INTERVIEW Keir Starmer, Leader of the Labour Party p.12 - COMMENT -

INTERVIEW Keir Starmer, Leader of the Labour Party p.12 - COMMENT -
INTERVIEW                 COMMENT                  CLIMATE
SPRING   Keir Starmer, Leader of   The Future of Scottish   The Fabian response to
2020     the Labour Party p.12     Labour p.15              the climate crisis p.24
INTERVIEW Keir Starmer, Leader of the Labour Party p.12 - COMMENT -
INTERVIEW Keir Starmer, Leader of the Labour Party p.12 - COMMENT -

                                                                                                     IN THIS ISSUE
FROM THE CHAIR                                                                                     Editor’s ColumnP2

                                                                                                   From nursery to youth wingP2

                                                                                                   Putting culture at the top of the agendaP3
        elcome to the 60th anniversary             During this lockdown we have all had a
        edition of Anticipations, our first     chance to reflect on what the future holds,        From church to classroomP4
as the new Executive of 2019-20, and the        and I have taken the opportunity to think
                                                                                                   In the bleak midwinter of austerityP6
year so far has been an interesting one.        about political activism. This time last
I am immensely privileged to have such          year Extinction Rebellion (XR) took to the         The best of decades, the worst of
a brilliant team around me, with active         streets of London causing our Parliament           decadesP7
network committees and a talented group         to declare a climate emergency but,
                                                                                                   Live long and prosperP8
of activists in the Young Fabians.              unsurprisingly, the government still has
   We have embraced the ‘new normal’            not taken any meaningful action to prevent         Somewhere ages and ages henceP8
with creative energy, moving our events         climate breakdown.
                                                                                                   It’s the NHS stupidP9
and policy development online into the             Changing the public’s perception on
Young Fabians Zoom Talk Series. Thank           issues through protest is important, but the       Breaking the Labour Party tabooP10
you to everyone who has been involved;          Labour party exists to seek representation
                                                                                                   We can bicker about policy all we want, but
it’s been great to see so many people           in Parliament so that we can have the              it’s leaders who win electionsP11
engage with the format.                         power to act. The two work hand in hand to
   So far, we have had immense success          drive public opinion forward on important          Interview: Keir StarmerP12
with audiences from across the country,         issues, build movements for progress, and          Is Fabianism dead?P13
and the world. In the past few weeks, we        then deliver the change that is needed.
have had fabulous guests including the             The Young Fabians should be part of this        Regulating Labour factionalismP14
first female Shadow Chancellor Anneliese        – from driving the discussion and building         Roses in the thistlesP15
Dodds MP, Nick Thomas-Symonds MP,               ideas at one end, to helping the party to
Thangam Debbonaire MP, Gill Furniss MP,         deliver it at the other.                           A federal future?P16
Jess Phillips MP, Alex Sobel MP, Stella            My activism in Extinction Rebellion gave        Local power over public servicesP17
Creasy MP and Wes Streeting MP who              me the opportunity to experience the
have given their insight into their careers,    sense of community that can be created by          Great expectations?P18
spoken on areas of policy and offered their     activists trying to create change. This is the     How our health service has failed trans
prediction on what is next for the Labour       same sense of community I feel we have in          peopleP19
movement.                                       the Young Fabians, albeit with a different
                                                                                                   Workplace politicsP20
   This edition of our magazine is about        approach.
anticipations and reflections. Apt given           My rallying call to you is step up,             Iberian linksP21
that as I write, we are months into the         investigate, pressure, probe, agitate,
                                                                                                   Confronting surveillance capitalismP22
lockdown and we all have a bit more time        articulate, and organise. Fabianism is on
on our hands to think, reflect and plan for     the rise and with it comes an opportunity          The decade that decides our futureP24
when we are on the other side.                  for us to grow.
                                                                                                   Cecilia JastrzembskaP25
   Fabianism is on the rise in the Labour          I want to end this note by saying a big
party. For the first time in the party’s 120-   thank you. Thank you to all our NHS and            CaliforniaP26
year history, a member of the Fabian            keyworkers who place their lives on the
                                                                                                   Local is the new blackP28
Society Executive has been elected leader,      line to help us every day. Thank you to
with Anneliese Dodds MP appointed as            everyone helping our communities during
the first ever female Shadow Chancellor.        this difficult time, no matter the size of their
This brings new energy in Fabian policy         contribution. Thank you to all our writers,
development and in building a united            executive members and contributors who
platform across the Labour movement.            created this edition for you to read and           EDITORIAL TEAM
   The new leadership of the party              enjoy.                                             Henna Shah            Anticipations Editor
represents a great chance for Young                But most importantly thank... you. Every        Carolina Saludes      Creative Supervisor
Fabian members to grow and develop our          single Young Fabian member represents,             Robin Wilde              Graphic Designer
activism. There has never been a better         builds and creates our movement –                  Adam Allnutt           Content Supervisor
time to become more active as we connect        especially during these challenging times.         Nate Amos-Sansam  Anticipations Sub-Editor
with key shadow ministers who are looking          I hope you, your loved ones and your
to develop new policy ideas and hold this       families are safe, and I look forward to
government to account. We can be there          seeing you when this crisis has passed. 
to support them and be part of the push for
                                                                                                   Designed by Robin Wilde Design & Creative
progressive change.                                                                                                     1
INTERVIEW Keir Starmer, Leader of the Labour Party p.12 - COMMENT -

W      elcome to Anticipations. The
       road to this edition began many
months ago, in a Liverpool St Leon
                                               which is to provide them with political
                                               representation. Government is not a nice
                                               to have, it is the only way we can work
                                                                                              universal anguish and specific destruction
                                                                                              of Coronavirus – we must carve out a new
                                                                                              future. A future that can tackle the structural
(not so well-known for its socialist           towards a nation that upholds the principle    inequalities of race, class, gender, sexuality
credentials). We were coming off the           of social justice, and tackles oppression in   and disability as well as protecting our
back of an historic election defeat, and       all its forms.                                 planet and delivering prosperity.
the Labour leadership election was                We can see the impact that power has at       We can do this, we must do this, and
just kicking off.                              a local and regional level. It can transform   our excellent contributors have begun the
  Things have changed a lot since then.        communities like Preston, provide new          conversation about how we do this. Thank
Coronavirus has transformed our lives,         models of public service that serve people     you to all of them and to all of the exec,
and I would like to take a moment to thank     not profit like in Wales, and ensure we can    especially Carolina, Adam, Nate and Mhairi
those people who have kept us going ­–         keep our country together, like it would in    who have supported me and this magazine
our NHS staff, our cleaners, our teachers,     Scotland.                                      through this strange time and to Robin, our
those who in work in our supermarkets, in         This edition was compiled when the          designer extraordinaire, for his eternal
our warehouses or deliver us the things        wounds of election defeat were still raw.      patience and for bringing this publication
we need (plus many more I’m sure I’ve          Even then we were facing an uphill battle,     to life.
missed).                                       far from the ‘Southern Discomfort’ of 1992.      I hope this magazine will start a
  The Labour Party was created to              We face southern, northern, Scottish           conversation, and look forward to seeing
represent working people. Yet we have          and even Welsh discomfort. And now,            your pitches for future editions! 
consistently failed in our main duty,          we have an even greater task – with the

