INSIDER - Insurance Institute of Ireland

Page created by Samuel Salinas
INSIDER - Insurance Institute of Ireland
                                       Issue 5 • March 2018 • Your Institute, Covered




Why women need to believe in their
own ability if we are all to succeed.

INSURANCE?                  THE RISE OF                      A WOMAN'S
Kubra Ozturk urges
                            THE ROBOTS
                            The influence of AI on
                                                             Why your own unconcious bias
you to think again.         the insurance industry.          may be ruining your career.
INSIDER - Insurance Institute of Ireland
Issue 5

                                                                                               CONTENTS                             24 Hesus

                                                                                                                                       INSURTECH FEMALE INFLUENCERS
                                                                                                                                             Inoma, CEO of WeSavvy, takes us
                                                                                                                                           through the top ten female insurtech influencers.

                                                                                                                                    28 We
                                                                                                                                       A WOMAN'S RIGHT

                    Keep it
                                                                                                                                          take a look at the evolution of women's
                                                                                                                                           rights in the workplace.

                                                                                                     COVER STORY
                                                                                                    THE FEMALE LEAD
                                                                                                    Dame Inga Beale talks to
                                                                                                    us about why women need
                                                                                                                                    12 An
                                                                                                                                       THE RISE OF THE ROBOTS
                                                                                                                                          in depth look at the impacts,
                                                                                                    to believe in their own                consequences and ethics of AI.
                                                                                                    abilities more.
                                                                                                                                    32 Aude
                                                                                                                                       THE INSURANCE ECOSYSTEM
                                                                                                                                            Maisondieu look at the role of the
                                                                                                                                           insurance ecosystem in a changing landscape.

                                                                                                                                            PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT
                                                                                               10                                   18 How
                                                                                                                                       WORK-LIFE BALANCE
                                                                                                                                           to achieve it, maintain it and
                                                                                                                                           use it to your advantage.

                                                                                                                                    42 Our
                                                                                                                                       WHAT ARE YOU READING?
                                                                                                                                           new #goodreads initiative highlights
                                                                                                                                           6 inspirational reads for this quarter.

Local institutes are regional hubs that don’t just deliver an extensive range                                                               CAREERS
of professional CPD events, but also provide their members with a variety of
networking and socialising activities with like-minded professionals within their                                                   22 Kubra
                                                                                                                                       INSURANCE? BORING!
                                                                                                                                             Ozturk chats about why millenials
local community.                                                                                                                           should consider a career in insurance.
                                                                                               44                              18
We have 5 regional institutes, each one run by a team of dedicated and professional
volunteers from the local area with your best interests and professional development
                                                                                                                                    38 Aloise
                                                                                                                                       EARN & LEARN
                                                                                                                                              Robinson shares her story about the
needs at the heart of all they do.                                                                                                         Earn & Learn program.

To find out more or to get involved with your local institute, firstly check which Institute                                        44 Fiona
                                                                                                                                       GETTING TO KNOW
                                                                                                                                             O'Gorman from Allianz give us
you have been assigned in your member area and email with your enquiry.                                                      an insight into her career path to date.
Please note that your details will be passed on to your institute representative, who will
be in touch to discuss volunteer options or respond to your enquiry.                                                                        BONUS

                                                                                                                                    40 What
                                                                                                                                       UNIFORM DRESSING
                                                                                                                                            is it 5 ways it can make you calmer.
                                                                                                                                                          Issue 5 • March 2018 • The Insider
INSIDER - Insurance Institute of Ireland
Featured                                                                                          A note from
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Issue 5 • March 2018 • Your Institute, Covered

                                                CONTRIBUTORS                                                                                      THE EDITOR


                                                                                                                                                                                                                 FROM LLOYD’S
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 OF LONDON
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 CEO, DAME
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 INGA BEALE

    The Insider is the official magazine                                                 AUDE MAISONDIEU                                          Welcome to the first Insider of 2018, the official             Why women need to believe in their
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 own ability if we are all to succeed.

    of The Insurance Institute. The views                                                SENIOR MANAGER, ACCENTURE
    expressed by contributors should
                                                                                                                                                  magazine of The Insurance Institute.                           INSURANCE?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            THE RISE OF
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            THE ROBOTS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             A WOMAN'S
                                                                                         A senior manager for Accenture, Aude has
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Kubra Ozturk urges         The influence of AI on           Why your own unconcious bias
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 you to think again         the insurance industry           may be ruining your career

    not be interpreted as those of The                                                   primarily worked in the Automotive and                     This edition’s release coincides with International
    Insurance Institute or its members.                                                  Insurance industries. With a focus in recent
                                                                                         years on innovation and digital, Aude has
                                                                                                                                                  Women’s day and as a result we are delighted to             Editor
    The Insurance Institute                                                              been focusing on strategic development                   welcome a stellar line-up of female contributors and        Anne Roberts
    01 645 6600 |                                                             of a new ecosystem, collaboration and                                                                                (+353) 01 645 6605
    Chief Executive: Dermot Murray                                                       performance. In her spare time, Aude is                  inspiring interviews for you, including our cover story

    Some articles in this magazine contain
                                                                                         devoted to relief efforts, having completed              from Dame Inga Beale, CEO of Lloyds London (The
                                                                                         six humanitarian missions in Madagascar,                                                                             Bonus Programme Supervisor
    general summaries and should not                                                     India and Zimbabwe.                                      Female Lead, pg 10) talking about why women need to         Tom Grace
    be viewed as complete or definitive                                                                                                                                                                       (+353) 01 645 6600
    statements of the law. Specific legal                                                                                                         believe in themselves in order to succeed         
    advice should be obtained where                                                                                                                 Our wellness section is now restructured to focus on 4
    appropriate. The Insurance Institute                                                                                                                                                                      Art Direction
    will accept no responsibility for any                                                                                                         key sections; Mind, Body, Growth and Community. The         Eamonn Dalton
    loss occurred to any person acting or       KUBRA OZTURK
    refraining from action as a result of the
                                                POLITICAL RISK AND STRUCTURED                                                                     first, Mind, being the focus for March where we dive
                                                CREDIT INSURANCE BROKER (LONDON)                                                                                                                              Digital Production
4   material included in this publication.                                                                                                        into the benefits of meditation (pg 36) and what apps       Stephen Hearn                                                                                           5
    The information in this magazine is         With a Bachelor's Degree in Political
    correct at the time of publication.         Science & International Relations, Kubra                                                          and blogs are out there to help.                            Views expressed by contributors are
                                                started her career in insurance as an                                                               As well as a new look and feel, you will also notice      not necessarily those of The Institute
    CPD: Reading some articles in               Executive Trainee. Deciding to pursue her                                                                                                                     or the editorial team and The Institute
    this magazine may count towards             career abroad, she started her Master's                                                           a themed approach to features & editorial, some of          will accept no responsibility for any
    Unstructured CPD under the CII CPD          Degree in Insurance & Risk Management in
    Scheme for ACII and FCII members.           Trieste, Italy. She completed an internship
                                                                                                                                                  which help to highlight the wide range of fabulous          loss occasioned to any person acting
                                                                                                                                                                                                              or refraining from action as a result
    For more information please refer to the    in the Allianz Headquarters in Munich,                                                            offers available to you through our Bonus section in the    of material included within this
    CPD section of the CII website www.         writing her Master's thesis on Political Risk                                                                                                                 publication.                               & Structured Credit Insurance. Her blog                                                           member area (pg 40) as well as our usual thinkpieces.
                                                "Q the London Broker" is an insight into                          o
                                                                                                            Onettch                                 As always we welcome your feedback and if you are         All articles and advertisements
    © 2018 The Insurance Institute of Ireland   life in the insurance sector in London and is               Wa                                                                                                within this publication are FOC and
                                                gaining in popularity on Instagram.                                                               looking to get involved as a contributor or feel that you   therefore the editorial team reserves
                                                                                                                                                  have a story to tell, email us,               the right to remove any content
                                                                                                                                                                                                              which is felt to be overly biased and
                                                                                                                                                                                                              subjective in its nature.

