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Mukt Shabd Journal                                                                                ISSN NO : 2347-3150

                  MAP FOR FUTURE PROSPECTS
                                                    Roshan Ekka
                           Ph.D Research Scholar, P.G Department of Political Science &
                            Public Administration, Sambalpur University, Odisha, India

                                                               creation of interaction between the states. Moreover, the
     Foreign policy is a dynamic concept. Thus the term        establishment of the United Nations and the process of
foreign policy or foreign relation is a broad concept on       decolonization, liberated many states to sovereignty and
which a country’s polices are determined and a nation’s        further gave them the impetus of relationship between
foreign policy is reflected by its realistic, ambitions,       states. This led to the formation of “foreign policy” to
state interest and domestic politics. So, foreign policy       identify and define goals, strategies and objectives for
always attempts to influence others in accordance with         interaction with one state to another states.1 The term
its own end. Foreign Policy is just like the wheels where      Foreign Policy or Foreign Relation is broad concept on
all the political systems of the world work together. A        which a Nation’s policies are determined. Moreover, the
nation’s foreign policy is concerned with the mind-set of      country’s foreign policy is reflected by its realistic,
a nation to the other nations. Foreign policy is the road      ambitions, state interest and domestic politics. India as
map where the governments of the sovereign states              no doughty the creator of many international
engage themselves in the world system for                      organizations such as Bretton Woods Institution, League
accomplishing different aims and objectives. The               of Nations, United Nations, Asian Development Bank,
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) under the leadership of           G20, NAM and so no. India’s increasingly globalised
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has shown much more               position drives its economic planning to become more
determined and positive approach to construct close ties       complex and more focused.2
than was witnessed in earlier time. India-USA bilateral
ties have become a “world strategic partnership” based              According to Prof. F.S. North Edge, “ foreign
on the common democratic values and convergence of             policy is used of political influence in order to induce
interest on bilateral, regional and global issues. The         other states to exercise their law- making power in a
paper intends to study the bi-lateral relations with USA       manner desired by the states concerned: it is an
and its implications to the world politics, especially after   interaction between forces originating outside the
formation of the BJP led NDA regime.                           country’s borders and those working with them”. Here
                                                               he defines that foreign policy should always attempt to
Keywords- Foreign Policy, Modi’s Administration,               influence others in accordance with the one’s own ends.
Indo-US Relation, Agreements and Treaties                      It must take account not only its own goals, interests,
                                                               inspirations and problems but it must consider problems
Introduction                                                   of other states.

After the agreement of Westphalia and the end of the                There are different objectives in the foreign policy
first and second world wars, the International system          like short range objectives, middle range objectives, long
intensified the growth of the development of nation            range objectives, which includes the core objectives and
states. The end product development is therefore the           are time bound if they are for short period of time, where
                                                               the states aspire to get them. A state’s foreign policy is

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very important for its well-being and it has its own          foreign policy is set up just like the wheels where all the
significance to maintain a healthy relation with other        political systems of the world work. Foreign policy and
countries.3                                                   National policy are not different; both are part of it. It
                                                              consists of national initiative that strives to make friends
     India was not known long before much, however it         with other states. All the nations of the World often rely
received more international attention in the twenty first     on foreign policies within their capacity of strength and
century. India placed its cornerstone in the pyramid of       the realities of the external environment. Non- political
world powers in 1947. But within short term of three or       relations also come under it. The concept of foreign
four decades, India has managed to put itself in the          policy has been explained in number of ways.
forefront of developing countries to be a developed           According to George Modelski the Foreign Policy is,
country. India is well known from the rest of Asian           “The system of activities evolved by communities for
countries for its mountains and seas which render the         changing the behavior of other states and for adjusting
country clear geographical identification.4                   their own activities to the international environment”.

