Improvement plan for 2019 to 2021 - Click to upload school logo - Callington Primary School

Page created by Cory Rogers
Improvement plan for Callington Primary School
2019 to 2021

School name

Callington Primary School                               Click to upload school logo
Vision statement
We aim to build a partnership with the community
focused on developing students' learning potential by
encouraging improvement, achievement and success,
broadening their understanding of the world so that
they are able to successfully contribute as global

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Plan summary
                                                                                                                            This table will be automatically populated
                                                                                                                                   to provide a summary of your plan.

 Goals                              Targets                                                         Challenge of practice
Improve learner dispositions       Adjusted this goal/target at the end of 2019          If we strategically focus on the high impact strategies of
with a focus on developing                                                               differentiated teaching, goal setting and lesson
assessment capable learners.                                                             structure, we will increase learner dispositions and
                                   Improve Student Wellbeing and Engagement 2020 data to
                                   be at or above Partnership standards in all areas.    capability.

                                   In 2021, 'Pattracker' data to reflect 90% or above of all
                                   classes in the 'optimal' improvement quadrant.

Increase student achievement       At end of 2019, 80% of all students at the 'Words their Way'  If we develop a 'literacy community' and a sequential,
in literacy R-7, with a focus on   Spelling stage that correlates to ACARA year level standards. evidence based approach to teaching a structured
Reading and Writing.                                                                               literacy block across the site, we will see an
                                   At end of 2020, 95% of all students at SEA for Reading
                                   Level (September).                                              improvement in this area.

                                   At end of 2021, 100% of all students at SEA proficiency bands
                                   for NAPLAN Reading, Writing and Language Conventions.

Increase student achievement       All year 3, 5 and 7 students in 2019 achieve NMS in             If we develop a common evidence based approach to
in R-7 Numeracy.                   NAPLAN Numeracy                                                 teaching mathematics strategically, address
                                                                                                   misconceptions with fundamentals, then we will
                                   In 2020 all students achieve SEA proficiency bands in
                                   PAT-M assessments and NAPLAN numeracy.                          increase student achievement in Numeracy.

                                   In 2021 all students achieve above SEA proficiency bands
                                   in PAT-M assessments and NAPLAN numeracy.

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Improvement plan for Callington Primary School
2019 to 2021

How to complete this template
• Complete every step. The Quality School Improvement Planning Handbook explains how to do this. In addition, your education director will provide support.

• Complete steps 1 to 3 during term 4 of 2018 and have it approved by the principal, governing council chairperson, and education director.

• Email this plan (steps 1 to 3) to your education director.

• Publish your school improvement plan on your school website.

• Work through step 4 (Improve Practice and Monitor Impact) regularly throughout the school year. This step does not need to be published on your website.

• Complete step 5 (Review and Evaluate) in term 4 of each year. This step does not need to be published on your website, though it should inform the
  Improvement Planning and Outcomes section of your annual report to the school community.

• Your school improvement plan will be current for 2019 to 2021 and should be updated in term 4 each year.

For further information and advice, contact:
Andrew Wells
Review, Improvement and Accountability Manager
Phone: 8226 1576

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Step 1                                                                                                                   Analyse and prioritise

Analyse evidence of student learning and answer the question ‘What are our goals for improvement?’ Specify up to 3
goals and annual targets for student learning improvement in the table below.

The Quality School Improvement Planning Handbook explains how to do this.

  Goals                                                                Targets
  Goal 1       Improve learner dispositions with a                                Adjusted this goal/target at the end of 2019
               focus on developing assessment
               capable learners.
                                                                       2020       Improve Student Wellbeing and Engagement 2020 data to be at or above
                                                                                  Partnership standards in all areas.

                                                                       2021       In 2021, 'Pattracker' data to reflect 90% or above of all classes in the 'optimal'
                                                                                  improvement quadrant.
  Goal 2                                                                          At end of 2019, 80% of all students at the 'Words their Way' Spelling stage that
               Increase student achievement in literacy                2019
               R-7, with a focus on Reading and                                   correlates to ACARA year level standards.
                                                                       2020       At end of 2020, 95% of all students at SEA for Reading Level (September).

