Integrated Rehabilitation Centre for Addicts (IRCA): Structure and Functions

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Integrated Rehabilitation Centre for Addicts (IRCA): Structure and Functions
International Journal of Health Sciences and Research
                                                                                       Vol.10; Issue: 9; September 2020
Original Research Article                                                                              ISSN: 2249-9571

         Integrated Rehabilitation Centre for Addicts
              (IRCA): Structure and Functions
                                  Divita Sharma1, Sarita Gautam2
        MPH Student, School of Public Health, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Rishikesh, India
 Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences, National Institute of Health and Family Welfare, Munirka,
                                                 Delhi, India
                                         Corresponding Author: Divita Sharma


Background: Drug addiction has affected several numbers of individuals and is associated with
impairment in various aspects of physical, psychological and socio-occupational functioning. Drug
abuse deteriorates the human health. The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment introduced
IRCA (Integrated Rehabilitation Centre for Addicts) in order to provide composite or integrated
services for the rehabilitation of substance dependent individual. It aims for the whole person
recovery (WPR) and has set certain guidelines for the structure and functioning of these centres.
Time-to-time assessment of these centres is important to know about whether the guidelines are
effectively implemented or not and how far the objectives of the center are being met.
Objectives: To assess the structure and functioning of Integrated Rehabilitation Centre for Addicts
(IRCA), New Delhi.
Methodology: It is a qualitative study and case study, which was done with questionnaire tools,
interviews and records of the center.
Results: The center was smoothly functioning with adequate number of staff for the respective tasks.
There was adequate provision of infrastructure and material resources. There was lack of training
activities for the staff and educational and vocational activities for the patients. There were inadequate
funds by the government and was not allotted to the center on time.
Conclusion: The procedure of counseling was effectively done in order to spread the awareness and
educate not only the drug users but also their family. The center failed to achieve its objective to make
a patient gainfully employed after their recovery. Lack of training activities and lack of support from
the government were the key factors that the center was unable to fulfill its objectives fully.

Keywords: IRCA, structure, function, rehabilitation

INTRODUCTION                                                 services for substance use disorder in India
        India is identified in literature as a               are delivered by three major sectors. The
drug-using nation. Widespread misuse of                      first is the Non-Governmental Organization
alcohol was found and there is an estimated                  (NGO) sector another major group is the
two million opiate users, eight million                      private sector; many doctors including a
cannabis users, and up to 164,000 drug                       large number of psychiatrists are providing
injectors. [1] Substance use disorders require               services to people for substance use related
a comprehensive treatment, delivered by                      problems. Then comes the government de-
trained professionals, belonging to various                  addiction centres. The Ministry of Health
disciplines.                                                 and      Family    Welfare    (MOH&FW),
        In India, the sector of drug                         Government of India, has established about
dependence treatment is still developing and                 122 drug dependence treatment centres. [2]
undergoing refinement. The treatment

