Industry Skills Plan for the UK Construction Sector 2021 2025

Page created by Darren Mullins
Industry Skills Plan for the UK Construction Sector 2021 2025
Industry Skills Plan
for the UK Construction Sector 2021 – 2025

                                             CLC Industry Skills Plan for the UK Construction Sector 2021 – 2025   1
Industry Skills Plan for the UK Construction Sector 2021 2025
Foreword   We have all experienced exceptional times, and the
           COVID-19 pandemic has drastically changed the world
           we live in. But we need to keep the focus on what matters
                                                                          also used CLC’s Future Skills research 1 to understand what
                                                                          needs to be done to prepare the industry for new ways of
                                                                          working. At the same time, we have increased the reach
           most – retaining talent and building a solid foundation for    of the Construction Ambassadors scheme by aligning it
           the future of the construction industry.                       with STEM Learning to help ensure we are nurturing the
                                                                          future pipeline of talent. The growing awareness of Fairness,
           In order to deliver what industry needs now and into the       Inclusion and Respect also means we are making the
           future, we need skilled individuals. The Built Environment     industry a better place to work, for those currently
           has a wide reach of sectors, so how can we ensure we have      in it and those who will join in the coming years.
           a skilled and competent workforce across such a breadth
           of occupations? This is the considerable challenge we          This plan will be developed into a co-ordinated group of
           need to break down into smaller pieces and tackle,             activities that will be delivered through CLC workstreams
           as it is the key to unlocking improved productivity and        and working groups. We will measure and report progress
           enabling construction to thrive and to maintain and deliver    against this plan for at least the next four years. To
           the UK’s build pipeline.                                       provide a short-term focus, we are tackling four priority
                                                                          challenges in 2021. These priorities centre around the
           This Industry Skills Plan is developed by industry,            culture and careers within the industry, particularly how
           for industry. It complements our existing CLC Industry         we can improve routes into the industry, as well as the
           Recovery Plan and moves us towards addressing the              individual competence and skills required for a modern
           ever-growing skills gap. How our industry has adapted          construction sector. However, major uncertainty still
           to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic shows what          remains over the period covered by this plan so it will need
           we can achieve when working together.                          to adapt as it is delivered. The pandemic crisis is playing
                                                                          out in an industry already cast into uncertainty with
           The plan also highlights how skills challenges play out        Britain’s departure from the European Union.
           across our very wide and varied industry. For example,
           the net zero agenda challenges us to change the game in        Each year we will update on progress through the plan so
           how we build new buildings, but also offers a significant      that bit by bit we can deliver these challenges. As ever,
           opportunity to the smaller firms that power the Repair,        continued collaboration from all stakeholders will be required
           Maintenance and Improvement (RMI) sector as we gear            to achieve the ambitious goals we have set out. We have
           up to retrofit millions of homes to meet higher                made this easier by outlining clear owners and actions
           environmental standards. Similarly, the digital skill needs    against each challenge, so everyone understands how
           will create totally new ways of doing things, as well as the   they can contribute. Positive engagement and sector-wide
           potential for collectively massive efficiency gains through    adoption of this plan will ensure we are able to reinvent
           small improvements. One example of this is equipping           and transform the skills base of the construction industry.
           hundreds of thousands of small and micro firms in our
           industry with the knowledge and skills required to adopt
           digitalised processes and management tools. For SMEs,
           cloud and mobile-based Enterprise Resource Planning
           (ERP) software streamlines the control of workers,
           materials, logistics, tools and equipment – in turn driving
           efficiency, quality and productivity.

           We will build upon some of the great work we’ve achieved       Sarah Beale                 Mark Reynolds
           to date. Our Talent Retention Scheme (TRS) is just one         Chief Executive,            Group Chief Executive,
           example of how we’re mitigating the skills loss within         CITB and Chair,             Mace and CLC, Steering
           construction following the COVID-19 pandemic. We have          CLC Skills Network          Co-ordination Group

               CLC Future Skills Report 2019      CLC Industry Skills Plan for the UK Construction Sector 2021 – 2025                  2
Industry Skills Plan for the UK Construction Sector 2021 2025
04   Executive Summary
05   Addressing our Skill Needs
06   Addressing our Skill Needs – Actions

08   Opportunities and Challenges
09   Introduction
10   Industry Overview
11   The Broader Opportunity
12   Future Demand
13   The Need to Address the Skills Challenge Now
14   The Core Skills Challenges
15   Post-16 Routes Into Construction
16   Attracting and Retaining Diverse Talent and Helping People to Join

17   The Skills Plan
18   Addressing Our Skills Needs
19   And Progress is Already in Motion
20   Challenge 1.1: Access for All
21   Case Study: How Ardmore Recruits and Retains a Diverse Workforce
22   Challenge 1.2: Attractiveness of Careers
23   Case Study: Building a Strong Pool of Talent for Construction
24   Challenge 1.3: Direct Employment
25   Case Study: ECA Loan Labour Scheme
26   Challenge 2.1: Routes into Industry – Apprenticeships
27   Challenge 2.2: Routes into Industry – Further Education
28   Challenge 2.3: Routes into Industry – Higher Education
29   Case Study: T Levels
30   Challenge 3: Competence of Individuals
31   Case Study: TESP Experienced Worker Assessment
32   Challenge 4: Skills for a Modernised Industry
34   Case Study: Investment in New Skills Will Ensure UK
     Construction Continues to Innovate

35   We Must All Play Our Part

36   What Happens Now?

37   Case Study: Supply Chain Sustainability School

38   Acknowledgements
                                                                          CLC  IndustrySkills
                                                                                                                                          2025   3
Industry Skills Plan for the UK Construction Sector 2021 2025
Executive                                                                                  This plan outlines how we will work together to solve core skills needs by ensuring we have the
                                                                                           necessary high-quality training and development to build an industry that is a great place to work,

Summary                                                                                    with clear routes of entry and progression to attract and retain talented people.

Industry Overview                                                                          Employment:                       Planned Investment:                                        Gross Value Added (2018):

and Forecast Demand                                                                        2,745,550                 1
                                                                                                                             £850bn+                                                    £200bn
For more information
see page 10.

                                                                                                                              Standards and                             Training, Education                 Culture and Working
                                                                                                                              Qualifications                            and Development                     Environment
Core Skills Challenges
For more information                                                                        Together we can create an         Together we can create the               Together we can enable               Together we can create an
                                                                                            industry that is attractive to    underpinning foundations for             high-quality routes into             industry whose culture and
see page 14.                                                                                talent and bring those skills     high-quality, transferable skills        industry and development             operations make it a great
                                                                                            in through multiple routes        and pathways for learning                in industry to provide the           place to work that retains
                                                                                                                                                                       skills needed now and                talented individuals
                                                                                                                                                                       in the future

Routes into Construction
For more information
see page 15.
                                                                                             Study                            Work + study/training                     Employment + study                  Sustainable employment

     or construction contracting and building professional services as core plan focus.
    Component of full built environment statistics outlined in page 10                                                                                            CLC Industry Skills Plan for the UK Construction Sector 2021 – 2025    4
Industry Skills Plan for the UK Construction Sector 2021 2025
Executive Summary