                                                                                         HESUS INOMA
                                                                                         One of our regular contributors and only male in
                                                                                         this special edition, Hesus’ piece on insurtech female   __________________________
                                                                                         influencers (pg 24) comes from his desire to raise
                                                                                         the profile of women working within the insurtech
                                                                                         and digital arena. Founder and CEO of WeSavvy, a
                                                                                         platform that enables Insurers and other Financial
                                                                                                                                                  Anne Roberts
    Want to contribute?                                                                  Services Providers to engage more effectively with       Marketing & Communications Manager
    We welcome suggestions                                                               Policyholders, he has extensive knowledge and
    from potential contributors.                                                         experience of the insurtech landscape both here in       The Insurance Institute                                                                   Follow us on Facebook,
                                                                                         Ireland and globally.                                                                                                                         Twitter & Instagram to stay
    Please send all suggestions                                                                                                                                                                                                       up to date with the latest news
    and feedback to                                                                                                                                                                                                       from The Insurance Institute
INSIDER - Insurance Institute of Ireland

    What's in

    THE NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                        CHANGING LIVES.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    INSURING FUTURES.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    This year’s Insurance Charities Awareness
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Week will take place between the 25-29
                                                                                                                                                                                                    June across the UK and Ireland. As
                                                                                                                                                                                                    always insurance and insurance related
                                                                                                                                                                                                    employers of all sizes are invited to take
                                                                                                                                                                                                    part to increase awareness of the charity
                                                                                                                                                                                                    and ensure no one eligible for their help
                                                                                   YOUR INSTITUTE.                                                                                                  misses out.

                                                                                   YOUR WAY.                            ‘RE-UNDERWRITING’ OUR APPROACH TO BUSINESS                                  Getting involved is easy, just email
                                                                                   GDPR comes into effect on the        Our latest lecture series kicked off with a lecture from FBD CEO            to sign up and in June you will receive a

                                                                                                                        Fiona Muldoon. A lively talk on the turn-around challenges she has

                                                                                                                                                                                                    complimentary presentation box for your

                                                                                   25th May and to make sure that

                      UR INS
                                                                                                                        faced in her career involving organisations in crises and so been faced

                                                                                                                                                                                                    office to display during awareness week.

                    Y You r Way
                                                                                   we are ready, we will be launching
                                                                                   our new - Your Institute, Your       with the need to ‘re-underwrite’ their approach in addressing Irish
                                                                                   Way Campaign.                        Insurance consumer needs.

                                                                                   Over the coming weeks you            Fiona’s slides are available to download within the member area.
                                                                                   will be receiving post and
                                                                                   email communications from us
                                                                                   explaining what GDPR means for
                                                                        o effect
                                                                                   your relationship with us and how
6                                                       GDPR comes int                                                                                                                                                                                      7
                                                        on the 25th Ma
                                                                      y. Find      you can keep your preferences up
                                                        out more abou
                                                        GDPR means for
                                                                       t what
                                                                          you ►
                                                                                   to date. In the meantime, log into
                                                                                   the member area and check your
                                                                                                                                LATEST INSURANCE IRELAND
                                                                                   contact details are current.                 FACTFILE RELEASED
                                                                                   #yourinstituteyourway                        The Insurance Ireland Factfile is part of an annual series of
                                                                                                                                publications providing the key facts and figures on the Irish
                                                                                                                                insurance industry. Now in its twenty-fourth year of publication,
                                                                                                                                Factfile focusses on a range of trends from both a domestic and
                                                                                                                                international perspective.

                                                                                                                                To find out more visit the website and download your copy here.

    An update to our previous article, on 20 December
    2017, the European Commission has proposed to
    push back the application date of the insurance
    distribution directive (IDD) by seven months to
    1 October 2018.

    For further information on the directive from the
    European Commission, you can visit their website
    and download any one of their resources.

    Issue 5 • March 2018 • The Insider                                                                                                                                                                                 Issue 5 • March 2018 • The Insider
INSIDER - Insurance Institute of Ireland

                                    What's happening in your

                                    LOCAL INSTITUTE
                                                                                                                                                                                       AND THE AWARD
                                                                                                                                                                                       GOES TO...
                                                                                                                                                                                       Awards season may have stopped
                                                                                                                                                                                       for the acting community with
                                                                                                                                                                                       the Oscars earlier this month, but
                                                                                                                                                                                       here at The Institute our conferral
                                                                                                                                                                                       season is only just beginning. For
                                                                                                                                                                                       those of you who successfully
                                                                                                                                                                                       completed a qualification and
                                                                                                                                                                                       accepted your designation during in
                                                                                                                                                                                       2017, you should have now received
                                                                                                                                                                                       your invitation. If you want to find
                                                                                                                                                                                       out more, you can visit our website

                                                                                                                                                 ANNUAL GENERAL
                                                                                                                                                 As part of The Insurance Institute,
                                                                                                                                                 you are all invited to attend our
8                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   9
                                                                                                                                                 national AGM to be held on the
    COME DINE WITH US                                                                                                                            2nd May 2018 at our offices here in
                                                                                                                                                 Dublin. To find out more about the
    Our 2017/2018 dinner season will come to a close with our Dublin dinner on March 23rd and                                                    national and regional AGM’s, you
    as always has been very well attended. Highlights in the social calendars of all our local insurance                                         can visit our website here
    communities, we will be kicking off the 2018/2019 season with Sligo later in the year.

                                                                                                           SNOW STOPPED CPD                                                            YOUR VOICE
                                                                                                           With the arrival of Storm Emma
                                                                                                           at the beginning of March, snow                                             As with everything here at The
                                                                                                           brought our Sligo CPD events to                                             Institute, your voice and opinions
                                                                                                           an abrupt halt as we postponed                                              help to shape and inform the
                                                                                                           to ensure the safety of both our                                            products and services that we
                                                                                                           members and lecturers. We are                                               offer. We would love for you to get
                                                                                                           currently looking at two new dates                                          involved with re-shaping our CPD
                                                                                                           in April, so keep your eyes on your                                         offering through online feedback
                                                                                                           inbox for more details.                                                     forums and maybe face to face
                                                                                                                                                                                       focus groups. If you are interested
                                                                                                                                                                                       in getting involved, please email
                                                                                                                                                                                       Amanda Dunne;

    Issue 5 • March 2018 • The Insider                                                                                                                                                        Issue 5 • March 2018 • The Insider
INSIDER - Insurance Institute of Ireland

                                                                       n 6 February 1918 history             new endeavours to get off the ground.
                                                                       was made. After decades of            Without us and the advice we provide, the
                                                                       campaigning, women across             wheels of global economic and societal
                                                                       Britain and Ireland were given        progress would grind to a halt.
                                                                       the right to vote when the
                                                                       Representation of the People          With such an important purpose, it is
                                                                       Act was passed. This legislation      absolutely vital that we have leadership teams
                                                                       enabled all men and some              who represent the world we serve. We know
                                                                       women over the age of 30 in the       the business case speaks for itself, more
                                                                       UK and Ireland to vote for the        diverse teams are more successful in growing
                                                          first time, and paved the way for universal        in new markets and are more innovative
                                                          suffrage a decade later. It was a milestone        – both really important aspects for the
                                                          for women, and a breakthrough towards              insurance profession. There are many reasons
                                                          achieving a more equal, inclusive world.           why we still haven’t managed to significantly

                                                                                                             improve that diversity and many people are
                                                          Just a few years on, in 1921, the Chartered        of the view that if we can solve the gender
                                                          Insurance Institute accepted its first female      imbalance, we can solve the imbalance for
                                                          fellow, and the next year invited the first        other under-represented groups.
                                                          women to address the London Institute.
                                                          However, it wasn’t until 1939 – almost two         A recent survey found that many women

                                                          decades later – that a woman was appointed         face a mid-career conflict – a point when
                                           WOMEN NEED     to a senior post at the CII. Still, when I look
                                                          at Lloyd’s, it wasn’t until 1969 that the market
                                                                                                             they weigh up the costs of a career, and
                                                                                                             what they are sacrificing in their personal
                                             TO REALLY    began allowing women to be involved in its         lives. Now I wouldn’t say this is the case
                                             BELIEVE IN   business by passing a resolution to admit          for all women, but many feel that the costs