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        The Ministry of Social Justice and               2. Identification of Substance Dependent
Empowerment (MSJE) since 1985-86, has                    persons for Motivational Counseling
been implementing the Scheme of                          3. Detoxification and Whole Person
Prevention of Alcoholism and Substance                   Recovery (WPR)
Abuse for drug demand reduction. It has                  4. Referral Services
been revised four times in 1994, 1999, 2008              5. After Care and Follow Up
and 2015 and currently provides financial                6. Care and Support to families for Co-
support to NGOs and employers mainly for                 dependence and Rehabilitation
the drug abuse awareness and prevention                  7. Rehabilitation
programs.                                                8. Period of Stay: The duration of
        The Society for Promotion of Youth               comprehensive care and total recovery
and Masses (SPYM) is an Indian NGO                       stated by this centre is 90 days i.e. 3 months.
working countrywide in the areas of health               Period of stay does not exceed 90 days.
and social development. SPYM is involved                 9. Food for the Inmates: Integrated
in several projects like Drug Abuse                      Rehabilitation for Drug Addicts (IRCA) is
Prevention,     Drug      Treatment     and              responsible for providing wholesome food
Rehabilitation, HIV/AIIDS, Mental Health                 (breakfast, lunch, dinner) to the patient free
and Tuberculosis Prevention. They also                   of charge.
have Homeless Intervention Program which
includes Recuperative care to homeless,                          One of the main projects of SPYM is
Night shelters and Homeless Feeding                      Integrated Rehabilitation for Drug Addicts
Program. SPYM is registered under the                    (IRCA), which provides integrated services
Society‟s Registration Act of 1860 with                  for the rehabilitation of substance dependent
Registration No. S-16824 and holds The                   person including juveniles, children, males
Foreign Contribution Regulations Act                     and females. IRCA works towards
(FCRA) registration with the Ministry of                 preventive education and awareness
Home Affairs, Government of India.                       generation, targeting both vulnerable and at
        The first drug treatment center                  risk groups groups. IRCA envisages total
opened by SPYM was in 1985, which was                    recovery of the addicted person by gaining a
the first such center of its kind in North               socio economic status in society with a
India. SPYM has worked towards a                         combination of individual counseling. IRCA
systematic and comprehensive approach                    also aim to enabling the addict to achieve
towards those who wish to cease drug use                 total abstinence and improve the well being
has benefited thousands of people over the               of their lives. The detoxification services are
years. It provides treatment services for                provided for safe and ethical management of
Substance Use Disorders among adults in                  withdrawal symptoms. [3]
India, and are also the only organization in                     Presently about 400 IRCAs are
the country providing specialized drug                   functioning with the support of the Ministry
treatment services for juveniles and young               in India. They revised the Scheme again in
adolescents.                                             2018 due to the various issued raised in the
        Currently SPYM has several                       meetings. In this scheme, structure,
functional centres in India- Delhi,                      objectives and financial norms were revised
Chandigarh, Guwahati, Jammu, Srinagar                    in detail for 15-bedded, 30-bedded and 50-
and Darjeeling. It has a total of 6 centres              bedded IRCAs, Regional Resource Training
functional in Delhi.                                     Centers (RRTCs), Awareness cum De-
                                                         Addiction Camps (ACDC). [4]
Objectives of organization:                                      Keeping these broad aspects in view,
1. Preventive Education and Awareness                    the study of organization and functioning of
Generation                                               an IRCA was conducted to increase the
                                                         awareness and overall knowledge and the

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view to understand its role in delivering                 2018. It was thus important to find out how
comprehensive care and other facilities to                effective were the guidelines currently being
the affected population.                                  implemented in these centres, how far have
        Since substance abuse has become a                the objectives of this centre been met, how
huge problem in our country and it involves               effectively were the human resources
complicated health and other problems like                managed and how were the finances being
mental issues, infections, social stigma,                 distributed among the members of the centre
criminal activities. There are many sectors               and for the services rendered.
involved and trained to rehabilitate and
deliver comprehensive care to the affected                MATERIAL AND METHODS
population, it is very essential to enhance               GENERAL OBJECTIVE:
the knowledge and practices about the                     To assess the structure and functioning of an
services being provided to the substance                  Integrated Rehabilitation Centre for
users. There are no satisfactory, widely                  Addicts, New Delhi.
accepted answers to the questions like, what
should be the minimum bed strength in                     SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES:
these centres? What is the staff pattern and              1. To find out the organizational structure
how many of the staff is required for this                   of the Integrated Rehabilitation Centre
purpose? How should the staff members be                     for Addicts
trained? What should be done to ensure that               2. To ascertain the functioning of the
the facilities and services are running as per               Integrated Rehabilitation Centre for
the accepted standards? It is still a challenge              Addicts
as to what are the standard methods and                   3. To determine the challenges faced by
techniques to overcome this crucial                          the Integrated Rehabilitation Centre for
problem. [2]                                                 Addicts
        This study aims to find out about the             4. To suggest remedial measures to
structure and functioning of Integrated                      improve the functioning of the centre
Rehabilitation Centre for Addicts (IRCA).                    and to overcome the challenges.
Very few studies related to this research has
been done and no study has aimed to                       Study type: It is a qualitative study.
provide whether the objectives of the drug                Study Design: The study design is Case
rehabilitation has been met fully or not. This            Study design.
study focused on the management of                        Study unit:
structure, staff pattern and their roles and              Area: Integrated Rehabilitation Centre for
management of services provided to the                    Addicts, Society for Promotion of Youth
rehabilitees and the financial resources                  and Masses (SPYM), Kotla Mubarakpur,
provided in the rehabilitation centre so as to            New Delhi.
improve the quality of the services and to
suggest remedial measures if necessary. The               Population: Staff and other officials
purpose of this study was to have an                      associated with the centre, which included:
approximate or exact figure about the
number of beds, staff members and facilities              Project   coordinator   cum              vocational
provided to the drug users and other various              counselor
constituting      factors    necessary       for          a. Accountant cum clerk
functioning       of      a    well-organized             b. Cook
rehabilitation centre.                                    c. Security Guards
        The Ministry of Social Justice and                d. Nurse
Empowerment fund the IRCA, New Delhi                      e. Counselors/Social Workers
and there are revised guidelines, which are               f. Doctor
implemented in this centre since 1st April                g. Yoga Therapist

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h. Ward boy                                              done among him or her after taking their
i. Peer educator                                         written consent for the same.