     The current government has been building vigorous             A nation’s foreign policy is concerned with the
hard work to enlarge India’s diplomatic track, promote        mind-set of a nation to the other nations. Foreign policy
strong international ties, and exercise these international   is the road map where the central governments of the
relationships for shared improvement and growth. This         sovereign states engage themselves in the world system
method of ‘fast track diplomacy’ brought in by the            for accomplishing different aims and objectives. A
Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP) government involves a much        nation tries to convince other nations about its foreign
more determined and positive approach to construct            policy in accordance with its goals. The effectiveness of
close ties than was witnessed in earlier times. This is       persuasive power in this matter is primarily proportional
achieved through an increased number of personal visits       to national strength. A nation must take into
by the Hon’ble Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi to           consideration not only its own goals and interests,
bordering and other countries, as well as increased           desires and problems, but also the goals of the other
involvement in regional and intercontinental conferences      nations too. This process includes complex non-war
and summits.5                                                 diplomacy processes. It is also based on observations
                                                              about the traditional behavior of a state. In addition, a
Importance of Foreign Policy                                  state cannot ignore the norms of international law and
                                                              international morality in its foreign policy, the whole
     Foreign policy refers to the instrument available to a   point of this preamble is that the term of foreign policy
country where it seeks to protect and advance its national    cannot be studied in isolation from the factors that define
interests. The main theme of national interest is to          it.7
protect territorial integrity and sovereignty and raise the
economic and social well-being of the country’s men,          Historical Analysis of Indian Foreign Policy
provide opportunities for beneficial trade with different
countries in the world and develop the soft power                   India became free from foreign rule in 1947 and
through promulgation of the cultural assets. While            during that time the world scenario was quite different.
national interests remain constant and but the content of     During that time cold war was going on, on which the
foreign policy may change from time to time and               system of world politics was separated into two groups;
according to the situation. Foreign policy needs to be        first bloc was led by USA with the capitalist ideology
flexible and must keep constantly in alter with shifting      where as the second bloc was led by the USSR with
international, national as well as environment.6 The          communist ideology. At that time Jawaharlal Nehru was

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the Prime minister and he did not wish to join any bloc      world would love to keep relationship in different
and adopted a new policy which was non-alignment             aspects. Among the developing countries of the world
movement (NAM), the very aim of this was to maintain         India has made itself a developed one in many ways like
national independence in foreign affairs and being away      trade, economics, industries, military etc. so let’s look at
from the military alliance initiated under the leadership    them bellow
of two supper blocs the USA and the USSR which was
the outcome of the Second world-war. Generally it was        The First Period (1947-62)
the dynamic concepts which kept all the developing
countries away from supper blocs and protect their                This phase is best known for the bipolar world, cold
sovereignty and keep themselves away from the tensions       war led by two super camps one USA and USSR. India’s
of world war and take independent stand on international     main objectives in this period were to stay away from
issues which suit them. Through this policy India            these super blocs and protect its jurisdiction and restore
selected independent way for foreign policy and became       its economy and strengthen its integrity. India was
a natural leader to all the newly independent Afro-Asian     liberated from foreign rule in 1947 and became first
nations to be away from the cost paying of cold war bloc     country to be decolonized. Therefore India led Asia and
politics.                                                    Africa in a quest for fairer world order. India played a
                                                             crucial role in constructing Non-alignment Movement in
     By explaining Nehru stated that India as a huge         1961, which showed path to the all third world countries.
country, it is going to be and bound to be a country         But in 1962 dispute with China brought significantly end
which desires to be in world affairs and being away from     of this period and damaged the India’s position in Non-
the supper blocs India is in good status which would         Alignment Movement.
bring the country’s weight in the right time which will
enhance the relation with other countries in developing      The second period (1962-71)
economic or other areas in which India can easily
develop its relationship. India has always been against           By the end of the 1962 war with China, India was
colonialism, imperialism and racism. In the face of          trying to make a comprehensive selection of security and
unjustifiable incidents, India raised its voice, for         political issues. India attempted beyond what was
example choosing Indonesian nationality against Dutch        obtained from the Non-Alignment Movement on
colonialism in 1947, against unofficial occupation of        National Security which led to the withdrawal of
Africa’s in Namibia and racial discrimination in South       national security concerns over the defense agreement
Africa. India strongly supported the inclusion of            with US in 1964. From UK and US India got external
communist China in UN. India had experienced a lot           pressure on Kashmir issues (Tashkent Agreement 1965).
during British rule, so India always naturally resisted      With this agreement India and Pakistan considered
such evil acts. Therefore, India supported to the freedom    drawing all the troops from the battlefield before the war
struggle of Libya, Algeria, Tunisia, Malaya and other        and tried to establish diplomatic relations with various
third world countries.8                                      sectors such as economy, refugee and other questions.
                                                             Although this agreement could not control the military
Different Periods of Indian Foreign Policy                   or war protocol, so Pakistan kept on showing antagonism
                                                             on Kashmir since Pakistan was the close ally of the US.
     Therefore, the Indian foreign policy can be better      Therefore, India at that time drew its attention towards
understood by observing the different phases or periods,     the USSR.
where India constantly tried its level best to make Indian
foreign policy a suitable one where every country of the