                                                          women as investors (also known as Names).          seem too great in relation to the uncertain
10                                        THEIR ABILITY   This development helped change attitudes           benefits of pressing on. Insufficiently flexible    11
                                              AND TAKE    and in 1973 Liliana Archibald became the
                                                          first female allowed to conduct business in
                                                                                                             working options, inadequate support for
                                                                                                             family responsibilities, lack of clarity on
                                              ON THOSE    the Lloyd’s underwriting room.                     promotion processes and equal pay, and
                                                                                                             unconscious bias were named as the most
                                          CHALLENGING     We have come a long way since then, with           significant hurdles for women juggling
                                                 ROLES    the insurance sector introducing a number          family commitments, and their career. But

     Dame Inga Beale talks to us about
                                                          of initiatives to build an increasingly diverse    there are other factors too.
                                                          and inclusive profession, including the global
                                                          Dive In Festival. In 2001 the CII welcomed         Throughout my career, both for myself and
     why women need to believe in                         its first female president Lillian Boyle, and in
                                                          2014 I was hired as Lloyd’s first female CEO
                                                                                                             in hiring people, I have noticed that women
                                                                                                             tend to think that if they can’t tick all of the
     their own abilities more.                            – something I’m incredibly proud of. These
                                                          milestones are evidence of the changing
                                                                                                             boxes on the job description, then they are
                                                                                                             not good enough for a role. The very first
                                                          face of the insurance profession, but it isn’t     promotion I was offered I refused. I fell into
                                                          changing fast enough.                              the trap of thinking just that – I’m not good
                                                                                                             enough to take on that role.
                                                          Collectively we have an incredibly important
                                                          purpose. Businesses, governments, and most         Women need to really believe in their ability,
                                                          importantly people – individuals – rely on us      to get out there and take on those challenging
                                                          to be there when it matters most. We keep          roles. It is a matter of authenticity and self-
                                                          economies going and help build financial           belief. Having teams made up of all sorts
                                                          security and resilience in what increasingly       of different people provides a more diverse
                                                          feels like a fragile, rapidly changing world.      and holistic approach to business and to
                                                          Together we pay trillions of euros of claims       customers – an approach that is vital if we
                                                          each year – helping people to get back on          are to continue to build public trust in our
                                                          their feet when disaster strikes, and enabling     united profession.

     Issue 5 • March 2018 • The Insider                                                                                   Issue 5 • March 2018 • The Insider
INSIDER - Insurance Institute of Ireland

                                          THE RISE
                                            OF THE
12                                                                                                                    13

                                                     The Impacts, Consequences
                                                          and the Ethics of it All

                                          As the role of Artificial Intelligence in our daily
                                               lives continues to grow, Caitriona Somers
                                          explores the impact and ethical consequences of
                                           us adopting these technologies so willingly and
                                             dispels some of the myths surrounding them.

     Issue 5 • March 2018 • The Insider                                          Issue 5 • March 2018 • The Insider
INSIDER - Insurance Institute of Ireland

                                                     uccess in creating effective         Blade Runner, the Terminator franchise, &        stage in evolution is the introduction of cog-    positive experience. Pypestream another new
                                                     Artificial Intelligence ( AI)        iRobot. These movies depict a future world       nitive technology which involves AI natural       Insurtech is offering ready-to-go business
                                                     could be the biggest event in the    where artificial intelligence in the form of     language and empathic processing ability as       process automation with chatbots and artifi-
                                                     history of our civilisation or the   robots take over the world and seek to replace   well as analytics of super data sets. Forrester   cial intelligence. Its smart messaging platform
                                                     worst. The problem is that we        humans. But that's Hollywood. In many            Research describe a mature AI system as a         integrates seamlessly with insurance claims
                                                     just don’t know”. These are words    ways AI refers to the replacement of human       self-learning system able to interact with        processing. DAS Group UK, launched an app
                                                     spoken by the renowned physicist     activity and tasks with digital technology. AI   humans naturally, understand the environ-         in January 2018 which allows the public to
                                                     Stephen Hawking’s at the 2017        within a business, ranges from basic process     ment, solve problems and perform tasks that       ask Alexa, Amazon’s virtual personal assistant,
                                          Web summit and are words that particularly      automation of repetitive and routine manual      normally require human intelligence, qualities    a variety of questions. The information pro-
                                          resonate with me. Like most, I can see AI’s     tasks, to enhanced process animation based       and abilities. Advances in AI are predicted       vided covers a range of common legal issues
                                          immense potential while at the same time I      around machine learning where the applica-       to a point where we will finally see machines     such as disputes with neighbours, employ-
                                          am uncertain… there is a niggle. Something      tion actually learns from experience and its     that are able to learn enough about a situation   ment tribunals and redundancy, harnessing
                                          tells me that as a society we need to take      performance continually improves. The next       to make reliably predictable recommenda-          the exponential increase in voice search over
                                          more of an active interest in AI develop-                                                        tions that we as humans will trust.               the last 12 - 18 months and leveraging AI to
                                          ment and influence the digital journey to                                                                                                          deliver a service.
                                          ensure ultimately the world remains a place                                                      WHAT CAN WE EXPECT IN
                                          where we would like to live.                                                                     THE WORLD OF INSURANCE?                           AND THE LIKELY CONSEQUENCES?
                                                                                                                                           Although an evolving technology AI is             Current focus is on AI augmenting tradition-
                                          WHAT IS AI?                                                                                      also very much present in today’s working         al processes rather than a case of machine re-
                                          When you mention AI, an immediate reac-                                                          environment. Theresa May spoke at the             placing man. Nonetheless concern exists that
                                          tion can be that you are referring to robots                                                     WEF in Davos about the rate of AI start-ups       the successors to AI
                                          replacing humans, as has been the focus of                                                       created in the UK over the past 3 years, one      techniques available
                                          numerous Hollywood blockbusters such as                                                          a week. Exponential increases in computing
                                                                                                                                           power and the availability of vast amounts of
                                                                                                                                                                                             today could automate
                                                                                                                                                                                             qualities considered in-            even experts
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              can’t agree as to
                                                                                                                                           data, which is being generated at a faster pace   trinsically human and
                                                                                                                                           than ever are driving these developments. An      creative activities may
                                                                                                                                           IBM study has found that 90% of the data          not remain beyond
14                                                                                                                                         on the internet has been created since 2016.
                                                                                                                                           AI applications and their algorithms excel at
                                                                                                                                                                                             the capacity of the
                                                                                                                                                                                             machine. It is under-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              whether AI will                                        15

                                                                                                                                           understanding the large amounts of complex
                                                                                                                                           data now created.
                                                                                                                                                                                             standable that concern
                                                                                                                                                                                             is heightened when               ultimately benefit
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              or harm society
                                                                                                                                               AI is finding its way into all sorts of       even experts can’t agree
                                                                                                                                           endeavours, language translation and robotic      as to whether AI will
                                                                                                                                           assistants, Chatbots and Robo advisors to         ultimately benefit or
                                                                                                                                           Cobots who work alongside humans. It              harm society.
                                                                                                                                           powers the technology behind Google maps             A 2017 PwC report
                                                                                                                                           and search engines, Apple voice controls,         suggests that because of the nature of back
                                                                                                                                           Facebook and Amazon.                              office Financial services work undertaken in
                                                                                                                                               Insurers equally recognise the potential      Ireland automation here will have a greater
                                                                                                                                           AI has to create value enhancing key process      impact than in other European econo-
                                                                                                                                           lifecycles as well as product innovation and      mies. This reflects a common theme in the
                                                                                                                                           are working to harness the technology. Octo a     narrative associated with AI and how it could
                                                                                                                                           telematics platform streams data from a cus-      displace a significant share of the workforce
                                                                                                                                           tomer’s car allowing an insurer to proactively    globally.
                                                                                                                                           reach out and offer tailored assistance almost       McKinsey reported in December 2017
                                                                                                                                           immediately if an accident happens. Cogito        that 50% of current activities are techni-
                                                                                                                                           is an application which combines AI and           cally automatable while 6 out of 10 current
                                                                                                                                           behavioural science to provide an always-on       occupations include 30% of activities that are
                                                                                                                                           AI-powered assistant to support an insurance      technically automable. Dramatic headline
                                                                                                                                           employee/ broker in engaging with a custom-       figures but technical feasibility alone will not
                                                                                                                                           er empathetically. By constantly listening into   determine adoption of AI and work force
                                                                                                                                           a call to detect if the conversation becomes      displacement. Cost of development, labour
                                                                                                                                           strained, the AI nudges the employee/             market dynamics, regulatory and social
                                                                                                                                           broker to overcome emotional fatigue, and         acceptance will also determine the pace and
                                                                                                                                           transform that customer engagement into a         extent of AI adoption.

