INsight - Celestial Insight

Page created by Philip Mccoy
INsight - Celestial Insight
                                                      december 2020

This Month…

 New 2021 Calendar
 Sag New Moon/Eclipse
 Cancer Full Moon
 Jupiter Saturn conjunction
                               Finally the political situation in the US is offering us all a more rational
 THE CORONA CRUCIBLE          future. But the health crisis there is massively out of control. It will
                               take a long time to recover and heal. There are still some tough as-
                               trological factors ahead especially the US Pluto Return, which is al-
                               ready shaking the foundations of their Democracy.

                               This month we will witness the long awaited Jupiter-Saturn conjunc-
                               tion as both planets transition into the progressive sign of Aquarius.
                               The Jupiter-Saturn cycle is a 20 year cycle, but these two planets
                               have not formed a conjunction in the sign of Aquarius since the year
                               1405. That was around the time of the advent of the Renaissance.

                               There is a sense of rebirth now too. Change is in the air. But we will
                               have to adapt to the new social systems that are set to emerge.

                               As 2020 comes to a close we can be hopeful that 2021 will prove to   be a better year. There will be challenges ahead, but there will also      be opportunities to rebuild and create a future based on a new
                               framework of revised values and a sense of social justice.
INsight - Celestial Insight
                        sagittarius new Moon & Solar Eclipse
                                                  mindset, or at least the capacity to
                                                  regroup and set a new agenda,
This December 15 New Moon is a
                                                  however the square to Neptune
total solar eclipse that will be visi-
                                                  could see additional confusion or
ble in Chile and Argentina. The
                                                  uncertainty, along with more con-
eclipse path crosses large sections
                                                  spiracy theories.
of the South Pacific and South At-
lantic.                                           Neptune in Pisces has for some
                                                  time now been undermining our
Note that the path of any solar
                                                  faith across the board. It has creat-
eclipse travels from west to east,
                                                  ed an alternative reality that many
across the Earth due to the rela-
                                                  people have decided is something
tionship between the Moon, Earth
                                                  they can believe in. But Neptune
and Sun.
                                                  in Pisces is a function of the imagi-
The Sun and Moon are making a                     nation, it should not be confused
trine to Mars and Eris, helping us                with reality.
see some of the positives to come
                                                  Venus and Vesta in Scorpio make
out of the recent trials we have en-
                                                  a positive and outgoing sextile to
                                                  Jupiter/Saturn again highlighting
As Jupiter and Saturn close in on                 the potential of the society new
their conjunction, they are about                 era we are about to enter.
to leave the Capricorn realm. This
                                                  On the whole this eclipse opens a
eclipse marks the end of an era as
                                                  portal to a fresh attitude and
well as the start of a new one.
                                                  agenda. Sagittarius has a broad
All Solar eclipses allow us to see                viewpoint and under-
things in a new light, as the light               standing. This eclipse
of consciousness and the mysteri-                 fuels an openness to
ous unconscious realm merge as                    change and a willing-
one.                                              ness to engage with
                                                  new ideas and social
The alignment of the South Node
and Mercury speaks to a new
INsight - Celestial Insight

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INsight - Celestial Insight
                                                               Cancer Full Moon

      As Venus aligns with the     sources. Some astrologers talk
         South Nodal Axis on       about the South Node in negative
         December 30, it ends      terms; that it symbolises what we
         the year with a quiet     need to abandon and that we
         note for reflection. It   should instead strive towards the
         reconnects us to our      symbolism of the North Node.
         core values and princi-
                                   While the North Node may repre-
                                   sent something to strive towards,
The South Node is a place where    I’m not convinced that the South
we are comfortable and secure      Node should be discarded. Its
and able to draw upon inner re-    sign and planets nearby are as-
                                                                       sets. Venus brings more awareness
                                                                       to our intrinsic values, both per-
                                                                       sonal and spiritual. It’s a time to
                                                                       embrace our principles and those
                                                                       who share them. It could also be
                                                                       time to establish a new set of val-
                                                                       ues that better serve us, and let
                                                                       go of any connections that do not.

                                                                       As this year comes to a close, this
                                                                       is the perfect time to reflect on the
                                                                       past and consider the future.

                                                                       Jupiter and Saturn are offering us
                                                                       a new path forward, a different so-
                                                                       cial agenda and a fresh set of pos-
                                                                       sibilities. Aquarius is a key feature
                                                                       of coming years, bringing revolu-
                                                                       tionary and widespread change. A
                                                                       more progressive agenda based
                                                                       on science, truth and knowledge is
INsight - Celestial Insight
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INsight - Celestial Insight
        ture of this solstice chart. Saturn shifts in to
           Aquarius on the 17th followed by Jupiter
           on the 20th. The exact alignment takes
           place on the 22nd, just hours after this Sol-

           Saturn and Jupiter will work together to
           implement a socially progressive agenda.

Aquarius themes abound over coming decades. The      456
future is dawning and Aquarian influences founded
on scientific truths are coming to the fore.

The conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius last        Semi-sextiles force us to evolve, to move ahead and
took place in the year 1405. Jupiter and Saturn link up       to look to the future. This arrangement is taking us
every 20 years, but it has been over 600 years since          forward, but also out of our comfort zone, broaden-
they met in Aquarius.                                         ing our horizons as we face an uncertain future.

This Solstice chart has Mars and Eris in a tight square       As Saturn, ruler of Capricorn shifts fully into Aquarius,
with Pluto, an aspect that has been in play for many          we are embarking on a new reality that we can con-
months and which symbolises the havoc we’ve seen              sciously create if we have the capacity to think out-
unfold throughout 2020. This is the final pass of this        side the box and learn to adapt.
square, but as it is still active in this Solstice chart we
                                                              There is no going back.
may see continued unrest and pain for the next sev-
eral months.                                                  The originality, principles and social reforms that are
                                                              coming will mean inevitable clashes with the status
Mercury is in a tight conjunction with the Sun, asking
                                                              quo throughout 2021 as Uranus and Saturn will be
us to use critical thinking in decision making. The
                                                              squaring one another, but as we know, change is
tight semi-sextile the Sun and Mercury make to Jupi-
                                                              never easy.
ter and Saturn is a key feature of this Solstice chart.
INsight - Celestial Insight
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