INSIDE THIS ISSUE... A History of East - School Webmasters

INSIDE THIS ISSUE... A History of East - School Webmasters
A History of East                                    Sports Special:                                         Bird Decline:
Page 2                                               Page 3                                                  Page 6

Vol. XLXI No. 1

     Eagle Spirit!
                                                                                    East Catholic High Observer
                                                              The night of October 25 was the annual
                                                         homecoming game, in which East’s football
                                                         team took on Louis Mills High School with the
                                                         support of the pep band, cheerleaders, and many
By Maeve Horan-Portelance
                                                         East students, parents, and faculty. The game
         East Catholic’s annual walkathon, pep rally,
                                                         also featured a special halftime kickoff, won by
and homecoming game and dance took place this
                                                         junior Joey Maulucci. Although East lost, the
past week, October 21-26. It was a hugely success-
                                                         game succeeded in bringing our community to-
ful week of fundraising, fueled by generosity and
                                                         gether in a supportive, entertaining way.
spirit from the school community.
                                                              Finally, the East Catholic annual homecom-
         The walkathon was
                                                         ing dance took place on Saturday, October 26, at
kicked off in mid-October,
                                                         Rentschler Field in East Hartford. Students got
when students could receive
                                                         the chance to dress up and dance, with music
a dress-down day in return
                                                         provided by D.J. Ben Ockert, an ECHS alumni.
for addressing provided
                                                              The annual fall spirit week, a traditional
mailers to people they
                                                         highlight of the school year, was a great success
knew, requesting donations
                                                         for the East Catholic community— the activities
for the East Catholic com-
                                                         generated funding for the school, and much fun,
munity. The collection dates
                                                         enthusiasm, and camaraderie among the student
for the walkathon then be-
gan, on which students
could receive a dress-down day as a reward for do-
nating five dollars or more to support East Catholic.
By the time spirit week began, East had already
raised a remarkable amount, and by the October 25,
we had surpassed our fundraising goal of $50,000
with a total of over $52,000 raised.
         Money was not the only thing raised during
the walkathon, however. School spirit sounded
throughout the hallways and classrooms, and culmi-
nated in the annual pep rally held on Friday, Octo-
ber 25. Each of the five days gave students the
chance to dress up or down, using their imagina-
tions and having fun to match the themes, which
included sports day, throwback day, character day,
comfy day, and class-color day. On Friday, each
class competed in various events, such as tug-of-
war and pumpkin carving, and walked the course of
                         the walkathon, as they do
                         every year. At the pep rally,
                         dozens of generous prizes
                         were raffled off, including
                         an Apple watch and a 2008
                         Mazda 3. The pep rally also
                         featured performances by
                         East’s pep band, cheerlead-
                         ers, and girls’ soccer team.                     Luke Strole, Class of 2021, Winner of
                                                                                   the 2008 Mazada 3
INSIDE THIS ISSUE... A History of East - School Webmasters
2                                                                                                                              East Updates

Welcoming New                                                                                                      Mock Trail
                                                         and through this article, I hope to share the
                                                         knowledge with you. East Catholic High School
                                                         was founded in 1961 by the Sisters of Notre