     Issue 5 • March 2018 • The Insider                                                                                                                                                                                                         Issue 5 • March 2018 • The Insider
INSIDER - Insurance Institute of Ireland

                                                                                                                                                way needed to maintain the confidence of
                                                                                                                                                customers, stakeholders and wider population,

                                                                                                                                                                                                               important to define
                                                                                                                                                while at the same time delivering outcomes
                                                                                                                                                in the best interests of all. Google, Amazon,
                                                                                                                                                Facebook, IBM and Microsoft, as well as
                                                                                                                                                individuals like Stephen Hawking and Elon
                                                                                                                                                Musk, believe that now is the right time to                 a set of values and
                                                                                                                                                talk about and consider ethical dilemmas as-
                                                                                                                                                sociated with AI. Deepminds, the AI start-up                principles that will
                                                                                                                                                                                                            guide the further
                                                                                                                                                acquired by Google in 2014, made headlines
                                                                                                                                                as a condition of the sale was that Google
                                                                                                                                                agreed to establish an ethics board to ensure
                                                                                                                                                DeepMind’s AI technology isn’t abused.
                                                                                                                                                   Human dominance is almost entirely due                   development of AI
                                                                                                                                                to our ingenuity and intelligence, for example
                                                                                                                                                we use physical and cognitive tools to control
                                                                                                                                                the animal kingdom. AI could eventually
                                                                                                                                                have the same advantage over us. This is            the ethical dilemma is the positive impact of
                                                                                                                                                known as the “singularity”: the point in time       AI systems. For instance, the advent of the
                                                                                                                                                when human beings are no longer the most            self-drive vehicle will make roles redundant
                                                                                                                                                intelligent beings on earth. It is important        but on the other hand will lower the risk of
                                                                                                                                                that we recognise this potential and guard          accidents, and therefore seems like an ethical
                                                                                                                                                against unintended consequences.                    choice.
                                                                                                                                                   AI systems are created by humans, who               People must be supported to adapt and
                                                                                                                                                can be biased and judgemental. Precautions          ensure higher educational attainment while
                                                                                                                                                must be taken at the outset of development to       at the same time concentrating on activities
                                                                                                                                                ensure that the machine performs as planned         that require creativity, high level cognitive
16                                                                                                                                              and does not turn against us, as it were, by        capabilities and other skills relatively hard to                                        17
                                                                                                                                                carrying out instructions with terrible unfore-     automate. It will also be important to define
                                                                                                                                                seen consequences. This could include people        a set of values and principles that will guide
                                                                                                                                                overpowering the system for their own ends.         the further development of AI and Theresa
                                                                                                                                                   In the case of AI, there is unlikely to be       May spoke in Davos of global governments’
                                                                                                                                                malice at play, only a lack of understanding of     responsibility to ensure this happened.
                                                                                                                                                the full context in which an instruction was
                                              AI can replace mental labour used for rou-     employment can have painful consequences           given. Imagine an AI system that is asked to        CONCLUSION
                                          tine middle-skilled structured tasks capable       for some who do not or are not capable of          eradicate cancer. After a lot of computing, it      Artificial intelligence has vast potential, and
                                          of definition. Therefore, mid-career, middle       upskilling to find roles at comparable salary      spits out a formula that brings about the end       its responsible implementation is up to us
                                          management employees are most likely to            levels. Wage reduction and average wage            of cancer by killing everyone on the planet.        through the involvement and education of all
                                          be a significantly smaller cohort within the       stagnation over an extended period may occur       The computer would have achieved its goal of        sectors of society. Notwithstanding that, it is
                                          future workforce. In 2014 Oxford University        should the pace of change and reduction            "no more cancer", but not in the way intend-        the right thing to do, it also makes financial
                                          researchers ranked insurance underwriters as       in available work outstrip ability to secure       ed. We must therefore better understand how         sense. PwC have estimated that Ireland’s
                                          the fifth highest occupation at risk of replace-   alternate employment.                              to interact with machines and how in turn           GDP could be 11.6% or €48 billion higher in
                                          ment by computers and robots.                         When considering consequences, we               they affect our behaviour.                          2030 as a result of AI.
                                              AI focuses on tasks and the expectation        should not overlook the pressure on Insur-            Rudimentary forms of algorithmic                    As the Nobel Prize-winning economist
                                          is that while some job categories will be          ance business models to adapt to reflect the       optimization to capture our attention already       Wassily Leontief said in 1983 “the role of
                                          redundant, increasingly roles will adapt to        bespoke, intuitive and streamlined customer        exists. Technology that is effective at directing   humans as the most important factor of pro-
                                          work alongside Cobots, robotics that will          experience that customers now expect and re-       human attention and triggering certain              duction is bound to diminish in the same way
                                          become increasingly capable. This is already       ceive from the technology giants like Amazon       actions, such as addictive mobile games, is         that the role of horses in agricultural produc-
                                          happening within Insurance.                        and eBay. Of course, any technological             an example. Care will be needed to ensure           tion was first diminished and then eliminated
                                              New roles will be also created. Forrester      advancement of this scale will also give rise to   that these techniques as they evolve are used       by the introduction of the tractor."
                                          Research indicate that 15 million new jobs         new and additional insurable risks.                positively, nudging society towards more               If the transition is successful, one day we
                                          will be created in the US over the next decade                                                        beneficial behaviour.                               might even look back and think that it was
                                          as a direct result of automation and that          ETHICAL DILEMMAS                                      We have already discussed the displace-          “barbaric” that we were required to sell the
                                          equates to 10% of the workforce.                   The ethical question is how to build and           ment of the global workforce and consequent         majority of our waking time just to be able
                                              Notwithstanding such sectoral shifts in        deploy AI in the responsible and transparent       financial inequalities. Whilst this is a negative   to live.

     Issue 5 • March 2018 • The Insider                                                                                                                                                                                                                Issue 5 • March 2018 • The Insider
INSIDER - Insurance Institute of Ireland

     Achieving the right
                                                                          ‘W                ork-life balance’ is a
                                                                                            concept relating to the
                                                                                            proper prioritisation
                                                                                            between work (career and
                                                                                            ambition) and lifestyle
                                                                                            (health, pleasure, leisure,
                                                                           family). The expression was first used in the
                                                                           UK in the late 1970s to describe the balance
                                                                           between a person's work and personal life.
                                                                                                                              • Put first things first: take steps every day
                                                                                                                              that get us nearer our goals.

                                                                                                                              So is this where we have been going wrong?
                                                                                                                              Is acknowledging the various rotating
                                                                                                                              demands in our lives and determining how to
                                                                                                                              give them the required time and energy the
                                                                                                                              key to success, to not being overwhelmed, to
                                                                                                                              achieving balance?

                                                                           Rapid advances in communication technol-
                                                                           ogies have blurred the boundaries of the tra-      Juggling the demands of work, family, sports,
                                                                           ditional workday and workplace; resulting          hobbies, community and social life can be
                                                                           in a consequential blurring of the work-life       overwhelming; particularly if you are the
                                                                           boundaries. The more these boundaries blur,        primary carer in the family. The recession saw
                                                                           the more challenging it is to find the elusive     considerable brain drain in the insurance and
                                                                           work-life balance.                                 finances services sector as cutbacks demanded
                                                                                                                              early retirements. The Central Bank’s focus
                                                                           Amber Hurdle is President and CEO of her           on consumer protection saw the introduction
                                                                           own training and coaching organisation. The        of minimum levels of competency and a focus

