Terrorism Situation and Trend Report - European Union - europa ...

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Terrorism Situation and Trend Report - European Union - europa ...
European Union
Situation and
Trend Report
Terrorism Situation and Trend Report - European Union - europa ...

© European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation 2019.
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                                                                                           ISBN 978-92-95209-76-3
www.europol.europa.eu                                                                      DOI 10.2813/788404
Terrorism Situation and Trend Report - European Union - europa ...
04                              06                   08
           Foreword                        Trends               Executive summary

           10                                               28
           General overview                                 Jihadist terrorism
           Terrorist attacks and arrests                    Terrorist attacks and suspects
           Terrorist and violent extremist activities       arrested in the EU

           Convictions and penalties                        Terrorist propaganda

                                                            Travel for terrorist purposes

                                                            Terrorist situation outside the EU

           Ethno-nationalist and
                                                            Left-wing and
           separatist terrorism                             anarchist terrorism

           Right-wing terrorism
                                                            Single-issue terrorism

           A1   Amendments in National Legislation on Terrorism in 2018                          65

                Overview of the failed, foiled and completed attacks in 2018 per EU
           A2   Member State and per affiliation

           A3   Arrests in 2018 per EU Member State and per affiliation                          69

           A4   Convictions and penalties                                                        71

           A5   Europol counter terrorism activities                                             74

           A6   Methodology                                                                      78

           A7   Acronyms                                                                         80
Terrorism Situation and Trend Report - European Union - europa ...
TESAT 2019                                                                                                      4


                 In 2018, terrorism continued to constitute a major         The level of the threat from terrorism,
                 threat to security in EU Member States. Horrific           thus, has not diminished, despite
                 attacks perpetrated by jihadists like those in             the military defeat of IS earlier this
                 Trèbes, Paris, Liège and Strasbourg killed a total of      year. If anything, the situation has
                 thirteen people and injured many more. In addition,        become more complex. Within the
                 one terrorist attack by a right-wing extremist in          jihadist milieu, multiple actors of
                 Italy and numerous arrests of suspected right-wing         diverging motivation and allegiance
                 terrorists for attack-planning across the European         are plotting alone or conspiring with
                 Union (EU) indicate that extremists of diverging           others; and right-wing extremists, in
                 orientation increasingly consider violence as a            a bid to justify violence, prey on the
                 justified means of confrontation. Terrorists not           perception of a threat from Islam,
                 only aim to kill and maim but also to divide our           which some people readily fuel by
                 societies and spread hatred. We need to remain             interpreting terrorist propaganda and
                 vigilant if we are to protect our citizens and values      criminal behaviour as representative
                 in the face of attempts to use violence for political      of a world religion.
                                                                            In the light of the above, I am
                 I am particularly saddened that three police               confident that the efforts of law
                 officers lost their lives in terrorist acts in the EU in   enforcement, security services,
                 2018 while trying to keep their communities safe.          public authorities, private companies
                 Our thoughts are with their families and loved             and civil society organisations to
                 ones. We pay special tribute to the late Colonel           counter terrorism have substantially
                 Arnaud Beltrame, who exchanged himself for a               contributed to the decrease in
                 hostage taken by an attacker in Trèbes knowing             violence in Europe. Faced with the
                 that he was putting his life in danger.                    surge in terrorist violence that Europe
                                                                            has witnessed since 2014, public
                 Compared to the year before, the number of
                                                                            authorities and private organisations
                 attacks and the number of victims in the EU
                                                                            that used to work largely separately
                 dropped significantly with regard to terrorism
                                                                            have established new and creative
                 of all ideological tendencies. Whereas in 2017
                                                                            ways of cooperation. There is a
                 jihadists perpetrated ten terrorist attacks in the
                                                                            general realisation that everyone
                 EU, we suffered seven jihadist terrorist attacks
                                                                            needs to play a role and must assume
                 last year. At the same time, however, the number
                                                                            her part of the shared responsibility
                 of disrupted jihadist terrorist plots increased
                                                                            to conserve the precious good of
                 substantially. The latter included attempts to
                                                                            living in societies with a high level of
                 produce and deploy chemical and biological
                                                                            security. Equality and freedom can
                 substances, a fact which illustrates the level of
                                                                            only thrive where citizens can trust
                 intent and commitment of individuals, cells and
                                                                            that they can exercise their rights
                 networks to use terrorist tactics to harm the
                                                                            and participate in public life without
                 societies they live in.
                                                                            intimidation or fear of violence.

                                                                            Unfortunately, in a growing number
                                                                            of locations outside Europe, violence
                                                                            has become prevalent. In countries
                                                                            like Syria, Libya, Mali, Afghanistan,
                                                                            among others, terrorist groups have
Terrorism Situation and Trend Report - European Union - europa ...
foreword                                                                                                  5

           gained influence to an extent that they rival          therefore, must be based on facts
           the state, whose authority in many cases has           before reaching conclusions. I am
           already been undermined by particularistic             proud to say that the EU Terrorism
           policies, weak structures and corruption. Citizens     Situation and Trend Report (TE-
           of these countries are exposed to existential          SAT) has provided verified facts
           threats to their lives and property based on           on terrorism in Europe since 2006.
           their belonging to particular communities or           The report has been accepted as
           adhering to particular practices or beliefs. The       a benchmark in discussions about
           perpetuation of these crises has proven to have        EU counterterrorism policies and
           an impact on Europe, be it through the creation        academic studies. It is my privilege to
           of new grievances or prejudice among different         hereby hand over the 2019 edition of
           communities in Europe, discrediting international      the TE-SAT to the public.
           efforts at crisis resolution through diplomacy or
                                                                  In doing so, I would like to thank
           providing space for destructive ideologies and
                                                                  the EU Member States and third
           terrorist networks to prosper.
                                                                  parties for their contributions to the
           As the line between online and offline                 TE-SAT 2018. In addition, the work
           communities becomes increasingly blurred,              of the members of the Advisory
           terrorist propaganda preying on human                  Board, consisting of the ‘troika’
           suffering abroad reaches audiences in Europe to        (Presidencies of the Council of the
           unprecedented extents, inciting some to act and        EU, namely Austria, Romania, and
           driving others to embrace extremist views on the       Finland); France; Spain; Eurojust; the
           opposite end.                                          EU Intelligence and Situation Centre
                                                                  (INTCEN) and the Office of the EU
           In Europe, the feeling of insecurity that terrorists
                                                                  Counter-Terrorism Coordinator has
           try to create must be of the greatest concern to
                                                                  been indispensable for the 2019
           us because it has the potential to undermine the
                                                                  edition of the TE-SAT. We are grateful
           cohesion of our societies. Increasing polarisation
                                                                  for their continued engagement in
           and the rise of extremist views is a concern
                                                                  ensuring the quality of the document.
           for EU Member States. The public debate
           about sensitive phenomena like terrorism,              Finally, the somewhat technical
                                                                  discussions on terrorism and
                                                                  counterterrorism should not make
                                                                  us forget that terrorism affects real
                                                                  people. I, therefore, want to close
                                                                  this foreword with a thought for the
                                                                  victims of terrorist violence.