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The third period (1971-91)                                    now knows more about its capabilities and the world’s
                                                              expectations on India. There is a reason why India is one
      India proved amazing in its use of force when it        of the largest economics in the world. The importance of
freed Bangladesh in the India-Pakistan war in 1971. In        India’s talent in creating and maintaining global
the meantime, it was difficult time for India since the       technology may grow over time (such as the Paris
US-China-Pakistan alliance was a major threat to India        Conference on Climate Change) is consistently
as it was a regional power. During this time India faced      significant. By marching closer to the Ocean region
a great challenge from the US and its partners, since         (SAGAR Initiatives) and the wider neighborhood (Act
India had conducted a peaceful nuclear detonation test in     East policy and Think West policy), India has been able
1974, (Pokhran-1). Moreover, the fall of USSR, India’s        to establish itself outside of South Asia.10
near relationship and the economic catastrophe in 1991
forced India to look back at the first principles of both     Modi’s Administration
domestic and foreign policy. The combination of various
factors such as the Gulf War (1991-1992), the collapse             Shri Narendra Modi was elected as the Prime
of the USSR (1991), the long term economic crisis and         Minister of India in 2014, when his party won a historic
the domestic instability collectively in 1991 led to          victory in the national election. His win is a very big
dispute over the payment in India.9                           deal for India. Many Indians and International business
                                                              society sees him as the CEO-style leader who can defeat
The fourth period (1991-98)                                   India’s notorious corruption and correct its economic
                                                              decline. Modi’s uprising reflects the restless trend of
     The beginning of unipolar world, (led by the USA)        Hindu Nationalism in India, while Modi was himself has
inspired India to change its prospective on global affairs.   a record of fomenting Hindu-Muslim hostility. Fears of
This independent study focused mainly on the                  Modi’s religious tensions were so high at the time of his
acquisition of nuclear weapons (Pokhran-II, 1998). This       election that the economist published a report in the
was the time when India has come together to unite the        magazine requesting people to cast their votes against
United States, Israel and ASEAN.                              him. Modi feeds Muslims because he refuses to be
                                                              afraid. It educates Muslims to vote against him because
The fifth Period (1998-2013)                                  he tortures them, published in a magazine. His Political
                                                              party, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is popular among
    During this time, India slowly acquired the elements      the urban and working class people. He is liked and
of power balancing (against the rise of China). It is         much known for his Hindu-Nationalism and business
mirrored in the Indo-US Nuclear Agreement                     acumen.11
(Agreement-123). Simultaneously both India and China
decided to work on Climate change and trade and                    Narendra Modi won the general election in May
exchanging and consolidating more ties with Russia            2014 with the huge majority. The (BJP) Bharatiya
along with rendering aids to BRICS fashion in an              Ajanta Party was the first to win with majority in the
important world forum.                                        election in India in last 30 years. He won the election as
                                                              he promised to change the Indian economy, enhance
The sixth period (2013 onwards)                               living standards and make India as the corruption free
                                                              country. Narendra Modi himself campaigned vigorously
     The sixth period is otherwise known as the               for this issues related to large gatherings and rallies-
transitional geopolitics, India’s Non-Aligned policy has      sometimes repeated conversations, use hologram
become now a multi-pronged. At the same time, India           projections, in which he himself could not participate but