                                                                           unique selling point of Amber’s coaching is a      on continuing professional development.
                                                                           promise to help people to be personally and        Both of these factors mean that employees
                                                                           professionally successful while remaining free     are being encouraged to pursue qualifica-
                                                                           of guilt and overwhelm. This goal is not a         tions alongside their day-jobs and the other
                                                                           new one for many of us; particular working         demands of modern life.
18                                                                         mothers and parents.                                                                                    19
                                                                                                                              So if studying is another demand in our lives,
                                                                           In her book ‘The Bombshell Business                how can we, as suggested, give our insurance
                                                                           Woman: How to Become a Bold, Brave, and            studies the required time and energy? The
                                                                           Successful Female Entrepreneur’, Amber             key lies in our attitude. Seeing the benefit in
                                                                           takes a slightly different view on this work-      our studies, acknowledging how this relatively
                                                                           life balance goal. “The concept of ‘work-life      short-term effort will impact positively on
                                                                           balance’ is a fleeting idea for a Bombshell.       our future, will minimise reluctance and help
     Studying for a professional qualification can place strains on        Instead, a focus on work-life success - where      us focus on the long-term benefits to both
     our already demanding lives, but if you plan your study and take      her time and energy shifts based on the            ourselves and our families.
                                                                           rotating demands of each area of her life - is
     advantage of the supports on offer, that elusive work-life balance    far more realistic.”                               Think about it, knowing that your studies
     may not be as difficult to achieve as you might think. Siobhan                                                           and the qualification you will achieve at the
                                                                           A similar message can be taken from Stephen        end of it will create a sustainable career and
     Wynne, FCII discusses how we can help support you in taking           Covey’s famous ‘7 Habits of Highly Effective       a more secure financial future for your family
     back control and the long-term benefits to you, your family and       People’. To live balanced and effective lives,     makes tucking yourself away for two hours’
                                                                           we must ensure that we identify and dedicate       study after the kids are gone to bed a bit more
     your career from doing so.                                            time to the most important ‘roles’ in our lives.   bearable. This mind-set is in keeping with
                                                                           According to Covey, in order to do this, we        Covey’s habits of taking responsibility and
                                                                           need to:                                           identifying our goals. It is likely this attitude
                                                                           • Be proactive: take responsibility for our own    that led Alain de Botton to say “There is no
                                                                           actions and lives                                  such thing as work-life balance. Everything
                                                                           • Begin with the end in mind: envisage what        worth fighting for unbalances your life.”
                                                                           we want for our future (in all areas of our        Rather than consider it as an imbalance,
                                                                           lives) so that we can plan towards it              reframe it like Sylvain Pendaries (Head of

     Issue 5 • March 2018 • The Insider                                                                                                    Issue 5 • March 2018 • The Insider

     Data Management at Franklin Templeton              GET FAMILIAR WITH YOUR SYLLABUS AND TEXT-
     Investments) who says that for him rather          BOOK. Armed with your plan of attack, the
     than focussing on the balancing, it is moreso      next thing to do is study. Your syllabus iden-
     about focussing on ‘purpose and passion’.2         tifies the main topics and the level of detail
                                                        you will need to go into for each one. It is
     With this sense of purpose, how can we apply       a hugely valuable resource which can ensure
     Covey’s third habit of ensuring that every         that you are focussing your time and effort
     step we take gets us nearer our goal? What         in the right direction. Your syllabus and
     steps can you take each day to pass that exam,     textbook will allow you to grasp the extent of
     get that qualification, complete your CPD          work you’ll need to put in.
     and future-proof your career?
                                                        STUDY SMART. For days when you are caught
     GET A PLAN. Your module-specific learn-            for time but still want to put some effort in,
     ing plan, which can be downloaded from             don’t despair. You can use the key points,
     Connect, has already done all the planning         available per chapter, which are summary
     for you. This is a weekly high level study         notes of the chapter’s main topics (and can
     schedule which you can adapt around other          also serve as revision notes), or read through
     life-events, holidays or busy works periods.       the study advice or exam preparation tech-
     This enables you to make your study schedule       niques. Every small bit helps.
     work for you, not against you. Keep this plan                                                                                                         plan allows times for the things that you
     visible so that it doesn’t slip your mind. Be      USE TECHNOLOGY WISELY. The advances in tech-                                                       like to do; meeting friends or going to the
     flexible, if you’re too tired to study after the   nology may have blurred the workday-work-                                                          gym. Ultimately, this will better prepare you
     kids have gone to bed, change it up and try        place boundaries, but on a welcome note for                                                        mentally to achieve your study goals. Read
     getting up an hour before them (if that’s pos-     students, they also mean that you can study                                                        the many Institute blog posts, such as ‘Work
20   sible!!). Sylvain Pendaries gives wise advice      on the go. Using your tablet or smartphone                                                         wellness: how to boost your performance           21
     when he says that ‘It is going to be virtually     you can access Webinars while you commute,                                                         through a healthy diet’ or ‘Food for thought:
     impossible to achieve complete balance every       listen to your eBook as you walk the dog                                                           powering your brain at exam time’ on In
     day of your life. There will simply be days and    or take the learning styles quiz during your                                                       Dialogue to make sure that you are giving
     weeks when your work requires more time            lunch break. However, also remember that                                                           yourself the best chance possible.
     from you. There will also be days when your        the digital world can also act as a massive
     family requires more of your time. Instead         distraction, so make sure you use it wisely.                                                       FINALLY, STAY POSITIVE. If you have had a
     of driving yourself crazy trying to achieve a      Download as much content as you can in           TRIED AND TESTED. When you have some study        bad week of study, don’t fall off the wagon.
     work/life balance every day, look at your life     advance and only go online when necessary.       under your belt, take the mock MCQ exams          Readjust your study plan to catch up on the
     on a weekly, monthly, and yearly basis. And                                                         or review the sample written exam papers.         material you might have missed and keep on
     schedule times to work hard, recharge, renew,                                                       Familiarity with the exam structure will help     going. If you think you have overshot with
     play, and engage whether with your colleagues
     or with your family and friends.3
                                                                 Advances in                             you to consider how you will be asked to
                                                                                                         reproduce the material you are studying and
                                                                                                                                                           the amount of study you’ve scheduled in each
                                                                                                                                                           week, you might need to reassess your plan to
                                                              technology may                             will help you manage your exam timings. Also      make your goals more achievable.
     learns and studies differently – some like
                                                              have blurred the                           check back with the InDialogue blog posts
                                                                                                         such as the one on the 10 most common             Patrick Dunne Geraghty from Aviva earned
     graphics and diagrams, some learn what they              workday-work-                              exam mistakes and how to avoid them.              his ACII designation in less than 12 months,
     hear, while others need to read to under-
     stand. By doing a simple quiz such as our
                                                              place boundaries,                          LOOK AFTER YOURSELF. Perhaps the most
                                                                                                                                                           no mean feat on its own, but even harder with
                                                                                                                                                           a young family at home. His advice on how
     learning style one available in Connect, you             but also mean                              important advice of all, take care of yourself.   to balance study with a busy work schedule
     can discover what works for you, before you
     even start. You’ll also be advised as to which
                                                              that students can                          Remember the proverb ‘a healthy mind in
                                                                                                         a healthy body’. If you don’t take care of
                                                                                                                                                           and personal life was “Try not to do every-
                                                                                                                                                           thing at the same time. Work is for during
     study methods and study supports will                    study on the go.                           yourself by sleeping, exercising and eating       working hours, lunch is for lunch time, family
     benefit you most; ensuring that your study                                                          well, then you and your study time is going to    time is family time and study time is study
     hours are well spent.                                                                               be less productive. Make sure that your study     time. Try not to blur the lines.”

     Issue 5 • March 2018 • The Insider                                                                                                                                Issue 5 • March 2018 • The Insider

                                                                                      ’m going to be an insurance broker      produce humanoid robots and Elon Musk is
                                                                                      when I grow up!” said no one ever!      sending a Tesla car to Mars, why bother with

                                                                                                                                                                                                           As a broker I
                                                                                      Neither did I! Yet here I am, right     a career in insurance? Why?
                                                                                      in the heart of the City of London
                                                                                      as a young insurance broker wear-          We are in an age where everything we
                                                                                      ing away my high heels rushing
                                                                                      between Gracechurch Street and
                                                                                                                              know is changing , including the risks we
                                                                                                                              are facing. Even our terminology is different.                           strive to completely

                                                                                                                                                                                                       understand the risks
                                                                                      Lime Street on a busy Monday            We talk about longevity, shared economy,
                                                                            afternoon trying my best to place some            cyber security, cryptocurrency, autonomous
                                                                            business with Lloyd’s of London. As I enter       cars, rockets and robots. A career in the

                                                                            the market, I see the Lutine Bell standing
                                                                            there right in the middle of the building
                                                                            reminding me how traditional our sector is,
                                                                                                                              insurance industry is open to anyone from
                                                                                                                              any sector or background who is willing to
                                                                                                                              contribute to changing the course of this
                                                                                                                                                                                                       that my clients face
                                                                            juxtaposed against the fervent discussion         sector in this exciting new age.