                                          Catherine De Bolle
                                          Executive Director of Europol
trends                                                                                                              6


                                                               Thirteen people were killed in terrorist attacks in
                                                               the EU in 2018 – a decrease compared to 2017. All
                                                               the attacks were jihadist in nature and committed
                                                               by individuals acting alone.

            In addition to the seven completed attacks, EU

      Member States reported 16 foiled jihadist terrorist
 plots, illustrating the effectiveness of counter terrorism
     efforts. The significant number of thwarted attacks
   and the so-called Islamic State’s (IS) continued intent
    to perpetrate attacks outside conflict zones indicate
          that the threat level across the EU remains high.

                                                               Three terrorist plots involving CBRN materials
                                                               were disrupted in the EU in 2018. A general
                                                               increase of CBRN terrorist propaganda, tutorials
                                                               and threats was observed.

         Ethno-nationalist and separatist terrorist attacks
           in the EU continued to greatly outnumber other
                                 types of terrorist attacks.

                                                               The number of arrests linked to right-wing

                                                               terrorism remained relatively low but increased
                                                               for the third year in a row. Right-wing extremists
                                                               prey on fears of perceived attempts to Islamicise
                                                               society and loss of national identity. The violent
                                                               right-wing extremist scene is very heterogeneous
                                                               across EU Member States.
trends                                                                                                           7

                                                              With regard to terrorism trials concluded in 2018,
                                                              jihadist terrorism convictions remained the highest
                                                              in number; but there was a noted increase in left-
                                                              wing and right-wing terrorism convictions.

      The number of European foreign terrorist fighters
     travelling, or attempting to travel to conflict zones
     was very low. The focus of jihadist networks in EU
       Member States has shifted towards carrying out
                                      activities in the EU.

                                                              The number of individuals returning to the EU
                                                              also remained very low. Hundreds of European

                                                              citizens – including women and minors, mainly
                                                              of a very young age – remain in detention in the
                                                              Iraqi and Syrian conflict zone. While minors are
                                                              essentially victims, there are concerns among EU
                                                              Member States that they have been exposed to
                                                              indoctrination and training in former IS territories
                                                              and may pose a potential future threat.

         There is continued concern that individuals with
         a criminal background, including those currently
         imprisoned, are vulnerable to indoctrination and
                              might engage in terrorism.

                                                              IS succeeded in maintaining an online presence
                                                              largely thanks to unofficial supporter networks
                                                              and pro-IS media outlets. Pro-IS and pro-al-
                                                              Qaeda channels promoted the use of alternative
                                                              platforms and open source technologies.

           Outside Europe, al-Qaeda continued to exert
         power and influence in conflict areas, partly at
         the expense of IS affiliates. Al-Qaeda affiliates
              exploited political grievances at local and
     international level, including in messages directed
                                  at European audiences.
executive summary                                                                                8

Executive summary

In 2018, all fatalities from          Completed jihadist attacks         The situation in Europe with
terrorism were the result of          were carried out using firearms    regard to jihadist terrorism
jihadist attacks: 13 people lost      and unsophisticated, readily       continued to be influenced
their lives. In addition, 46 people   available weapons (e.g. knives).   by external developments.
were injured in jihadist attacks.     The diminished sophistication      Ungoverned spaces in conflict
This is a considerable decrease       in the preparation and execution   areas, including Afghanistan,
compared to 2017, when ten            of jihadist terrorist attacks      Libya, the Sahel region, Syria and
attacks killed 62 people. In 2018,    contributed to a lower number      Yemen provide opportunities
EU Member States reported             of casualties in completed         for jihadist groups to establish
16 thwarted jihadist terrorist        attacks. Several disrupted         control over territories that can
plots, a fact that indicates both     terrorist plots included the       later turn into safe havens. The
continued high terrorist activity     attempted production and use       year 2018 saw a decrease in
and illustrates the effectiveness     of explosives and chemical/        the activities of the so-called
of counter terrorism efforts.         biological materials. There was    Islamic State (IS) affiliates in a
                                      also an increase in the use of     number of regions outside the
                                      pyrotechnic mixtures to produce    EU. EU Member States assessed
                                      improvised explosive devices       that IS’ diminishing territorial
                                      (IED) in jihadist plots. Three     control is likely to be replaced
All jihadist terrorist attacks were
                                      terrorist plots involving CBRN     by increased al-Qaeda efforts
committed by individuals acting
                                      materials were disrupted in 2018   to reclaim power and influence
alone and targeted civilians and
                                      in the EU. A general increase      in the area. Al-Qaeda’s strategy
symbols of authority. Often the
                                      of CBRN terrorist propaganda,      relied on building alliances with
motivation of the perpetrator
                                      tutorials and threats was          local tribes while exploiting
and the links to other radicalised
                                      observed.                          political grievances at local and
individuals or terrorist groups
                                                                         international level, including in
remained unclear. Mental
health issues contributed to the
complexity of the phenomenon.
executive summary                                                                                 9

The military defeat of IS in Iraq   The number of European foreign        As in previous years, ethno-
and Syria had a significant         terrorist fighters travelling, or     nationalist and separatist
impact on the group’s digital       attempting to travel to the Iraqi     terrorist attacks in the EU
capabilities. In parallel, the      and Syrian conflict zone in 2018      greatly outnumbered other types
coherence of IS narratives          was very low. Cases of traveling      of terrorist attacks in 2018.
was compromised by the              to alternative areas of conflict      The number of left-wing and
group’s inability to internally     were reported, although current       right-wing attacks and arrests
unify its ideological positions.    numbers also appear to be very        remained relatively low and was
Nevertheless, IS succeeded in       low. Rather than attempting to        limited to a small number of
maintaining an online presence      travel to the conflict zone, the      countries. However, the number
largely thanks to unofficial        focus of jihadist networks in         of arrests linked to right-wing
supporter networks and pro-         EU Member States has shifted          terrorism, while remaining
IS media outlets. Both IS and       towards carrying out activities in    relatively low, continued to
al-Qaeda continued to seek          the EU – both online and offline.     increase strongly, effectively
out new online vectors for their    Jihadists continued to be inspired    doubling for the second year
propaganda. In particular, they     by IS propaganda but also             in a row. Right-wing extremists
promoted the use of alternative     consumed propaganda produced          exploit fears of perceived
platforms and open source           by other groups claiming to           attempts to Islamicise society
technologies.                       defend Islam against a global         and grievances linked to an
                                    attack, including al-Qaeda.           alleged loss of national identity.
                                                                          The violent right-wing extremist
                                                                          scene is very heterogeneous on
                                                                          the national level and among EU
While IS online propaganda
                                                                          Member States.
remained technologically            The number of individuals
advanced, and hackers               returning to the EU remained very
appeared to be knowledgeable        low, with hundreds of European
in encrypted communication          citizens remaining in detention
tools, the group’s cyber-attack     in Iraq and Syria. All men and        Hawala banking continued to
capabilities and techniques         some women are believed to            be an important instrument in
were rudimentary. In addition,      have received weapons training,       terrorism financing. The misuse
no other terrorist group with a     with men also acquiring combat        of credit systems, non-profit
demonstrated capacity to carry      experience. While minors are          and charity organisations, and
out effective cyber-attacks         essentially victims, there are        small-scale business ventures in
emerged in 2018.                    concerns among EU Member              fundraising for terrorism remain
                                    States that they have been            a matter of concern.
                                    exposed to indoctrination and
                                    training in former IS territories,
                                    and may pose a potential future
Despite the degradation of IS’
                                    threat. The abuse of migration
organisational structures, the                                            With regard to terrorism trials
                                    flows by terrorists to enter the EU
group maintains the intent to                                             concluded in 2018, jihadist
                                    does not seem to be systematic.
conduct attacks outside conflict                                          terrorism convictions remained
zones, potentially using former                                           the highest in number;
members and individuals                                                   nevertheless, there was also a
inspired by propaganda. There is                                          noted increase in left-wing and
a continued risk that individuals                                         right-wing terrorism convictions.
with criminal background,
including those currently
imprisoned, are vulnerable to
indoctrination and might engage
in terrorism.
general overview   10

