The Executive MSc International Strategy and Diplomacy is a unique programme
    designed to enhance the strategic vision of global leaders. The programme will
    provide you with both the analytical tools to understand a changing world and the
    policy skills to operate within it.

    You will learn how to deal with emerging threats and risks by operating
    strategically, and how to solve common problems by negotiating with
    stakeholders as well as adversaries.

    While lectures provide the background to the issues, in sharply-focused seminars,
    you will challenge conventional wisdom on these topics. Workshops and policy
    simulations on crisis management, and diplomatic negotiations will provide you
    with practical insights into what has been learned from the lectures.

                                                     Professor Michael Cox
                                                       Programme Director
a unique Programme for global leaders
A Worldwide Reputation                         High-Calibre                                    After the Programme
for Social Science                             International Participants
                                                                                               Many graduates have continued to work
LSE offers a unique opportunity to study       This one-year course is intended for            in their current organisations, bringing
the social sciences at a university with a     professionals in the public, private or NGO     new insights to their role or moving to a
worldwide reputation, while enjoying the       sectors with at least four years of work        higher level.
cultural, social and recreational facilities   experience, who are aiming to proceed to
                                                                                               Others have used the programme as
of one of the world’s most vibrant             senior positions. Places are deliberately
                                                                                               a way to change the direction of their
capital cities.                                restricted to ensure high calibre
                                                                                               career, towards new jobs in government,
                                               discussion and intellectual engagement.
                                                                                               international organisations, foreign
                                                                                               policy consultancy, and NGOs. The
Study with LSE Experts and
                                                                                               programme will also help you advance
Policy Practitioners                           Be Part of a Leading
                                                                                               your career by giving you access to
                                               Think Tank                                      bespoke career coaching.
You will be studying with LSE academics
and senior policy practitioners, sharing       The Executive Programme is managed
                                                                                               After graduation, you will also
their experience at the highest levels of      by LSE IDEAS, the LSE’s foreign policy
                                                                                               become part of the IDEAS Alumni
diplomacy and business.                        think tank. Benefit from IDEAS events
                                                                                               Network. Our alumni programme allows
                                               and research and be part of a thriving
                                                                                               students to enhance their professional
                                               intellectual community by studying at
Combine Work with Study                                                                        network and connect with LSE expertise
                                               a world leading think tank.
                                                                                               through exclusive events and current
The programme is taught in four                LSE IDEAS has been ranked number 1              affairs discussions.
intensive weeks, 22 weekly evening             in Europe and number 2 in the world for
sessions, and two ‘policy weekend’             university affiliated think tanks in 2017 and
retreats. This structure is designed to        2018 (Global Go To Think Tank Index).
allow time-pressured professionals to
combine your existing jobs with study.
Intensive Weeks
    PROGRAMME CALENDAR                                                                                                       Evening Seminars
                                                                                                                             Policy Weekends

         SEPTEMBER 2020                           OCTOBER 2020                         NOVEMBER 2020                      DECEMBER 2020
    Mo   Tu    We   Th   Fr   Sa   Su   Mo   Tu     We   Th   Fr   Sa   Su   Mo   Tu    We   Th   Fr   Sa   Su   Mo   Tu    We   Th   Fr   Sa   Su

         1      2   3    4    5    6                     1    2    3    4                                   1         1     2    3    4    5    6

    7    8      9   10   11   12   13   5    6      7    8    9    10   11   2    3     4    5    6    7    8    7    8     9    10   11   12   13

    14   15    16   17   18   19   20   12   13     14   15   16   17   18   9    10    11   12   13   14   15   14   15    16   17   18   19   20

    21   22    23   24   25   26   27   19   20     21   22   23   24   25   16   17    18   19   20   21   22   21   22    23   24   25   26   27

    28   29    30                       26   27     28   29   30   31        23   24    25   26   27   28   29   28   29    30   31


              JANUARY 2021                        FEBRUARY 2021                        MARCH 2021                           APRIL 2021
    Mo   Tu    We   Th   Fr   Sa   Su   Mo   Tu     We   Th   Fr   Sa   Su   Mo   Tu    We   Th   Fr   Sa   Su   Mo   Tu    We   Th   Fr   Sa   Su

                         1    2    3    1    2      3    4    5    6    7    1    2     3    4    5    6    7                    1    2    3    4