T    he genesis of the Young Fabians was
     a weekend school for ‘Under Thirties’
which I organised for the Fabian Society,
                                               in 1906, many of its members later became
                                               Labour MPs, though it became notorious
                                               for the sexual endeavours of H.G. Wells.
                                                                                              the Young Fabians, and elected provisional
                                                                                                 I don’t remember the names of anybody
of which I was Deputy General Secretary,       It finally petered out in the 1920s, when      there, except for Jasper Ungoed-Thomas,
in early 1960. This was held at Winston        Fabianism was at a low ebb.                    and am not sure whether this is because
House, where the Foreign Office centre,           Soon after I wrote to the 60 or so          his father had been Solicitor-General
known as Wilton Par, was (and is) based. It                                                   under Attlee or because his name recalled
is near the West Sussex village of Steyning,                                                  the words of a bawdy student song, “Oh Sir
set in green countryside, and overlooked                                                      Jasper, do not touch me!”. I had kept Hugh
by a steep hill topped by ancient earth-                                                      Dalton informed of what I was doing, and
works, known as Chanctonbury Ring.                                                            he gave me one piece of advice: ‘insist on
   The director of the weekend school                                                         them writing a firm age limit into their rules’,
was Hugh Dalton, a still vigorous                                                             he said. ‘Otherwise they’ll soon be run by
septuagenarian,     Chancellor      of   the                                                  35-,or even 40-year olds.” I took his words
Exchequer from 1945-47. He subsequently                                                       to heart, and the Young Fabians adopted
devoted himself to encouraging younger                                                        an age-limit of 31.
people to make their way in the Labour                                                           I was technically eligible to join, but
Party; prominent among his proteges                                                           I decided not to do so, as I was about to
were Tony Crosland, Roy Jenkins and                                                           leave my job and embark on a lecture tour
many others who later made their mark.                                                        of the US, and to report on the Kennedy-
A bustling extrovert with a booming voice,                                                    Nixon election. So I have no recollection of
he performed his role with infectious                                                         the early days of the YF, or of its teething
enthusiasm, and on the Sunday morning                                                         problems. But I was delighted to observe
led the whole party up to the Chanctonbury     attendees, inviting them to a meeting at       its success, and very much later to see my
Ring.                                          the Fabian office in Dartmouth Street,         son, Mark Leonard, elected to its Executive
   During the weekend, Dalton made             to consider the possibility of forming a       Committee. It has now lasted more than
frequent references to his own experience      modern version of the Fabian Nursery.          three times longer than the Fabian Nursery,
of the Fabian Nursery, of which he had been    Around 25 of them turned up, and the           and is still strong. 
a prominent member in his youth. Founded       meeting enthusiastically agreed to set up

INTERVIEW Keir Starmer, Leader of the Labour Party p.12 - COMMENT -



I n any civilised community the arts and
  associated amenities, serious or comic,
light or demanding, must occupy a cen-
                                                 votes. Labour’s failures are often not from a
                                                 misunderstanding of policies, but instead,
                                                 of the culture they come from.
                                                                                                 some of which voted Tory for the first time,
                                                                                                 it’s not only infrastructure and business
                                                                                                 that are struggling - many in these places
tral place. Their enjoyment should not be          For too long culture has come last            feel they have lost their cultural identity,
regarded as remote from everyday life.’          when in our policy strategy. The creative       often connected to long-gone industries.
That was the thinking behind Labour’s first      industries have recorded their highest ever     On her recent appointment as the new
ever Minister for Arts, Jennie Lee, and the      contribution to our economy, yet the BBC        Shadow Culture Minister, Tracy Brabin MP
country’s first national cultural strategy,      remains at risk of being dismantled. Labour     wrote of the need to invest in local cultural
which she oversaw.                               must be on the frontline of defending our       economies. Brabin rightly points out that
   In the aftermath of Labour’s worst            cultural institutions and economies.            ‘we just need political will’ in order to heal
election defeat since 1935, the left’s             Labour has led the way in the past,           the wounds of Brexit and invest in cultural
position on culture should be at the core        whether it was setting up the Arts Council      communities.
of our analysis. The more you understand         or the Open University. As Brexit risks            As a network, our aim for this year is
culture, the more you understand the             our creative economy and global reach,          to broaden the realm in which members
world around you. As Young Fabians               Labour should promote a celebration of          and the rest of the left see art and culture.
we should be influencing discussions             culture which reconnects with voters and        As young thinkers, we should be the will
and pushing culture policy to the front of       improves people’s lives in a tangible way.      needed to put arts and culture to the
Labour’s agenda. Cultural change, both           We want people to vote for us because           forefront of national policy. We need to
in the Labour party and in British society,      they feel inspired for a better Britain, not    acknowledge that for the majority, culture
is integral to ensuring a future Labour          just for fear of the other side getting in.     isn’t just about art galleries and participatory
government.                                        For those left-behind communities,            poetry nights. It’s about television, the
   There are crossovers between all                                                              internet, sport and the adverts we see
areas of policy. But none transcends all                                                         everyday. By ignoring these, we threaten
boundaries like arts and culture. Culture                                                        to leave ourselves out of the conversation
is everywhere; it influences the way every                                                       and remain out of touch and out of power.
person lives their life. Art and culture shape                                                   Culture dictates power. The left needs to
values, define our society, and decide our                                                       recognise that it matters. 