                                                                       2021       At end of 2021, 100% of all students at SEA proficiency bands for NAPLAN
                                                                                  Reading, Writing and Language Conventions.
  Goal 3       Increase student achievement in R-7                                All year 3, 5 and 7 students in 2019 achieve NMS in NAPLAN Numeracy

                                                                       2020       In 2020 all students achieve SEA proficiency bands in PAT-M assessments
                                                                                  and NAPLAN numeracy.

                                                                       2021       In 2021 all students achieve above SEA proficiency bands in PAT-M
                                                                                  assessments and NAPLAN numeracy.

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Step 2                                                                                                         Determine challenge of practice

Consider how improvements in teaching practice will help to achieve your improvement goals and answer the
question ‘What areas of practice should we focus on improving to reach our goals?’ Specify your challenge of
practice for each goal in the table below.

The Quality School Improvement Planning Handbook explains how to do this.

  Challenge of practice
  Goal 1       If we strategically focus on the high impact strategies of differentiated teaching, goal setting and lesson structure, we will increase
               learner dispositions and capability.

  Goal 2       If we develop a 'literacy community' and a sequential, evidence based approach to teaching a structured literacy block across the
               site, we will see an improvement in this area.

  Goal 3       If we develop a common evidence based approach to teaching mathematics strategically, address misconceptions with
               fundamentals, then we will increase student achievement in Numeracy.

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Step 3                                                                                                                 Plan actions for improvement

Consider evidence of best practice to answer the question ‘What actions should we take to improve our practice and reach our goals?’ Specify your
actions for improvement, timeline, responsibility, resources and success criteria for each goal in the tables below.

The Quality School Improvement Planning Handbook explains how to do this.

                                                   Improve learner dispositions with a focus on developing assessment capable learners.
  Goal 1
  Challenge of practice                            If we strategically focus on the high impact strategies of differentiated teaching, goal setting and lesson
                                                   structure, we will increase learner dispositions and capability.

  Actions                                           Timeline        Roles and responsibilities                                   Resources

 Deliver PD on Berry Street Trauma Term 1                         Principal and focus teacher to deliver and                   Berry Street resources
 informed strategies to all staff. 2020                           support staff
 Mandate morning circle and lesson
 structure - whole school approach

 As part of Quality Start, classes develop their   Term 1 and All staff                                                        Archive boxes
 'ready to learn' scales and create savouring
 boxes( Berry Street approach to increasing        beyond                                                                      Berry Street Resources
 stamina for learning and improving learner        2020
 dispositions). Fortnightly sharing at staff
 meetings of Berry Street successes and

 Refine high quality, evidence                     Term 1-4       Teaching staff, supported by SSOs                            VL resources
 based group instruction. Provide                  2020                                                                        Berry Street resources
 regular supplemental instruction
 and individualised interventions

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Step 3 continued                                                                                  Plan actions for improvement

 Goal 1 continued                  Improve learner dispositions with a focus on developing assessment capable learners.

 Actions                             Timeline    Roles and responsibilities                               Resources

Students to develop escalation    Term 2        All teaching staff                                       Berry Street resources
maps to further understand what   2020
triggers stress responses and how
to work through those moments

Further unpack the Berry Street      Term 2-4   Principal and focus teacher                              Berry Street resources
resources with all staff through PD.
Focus on golden statements,
interoception, positive touch,
unconditional positive regard etc.

                                                                   Total financial resources allocated                   $6,000 p.a.

 Success criteria                  We will see improvement with our Wellbeing and Engagement Data. Students will increase their optimism
                                   towards their learning because the content will be targeted to their needs and delivered in a predictable
                                   routine across the school.

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Step 3 continued                                                                          Plan actions for improvement

 Goal 2                              Increase student achievement in literacy R-7, with a focus on Reading and Writing.

 Challenge of practice               If we develop a 'literacy community' and a sequential, evidence based approach to teaching a structured
                                     literacy block across the site, we will see an improvement in this area.

 Actions                              Timeline     Roles and responsibilities                     Resources

Use Words their Way diagnostic tool Week 4        All teaching staff                            Words their way diagnostic and word sort
to assign feature word scores and     Term 1                                                    books
spelling stages. Begin implementation
of WTW words across the school in
spelling program.