    4    5      6   7    8    9    10   8    9      10   11   12   13   14   8    9     10   11   12   13   14   5    6     7    8    9    10   11

    11   12    13   14   15   16   17   15   16     17   18   19   20   21   15   16    17   18   19   20   21   12   13    14   15   16   17   18

    18   19    20   21   22   23   24   22   23     24   25   26   27   28   22   23    24   25   26   27   28   19   20    21   22   23   24   25

    25   26    27   28   29   30   31                                        29   30    31                       26   27    28   29   30

                MAY 2021                           JUNE 2021                            JULY 2021                     AUGUST/SEPT 2021
    Mo   Tu    We   Th   Fr   Sa   Su   Mo   Tu     We   Th   Fr   Sa   Su   Mo   Tu    We   Th   Fr   Sa   Su   Mo   Tu    We   Th   Fr   Sa   Su

                              1    2         1      2    3    4    5    6                    1    2    3    4                                   1

    3    4      5   6    7    8    9    7    8      9    10   11   12   13   5    6     7    8    9    10   11   2    3     4    5    6    7    8

    10   11    12   13   14   15   16   14   15     16   17   18   19   20   12   13    14   15   16   17   18   9    10    11   12   13   14   15

    17   18    19   20   21   22   23   21   22     23   24   25   26   27   19   20    21   22   23   24   25   16   17    18   19   20   21   22

    24   25    26   27   28   29   30   28   29     30                       26   27    28   29   30   31        23   24    25   26   27   28   29

    31                                                                                                           30   31    1    2    3    4    5

Programme Structure


This Executive Masters programme at the          The programme consists of:
LSE has been designed to enable busy
professionals and high-flyers to continue in       ■■ F
                                                       our intensive weeks of lectures and seminars in
their positions without the need to take a            September, December, January and April;
career break. Participants will be coached to
challenge conventional thinking, especially
on threats that could arise from outside           ■■ T
                                                       wenty two weekly evening lectures and two
their area of expertise and what is needed to         academic skills workshops from September
make strategies effective in the 21st century.        to March;
All sessions will take place at LSE.
Attendance at seminars and lectures,               ■■ T
                                                       wo policy workshop weekends in November
including the Wednesday sessions, is                  and February;
compulsory and no distance learning/online
option is available.
                                                   ■■ A
                                                       summer term devoted to writing a 3,000 word
The programme is taught using a                       dissertation plan and a 15,000 word dissertation.
combination of lectures, interactive
seminars and workshops, where participants
will engage directly with both senior
academics and practitioners.

Programme                                     Michaelmas Term
    Structure                                     (21 September–18 December 2020)

    Note:                                         Strategy in a Changing World
    The programme runs for 12 months from
    September 2020 to September 2021.
                                                  ■■ New Strategic Thinking for a New World
    Graduation will take place in December 2021      (intensive week)
    in London when degrees will be awarded.       ■■ Strategic Actors: Old Powers and
                                                     New Powers in the 21st Century
                                                     (five evening seminars)
                                                  ■■ Strategic Decisions I
                                                     (policy weekend on a major current issue)
                                                  ■■ Strategic Trends:
                                                     The Global Economic System in Transition
                                                     (five evening seminars)
                                                  ■■ The Strategic Environment:
                                                     Institutions and Regions
                                                     (intensive week)

                                                  Coursework and Assessment
                                                  ■■ One 2,000 word formative essay
                                                  ■■ One 4,000 word assessed essay
                                                     (25% of final mark)

Lent Term                                     Summer term
(4 January–23 April 2021)                     (4 May–2 September 2021)

Diplomacy and its Challenges                  Strategy in Action

 ■■ The Tools of Diplomacy and Negotiation    ■■ General and one-to-one supervision sessions
    (intensive week)                          ■■ 3,000 word dissertation plan
 ■■ Challenges I: New Security Agenda            (12.5% of final mark)
    (five evening seminars)
 ■■ Strategic Decisions II
    (policy weekend on major current issue)
 ■■ Challenges II: Global Flashpoints
    (five evening seminars)
                                              ■■ 15,000 word dissertation on a topic
 ■■ Facing the Future: Strategic Decisions
                                                 agreed with your supervisor
    (intensive week)
                                                 (37.5% of final mark)
                                              ■■ The dissertation has to be submitted
Coursework and Assessment
                                                 by 2 September 2021
 ■■ One 2,000 word formative policy paper
 ■■ One 3,000 word assessed policy paper
    (25% of final mark)