INTERVIEW Keir Starmer, Leader of the Labour Party p.12 - COMMENT -



T    he danger confronting the English
     today, is not so much indifference, as
distraction’, and ‘our education has for a
                                               with other European vernaculars) and the
                                               entrepreneurial scribes added the classics
                                               and knowledge of rare books to their
long-time been too remote from everyday        curriculum.
life.’                                            Education in this sense was deliberately
   Those words, in the 1921 Newbolt            elitist and backwards looking; the new
Report, still ring true. And, as a secondary   professional writing class wanted to
school English teacher, while I’m faced        dominate the curriculum and gain wealthy
with many questions about my students          patrons, not provide education to the
progress, I find the more difficult question   masses, and their speciality of Latin and
is - progressing to what?                      Greek prevailed in the schooling of the
   Our understanding of the history of         upper-class for around five hundred years,
education has been distorted. Literacy         from 1450 to 1950. Education beyond
gives the historian their tools, and           the upper class did not have to meet
consequently progress has been measured        Renaissance      humanist    requirements,
by the development of print culture and        so until the introduction of compulsory
literacy. The Medieval past is still seen by
many as a time of ignorance, illiteracy and
barbarism, awaiting the enlightenment of
the Renaissance.                                RECOMMENDED THAT
   So how educated was Barbarian Britain,
during the ‘dark age’ before the printing
                                                  THE THREE MAIN
press, and democratic states directing            MOTIVES OF THE
universal schooling? It is estimated that
in England, probably more than half
                                               HUMAN SPIRIT ARE THE
the population could read, though not           LOVE OF GOODNESS,
necessarily write, by 1500.
   Literacy was the means to access the
                                                TRUTH, AND BEAUTY.
word of God, and in Medieval Latin, writing
(scriptura) and holy writ (scriptura) became
synonymous, along with office clerks           education, individual schooling for prayer
(clerici) and the church’s clergy (clerici).   remained the foundation of European
   The architects of the Renaissance,          literacy. The most literate societies in the
professional scribes from Italian city         seventeenth and eighteenth centuries
republics, changed this. They established      were rural, remote, and conscientiously
themselves as distinct from ecclesiastics      Protestant: Iceland, Denmark, Scotland,
and professionalised writing in every          and Sweden.
sense: they were scriveners, law clerks,          Between 1750 and 1850, the UK
secretaries, calligraphers, prose stylists,    population grew from about six and a
authors, journalists. In the thirteenth and    half million to eighteen million, and the
fourteenth centuries, the Italian vernacular   conditions of life of the working classes
became distinct from Latin, (also seen         evolved. In new industrial towns, the few

INTERVIEW Keir Starmer, Leader of the Labour Party p.12 - COMMENT -

church charity schools could not meet         price labels, transport timetables, forms,     teaching, not a test-focus, to help children
the increasing need for an educated           instructions or even use the internet. The     develop self-regulation and resilience.’
workforce. Schooling became ‘training in      knowledge and skills necessary for our         Successfully educated, disciplined children
being trained,’ transferable to the factory   current and future economy is lacking;         are employable adults.
floor. Philanthropic and religious persons    especially in relation to a lack of training      But the question remains whether our
intervened but were inspired by only the      for ‘low-skilled’ workers.                     focus should be employability. Newbolt
most rudimentary educational ideas; to          Battling today in crowded schools lacking    recommended that the three main
give as many as possible the ability to       resources and staff, educators endeavour       motives of the human spirit are the love
read, write, and cipher. Latin and Greek      to provide the ‘best possible education        of goodness, truth, and beauty. He argued
were not essential to the workforce,          and care’ to our students. Ofsted’s 2018/19    that a curriculum should train a person’s
and the vernacular European languages         report highlights the heavy workloads, long    will (ethics), intellect (science), and
became the basis for widespread literacy      hours, and impact on work/life balance and     emotions (creative arts.) An educated mind
and education.                                welfare. Newbolt observed the same, with       can be both liberated or confined, and the
   So, what progress has been made?           teachers not only ‘inadequately paid’, but     benefits to society can be immense. There
   The UK is the world’s fifth largest        lacking sufficient supplies to ‘keep them      is a moral and philosophical element to
economy. Yet National Literacy Trust          in mental health and to have the strength      education that extends into the fabric of
research shows that in the UK today,          necessary for their task’.                     our society; we must be mindful of this
7.1 million adults in England, (one in six)     Ofsted’s ‘good education for all’ drive      when educating the next generation. 
have ‘poor literacy skills,’ struggling to    wants to see a high-quality education,
read books, newspapers, road signs,           starting with a great curriculum and good

INTERVIEW Keir Starmer, Leader of the Labour Party p.12 - COMMENT -



B      irmingham is, justifiably, one of the
       most recognisable cities in Britain. It
is also one of the birthplaces of independ-
                                                 centre for progress. As Peter Jones states
                                                 in his book ‘Industrial Enlightenment: Sci-
                                                 ence, Technology and Culture in Birming-
                                                                                                     The gangs emerged in the first place be-
                                                                                                  cause of tension over the police’s stopping
ent, radical, socially progressive thought.      ham and the West Midlands, 1760–1820’,           of pitch and toss games on the corner of
However, in recent years the city has be-        Birmingham had a much higher rate of so-         streets. Favoured by working class boys,
come defined as much by a darker side of         cial mobility than most other parts of the       the game was viewed by the Victorians as
its past as it has by its positive contribu-     country. Through groups like The Birming-        an example of a lack of morality. The denial
tions to British society.                        ham Book Club and the Lunar Society in           of access to any form of entertainment or
   Peaky Blinders is one of the BBC’s most       the 18th century, Birmingham received a          recreation led to increased boredom and
popular shows of the past decade and             reputation as a city of learning and culture     apathy which helped precipitate the crea-
follows the titular Blinders, led by Tommy       that could propose ideas outside the norm.       tion of gang culture.
Shelby, in their quest for power, influence        The Municipal Corporations Act 1835 al-           Yet with the institution of clubs such as
and ‘legitimacy’. Over the course of five        lowed the city to become one of the first        The Birmingham Amateur Boxing Club, the
thrilling series Shelby and his family have      to have its own town council – a well es-        Birmingham Boys and Girls Club Union and
risen from illegal bookmakers and racket-        tablished institution by the time of the Blin-   other such groups, violence died away.
eers to become part of the British Estab-        ders. Under the keen eye of Joseph Cham-         The encouragement of association football
lishment. Or, at least as part of it as a gang   berlain, Birmingham thrived and many             teams gave children a means of express-
boss ever can.                                   of his advancements such as improving            ing themselves and spending their time in
   While the series has delighted audienc-       drinking water and gas accessibility along-      a constructive way.
es, it is based on a dark and harrowing          side the opening of public libraries and art        If we are to learn anything from the way
chapter in Birmingham’s past. The Peaky          galleries created a thriving community that      the Peaky Blinders were removed from Bir-
Blinders were a real gang and the people         was widely accessible. These institutions        mingham’s streets it should be this: taking
of Birmingham in the 1890s were as disil-        were not wholly successful in reducing the       away hope and opportunity is a shortcut
lusioned and scared by the government’s          impact of the Blinders; it was only through      to creating crime. We can and should be
failure to react to the crime that they saw      greater cooperation between the council          an aspirational society that values the lives
around them as a result of gang activity as      and individuals that this happened.              of all our citizens. The people and council
people are today. Yet, unlike in the televi-       Birmingham Council and the people of           of Birmingham improved the lives of their
sion series, the real Peaky Blinders were        Birmingham changed that in a number of           young by being proactive and forward
beaten not by a rival gang or by the machi-      ways. As the author Carl Chinn argues in         thinking. They showed how investing in
nations of the establishment. Instead it was     his excellent book ‘Peaky Blinders – The         communities can reduce violent crime and
Birmingham’s local authority and the com-        Real Story’, it was through the establish-       serve as a powerful lesson that we can
munities that were most affected by the          ment of boxing clubs, association football       transform lives through local action. 
violence that made the difference.               and access to new media like cinemas that
   Birmingham had for decades been a             turned the youth of Birmingham away from