general overview                                                                                             11

Terrorist attacks
and arrests

Attacks and arrests by EU Member
State in 2018.

                                                                1        7


                               60 273       4     49                             2

                                        1   166        2   59
                                                   1                                 1

                                   30 310                                                    2

                                                           13       56

                    11    52

                                                                                         7   22

                                                                                         total        129   1 056
general overview                                                                                                                     12


In 2018, a total of 129 foiled, failed                        The United Kingdom1 (UK) experienced the highest number
                                                              of attacks in total (60), followed by France, Italy, Spain,
and completed attacks were reported                           Greece, the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, and Sweden2.

by EU Member States.                                          1
                                                                Of the attacks reported by the UK, 56 were acts of security-related incidents in
                                                              Northern Ireland, including one attack on national security targets.
                                                                  For detailed information, see Annex 2.

                                  Failed, foiled or completed attacks in the EU per
                                          affiliation/Member State in 2018.

Terror attacks by affiliation

                                                                                                                                    -is d



                                                                                                                             No win

                                                                                                                            Si pec
Etno-nationalist and separatist                                   Jihadist                            Left-wing


83                                                                                                  19



UK                                          France                       Spain          NL     DE BE SE         Italy           Greece
60                                          30                           11             4 2 1 1 13                              7
Terror attacks by Member State
general overview                                                                                                        13

The total number of attacks decreased                                   Overall, attacks specified as ethno-nationalist
                                                                        and separatist continued to represent the largest
after a sharp spike in 2017, primarily                                  proportion. As in previous years, the countries
                                                                        reporting terrorist attacks linked to separatist
because of the decrease in reported                                     terrorism were the UK (56), France (20) and Spain (7).
separatist-related incidents.

                                       Terrorist attacks in the EU by affiliation,

Number of attacks
total                                                         142

                       2015                         2016                             2017                        2018

Jihadist                   17                             13                                 33                            24

Left-wing                  13                                 27                             24                        19

Right-wing                 9                              1                              5                             1

Etno-nationalist                65                                 99                               137                         83
and separatist

Single-issue                                                                                                           1

Non                                  107                  2                              6                             1
general overview                                                                                          14

In 2018, the number of foiled, failed and completed
jihadist terrorist attacks decreased significantly
compared to 2017, from 33 to 24.
This number includes 16 incidents reported by France (7), the UK (3), the
                                                                                         In 2018, 13 victims died
Netherlands (2), Germany (2), Italy (1) and Sweden (1) as foiled terrorist plots.
Notably, for the second year in a row, the number of reported foiled terrorist attacks   as a result of terrorist
outnumbered the completed attacks.                                                       attacks and 53 people
                                                                                         were injured. Similar
Similarly to 2017, Greece, Italy and Spain were the targets of attacks carried out by
left-wing and anarchist terrorists. One right-wing attack was noted by Italy.            to previous years, all
                                                                                         reported fatalities and
                                                                                         the vast majority of
                                                                                         casualties were caused
                                                                                         by jihadist terrorists.

Jihadist terrorist attacks 2017-2018

                               2017                      2018

                                                                                         In terms of weaponry,
                                                                                         the use of firearms and
                                                                                         explosives continued
                                                                                         to prevail, in particular
completed                        10                         7
                                                                                         in separatist and

failed                           12                         1

                                                                                         Civilians, private
                                                                                         businesses and
                                                                                         public institutions
                                                                                         were among the most
                                                                                         frequent targets.

foiled                           11                        16

general overview                                                                                   15

In 2018, 1 056 individuals were arrested in the EU on suspicion of      Similar to the trend observed
terrorism-related offences, with the highest number of arrestees in
France (310) and in the UK (2733). The number slightly decreased        in previous years, most arrests
compared to 2017 but remained close to the average of recent years.
                                                                        in 2018 were related to jihadist
    The number excludes 148 arrests made in Northern Ireland.           terrorism (511 out of 1056).

                                                                                    1 219
Arrests in the EU
for terrorism-related                      1 077                                                       1 056
offences,                                                       1 002


        Jihadist                             687                718                   705


                                             2015               2016                2017               2018

                                            France                          Belgium

Arrests in the EU                           310                             166
for terrorism-related
offences by Member
State in 2018

                                                                            Germany         Italy
                                                                            59              56
                     1 056
                                            United Kingdom
                                            273                             Spain           Austria
                                                                            52              35

                                                                            49                                  Denmark 3
                                                                                                                Czechia 2
                                                                                                                Poland 2
                                                                                            Bulgaria            Slovenia 2
                                                                                            14                  Romania 2
                                                                                                                Luxembourg 1
                                                                                                                Slovakia 1
general overview                                                                                            16

The number of arrests related to left-wing and right-wing
terrorism remained comparatively low, however the number
of right-wing terrorist arrests continued to increase for the
third consecutive year.

Arrests in the EU                       67
for right-/left-wing
                                                                                     36                        34
     Left-wing                                                  31

                              11                        12

                                   2015                     2016                2017                    2018

In 2018, most arrests were made            The average age of those arrested    The majority of arrestees were
on suspicion of preparing or               was 33, with almost half of the      EU citizens, with female suspects
attempting to commit a terrorist           suspects being younger than          more likely to possess EU
act; membership of a terrorist             30, and 22 % older than 40. As in    citizenship. In most cases, the
group, including while being               previous years, the suspects were    country of birth was the same as
abroad; and financing terrorism.           predominantly male.                  that of citizenship.
general overview                                                                                                              17