The Faculty

                                                         Tarak Barkawi                                   BARRY BUZAN
                                                         is Professor of                                 is Professor Emeritus of
                                                         International Relations                         International Relations
                                                         at LSE. His expertise is                        at LSE. He is a leading
                                                         in the relations between                        scholar on the English
                                                         war, armed forces,                              School of International
                                                         and society in the                              Relations and best
                                        contexts of globalization, imperialism,        known for developing the theory of
    Programme Director                  and modernization. His current research        securitization with Ole Waever and the
                                        explores soldiers’ history writing as a site   Copenhagen School.
                                        for war’s constitutive presence in society
                                        and politics.

    MICHAEL COX is Director of                           Christopher                                    Robert Falkner
    LSE IDEAS and Emeritus Professor                     Coker                                          is Associate Professor
    of International Relations. He is                    is Director of LSE                             of International
    a renowned international lecturer                    IDEAS and Professor                            Relations at LSE. His
                                                         of International                               areas of expertise are
    who has published extensively on
                                                         Relations. He is a                             in international political
    the United States, transatlantic
                                                         former twice serving                           economy, global
    relations, Asia’s rise and the                                                     environmental politics, and the role of
                                        member of the Council of the Royal
    problems facing the EU.                                                            business in international relations.
                                        United Services Institute, a former
                                        NATO Fellow and a regular lecturer at
                                        Defence Colleges in the UK, US. Rome,
                                        Singapore and Tokyo.

The Faculty is comprised of world-renowned academics working in the fields of International
Relations, International History and Economics. They provide the participants with the analytical
tools to better understand the challenges of today’s world.

                 Fawaz Gerges                                   CHRIS HUGHES                                    Mary Kaldor
                 is Professor of                                 is Professor of                                is Professor of Global
                 International Relations                         International Relations                        Governance and Director
                 at LSE, and holder of                           at LSE. His expertise                          of the Civil Society
                 the Emirates                                    is in nationalism,                             and Human Security
                 Professorship in                                militarism, identity and                       Research Unit at LSE.
                 Contemporary Middle                             the foreign policy of                          She has been a key figure
East Studies. His special interests            China, Japan, and Taiwan. He is active in        in the development of cosmopolitan
include Islam and the political process.       developing academic links with leading           democracy. She writes on globalisation,
                                               universities in East Asia.                       humanitarian intervention and global
                                                                                                governance, as well as what she calls
                                                                                                ‘New Wars’.

                Tomila                                          Peter                                           LINDA YUEH is
                Lankina                                         Trubowitz                                        Visiting Senior Fellow
                 is Professor of                                is Professor of                                  at LSE IDEAS, Fellow in
                 International Relations                        International Relations                          Economics at St Edmund
                 at LSE. Her expertise                          and Director of the US                           Hall, Oxford University,
                 is on democratization,                         Centre at the LSE.                               and Adjunct Professor
                 sub-national governance,                       He has written                                   of Economics at London
Russia, Central Europe, Eurasia, India,        widely on US grand strategy and                                   Business School. She
and legacies of colonialism. Her current       international security.                          was Visiting Professor of Economics
research focuses on comparative                                                                 at Peking University. Her books include:
democracy and authoritarianism in                                                               China’s Growth: The Making of an Economic
Russia and other states.                                                                        Superpower and The Great Economists:
                                                                                                How Their Ideas Can Help Us Today.
the Practitioners and
                                          guest speakers
                                                             Michael Arthur                                          Catherine Ashton
                                                              enjoyed three decades of                               is a British Labour politician and
                                                              international government                               former Leader of the House
                                                              service with the Foreign and                           of Lords. In 2009, she became
                                                              Commonwealth Office (FCO).                             the European Union’s first High
                                                              Between 2003 and 2007, he                              Representative for Foreign
                                                              was British High Commissioner                          Affairs and Security Policy and
                                                              to India. From 2007 to 2010,                           won praise for her work as a
                                          he was British Ambassador to Germany. He               negotiator, particularly for her role in bringing Serbia
     Head of practitioners                is currently President of Boeing Europe and            and Kosovo to agreement in 2013 and in the P5+1
                                          Managing Director of Boeing UK and Ireland.            talks with Iran which led to the November 2013
                                                                                                 interim agreement on the Iranian nuclear program.