Sampling Technique: Purposive Sampling                       To assess the organizational structure,
Data collection tools:                                   financial resources, treatment facilities and
 Primary Data:                                          administrative      activities,  observatory
- Interview was done with the Project                    method was done and secondary data from
manager,                                                 the records of the centre was obtained.
- Questionnaire was administered to all the
staff members to know about the job                      Inclusion Criteria: - Officials associated
satisfaction                                             with the study area
 -Observation checklist was made for the                  - Willing to participate
infrastructure, material resources and                   Exclusion Criteria: - Absent at the time of
various activities in the centre.                        study
 Secondary data: Records of the centre                   - Not willing to participate
    from the head office of SPYM, articles,              Statistical Analysis:
    research paper, thesis, books and                    The data collected was analysed using MS
    journals. [5-8]                                      Excel and was computed in the form of
                                                         tables, charts and graphs and in proportions.
Study Procedure: Written consent was
obtained from the Head Office of the centre              Limitations of this study:
before data collection. This study focused               1. Study cannot be generalized because the
on the ongoing IRCA project under the                       study was based on only on one
following headings:                                         rehabilitation centre.
                                                         2. Centres administering female, child and
A. ORGANIZATION                                             adolescent     population   were    not
    Location                                               undertaken.
    Objectives of the organization
    Organizational structure                            RESULTS
    Staffing pattern and their roles                    A. BACKGROUND OF
B. RESOURCES AND FACILITIES                              Location: The study unit is situated in
                                                         Kotla Mubarakpur, New Delhi. Kotla
    Human resource and its utilization
                                                         Mubarakpur Complex, which is an upscale
    Financial    resources    and      its
                                                         market with a residential colony, is situated
                                                         in south central part of New Delhi. Delhi
    Treatment facilities                                Development Authority (DDA) classifies it
    Administrative activities                           as an urban village. It is easily approachable
                                                         by road and rail communications. Nearest
    Firstly, a written consent was obtained              metro station is South Extension and INA.
from the director of the organization. The               Nearest tertiary healthcare facilities
study population was identified. The project             available are AIIMS New Delhi and Ram
manager of the centre was interviewed                    Manohar Lohia Hospital.
regarding the general working of the centre,             Infrastructure: It is a two storey building
his roles and responsibilities, training                 where ground floor is reserved as a shelter
programs conducted in the centre and                     for homeless addicts, while the upper two
challenges faced by the centre.                          floors have rehabilitation and healthcare
    Secondly, each staff member was                      facilities for addicts including IRCA, OPD
identified and a job satisfaction level was              services, pharmacological assistance etc.

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The IRCA is situated on the second floor                        There is also an availability of OPD
with one staff office, one quarter for staff, a                 facilities and medicine dispensing room
15-bedded dormitory, an activity hall for                       where various medicines are dispensed to
different counseling and therapeutic                            the addicts based on their respective
sessions along with kitchen and bathroom                        therapies (Table 2).
facilities (Table 1).

      1.      Dormitory                 1                    Accommodation for the drug addicts
      2.      Staff Room                1                    For counseling and other activities carried out by staff
      3.      Quarter for Staff         1                    For accommodation of a staff member
      4.      Activity Hall             1                    For various sessions like yoga, meditation etc.
      5.      Bathroom                  6 (2 on each floor)  For bathing
      6.      Toilets                   12 (4 on each floor) Hygienic facilities
      7.      Kitchen                   1                    For cooking purpose
      8.      Library                   1                    For reading purpose
      9.      Stitching Training Room   1                    As a recreational activity
      10.     OPD Room                  1                    For diagnosis and treatment plan of drug addicts
      11.     Medicine Dispensing Room 1                     For storage and delivery of medicines to patients

