     beaut.ie platform led to a 20% over achievement of KPI for video views.
Key Takeout Points
     Keep it simple                   Keep it human                 Understand your goal                         Do the pre
Understand the 2-3 specific     The nature of video and how         For lead generation, ensure         More so than other advertising
  messages you need to           we consume it demands a           there is a clear ‘call to action’   formats you cannot afford to be
communicate and stick to it.        human connection.                                                         under prepared.
                                                                   For brand awareness, ensure
Understand where and when         Try to think Business to           you make a connection.            Pre production is not complex
your video will be consumed                Person.                                                           but it is essential!
  and tailor appropriately.                                            Be set up for success
                                Every business and product         (analytics, tracking pixels etc)
 Video advertising will not    has an interesting story to tell!
     break the bank.
Thank you.
Mark Corrigan
Commercial Director
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