Implement a Big 6 literacy block     Week 3       All teaching staff                            Deslea Konza Big 6 PD documents
across the school                    Term 1

Implement consistent, sequential     Term 2       All teaching staff                            Words their way
teaching of spelling rules through   onwards
WTW program

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Step 3 continued                                                                                 Plan actions for improvement

 Goal 2 continued                 Increase student achievement in literacy R-7, with a focus on Reading and Writing.

 Actions                           Timeline     Roles and responsibilities                               Resources

Focus on growing vocabulary         Term 2     Principal and teaching staff                             Challenge word bank
through Challenge words and Tier onwards
2 Vocab to add to writing. Look for
implementation in Brightpath
writing samples.

Ongoing assessment, monitoring    Ongoing      All teaching staff                                       WTW resources
and adjusting of student stages
within WTW Spelling program

Refine our literacy agreement     Term 1       All teaching staff                                       Existing agreement
                                  onwards                                                               Other schools' agreements

                                                                  Total financial resources allocated                   $5,000 p.a.

 Success criteria                 We will see improvement with our literacy outcomes across the school in our Brightpath writing samples,
                                  NAPLAN results, WTW diagnostic tools, Reading levels and general school work. Students will begin to
                                  use more detailed vocabulary in their written work.

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Step 3 continued                                                                             Plan actions for improvement

 Goal 3                             Increase student achievement in R-7 Numeracy.

 Challenge of practice              If we develop a common evidence based approach to teaching mathematics strategically, address
                                    misconceptions with fundamentals, then we will increase student achievement in Numeracy.

 Actions                             Timeline      Roles and responsibilities                     Resources

Refine our numeracy agreement       Term 2       Principal to lead with all teaching staff       Examples of other schools' numeracy
for all staff                       2019                                                         agreements
                                                                                                 PAT Maths and NAPLAN data
                                                                                                 Readings from Stretch guidebook Pg. 9

Assess all students using Fixing    From Week Principal to lead                                  BTF Maths misconceptions assessments
Misconceptions documents (place     3 Term 2  Teachers to implement tests                        Spreadsheet of school performance and
value) from Back to Front Maths               Teacher released to work with Principal to         starting points for intervention.
                                              collate data and set starting points for fixing

Identified students work in small   Week 5       Principal to work with teachers and SSOs to BTF Maths misconceptions intervention
groups to address gaps with         Term 2       devise plan to address need when identified. lessons resource.

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Step 3 continued                                                                                     Plan actions for improvement

 Goal 3 continued                   Increase student achievement in R-7 Numeracy.

 Actions                             Timeline       Roles and responsibilities                               Resources

Develop scope and sequence for     Mid term 2     Principal and teaching staff                              ACARA examples
Maths teaching across the year for                                                                          Other school ideas
the whole school, with emphasis
on tracking students with the Big
Idea progression.

Transition small group Maths        End of        Principal, teaching staff and student support             Ann Baker problematised situations.
intervention to whole class         Term 2        staff                                                     Tiernery Kennedy BTF Maths resources.
problem solving with emphasis on
stretch, linked to school scope and

Implement sequential teaching       Term 3 and Principal, teachers and SSO staff                            ACARA scope and sequence
through scope and sequence,         4                                                                       BTM resources
problem solving, tracking student                                                                           Natural Maths problem solving resources
progress and providing authentic
feedback to improve.

                                                                      Total financial resources allocated                  $10,000 p.a.

 Success criteria                   Students will have the foundations for success in Numeracy, with misconceptions assessed and appropriate
                                    intervention lessons accessed. Students will have the concepts of Trusting the Count, Place Value, Multiplicative
                                    thinking, Partitioning, Proportional Reasoning and Generalising. Students will have the capacity to generalise
                                    mathematical concepts and procedures, which can be applied to a wide variety of different situations, including ones
                                    not yet encountered.

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School improvement plan                     Approvals

Approved by principal

Name - Paul Jude

Date - Feb 2020

Approved by governing council chairperson

Name - Kirstie Pym

Date - Feb 2020

Approved by education director

Name - Nanette Van Ruiten

Date - Feb 2020

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