Addressing Our                               1. Improve access to
                                             opportunities for all and
                                                                             2. Boosting all routes
                                                                             into industry, including
                                                                                                               3. Competence: Shift
                                                                                                               to focus on competence
                                                                                                                                                 4. Skills for a
                                                                                                                                                 modernised industry:

Skills Needs
                                             attractiveness of careers       enhanced work experience          through the development           Up-skilling and re-skilling
                                                                             provision for those in            of sector-specific                in the skills that are
                                                                             full-time FE and HE               competency frameworks.            required to transform
                                                                                                               Ensuring both “point in           the industry. This will
                                                                                                               time”, ongoing continuous         incorporate focus on
                                                                                                               professional development          both new technologies
                                                                                                               (CPD) and revalidation            / methods, (e.g. off-
                                                                                                               of competence                     site), and the requisite
For the first year of this plan’s lifetime                                                                                                       behaviours, (e.g.
we want to focus on the four key                                                                                                                 creativity, sustainability,
                                                                                                                                                 and inclusion)
areas outlined here.
                                             Enables                         Enables                          Enables                           Enables
The following pages set out, for
each challenge, the details of key
                                             1.1 Support access for          2.1 Grow the number of            Develop higher technical         Skills to deliver
actions that need to be achieved to          all industry to operate a       apprentices and enhance           qualifications to support        net zero carbon targets
meet them. Case studies have been            more inclusive culture to       the routes to and through         progression                      through retrofit, new build
included to demonstrate the work that        encourage new entrants at       apprenticeships,                                                   and construction operations
                                             every stage of their career     including the role of the         Health and Safety:
is already underway and the progress         and retain skilled workers      Apprenticeships Levy (AL)         Improve and embed higher         Deliver skills to embed
that industry is already making.                                                                               standards of safety practices    emerging innovations
                                                                                                               within the industry              and digital technologies
                                             1.2 Make construction an                                                                           to improve efficiency,
                                                                             2.2 Improve the links
                                             attractive career sector                                          Modernise standards and          productivity, sustainability
                                                                             between FE and employers,
                                             of choice through better                                          qualifications to deliver the    and building safety
                                                                             and the pathways from FE
                                             development, delivery and                                         skills our industry needs in
                                                                             into apprenticeships and
                                             showcasing of the career                                          the future (e.g. digital
                                                                             employment. Support the
                                             development opportunities                                         and behavioural)
                                                                             T Levels route
                                             our varied industry offers

                                                                             2.3 Improve the links
                                             1.3 Strengthen support for
                                                                             between HE and employers,
                                             direct employment as an
                                                                             and the pathways from HE
                                             enabler of apprenticeships,
                                                                             into employment
                                             upskilling and attractiveness
                                             of careers

                                                                                                  CLC Industry Skills Plan for the UK Construction Sector 2021 – 2025          5
Industry Skills Plan for the UK Construction Sector 2021 2025
Executive Summary

Addressing Our Skills
Needs – actions

                                                Plan to support well-being                                                                Diversity measuring, monitoring
 Challenge 1.1                                                                                   Roll out FIR Programme                                                                 1,700 active Ambassadors
                                                and mental health services                                                                       and target setting
 Access for all                                                                                   Deadline: June 2022                                                                    Deadline: January 2024
                                                   Deadline: June 2021                                                                       Deadline: December 2022

                                             Agree standard for work
                                                                                                                          Clear career paths                 Support Kickstart and            Construction Talent Retention
 Challenge 1.2                               experience and increase          Implement Work Place Promise
                                                                                                                            info and portal                    Skills Bootcamps                Scheme 1% redeployment
 Attractiveness of Careers                   quantity of placements             Deadline: September 2021
                                                                                                                          Deadline: Ongoing                Deadline: September 2021                 Deadline: 2025
                                               Deadline: June 2021

                                                                                                                                                               Engage with Gov
                                                                                  Support Gov to mandate                                                                                        Embed procurement to
                                            Collate direct employment                                               CLC-hosted evidence base on            Employment Status Team
 Challenge 1.3                                                                       direct employment                                                                                        demand direct employment
                                                   good practice                                                    benefits of direct employment          Deadline: April 2022 with
 Direct Employment                                                                 through procurement                                                                                             in supply chains
                                             Deadline: October 2021                                                     Deadline: April 2022                 commitment in place
                                                                                    Deadline: April 2022                                                                                       Deadline: December 2024
                                                                                                                                                              by December 2022

                                                                                                                    Extend current Gov COVID-19
                                               All apprenticeships                    Support Gov AL                                                        Develop fast track from           Develop Kickstart brokerage
 Challenge 2.1                                                                                                    incentives for employers for new
                                                   on .gov site                       transfer reform                                                        FE to apprenticeship                  service for SMEs
 Routes into Industry – Apprenticeships                                                                               apprentices to end of year
                                               Deadline: May 2021                  Deadline: August 2021                                                    Deadline: August 2021                Deadline: 2021-2024
                                                                                                                     Deadline: September 2021

                                            Develop construction            Industry/FE increase              Develop employer             Employer incentives,        Guidance to increase           Increase quality of
 Challenge 2.2                                  traineeships            accuracy of skills forecasting       engagement with FE           resources for colleges,     provider and employer          technical education,
 Routes into Industry – FE                  Deadline: Bricklaying            by location and role              work experience          brokerage for traineeships         engagement                  streamline L2/3
                                          traineeship launch 2021           Deadline: April 2021            Deadline: Spring 2021            Deadline: 2021           Deadline: Autumn 2021        Deadline: Summer 2023

                                                                                                                                               CLC Industry Skills Plan for the UK Construction Sector 2021 – 2025            6
Addressing Our Skills
Needs – actions (continued)

                                       Link employers, providers and                                                                                                                Assess accreditation routes into
                                                                                          HE providers to embed FIR            Collaborate for curricula design/delivery
Challenge 2.3                         schools to improve availability of                                                                                                            professions for single discipline
                                                                                            in recruitment criteria                         for skills needs
Routes into Industry – HE              work experience opportunities                                                                                                              courses to produce hybrid managers
                                                                                             Deadline: June 2022                        Deadline: June 2022
                                            Deadline: June 2021                                                                                                                           Deadline: June 2023

                                                                                  As part of these preparations, ensure       Support pilot groups in developing first wave
                                   Assist Working Group 2 preparations for        effective dialogue with priority sectors    of sector-specific competence frameworks, in          Roll out competence frameworks
Challenge 3
                                     sector competence framework pilots               and support wider industry and          line with Working Group 2 recommendations                    across occupations
Competence                                   Deadline: June 2021                         stakeholder engagement                      and BSI Overarching Framework                     Deadline: December 2024
                                                                                           Deadline: June 2021                         Deadline: December 2021

                                      Use future skills research for Smart Construction                         Define career pathways to                                     Gov procurement to encourage
                                      and Net Zero to influence standards and training                          support modernised skills                                          Smart Construction
                                                     Deadline: April 2021                                            Deadline: 2021                                                  Deadline: 2021

                                   Update routes to entry and new entrant          Develop Smart Construction training           Develop training for skills to enhance          Review and update apprenticeship
Challenge 4                            standards and qualifications for          for existing and new industry roles, and        traditional delivery roles with digital,             standards and technical
Skills for a Modernised Industry      Smart Construction and Net Zero            embed into standards and qualifications         technical and collaborative practices            qualifications to meet Net Zero
                                              Deadline: 2021                                  Deadline: 2022                                 Deadline: 2022                                Deadline: 2022