There are no other classrooms; all the activity programs are adjusted in the same activity hall
with the capacity of 20 patients.
                                    TABLE 2: LIST OF MEDICINES AVAILABLE IN IRCA
S.    NAME OF MEDICINE                               FORMULATION/  INDICATIONS
NO.                                                  STRENGTH
1.    Diazepam                                       Tab 5 mg      Essential. Indicated for the treatment of withdrawal
                                                                   symptoms in alcohol dependence.
                                                                   Can be used as sedative/adjunct in treatment of
                                                                   withdrawal symptoms in opioid dependence.
2.    Lorazepam                                      Tab 2 mg      Essential. Indicated for treatment of withdrawal
                                                                   symptoms in alcohol dependence in liver damage
3.    B complex/ Multivitamin                        Capsules/     Essential. Indicated for the treatment of withdrawal
                                                     Injections    symptoms in alcohol dependence.
4.    Buprenorphine                                  0.4 mg        Essential. Indicated in treatment of withdrawal
                                                                   symptoms in opioid dependence.
5.    Naloxone                                       Inj. 0.4 mg   Essential. Indicated for treatment of overdose of opioids
6.    Naltrexone                                     Tab 50 mg     Indicated specifically for long term treatment of Alcohol
                                                                   and opioid dependence
7.    Buprenorphine + Naloxone/ Methadone            2 + 0.5 mg/   Indicted for long term treatment of opioid dependence
8.    Other medications                                            Supportive. Indicated for treatment of associated co-
      Antacids, Antibiotics, NSAIDs, Antipsychotics,               morbid symptoms or disorders
      Antidepressants, Antiepileptics

1. Human resources and its utilization:
In health care settings, human resources are various clinical and non-clinical staff members
responsible for health intervention both for an individual and for public. The inputs and
outputs, the performance and the benefits of any health system or health organization depend
largely upon the knowledge, skills and motivation of those individuals responsible for
delivering health services. In health organization, human resource is a significant input which
directly affect the quantitative and qualitative aspects of the work output.

       The staffs of this centre are divided into administrative staff and medical staff.
43.75% of the staff looks after the administrative activities and 56.25% is responsible for
treatment and recreational activities. Most of the staff has been working in this centre for
more than a year (Table 3).

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                S.NO. NAME OF THE POST                               POST SANCTIONED FILLED
                1.      Project Manager                              1               1
                2.      Project Coordinator cum vocational counselor 1               1
                3.      Accountant cum clerk                         1               1
                4.      Cook                                         1               1
                5.      Security Guard                               2               2
                6.      Sweeper                                      1               0
                7.      Doctor                                       1               1
                8.      Counselor/Social Worker/Psychologists        2               2
                9.      Yoga therapist/Dance/Music/Art teacher       1               0
                10.     Nurse                                        2               2
                11.     Ward Boy                                     2               2
                12.     Peer Educator                                1               1
                TOTAL                                                16              14

                              Graph 1: Socio-demographic characteristics of the Staff

Number of Recruitments: 2 recruitments                      Surveys, Training Programs and Promotion
in the past year i.e. of the Cook and the                   of the staff to other projects. However, the
Nursing Officer.                                            promotion is not in terms of salary raise but
Motivation of the Staff: Most of the staff                  involving the person in other functional
was found to be motivated to work for the                   projects.
centre. Proper feedback is taken from the                   Communication among the members of
staff regarding the functioning and                         the organization: The manager of the
management of the centre. There are certain                 centre communicates with the staff
measures taken to further motivate the staff                efficiently. The primary mode of
by the management, which includes                           communication is via Social media like

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WhatsApp        Groups.      The    further                    Training Programs: The half yearly
communications happen by conducting                            reports were consulted for assessing the
meetings with the staff members to address                     training programs conducted for the service
their issues and challenges or to improvise                    providers. Administration was reviewed in
IRCA.                                                          order to assess the changes, number,
Selection of the Staff: The staff members                      methodology and content of the training
of this centre are selected through                            programs. It was evident from the reports
examination and/or interviews. Most of the                     that these training activities did not happen
staff members are on a one-year contract                       after certain period of time. It was observed
basis (usually April-March).                                   that no staff member received any training
                                                               activities from past 1 year. (Table 4)

1.      Drug Abuse Prevention      3-days (4th -6th July 2016)    SPYM      Nurse
2.      Life Skill                 2-days (4th-5th July 2016)     SPYM      Social Worker
3.      RDS                        4-days (20th-23rd December AIIMS         Social Worker
4.      Substance           Abuse 5-days (21st-25th August 2017)  SPYM      Social Worker
5.      Drug Abuse Prevention      5-days (16th-20th August 2017) SPYM      Counselor/Social Worker
6.      Oriental    Source      of 13th-17th September 2016       SPYM      Project coordinator cum vocational
        counseling                                                          counselor
                                    th   th
7.      Drug De-addiction Program 8 -12 August 2016               AIIMS     Project coordinator cum vocational
8.      RDS                        20th-23rd December 2017        AIIMS     Project coordinator cum vocational