                                                                            going on about Blockchain as I pass by an
                                                                            underwriter’s box.“Insurance? Boring!” I             Anything we want to learn and don’t              fertile for innovation and growth. I believe,        and financial burden of loss also it flourishes
                                                                            urge you to think again!                          want to learn is all available at the touch of      as a millennial, my generation and the gen-          the freedom for investment, innovation and
                                                                                                                              a screen. What we are after in this peculiar        eration Z have so much to make use of and            creation of value." My everyday experience in
                                                                               So why do I do what I do? What is it           time on earth is “experience”, and a “story”        alter in this sector. I would like to be a part of   the sector verifies the definition.
                                                                            that makes me get up early in the morning         to tell others about ourselves and the things       the story as both an actor and a contributor. I
                                                                            and go to this place called “the office” where    we have done in our lives. This is why we go        believe that my peers should seriously look at          As a broker I strive to completely under-
                         I urge you to think again!                         I spend the majority of my time? In one of        on Pinterest to be inspired, upload stories on      what a career in this sector offers.                 stand the risks that my clients face. After
                                                                            his TED talks, the author Alain de Botton         Instagram to show off, check on Facebook                                                                 analysing their risks and needs I do my best
                                                                            refers to the question of “What do you do?”       to compare our lives, or update our job status         So what is the purpose of this industry?          to tailor the insurance products available on
                                                                            as the iconic question of the 21st century.       on LinkedIn to show everyone what we have           What can the insurance sector offer to the           the market. Sometimes I am lucky enough to
                    In a world where you can do anything and be anything,   He says according to how you answer, people       accomplished recently. We want to be the            world, to doctors, scientists or to business-        get to design the appropriate product from
                    why would you be in the insurance sector? Our newest    are either delighted to hear more about it or     author/presenter of our lives. On my blog I         men like Elon Musk? I have recently come             scratch. It is my utmost priority to make sure
                     contributor, Kubra Ozturk explains why she feels so    they look at their watches before they come       write about my experiences in the insurance         across what I feel is the most accurate and          my client gets the exact insurance coverage
                        passionate about a career in insurance and how      up with their excuses to leave. Oh boy! How       sector in London. My reason for this is to          empowering definition of the purpose of our          they need with a price that is competitive
                             this industry is anything but boring.          many times have I witnessed those puzzled         tell the story. I believe that the stories in the   sector by Dan Glaser, the president and CEO          and fair enough to all parties involved in
22                                                                          looks on the faces of my family and friends’,     insurance sector are either untold or conveyed      of Marsh and McLennan Companies. I may               this business. In this sector we are privileged    23
                                                                            I've lost count! “So what does an insurance       in a boring and sometimes wrong way, thus           be biased as I have a Bachelor’s Degree in           to have this history and tradition providing
                                                                            broker do again?”                                 often misinterpreted and resulting in a disen-      Political Science as Glaser rightly refers to        immense data and knowledge and when it
                                                                                                                              gaged audience.                                     political theorist Isaiah Berlin’s concepts of       is combined with those talented colleagues I
                                                                               In a world where you can do anything and                                                           negative and positive liberty but here it is for     work with every day, we make magic happen
                                                                            be anything, why would you be in the insur-         Why do I care? Well I am an industrious           you to evaluate: "Insurance has a protection         through our motivation, dedication, techni-
                                                                            ance sector? When doctors save lives every day,   business woman who would like to have a             purpose together with an enabling purpose.           cal skills, and creativity. Insurance? Boring! I
                                                                            cool tech guys apply Artificial Intelligence to   successful career in this sector which is so        Insurance provides freedom from emotional            urge you to think again.

                                                                                                                                                                                               • @qthelondonbroker

     Issue 5 • March 2018 • The Insider                                                                                                                                                                                                             Issue 5 • March 2018 • The Insider

       Top Ten;

                                                                                                                                                      SABINE VANDERLINDEN
                                                                                                                                                      COMMUNITY BUILDING
                                                                                                                                                      The CEO of Startupbootcamp InsurTech,
                                                                                                                                                      Sabine works with leading insurers, investors
                                                                                                                                                      and mentors to bring the innovation of

                                                                                                                                                      cohorts of start-ups to market within a three
                                                      JANTHANA KAENPRAKHAMROY                                                                         month-period.

                                                      SHARING ECONOMY
                                                      Janthana is the founder of Tapoly, the first on-demand insurance provider for the
                                                      gig economy in Europe and Top 100 European Fintech Award winner in 2017.
24                                                    A former investment banking professional and chartered accountant, Janthana                                                                      25
                                                      has worked for a number of top-tier investment banks and is one of the authors

                                                      of The InsurTECH Book.

                                                 WHAT EXCITES YOU MOST ABOUT THE SHARING           some immediate insurance needs for our
                                                 ECONOMY?                                          consumers. However, as the sharing economy
                                                 Tapoly offers on-demand products for              grows and consolidates, the incumbents will
                                                 freelancers and SMEs within the gig               inevitably move into this space. Some are
                                                 economy space as well as to participants in       already forming partnerships and investing in
                                                 the sharing economy. What excites us the          insurtech startups.
                                                 most is how the sharing economy solves
                                                 economic, social and environmental issues         WHAT ARE THE BIGGEST CHALLENGES YOU SEE THE
                                                 which many counties are currently facing,         INDUSTRY FACING WHEN IMPLEMENTING SHARING
                                                 whether those are lack of housing, traffic        ECONOMY PRODUCTS APART FROM THEIR LEGACY
                                                 congestion or simply making enough money          SYSTEMS AND CULTURE?                               SHEFI BEN-HUTTA
       Hesus Inoma, CEO of WeSavvy, takes        to support one's family. We see Tapoly as an
                                                 essential part of the growth of these markets,
                                                                                                   Based on my experience setting up Tapoly,
                                                                                                   product design and developing partnerships         COMMUNITY NEWS
       us through the top ten female InsurTech   we want to help the sharing economy solve
                                                 world-wide issues by allowing people to
                                                                                                   is one of the hardest tasks. Many insurers
                                                                                                   do not have spare resources or experience          Building optimistic and informed com-
       influencers from around the EU.           mitigate their risks when sharing their assets    in working with startups, and in the worst         munities of insurance professionals via
                                                                                                                                                      Coverager, an online insurance plat-
                                                 or know-how.                                      case they have no risk appetite to enter this
                                                                                                   space. Finding the right insurers that have the    form, featuring news, insights and data.
                                                 WHAT AREAS DO YOU SEE THERE BEING IMMEDIATE       ability and willingness to work with startups      Coverager claim to connect the dots, read
                                                 VALUE IN THE SHORT AND MEDIUM TERM                in our space isn't easy. The sharing economy       between the lines and deliver what matters
                                                 WHEN LEVERAGING THE SHARING ECONOMY IN            also has more variation in risk, so the            most in a way that keeps readers informed,
                                                 INSURANCE?                                        standard models that insurers have been using      intelligent and surprisingly interested.
                                                 At the moment the sharing economy is too          until now are difficult to apply. They will need
                                                 fragmented for large incumbent insurers to        to bite the bullet and embrace features such
                                                 address the under-served customers in cost        as shorter policy durations, hybrid personal/
                                                 effective ways. Insurtech startups have the       commercial categories, and smaller more
                                                 opportunity to be on the front lines in solving   numerous data-driven risk pools.

