A Guide to Calculated Grades for Leaving Certificate students 2020 - 21ST MAY 2020

Page created by Roger Erickson
A Guide to Calculated Grades for Leaving Certificate students 2020 - 21ST MAY 2020
A Guide to
Grades for
students 2020

21ST MAY 2020
Calculated grades 2020

  01                           02                             03
  It should be noted that      The Department of              That implementation of
  calculated grades are        Education and Skills and all   these measures will not be
  being offered as an option   the education partners         regarded as a precedent or
  to students in 2020 simply   recognise that exceptional     as agreement to operate
  because of the               measures are required in       such measures in future
  unprecedented impact         2020 for the assessment and    years.
  that the Covid-19            certification of students’
  pandemic has had on their    learning.
Established Leaving Certificate
              – subjects

Calculated    Leaving Certificate Applied –
grade         subjects, tasks and vocational
applies to:   specialisms

              Leaving Certificate Vocational
              Programme – Link Modules.
System of Calculated Grades

offered to all 2020 Leaving Certificate candidates.

     Students will have the opportunity to appeal their results.

          Students can also opt to sit the Leaving Certificate exams

               Students can combine the results.

                     The timing of the results of the Calculated Grades process
                     will run as close as possible to the usual results system.
Access from early next
         Access    week

                   Opt in to the calculated
         Opt in    grades

Portal             Confirm the subject
                   level at which they
         Confirm   initially entered for the

                   Change to a lower
         Change    level.
The Guidelines contain:

Guidance on how teachers can work together to ensure
alignment of marks across students and classes in schools

Details about how principals will oversee the process within

Rules around canvassing setting out how schools will be
required to report instances to the Department.
Guidelines contains:

      Further supports and          Frequently asked
    information for students,     Questions - Excellent
  teachers and principals in     and constantly updated
relation to the implementation
   of the Calculated Grades
  model are being provided.

Where the attempt
                                   to contact or                                          The principal must
                                     engage in              That record will be             also notify the
                               discussion persists,         maintained by the           Department as soon
                               the teacher or staff          principal until the           as is practicable
In the first instance          member must report            conclusion of any           that the school has
   the teacher or                   this contact            potential review or              a record of a
                          01                           02                          03
principal will tell the        immediately to the             appeal process            contact by a person
   person to stop.               principal of the           associated with the            in respect of the
                               school and provide             awarding of the                marks and/or
                               the principal with a             candidate’s                  ranking to be
                               written record of the        calculated grades.               assigned to a
                                     contact or                                            named student.
                               attempted contact.


   Teachers and school       Arrangements have been
       leaders will be        put in place to extend a
     implementing the         State indemnity to them
    Calculated Grades           and to the boards of
   process in schools on       management of their
   behalf of the Minister.            schools.
                                                                  An estimated percentage mark
                                                                  must be generated for all students
                                                                  and all must be included on the
                                                                  corresponding rank order for the
    Including all 6th year students in the school
    Level of entry
    Accompanying forms
            Form A: Estimated Percentage Mark form for recording each student’s estimated
            Form B: Rank Order Form for recording the rank order of the particular class
            Form C: School sign-off on estimated mark of student performance for a subject
             taken outside of school
            Form D: subject entry for which the school cannot sign-off on an estimate
The Department will look at
              these students on a case by
              case basis and will be flexible.
Home School
              Every effort will be made to
students      provide an estimated mark
              where there is sufficient
              credible evidence of the
              student’s achievement.
School will try to verify the results.

Subjects   School will fill in form C if satisfied with

outside    consultation.

                                         Eg: Student studying
           Where it can’t be             a language outside
           verified – Form D (dealt      of school because
                                         his family speak the
           with on a case by             Language at home
                                         but s/he has no
           case basis)                   official tutor.
A calculated grade results from
              the a school-based estimation
Calculated    of an overall percentage mark
Grade -       and ranking to be awarded to
combination   a student in a particular subject.
of two data
              Data available from the
sets:         Department of Education and
              Skills – this includes data on
              past performance of students in
              each school and nationally.
Principles underpinning a system of
calculated grades

     Teacher    professionalism:
     Support    for students:
     Objectivity:
     Fairness   and equity:
     Collaboration:
     Timeliness:
                    1.   1. The teacher’s estimation of
                         student marks and rankings

                    2.   School alignment of marks for a
                         subject through a subject
                         alignment group comprising
four main                teachers who are teaching the
                         subject to Leaving Certificate
school- based            students this year
                    3.   Oversight of the alignment process
                         by the school principal

                    4.   Transmission of the marks and
                         rankings for national
                         standardisation. Each of these steps
                         is set out in detail below.
What informs the teacher’s estimated marks and rankings?