                                    Graph 2: Satisfaction level of the staff members

        In NGOs it is very important for healthcare workers to be satisfied with the noble
work they are doing for the betterment of the society. However, some factors like lack of
motivation, pay and benefits, healthy environment and work stress can lead to dissatisfaction
of these workers.
        It was observed that most of the staff members were found to be dissatisfied with their
salaries and the number of training programs as shown on the graph above. Around 50% of
the staff was not happy with their pay and around 53% felt that there was lack of training
programs which could have enhanced their job performances and clear their job roles.
However, most of the staff members were satisfied with the workload and work distribution
among themselves.

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2. Financial Resources and its utilization:
a. Budget Allocation: This centre is fully funded by the Ministry of Social Justice and
Empowerment (MSJE). This budget was effective from 1st April 2018.
                                TABLE 5: Current Status of the Staff Remuneration
                      S.NO.    NAME OF THE POST         NUMBER BUDGET ALLOCATED
                      1.       Project Coordinator      1             15,000
                      2.       Accountant cum clerk     1             10,000
                      3.       Cook                     1             8,000
                      4.       Guard                    2             8,200
                      5.       Doctor                   1             55,000
                      6.       Counselor/ Social Worker 2             25000
                      7.       Nurse                    2             22,000
                      8.       Ward Boy                 2             22,000
                      9.       Peer Educator            1             10,000
                      TOTAL                             14            175,200

b. Expenditure:
       As checked from the records SPYM has not been receiving the grants due to which
the organization had to take loans and try its best to function through the donations. Around
80% of the total expenditure is borne by SPYM itself.

                        Graph 3: expenditure for the period of 1st April 2018- 31st March 2019

c. Treatment Facilities and other                               Each patient has its unique registration
Services:                                                       number and is reflected in all the records
The centre adapts an integrated approach                        of the patient.
when it comes to the providing treatment to                    Outpatient Services: The outpatient
the addicts. Most of the patients admitted to                   services in this centre are in
this centre were heroin addicts (90%). Very                     collaboration with AIIMS, Delhi. A full-
few were alcohol addicts. Following                             fledged doctor‟s team from the National
services are provided in this centre in order                   Drug Dependence Treatment Centre is
to maintain and achieve its goals and                           available twice a week for this purpose.
objectives:                                                     The outpatient clinic has the following
 Registration: All the patients receiving                      services:
    de-addiction treatment services, whether
    inpatient or outpatients are registered                   Diagnosis: Patients with a positive screen or
    both manually in a register and on a                      an indication of any drug addiction
    record database system called Drug                        problem/illness receive further assessment
    Abuse Monitoring System (DAMS).                           and determine a diagnosis. Patients who are

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then diagnosed with a substance use illness                   unable to cope with the treatment and
receive a comprehensive and integrated                        hence dropped out. The inpatient system
assessment with appropriate treatment                         includes the following:
Counseling or psychosocial intervention:                  Pharmacotherapy: Pharmacotherapy is
All     patients     along      with     their            available to all adult patients diagnosed with
attendants/family members (only if the                    opioid and alcohol dependence. Patients
patients agree to involve them) assessed by               with substance use illnesss are offered long-
the       trained       doctor        receive             term care for not only substance use illness
Counseling/psychosocial interventions, as                 but also for any coexisting conditions. This
per their clinical needs. A trained medical               care management is adapted based on
social worker/counselor/psychologist is                   continuous monitoring of their progress. For
always present at the centre to provide these             this purpose all the essentials and supportive
services.                                                 drugs are available and accessible to the
Treatment Prescription: Each patient                      patients which are mentioned in Table 2. An
receives a prescription of the treatment                  authorized person like a nurse or a
advised to him. Patients are also provided                pharmacist is responsible for dispensing
with a dispensing slip if and when needed                 these medicines.
during certain dispensing procedures.                     Food: Food is prepared inside the centre for
The outpatient services are available for                 all the patients throughout the day. A cook
both new and old cases so that it is easier to            is hired to do the job. A special facility is
follow-up.                                                given to the addicts where their family
                                                          member can bring eatables for them
 Inpatient Services: The patients                        once/twice a month.
  diagnosed with severe condition and                     Furniture and other amenities: The centre is
  require admission in a de-addiction                     equipped with adequate furniture like beds,
  centre receive these services. Record of                mattresses, chairs, tables, almirah, lockers,
  each patient living in this centre is                   pillow, blankets, towels, curtains etc with
  maintained in a register and his daily                  other special requirements like water
  activities are recorded. The registration               supply, security, waste management,
  requires essential information about                    laundry services and signage services.
  them like their identity and photos. The                Leisure/Recreational Activities: There are
  centre only admits the person after                     facilities like provision of library, Games/
  taking their consent. The period of stay                Sports, Art and Craft to engage the addicts
  for the patients is 90 days. There are                  in different activities for their capacity
  certain restrictions for the patients living            building. These activities are done routinely
  in the centre like they are not allowed to              and each patient is encouraged to participate
  bring any money, phone or any sharp                     in such activities and are praised on their
  objects. This step is taken to prevent                  performances.
  them from any activities that can                       Psychosocial       Interventions:      Trained
  dismantle in their treatment process.                   professionals are designated for activities
  However, the visitors are allowed to                    like individual and group counseling, basic
  visit the patient with prior permission                 psycho-education about the nature of illness,
  from the coordinator. The half-yearly                   important      of     treatment     adherence,
  report provided by the Project                          motivation, relapse prevention, counseling
  coordinator of the centre stated that                   for occupational rehabilitation.
  there were total of 53 patients admitted                It was observed that the centre aims to
  to the centre. The period of stay in this               provide various services. One of them is
  centre is 90 days but varied for patients.              effective counseling of the drug users to
  However, 3.7% of total patients were                    make them aware of the harmful effects of