Terrorist and violent
extremist activities
Financing of terrorism

The majority of terrorist acts                                                                  economic sanctions. This manner of
committed in 2018 required                                                                      conducting business, ethnic-oriented
minimal or no financing and were                                                                and based on trust, is a suitable
unsophisticated in their preparation        Hawala banking continued                            channel to move and provide finances
and execution. The perpetrators                                                                 for terrorist purposes. Nevertheless,
themselves were able to provide the
                                            to be an important                                  an important note has to be made
funds for such attacks in various           instrument in the                                   – the underground banking is
ways, without leaving traces.               financing of terrorism                              profit-oriented. The connections
                                                                                                and the possibility for support from
Whenever external funding is needed,
                                                                                                ‘underground banking’ to terrorist
diverse methods are employed,
from the basic to the highly                Terrorists continued using                          organisations is undoubtedly an
                                                                                                important aspect, but not the
complex. Funds may be generated             non-profit organisations                            main purpose of existence of the
by terrorist organisations from
                                            to raise funds for terrorist                        ‘underground’ financial system.
illegal activities, e.g. extortion and
the smuggling of migrants. Many             purposes from Muslim                                A number of investigations in the
terrorist organisations, however, have      communities                                         EU Member States demonstrated
legitimate businesses from which the                                                            how the issues of money laundering,
proceeds are diverted to terrorism                                                              human trafficking and migrant
purposes. Small-scale business                                                                  smuggling and terrorism financing
ventures are also assessed to be used       for participating in a ‘Kampanya’                   interlinked. Italy, for example, reported
for the financing of terrorism. Terrorist   (fundraising campaign). The money                   the arrests of four individuals in
funding has also occurred through           collected is believed to having been                2018 on suspicion of transferring
loans and credit which are not paid         used to finance the functioning of the              money to Syria, originating both from
back.                                       many PKK media and the functioning                  spontaneous donations of Syrian
                                            of the organisation, the purchase                   individuals living in various European
Terrorist groups have been observed
                                            of equipment to support the PKK                     countries and from proceeds
to use charities and fundraising
                                            military camps, the purchase of                     generated by smuggling of migrants
organisations to extract funds from
                                            weapons for the guerrillas and also                 from the Middle East to Northern
communities under the umbrella
                                            the organisation of attacks on Turkish              Europe. Part of the money involved
of humanitarian aid, for instance,
                                            territory.                                          was to be used to fund a terrorist
to support families and orphans of
                                                                                                organisation affiliated to al-Qaeda
killed fighters, and to build mosques       Money transfer systems such as                      operating in Syria.
and wells. Furthermore, non-profit          hawala4 continue to be an important
organisations may be used for money         instrument in terrorism financing.                  Both surface- and dark-web sites are
laundering.                                 The core of the ‘underground                        used to request online donations,
                                            banking’ systems is the specifics                   including virtual currencies. The
The Partiya Karkerên Kurdistan
                                            of the financial and interpersonal                  most common crypto currency
(PKK, Kurdistan Workers’ Party) is
                                            relationships and is highly adaptable               appears to be Bitcoin. One example
known to collect money in Europe
                                            to conditions of conflicts/war and                  of fundraising campaigns through the
from membership fees, the sale of
                                                                                                dark-web is the one done via Sadaqa
publications, public events (concerts,
                                                                                                Coins, a crowdsourcing project that
etc.) and annual fundraising                4
                                              Hawala is an informal method of money transfer
                                                                                                allegedly supports jihadist groups in
campaigns. Belgium reports the              based on trust and honour, operating outside the
                                            traditional banking system, whereby money is paid   Syria. Since the areas in Africa, the
sentencing in 2018 of four individuals      to a network of brokers (known as a hawaldars).
general overview                                                                                                     18

                               Middle East or the Caucasus region to     and malfunctions of IEDs with
                               which the funds have been remitted        TATP charges)5 appeared to have
                               may be under control of terrorist         accelerated these developments.
                               groups, it is difficult to assess where
                                                                         In parallel, an increased use of
                               the funds really end up.
                                                                         pyrotechnic mixtures (mainly
                                                                         fireworks) – obtained legally or,
                               Explosives                                more often, illegally – was observed
                                                                         in jihadist terrorist attacks and
                               The key threat in Europe related to
                                                                         plots. In order to reduce availability
                               the unlawful use of explosives in
                                                                         and misuse of illegal pyrotechnics,
                               the form of bomb attacks continued
                                                                         international law enforcement
                               to emanate from groups or lone
                                                                         operations in 2018 targeted and
                               actors linked to jihadist terrorism.
                                                                         successfully disrupted complex
                               Even though 2018 did not witness
                                                                         organised crime groups (OCGs)
                               a completed jihadist bomb attack,
                                                                         dealing with the illegal production and
                               information collected during
                                                                         sale of pyrotechnics across the EU6.
                               investigations into a considerable
                               number of disrupted terrorist plots       Notably, attempts to use IEDs in
                               revealed plans and preparatory acts to    combination with chemical or
                               utilise this type of weapons. However,    biological toxins were observed in
                               in 2018, the number of jihadist           2018, something that has long been
                               bomb attacks and plots decreased          promoted in jihadist propaganda and
                               compared to 2017.                         IED-making manuals.

                               Homemade explosives (HMEs) were           In most cases, knowledge transfer
                               still used in most known explosive-       with regard to HME and IED
                               related incidents linked to jihadist      production was facilitated by the
                               terrorism. Regarding the type of          use of online, often encrypted,
Most explosives in             HMEs, a shift from the previously         social networks and forums. While
                               predominant use of triacetone             there were still cases of targeted
incidents linked to jihadist   triperoxide (TATP) to a broader range     instructions or remote assistance by
terrorism were homemade        of HMEs was noted – in particular,        virtual advisors on encrypted social
                               low explosives such as black powder,      platforms, an increasing trend of
                               chlorate mixtures and fertilisers-        collecting bomb-making knowledge
The use of low explosives      based mixtures.                           from readily available online open
and pyrotechnic mixtures       Control measures have made
                                                                         sources (for example, pyrotechnic
                                                                         and explosive enthusiast sites and
increased                      procurement of precursors for the
                                                                         forums) was noted.
                               production of TATP increasingly
                               difficult. In 2018, there were            The explosive-related jihadist plots
                               indications of attempts to use            in 2018 were aimed at soft targets
                               alternative explosive precursors for      and mass gathering locations (public
                               its manufacture. In addition, some        events, shopping areas, bars and
                               investigations indicated the use of       clubs, etc.).
                               TATP in combination with other types
                               of explosive materials, in order to       5
                                                                           For example, the explosion of the HME laboratory
                                                                         in Alcanar, Spain, August 2017; and the above-
                               enhance the power and lethal effects      ground Parsons Green Underground station
                               of the improvised explosive devices       bombing in London, UK, September 2017.
                               (IEDs). Failures in using TATP by         6
                                                                           See, for example, Eurojust and Europol joint press
                               terrorists in the second half of 2017     release “International cooperation disrupts illegal
                                                                         fireworks network”, 6 December 2018, http://
                               (incidents during TATP manufacture        www.eurojust.europa.eu/press/PressReleases/
general overview                                                                                                19