   Records of each student’s           Performance on any class
 performance over the course           assessments for example,
                                                                          Performance on any
of study including for example,         house exams, Christmas
                                                                    coursework component, even
 records of performance over         exams, summer examinations
                                                                       if this has not been fully
 the course of study, including        and (with caveats) mock
   for example, assignments,          examinations taken over the
  projects and practical work                course of study

                                     The level of performance the
                                                                    Any other relevant information
 Previous results in the school in   teacher has observed in this
                                                                          related to student
           this subject              year’s students compared to
                                        those in previous years

                              DES can determine the
    A process of national     grade to be awarded
   standardisation carried      to each student in
   out by the Department      each subject, thereby
    of Education and Skills        resulting in a
                                calculated grade.
   No additional assessments for the purposes
                     of determining an estimated percentage
 Work done or        mark.

  not done by
                     additional work completed after 13 March
students since   
                     treated with due caution
     closed in      teachers will take into account of the
                     degree to which many students under
       March?        normal circumstances would intensify their
                     levels of commitment in the run-up to the
Teachers estimates both written and oral

            Likewise teachers assesses Music
and music   performance test and written

            The earlier arrangement (communicated
            in March) of full marks for orals and
            music performance tests will not now
   A teacher’s overall estimate
                    should incorporate the mark
Subjects with
                    they think that this coursework
 coursework         would have achieved if it had
                    been marked in the usual way.
Reasonable accommodations for students
with special educational needs

   Teacher will take reasonable accommodations into account

    Spelling           and Grammar Waiver
   The teacher will consult with the
                      previous teacher and get whatever
Students who          relevant records they have.
are new to the
class or school      If the student has joined the class from
                      another school, additional information
                      may be sought from the student’s
                      previous school.
What if there       If a teacher has a real or perceived conflict
                       of interest with a student in their class they
is a conflict of       must declare this to the school principal.
interest, e.g. a
  teacher who
                      There will be additional oversight by a
     teaches a         nominated teacher and a deputy principal
      relative?        in such cases.
   National level for both Leaving Certificate
  The relevant       and Junior Certificate examinations for
                     2019 and previous years;
  Department        School level for both Leaving Certificate
data sets that       and Junior Certificate examinations for
                     2019 and previous years;
   support the      Candidate level for both Leaving
       process       Certificate and Junior Certificate
                     examinations for 2019 and previous years;
 include mark       Candidate level for the Junior Certificate
      data at:       results of the 2020 Leaving Certificate
                     cohort of candidates.
Issuing of calculated grades

     It is intended that
   calculated grades will
                                Likewise CAO places       The certificate will look
       be provided to
                               will be offered as close     the same as other
   candidates as close as
                               to normal as possible.          year- H1s etc
   possible to the normal
          results day.
Stage1: Checks will be undertaken to ensure that the
          intended information was recorded correctly by the
          school and that the information was transferred
          correctly into the data collection system.

          Stage 2: There will be also be a review to ensure that
          the data was correctly received and processed in the
          national standardisation process conducted by the

Appeals   Stage 3: Students unhappy with the outcome of this
          process can seek a review by Independent Appeal

          Finally, candidates who remain unhappy with the
          outcome of the calculated grade awarded have the
          opportunity to sit the 2020 Leaving Certificate
          examination in the subject(s) at a later stage when it is
          safe to do so.
   The results provided to the candidate
If a candidate       will be amended

sits such an
                    If the improvement in the candidate’s
examination          grade means that he/she would have
and achieves a       been entitled to a higher offer of a CAO
                     course, he/she will be facilitated in
higher grade         taking up that place as soon as
than his/her
calculated          Oversight by an independent expert
grade:               unconnected with the design of the
                     calculated grades model to provide
                     overall validation of the model,
                     including the operation of the appeals
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