    Faces                                                Dame de Namur at the direction of Archbishop
                                                         Henry O’Brien. Seeking to promote Catholic
                                                         teaching and further education within the Hart-
                                                                                                              By Farah Suede
                                                                                                                   With the start of the new year comes the
                                                                                                              start of another mock trial season. East
By Jack Green                                            ford Diocese, he arranged for three Catholic         Catholic’s mock trial club is gearing up for the
                                                         schools to open their doors that year.               Hartford competition in December.
                         Mrs. Bouvier is one of two
                                                              At the time of its establishment, East Catho-        For each school there are two teams com-
                         new teachers we have here
                                                         lic was staffed by just six Sisters of Notre Dame    peting, the defense and the plaintiff, each with
                         at East this year. She teach-
                         es English classes for fresh-   de Namur and four lay teachers; under the lead-      three attorneys and three witness roles. On the
                         men, sophomores, and sen-       ership of Father Charles Shaw as principal and       defense as attorneys for East are Christine
                         iors. Before coming to          Sister Agnes Claire as vice principal, the school    Duah, Katrina Erwin, and Farah Suede, ac-
                         East, she previously taught     quickly grew. The Sisters of Notre Dame de Na-       companied by Aiden Toomey, Johanna Datta,
                         at a private school in Stam-    mur, known for their service in the education        and Benedicta Agbonor as witnesses. On the
                         ford, as well as several        sector with schools all over the world, were a       plaintiff side as attorneys are Matthew Levin,
                         public schools. She studied     logical choice for East Catholic. Founded in         Maddie Fischer, and Maddy Bolduc, accompa-
                         at Southern Connecticut         France by Saint Julie Billiart during the Reign      nied by Valentin Sandoval, Lily Moseni, and
                         State University and is cur-    of Terror, the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur        Cora Zorger as witnesses. Each team will pre-
                         rently pursuing a Master’s      have always placed strong emphasis on the im-        pare an opening, an introduction of their case
degree in Educational Technology at Fairfield Uni-       portance of education. Saint Julie, with the help    for the court; direct questions for witnesses
versity. Even with such a busy schedule, Mrs. Bou-       of her patron, Françoise Blin de Bourdon, had        they call to the stand; cross examination ques-
vier still manages to find time for a few hobbies,       set about educating young French girls in the        tions for the opposing team’s witnesses; and a
including reading, jigsaw puzzles, and baking.
                                                         late-18th and early-19th centuries. Their influ-     closing, or a summary of their case for the
When asked what her general goal for her students
                                                         ence continues to this day in the form of dozens     court.
is, she replied, “I want to see every individual stu-
                                                         of schools across the globe founded by their or-          Currently East’s defense and plaintiff team
dent improve at their own pace, and help them
                                                         der.                                                 are working on their direct questions for the
overcome their weaknesses.”
                                                              Since its origin in 1961, East Catholic has     witnesses they plan to call. Speaking about the
Mr. Link is also a new                                   continued to benefit greatly from staffing from      club members, Mr. Healey, the mock trial
teacher here at East. This is                            the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, as valued        proctor, said, “We are the Law and the Order,”
his fifteenth year teaching                              educators and mentors. Sister Peggy Evans, for       in reference to how dedicated the members
history. His favorite histor-                            example, served as a teacher and guidance            are. The students meet weekly to work on
ical period to teach is the                              counselor at East Catholic for more than 50          their cases in the months leading up to the
American Civil War be-                                   years, supporting the school as it grew over the     competition. In December, they will go to a
cause of the fascinating                                 decades. Inspired to join the Sisters at age 16 by   Hartford courthouse, where East’s defense
personal stories that came                               their work at Saint Rose School, Sister Peggy        will go against another school’s plaintiff team
out of it. After earning a                               arrived at East Catholic in 1968. She began her      and East’s plaintiff team versus another
music degree from Central                                teaching career in the English and Religion de-      school’s defense.
Connecticut State Univer-                                partments before moving to the Spanish depart-            This competition is meant to emulate the
sity, he taught choir for eighteen years and plans to    ment, and finally her final position in the Guid-    typical proceedings in a courtroom, so that
incorporate some of his knowledge of history into
                                                         ance office. At one time, 29 sisters worked at       any students interested in pursuing a career in
his music classes by putting particular pieces in
                                                         East Catholic, living in the adjacent convent.       law may get a glimpse into how the legal sys-
context so that his students understand them better.
                                                         Although the sisters no longer live in the An-       tem operates. As Matthew Levin said, “Mock
His goal is to bring the music department into the
                                                         nex, their legacy lives on in the thriving and       trial is a great way to discover and further
public spotlight, and he’s succeeding: East’s choir
just performed at a Hartford Wolf Pack game and is       capable school they helped create and nurtured,      your interest in law.” In fact, East has had a
set to perform at the Foxwoods Resort in Decem-          endowing it with their Catholic values and his-      mock trial team for more than 15 years. Team
ber. Mr. Link loves East Catholic and everything it      tory.                                                members and Mr. Healey hope for success in
has to offer, but when he’s not working, his favorite                                                         the first round of competition and advance-
hobbies are hiking and relaxing on the beach. He                                                              ment this year. Any students who are interest-
plans to represent East Catholic as the guest choral                                                          ed in the legal profession are encouraged to
conductor at the upcoming All State Catholic Mid-                                                             come and sit in on the meetings to see if they
dle School Music Festival.                                                                                    would like to join next year.