                                   Support and fund innovation for flexible        Support development of Construction            CLC Centres of Excellence to develop
                                    learning (inc. immersive and online)            Higher Technical Qualifications L4/5       relationships and integrate tech upskilling
                                               Deadline: 2022                                 Deadline: 2023                              Deadline: April 2024

                                                                                                                                         CLC Industry Skills Plan for the UK Construction Sector 2021 – 2025            7
and Challenges

                 CLC  IndustrySkills
                                                                                 2025   8
Opportunities and Challenges


This plan will be developed
into a co-ordinated group of
activities that will achieve
the outcome set out in
both this plan and the CLC
Industry Recovery Plan,
through CLC workstreams
and working groups.
Despite the upheaval over the last year, the
pandemic has driven an impressive collaborative
approach between our industry and Government,
evidenced by the CLC Industry Task Force and its
regular engagement with the Department for
Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS).
The development of the CLC Industry Recovery Plan
is the result of a stronger level of co-operation and
support with Government. This can really enable
better progress with addressing what seemed
to be entrenched skills challenges in the past,
such as the poor conversion rates from FE, the
insufficient levels of direct employment and
low levels of diversity in the industry.

                                                        CLC  IndustrySkills
                                                                                                                        2025   9
Opportunities and Challenges

                                                                                                                                                      Quarrying of
                                                                                                                                                      construction materials
                                                                                                                                                      550 enterprises
                                                                                                                                                      19,700 workforce
                                                                                                                                                      90 apprenticeship starts
                                                                                                                                                      £1,383 GVA (£million)

Broad and Narrow Industry
Structures                                                                                                                            509,210                              £200,251
                                                                                                                                      enterprises                          GVA (£million)
This plan is by industry, for industry.
                                                                                                                                      3,540,950                            £366bn                          Manufacture of
The narrow definition of the industry conforms to the
definition used in official statistics, covering those who
                                                             Professional services                                                    workforce                            economic output (2018)          construction products,
construct, repair and maintain buildings. However,           137,320 enterprises                                                                                                                           materials and assemblies
the built environment has a significantly wider reach        641,830 workforce                                                        35,390                               £850bn+                         22,685 enterprises
across other sectors and the supply chain, all requiring     5,250 apprenticeship starts                                              apprenticeship starts                planned investment              365,400 workforce
the skills needed now and for the future to deliver and      £42,506 GVA (£million)                                                                                                                        2,500 apprenticeship starts
maintain the UK’s build pipeline.                                                                                                                                                                          £23,891 GVA (£million)

A broader sector can be seen to include the supply
chain for construction materials, products and
assemblies, and professional services such as
management, architecture, engineering, and surveying.

We believe the industry should increasingly be viewed
in terms of its wider definition as the current and future   On-site assembly                                                                         Contracting and Building                             Sale and repair of
fortunes of these activities are critically intertwined.     by non-contractors                                                                       Engineering Services: buildings,                     construction products,
                                                             2,905 enterprises                                                                        infrastructure and RMI                               materials, and assemblies
                                                             89,000 workforce                                                                         355,005 enterprises                                  22,890 enterprises
                                                             2,050 apprenticeship starts                                                              2,291,250 workforce                                  321,300 workforce
                                                             £1,584 GVA (£million)                                                                    24,700 apprenticeship starts                         800 apprenticeship starts
                                                                                                                                                      £108,738 GVA (£million)                              £21,694 GVA (£million)

                                                              Number of apprenticeship starts by sector of employer and subject of learning aim for
                                                             2018/19. Covers England only.

                                                             Source: Workforce, CITB estimate based on Labour Force Survey (2019) and Business Register
                                                             and Employment Survey (2019) Enterprises, UK Business Counts - enterprises by industry and
                                                             employment band size (2019) GVA, Annual Business Survey 2018 (Release Date 15 May 2020)                   CLC Industry Skills Plan for the UK Construction Sector 2021 – 2025   10
                                                             Apprenticeships, Skills Funding Agency (Academic year 2018/19)
Opportunities and Challenges

The Broader

Construction is a core sector of the
economy. If we can improve its
                                           Improving the    Social
                                                            ─ Providing sustainable, satisfying careers that are open to all
                                                            ─ Delivering a built environment that meets the needs of society through improved
productivity, through improving its
people’s skills and the retention of
                                           effectiveness      infrastructure, public services and housing and in this way contribute to social value and
                                                              help tackle economic inequality

                                           of 2.7m people
                                                            ─ Technical education reforms can help to unlock attitudes to and participation in the sector
those skills, there is a massive benefit
to be gained.

There is also the opportunity for
                                           powering         Political and Economic
                                                            ─ Impact of effective infrastructure and construction to support a growing economy
                                                            ─ Continuing/growing UK construction skills as a significant export industry
construction to make the most
effective contribution to society and
                                           11.2% of GVA     ─ Effective delivery of major projects increases public Return on Investment (ROI)
                                                            ─ Government can help reform employment status for tax and employment rights purposes

the environment through the skills
of its people.                                              Technical
                                                            ─ Embrace digital tools and processes to drive productivity
                                                            ─ Improve construction’s ability to drive out the benefits of technology at all stages – stop
                                                              the historical ‘lag’ of construction behind other sectors and embrace new ways of working

                                                            ─ More than almost any industry, construction can transform the way the built environment
                                                              works with the environment
                                                            ─ The UK is legally bound to reduce emissions to net zero by 2050, and around half of all UK
                                                              emissions can be influenced by construction
                                                            ─ Drive waste management elimination from design to delivery (whole life considerations)
                                                            ─ Reform building safety and competence to keep the built environment safe
                                                            ─ Reduce construction impact on the built environment in terms of increasing biodiversity
                                                              and decreasing pollution

                                                                   CLC Industry Skills Plan for the UK Construction Sector 2021 – 2025                  11
Opportunities and Challenges
                                                                                                                                                INDUSTRY INSIGHTS UK 2019-2023 • Construction Skills Network • Labour Market Intelligence                                        7

                                                                                                                                            C      M   ANNUAL RECRUITMENT REQUIREMENT (ARR) BY OCCUPATION
                                                                                                                                            Y      K
                                                                                                                                             PMS ???
                                                                                                                                             PMS ???
                                                                                                                                                          NON-MANUAL OCCUPATIONS                                                            TOTAL        2019   ARR
                                                                                                                                             PMS ???                                                                                        EMPLOYMENT   2023
                                                                CITB RESEARCH                                                                PMS ???      Non-construction professional, technical, IT, and
                                                                                                                                          Non-printing other office-based staff

                                                                                                                                             COLOUR       Other construction process managers                                               208,050             3,420
                                                                                                                                                          Senior, executive, and business process                                           184,750             1,400
                                                                                                                                          JOB LOCATION:
                                                                                                                                          PRINERGY 3 managers

                                                                                                                                                          Construction trades supervisors                                                   49,840              850
Our industry is wide and varied; the                                                                                                                                                                                                        54,250

                                                               SKILLS NETWORK
                                                                                                                                                          Construction project managers                                                     49,330              580
skills and occupations we need to                                                                                                                         MANUAL OCCUPATIONS
support reflect this. The Construction                                                                                                                    Wood trades and interior fit-out                                                  263,530