INTERVIEW Keir Starmer, Leader of the Labour Party p.12 - COMMENT -



L    ook back on this past decade from the
     UK’s point of view, and it has been a
miserable one. It began with politicians
                                               EU. As a new paper by Thiemo Fetzer
                                               of the University of Warwick shows, Os-
                                               borne’s cuts to the left-behind led to an
                                                                                                 would have liked, but it is peace nonethe-
                                                                                                     In the next decade, we can hope to
who fancied themselves as Very Serious         increase in support for Brexit large enough       achieve world peace and end extreme
Men in Very Serious Times cutting too          to swing the vote to Leave and end his po-        poverty. Hope, as the fourth great Amer-
much and spending too little to combat the     litical career.                                   ican President told us, ‘is not blind opti-
aftershocks of the Great Recession when            But turn our gaze to the developing           mism,’ but the insistence ‘that something
the markets were practically screaming at      world and we see a radically different, and       better awaits us if we have the courage to
governments to borrow more.                    more hopeful, decade. At the beginning of         reach for it, to work for it, and to fight for it.’
   The cuts hurt everyone, but the most        this millennium, humanity set itself a goal       We can hope for a world without war and
vulnerable in left-behind places were hit      – that we would halve extreme poverty             poverty because it is something we can
hardest. For decades, a crack had been         by 2015. We achieved it. Globally, infant         achieve.
widening between prosperous cities with        mortality has fallen to its lowest ever level,        But this future is neither guaranteed nor
good jobs and left-behind towns with stag-     and life expectancy has risen to its highest.     can it be achieved by developing countries
nant economies, but the Great Recession        These are more than just numbers – be-            alone. In the next decade and beyond, the
really highlighted this split.                 hind every million lives saved are a million      fortunes of the developed and developing
   The subsequent economic devastation         stories of unspeakable grief that will never      world will no longer be able to diverge.
led to more than just lower incomes. Eco-      be lived. Every person lifted from extreme        From wildfires in Australia to droughts in
nomic desperation had a profound impact        poverty is another life not spent desperate-      East Africa, climate change now threat-
on mental health, and increased rates of       ly digging in the dirt trying to survive anoth-   ens us all, and how we deal with it in the
substance abuse. When Elizabeth Warren         er day, knowing that a small change in the        next decade won’t just define the next ten
said the ‘squeeze is real, and millions can    weather or the whim of a corrupt official is      years, it will define our entire future. The
barely breathe,’ it was more than just a       the difference between life and death.            fortunes of the developed and developing
metaphor – in fact, in both the US and UK,         A decade that began with the Arab             world are inextricably bound together and
life expectancy has begun to fall for the      Spring and its brutal aftermath ends with         we can only meet this existential threat by
poorest, not seen since the Second World       conflict deaths falling close to their low-       forging a consensus between us to meet it.
War.                                           est ever level. Ethiopia and Eritrea finally      I, for one, am hopeful that we can. 
   The left-behind struck back at the ballot   made peace with each other two decades
box. Trump was elected in the USA, pop-        after their war began, the conflict in Syria is
ulist movements rose across Europe and,        drawing to a close, and fighting may even
as a grim ironic coda to the entire aus-       be winding down in South Sudan. It was
terity program, the Very Serious George        not the endless peace conferences, grave
Osborne became the architect of his own        condemnations or pacifist platitudes that
downfall when Britain chose to leave the       led to peace it may not be the peace we

INTERVIEW Keir Starmer, Leader of the Labour Party p.12 - COMMENT -

LIVE LONG AND                                                   REFLECTIONS ON HEALTH EQUITY IN ENGLAND:
                                                                         THE MARMOT REVIEW, 10 YEARS ON

L   iving in the UK under the Conserva-
    tives has been bad for our health. The
Marmot Review, 10 Years On, conducted by
                                              in good health, while a man in Blackpool
                                              can expect 53.3 years. Most shockingly,
                                              for the first time in over 100 years life
                                                                                                richest and poorest is a welcome one, but
                                                                                                despite the rhetoric of ‘levelling up’ we
                                                                                                are yet to see the political commitment
Professor Sir Michael Marmot, comes ten       expectancy growth has stalled, and for the        required to deliver on this. Labour can’t
years after his first landmark study.         poorest women in the most deprived and            afford to wait until they are in government
   Fair Society, Healthy Lives was            marginalised communities in England, life         to act. They must seek an immediate and
commissioned by Gordon Brown in               expectancy has been on the decline since          earnest cross-party and pan-government
2008 to review how to address concern         2011.                                             approach, working in partnership with local
about widening health inequalities. The         Professor Marmot’s findings signal a            authorities in those areas with the greatest
coalition’s response was its Healthy Lives,   deepening of the north-south divide.              inequalities..
Healthy People White Paper, and during her    He highlights rising in-work and child               In the same spirit which founded the
short premiership Theresa May declared        poverty, cuts to public expenditure,              NHS, the challenge for Labour at the start
health inequality one of her seven ‘burning   a housing affordability crisis, and an            of the decade, will be to champion a bold
injustices’ to tackle. Yet the new report     increase in precarious work, contributing         and ambitious vision for bridging inequality
shows that over the last decade the social    to a postcode lottery of inequalities that is     in all its forms, and to create the conditions
gradient of health inequalities has become    driven by austerity, which ‘will cast a long      for an aspirational society which supports
more acute.                                   shadow over the lives of the children born        and engages people in their own health,
   Wealth is health, and the social           and growing up under its effects.’                enabling them to live longer, healthier
determinants of health are decided by a         The Government’s ambition for everyone          lives. 
postcode lottery. A man born in Richmond-     to have five extra years of healthy life by
upon-Thames can expect to live 71.9 years     2035 and to narrow the gap between the