                                                                                                                 Kindness Corner
  Notre Dame de                                                                                               By Allie Goodin

   Namur: The                                                                                                 We live in a world where kindness is some-
                                                                                                              times too hard to find. However, there are al-

   Founding of                                                                                                ways those who go out of their way to bring
                                                                                                              light into the world. One example is junior

                                                                                                              Elizabeth Adams, who has been very helpful to
                                                                                                              fellow junior, Elyse Fritsch, who is currently
                                                                                                              recovering from a concussion. Over the past
By Evan O’Neill
                                                                                                              few weeks, Elizabeth has helped Elyse by lend-
    Through an insightful conversation with Sister
                                                                                                              ing her class notes, helping her manage home-
Peggy Evans, the history of our beloved East Cath-                                                            work, and supporting her through her recovery.
olic High School has been enlightened upon me,                                                                Thank you to Elizabeth for this act of kindness!
INSIDE THIS ISSUE... A History of East - School Webmasters
Sports                                                                                                                                                        3

  Cross Country
                                                          has a level of drive and dedication I have never     When asked what he is most proud of, he stat-
                                                          seen before. Therefore, this sports team will be     ed it was how hard the team competes in
                                                          just as successful because of its underclassmen      games. He is also pleased with the improve-
By Caeden Bailey                                          for many years to come. Tahlia Crowley, Jenna        ments of the team, especially senior goalie
                                                          Swist, and all three of the divers have heavily      Julia Cannamela. The team has had some ups
The East Catholic Cross Country team has had a            contributed to our scores. Our last two meets are    and downs, as well as some injuries, but they
strong season thus far. East, led by coaches Kathy        next week, and many of our swimmers and divers       put in 100 percent at every game and every
Reilly and Bill Baron, went three and three in con-       have already qualified for states. The future is     practice. Good luck ladies!
ference meets, with strong performances in the            bright for East Catholic swim and dive.
Windham and Wickham Invitationals. Highlights of
the season came with first place victories in the Go-
ing to the Sun and Harry Geraghty Invitationals, all
exhibiting the teams determination and drive to suc-
ceed. Senior captains Kane Woods, Andrew Ferru-
                                                            Girls Soccer
olo, Fiona Crowley and Caeden Bailey have helped
lead the team through a strong season as they now
prepare for the upcoming Class SS State Champi-
                                                          Team Welcomes
                                                            New Coach
         Girls Field
          Hockey                                                                                                        Football
                                                                                                                By Alex Mortimer
By Lindsay Skinner
                                                                                                                East Catholic Football team is known for its
As we wrap up the field hockey season, the team                                                                 pride. With Captains Jack Barry, Jacob Mil-
and coaches reflect on the past few months of                                                                   ler, Mick O’ Connor, and Ryan Heslin, they
games and practices, this season has been marked                                                                do a stupendous job of keeping the teams
by the growth and development in both team skill          By Morgan Frye, co-interviewer Allie J                moral high and never fail to lead us through
and unity. Our record is 0 wins, 2 tied games, and 8                                                            the good and bad on and off the field. With a
losses, yet this unfortunate ratio does not reflect the           This fall season, the varsity girls soccer    tragic record of 0-6, it's not quite known
amount of work and effort put in at practices and in      team has a new coach, Scott Raiola. Coach             whether or not we will be heading to the
individual time. We gained many new players this          Raiola comes to East from Ellington, where he         playoffs. Regardless, our team will continue
year from all different grades, especially in the         was an assistant varsity coach at Ellington High      to take pride in striving and fighting for suc-
freshman class. Underclassman Meghan Croyle has           School and head coach at Ellington Middle             cess!
demonstrated many of the same attributes that were        School. In search of a varsity position with a
recognized last year for All Conference awards, and       high school team in the area, Raiola signed on
she proved herself throughout every game this year.
Other players that have demonstrated great skills
and leadership are captains: Katie Batman, Ava
                                                          with East when Coach Palmer, girls varsity
                                                          coach for many years, retired.
                                                                  Raiola stated that he is very happy about
Eklund, Lindsay Skinner, and Lauren Viveiros. Un-         his new job and feels lucky to have it, especially    By Annabelle Stabach
der new leadership from coach Danielle Bazzano,           since the East Catholic community is very sup-
with a strong underclassman population, the team                                                                East Catholic girls volleyball has been ex-
                                                          portive. He pours his heart and hard work into        tremely successful this season. They are the
looks onwards and upwards with ambitious goals            making the varsity team stronger in practices,
for the years ahead.                                                                                            only team to have qualified for the state tour-
                                                          and also understands and supports the players’        nament for East Catholic’s fall season sports.