In contrast, targets chosen by
anarchist extremist groups were
mostly state, financial, military, or law   biological,                               Three terrorist plots
enforcement targets. For example,
there was an incident in Italy where        radiological and                          involving CBRN materials
police first responders attending a
crime scene of an explosion were            nuclear (CBRN)                            were disrupted in 2018 in
targeted with a secondary victim-                                                     the EU
operated IED. IEDs used in anarchist        In 2018, three incidents involving
attacks were made from an array             the use of chemical, biological,
of readily available materials. As in       radioactive or other nuclear (CBRN)       A general increase
                                            materials were reported in the EU. In
previous years, in 2018 the anarchist
                                            May 2018, an Egyptian national was
                                                                                      of CBRN terrorist
groups utilised simple improvised
incendiary devices (IIDs) filled with       arrested in France on suspicion of        propaganda, tutorials and
flammable liquids or IEDs filled with       preparing a terrorist attack. At his      threats was observed
easily accessible explosive materials,      apartment in Paris, black powder
such as pyrotechnic mixtures (flash         extracted from pyrotechnics and
powder or black powder).                    several tutorials explaining how to       In November, in Sardinia (Italy) a
                                            make an IED and how to use ricin to       Lebanese citizen was arrested for the
The attack methodologies and                commit a terrorist attack were found.     preparation of a chemical-biological
capabilities used by Dissident
                                            In June, a terrorist plot using ricin     plot. His aim was to produce a
Republican (DR) groups in Northern
                                            was uncovered in Cologne (Germany).       mixture of lethal poisons in order to
Ireland (UK) vary across the groups.
                                            Police found a large number of castor     contaminate drinking water. The case
Many attacks involved firearms or
                                            beans and a quantity of already           was linked to the arrest of another
small IEDs such as pipe bombs, but
                                            produced ricin in an apartment of a       individual in Lebanon suspected of
they also deployed larger and/or
                                            Tunisian citizen. The suspect who was     planning to poison the water supply of
potentially more destructive devices
                                            allegedly inspired by IS, was planning    the Lebanese Armed Forces. Despite
such as vehicle-borne IEDs (VBIEDs)
                                            to combine the ricin with explosives,     the high toxicity of the substances
and explosively formed projectiles
                                            ball bearings and bladed weapons.         involved, to date these have not been
                                            In the context of the investigation his   associated with any terrorist attack.
                                            wife was also arrested.
general overview                                                                                                   20

Online discussions of planning
CBRN attacks increased in 2018.
As in previous years, intentions to
use CBRN materials were expressed                                                 Cyber-attack tools
mainly by jihadists. Closed forums
were used to propose possible
                                                                                  and techniques used
modi operandi, share instructions to                                              by terrorists remained
produce and disperse various agents                                               limited
and to identify high-profile targets.
However, the technical information
was not always accurate.                                                          IS sympathisers
In July and August 2018, IS-linked                                                successfully carried out
group al-Abd al-Faqir Media (AF
                                                                                  defacements and low-
Media) launched a campaign titled
Bio-Terror via Telegram promoting                                                 level hacks
the use of biological weapons.
A number of videos, posters and
infographics contained instructions,
albeit inaccurate, for manufacturing
biological agents and providing
instructions on how to obtain and
deploy the microorganisms7.

The barrier for gaining knowledge
on the use of CBRN weapons
has decreased. The handling and
containment of biological agents,
which used to be a major challenge,
has become more feasible. Dual-
use equipment and materials (e.g.
laboratory kits or home cleaning
products) are easily accessible. In                   The convergence of cyber and terrorism
2018, the procurement of biological
                                                      There has been much concern            IS sympathisers have successfully
toxins, such as abrin and ricin,
                                                      and speculation over the past few      carried out a small number of
through online and underground
                                                      years that terrorists could turn to    defacements and low-level hacks
marketplaces continued to be a trend.
                                                      launching cyber-attacks against        and in March 2018, IS supporters
There were no reports of terrorist use
                                                      critical infrastructure. However,      attempted to come up with an
of radioactive isotopes or nuclear
                                                      while the so-called Islamic State      alternative to Facebook. Dubbed
material in 2018.
                                                      (IS) online propaganda appears         the Muslim’s Network, it was made
                                                      technologically advanced and           available in Arabic, English and
                                                      their hackers may be well versed in    French. However, the platform was
                                                      encrypted communication tools, their   not an in-house development but had
                                                      cyber-attack tools and techniques      been purchased online for a small
                                                      remain rudimentary. They still         amount of money.
                                                      purchase domain-hosting services,
  The information contained in the Bio-Terror video   downloading software and renting
released during this campaign about the production    botnets for distributed denial-of-
of deadly microorganisms – petalominium – was
very basic and with several mistakes indicating       service (DDoS) attacks rather than
poor knowledge of microbiology. The information       developing their own cyber weapons.
provided was therefore considered not enough to
weaponise the microorganisms concerned.
general overview                                                                                                                       21

Convictions and

Number of individuals in concluded court proceedings for terrorist
offences in 2016, 2017 and 2018, as reported to Eurojust*.

                                580                                        565

                               2016                                        2017                                   2018
* The data for previous years corresponds to the data reported in the respective TE-SAT reports.

 In 2018, 17 EU Member                                   In 2018, France was the Member State                  as compared to 2017 (66) and 2016
                                                         that reported the highest number                      (53). The practice in some countries,
 States reported a total                                 of individuals in concluded court                     such as Belgium, France and the
                                                                                                               Netherlands, to render sentences in
 of 653 individuals                                      proceedings for terrorist offences
                                                                                                               absentia continued with respect to
                                                         (141), followed by Spain (120), the UK
 who were convicted or                                   (115) and Belgium (80)10. In Greece,                  defendants who were believed to be in
                                                         ten individuals were tried more than                  conflict zones or were claimed to have
 acquitted of terrorist                                  once during the year in different                     died but were not officially declared
 offences8. This number                                  terrorism proceedings. As a result, the               dead. Some individuals sentenced
                                                         total number of verdicts pronounced                   for terrorist offences in 2018 had
 is higher than the                                      for terrorism-related offences in 2018                previously been convicted of terrorism
 numbers reported over                                   was 664.                                              or other offences in the same Member
                                                                                                               State or abroad.
 the past two years9.                                    Some of the defendants who
                                                         appeared before courts in the EU
                                                         Member States were minors at
   Eurojust received contributions containing            the time of trial and/or when the
 information on terrorism-related court decisions        offences were committed. The
 in 2018 from the following EU Member States:
 Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czechia, Denmark,           number of female defendants judged
 Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary,              in 2018 (94) continued to increase
 Italy, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Slovenia, Spain,
 Sweden and the UK. If a verdict pronounced in
 2018 was appealed and the appeal was concluded          10
 before the end of the year, Eurojust reported only         The UK contribution includes proceedings on
 on the latest/final verdict.                            offences under anti-terrorism legislation, as well
                                                         as other offences assessed to be terrorism-related.
   Please refer to Annex 4 for additional information    Similar to previous years, the UK data for 2018
 on the numbers mentioned in this section.               refers only to convictions.
general overview                                                                                                            22

