Innovation & Invention Yearbook - 2021 Building IP value in the 21st century - Life sciences patentability issues in Europe - Weickmann & ...

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Innovation & Invention Yearbook - 2021 Building IP value in the 21st century - Life sciences patentability issues in Europe - Weickmann & ...
Life sciences patentability issues in Europe

                          Christian Heubeck and Wolfgang Weiss
         Weickmann & Weickmann Patent und Rechtsanwälte PartmbB

        & Invention
Building IP value in the 21st century
Innovation & Invention Yearbook - 2021 Building IP value in the 21st century - Life sciences patentability issues in Europe - Weickmann & ...
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Innovation & Invention Yearbook - 2021 Building IP value in the 21st century - Life sciences patentability issues in Europe - Weickmann & ...
Weickmann & Weickmann Patent und Rechtsanwälte PartmbB | Europe

Life sciences patentability
issues in Europe

By Christian Heubeck and Wolfgang Weiss, Weickmann & Weickmann Patent und Rechtsanwälte PartmbB

Potential conflict: patent protection and                  a known medical device cannot be patented via the
public interest                                            European patent system.
In the fields of molecular biology, pharmaceutics,            During the coronavirus pandemic, serious
diagnostics and medical technology, great efforts          concerns have arisen among the public regarding
have been made in research and development                 whether the existing patent system is adequate
for strategies to fight covid-19. Many of                  to meet the needs of providing protection
these efforts are focused on new diagnostic                against covid-19 for the whole population at
methods, medicaments and vaccines, as well as              reasonable costs. There are particular concerns that
medical devices.                                           medicaments or vaccines against the coronavirus
   New inventions in these fields may, of course,          might be monopolised by patent owners and
be protected by patents, thereby providing a               limited to those who can afford to pay a very
monopoly for the originators and prohibiting               high price.
competitors from entering the market. Under the               While these concerns might not be completely
European patent system, most of these innovations          unfounded, we believe that they will play no major
are subject to patent protection. This applies             role, at least in the near future. First, the EU
for novel chemical or biological compounds,                patent system provides the legal option of suing
including polypeptides such as antibodies or viral         patent owners to grant a compulsory licence under
antigens and nucleic acid molecules, irrespective          a patent to third parties if they cannot meet an
of whether these agents might be found in nature.          urgent need for supplying the protected products,
In addition, patent protection may be obtained             applications or methods to the public. Second,
for novel therapeutic applications of known                in recent months, many countries have passed
compounds and compositions. According to EPO               emergency legislation allowing governments
case law, any novel pharmaceutical use must be             direct access to patented technologies in case of
made plausible in the patent application (eg, by           public need. Third, in the age of social media,
experimental data). In case such experimental data         patent owners are very careful to avoid giving the
is unavailable, plausibility might be established by       impression that, for financial interests, they will
including a detailed study protocol of the claimed         block the public’s access to greatly needed patented
medical use.                                               technologies. The present European patent system
   In the diagnostic field, in vitro methods may           should be well equipped to handle the coronavirus
be patented. For in vivo diagnostic methods, a             crisis without the need of major revisions.
different claim format directed at the diagnostic
agent for an in vivo diagnostic method must be             IP protection of AI-based inventions
selected.                                                  As in most industries, AI is set to play
   In the field of medical devices, however, there         an increasing role in the life sciences and
is a protection gap in the European patent system.         pharmaceutical industries. Presently, following
While a medical device may be patented as such             transport and telecoms, life sciences and
(ie, as a product), a novel use or method involving

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Europe | Weickmann & Weickmann Patent und Rechtsanwälte PartmbB

         “The basic principles for patenting AI-based methods
       themselves are still in a discovery phase, but the EPO has
       provided guidelines for applications directed at AI-based
              methods in its Guidelines for Examination ”