        Girls Swim
                                                          dedication to academic success. Starting practic-     After October 28, the team broke the school
                                                          es at 3:30 allows students time to seek extra help    record for most girls’ volleyball wins with 16
                                                          if needed, to do homework, and to attend any          wins and only 4 loses. The team is coached

                                                          other extracurricular activities. Team members        by Judy Landry with seniors Elizabeth Long
                                                          are involved in much more than their academic         and Cami Pasqualoni as team captains. The
                                                          pursuits and soccer: They participate in student      team also consists of seniors Jess Feeney,
                                                          government, National Honor Society, robotics,         Raina Mendoza, Sophia Gilberto, Celine
By Madison McHenry
                                                          Student Ambassadors, and school newspaper.            Pham, Raina Baah, Emily Jeamel, Erina
Being a part of the East Catholic Swimming and            The time cushion after school also allows Coach       Aguilar, Ella Parizeau, Juniors, Lauren
Diving Team has been nothing short of an amazing          Raiola to get to East Catholic from his job in El-    Trymbulak, Taylor Lane, Ellie Desantos, and
experience. For three years I have had the oppor-         lington, where he’s one of the middle school          sophomores Alexandra Long and Annabelle
tunity of watching the team experience every victo-       guidance counselors.                                  Stabach. This year's team is looking to go
ry, defeat, injury, and graduation. However, this                 The team’s record currently stands at 2       very far into states and hopefully reach a state
year is different because it is finally my time to        -7-3, and Coach Raiola is very proud of the           title.
graduate along with the five other seniors. We must       team and all of the members’ accomplish-
now learn to move on from a team that has truly           ments. He believes that as long as they work
become our family. The three captains for the 2019        together as a team, they can make it to States.
school season are Emma Daly, Faith O’Brien, and-
Karma Woodcock. The two other seniors joining
me in my final season are Amy Michaud and Gian-
na Cormier. All of us bring very different attributes
to the table that have made this season highly suc-
cessful especially with two new coaches. The rec-
ord for our season is 6-4. Although this team will
be losing a good portion of its leading swimmers
and role models, the incoming class of freshman
INSIDE THIS ISSUE... A History of East - School Webmasters
4                                                                                                                              Extra Curricular
    The Robotics                                                                                                   Hero of the
    Team’s Fun                                                                                                    Empire: Book
     Bash At the                                        the overworked Tim Allgood, who, when he isn’t
                                                        buying flowers for one of Lloyd’s girlfriends, is