S    ince late 2015 Labour has been
     working to reform the way in which
political conversations with the electorate
                                              many different social and economic factors
                                              come together in order to reorganise
                                              the way a society views itself. Any shifts
                                                                                                to create a better vision for the UK’s future.
                                                                                                As we progress into a new decade, with
                                                                                                governance similar in kind to those since
are conducted. Rather than a hard             achieved by the party under Corbyn did            2016, the need for bigger and bigger brush
numbers and overtly ideological approach      not come in time to achieve electoral             strokes will only increase.
the party has sought to put a human face      success, but the Fabian society should be            The     ultimate     consequence         of
to its policies. However, beyond what often   a key driver in such a strategy,                  abandonment of a broad narrative for the
comes across as well-meaning sound bites,        If Labour is to retain this approach it must   country is written large on our industrial
it has been hard to identify a candidate in   reevaluate how it sees the relationship           history. Had the UK failed to seize the
this party election who has a similar grasp   between campaigning and power, in                 opportunity of industrialisation in the 19th
of Gramscian ideas as McDonnell. It seems     order to better realise that the former           century then those new ideas would have
candidates have easily dismissed the          does not always have to lead to the latter.       been central to another nation’s story
party’s success over the last 5 years in      As a movement we talk frequently about            of prosperity. Labour and the British left
removing the taboo from key ideas such        listening, but how hard are we listening          stand now faced by diverging roads. An
as nationalisation and common ownership.      when the conversation ultimately ends             abandonment of the ideals contained
The fact these are now seen as realistic      only in asking for votes. To truly listen we      within the 2019 manifesto, and those that
options is a remarkable shift.                need to empower communities to direct             will logically be required to bring about
   Whilst these changes in the party are      our conversations.                                a socially and economically just society
impressive, the Gramscian hegemonic shift        Paulo Freire reminds us that without a         in the late 2020s, might seem a safe bet
approach remains difficult to implement       vision for tomorrow, hope is impossible.          right now. But the rewards of a road less
in our current parliamentary democracy,       Since 2016 there has been a limiting of           travelled, as in the end of Robert Frost‘s
as even a little change requires a huge       the conversation in the public sphere,            famous poem, will be worthwhile. 
investment of time. Under a Gramscian         with xenophobia rife. In 2019, as in 2017,
model, hegemonic change happens when          Labour sought to paint with large brushes




H     ow did the Tories gain such a hold in a key moment which the Tories responded the NHS when asked about the Tories.
      former Labour seats in 2019? Much to by dispatching Health Secretary Matt This is the same number that noticed it
has been made of the division between Hancock North – an attempt to fight and in association with Labour. Perhaps even
‘leave’ and ‘remain’ seats, and the rea- win on the issue rather than kill the story more alarming for Labourites, an 89up/
lignment this is causing in our politics. or move the conversation on. Labour Pulsar analysis of social media and online
The division between areas which have continually found ways to move the content found that the NHS was more
been plugged into globalisation and those conversation to health, such as through associated with the Tories than Labour.
areas that have been ‘locked out’ is all too the leaked documents on the US-UK trade         The Tories didn’t need a decisive lead
real, but it does not explain the 2019 result talks showing the NHS was ‘on the table’.    on the NHS in voters’ minds for it to have
entirely.                                        There is a school of thought in political a decisive impact on the election. What
   For Labour to suffer in previously science which suggests voters pick parties they needed to do was to persuade voters
safe constituencies, it’s reasonable to                                                      considering them that caring about
assume it gave ground in previously           ONE OF THE LESSONS WE the NHS was not a reason not to vote
safe rhetorical and policy space.                                                            Conservative.
In 2019, the Tories made sure that            SHOULD TAKE FROM THIS                            In contrast, Survation polling from
happened, making inroads into Labour’s IS THE CONTINUED POWER January 2017, when May enjoyed an
geographical and rhetorical heartlands                                                       impressive lead over Corbyn, found 24
using prominent messaging before OF THE NHS IN ELECTIONS. per cent trusted Corbyn with the NHS,
and during the election on the NHS to                                                        compared to 35 per cent who trusted
keep economically-left voters onside and based on who they believe is competent May. However, this was unsustainable,
ensure their messaging on Brexit could not and that different parties are held to be and by the time the election campaign
be detracted from.                             competent on certain different issues. was underway, Labour was once again the
   Getting Brexit done was the key thrust of Labour is seen as strong on health, whilst most trusted party on the health service.
their election messaging, but pledges on one of the Tories’ strengths is the economy.        One of the lessons we should take from
the NHS were vital mood music to the Tory In 2015, for example, the Conservatives’ this is the continued power of the NHS
campaign. From September, press release constant talk of their ‘long term economic in elections. Messaging around the NHS
after press release announced funding plan’, but also how economic growth was were far more prominent with voters in
for new equipment, new technology and fragile and under threat, successfully Northern and Midlands seats seeing it as
new hospitals, setting the scene for the supported their campaign. According to a tangible expression of competence. If
campaign. Even if little of this funding this ‘valence’ theory, an election where the Tories want to hold onto these voters,
was actually ‘new’ it didn’t matter, as it the NHS was prominent should have they will need to find a way of protecting
created room for a discussion where the benefitted Labour. However, despite its themselves on this issue. Whether or not
Conservatives sounded positive about the prominence, Labour failed to keep the Johnson can live up to some of the hype
NHS.                                           voters it needed.                           around investing in former Labour areas or
   The NHS figured prominently as an issue       During the election, You Gov asked devolving power might well be irrelevant
during the election itself. The story of the voters which policies they had noticed from compared to whether he can deliver on
boy left on the hospital floor in Leeds was each major party. 22 per cent mentioned the NHS. 