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drug use and the impact of it on the society                   struggles of substance-abused patients are
as a whole. In the past 6 months there were                    discussed and how to tackle these struggles.
total of 276-group counseling conducted,                       Activities like Yoga and Meditation are
which was 40-50 minutes of duration per                        carried to enhance the spiritual health of the
session. A total of 582 individual counseling                  patients. There are two social workers in the
were conducted giving 15-25 minutes to                         center who conducts these exercises.
each patient. A total of 67 family counseling                  Since most patients admitted in the center
were also conducted. Counselor reported                        suffer from withdrawal symptoms, all
that they sometimes face difficulty in                         efforts are made to make their stay
counseling the patients during the first                       comfortable. The in-patient treatment period
month of rehabilitation when withdrawal                        is used to formulate the plans for long-term
symptoms are present. Hence, the procedure                     treatment and rehabilitation and the same is
of counseling was effectively done in order                    discussed with the patient.
to spread the awareness and educate not
only the drug users but also their family.                      Monitoring and Evaluation: To ensure
It was also observed that the center provides                    whole person recovery, follow-up
food and clothes for homeless addicts who                        activities are conducted to keep a check
take shelter in this center. Any homeless                        on the status of the patient. All admitted
addict who is willing for the de-addiction                       patients are provided with a discharge
treatment is welcomed and has access to all                      summary with a detailed plan for further
the facilities of the center like medicines,                     treatment from the OPD. They are put
food, OPD services etc.                                          on follow up for 1 year. The recovered
This center provides the motivational                            addicts reports to the center to seek
sessions and counseling in both group and                        support, counseling and medications.
individual settings. Daily sessions are taken                    (Table 6)
named „Just for Today Sessions‟ where
                                             TABLE 6: FOLLOW-UP ACTIVITIES
                                                      Twice in a month Once in a month Quarterly Total
           Letters/ phone calls sent to ex-patients 120                   90                   232 442
                                                        II. HOME VISITS:
                                     No. of ex-patients visited Total no. of visits undertaken
                                     78                          78

d. Administrative Activities:                                      Another project that is currently
Apart from IRCA, the SPYM Kotla is                                  functional in the center is shelter to
involved in other projects associated with                          homeless addicts. These homeless
Drug Abuse Treatment and Prevention.                                individuals have access to all the
 The center has collaborated with                                  services including OPD, food, water,
    NDDTC, AIIMS Delhi that provides                                electricity and entertainment materials
    OPD services through their expert and                           like television and library.
    trained professionals. These services are                      Targeted Intervention is another project,
    accessible to patients living in IRCA,                          which is funded by National AIIDS
    twice a week. Proper assessment by                              Control Organization (NACO). This
    detail history taking and correct                               program is used to implement HIV
    diagnosis of addicts are done. A                                prevention in settings with low level and
    counselor is also the part of the team                          concentrated HIV epidemics. Focuses
    who discusses the issues faced by the                           on high-risk population like female sex
    patient.                                                        workers,      truck     drivers,   LGBT
                                                                    community and injecting drug users