       Beach!                                           either fixing things or going on stage in place of      By Katie Green
                                                        others. Junior Jaeden Morningstar played Garry                 When people think of Winston Churchill,
                                                        Lejeune, a ladies’ man in Nothing On; outside the       the image that usually comes to mind is an elder-
                                                        play, he isn’t doing too well in the girlfriend cate-   ly, cigar-smoking, exhausted man who was prime
                                                        gory. Lejeune’s girlfriend is Brooke Ashton,            minister of Britain during World War II. It is dif-
                                                        played by junior Claire Murphy. The character is        ficult to imagine him any other way, but he was
                                                        always losing her contact lenses, and, it seems,        shaped by the experiences of his youth. He went
                                                        her clothing-- “...and her dress just fell off,” says   on to change history as a great world leader,
                                                        Fredrick (Freddie) Fellows of Brooke. Freddie,          drawing on the experiences and lessons he
                                                        who gets nosebleeds whenever something bad              learned as a young man to successfully negotiate
                                                        happens, was played by freshman Brandon                 his country through a world war, but the experi-
             Photo provided by Maya Gopal               Macaluso. Dotty Otley, the Noises Off character         ences that made him who he was do not get near-
                                                        who plays the maid who is always confused about         ly as much attention as their culmination, his days
                                                        the whole sardines fiasco in Nothing On, was            as prime minister. Hero of the Empire, by Can-
By Alison E. Jarmoszko                                                                                          dice Millard, gives the reader an entirely new
        The robotics team, Aetos Dios, kicks off the    played by sophomore Gillian Millin. Another
                                                        sophomore, Rachel Donnelly, played Poppy, one           scope at which to look at one of the greatest fig-
beginning of the year with ranking tenth out of                                                                 ures of the twentieth century, detailing Church-
twenty one teams at their competition, Bash at The      of the stage crew personnel and one of Lloyd’s
                                                        girlfriends. That’s right! Lloyd is the object of a     ill’s exploits in the South African Boer War, his
Beach, on October 19th. This competition was lo-                                                                impossible escape from a POW camp in Pretoria,
cated at Old-Lyme Lyme High School and was a            love triangle with Brooke and Poppy! Selsdon
                                                        Mowbray, portrayed by MJ Kirsche, is the robber         and his clandestine, perilous train trip across the
beach theme. For the theme the teams showed up                                                                  region into neutral Portuguese East Africa. The
wearing Hawaiian shirts and flower necklaces. In        who misses cues and is always looking for the
                                                        whiskey. Amidst all this chaos there has to be one      fame and popularity he gained from the war
the crowd there are beach balls being thrown                                                                    fueled the first successes of his political career,
around to add to the fun.                               character who doesn’t have any problems, besides
                                                        maybe the stress of dealing with everyone else’s        enabling him to become the man who would lead
        At Bash at The Beach, Aetos Dios had                                                                    a country through one of the most horrific con-
many new students who were able to try driving          problems. This character, Belinda Blair, is Fred-
                                                        die’s wife, and was played by junior Piper              flicts in history.
their robot, Se7en. These students did an amazing                                                                      The book, written like an action novel, gives
job driving Se7en. With the exception of their first    O’Leary.
                                                                                                                the reader an insight into Churchill’s attitudes and
match, where students were challenged with a dis-                                                               mentality as a man in his twenties. He had intense
connected cable, they consistently scored enough                                                                political ambitions from the get-go, believing
points to move up to the semi-final. Unfortunately,                                                             through all of his ordeals that he had a higher pur-
Se7en was eventually knocked out of the competi-                                                                pose in the world, that he was born to be a leader.
tion.                                                                                                           He carried this belief with him as he put his life in
                                                                                                                danger for his country, first as a soldier in the

 Alright Every-                                              For                                     those
                                                                                                                British military in India and later as a war corre-
                                                                                                                spondent in South Africa. Trusting completely

 one, Noises Off,                                       who watched scenes from the play in school on           that he would not be killed or injured because of
                                                        Thursday, those scenes were performed by the            his “purpose”, he took dangerous risks that earned
                                                        understudies, who included: sophomore Eleanor           him a great deal of fame and public support in

   CURTAIN!                                             Mund, understudy for Dotty; freshman Emma
                                                        Kindl, understudy for Brooke; junior Abigail
                                                        Kiser, understudy for Belinda; and freshman Ken-
                                                                                                                Britain. When he was captured by the Boers in
                                                                                                                South Africa, he staged a fantastic escape from
                                                                                                                his prison by climbing over the fence into a back-
                                                        dra Obryki, understudy for Poppy. Although their        yard and from there casually walked out of Preto-
                                                        performance wasn’t seen by most, I had the pleas-       ria, in ecstasy after having being trapped in his
                                                        ure of watching them perform a scene, in which          camp and frustrated for weeks as he desperately
                                                        they did a fantastic job. In addition to the cast       searched for a way to regain his freedom and re-
                                                        members with speaking roles, there were also non        turn to the war. Relying on his intelligence and
                                                        -speaking extras. These roles were played by            seemingly inexhaustible luck, he hid in a coal
                                                        Lillian Bard, Angela Gerard and Shannon Car-            mine and then bales of wool on a train bound for
                                                        bonell, and audience members, watched them              the British embassy and returned to the war. He
                                                        cleaning up messes, fixing windows, and so on.          became a beloved celebrity to the British public,
By Morgan Frye                                                                                                  who rewarded his bravery by electing him repre-
                                                        Recognition is also due to the stage crew, without
                                                        whose contributions there could be no show.             sentative, opening the door for his future success
        On Friday and Saturday, October 18-19,                                                                  and his rise to prime minister during a pivotal
Stage East performed the comedy Noises Off, by               This beautifully performed show, Noises Off,
                                                        full of chaos and confusion, was a hilarious            time in history.
Michael Frayn, directed by our very own Jillian                                                                        As all people are to some extent, Winston
Quackenbush. Noises Off is a comedy about a play             way to spend a Friday or Saturday night. The
                                                        Stage East company thanks all who attended, and         Churchill was built by his early experiences. His
within a play, that being the farce Nothing On. As                                                              youth made him the person he was. He helped to
Act One begins, the touring company of Nothing          hopes all will join the company for performances
                                                        of the spring musical, Holiday Inn. Auditions are       publicize a war against one of the most prejudiced
On is hurriedly running through the final rehearsal                                                             societies in history, a society that would go on to
of the show. The director, Lloyd Dallas, played by      December 4, and required choreography dance
                                                        lessons are November 22, 25, and 26.                    institute apartheid and socially destroy South Af-
senior Bryan Procaccini, is stressed out about the                                                              rica. His experiences with the Boers taught him to
upcoming opening, because nothing seems to be                                                                   recognize dangerous prejudice, and when he saw
going right. Things go from bad to worse in the                                                                 it in Germany’s Third Reich, he sounded the
next two acts. Problems arise, loyalties are ques-                                                              alarm. Hero of the Empire details how Churchill
tioned and jealousy enters the picture, as these cast                                                           became the man brave enough to acknowledge
members try to deal with each other at the end of                                                               danger when few in Great Britain on the eve of
their tour.                                                                                                     World War II were willing to do the same.
       The cast included senior Jenny Kirsche, as
INSIDE THIS ISSUE... A History of East - School Webmasters
Fine Arts and Fun                                                                                                                               5