T     he essence of the December election alternative future direction for the country
      result has been lost. That is, if the re- that was open to all. While we were buoyed
sults’ meaning was ever truly found. The by the occasional sympathetic voice, the
                                                                                             fertile ground for rumours to abound and
                                                                                             the grip of the taboo to tighten. Any new
                                                                                             leader must lift the haze and address how
party as it was is over.                        hope was that other, more winnable, are-     to clean and thoroughly polish the party’s
   Whilst campaigning for the Labour Party as in Bournemouth or Southampton would            image.
in Christchurch, a town on the south coast swing our way.                                       Ideally, what is needed is a New Labour
with the largest Conservative majority in         The toxicity associated with the party     Party. However, New Labour, after wars in
the country (and perhaps its most embar- was not simply the result of the preconcep-         the Middle East and the financial crash of
rassing MP), the issues that our members tions of old Tories but were broad and en-          2007/2008, is over and cannot be revived
and PPC wanted to talk about were smoth- trenched. The emotionally charged ques-             in the same mould. Gordon Brown him-
ered. Concerns about the environment, tioning the party faced was often divorced             self has said that the ‘neoliberal’ economy
low pay, and social care were brushed from policy. They were gut reactions, the              within which New Labour operated, allow-
aside by one toxic assertion after another ‘yah’ ‘boo’ signalling of A.J. Ayer, which no     ing people to ‘get filthy rich as long as they
as soon as passers-by looked up and saw response from party members could have               pay their taxes’ has burnt itself out. What
red rosettes.                                   changed.                                     is needed instead is a ‘new’ New Labour.
   Comments I heard were often some                                                          A Labour Party that is rooted in the expe-
form of ‘You are all antisemites, the          THIS VISION OF LABOUR                         riences of the present, not bound by the
hard left are in control, you do not                                                         past or beguiled by the future, so that the
have the money to pay for your poli-             HAS KEPT THE PARTY                          mud starts to slide off and onlookers cease
cies, why do I need free broadband,            LOCKED OUT OF POWER                           to feel disdain.
Labour are against democracy; why                                                               Three questions need to be answered
do you side with our enemies.’                  IRRESPECTIVE OF THE                          to break the Labour taboo and to create a
   The list felt both toxic and endless.       LEADER’S IDEOLOGICAL                          ‘new’ New Labour. What is the purpose of
A reasonable discussion frequently                                                           the Labour Party and what are our most im-
proved impossible. For instance, one                       POSITION                          portant values? What policy initiatives and
man said to me that he was disap-                                                            internal organisational structure are the
pointed Jeremy Corbyn appeared to                                                            best vehicle to achieve that purpose? And
lie about watching the Queen’s speech on          This vision of Labour has kept the par-    what are the necessary images, phrases,
Christmas day. I replied that he would not ty locked out of power irrespective of the        and slogans to draw the associations that
have deliberately misled the monarch as leader’s ideological position. Whether               Labour wishes to extoll? The questions
Boris Johnson cynically did. He dismissed Brown, Miliband, or Corbyn, they have all          are hardly original but they are necessary.
this as irrelevant, unshakeable in the view fallen victim to its stranglehold. The taboo     We have already provided answers but
that Labour is unpatriotic. Canvassing near holds fast despite how low the country falls     they have proved inadequate and failed to
the local shops, such was the extent of one domestically and internationally, and grows      convince. All three are existential, reflect-
elderly lady’s disdain, that she could only in strength the longer the party is in oppo-     ing just how deeply the taboo has taken
muster “urgh, Labour!” when I approached sition. Older people, on the frontline of the       hold.
her.                                            social care crisis, fear visions of Labour      Whilst the party continues to discuss
   I often consoled myself with the knowl- as the factional spend-thrifts of the 1970s.      personality and policy in choosing a new
edge that, locally, party members knew we School pupils have never known a Labour            leader, we must not lose sight of the need
were fighting a losing battle in a Conserv- government and may become increasing-            to lift the taboo that envelops us. 
ative stronghold. Our mission was to show ly sceptical of the party’s ability to speak
to our community that the party offered an to them. The party’s long absence leaves



S    how me a good loser and I’ll show
     you a loser.’ An old sporting, rather
than political, adage, but one that neatly
                                                   not about winning arguments, it’s about
                                                   winning confidence. Very few voters will
                                                   interact with their local candidates or study
                                                                                                  needs to be a strong one, with the ability to
                                                                                                  unify warring internal factions.
                                                                                                    Too many within the Labour party and
captures the cardinal comms sin committed          their records. Even fewer will drill down      beyond equate strong with male – and a
by Labour in last year’s general election.         into manifestos.                               certain type of male at that: big, assertive
Good communication is founded on the                  Their research will often be limited to     and rarely apologetic. We need a leader
principle of seeking first to understand           viewing clips on the news at 10, social        who can bring people together and make
your audience before seeking to be                 media feeds and Whatsapp groups. The           them feel empowered and heard. The last
understood.                                        upshot being that their decisions are          thing we need is more strongmen.
   But when British voters told us loud and        primarily driven by how they feel about the      Looking outside the party, let’s not
clear that they didn’t want Corbyn as                                                                 underestimate public appetite for
PM in 2017 we ignored them. Instead of                A COLD HARD FACT OF                             woman leaders in developed western
injecting some fresh energy and charisma             POLITICAL LIFE IS THAT                           economies. Thatcher and May are
into the top of our ranks, we offered                                                                 probably not the best examples for an
more of the same. A world-weary man -              PEOPLE VOTE WITH THEIR Antics audience, so consider Ardern
gracious in defeat - wheeled out for one                 HEARTS, NOT THEIR                            and Marin.
last throw of the dice.                                                                                 We need to question whether the
   The notion that he would increase in                             HEADS.                            spectacle of two well-spoken, London-
popularity ahead of this year’s vote was                                                              based men of near identical age is really
fanciful. The notion that he would lead            leaders on offer rather than their policies, setting us up as a meaningful alternative to
us to a parliamentary majority, delusional.        beyond a handful of top lines.                 the Conservatives. Of course, our policies
It’s as easy to agree with Blair when he             That’s why the importance of leadership will be hugely different. But optics matter.
says that the time has come for not just a         can’t be overstated. According to Britain They matter a lot.
“different driver, but a different bus” as it is   Thinks, over the past four decades, every        That loser aphorism is usually attributed
to disagree with Corbyn when he says “we           general election has been won by the to Vince Lombardi – a legendary NFL
won the argument”.                                 party with the most popular leader.            coach who led the Green Bay Packers to
   The people have spoken. They don’t                The Thatcherite policies that people five Championships in seven years. When
want a will we/won’t we approach to Brexit.        overwhelmingly turned out for in ’87 were coaches like Lombardi are faced with
They don’t want the forceful state seizure         very different from the Blairite policies that an unsuccessful captain who lose major
of private shareholdings. They don’t want          the public backed only ten years later. But, contests to a chorus of boos they drop
closer ties with rogue states.                     on both occasions, they were voting for them sharpish.
   In a campaigning context, though,               individuals who were masters of capturing        Labour could do with following suit.
bickering over policy is putting the cart          how people were feeling at a certain point Because politics is not a game. And if we
miles before the horse. A cold hard fact of        in time. What voters thought – during an fail to pick the right leader and get back to
political life – no doubt an uncomfortable         election campaign at least – was less winning ways, it’s society’s most vulnerable
one for policy wonks – is that people              important.                                     who’ll suffer for years to come. 
vote with their hearts, not their heads. It’s        We surely all agree that our new leader