Skills Network (CSN)1 is a core source                                                                                                                    Electrical trades and installation                                                188,760

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            166,720             1,900
of data that drives our understanding                                                                                                                     Plumbing and HVAC Trades                                                          162,670
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            130,010             1,770
                                                                                                                                                          Labourers nec*
of the demand for skills and we use

                                                                                                                                                          Painters and decorators                                                           112,800             960

this to focus our efforts on both the                                                                                                                     Building envelope specialists                                                     108,290

skills needed in the short-term, and                                                                                                                      Bricklayers                                                                       72,240

the skills we believe we need to start                                                                                                                    Specialist building operatives nec*                                               58,440

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            52,100              250
developing now for the future.
                                                                                                                                                          Plasterers                                                                        49,230

                                                                                                                                                          Roofers                                                                           46,930              750

                                                                                                                                                          Plant mechanics/fitters                                                           42,740              580

                                                                                                                                                          Plant operatives                                                                  41,600              980

                                                                                         INDUSTRY INSIGHTS:                                               Glaziers                                                                          30,840

                                                                                      LABOUR MARKET INTELLIGENCE                                          Floorers                                                                          26,150

                                                                                                                                                          Steel erectors/structural fabrication                                             24,430              430

                                                                                                UK                                                        Logistics                                                                         24,240

                                                                                           2019-2023                                                                                                                                                            720
                                                                                                                                                          Scaffolders                                                                       23,040

                                                                                                                                                          Civil engineering operatives nec*                                                 22,000              180

                                                                                                                                                          Non–construction operatives                                                       36,930              –

                                                                                                                                                          PROFESSIONAL OCCUPATIONS
                                                                                                                                                          Other construction professionals and                                              208,050             3,260
                                                                                                                                                          technical staff                                                                   224,480

                                                                                                                                                          Surveyors                                                                         71,920              1,420

                                                                                                                                                          Civil engineers                                                                   56,480              1,190

                                                                                                                                                          Architects                                                                        43,630              870

                                                                                                                                                        SOURCE: ONS, CSN, EXPERIAN. REF: CSN EXPLAINED

                                                       CSK-CSN-National-2019.indd 1                                21/02/2019 12:17

                                                                                                                                  CSK-CSN-National-2019.indd 7                                                                                                          21/02/2019 12:17

    CSN covers contracting and professional services                                                                              CLC Industry Skills Plan for the UK Construction Sector 2021 – 2025                                                                      12
Opportunities and Challenges

The Need to Address
the Skills Challenge Now
Technology and modern methods of construction are             –C
                                                                onsequently industry continues to modernise very
rapidly evolving the skill sets we require to keep pace,       slowly and does not make the efficiency, productivity
and the Government’s renewed commitment to evolving            or quality improvements that the Government (through
the nation’s infrastructure will require focus and energy      the sector deal) is looking for
from the sector to deliver. Regulation, particularly
in response to the Grenfell tragedy, is placing greater       This plan recognises that the skills system going forwards
focus on businesses delivering to the highest                 will be employer-led. To have impact we need to influence
possible standards.                                           employer behaviours to balance individual employer
                                                              ‘wants’ and broader industry-wide ‘needs’.
All of us are keenly aware of the responsibility we have to   Co-ordinated action with employers, government, other
ensure the built environment vastly reduces its impact on     key clients and the education sector through this Skills
the natural environment – the UK Government has been          Plan is therefore required.
unequivocal on the contribution of construction in moving
towards a zero-carbon society with the establishment of       This plan is a plan for industry, by industry. It is the
the Green Jobs Task Force. The net zero agenda presents       product of collaboration between the CLC, CITB, ECITB,
both a major challenge in terms of updating skills across     FE, HE, BEIS and voices from across the industry to
the sector, but also a massive opportunity for smaller        develop an approach to tackling the skills gap head on,
firms in the retrofit work that will be created.              once and for all. It provides an actionable, measurable
                                                              blueprint for recruiting the right talent, training them to
However, there are some ongoing, entrenched skills            have the right skills, and ensuring that the sector as a
challenges in modernising the skill set of construction       whole is supported to develop and maintain the highest
that need to be tackled:                                      levels of competence.

  mployers are largely not recruiting and training the       It is a plan that attempts to balance what businesses
 workforce with the skills they will need in the future       in the sector want with what the industry needs as a
 as the industry modernises. This is due to inadequate        whole, now and in the future. And it is a plan we need
 levels of direct employment and short-termism related        individuals, employers and representative organisations,
 to lack of visibility of the pipeline of work, small         and groups in Construction and the Built Environment
 margins and clients buying on cost not value                 sector to rally round.

  ost clients (perhaps due to lack of awareness) do
 not demand modernised techniques such as offsite
 manufacture, digitisation etc., or they assume it is
 part of embedded business innovation within the
 supply chain

                                     CLC Industry Skills Plan for the UK Construction Sector 2021 – 2025                    13
Opportunities and Challenges

Core Skills
                                                                                    Standards and                              Training, Education                   Culture and Working
                                                                                    Qualifications                             and Development                       Environment

                                             Together we can create an              Together we can create the                Together we can enable                 Together we can create an
                                             industry that is attractive to         underpinning foundations                  high-quality training and              industry whose culture and
                                             talent and bring those skills          for high-quality, transferable            development when and                   operations make it a great
In order to improve the productivity         in through multiple routes             skills and pathways for                   where needed that equips               place to work that retains
of the construction industry and                                                    learning                                  the workforce in current               talented individuals
                                                                                                                              and emerging skills
seize the opportunity for its wider
contribution to the UK, it needs             In the next four years we need         In the next four years we need to:        In the next four years we need to:     In the next four years we need to:
to improve the productivity of its           to tackle the causes of hard-to-fill   ─ Standardise the approach to             ─ Grow the number of apprentices       ─ Drive a culture of innovation
                                             vacancies, where applicants lack
main asset – its people. This means          the skills required and not enough
                                                                                      developing sector-wide skills             and enhance the routes to and          including the use of
                                                                                      and knowledge to increase                 through apprenticeships                technology to drive
attracting talent by offering careers        people are being trained.                mobility across the industry                                                     productivity improvement
                                                                                                                              ─ Improve the progression
of choice and being a positive and                                                  ─ Shift to focus on competence.             of FE learners into workers          ─ Increase the levels of direct
                                             We need to:
fulfilling place to work and effectively                                              Consider both “point in                   in the industry                        employment to improve the
                                             ─ Change to take a long-term             time” and ongoing need for                                                       attractiveness of the sector
upskilling, re-skilling and cross-skilling     view of workforce skills,
                                                                                                                              ─ Demand training and education
                                                                                      development in all roles                  in the skills that are needed to       and as a fundamental enabler
the workforce to work effectively and          planning and embracing                                                                                                  of apprenticeships, career
                                                                                    ─ Tackle variation in training              deliver differently in the future,
safely. In order to overcome these             multiple skills supply routes
                                                                                      standards and qualifications –            for example new technologies           progression, upskilling,
                                               (i.e. adults, job changers,
skills challenges, action across the           industry changers)
                                                                                      ensure training and education             and methods (e.g. offsite).            reskilling, competence
                                                                                      is to an agreed standard and              Create new jobs and the need           and innovation
sector, Government, education and            ─ Make construction a sector of          available where needed                    to re-skill existing workers         ─ Reform structural and
others is required.                            choice for young people through
                                                                                    ─ Ensure that work-ready skills           ─ Demand innovation in the ways          contractual arrangements that
                                               better career path information                                                                                          lead to detrimental culture,
                                                                                      such as team working and                  in which learning is delivered
                                               and more direct employment                                                                                              which impacts on health
                                                                                      time management are                       flexibly (time, place, pace and
                                             ─ Enable access to the industry          embedded into training                    platform) including immersive,         and wellbeing
                                               for all groups to improve                                                        online and location
                                               diversity, this includes access to
                                               work experience opportunities

                                                                                                                         CLC Industry Skills Plan for the UK Construction Sector 2021 – 2025              14

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Study                       Work + study/training                   Employment + study

Routes Into                                                                                    No qualifications                    Exam retakes – resit A levels, BTECs, GCSEs.                                                                       HE qualifications – courses taught in universities, colleges, specialist institutions. Quals. include diplomas, bachelor degrees, foundation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       degrees, post-graduate degrees,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   A Levels – academic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   classroom learning.