      Columbus                                Artist Spotlight                                                A Ghoul’s
               By Patrick Roth
  From the distant shores of Europe sailed
                                             By Maya Gopal
                                                       Tony Cai is a
      Three ships with Spanish men.          senior at East from                                      By Morgan Frye
                                             Guangzhou, China.
     They landed and were thus hailed                                                                 Who says Halloween treats are only for one
                                             His specialty is pho-
                                                                                                      day's pleasure? If you are suffering from the
         As gods that came again.            tography, which he
                                                                                                      Halloween blues already, here is a recipe
                                             has been interested
                                                                                                      that will last you until the next holiday.
                                             in       since     mid-
      Riches they brought with them          dle school when he                                       Meringue Ghost
      And knowledge they did impart          received his first                                       Cookie Recipe

   The trade that grew became the stem       camera. He started                                       Ingredients:
                                             regularly taking pho-                                        4 large Egg
        Of the conflict that did start.      tos when he took a                                            Whites
                                             photography        class
                                             freshman year. Us-                                           1/2 teaspoon
           A story of oppression                                                                           Cream Of Tar-
                                             ing digital rangefinder and mirror-less cameras, he
          Is all that’s left behind.                                                                       tar
                                             has done scenic photography and has taken pictures
           A story of aggression,            for the tennis team in past years. However, his fa-          3/4 cup Granulated Sugar
         And a lie to all mankind.           vorite style is street photography; heading to urban         1/2 teaspoon Clear Vanilla Extract
                                             environments in China and New York, he spends
                                                                                                          Candy Eyes
                                             time wandering a city to capture urbanites in their
                                             day-to-day lives. Taking AP Studio Art junior year,
                                             he based his portfolio on the style of Edward Hop-
                                             per, an American painter whose main subject was             Preheat oven to 200°F. Line a baking
                                             New York. Matching Hopper’s work, all of Tony’s               sheet with parchment paper or a silicone
                                             photos were taken in New York and conveyed                    liner.
                                             themes of the loneliness and isolation experienced          In a large bowl with an electric mixer,
                                             by city dwellers.                                             beat egg whites, cream of tartar and va-
                                                       Inspired by his favorite photographers, such        nilla on medium speed until frothy.
                                             as Fan Ho, Henri Cartier-Bresson, and other pho-            Gradually add in sugar and increase
                                             tographers from Magnum Photos, Tony experi-                   mixer to medium-high speed. Beat egg
                                             ments with different styles of composition and col-           whites until stiff peaks form; about 6
                                             or, even diverging into abstract photography and a            minutes.
                                             little film. Paintings, movies, photo books, picture
                                                                                                         Spoon meringue into a large piping bag
                                             albums, and online photos give him new ideas for
                                                                                                           fitted with a round tip. Pipe swirls of
                                                                                                           meringue onto prepared baking sheet.
                                                       Though Tony intends on majoring in com-             Add candy eyes to each ghost.
                                             munication and media, he may consider photog-
                                             raphy as a minor in college and will continue to            Bake in preheated oven for about 1.5
                                                                                                           hours or until the meringues are dry and
                                             look for ways to apply photography to his stud-
                                                                                                           crisp to the touch. Turn off the oven and
                                             ies. Even if it does not become part of his career,
                                                                                                           allow the meringue ghosts to continue
                                             however, it will always be integral to his life. He’s
                                                                                                           drying in the oven for a few hours.
                                             found that his work has become a “photo diary,”
                                             highlighting the best moments of his summer. For            Ghosts will keep at room temperature