                                                                                                     HENNA SHAH

                                                              KEIR STARMER

W       alking into the Unison building on
        my way to interview Keir Starmer,
and the world was clocking off. Not so
                                                   but a real transformation in the party itself.
                                                   For Starmer, two things stand out. ‘Firstly,
                                                   the way the Labour party broadened since
                                                                                                     ty is also bound up with that of talent. For
                                                                                                     many talented young people, starting out
                                                                                                     in the Labour party is confusing, complex
his leadership campaign – flurries of Zoom         I joined in wanting to, and speaking for, all     and opaque – and even more so if you
calls and elbow tap greetings were keep-           the equalities strands’, and the ‘expansion       come from a non-traditional background.
ing up the relentless energy of a candidate        up to 500,000 members is an incredible            Early in the campaign, Starmer put out a
who had dominated CLPs and airwaves                thing, to be the largest political party in Eu-   discussion paper, a proposal for a Labour
­– until, of course, the dangerous reality of      rope is an incredible thing. We are an in-        party college. Yet, while a space for politi-
 Coronavirus emerged.                              credible, unstoppable fighting force, if we       cal skills to develop and bursaries for can-
    Starmer introduced himself with one            pull together.’                                   didates are welcome proposals, there are
 such elbow bump, as well as an effac-                Despite the size of our membership, the        certainly more structural issues at play. For
 ing apology about his diary. Something            theme of (dis)unity and factionalism has          Keir, a potential answer to some of these
 definitely more important than my fifteen         hounded the party, something the cam-             questions could be all-BAME shortlists, but
 minutes had taken his attention, but ‘apol-       paign sought to fight, with key appoint-          he’s unsentimental about the potential for
 ogetic Starmer’ was out in force (and far         ments from across factional divides. He           backsliding if talent is not a priority.
 more obliging than the ‘forensic Starmer’         sticks to the old adage: ‘divided parties            ‘I was really struck by the fact that even
 of PMQs).                                         don’t win elections’, ‘because it’s true…         with AWS, we’ve only just got to the right
    There was plenty to talk about ­      – the    and we’ve got the duty to come togeth-            level of representation at the national lev-
 campaign had seen Team Keir sweep the             er and define the next stage of the jour-         el…one of the concerns I have is that hav-
 board with over 350 CLP nominations, ma-          ney… The leader of the Labour party can’t         ing now reached an effective fifty-fifty at
 jor trade unions and affiliates all believing     ask other people to be united if he or            the level of MPs, we’ll think “oh job done”
 ‘Another future is possible’ – far from the       she doesn’t model it every day. Do I think        assuming one that would stay at that lev-
 Corbynista coronation many had expect-            there’s a desire to be more united, yes I         el if you took some of the issues like AWS
 ed. But first, in the spirit of our anniversary   do. We have to defeat this factionalism, it’s     out and I don’t think it would…Then you
 issue, I was keen to get some reflections         going nowhere.’                                   go down and look at local council leaders,
 on his time in the party.                            Young members in particular have suf-          Metro Mayors, and it’s the same old sto-
    His favourite memory? ‘The day we won          fered due to the toxic nature of factional-       ry as you get in so many other walks of
 the 1997 election, because I had joined the       ism within the party. Social media is the         life, which is that any genuine sort of rep-
 Labour party when I was a teenager, and           Wild West of Labour Party discourse, with         resentation or thought of representation
 then voted and that was the first time I’ve       a devastating impact on the mental health         just falls away.’
 voted Labour at an election and we won.           of young activists. How does the Labour              Not an easy agenda for change, but one
 I’d voted Labour at every election, but we        party solve its online abuse problem? ‘We         driven ultimately by hope. ‘I’ve been gen-
 never won. Now whatever you think about           need to be careful of the culture of the par-     uinely struck by the mood of the members
 what happened in that government, good            ty because abuse and vilification, particu-       to turn a page… And that is much stronger
 and bad…it was an amazing moment…To               larly on social media…people say things           than I possibly felt it was going to be and
 actually have voted Labour and got a La-          online that they would never say in a room        that is really good. There’s a hope back in
 bour government. On that day I think the          or to the face of somebody…part of being          there somehow that we’ve got back in the
 whole of the Labour movement was full of          united is tackling the culture within the par-    last three months, that things are going to
 hope.’                                            ty and making it a space where people feel        change and that we can move forward.’ I,
    The party had changed a lot since that         they’re going to be valued, where they’re         for one, am excited to see what forward
 day in May, and It was this change that I         going to be heard, and they’re going to be        looks like. 
 was keen to understand: the previous lead-        respected.’
 ership had seen not just election defeat,            The question of the culture of the par-