Some of the verdicts reported in 2018                  network recruiting and sending            injured. The two were found guilty of
are final while others are pending                     fighters to join jihadist terrorist       attempted assassination and illegal
judicial remedy, as appeals have been                  organisations abroad. The network         possession of firearms, both in a
submitted11.                                           had facilitated the integration of        terrorist context.
                                                       foreign fighters into al-Qaeda in
                                                                                                 A prison sentence of six years was
Type of terrorism                                      the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), the
                                                                                                 ordered by the District Court of
                                                       Movement for Oneness and Jihad
In 2018 the majority (399) of verdicts                                                           Rotterdam in the case of a Dutch
                                                       in West Africa (MOJWA), Jabhat
in the EU Member States concerned                                                                foreign fighter, who had joined IS
                                                       al-Nusra and IS, in Mali, Libya, Iraq
jihadist terrorism confirming a trend                                                            and is believed to still be in Syria.
                                                       and Syria. It had members in Spain,
that started in 201512. Similar to                                                               The man, tried in absentia, was
                                                       Belgium, Luxembourg, Turkey, Tunisia,
the previous years, a large part of                                                              found guilty of participation in a
                                                       Libya, Mali, France and Morocco,
the verdicts for jihadist terrorism                                                              terrorist organisation. He left for
                                                       all performing different functions,
concerned offences related to so-                                                                Syria in November 2013 and has
                                                       including recruitment, document
called Islamic State (IS); however,                                                              been recognised in several videos
                                                       forgery, financing, facilitators in the
persons linked to al-Qaeda (AQ), the                                                             from the conflict zone. The Dutch
                                                       destination country and smugglers.
Taleban, Al-Shabaab or Hezbollah                                                                 authorities also received information
                                                       The court convicted all six defendants
were also tried in 2018.                                                                         from the US Department of Defense
                                                       of terrorist offences. The leader
                                                                                                 that an IS registration form in his
Courts in France, Belgium and Spain                    of the network was found guilty of
                                                                                                 name had been found in October 2015
rendered the highest number of                         directing and promoting a terrorist
                                                                                                 in Syria. The court considered the
verdicts concerning jihadist terrorism                 organisation, with a mitigating
                                                                                                 form authentic. The defendant had
in 2018 (123, 76 and 68 respectively).                 circumstance for confessing the
                                                                                                 been informed of the upcoming court
Bulgaria, Finland, Italy, Slovenia and                 crime and was ordered to serve eight
                                                                                                 hearings via Facebook Messenger.
Sweden reported only verdicts for                      years of imprisonment, followed by
                                                                                                 He had informed the police of his
jihadist terrorism in 2018.                            probation for seven years. Four of
                                                                                                 intention to return to the Netherlands,
                                                       his co-defendants were convicted of
Six defendants appeared before the                                                               which was the reason why a hearing
                                                       belonging to a terrorist organisation
Audiencia Nacional (National High                                                                had been postponed to allow him to
                                                       and received a six-year sentence
Court) in Spain for their alleged                                                                be present. Following news in the
                                                       each and a probation period of five
involvement in a major terrorist                                                                 media that the defendant had died in
                                                       years upon release. The four had
                                                                                                 battle, a journalist published an article
                                                       also confessed to the crime. The
                                                                                                 claiming he had received an open
                                                       sixth defendant was sentenced to
   According to Council Decision 2005/671/JHA of                                                 letter from the defendant addressed
20 September 2005 on the exchange of information       five years’ imprisonment, followed
                                                                                                 to the judge. The letter claimed
and cooperation concerning terrorist offences,         by a probation period of five years,
the information to be submitted to Eurojust is in                                                that, together with his fiancée, he
                                                       after the court found him guilty
relation to final convictions. Due to the specifics                                              had staged his own death to ensure
of reporting, some EU Member States submit             of collaboration with a terrorist
information on final decisions only, while other EU                                              his safe trip to the Turkish border.
Member States also report on not final decisions.                                                It stated further that he would not
The data provided by the UK did not distinguish
between final decisions and decisions pending          The main living suspect of the 2015       be able to come back for the court
judicial remedy. As reported, all convictions in the   Paris attacks was sentenced to 20         hearing but would definitely do so if
UK are effective from the moment of their being
pronounced, even if an appeal is made.                 years of imprisonment, and a fine         he were convicted and need to appear
12                                                     of EUR 6 000 by the Court of First        before the Court of Appeal. The
  The data provided by the UK was not broken
down by type of terrorism and is therefore not         Instance of Brussels for terrorist        court concluded that the defendant
included in the numbers in this section.               offences unrelated to the attacks.        had clearly revoked his right to be
                                                       The same penalty was handed to his        present at the first instance trial.
                                                       co-defendant. Both men had been           When considering the severity of the
                                                       arrested in Brussels on 15 March          penalty, the court did not take into
                                                       2016 following a shoot-out with the       account the fact that the defendant
                                                       police, which had left four officers      had left for Syria in a period when
general overview                                                                                                 23

                                                                                    As in 2017, left-wing terrorism cases
                                                                                    were brought before the courts
                                                                                    in Czechia, Greece and Spain in
                                                                                    2018. The greatest increase was
                                                                                    seen in Greece, where 33 verdicts
                                                                                    were handed down, as compared
                                                                                    to 17 in 2017. The number of
                                                                                    decisions includes those in which
                                                                                    the defendants were acquitted. One
less had been known about IS and          Belgium, France, Germany and              Czech case heard by the High Court
the caliphate had not been declared.      Spain) reported cases of separatist       in Prague was brought against two
Furthermore, it considered it an          terrorism in 2018. Courts in Spain        men and three women, accused of
aggravating circumstance that the         tried the largest number of individuals   preparing a bomb attack on a train in
defendant had been with IS in a period    charged with such offences (40). In       Czechia. These alleged offences were
when the terrorist organisation had       March 2018, for example, the Spanish      charged as preparation of a terrorist
committed an increased number of          National Court handed a prison            attack and categorised as left-wing
attacks.                                  sentence of almost six years to an        terrorism. The defendants were
                                          Euskadi ta Askatasuna (ETA) member        acquitted.
The majority (64) of the female
                                          with several previous terrorism
defendants were tried for jihadist                                                  Germany and the Netherlands
                                          convictions. The man was found
terrorist offences, which also                                                      reported verdicts for right-wing
                                          guilty of participation in a terrorist
presents an increase compared to                                                    terrorist offences and the total
                                          organisation. He left Spain after
2017 (42). The Court of First Instance                                              number of reported verdicts increased
                                          serving his sentence for a previous
of West Flanders, Bruges division, in                                               from four in 2017 to 22 in 2018. In
                                          conviction. He settled in France from
Belgium heard the case of a young                                                   Germany, for instance, the Higher
                                          where he made contacts with ETA. He
woman charged with participation                                                    Regional Court of Dresden heard the
                                          received false documents and a car
in the activities of a terrorist group.                                             case of seven men and one woman
                                          registration plate and was instructed
The court re-qualified the conduct                                                  accused to have formed part of the
                                          to leave for London, where he was
as spreading or making otherwise                                                    extremist right group Gruppe Freital
                                          hosted by another ETA member. In
public of a message with the purpose                                                (Freital Group) since July 2015.
                                          January 2014 the Spanish authorities
of inciting a terrorist offence. In                                                 The group’s objective was to attack
                                          issued a European Arrest Warrant
particular, the charges referred to                                                 asylum seeker accommodation, and
                                          in his name. He was arrested in
making propaganda for IS via the                                                    apartments, offices and vehicles of its
                                          the UK in February 2016 together
internet, maintaining contacts with                                                 political opponents. Group members
                                          with another ETA member and was
fighters in the conflict zone and                                                   had been accused of committing
                                          later surrendered to the Spanish
providing moral and financial support                                               a series of bomb attacks in 2015,
to French nationals suspected of                                                    including on the vehicle of a left-wing
terrorist offences. All activities had    The Higher Regional Court of Celle        politician and a left-wing party office,
been carried out over the internet.       in Germany found one Turkish              on a refugee camp and an asylum
The court found that the defendant        national guilty of membership in          centre. The charges against them
had been extremely active online and      a foreign terrorist organisation          included leadership or membership
had uploaded content, directly and        and sentenced him to 18 months’           in a terrorist organisation, multiple
indirectly, inciting the commission       imprisonment. The court found that        attempted murders and grievous
of terrorist acts, including bomb         the man had belonged to the PKK and       bodily harm. The court found all eight
attacks. The court found her guilty       played a leading role in the terrorist    defendants guilty and sentenced
and ordered her to serve four years in    organisation’s structures in the          seven of them to prison terms of
prison, of which two on probation, and    Lohne-Dinklage area between August        five to ten years, and one to a youth
to pay a fine of € 2000.                  2014 and October 2016. The man            sentence of four years.
                                          had also acted as a co-leader for the
Five EU Member States (Austria,
                                          region of Oldenburg.
general overview                                                                                                  24