     Issue 5 • March 2018 • The Insider                                                                                                                           Issue 5 • March 2018 • The Insider

                                                                                                                                                                 "THE AUTOMATION OF
                                                                                                                                                                 SIMPLE TASKS MEANS
                                                                                                                                                                 THAT RESOURCES CAN                                                                               BECKY DOWNING
     DOROTA ZIMNOCH                                                                                                                                              BE MORE VALUABLY                                    LEANNE KEMP                                  ALTERNATIVE INSURANCE
     STRATEGY                                                                                                                                                    SPENT WHERE THERE                                   BLOCKCHAIN                                   DISTRIBUTION
     A Top50 global Fintech & Insurtech                                                                                                                          IS MORE FRICTION                                    After 20+ years in the tech sector, Leanne   CEO and founder of buzzGroup,
     influencer and #WomeninTech, expert
     with 20 years of international experience
                                                                                                                                                                 IN THE CUSTOMER                                     turned her mind to expanding horizons
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     and focused on the insurance industry
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Becky has a legal background and was
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  recognised in 2015 as ‘One of the 200
     in the financial sector, Dorota helps                                                                                                                       ENGAGEMENT                                          (fintech) as the next deep blue. With the    Most Influential People in Tech (UK)’ by
     organisations develop and deliver complex                                                                                                                                                                       industry undergoing what she describes as    TechCity Insider. In 2016, she won the
     digital transformations, reinvent and                                                                                                                                                                           a metamorphosis, with an unprecedented       WCIT Emerging Entrepreneur Award
     relaunch traditional brands, to deliver                                                                                                                                                                         scale of innovation taking place, Leanne     and also won a silver Stevie Award for her
     customer-centric strategies and insights                                                                                                                                                                        believes that new technologies represent     business in the women in small business
     driven value propositions.                                                                                                                                                                                      opportunities to re-think legacy systems.    category.
                                                                                                        A Senior Manager on the Risk & Regulation team
                                                            CIARA O'GRADY                               at Deloitte, Ciara works on a range of projects within
                                                                                                        the insurtech and wider market on topics such as
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     She believe that Everledger, her latest
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     startup, can do just that.                                                                    27

                                                            REGULATION                                  insurance mediation; business processes; Solvency II;
                                                                                                        claims and complaints handling projects and event
                                                                                                        organisation. An extremely professional, very techni-
                                                                                                        cally knowledgeable individual, Ciara’s worked within
                                                                                                        the corporate governance field for almost a decade.

                                                       HAVE YOU SEEN ANY SIGNIFICANT CHANGE IN              VALUE IN THE SHORT AND MEDIUM TERM?                  It’s an area that firms continue to get wrong
                                                       REGULATORY LANDSCAPE THAT COULD HELP                 For me the key point in this question is             and is, in my opinion, the backbone to con-
                                                       ACCELERATE THE GROWTH IN INSURTECH?                  the immediate and short term. In order to            sumer-related financial services regulation.
                                                       I don’t necessarily think that there has been        generate meaningful value and market share,
                                                       a significant regulatory change that would           the solution needs to be simple and customer         WHAT ARE THE BIGGEST CHALLENGES YOU SEE
                                                       trigger immediate accelerated growth in the          centric. The most adopted technology to date
     PHOEBE HUGH                                       sector, however I do think there has been            has been robotics. Robotics has generated
                                                                                                                                                                 THE INDUSTRY FACING WHEN IMPLEMENTING
                                                                                                                                                                 INSURTECH SOLUTIONS APART FROM THEIR LEGACY
                                                       more of an appetite by regulators to engage          value through the automation of processes
     MACHINE LEARNING & AI                             with new entrants using new technologies to          and digitalisation of customer sales. This is
                                                                                                                                                                 SYSTEMS AND CULTURE?
                                                                                                                                                                 There is not, nor should there be, different        PATRIZIA COZZOLI                             IRENE VAN DEN BRINK
                                                       promote new insurance service offerings and          likely to see enhancements in the quali-             rule sets for technology driven financial
     Phoebe is CEO and Co-founder of
                                                       existing players utilising technology advance-       ty of complaints and error management,               services businesses versus existing, more           IOT                                          COMMUNITY INSURANCE
     Brolly, the UK's first artificially intelligent
                                                       ments to offer their services and enhanced           claims handling, record keeping and more             traditional, financial services businesses.
     insurance advisory app. Brolly enables
                                                       dialogue between regulatory authorities and          transparent and meaningful information               While newer regulations and legislation take        With a breadth of experience in
     customers to have all their insurance in
                                                       Fintech firms. While I don’t think that the          disclosure to customers. Not without its risks,      account of technology developments and seek         Investment Banking and InsurTech,            Irene joined InShared after 15 years of
     one place, and facilitates easy access to and
                                                       Irish regulator has taken a stance one way           the automation of these simple tasks means           to address risks posed by same, older legis-        Patrizia spent several years in              innovation and business development
     management of their policy details and
                                                       or another on whether Fintech is good or             that resources can be more valuably spent            lation and regulation is written on the basis       Investment Banking before co-founding        for banking and insurance companies in
     documents. The app also claims to deliver
                                                       bad for the sector, what I have found helpful        where there is more friction in the customer         of the product or service that is provided. Its     Domotz, an award-winning remote              Europe and the Americas. As Director of
     contextually relevant insights that will
                                                       in supporting my Fintech clients is that the         engagement and to more smoothly iron out             application to InsurTech businesses may vary        network monitoring and management            Business Development she is responsible
     empower customers to make informed
                                                       Central Bank of Ireland has stated what they         issues that require, for the moment, human           but firms will need to work through its appli-      solution. She is also Head of Business       for the international expansion of
     decisions about their insurance.
                                                       perceive the benefits and risks posed by the         intervention.                                        cation to their solution, conscious of what the     Development for Fing, which develops         InShared and fintech entity OutShared,
                                                       Fintech industry generally to be.                    In addition to the above, a particular special       regulatory/ legislative objective actually is.      network scanning, network security and       which provide an insurance-in-a-box
                                                                                                            interest of mine is the appropriateness and                                                              Wi-Fi troubleshooting tools built for the    SAAS solution to existing insurers or
                                                       WHAT AREAS DO YOU SEE THERE BEING IMMEDIATE          suitability of products being sold to customers.     To read more of Ciara’s interview, visit the blog   Internet of Things.                          greenfields within the insurance industry.

     Issue 5 • March 2018 • The Insider                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Issue 5 • March 2018 • The Insider

                                                              If we are to achieve true gender parity and not
                                                                    just pay it lip service, then we all need to
                                                             question our assumptions and work on our own
                                                           unconscious bias. But first, we need to understand

                                                            what that is. Dr Kimberly Fitzgerald, Chartered

                                                                  Psychologist, looks at how the landscape is
                                                                    changing and what we can all do to help.


      WOMAN'S                                                  hirley Chisholm was the first African American congress-
                                                               woman, and was the first woman in the United States to
                                                               run for the Democratic Party presidential nomination.

                                                               One of her famous quotes is: “The emotional sexual, and
                                                               psychological stereotyping of females begins when the
                                                               doctor says, ‘It’s a girl’.”

                                                               International Women's Day was initiated in 1910 and this
                                                               year takes place on March 8th. It is a global day celebrating
                                                               the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of
                                                               women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating
                                                               gender parity.

                                          Many things have occurred in the first few months of 2018 to put the topic of
                                          gender disparity in the news. On January 1st, Iceland brought in a new law to
                                          enforce equal pay between genders. In Iceland, it is now illegal to pay men more
                                          than women. Under this new legislation (announced on International Women’s
                                          Day 2017), companies that employ more than 25 people are obliged to obtain a
                                          certificate from the government to demonstrate pay equality (or face fines). A
                                          small country with a population of under 350,000 has made a very strong state-
                                          ment about the gender pay gap. February 6th of this year marked the centenary
                                          of women’s right to vote in Ireland. Although this was limited to women over
                                          30 with property rights or a university education, it was a start for Irish women’s
                                          rights. Sexual harassment in Hollywood was brought into focus with the Harvey
                                          Weinstein scandal, initiating the Me Too campaign which will not go away any
                                          time soon. Oprah Winfrey’s powerful Golden Globe speech further highlighted
                                          the current and future needs for women of all ages and will have a long lasting
                                          impact for years to come.