                                             this reason, his camera is a constant companion               for up to 3 days
                                             wherever he goes.
                                                       Tony’s Instagram is @Kwai_seng, through
                                             which he sells prints of his photos upon request.
                                             He is also a co-founder of the Photography Club at
                                             East, which he encourages all interested photogra-
                                             phers to join!
INSIDE THIS ISSUE... A History of East - School Webmasters
6                                                                                                                            Special Interests
      Bird Decline
                                                                  Everyone can do things to lighten the bur-
                                                            den on birds today. Using renewable energy              when I dropped my spoon into my soup. That
By Jack Green                                               sources and turning lights off at night during          was a first.
                                                            spring and fall migrations would not only help                So I mentally prepared myself and said,
                                   Many people cannot       migrating birds proceed southward, but it would         “What, has the cat got your tongue?”
                                   picture a world with-    also waste less energy in general (Zimmer). In              To which my mother replied, “Not at all, we
                                   out birds. However,      addition to saving money, it would help protect         just met with an old friend today who—”
                                   our world is closer to   young birds from drowning in floods caused by               “Reminded us of a promise long past,” my
                                   that reality than many   climate change. Finally, voting for candidates          father said curtly, cutting her off.
                                   people might think. A    who make environmental issues a priority would              They then exchanged glances across the ta-
  Image retrieved by recent study made interna-     be a massive benefit                                    ble and seemed to come to a silent agreement
tional headlines when it released its findings: North       for all animals and                                     about what to say next. My father, sighing loud-
America has lost 3 billion birds in total since 1970        habitats. Something                                     ly, muttered, “It’s nothing you should worry
(Zimmer).                                                   as simple as turning                                    yourself about.” Clearly. Sensing the tension, I
         The study estimates that there are multiple        off your lights can                                     didn’t question them further and we sat in si-
reasons for this dramatic population decrease. One          save hundreds of ani-                                   lence for the rest of dinner.
major factor is habitat loss (Zimmer). Agriculture          mals from harm and                                          The trumpeter’s call for the start of the ball
often requires the destruction natural fields and for-      extinction and keep                                     was a relief for the first time ever. The moment
ests which are then plants with a single type of            our planet beautiful                                    I heard his call, I rose quickly and headed down
                                                                                      Image retrieved by
crop, most species of which birds cannot survive            and diverse so that all                                 the stairs into the crowded, chaotic ballroom.
on. This has most significantly affected grassland          creatures can enjoy it.                                     I was expecting this ball to be like any oth-
birds, such as meadowlarks and swallows. Howev-                                 Work Cited                          er. I would soon be approached by a bunch of
er, habitat loss has also put pressure on other spe-        Zimmer, Carl. “Bird Are Vanishing From North            old court nobles who’d ask me about whether or
cies of birds, primarily those that are migratory.               America.” The New York Times, 22 Sept.             not I had a husband yet. When I said no, their
Some of the most dramatic habitat destruction oc-                2019,          wives would bring their slug-like sons over to
curs in South America due to the logging industry.               science/bird-populations-america-                  try and set us up. From there, I would roll my
Many birds that travel to North America in the                   canada.html. Accessed 28 Oct. 2019.                eyes until they hurt as these boys unsuccessfully
spring spend winter in these southern forests, but                                                                  (and rather pathetically, I might add) tried to

                                                              The Almost
with the disappearance of the trees comes the disap-                                                                make me swoon. That was how the evening
pearance of the birds.                                                                                              started, but soon, chaos ensued.
         Another reason for this rapid decrease is the                                                                  Suddenly, bullets rained through the ball-
light pollution from our towns and cities (Zimmer).
Most birds migrate at night, a time that they can            Assassination                                          room. I heard the shattering of glass. As was
                                                                                                                    standard procedure, my royal guards rushed me
safely fly high in the sky without worrying about
predators. For unknown reasons, many nocturnally
migrating birds become attracted to bright lights.
                                                            of Cinderella II                                        behind the thrones where I would be relatively
                                                                                                                    safe. Peering through my mother’s glass throne,