T     he Fabian Society was founded 136
      years ago as a political organisation
dedicated to answering the ‘how’ that
                                                  Last December proved that Corbyn may
                                               not be the answer to the reactionary pop-
                                                                                                 intensifies in the coming years. At times,
                                                                                                 these themes might clash with each other,
                                                                                                 but all are essential to forging a centre-left
follows on from the ‘what’ of socialism.       ulism of the current government, but the          policy platform which can develop broad
Since its founding, it has worked to bring     rise of the British radical left, and recent      support.
about greater equality through gradualism      impact of grassroots organisations like              The Young Fabians internal culture has
and evidence-based policy. However, amid       Momentum and Extinction Rebellion, pose           evolved drastically since I first joined in
this current new wave of populism, a ques-     difficult questions about the influence and       2013. With the expansion of networks in
tion mark now hangs over whether Fabi-         purpose of contemporary Fabianism.                2015 alongside their codifying into our con-
anism can renew itself for another century.       If the Fabian Society and its ethos are to     stitution, members have been able to de-
   There are reasons to be optimistic about    endure and survive, it will have to renew it-     velop events and activities independently
forging a renewed Fabian message, but          self again for the context of the 2020s. The      of the main executive. This has allowed for
it is worth remembering that the Fabians       statism of the postwar era and the tech-          more organic membership engagement
have been successful because of our abili-     nocratic managerialism of the 90s are no          and participation which, amid the polarisa-
ty to adapt to changing times.                 longer relevant models for politics. Many         tion elsewhere on the British left, has been
   The Fabian Society has been at the fore-    of these debates are currently taking place       a very good position for the organisation
front of each era of success for progressive   inside the Young Fabians, and I feel that I       to occupy.
and socialist politics in the UK. When so-     have pinpointed what should be the three             In the 2020s, the Fabian Society and
cial democracy became a distinct tradition     central themes of Fabianism over the com-         Young Fabians of the future will have to
from revolutionary socialism and syndi-                                                             grapple with these big philosophical
calism, the Fabian argument became               THE THREE CENTRAL                                  questions to forge a new political con-
that socialist aims could be achieved                                                               sensus of the left. They will also have
through reforms by the state. In the post-      THEMES OF FABIANISM                                 to find a way to renew Fabianism and
war period this view was reinforced by              IN THE COMING                                   prove that it is still a robust political tra-
the Keynesian consensus, and many Fa-                                                               dition that can provide an answer for the
bian ideas underpinned the work of the            DECADE SHOULD BE                                  big shifts and challenges that are now
Attlee government.                               ENVIRONMENTALISM,                                  taking place. Fabianism is not dead, but
   When that consensus collapsed amid                                                               it will need to transform if it is to endure.
the stagflation of the 1970s and the bit-      INTERNATIONALISM AND                                 
ter disputes of the 1980s, the left slow-        COMMUNITARIANISM
ly came to an accommodation with the
emergence of economic and cultural
liberalism with what became known as
‘Third Way’ politics. Fabians were at the      ing decade: Environmentalism, Internation-
forefront of this debate with the ‘Southern    alism and Communitarianism.
Discomfort’ series and the famous 1992            These themes are already finding their
pamphlet by Ed Balls advocating for Bank       way into policy work with the recent envi-
of England independence from the Treas-        ronmental pamphlet Ways to Change the
ury.                                           World, and the communitarian themed A
   Today, after the collapse of that consen-   Nation Divided from 2018. On internation-
sus following the 2008 crash and the rise      alism, Brexit will ensure that this will remain
of protectionist populism, we need to look     a potent topic of discussion over the com-
again at our core messages. When I joined      ing decade, and the Fabians should be at
the Society in 2013, there was still a sense   the forefront not only of defending our re-
of the trappings of the New Labour era and     lations with Europe, but also of making the
an innate aversion to ideas or policies that   principled and pragmatic case for interna-
might appear too radical to be workable.       tional engagement more generally.
Those shortcomings were dramatically              Each of these themes speaks to a vital
exposed in 2015, first by Labour’s second      constituency which the centre-left must
shock election loss, and then by the elec-     forge closer ties with if it is to win power
tion that September of Jeremy Corbyn;          again, and each of these issues will only
a candidate who was a refutation of that       grow in importance as the pace of change


A      t the end of last year
       there was some
discussion from some
                                                                                                                 sult might be just holding
                                                                                                                 meetings entirely in secret
                                                                                                                 instead which could be
Labour leadership candi-                                                                                         bad for trust in the pro-
dates about ‘ending fac-                                                                                         cess.
tions’. It’s not necessarily                                                                                        It is certainly the case
clear what this means. But                                                                                       that it would be inappro-
discussions in the past                                                                                          priate for party units to
and regimes in our sister                                                                                        favour some such groups
parties may offer a guide.                      empting other groups which rendered this                         over others in terms of ad-
   It is also important to differentiate be-    approach legally problematic.                  vertising meetings, or even further (such as
tween single issue groups that organise            We could start with a register where        with funding), as it implies disloyalty if indi-
within the party to change policy e.g. the      groups would have to declare their exist-      vidual members disagree with them.
Labour Campaign for Electoral Reform and        ence to continue operating – putting them         In terms of loyalty to the party, experi-
broader factions. In recent years, the latter   on the same footing as each other and          ence with some groups on the fringes of
have been more noticeable and contribut-        avoiding the democratic concerns that          the infighting suggests it might also be a
ed to a culture where people are seen as        come with secrecy. Registration should         good idea to explicitly prevent non-mem-
‘with us or against us’. Worse are parties      probably, unlike that proposed in the 80s      bers (or at least members of other parties
within parties, like Militant in the 1980s,     or in Spain, be the default (to prevent the    and expelled former members) from taking
which expect the party as a whole to bend       decisions themselves being a factional         part or at least running these groups, as
to their own will.                              weapon), but groups should be required to      this threatens the party’s independence.
   Proportional representation in internal      conform to minimum standards of democ-            One rule abroad I’m not sure of is that
elections where possible would help at          racy (easy enough), transparency, and loy-     the PT forbids groups circulating their pub-
least break down the worst of the factional-    alty to the party.                             lications or statements outside the party.
ism by allowing multiple slates and reduc-         The register itself would be a first step   This would certainly have made sense
ing the stakes of particular elections. The     towards transparency of course – another       pre-Internet, but nowadays it would pre-
most likely system, STV, would also lead to     would be candidates for internal office be-    vent open discussion on social media –
greater competition within slates for votes,    ing required to declare their memberships.     which might at least reduce flamewars, but
reducing the incentive to act as a monolith.    This would also give members more infor-       would likely be too restrictive in practice.
   Beyond that we should regulate inter-        mation on which to base their votes, and in       I’m also not sure of how the old pro-
nal groupings whilst acknowledging their        particular, if single issue groups are to be   posals forbade unauthorised internation-
right to exist, accepting that having them      included as in Brazil but not Spain, would     al activity – whilst it shouldn’t go against
to some extent is necessary for internal        provide an obvious basis for members not       the party, requiring permission in advance
pluralism and therefore democracy, whilst       aligned with a slate to vote across them,      would again likely create a factional weap-
keeping their behaviour within acceptable       hopefully reducing the risk of a single di-    on.
limits.                                         vide dominating everything.                       Overall, a move to regulate opinion
   Many of our sister parties do this – rang-      It would also be sensible to copy the       groups within Labour (and the border
ing from bare minimum recognition of their      1980s proposals in requiring declaration       should be that – we don’t want to insist
right to exist by the Italian Democrats,        of aims, officers, employees, membership       any pressure group members might sign
to detailed regulations as for ‘currents’       numbers, and accounts.                         up to should be checked out, just those or-
in PSOE in Spain or ‘tendencies’ in PT in          Going further than that, in the 1970s the   ganising inside), whatever the exact rules
Brazil. Ironically, it was previously consid-   French Socialists required, whilst the PT      adopted, would hopefully result in more
ered in Labour in the 1980s as an attempt       today recommends, meetings be open to          transparent and democratic party culture,
to provide a rationale for expelling Militant   all members. This might sound like a good      and make clear that we do cover shades
whilst allowing other groups, only to be        idea, but there are inevitably tactical de-    of opinion, without reducing those to an us
abandoned after pre-emptively declaring         cisions people won’t want to make public       vs them fight to the death over our soul. 
Militant would be in violation whilst ex-       for understandable reasons, and the re-

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