                                                                                                  Sector based
                                                                                                  work academies                    Technical and vocational qualifications – qualifications related specifically to the industry and role
                                                                                                                                    in which the learner wants to find employment, e.g. BTECs.
                                                                                                  – 6-week
                                                                                                  intensive courses,
                                                                                                  classroom based,
                                                                                                  route to CSCS /                                                                                                   Applied
                                                                                                                                                                             T Level Transition
                                                                                                  CCNSG card.                                                                                                       qualifications –
                                                                                                                                                                             Programme – study
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    classroom learning w.
                                                                                                                                                                             programme for 16-19
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    practical skills
                                                                                                                                                                             ear olds to prepare
                                                                                                                                                                             students for
                                                                                                                                                                             progression to T
                                                                                                  CITB onsite
                                                                                                                                                                             Levels. Expected to
                                                                                                  training hubs –                                                                                                  T Levels – 80%
                                                                                                                                                                             last up to 1 year.
                                                                                                  physical facilities                                                                                              provider setting theory
                                                                                                  which enables                                                                                                    with practical skills,
                                                                                                  potential entrants                                                                                               20% industry
                                                                                                                                     Traineeships – courses between 6 weeks and a year in
                                                                                                  to become site                                                                                                   placements (average
                                                                                                                                     duration for 16-24 yo (25 with EHCP), not in employment,
                                                                                                  and employment                                                                                                   of 350 hours
                                                                                                                                     and with no higher than L3 qualification. 70 hours minimum
                                                                                                  ready.                                                                                                           workplace
                                                                                                                                     work experience – intention to prepare young people for an
                                                                                                                                     apprenticeship or a job.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                    L3 Adult Offer – for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    adults without full
                                                                                                  ECITB pre-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    qualification at L3.
                                                                                                  programme – 2-
                                                                                                  week programme
                                                                                                  covering CCNSG                                                                                                    Advanced
                                                                                                  Safety Passport                                                                                                   apprenticeship –
                                                                                                  and basic skills                                                           Intermediate                           for school leavers
                                                                                                                                     internships – for
                                                                                                  areas.                                                                     apprenticeship –                       with some
                                                                                                                                     young people with                                                                                                   Higher apprenticeships – employment-based path to                            Degree apprenticeships apprenticeship – give learners a
                                                                                                                                                                             typically for younger                  academic
                                                                                                                                     learning difficulties or                                                                                            progression. 80% in the workplace, 20% off-the-job training.                 higher education degree while employed. Typically longer in
                                                                                                                                                                             school leavers in                      background.
                                                                                                                                     learning disabilities,                                                                                              Training delivered in universities, colleges, specialist                     duration than other apprenticeships but maintain the balance
                                                                                                                                                                             practical or vocational                Qualification
                                                                                                                                     who need extra                                                                                                      institutions. Can span to L6/7 if no degree qual. included.                  of 80% in the workplace, 20% off-the-job training.
                                                                                                                                                                             trades. 80% in the                     equivalent to 2 A
                                                                                                                                     support to get a job.
                                                                                                                                                                             workplace, 20% off-                    levels. 80% in the
                                                                                                                                     Minimum 6 months
                                                                                                                                                                             the-job training.                      workplace, 20% off-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    the-job training.

                                                                                                                                                                             ECITB scholarship – 2-years craft or technician training
                                                                                                                                                                             (potential 1 year jump-off point from craft stream).

                                                                                                                                       Construction bootcamps – up to 16-week courses to build sector-specific skills, supporting individuals to re-skill/up-skill,
                                                                                                                                       formalise existing skills.

                                                                                                  Kickstart – job placements for 16- to 24-year-olds on Universal Credit and at risk of long-term unemployment.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Higher technical skills, degree qualifications, professional titles – employees entering the labour market with L3 qualifications are eligible for
                                                                                          Entry level employment à skilled employment – L1-2 qualifications are typically used as introductory
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            jobs at technician level and have the option to train for higher or degree level apprenticeships, at their employer’s discretion. Degree level
                                                                                          routes into jobs in the construction sector; these qualifications make people eligible for the CSCS card.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            apprenticeships provide a route into the sector for HE graduates in specific subjects. Courses at L3+ also provide a route to professional titles.

Diagram developed in collaboration with HMG through the Construction Skills Delivery Group. Used with the permission and with thanks to DfE and BEIS.                                                                                                      CLC Industry Skills Plan for the UK Construction Sector 2021 – 2025                                                                        15
Opportunities and Challenges
                                       STEM Ambassadors                                                                           Go Construct

and Retaining
Diverse Talent
and Helping
People to Join                          For entrants – A single, focussed programme to build understanding of
                                        construction careers.
                                                                                                                                    For entrants – A single place for accurate and timely careers advice and guidance.

                                                                                                                                    For employers – Increasing awareness amongst new entrants. If we all
                                        For employers – Increasing awareness amongst new entrants and their                         collaborate and use it, it can become the place for construction careers
                                        influencers to attract the next generation to the sector as a career of                     information and signposting.
                                        choice. The more we join, the greater our reach to the next generation.
A lot of the key programmes are
in place. If we all get behind these   Fairness, Inclusion and Respect (FIR) Programme                                            Talent Retention Scheme
and do our part, we can make great
progress towards attracting and
retaining the skills and talent the
industry needs. Please support these
key construction initiatives as we
develop them further through this
Skills Plan.