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    (IDUs). They make provision for needle                    staff to maintain the security of the
    exchange programs to prevent infection                    patient and the center.
    transmission.    There      are   several                Recreational activities like music, art,
    awareness camps, which are held in                        dance, educational activities and other
    these identified areas to educate people                  tasks, which can help the reintegration
    about the treatment options available for                 of rehabilitees, were lacking.
    addiction.                                               It was observed that it was difficult to
   These      Programs       along     with                  maintain the motivation of a willing
    collaboration with various ministries                     patient for de-addiction treatment
    ensure the smooth functioning of these                    because there was frequent withdrawal
    centers. SPYM has a total of 6 de-                        of the patients from the center due to
    addiction centers in Delhi.                               different reasons.

Challenges faced by the rehabilitation                     Recommendations
center:                                                   To overcome and to mitigate the effects of
It is observed and stated that the center face            these challenges, we suggest the following
many challenges in the field of drug                      remedial measures:
rehabilitation. The major challenge faced by              1. Government and concerned ministry
the center is inability to access funds timely                should take the responsibility of
from the government. There are few other                      allocating funds to the center effectively
challenges like lack of staff during the                      and efficiently. All the necessary funds
nighttime, lack of training activities, lack of               should be received by the center timely
educational and vocational activities for the                 for the smooth functioning of the center.
drug addicts and maintaining the motivation               2. Advocate and encourage for policies,
of the patients to adhere to the treatment.                   schemes, and/or laws that incorporate
                                                              the concept of the „whole person
On observation and through interviews with                    recovery‟ in order to offer opportunities
the staff members, following challenges                       to recovering drug users to receive basic
came in to light:                                             education, vocational education and
 The biggest challenge faced by the                          social livelihood skills from all types of
   organization is not receiving MSJE                         drug treatment and rehabilitation
   grant timely, which puts a lot of                          services at a national and state level.
   financial burden on the organization.                      This will help the in the process of
 Another major challenge for the staff                       reintegration of the addicts into the
   members were lack of training programs                     society. This can be done by improving
   conducted. According to 2013-14 annual                     the coordination with the organizations
   report of National Institute of Social                     associated with enhancing education,
   Defense, the training programs have                        vocational      education      and     skill
   been implemented in the past. But since                    development of the drug users.
   1 year there were no training programs                 3. Improve        and      provide     training
   for the functionaries.                                     opportunities for appropriate social
 It was observed that it was a major                         workers working for the drug treatment
   challenge to tackle the rehabilitees, as                   and rehabilitation of drug users. This
   these patients tend to show withdrawal                     will help staff members to handle the
   symptoms frequently like mood swings,                      addicts more efficiently. Capacity
   anger, frustration, use of abusive                         building and various skills like to be
   language etc.                                              able to prepare the patient for job
 Due to less availability of manpower                        interviews or to prepare patients for a
   during night, it was very difficult for the                structures life after their recovery. Their
                                                              knowledge should be updated about the

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   latest advancements and technologies in                the fact that they could apply for a grant-in-
   this area.                                             aid after running the center successfully for
4. Salaries and incentives should be                      one year and fulfilling the requirements,
   revised on regular basis to ensure                     which were laid down by the MSJE.
   motivation of the staff. This increases                        In a study DDCs in Punjab at
   the job satisfaction of the staff members              Kharar, Nawan Shahar, Faridkot, and
   and helps them to stay motivated in                    Bathinda had more beds than were
   providing the necessary care and                       sanctioned, due to an increase in the number
   services to the drug abusers.                          of patients and requests made by families of
5. Activity programs that provides training               the patients. A similar scenario was
   in tailoring, carpentry or computer                    observed in SPYM IRCA, Kotla
   courses must be financed and supported                 Mubarakpur due to increased number of
   at the center, in order to reintegrate the             demands for the admission of drug addicts.
   de-addicted persons into the social
   system.                                                        Family members and social workers
6. Necessary steps should be taken to                     referred a majority of the patients to the
   minimize the stigma and discrimination                 IRCAs. Families play an important role in
   and provide health and welfare services                the motivation of addicts in getting
   to people affected by substance use.                   treatment. Social workers can go and talk to
                                                          the addicts and their families and motivate
DISCUSSION                                                them to get treatment.
        This section presents the discussion                      The most common type of
on the major issues emerged from the                      organization delivering the treatment
findings in relation to similar studies                   services are the government general hospital
conducted in other countries as well as                   but substance abuse requires vast demand of
different parts of India. The discussion is               treatment which NGOs and certain de-
focused on the knowledge an awareness of                  addiction programs are unable to meet.
structure and function of de-addiction                    However, in this study it was found out that
centers and what are the factors that                     SPYM, being a NGO, aims to deliver the
influence the smooth functioning of the de-               best possible care required for the
addiction centers.                                        rehabilitation of the drug addicts.
        The general objective of this study                       The study shows that various drugs
was to assess the structure and functioning               were consumed and poly drug use was
of Integrated Rehabilitation Centre for                   widespread. While it was true, smoking was
Addicts (IRCA).                                           the main mode of administration; the degree
        The data collected is more in terms               of injecting was substantial (29%), and
of assessing the utilization and management               sufficiently widespread among the various
of money, manpower, material and time in a                groups.
drug rehabilitation center. A detailed study                      The literature identified the „whole
describing how essential it is to have a                  person recovery‟ model as part of the
proper management system is providing the                 rehabilitation procedure and focus should
best care to the drug addicts.                            not just be on clinically treating of treating
        According to the scheme for                       drug dependency. Needs like basic
prevention of alcoholism and substance                    education, vocational education and the
(drugs) abuse, IRCAs should ordinarily                    affinity towards developing livelihood skills
have 15-bedded or 30-bedded facilities with               for drug users were adapted and considered
specified staff, as per the norms. The centers            to be important but overall application and
receive financial assistance, with up to 90%              implementation of such activities was
of the approved expenditure. The project                  lacking.
directors of the IRCAs were made aware of