pharmaceutical patent applications represent the           According to Articles 52(2) and (3) of the
third largest group of AI-based patent applications.    European Patent Convention (EPC), no
   In general, the pharmaceutical industry uses         European patent will be granted for mathematical
AI in research and development for analysing big        methods, mental acts, computer programs or
data. Such AI-derived solutions are becoming            presentation of information, among other things,
increasingly important when it comes to                 as they are not regarded as inventions. However,
significantly reducing time and costs. AI can process   if a claim is directed either at a method involving
vast amounts of data, detecting and interpreting        the use of technical means (eg, a computer,
patterns that were previously impossible to identify    processor or storage media) or at a device, its
or even imagine. There is a wide variety of possible    subject matter has a technical character as a whole
uses. For example, AI may be used for drug-             and is therefore not excluded from patentability.
target identification and validation, phenotypic        Technical character of a feature results either
drug discovery, identification of biomarkers,           from the physical features of an entity or (for a
polypharmacology discovery and drug repurposing,        method) from the use of technical means. General
among others. Such AI-based approaches are              terms such as ‘support vector machine’ or ‘neural
also closely interrelated to another promising and      network’ may, depending on the context, merely
highly relevant field of pharmacologic research –       refer to abstract models or algorithms devoid of
personalised medicines. Do AI-based methods for         technical character and do not, on their own,
analysing patents, patent applications, publications    necessarily imply the use of a technical means (G-
and research literature provide for a strong,           II, 3.3.1).
promising application?                                     Merely specifying the technical nature of the
   Of course, the results of AI-based methods           data or parameters of the mathematical method
can often, in themselves, be the subject of patent      may not be sufficient to define an invention in the
applications, such as newly identified drugs and        sense of Article 52(1) of the EPC, as the resulting
biomarkers. The basic principles for patenting AI-      method may still fall under the excluded category
based methods themselves are still in a discovery       of methods for performing mental acts as such
phase, but the EPO has provided guidelines for          (Articles 52(2)(c) and (3); see G-II, 3.5.1).
applications directed at AI-based methods in its           It is legitimate to have a mix of technical and
Guidelines for Examination.                             non-technical features appearing in a claim, in
                                                        which the non-technical features may even form
General principles                                      the predominant part of the claimed subject matter
According to the EPO Guidelines for                     (T 154/04; T 1784/06). Novelty and inventive
Examination, AI is based on computational               step, however, can only be based on technical
models and algorithms for classification, clustering,   features, which must be clearly defined in the
regression and dimensionality reduction, such           claim. Non-technical features, to the extent that
as neural networks, genetic algorithms, support         they do not interact with the technical subject
vector machines, k-means, kernel regression             matter of the claim for solving a technical problem
and discriminant analysis. Such computational           (ie, non-technical features ‘as such’), do not
models and algorithms are per se of an abstract         provide a technical contribution to the prior art
mathematical nature, irrespective of whether they       and are therefore ignored in assessing novelty
can be ‘trained’ based on training data (Guidelines     and inventive step (T 154/04). If non-technical
G-II, 3.3.1). The general guidance provided for         features belong to the general framework in
mathematical methods (G-II, 3.3) also applies to        which the invention evolves, they may be used
AI-based methods.                                       in formulating the relevant technical problem

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Weickmann & Weickmann Patent und Rechtsanwälte PartmbB | Europe

  Christian Heubeck                                         Wolfgang Weiss
  Partner                                                   Partner                           

  Christian Heubeck joined Weickmann & Weickmann            Wolfgang Weiss has been a partner at the patent
  in 2004 and became partner in 2011. He graduated in       law firm Weickmann & Weickmann in Munich since
  biochemistry from the Julius Maximilian University        1994. He studied chemistry at Ludwig Maximilian
  Wuerzburg. Dr Heubeck has extensive experience in         University, Munich and graduated in molecular
  preparation and advice on IP strategies and patent        biology. Dr Weiss’s areas of particular experience
  portfolios, particularly the preparation of patent        include patent grant and opposition proceedings
  applications and patent grant proceedings, as well        before the EPO, as well as patent invalidation and
  as defending property rights and attacking third          infringement proceedings before national German
  parties’ rights at the EPO. He focuses on chemistry       courts in the fields of chemistry, pharmacy and
  and the life sciences fields.                             life sciences. His practice also includes providing
                                                            freedom-to-operate opinions.

(T 641/00; T 77/14) for assessing inventive step          application to a field of technology and by being
using the problem-solution approach. Therefore,           adapted to a specific technical implementation
in claims comprising technical and non-technical          (T 2330/13)). When assessing the contribution
features it must be evaluated for each feature, in        made by an AI-based method to the technical
the context of the invention, if it contributes to        character of an invention, it must be taken into
the technical character of the invention, since this      account whether the method, in the context of the
is relevant for assessing inventive step and novelty      invention, serves a technical purpose (T 1227/05,
(G-II, 2).                                                T 1358/09). According to the guidelines, examples
   Once it is established that the claimed                of technical purposes which may be served by
subject matter as a whole is not excluded from            an AI-based method in the life sciences field
patentability under Articles 52(2) and (3) of the         are “providing a genotype estimate based on an
EPC (ie, it comprises technical features and is           analysis of DNA samples, as well as providing
therefore an invention in the sense of Article            a confidence interval for this estimate so as to
52(1)), it is examined in respect of the other            quantify its reliability” or “providing a medical
requirements of patentability, in particular, novelty     diagnosis by an automated system processing
and inventive step (G‑I, 1). For the assessment of        physiological measurements”.
inventive step, all features which contribute to the         Generic purposes such as ‘controlling a technical
technical character of the invention must be taken        system’ will not be accepted. The mere fact that an
into account (G‑VII, 5.4).                                AI-based method may serve a technical purpose
   Like mathematical methods, AI-based methods            is not sufficient either. The technical purpose
may contribute to the technical character of an           must be specific. The claim is to be functionally
invention (ie, contribute to producing a technical        limited to the technical purpose, either explicitly
effect that serves a technical purpose, by its            or implicitly.