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he carefully made use of old and new media, from              at a record place. This includes a number of central
newspapers, television, twitter and face book etc. He         government’s decision aimed at the poor. Today, India
spoke little about the foreign policy. In addition, the BJP   has the world’s largest healthcare program, Ayushman
manifesto dedicated only 3 of the 52 pages on India’s         Bharat. Covering more than 50 crore Indians in this
foreign relations which left many Indian and foreign          scheme to render quality and affordable medical care to
observers ponder about the views of Modi and his party.       the poor and neo-middle classes.13

     This view has become clear since the election.                Shri Narendra Modi’s foreign policy initiatives have
Narendra Modi is now stable his office and team of civil      gained the true potential and role of the world’s largest
servants and advisers. He did a number of foreign trips,      democracy. He began his first term with the participation
including a meeting with Barack Obama in the United           of all SAARC heads of states and invited BIMSTEC
States to address in the General Assembly. He also took       leaders at the beginning of the second term. His speech
part in the BRICS summit in Brazil, the summit of the         at the United Nations General Assembly was highly
Association of Southeast Asian Nations in Myanmar,            praised around the world. Narendra Modi became the
group of 20 summits in Australia and travelled number         first Prime Minister to visit Nepal 17 years later,
of places, Canberra, Kathmandu, Suva, Thimphu, Tokyo          Australia 28 years later, Fiji years later and the
and including Washington DC. He presented himself in          Seychelles UAE 34 years later. Modi attended UN,
special programmes for Indian Diaspora in Sydney              BRICS, SAARC and G-20 summits where India’s
where he spoke regarding the working of his                   involvement and views on various global economic and
government’s internal and international strategy              political issues have been widely praised.14
                                                              Agreements and Treaties
     Shri Narendra Modi was sworn in as the Prime
Minister of India on 30 May 2019, making the beginning             The Intercontinental agreements are legal
of his second term. The first Prime Minister since            understandings and adherence between two or more
independence previously served as the Prime Minister of       nations. The agreements between two countries is known
India from 2014 to 2019. Being the Chief Minister of          as “Bilateral” where as agreements between more than
Gujarat he has served the state for long time from            two countries is known as “Multilateral”. The countries
October to May 2001 to 2014. In the 2014 and 2019             which are bound by these kinds of agreements and
Parliamentary elections, Shri Narendra Modi led               treaties are generally called as the “Partner States”.
Bharatiya Ajanta Party to win an absolute majority in
both cases. The last time a political party received such         According to the International law and order, an
an absolute majority was in the 1984 election.                agreement is any legal treaty between nations or states.
                                                              These agreements may sometimes be called as the code
    Inspired by the motto “sabka saat, sabka Vikas,           of behavior, contract, an accord and many more things.
sabka Viswas”, Shri Narendra Modi has created a               This is what the contract and it is not just a name, which
paradigm shift in governance that leads to inclusive,         makes it a deal. According to the Geneva Protocol and
development-orientated and corruption-free governance.        the Biological Weapons Convention are all agreements
The Prime Minister worked quickly to achieve                  even though there is no word for “agreements” in its
Antyodaya’s goal or to ensure the delivery of schemes         name. Under U.S law, the treaty is legitimately binding
and services to the last mile. Leading some international     agreement between states which require a referendum
agencies have noted that under the leadership of Prime        and “order and Authorization” of the Senate. All other
Minister Narendra Modi, India is getting out of poverty       protocol (agreements in the international sense) is known