                                        For entrants and workers – Helping to create an industry you want to join                   For workers – A place to find new opportunities or find support in your current role.
                                        and remain a part of.
                                                                                                                                    For employers – If we all support it, this can become the clear and easily
                                        For employers – This provides a common toolset for increasing understanding of              accessible place to find opportunities and promote talent. It provides a central
                                        the business benefits of Fairness, Inclusion and Respect, as well as how to embed           site for opportunities of redeployment for workers already in construction, as well
                                        effective working practices within organisations and their supply chains. If we all         as to upskill and reskill people from other sectors.
                                        support it, this in turn leads to an industry better equipped to attract and retain
                                        a diverse workforce at all levels.
                                                                                                                              CLC Industry Skills Plan for the UK Construction Sector 2021 – 2025                         16
The Skills Plan

                  CLC  IndustrySkills
                                                                                  2025   17
The Skills Plan

Addressing Our                               1. Improve access to
                                             opportunities for all and
                                                                             2. Boosting all routes
                                                                             into industry, including
                                                                                                               3. Competence: Shift
                                                                                                               to focus on competence
                                                                                                                                                 4. Skills for a
                                                                                                                                                 modernised industry:

Skills Needs
                                             attractiveness of careers       enhanced work experience          through the development           Up-skilling and re-skilling
                                                                             provision for those in            of sector-specific                in the skills that are
                                                                             full-time FE and HE               competency frameworks.            required to transform
                                                                                                               Ensuring both “point in           the industry. This will
                                                                                                               time”, ongoing continuous         incorporate focus on
                                                                                                               professional development          both new technologies
                                                                                                               (CPD) and revalidation            / methods, (e.g. off-
                                                                                                               of competence                     site), and the requisite
For the first year of this plan’s lifetime                                                                                                       behaviours, (e.g.
we want to focus on the four key                                                                                                                 creativity, sustainability,
                                                                                                                                                 and inclusion)
areas outlined here.
                                             Enables                         Enables                          Enables                           Enables
The following pages set out, for
each challenge, the details of key
                                             1.1 Support access for          2.1 Grow the number of            Develop higher technical         Skills to deliver net zero
actions that need to be achieved to          all industry to operate a       apprentices and enhance           qualifications to support        carbon targets through
meet them. Case studies have been            more inclusive culture to       the routes to and through         progression                      retrofit, new build and
included to demonstrate the work that        encourage new entrants at       apprenticeships,                                                   construction operations
                                             every stage of their career     including the role of the         Health and Safety:
is already underway and the progress         and retain skilled workers      Apprenticeships Levy (AL)         Improve and embed higher         Deliver skills to embed
that industry is already making.                                                                               standards of safety practices    emerging innovations
                                                                                                               within the industry              and digital technologies
                                             1.2 Make construction an                                                                           to improve efficiency,
                                                                             2.2 Improve the links
                                             attractive career sector                                          Modernise standards and          productivity, sustainability
                                                                             between FE and employers,
                                             of choice through better                                          qualifications to deliver the    and building safety
                                                                             and the pathways from FE
                                             development, delivery and                                         skills our industry needs in
                                                                             into apprenticeships and
                                             showcasing of the career                                          the future (e.g. digital
                                                                             employment. Support the
                                             development opportunities                                         and behavioural)
                                                                             T Levels route
                                             our varied industry offers

                                                                             2.3 Improve the links
                                             1.3 Strengthen support for
                                                                             between HE and employers,
                                             direct employment as an
                                                                             and the pathways from HE
                                             enabler of apprenticeships,
                                                                             into employment
                                             upskilling and attractiveness
                                             of careers

                                                                                                  CLC Industry Skills Plan for the UK Construction Sector 2021 – 2025          18
The Skills Plan

And Progress is
Already in Motion
– Improved careers information about how
  to join and progress through construction
  on the industry portal, Go Construct

– Started to align construction with the
  STEM Ambassador programme to broaden
  reach of influence in schools

– Updated apprenticeship standards
  to reflect the needs of employers

– Collaborated to influence the roll out
  of T Levels in Construction and Building
  Services Engineering

– Used key migration research to influence
  Government on post-Brexit migration
  rules to better meet the needs of the
  construction industry

– Published Future Skills research to spread
  understanding about what skills construction
  will need in the coming years

However, there is much more that now
needs to be done to build on this progress.

                                                 CLC  IndustrySkills
                                                                                                                 2025   19
The Skills Plan

Challenge 1.1:                                                               Path to Solving This Challenge                                                  Outcomes and Benefits

Access for All
                                                                             In order to make industry inclusive and attractive a number of steps            ─ Improved diversity enables both attraction and retention through
                                                                             are needed:                                                                       a more inclusive culture and a more attractive sector to work in
                                                                                                                                                             ─ Improved retention saves unnecessary recruitment costs. With the
                                                                             ─ Improve perceptions of potential new entrants and those                         average recruitment cost of £4,000* and a general average UK
                                                                               who influence them in their career choices, e.g. friends, parents,              cost of replacing an employee and the resulting loss of productivity
Support the whole industry to                                                  peers and teachers                                                              calculated at £30,000** we need to retain talent rather than letting
operate a more inclusive culture                                             ─ Provide clear information about the career opportunities
                                                                                                                                                               it flow out of construction
                                                                                                                                                             ─ Innovation: when people feel included they feel more comfortable
to encourage new entrants at                                                   in construction and how to access, participate and progress                     to share their ideas. Deloitte research identifies an 83% uplift in
                                                                                                                                                               innovation when people feel included and that their employer is
every stage of their career                                                  ─ Make the reality of working in construction inclusive                           committed to diversity.
and retain skilled workers                                                     and a sector of choice, to both attract and retain talent
                                                                                                                                                                * Talent Retention Scheme work CLC
                                                                                                                                                                ** ACAS, 2014
Before the pandemic, CITB forecast the need for an extra
40,000 workers per year in construction to address the
known pipeline of work up to 2025.                                           Actions and Owners

This need is partly generated by the rising age profile
of the construction workforce. In addition, reduced access                    Improve perceptions of potential new entrants and those
                                                                              who influence them                                                                           3. Commit to a common                Owner
to EU migrant labour from January 2021 is expected to further
                                                                                                                                                                           diversity measuring and              CLC
increase industry’s domestic recruitment requirement.                         1. Join STEM Ambassadors to provide          Owner                                           monitoring system and set
                                                                              practical input in schools, colleges         CLC                                             aspirational targets at all levels   Deadline
The impact of the pandemic and resulting recession has                        and workplaces about the reality of                                                          for recruitment, retention and       December 2022
                                                                              construction and how to join, as well as     Deadline                                        progression of under-represented
significantly reduced skills demand across industry. However,
                                                                              showcasing the variety of construction       Target: Access to 7,000 STEM                    groups that reflects the
there will still be a 210,000+ recruitment requirement between                roles. Ensure they are equipped with         Ambassadors (targets for number
2021–2025.                                                                                                                                                                 demographic of the UK
                                                                              inspiring messaging, new careers             of engagements to be set) by                    working population
                                                                              materials and activities to help bring       September 2021. Convert 1,700 into
Women, ethnic minorities and people with disabilities are still               construction careers to life​                supported, active Ambassadors by 2024
underrepresented in nearly all occupations in the Construction                                                                                                             4. Support wellbeing and             Owner
and Built Environment sector. There are challenges around                                                                                                                  mental health services               CLC to promote and
                                                                              Make the reality of working in construction inclusive and                                    through the creation and support     coordinate action
equality of pay and progression, diversity in leadership as well              a sector of choice, to both attract and retain talent                                        of industry services, such as the
as a lack of diverse role models for new entrants to aspire to.                                                                                                            Lighthouse Charity                   Deadline
This is at least in part due to the recruitment practices of the              2. Implement the Fairness, Inclusion         Owner                                                                                Engagement
industry, which repeat the process of direct recruitment from                 and Respect programme through                CLC, supported by CITB                                                               plan operating by
                                                                              the supply chain to help construction                                                                                             June 2021
known sources, compounding the issue. This, together with                     operate within a more inclusive culture      Deadline
a fragmented company-by-company approach to recruitment,                      to encourage new entrants and retain         Roll out FIR programme by June 2022.
makes it exceptionally difficult to reach a more diverse set                  skilled staff                                An additional 3,000 construction companies
of applicants.                                                                                                             to engage with the FIR programme, 1,500
                                                                                                                           active FIR Ambassadors and 5,000 new
                                                                                                                           learners by 2025