Type of offences
As in previous years, a large number      The man stated that he performed the        of Parliament in London and was
of criminal cases concluded in 2018       attack on behalf of IS.                     assisted by her mother. Her sister
concerned participation in (the                                                       was also convicted of planning to
                                          In June 2018, the Varsinais-Suomi
activities of) a terrorist group. A                                                   commit another attack close to the
                                          District Court sentenced the
smaller number of the defendants                                                      British Museum in London. She was
                                          perpetrator of a terrorist attack
in 2018 were tried for glorification of                                               sentenced in August to a life term,
                                          in Turku, Finland, in August 2017
terrorism and humiliation of victims                                                  with a minimum of 13 years to be
                                          to a cumulative sentence of life
of terrorism, recruitment and (self-                                                  served. She had married an IS fighter
                                          imprisonment for killing two people
) training for terrorist purposes,                                                    online and had planned to join him
                                          and injuring eight others. The
financing of terrorism, travel to a                                                   in Syria before being stopped by
                                          defendant was further liable to pay
zone controlled by a terrorist group,                                                 the security service. The mother is
                                          damages to the victims. The court
instigation to commit terrorist acts,                                                 believed to have played a major role
                                          found that the defendant had acted in
etc. or for attempting to commit such                                                 in radicalising her daughters. A fourth
                                          the name of IS and that the murders
crimes. In some cases, terrorism                                                      young woman was also found guilty
                                          and attempted murders had been
charges were filed in parallel with                                                   of possessing information about
                                          committed with terrorist intent. The
charges for other offences, e.g.                                                      terrorist acts.
                                          defendant had intended to cause
murder, manufacture, supply and
                                          serious fear among the population           Judgments in 2018 continued to
possession of explosives or weapons,
                                          and perceived himself as a promoter         address the use of social media and
migrant smuggling, aggravated
                                          of IS’s cause. He also prepared for         various other online platforms to
damage to property, and forgery of
                                          the attack by sharing a manifest that       spread terrorist content, glorify and
official documents.
                                          expressed the ideological and political     incite the commission of terrorist
In 2018, several cases concerned          background and objectives of IS, as         acts. In Spain, the National Court
the preparation or the commission         well as aspirations to promote its          heard the case of a Moroccan national
of recent terrorist attacks in            goals, with discussion forums on the        charged with self-indoctrination. On
Europe. In Sweden, for example,           Telegram instant messaging service.         several occasions through the Amaq
Stockholm District Court in June                                                      news Agency, the defendant accessed
                                          Life imprisonment, with a minimum
2018 sentenced an Uzbek national                                                      propaganda which had been created
                                          of 16 years to be served, and a prison
to life imprisonment for committing                                                   and spread by IS. The defendant’s
                                          term of six years and nine months
terrorist crimes. The defendant, a                                                    radicalisation process was further
                                          were ordered by the Central Criminal
40-year old male, stole a lorry to                                                    boosted by regularly accessing
                                          Court of England and Wales to a
mow down pedestrians in the centre                                                    the website Muslim News, which
                                          mother and a daughter who belonged
of Stockholm on 7 April 2017. The                                                     contained a depository of numerous
                                          to the first female terrorist cell in the
incident led to the death of five                                                     audio files and roughly 5 000 videos
                                          UK. The daughter had planned to
individuals; ten others were injured.                                                 with radical jihadist content. The
                                          carry out a knife attack close House
general overview                                                                                                 25

defendant admitted to carrying out         executions. The young man regularly       Facebook and once contact with the
these acts. The court handed down a        looked up IS videos, supported their      person was satisfactory, they would
prison sentence of two years and two       actions online, placed IS propaganda      use WhatsApp to continue with
months.                                    on the internet and visited websites      indoctrination. This process prompted
                                           about suicide terrorist attacks. In       the recruitment of at least three young
In Italy, the Milan Assize Court found
                                           March, he was found guilty and            people of Moroccan nationality. The
one person guilty of membership
                                           sentenced to youth detention of six       defendants were sentenced between
of a terrorist organisation and
                                           months and 181 days, part of which        four and seven years imprisonment.
disseminating, via an app and on the
                                           was suspended.
internet, material inciting or provoking                                             The Spanish National Court found
the commission of terrorist acts. The      The female defendants in 2018 were        another woman guilty of collaboration
court sentenced the man to serve 28        tried for leading a terrorist group,      with a terrorist organisation and
months in prison after it considered it    preparing to commit terrorist acts,       sentenced her to two years in prison.
proven that he had publicly instigated     participating in or collaborating with    She had prepared to leave for Syria
others to commit terrorist offences.       a terrorist organisation, financing       to marry a man who was presumably
The court found that he had praised        terrorism, glorification of terrorism,    a member of IS. The defendant tried
and fostered anti-democratic               spreading messages inciting to            to help him come back to the EU by
feelings and religious hatred, and         commit a terrorist offence, among         providing a false passport.
glorified jihad and martyrdom. He had      other types of offences.
                                                                                     In 2018, courts in several EU Member
used multiple Facebook profiles to
                                           In Spain, four defendants appeared        States handled cases against
promote terrorist ideology and tools
                                           before the National Court charged         defendants who were under legal
to pursue the goals of conquest and
                                           with indoctrination and recruitment of    age at the time the offences were
expansion of IS. The court considered
                                           supporters to a terrorist organisation.   committed. In Germany, the Higher
the use of IT and electronic means
                                           The group was led by a woman              Regional Court of Hamburg sentenced
of communication an aggravating
                                           who started the recruitment and           three Syrian nationals to years-long
                                           indoctrination of other women in          imprisonment for membership in a
In the Netherlands, a teenager             2014 with the intention to reach Syria    foreign terrorist organisation (IS) and
appeared before Rotterdam District         to join IS. She was planning to marry     (attempted) document forgery. The
Court charged with participation in        one of the other defendants and           first defendant was sentenced to six
the terrorist organisations IS and the     travel with him to Syria. Moreover,       and a half years imprisonment. The
United Cyber Caliphate (UCC). The          she maintained a close relationship       other two were minors at the time of
court heard that between November          with the other woman in the group         the offence and as such received a
2016 and June 2017 he had made             whose task also concerned the             juvenile penalty of three and a half
and distributed videos on instruction      recruitment of supporters as well         years each. The court found that the
from the UCC, as well as other videos      as the management of WhatsApp             three had been part of an IS ‘sleeper
inciting armed (jihadist) fighting. The    groups. To indoctrinate and recruit       cell’. The terrorist organisation
videos also contained also images of       of supporters, they first used            had arranged for them to travel to
general overview                                                                                                                             26