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as the Executive Agreements, but is still lawfully             Government’s breakthrough continues with the former
binding on the U.S. under international law.15                 people. The priority was given to the west, especially to
                                                               the United States and Israel. But the Prime Minister
     Treaty may be referenced by numerous names such           Narendra Modi’s personal interest introduced a new
as International Conventions, International Agreements,        rigidity. The new government invited President Barack
final actions, charts, protocols, international trade unions   Obama on the eve of Republic day. Prime Minister
etc. A treaty is the most organized kind of agreements         Narendra Modi visited United States four times and
signed by two or more nation states. Treaties and              seven meetings with the President of United states two
Conferences are the crucial documents and is one of the        years later, we can say that the bilateral relations
essential aspects of international law. A treaty is, a         between two countries are growing faster.19
protocol generally signed, ratified or adhered by the two
nations or more than two nation states. International          Modi’s First Visit to US
treaty is fulfilled between two or more countries in a
manner prescribed and regulated by the international                Narendra Modi on 24 September 2014 for the first
law.16                                                         time visited as the Prime Minister to attract investments
                                                               and strengthen the US-India strategic partnership.
Indo- US Relation                                              Modi’s activities include a speech at Madison Square
                                                               Garden in New York and meetings with US business
     The Indian Nationalist Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP)        leaders. In Washington, Modi and President Obama
designated Narendra Modi as the Prime Minister of India        signed a memorandum of understanding between the
in the National Election of 2014. The President of USA         Export-Import Bank and the Indian Energy Agency, it
Barak Obama congratulated him and invited him to the           could most probably provide up to 1.billion to help
White House and lifted the previous visa ban. Modi had         Indians to develop low-carbon energy alternatives and
been banned from entering the United States due to the         export US renewable energy to India.20
2002 massacre of Muslims in the states of Gujarat.17
                                                               President Barack Obama’s Tour to India
     India-USA bilateral ties have become a “world
strategic partnership” based on the common democratic               The white House states that the US President
values and convergence of interest on bilateral, regional      Barack Obama has made an unprecedented second visit
and global issues. In India, the government’s prime            on January 24, 2015 which is regarded as the “Game
focus on good governance and development is “We                Change”. Modi and Obama’s meeting would lift the
move forward together” (Chalein Saath Saath) and “Joint        “Essence of Relationship” between two major
forces, Progress for All” (Sanjha Prayas, Sab ka Vikash)       Democracies in the world. The Senior Director of
were adopted at the first summits of Prime Minister            National Security Council for South Asia at the White
Narendra Modi and President Barack Obama in                    House addressed in an interview that President Barack
September 2014 and January 2015. The joint statement           Obama’s visit to India on the eve of Republic Day as the
at the summit level was called Indo-US in June 2016,           Special Guest. This very eve would provide an
relation with global partners in the XXI century.18            opportunity to highlight the nature of our relationship
                                                               with India. Reiner who is a key person of India and
     As a result of the strategic partnership, India’s         South Asia in the Security Council emphasized that it is
foreign Policy is moving from the “century of strategic        a relationship in which the President has devoted a lot
autonomy to the age of multi-alignment”. In the absence        time and tried to highlight the importance of
of systematic change, the policy of the Modi                   relationship. A Senior White House official told that this

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three-day tour of President would try to focus on key         Adviser Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster took part. Indian
areas such as Defense and Security, Clean Energy and          delegation included India’s NSA Ajit Doval, Minister of
Climate Change and Nuclear Cooperation.21                     Foreign affairs S. Jaishankar and Indian Ambassador to
                                                              the United States Navtej Sarna are accompanied by the
US Declares India as Major Defense Partner                    Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