                                          The McKinsey & Company Women in the Workplace study (2017) collected data
                                          from over 70,000 employees across more than 222 companies. The study identi-

     Issue 5 • March 2018 • The Insider                                                                             Issue 5 • March 2018 • The Insider

     fied that women hit the glass ceiling early:
     Women are 18% less likely to be promoted at
                                                         (51%), and family conflicts (44). For female
                                                         respondents: Family conflicts (25%),%), Men-
                                                                                                                                              have an impact on professional relationships.
                                                                                                                                              These can be small and unintentional acts
                                                                                                                                                                                                  From a social perspective, changes in
                                                                                                                                                                                                  workplace culture can make a difference.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ACTIONS MEN CAN
     first step up opportunities compared to males.      toring from senior leaders (24%), Shortage of                                        designed to degrade and a target of such be-        Culture is defined as a system of values,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 TAKE TO SUPPORT
     Young men (aged 22-29) were far less likely         female candidates (8%).                               six percent                    haviors may have difficulty in discerning insen-    attitudes and reactions within a society       FEMALE COLLEAGUES:
     than young women to say gender diversity
     was a top personal priority. The biggest gap        It’s important to consider future generations         of insurance                   sitivity and intentional hostility. Little things
                                                                                                                                              build up over time and cause stress and distress
                                                                                                                                                                                                  that determine appropriate behaviour. This
                                                                                                                                                                                                  is a about a set of shared beliefs, ideology   If you champion gender
     in personal commitment to gender diversity
     was in this younger age group- young women
                                                         of staff. A survey by PWC (2015) of more
                                                         than 10,000 millennials found that more
                                                                                                               respondents expect             eventually having an impact on self-esteem.         and modes of behaviour (both verbal
                                                                                                                                                                                                  and non-verbal). It is also about the sum
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 diversity, encourage others
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 to do the same.
     were the most committed while young men             than 80% of the 122 participants working in           a significant                  Leaders have an important role. Workplace           total ways of living built up by a group of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Become a sponsor and
     were the least. This study also identified that
     women of all generations do more household
                                                         insurance businesses (86%) of the respon-
                                                         dents indicated that an employer’s policy on          uptick in female               environments offer modeling influences
                                                                                                                                              which have an impact on behaviors. Accord-
                                                                                                                                                                                                  human beings which is transmitted from
                                                                                                                                                                                                  one generation to another. Social identity     mentor; share your
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 experience and knowledge
     work, are less likely to receive advice from
     managers and senior leaders on career ad-
                                                         diversity, equality and workforce inclusion is a
                                                         decisive factor when choosing a new job.
                                                                                                               leaders over the               ing to social cognitive psychologist Albert
                                                                                                                                              Bandura, (best known for social learning
                                                                                                                                                                                                  is a process by which we define ourselves
                                                                                                                                                                                                  in terms of categories that we share with      with female colleagues and
     vancement, (yet employees who do are more                                                                 next five years.               theory): "Social learning influences shape          other people. Social identities assume         endorse them within your
     likely to be promoted). Also, women are less        Hidden barriers exist and these can be the                                           the form of cultural evolution by favouring         commonalities with others, and strengthen
     likely to interact regularly with senior leaders,   most difficult to tackle. Unconscious bias                                           behavioral variants that are efficacious in         group memberships. (This is why company
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Consider whether your
     (yet employees who do are more likely to            is about having internal prejudices that you                                         particular milieus” (p. 73). Bandura (1998)         values are important and this needs to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 team has sufficient diversity
     aspire to be top executives). This study cites      aren’t consciously aware of. Several studies                                         considered that (a) people learn by observa-        be agreed from the top). Companies that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 of thought and experience
     World Economic Forum (WEF) research                 have identified that unconscious bias is a                                           tion through modeling, and the consequences         commit to diversity programmes, with buy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 to avoid “groupthink”
     which identified that across all industries         contributing factor to women making less                                             that the model receives affect the behaviour of     in from senior leaders can make a differ-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 and develop innovative
     globally, women are 28% as likely to reach          money and occupying fewer leadership roles                                           the observer, if punishment is involved, a be-      ence. Changes start on a personal level-by
     leadership positions as men. They estimate          than men. These biases float under the surface                                       haviour is less likely to take place; (b) people    tackling your own unconscious bias,
     that, based on current trends, it will take 117     on a deeper psychological level (think of an                                         are more likely to perform the behaviour they       you can increase your awareness, accept        Make certain that
     years to achieve global gender parity.              iceberg) and have an impact on a person’s              ACTIONS WOMEN CAN             observe if the model is similar to them; (c) an     where you can make a difference, question      networking and social
     The Ernst & Young study Navigating Dis-
                                                         attitudes and reactions. They are under the
                                                         surface and we can’t really “see them.” It’s
                                                                                                                TAKE TO ADVANCE               error in evaluating the context of a situation
                                                                                                                                              can have negative consequences.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  assumptions, and work with others to
                                                                                                                                                                                                  change attitudes.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 opportunities involve
     ruption Without Gender Diversity: Think             important to confront our own unconscious
                                                                                                                THEIR CAREERS:                                                                                                                   activities and environments
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 that make everyone feel
     Again noted that gender parity has been             biases as awareness of these internal predis-                                                                                                                                           welcome and comfortable.
                                                                                                                Take charge of the next
     linked to innovation and better financial           positions can help us change our perspectives
                                                                                                                phase of your career.
     performance, (especially during times of            and challenge belief systems and understand
                                                                                                                Don’t wait to be noticed
                                                                                                                                                                  u r o wn                                                                       Create a culture of diversity
30   transformation and disruption). Highlighting        reactions on personal and social levels.
                                                                                                                                                                o          n                                .                                                                           31
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 and inclusiveness that
                                                                                                                                                            ng y s, you ca ccept
                                                                                                                -- put your hand up for
     that “diversity is a business imperative,” key
                                                                                                                                                      k l i                        s t i o n   t t i t                                           encourages both men and
                                                                                                                                                    c                        a   e           a
                                                                                                                                              By ta cious bia areness, rence, qu change
     research findings are mentioned:                    We spend a lot of time at work (one of the                                                                                                                                              women to excel.
     • An analysis of the S&P Composite                  many social environments that we interact in)
                                                                                                                                                   ns                         e  to
                                                                                                                If board service is on the
                                                                                                                                              unco se your a ake a diff h others
     1500 found that firms with women in top             and we take our attitudes and belief systems           horizon even later in life,                                                                                                      Consider critically where
     management roles experienced an increase in         with us. In 1974, Massachusetts Institute of                                                                                                                                            unconscious bias impacts
                                                                                                                START today.
                                                                                                                                                    a              m         it
                                                                                                                                              incre you can work w
     “innovation intensity” – and were worth, on         Technology (MIT) economist Mary Rowe                                                                                                                                                    your decisions about who
     average, about US$40m more than companies           was given the task of analysing areas where                                                                                                                                             to hire, who to collaborate
                                                                                                                Understand what it takes
                                                                                                                                              whe ptions, a
     with only male leaders.                             the workplace at MIT could be improved. She            to serve on a board and                                                                                                          with and who to promote.
     • Teams with more women have been shown             observed behaviours that had an impact on              what skills and experience
     to be better at logical analysis, coordination,     men and women of colour, women in general,             you need.
     planning and problem solving.                       people with disabilities, and a person’s sexual
     • A report from the Peterson Institute found        orientation. “Little issues” such as acts of disre-    Seek mentors, coaches
     that 30% female representation on boards can        spect, failures in performance feedback, names         and sponsors, both men
     increase company net profits by 6%.                 being left off of a list, people not introduced        and women, and sponsor
                                                         at meetings, inequitable job assignments and           and mentor other women
     The EY study (2016) found that six percent          inappropriate comments were observed (Rowe,            yourself.
     of insurance respondents expect a significant       2008, p.1). Rowe defined micro-inequities
     uptick in female leaders over the next five         as “apparently small events which are often            Consider more-focused
     years. Only 17% of banking and insurance            ephemeral and hard-to-prove, events which              networking or targeted
     leaders expected to see a significant increase      are covert, often unintentional, frequently            board-readiness education
     in the number of women in leadership roles in       unrecognized by the perpetrator, which occur           that helps you achieve the
     the next five years, and only 39% of insurance      wherever people are perceived to be ‘different’”       next step in your career.
     companies surveyed were formally measuring          (p. 2). She compared the corrosive effect
     their progress towards gender diversity. In re-     of cumulative remarks to bits                          Spread the word about                                                                                                                     Want to check your own
     gards to barriers for women in leadership, men      of sand and ice which                                  what you want, seek                                                                                                                           beliefs attitudes and
     and women were asked: “What do women                                                                       guidance and have a plan.                                                                                                                    opinions? Check out
     and men think is getting in the way?” Male                                                                                                                                                                                                          Harvard’s Project Implicit
     respondents scored (from highest to lowest):                                                                                                                                                                                                         Gender-Career Implicit
     Mentoring from senior leaders (60%),                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Asociation Test (IAT)
     Shortage of female candidates

     Issue 5 • March 2018 • The Insider                                                                                                                                                                                                            Issue 5 • March 2018 • The Insider
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