     John Hughes leads
     the team of practitioners. John                         Robert Cooper                                            HUGH ELLIOTT is a career
     Hughes was a British career                              is a British diplomat and adviser.                      diplomat. Currently, he’s Director for
     diplomat for 35 years serving                            He was Head of the Policy                               Communications and Stakeholders
     mainly in the Americas. His final                        Planning Staff at the Foreign                           at the Department for Exiting the
                                                              and Commonwealth Office and                             European Union. Prior to that he
     postings were as Ambassador to                           UK’s Special Representative in                          was the Department’s Director of
     Venezuela and then to Argentina.                         Afghanistan, before taking up                           International Agreements. Previous
     In retirement he has been Chair of                       a post in the European Union                            positions held include Director of
     the Marshall Aid Commemoration       in 2002. Here he was responsible to Javier Solana      Europe at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO)
                                          and assisted with the implementation of European and Head of Government Relations at Anglo American
     Commission and a Visiting Senior     strategic, security and defence policy.                plc, a diversified global mining company. He is now
     Fellow at LSE.                                                                              Ambassador Designate, Madrid.

The team of practitioners is formed by experienced strategists, diplomats and civil servants. Their strategic and diplomatic experience
ranges from the Foreign Office and Number 10 to NATO and the EU, GCHQ and the UK National Security Council, and international
business and finance. Through sharing their invaluable first-hand experience, they enable participants to develop a practical approach
to the issues covered by the programme.

                    JOHN EVERARD is a                                 Munir Majid                                       Richard Mottram
                    former British diplomat. He                       has an extensive knowledge                          is an expert on defence,
                    was the British Ambassador                        of Southeast Asia, both                             security, strategy and
                    to Belarus, Uruguay and                           politically and economically.                       planning. He was one of
                    North Korea. Subsequently,                        He has been a journalist,                           Britain’s top civil servants,
                    John held the Pantech                             investment banker and                               heading several departments,
                    Fellowship at Stanford                            market regulator. He is                             including the Ministry of
                    University. He was for some                       currently chairman of Bank                          Defence, and Security and
18 months the Co-ordinator of the UN Security      Muamalat Malaysia, chairman of the CIMB            Intelligence in the Cabinet Office. His current
Council’s Panel of Experts on sanctions on         Asean Research Institute (CARI) and a Visiting     roles include Chairman of the Defence Science
North Korea established by United Nations          Senior Fellow at LSE IDEAS.                        and Technology Laboratory.
Security Council Resolution 1874 in March
2011. John is also the author of Only Beautiful,
Please: A British Diplomat in North Korea
(Brookings 2012).

                   Malcolm Rifkind                                    Jamie Shea                                          yu jie is the Senior China
                  was a Conservative Member                           is former Deputy Assistant                          Research Fellow at the Royal
                  of Parliament from 1974-                           Secretary General for                                Institute of International
                  1997 and 2010-2015. Sir                            Emerging Security                                    Affairs, Chatham House
                  Malcolm has been a member                          Challenges at NATO. Dr                               and associate fellow of
                  of the British Cabinet as                          Shea is currently Professor                          LSE IDEAS. She was Head
                  Secretary of State for                             of Strategic Studies at the                          of China Foresight at LSE
                  Scotland and for Defence.                          University of Exeter. He has                         IDEAS, the LSE’s foreign
He was Foreign Secretary from 1995-1997,           enjoyed a hugely varied and challenging career     policy think tank. Her research focuses on the
and between 2010 and 2015, he was                  with NATO spanning over 30 years.                  decision-making process of Chinese foreign
Chairman of Parliament’s Intelligence and                                                             policy as well as China’s economic diplomacy.
Security Committee.

Participants Profile: Geographical Breakdown
                             North America   Latin America   Europe         Middle East
                                 18%                6%                          7%      South Asia
                                                                                 Central      6%      East Asia
                                                              39%                                    10%
                                                                                  Asia                            Southeast Asia
                                                                                      2%                            6%
                                                                       3%                                             Oceania

     Percentages include both
     past and current participants.