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        HIV and drug education was                        explore the financial constraints on such
undertaken by most of the staff members                   NGOs.
and a group session discussion was the most                       IRCA aims for whole patient
common mode of education in the various                   recovery and has successfully made the
settings.                                                 patients‟ crime and drug free. However, it
        It was observed from the records that             has failed to achieve its objective to make a
89% of rehabilitees were either unemployed                patient gainfully employed after their
or involved in casual work with an irregular              recovery. There have been very few
income. This center did not provide any                   educational and vocational workshops to
skills for drug users. However, focus group               help patients gain any employment
discussions with drug users showed an                     opportunities. This study was unable to take
improved preparation for employment.                      into account the reasons why this objective
        It is mentioned in many studies that              was not fulfilled due to limited period of
there are no linkages of a drug abuse                     time.
associated NGO with other organizations.                          It was observed that the staff was
SPYM is associated with NDDTC, AIIMS,                     highly motivated and educated but highly
Delhi, which is a well-established drug                   dissatisfied with their honorarium. It works
treatment center with trained professionals               efficiently with patients in recovery and is
from the department of Psychiatry. This                   able to create a positive environment. There
collaboration helps in giving an addict an                have not been any major training programs
elaborate treatment plan with the help of the             for the past one year. This has rendered their
specialists and is also useful for referral and           growth and lack of knowledge in the latest
linkages services to a higher organization                advancements and is a major contributing
wherever necessary. However, there is no                  factor for the de-motivation of the staff
partnership with any kind of organization,                members.
which helps the economical and social re-                         It was found that IRCA works
integration of drug users.                                towards an objective of systematic
        The majority of the staff felt the                monitoring and evaluation. The follow-up
need for government improvement in                        on patients showed that 45% cases relapsed
policies and practices in the area of broad               in past 6 months. From these findings it can
based education and/or vocational education               be concluded that though the process of
and livelihood skills for drug users.                     monitoring and evaluation was smoothly
        To aid the process of whole person                done and outreach programs and self help
recovery, basic education, provision of                   programs were in place but it failed to
appropriate vocational education and skill                achieve relapse prevention.
development compatible with the needs of                          Thus, it is concluded that the
the society will be necessary.                            structure and functioning of the center,
                                                          Kotla Mubarakpur is smooth. However
CONCLUSION                                                factors like lack of funds, training activities,
        From the findings of this study, it is            consistent remuneration hinders the growth
clear that due to inconsistencies in the flow             of the center in several ways and leads to
of financial resources there is an                        de-motivation of the staff.
interference with the efficient functioning of                    SPYM has worked towards a
this center, which aims to provide a                      systematic and comprehensive approach
comprehensive care to the drug addicts.                   towards those who wish to cease drug use
This directly puts a financial burden on the              has benefited thousands of people over the
organization resulting in demotivation of the             years and has greatly contributed to the
staff members and further delaying delivery               welfare of the society. Many individuals and
of the services needed. Therefore, more                   families have benefitted from the
research should be done in this area so as to             organization‟s services.

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