     The United States and India on 7 June 2016 signed             After long meeting the leaders of both countries
new agreements on different issues like climate change,       issued joint statements which highlights on certain
nuclear energy and national security and US declared          important fields such as the Prime Minister Narendra
new status to India as the key defense partner. Following     Modi expressed that his visit to US is a history in the
on the same day president Barack Obama and Prime              chapter of Indo-US relationship. He talks with President
Minister Narendra Modi met in the White House and             about the peace, stability and security in the Indo-Pacific
both in the joint statement, calling US-India defense         region. Whereas the President Donald Trump expresses
relations an “anchor of stability” and announced the          his willingness on exporting US energy to India for
exchange of new technologies with its closest friends         India’s economic growth and includes major long-term
and partners.22                                               contract to buy natural gas. Narendra Modi said in a joint
                                                              statement that eliminating terrorists and safe havens
     In addition to the steps taken by India to achieve its   would be our goal. Modi expresses that India is
export control objectives, India agreed to access wide        concerned about the growing instability in Afghanistan.
range bilateral technologies without a license. Expanding     India supports peace in Afghanistan and rebuilding that
joint production and technology under India’s “Make in        country is our main task. Both world leaders agreed to
India” initiatives and the Defense Technology and Trade       work closely on the development of maritime trade and
Initiatives (DTTI), two countries have launched a DTTI        cooperation, as well as they looked forward working on
working groups to add agreed articles including naval         commerce, trade, technology, innovation and the
and air issues and many other weapons. The leaders            knowledge economy are also the prime areas. Both
declared the completion of agreements on cooperation in       nations are affected by terror and both leaders talked to
the field of technology with aircraft and finalizing the      resolve and destroy radical Islamic terror. You are the
logistic exchange on the memorandum of Agreement              oldest democracy in the world and we are the largest
(LEMOA). Other than these US-India signed                     democracy in the world, Modi said during talks with the
cooperation in maritime security, expressed support for       United States at the delegation level. Donald Trump said
the United Nations Convention on the law of the sea, and      that U.S and India will always be together in friendship
resolve the territorial conflicts peacefully.23               and respect.24

PM Modi and President Trump’s First meeting                   India-US Defense Cooperation

    US President Donald Trump after meeting the                    The first US-India “two-plus-two” meeting held in
Prime Minister Narendra Modi for the first time on 27         New Delhi on 6 September 2018, it brought significant
June 2017 said that Washington and New Delhi had              progress in depending and expanding bilateral defense
“never been stronger”. An hour long meetings with             ties. On same day Indian foreign minister Sushma
delegates of two countries took place in the White House      Swaraj and Indian defense minister Nirmala Sitaraman
Office. The US delegation included US Vice President          met with US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo and US
Mike Pence, Secretary of Defense James Matties,               Secretary of Defense James Mattis. President Donald
Secretary of State Rax Tillerson and National Security        Trump and PM Narendra Modi instigated this new two-

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plus-two-formal dialogue at a summit in Washington last      “Howdy Modi” programme organized by the Indian
year in June 2017.                                           Diaspora in Houston.27