63 CountrIES Represented
Afghanistan              India         Pakistan
Austria                  Indonesia     Peru
Australia                Iran          Philippines
Argentina                Iraq          Poland
Azerbaijan               Ireland       Portugal
Bahrain                  Israel        Qatar
Brazil                   Italy         Singapore
British Virgin Islands   Ivory Coast   Slovenia
Canada                   Japan         South Africa
Chile                    Kazakhstan    South Korea
China                    Lebanon       Spain
Colombia                 Libya         Sri Lanka
Denmark                  Macedonia     Sweden
Ecuador                  Malawi        Switzerland
Finland                  Malaysia      Taiwan
France                   Mexico        Thailand
Georgia                  Morocco       Turkey
Germany                  Netherlands   Ukraine
Greece                   New Zealand   United Arab Emirates
Guinea-Bissau            Nigeria       United Kingdom
Hungary                  Norway        United States

Student Profile:                                             BY Profession

                                         Finance 18%

                     Healthcare 1%
                      Media 3%
                  Politics 2%                                               Diplomacy
                   Law 3%
       IT & Technology 4%

              Energy 4%

               Military 5%
                      NGOs 6%

                             Organisations                 Consultancy 9%
                                            Industry &
                                  5%       Manufacturing
14                                             5%
BY Age                     BY Gender

     35      Average Age                  62%

     24–59   Range                        37%

                           Percentages include
                           both past and current

                             “Right from the first                       “It gave me new                                  “This combination of
                             week I was able to                           perspectives that will                          thought provoking
                             apply the lessons                            play a catalytic role                           discussion and practical
                             I had learnt to our                          in my career.”                                  guidance on how to
                             operational and policy                                                                       think strategically means
                             work and to coach                                                                            that I will prepare for my
                             my teams to look at                                                                          new post in a very
      issues differently.”                                                                                                different way.”
                                                      Lei Zhang                                       	Kara Owen
                                                      Department of International                     Deputy Ambassador
     	Karen Pierce                                    Organizations, Ministry of Foreign              Paris-designate
     Permanent Representative
                                                      Affairs of PR China
     of the United Kingdom
     to the United Nations

                          “This course was a                              “From my first contact                         “It provides a unique
                          great fit for me at this                        with the faculty I knew                         forum for the kind
                          point in my career.                             this was the right                              of multi-disciplinary
                          Due to the flexible                             course - I would be in a                        thinking that is
                          course arrangements                             demanding academic                              essential for strategy
                          I was able to continue                          environment that has                            making in today’s
                          working while studying                          a strong focus on                               complex world.”
     for skills that enable me to move into more      applying knowledge in real situations. It was
     senior positions in my field.”                   hard work; it was great fun.”                   Dominic Wilson
                                                                                                      UK National Security Council Secretariat

     Liisa-Maija Harju                                Jim Emerson
     Communication Specialist,                        Secretary General, ChildFund Alliance
     UN Environment

“The uniquely                                “The course is highly                            “The course helps
                     balanced structure                           practical and immediately                        people from
                     of the programme,                            applicable to what I do                          multinational firms
                     combining theoretical                        in my day job in global                          to understand the
                     underpinnings and                            business development:                            significance of the
                     policy application,                          the richly provocative                           changes taking place in
                     ensures the                                  insights into geopolitics                        the world as well as how
 knowledge gained is unparalleled by any     and international strategy have transformed        to become better strategic thinkers and
 other International Relations course.”      my perspective on how my industry operates.”       risk managers.”

                                             Andrew Arnold                                     	Natalia Lechmanova
	Nafeesa Yousuf                              Senior Business                                   Senior Country Risk Analyst,
Vice President, Credit Suisse                Development Manager, BG Group                     Standard Chartered Bank

                    “The Executive                                 “This is one of the best                          “As my work requires
                    Masters Programme                              investments I have made                           daily interaction with
                    supported me in                                in myself and my career.                          some of the world’s
                    my professional                                This is not international                         most sophisticated
                    development in                                 relations in an ivory                             investors, the
                    crafting strategy,                             tower. Topical content                            programme allowed me
                    employing diplomacy,                           and practical simulations                         to develop invaluable
and enhancing negotiation skills in a        with top experts, combined with a group of        strategic and critical thinking skills through
global environment.”                         brilliant and diverse classmates has helped       deep analysis of relevant geopolitical topics.
                                             me understand the world in a completely new       I highly recommend this masters programme
                                             and useful way.”                                  for candidates who seek to take on a more
Tim Ford                                                                                       strategic leadership role in their career.”
Business Development Analyst,                Mikki Choman
Lockheed Martin                              Head of Corporate Communications,                 Ben Hetzler
Space Systems Company                        City & Guilds Group                               Institutional Director, Fisher Investments
                                                                                               Europe Institutional Group