Key sources:
deloitte-au-hc-diversity-inclusion-soup-0513.pdf                                                                                                       CLC Industry Skills Plan for the UK Construction Sector 2021 – 2025            20
The Skills Plan

Case Study:
How Ardmore Recruits and
Retains a Diverse Workforce
Ardmore, a privately owned building contractor, believe      Ardmore believe that the business benefits too, as
that it is essential to recruit from the communities they    their inclusive and collaborative culture refreshes the
are working in, especially when that is in the middle of     knowledge and skills of their mentors and retains
a housing estate – giving back by employing the people       valuable talent.
most affected by their work.
                                                             For more information visit the Supply Chain
Eilish Kwai, Employment Skills Manager, visits colleges      Sustainability School website.
and careers fairs to talk to people about construction
and the opportunities for apprentices and graduates with
Ardmore Group. If people are interested, she tells them
“if you are serious, email me” and if they do, she finds
them a work experience placement. If they work hard
and have the right attitude she finds them a role and
supports them.

This approach has brought fresh new talent into Ardmore
and – as a result – its diversity profile is significantly        Ardmore believe that it is
more diverse than industry averages. Its profile is
younger, more female and more BAME.                               essential to recruit from
                                                                  the communities they are
These impressive diversity statistics are achieved by:
                                                                  working in – as a result
─   Accessible recruitment processes
─   Local recruitment
                                                                  – its diversity profile is
─   Outreach to colleges and job fairs                            significantly more diverse
─   Four-week work placements                                     than industry averages.
─   A culture of mentoring

                                     CLC Industry Skills Plan for the UK Construction Sector 2021 – 2025               21
The Skills Plan

Challenge 1.2:                                            Path to Solving This Challenge                                                Outcomes and Benefits

Attractiveness                                            We need to recognise the diverse routes into our industry and
                                                          the variety of career options available to people within our industry.
                                                          This means we need to:
                                                                                                                                        ─ Improved career visibility attracts talent

                                                                                                                                        ─ Improved careers opportunity retains talent

of Careers                                                ─ Provide clear information on the routes to join and to progress
                                                            (for example, see p.15)
                                                          ─ Provide mechanisms for people to use their skills in one area
                                                                                                                                        ─ Improved retention of talent saves unnecessary
                                                                                                                                          recruitment costs and productivity dips
                                                            to build upon and move through or across to other areas through
Make construction a sector                                  a modular approach
                                                          ─ Ensure that the vast array of opportunities are made clear to
of choice through better                                    potential new entrants but also to those in other sectors to attract
development, delivery and                                   talent of all ages

showcasing of the career
development opportunities                                 Actions and Owners
our varied industry offers
                                                           Provide clear information about the career opportunities in                   3. Clear information about             Owner
The breadth of career opportunities in our industry        construction and how to join and progress                                     career paths and how to                DfE/CLC
is massive and we need all of our roles filled from                                                                                      join and move through careers
                                                           1. Implement the national             Owner                                   in construction provided on            Deadline
groundworkers to architects to ground source engineers     Talent Retention Scheme               CLC                                     industry portal. To help new           Ongoing
to deliver the built environment.                          to retain talent within the                                                   entrants, career changers and
                                                           industry through shared               Deadline                                returners into jobs in the industry,
Latest data from ONS shows construction vacancies          vacancy approach                      The Construction TRS target             with the support to upskill or
at 29,000 1 and this is on top of an Annual Recruitment                                          to redeploy 6,900 workers               retrain if necessary
                                                                                                 over a five year period (1%
Requirement (ARR) of over 40,000 per year 2.
                                                                                                 redeployment rate). 2,500
                                                                                                 supported jobs in 2024/25               4. Supporting Kickstart and            Owner
There are opportunities for people to join our sector                                                                                    Skills Bootcamps to provide work       CITB/DfE
                                                                                                                                         placements for entrants to gain
as new entrants, to re-join or to join from other
                                                           2. Implement the Work Place           Owner                                   skills and opportunities to            Deadline
industries. We need to make the opportunities clear                                                                                      enter industry                         September 2021
                                                           Promise of ongoing career             ACE
and visible and provide the necessary bridges in           development and support through
some cases through work experience or placement            Consultancy and then into other       Deadline
                                                                                                                                         5. Agree a standard for work           Owner
opportunities to give people the opportunity to start      areas too                             ACE to develop and roll out
                                                                                                                                         experience for industry to             CITB
their career in construction.                                                                    by September 2021
                                                                                                                                         operate to. Increase the quantity
                                                                                                                                         and accessibility of high-quality      Deadline
                                                                                                                                         work experience placements             June 2021

    Reference: ONS January 2021
    Reference: CSN                                                                                                                 CLC Industry Skills Plan for the UK Construction Sector 2021 – 2025   22
The Skills Plan

Case Study:
Building a Strong Pool of
Talent for Construction
Recognising the critical importance of retaining a          Paul Thornton, Head of Talent Acquisition,
buoyant pool of talent across the construction industry,    Kier Group:
Kier Group was one of the first companies to join the
Construction Talent Retention Scheme (CTRS) shortly         Kier have been involved with advertising vacancies
after its launch in July 2020.                              since the inception of the Construction Talent Retention
                                                            Scheme and have found it to be a vital platform in
Supported by powerful technology, the CTRS enhances         attracting new talent. Availability of skills will be
the range of recruitment tools that Kier uses to fill a     increasingly important to the sector as we continue to
large number of vacancies every year. Since joining the     adapt to challenges including COVID-19 and Brexit over
scheme, Kier has advertised vacancies via the portal and    the coming months. Ensuring we keep talent within the
received almost 100 applications for roles as diverse as    industry will be critical to delivery, particularly in light of
quantity surveyors to site managers and planners.           the increased investment by UK Government through the
With the portal’s direct interface to Kier’s own            National Infrastructure Strategy and the CTRS should be
recruitment software, it is easy to both upload jobs        at the heart of our planning for the industry as a whole.
and to process applications.

The CTRS supports the whole construction industry and
plays an important role in attracting new talent into the         The Construction Talent
sector. In addition, as a collaborative platform that is
free for all businesses and candidates to use, it serves          Retention Scheme supports
to unite the construction sector in its collective aim to         the whole construction
recruit and retain the best talent.
                                                                  industry and plays an
                                                                  important role in attracting
                                                                  new talent into the sector.