      According to Sitaraman, the present boom in                 The mega even “Howdy Modi” The Indo-American
defense cooperation confirms Modi’s view that “India’s       community’s meeting with Prime Minister Narendra
friendship nature with United States has overcome the        Modi and US President Donald Trump in Houston on
most different issues of past”. All this was evident in      Sunday focuses to the world the valuable contributions
India’s clear agreement with the Soviet Union during         of Indo-Americans to the cultural, intellectual and social
cold war and with US sanctions against India over its        landscape of the United States. For the first time in the
nuclear weapon programme. It took two decades to             history, Prime Minister Modi and President Trump
overcome these barriers from the lifting of US sanctions     shared the stage to chant “Howdy Modi” to the Indo-
in 2001, next in 2004 certain steps were taken in            Americans, during this session they focused on the
strategic partnership, defense technology and trade          “Common Dream, Bright Future and strengthen of US-
initiatives started in 2012 and a 10 year framework          India relations.28
agreement on cooperation in the field of bilateral defense
adopted in 2005 and updated in 2015.25                       Modi chants ‘Abki bar, Donald Trump Sarkar,’
                                                             Trump addresses border security vital to US, India
     In addition, India and US officials have signed a
number of major defense cooperation agreements to lay             It is time to fight with terrorism and those who
the groundwork for expanding and deepening security          propagate terrorism. He emphasized that President
cooperation. The first bilateral military agreement was      Trump stands firm in this fight, PM Modi said. Again he
the logistics exchange memorandum (LEMOA) adopted            says some people have the problem of repealing Article
two years ago. During the two-to two meeting, the            370, they are the people who cannot govern their country
ministers concluded the comprehensive agreement on           properly. The whole world knows them, who protect and
compatibility of communications and security, which has      nurture terrorism. Article 370 deprives the people of
been under discussion for more than a decade. It allows      Jammu and Kashmir of their development. Terrorism
the Indian military to utilize the most secure               and separatist elements abused the situation but now the
communications with its defense equipment when they          people there have the equal rights, Prime Minister Modi
contact with the US military. However, the interest of       said.29
the Indian Military in the use of weapon from the United
States, the exchange of information on mutual threats        Namaste Trump event in Motera Stadium, India
with the Pentagon and the achievement of cooperation
with Western countries as well as Indian services,                 Speaking at the Namaste Trump event on 24
disprove these objectives.26                                 February 2020, US President Donald Trump thanked
                                                             those gathered at Ahmadabad’s Motera Stadium for a
Howdy Modi Event in Houston, US                              “wonderful applause”. Namaste, and greetings to India.
                                                             Let me begin by expressing my deep gratitude to the
    Prime Minister Narendra Modi and US President            leader and my true friend, Prime Minister Modi. The
Donald Trump both attended a “Howdy Modi” event in           first lady and I travelled only 8,000 kilometers to convey
Houston on 22 September 2019 with more than 50, 000          this message: America respects India and America loves
Indo-Americans registered. White House had officially        India. Several people gathered at the Sardar Patel
confirmed that President Donald Trump can attend             Stadium for the event. Five months back, the United
                                                             States welcomed the prime minister at a big football

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stadium. You met us at the largest cricket stadium in the     and India have shifted their foreign policy in a greater
world. Thank you for the warm welcome. We will                sense and coordinating each other as the partner states in
always keep in mind this magnificent hospitality, Donald      many areas. The friendly nature and quality of work of
Trump added.30                                                Shri Narendra Modi and President Donald Trump are
                                                              highly valued around the world.
     Attending the Namaste Trump programme at
Motera Stadium, the US president, along with his wife         Reference:
and Prime Minister Modi, spoke about India’s wonderful
tradition of embracing individual freedom, the rule of        1.   Bojang, A.S. (2018). The Study of Foreign Policy in
law and the dignity of all in places where people worship          International Relations. Journal of Political
in many ways. Narendra Modi warmly received when                   Sciences & Public Affairs, 6(4), p.1.
President Donald Trump arrived to India and he said that      2.   Mohanty, Rahul. (2013). Indian Foreign Policy:
he would remain a “loyal” friend of India and called the           Emerging Challenges and the Road Ahead, Odisha
Prime Mister a “special leader” who works day and night            Review, p-68.
for the country. The President Donald Trump also
admitted that India and United States are always ready to
fight terrorists and their ideology; that is the reason why   3.   Jain, Reetesh. (2018). Significance and determinants
                                                                   of foreign policy, International Journal of
American government is working with Pakistan to
                                                                   Advanced Research and Development, 3(1), p.164.
eliminate terrorist groups in the presence of his daughter
Ivanka, son-in-law Jared Kushner and top delegates of         4.   Tripathi, Ambikesh Kumar. (2012). Contemporary
                                                                   Challenges To India’s Foreign Policy, International
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Volume IX, Issue V, MAY/2020                                                                        Page No : 5151
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