               hether you seek to move         LSE Career Events                              Alumni Network
               up within your current
               affiliation, change             Participants will have full access to a wide   Upon graduation from the Executive
               organisation within the         range of services provided by the LSE          Programme, students join the LSE IDEAS
same field, set up your own enterprise,        Careers service, including appointments        Alumni Network. As well as joining the
or change your career entirely into a new      with career consultants and the ability        dynamic LSE IDEAS community, LSE
sector, the Executive MSc International        to attend careers events, including fairs,     IDEAS alumni become part of a continually
Strategy and Diplomacy will help you           seminars, conferences and presentations.       growing, diverse global network of leaders,
transform your career.                         Events which may be of particular interest     professionals and experts.
                                               to our participants include the Corporate
Not only will the course give you the skills   Experienced Hire Networking Event,             With close to 250 professionals, the
and knowledge to help benefit your career,     International Organisations Day (IOD),         Alumni Network is increasingly active,
it will give you access to a wide range of     and International Development Events           with regular new initiatives designed to
services and opportunities to your help you    Programme (IDEP).                              help alumni share, connect and engage in
prepare for your future career challenges.                                                    discussions about international strategy,
                                                                                              diplomacy and current affairs. With a
                                                                                              unique insight into LSE IDEAS activities,
Executive                                      Previous Participants                          our alumni are key to the life of the Centre,
                                                                                              participating in public and exclusive
Career Coaching                                The majority of graduates have continued       events, delivering their expertise, and
                                               to work in their previous fields, though       developing cutting-edge strategic updates.
We offer participants the opportunity to       very often at a higher level after having      Over the past year, we have held a series
receive bespoke career coaching from           completed their studies. Others have           of student and alumni meetings, public
external professional Executive Careers        changed direction entirely with some           lectures, policy weekends and social
Coaches, which offer tailored support to       moving into government, international          events - all of which have helped further
participants helping them to assess their      organisations, foreign policy consultancy,     enhance the benefits of being a member of
current situation and identify a strategy to   and full-time education.                       the Alumni Network.
achieve their future career goal.

20   Second Policy Weekend, 2019
Entry requirements                                  score of 100 (25 in reading,              your university degree certificates and
                                                    24 in writing and 22 in listening         transcripts and two professional or
The programme is designed for senior and            and speaking).                            academic references.
mid-level diplomats, civil servants, military
officials, international NGO employees as       Note: if English is the language              Approximately 30 places are granted
well as executives from international firms     of instruction of your previous degree, you   each year.
and corporations (finance, consultancy,         may be exempt from this requirement.
manufacturing, technology). You will be
                                                                                              Programme fees
required to have:
                                                How to apply                                  2020/21: £29,200
■■ 2:1 degree or equivalent in any
   discipline (preferably in politics,          Candidates are considered on a rolling        Note: there are no internal LSE scholarships
   history, international relations or a        admissions basis, as early as November for    for this programme at present.
   similar discipline)                          the following September intake. However,
                                                we recommend applying as early as
■■ A minimum four years’                        possible as competition is intense.
   professional experience
                                                In order to be considered for this
■■ If English is not your first language,       programme, you will need to apply via the
   you should possess an English                online application form, which includes
   language qualification such as IELTS         writing a personal statement setting
   or TOEFL, awarded within the last two        out the reasons why you are interested
   years. Minimum scores required are:          in the programme and highlighting your
   IELTS - overall score of 7.0 (7.0 in         relevant experience and suitability for
   reading and 6.5 in listening, writing,       the programme as well as your future
   and speaking), or TOEFL - overall            plans. In addition, you will have to attach

  For further information,
         visit our website:

    (+44) 020 7955 6526

Second Policy Weekend, 2019
The Executive Programme is managed by LSE IDEAS, the LSE’s
foreign policy think tank.

Through sustained engagement with policymakers and opinion-
formers, IDEAS provides a forum that informs policy debate and
connects academic research with the practice of diplomacy and
strategy. IDEAS hosts interdisciplinary research projects, produces
working papers and reports, holds public and off-the-record events,
and delivers cutting-edge executive training programmes for
government, business and third-sector organisations.

9th floor, Pankhurst House (PAN)
Clement’s Inn, London, WC2A 2AZ



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