Germany with fake passports, cash                     offences in 2018. In some cases,                           The lowest prison sentence ordered
and mobile phones in 2015 and                         defendants were acquitted of terrorist                     by courts in the EU Member States
awaited orders for an attack.                         offences but convicted of other                            in 2018 was three months and
                                                      offences, such as drug trafficking and                     the highest was 535 years. Two
An Austrian court sentenced a
                                                      document fraud14.                                          such penalties of 535 years of
16-year-old minor to ten months
                                                                                                                 imprisonment were given to two ETA
imprisonment with a probationary                      Similar to 2017, all prosecutions
                                                                                                                 members in Spain, who placed an
period of three years. The minor, who                 for right-wing terrorist offences in
                                                                                                                 explosive device in a busy Madrid
is a Serbian national, was indicted                   2018 resulted in convictions. The
                                                                                                                 street. Many people were injured
for membership in a terrorist and                     percentage of convictions among the
                                                                                                                 and material seriously damaged as a
criminal organisation, as well as for                 verdicts for jihadist terrorism in 2018
the endorsement of terrorist offences.                remained very high (89 %, the same
The crimes were committed by                          as in 2017). The conviction rate for                       More than half (59 %) of the penalties
actively participating in chat groups                 separatist terrorist offences remained                     handed down with guilty verdicts in
disseminating jihadist propaganda                     the same as in 2017 (71 %), while                          2018 were of imprisonment of up to
and setting up plans to travel to Syria               that for left-wing offences decreased                      five years, which presents a slight
in order to join IS.                                  slightly (from 72 % in 2017 to 70 % in                     decrease compared to 2017 (61 %),
                                                      2018)15.                                                   while sentences of ten and more
                                                                                                                 years of imprisonment increased
Convictions and                                       Penalties                                                  from 12 % in 2017 to 15 % in 2018.
                                                                                                                 In several cases in Austria, Finland,
acquittals                                            The average prison sentence for                            Germany, Sweden and the UK the
                                                      terrorist offences in the EU in 2018                       courts ordered life sentences for the
In 2018, seven EU Member States
                                                      was seven years, which is higher                           committed terrorist offences.
reported that all terrorism verdicts
                                                      than in 2016 and 2017 (five years)16.
had resulted in convictions, while                                                                               It should, however, be taken into
others reported both convictions and                                                                             consideration that the severity of the
acquittals13. Successful prosecutions                    Eurojust considers it one verdict if an individual is
                                                                                                                 penalty in each case would depend on
                                                      convicted of more than one terrorist offence within
resulting only in convictions were                    the same proceeding, or convicted of a terrorist           the respective offence and specific
concluded in Bulgaria, Denmark,                       offence and acquitted of another offence. If an
                                                                                                                 circumstances and cannot serve any
                                                      individual is acquitted of a terrorist offence and
Finland, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania,                   convicted of another offence, the verdict is included      comparative purposes. In addition, in
Slovenia and Sweden; whereas                          in the overview as acquittal of terrorism.
                                                                                                                 some EU Member States the average
France, Germany and Greece had a                      15
                                                         The data provided by the UK was not broken              sentence is calculated on the basis
very low percentage of acquittals                     down by type of terrorism and is therefore not used
                                                      to calculate the conviction rate.                          of one conviction, while in others it
securing convictions for the vast                     16                                                         is based on a considerably higher
                                                        For the purpose of the calculation of the average
majority of those tried for terrorist                 prison sentence, penalties exceeding 40 years of           number of convictions.
                                                      imprisonment and life sentences were counted as
                                                      40 years. In the cases where the court ordered a           Similar to 2017, the highest average
                                                      minimum number of years of the life sentence to be
  2018 data for the UK refers only to convictions     served, the sentence was included in the overview          prison sentence was ordered for
and is not included in the numbers in this section.   with the minimum number of years indicated.
general overview                                                                                     27

left-wing terrorist offences and
                                                 Austria          4
increased from ten to 16 years. The
average prison term for separatist
and right-wing terrorist offences
increased from four to eight and six             Belgium          5
years respectively. As in the past two
years, the average prison sentence for
                                                                       Average* sentences (excluding
jihadist terrorist offences remained             Bulgaria          3   non-prison penalties) per
five years17.                                                          Member State in 2018, as
In some cases, in addition to the                                      reported to Eurojust.
                                                 Czechia          3
prison terms ordered by the court, the                                    Average sentence in years
convicted individuals were subjected
to mandatory psychotherapy,
                                                 Denmark          3
or admitted in a mental health
institution. Furthermore, additional
penalties included fines, restrictions
on exercising certain civil rights               France            5
or working in certain sectors (e.g.
education), travel bans, expulsion
from the national territory, fixed               Germany          5
probationary period upon release, etc.
In France, most of those convicted
were entered into the national judicial
database for terrorist offences and
in the UK, terrorist offenders were
subjected to counter terrorism                   Greece           16
registration. In some cases, juvenile
penalties were given or the sentence
was partially or fully suspended. In
other cases, the sentencing or the
execution of the prison sentence was             Hungary          4
postponed upon certain conditions, or
the penalty was still to be determined
by the judge at the time of reporting.
                                                 Italy            6
In the cases when courts in the EU
Membr States did not impose a prison
term, they ordered other penalties,
                                                 Lithuania        2
such as community service, fines,
referral orders in case of minor
offenders, etc.
                                                 Netherlands      4

  The data provided by the UK was not broken
down by type of terrorism and is therefore not   Slovenia         3
included in the overview.

                                                 Spain            8
                                                                       * The average sentence in Bulgaria, Czechia
                                                                       and Slovenia is based on one conviction
                                                                       in each country. In Finland and Sweden,
                                                                       only one penalty of life imprisonment
                                                                       was ordered by the national courts and is
                                                                       therefore not included in the overview.
                                                 United Kingdom   7
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