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   Further, like a mathematical method, an AI-          ‘person skilled in the art’ in the fast-developing
based method may also contribute to the technical       AI field and, therefore, its consequences for the
character of the invention independently of any         assessment of inventive step, is currently under
technical application when the claim is directed        discussion and has not yet been finally clarified.
to a specific technical implementation of the              Regarding AI-based property rights, in addition
AI-based method, and the AI-based method                to the patenting requirements of novelty and
is particularly adapted for that implementation         inventive step, a number of other questions
in that its design is motivated by technical            have arisen that have not yet been clarified. For
considerations of the internal functioning of           example, with regard to sufficiency of disclosure or
the computer (T 1358/09). If the AI-based               enablement it has not been decided whether, and
method does not serve a technical purpose and           if, how detailed the source code of an AI-based
the claimed technical implementation does not           method must be disclosed in the corresponding
go beyond a generic technical implementation,           application to meet the requirements of Article 83
the AI-based method does not contribute to the          of the EPC (ie, disclose the invention in a manner
technical character of the invention. In such a case,   sufficiently clear and complete for it to be carried
it is not sufficient that the AI-based method is        out by a person skilled in the art).
algorithmically more efficient than prior art AI-
based methods to establish a technical effect (see      AI as inventor
also G‑II, 3.6). However, if it is established that     It was recently decided in EPO proceedings that
the AI-based method produces a technical effect         an AI system cannot be an inventor. In January
when it is applied to a field of technology and/or      2020, the EPO published its decisions setting out
adapted to a specific technical implementation, the     the reasons for its refusal of the two European
computational efficiency of the steps affecting that    patent applications EP 18 275 163 and EP 18
established technical effect should be considered       275 174, in which an AI system was designated
when assessing inventive step.                          as the inventor (see
   AI-based inventions and methods can be               news/2020/20200128.html).
considered almost as a subgroup of computer-               In both applications a machine called DABUS,
implemented inventions. This leads to the               which is described as “a type of connectionist
following considerations when drafting                  artificial intelligence”, is named as the inventor.
patent applications:                                    The applicant stated that he had acquired the right
• Claims should be formulated in a similar way          to the European patent from the inventor by being
   as for a computer-implemented invention (in          its successor in title, arguing that as the machine’s
   this regard, the guidelines contain a number of      owner, he was assigned any IP rights created by
   detailed examples under F-IV, 3.9).                  this machine.
• Claims should be functionally limited to specific        The EPO considered that the interpretation
   technical purposes.                                  of the legal framework of the European patent
• There should be sufficient disclosure in the          system leads to the conclusion that the inventor
   description as originally filed describing           designated in a European patent must be a
   technical purposes, technical effects and            natural person. The EPO further noted that
   technical advantages for the claimed features.       the understanding of the term ‘inventor’ as
                                                        referring to a natural person appears to be an
  In this context, it is highly recommended that        internationally applicable standard and that
the description is drawn up with as much detail as      various national courts have issued decisions
possible, since, for example, the definition of the     to this effect. Moreover, the designation of an

           “The EPO noted that the understanding of the term
        ‘inventor’ as referring to a natural person appears to be
        an internationally applicable standard and that various
           national courts have issued decisions to this effect”

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inventor is mandatory, as it bears a series of            also be considered. Directive 2016/943 of
legal consequences, notably to ensure that the            the European Parliament harmonised the
designated inventor is the legitimate one and             protection of undisclosed know-how and business
that he or she can benefit from rights linked to          information (trade secrets) against their unlawful
this status. To exercise these rights, the inventor       acquisition, use and disclosure across the
must have a legal personality that AI systems or          European Union.
machines do not enjoy.
  Both decisions are under appeal.

As the above case illustrates, there is still very
little case law from the EPO Boards of Appeal
regarding the patentability requirements for AI-
based inventions. It will probably take several years
before an established case law is developed.               Weickmann & Weickmann Patent und
   In the meantime, however, there are a number            Rechtsanwälte PartmbB
of other protection options for AI-based                   Richard Strauss Strasse 80
inventions besides patent applications, which              Munich 81679
applicants can consider when building an IP                Germany
portfolio. Apart from copyright protection of,             Tel   +49 89 455 630
for example, source code or database structures            Fax +49 89 455 639 99
written by programmers, trade secrets should               Web

IAM Innovation & Invention Yearbook 2021                                                                 65
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