                                     CLC Industry Skills Plan for the UK Construction Sector 2021 – 2025                23
The Skills Plan

Challenge 1.3:                                                                Path to Solving This Challenge                                             Outcomes and Benefits

Direct Employment                                                             There is no simple or quick solution given the wide range of
                                                                              factors influencing the entrenched industry structure. A long-term,
                                                                              multifaceted approach is required:
                                                                                                                                                             Increased proportion of directly employed construction workforce
                                                                                                                                                             Increased investment in apprenticeships
                                                                                                                                                             Improved safety, wellbeing, quality, productivity and innovation
                                                                              ─ Supportive Government regulation concerning procurement,                 ─   Improved perception of construction careers
Strengthen support for direct                                                   taxation and employment status
employment to improve                                                         ─ Widespread use of value procurement models
                                                                              ─ Raising industry awareness of the benefits of direct employment
opportunity, culture and                                                        and helping employers and individuals overcome challenges

skills investment
CLC’s Industry Recovery Plan recognises direct employment as
                                                                              Actions and Owners
‘an enabler of apprenticeships, digital upskilling and competence’.
                                                                               Use of value procurement models that                                       Supporting businesses to transform their
Self-employment has rapidly increased since 2008 and is over 35%               reward direct employment                                                   employment models
of the whole construction workforce, heavily concentrated on site.
Research correlates the decline in trade apprenticeships with the              1. Work with Government to          Owner                                  3. Liaise with Government’s               Owner
growth in labour-only subcontracting and agency work.                                                              CLC/Government                         employment status team to obtain          CLC
                                                                               amend procurement policies
                                                                               to incorporate a mandate for                                               greater visibility of future policy
Self-employed workers have more accidents and poorer occupational and                                              Deadline                               intention. Build industry awareness       Deadline
                                                                               direct employment, supporting                                                                                        April 2022 with commitment
mental health outcomes. Secure employment is vital to attracting diverse                                           April 2022                             and develop resources to support
                                                                               the implementation of the                                                                                            in place by December 2022
talent, creating an inclusive culture and supporting social mobility.          Construction Playbook                                                      businesses of all sizes

Direct employment delivers a highly-engaged, competent workforce,
                                                                                                                                                          4. Collate direct employment            Owner
increased productivity and higher value. It is reported to overcome skills     2. Change procurement               Owner
                                                                                                                                                          good practice including related         CLC
shortages, spiralling labour costs, poor productivity and quality, avoiding    practices to demand direct          CLC
                                                                                                                                                          procurement policies, contractual
low uptake of new work processes and technology. It is mandated on             employment within supply                                                                                           Deadline
                                                                                                                   Deadline                               requirements and monitoring
major infrastructure projects, reducing risks around delivery certainty,       chains through pre-qualification                                                                                   October 2021
                                                                                                                   December 2024                          and enforcement mechanisms
reputation and quality.                                                        questionnaires and tender
                                                                               criteria. Develop model wording
                                                                                                                                                          Raising industry awareness of the benefits
                                                                                                                                                          of direct employment

                                                                                                                                                          5. Engage widely with industry          Owner
                                                                                                                                                          to build an evidence base               CLC
                                                                                                                                                          focused on realising the benefits
                                                                                                                                                          of direct employment and                Deadline
                                                                                                                                                                                                  April 2022
                                                                                                                                                          overcoming challenges

                                                                                                                                                    CLC Industry Skills Plan for the UK Construction Sector 2021 – 2025          24
The Skills Plan

Case Study:
ECA Loan Labour Scheme

The suspension of almost all electrical work at Gatwick   Delron’s Technical Manager Ben Scofield was also very
Airport during lockdown presented a major challenge for   happy with Sandra’s electricians: ‘‘They all got on with
Leading Electrical Services Ltd., most of whose work is   the job straight away. Everything went in quickly and
Gatwick related.                                          well”. After some bad experiences with employment
                                                          agencies, he sees real advantages in using direct
Company director Sandra Rumbold-Koch feared for           employees on a loan arrangement: “The fact that their
the future, but then spotted an email from her trade      employer wants to keep hold of them – you know you
association, Electrical Contractors’ Association (ECA),   are getting decent guys.”
explaining that another member firm in the region was
looking for short-term ‘top-up’ workers under ECA’s       Further information about the ECA Loan Labour Scheme
long-established Loan Labour Scheme. ECA put her          can be found on the ECA website.
in touch with Delron Services Ltd. and the two firms
agreed to the loan of four electricians for a ten-day
period over the October half-term break – enabling
Delron to complete an accelerated installation contract
at a school in Croydon.

For Sandra, this and four other loan arrangements
organised through ECA have helped the firm
                                                               After some bad experiences
‘battle our way through’ – with work prospects                 with employment agencies,
now, at last, looking up.
                                                               Delron’s Technical Manager
                                                               sees real advantages in
                                                               using direct employees on
                                                               a loan arrangement

                                    CLC Industry Skills Plan for the UK Construction Sector 2021 – 2025              25
The Skills Plan

Challenge 2.1:                                            Path to Solving This Challenge                                                       Outcomes and Benefits

Routes into                                               ─ Promote accelerated routes into apprenticeships through FE

                                                          ─ Increase construction apprenticeship retention, attainment and completion
                                                                                                                                               ─ Recovery of apprenticeship starts in 2021

                                                                                                                                               ─ Increasing numbers of annual apprenticeship starts in future

Industry –                                                ─ Reform the Apprenticeship Levy (AL) to support the post-pandemic
                                                            recovery of construction apprenticeships as a critical pipeline to meet the
                                                                                                                                               ─ Reformed Apprenticeship Levy transfer system, enabling
                                                                                                                                                 construction employers to pool Levy funds to strategically

                                                            skills needs of industry                                                             address industry skills needs

                                                          Actions and Owners
Boosting all routes into
industry, including enhanced
                                                           Reform the Apprenticeship Levy                                                       Increase construction apprenticeship retention,
work experience provision                                                                                                                       attainment and completion
for those in full-time FE                                  1. Recommend that Government
                                                           extends the existing incentive
                                                           scheme to end of 2021                                                                4. Support provision of pre-        Owner
                                                                                                  Deadline                                      apprenticeship experiences to       CITB
Grow the number of apprentices and enhance the                                                                                                  develop a brokerage service, as
routes to and through construction apprenticeships.                                               September 2021
                                                                                                                                                well as best practice to support    Deadline
The sector employs 2.7m people (about 9% of the                                                                                                 construction SMEs to offer job      2021-2024
UK workforce) and has a number of challenges, one                                                                                               experience placements through
being that 32% of the workforce are over 50, only 10%      2. Support Government                  Owner                                         the Kickstart scheme’s
are under 25. We need to continue to deliver 25,000        proposals to create pledge             Government/CITB/AoC/BACH                      Gateway Providers
new apprenticeships every year, whilst also improving      function and matching service
                                                           for Apprenticeship Levy                Deadline
diversity in the sector.                                                                          August 2021 (to be implemented                5. Make all apprenticeship          Owner
                                                                                                  as part of Project Speed work)                opportunities available on          Industry
In order to continue to strengthen and support this                                                                                    (which
key route of entry, CLC will work on behalf of industry                                                                                         will be supported by the TRS)       Deadline
to create a sustained partnership between the DfE          Promote accelerated routes                                                                                               May 2021
and the construction sector to set annual and multi-
year targets for increasing apprenticeship numbers,        3. Develop an accelerated route        Owner
                                                           from FE into construction              Government/CITB/AoC/BACH
increasing the number of higher level apprenticeships,
                                                           apprenticeships through
to overcome barriers to take-up and to increase quality    recognition of prior learning          Deadline
and completion rates. By continued work together we                                               August 2021
can build the future skills base.

Key sources:
1. CLC Apprenticeships sprint group asks paper (2020)

                                                                                                                                          CLC Industry Skills Plan for the UK Construction Sector 2021 – 2025   26
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