                                                                – Part I
                                                                                                                    I saw armed men dressed all in black walking
When birds migrate overhead, they can become                                                                        into the room. Their leader was the one taking
very disoriented by lights that have been left on                                                                   aim at my parents. He had already taken out
overnight. Birds need to get to their wintering                                                                     their guards, so my parents were terrifyingly
                                                            Short story installment by Farah Suede and Katie
grounds as efficiently as possible, as the cold brings                                                              unprotected. I tried to get my guards to go to
a lack of food and freezing temperatures that some                                                                  them, but my mother forbade them with a single
birds just cannot survive. Because birds need to                                                                    look. She’d always said that my safety was
                                                                 Hi! My name is Cinderella and this is the sto-
head south quickly, the time they spend distracted                                                                  most important. At the time, I didn’t understand
                                                            ry of how I died. Well, not exactly. See, I’m Cin-
by light can kill them.                                                                                             that. I was a princess who was always tripping
                                                            derella II; the whole glass-slipper-midnight-
         Another major factor contributing to birds’                                                                over her own feet and couldn't seem to do any-
                                                            Cinderella is my mother. Now, I didn’t exactly
plight is climate change. The warming temperatures                                                                  thing right, and they were the respected king
                                                            die, but we’ll get into that later. So, our story
themselves cause heat stress to many birds and                                                                      and queen. How was I more important?
                                                            starts once upon a time in a kingdom far, far away
causes their eggs to literally cook (Zimmer). How-                                                                      My parents didn’t survive the night. The
                                                            on a bright, sunny day.
ever, the most deadly result of climate change for                                                                  leader approached their hiding place and took
                                                                   This day was ordinary in every way. I had
many birds is rising sea levels. Many marshes                                                                       aim. Terrified out of my mind over what was
                                                            tutoring in the morning, riding lessons in the af-
where birds nest are flooding, drowning many baby                                                                   about to happen, I raced out of the ballroom and
                                                            ternoon, and some fancy ball to attend for my par-
birds and eggs. Another problem with the rising                                                                     onto the front steps of the palace. Hiking my
                                                            ents in the evening. As with any other day, I
seas is that they carry away much of the sand dunes                                                                 skirt and kicking my shoes sky high, I began to
                                                            zoned out during tutoring, fell off my horse dur-
in which shorebirds, like terns and plovers, build                                                                  race down the stairs. Just as the clock struck
                                                            ing lessons, and was late for my dress fitting.
their nests.                                                                                                        midnight, the clock chime reverberating loudly ,
                                                            Once I arrived at my fitting, I was rushed into a
         Just one of these problems alone would not                                                                 I ran into the forest, barely seeing through my
                                                            whirlwind of makeup, hair, and cloth styling, like
be so detrimental to bird populations. However, all                                                                 tears and barely conscious of what was happen-
                                                            always. Seamstress Ophelia poked me “by acci-
of these threats at one time is beginning to stress                                                                 ing…
                                                            dent” around six times; it’s no secret that she
birds in ways that they have never experienced be-
                                                            hates when I’m late, and she complained about           To be continued in the next issue of The ECHO.
fore. Past predictions of the past are now manifest-
                                                            my posture about eight times. I swear that woman
ing themselves, and unless we take action to check
                                                            has it out for me. Finally, after a gazillion hours                      ECHO STAFF
the damage, we may face a world void of birdsong.
                                                            of styling, I was ready to go to the dining room.
Farmers would have to resort to harmful pesticides                                                                 Contributors: Caeden Bailey, Jack Green, Katie
                                                                   Before every ball, my parents and I eat din-
to control the population explosion of insects that                                                                Green, Allie Goodin, Maya Gopal, Maeve Horan-
                                                            ner together. Here, they usually lecture me about
would ordinarily have been prevented by birds. We                                                                  Portelance, Alison Jarmoszko, Madison McHenry,
                                                            etiquette and such, and where I proceed to com-        Alex, Mortimer, Evan O’Neill, Joey, Patrick Roth,
have the ability to save these important and lovely
                                                            pletely ignore anything and everything they say.       Lindsay Skinner, Annabelle Stabach, and Farah
animals, but all people must see this as the emer-
                                                            Oops. But this dinner was different. They didn’t       Suede
gency it is before it is too late.
                                                            lecture me and they didn’t even say anything
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