Introduction to the first WHO Model List of Essential In Vitro Diagnostics (the EDL) - World Health Organization

Page created by Pauline Baldwin
Introduction to the first WHO Model List of Essential In Vitro Diagnostics (the EDL) - World Health Organization
Introduction to the first
WHO Model List of
Essential In Vitro
Diagnostics (the EDL)

Dr Sarah Garner,
Co-ordinator ‒ Innovation, Access and Use.
Department of Essential Medicines and Health Products

Adriana Velazquez Berumen | Senior advisor on medical devices, EMP, Geneva
Introduction to the first WHO Model List of Essential In Vitro Diagnostics (the EDL) - World Health Organization
EDL Context

  WHO recognises that IVDs are an essential
  component to:

  •    advance universal health coverage

  •    address health emergencies

  •    promote healthier populations.

  The three strategic priorities of the WHO
  Thirteenth General Programme of Work

Source: Image from
Introduction to the first WHO Model List of Essential In Vitro Diagnostics (the EDL) - World Health Organization
Why an EDL and why now?

  •    Accurate diagnosis is needed before
       treatment decisions can be made

  •    Countries will need guidance for selection,
       procurement and usage decisions for IVDs.

  •    There is strong support from the Global
       Health community for an EDL.

Source: Image from
Introduction to the first WHO Model List of Essential In Vitro Diagnostics (the EDL) - World Health Organization
Objectives of the EDL

   The EDL sets out a group of IVD tests that is
   recommended by WHO for use at various levels of a
   tiered laboratory system.

   The EDL is expected to:

   1.    Provide guidance to Member States for the development of
         local essential diagnostics lists

   2.    Inform United Nations (UN) agencies and non-governmental
         organizations (NGOs) who support selection, procurement,
         supply, donations or provision of in vitro diagnostics

   3.    Provide guidance to the medical technology private sector
         on diagnostics priorities needed to address global health

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Introduction to the first WHO Model List of Essential In Vitro Diagnostics (the EDL) - World Health Organization
EDL scope and oversight

First Edition:                  High-priority infectious diseases
(2018)                          (TB, malaria/G6PD, HIV, hepatitis B & C, HPV
                                and syphillis)
                                Plus general laboratory tests
                                No brand names or specific products

Annual Review:                  Add tests for both infectious
                                diseases and NCDs
                                Process generally similar to that
                                for EMLs but adapted for IVDs

SAGE IVD oversight:             Scope, prioritisation, inclusion criteria, process
                                First meeting 16-20 April 2018
                                (Plan to meet annually)
Source: Image from
General principles for inclusion of
IVDs in the list

•   Public health relevance

•   Evidence-based

•   Free of conflict of interests

Process generally similar to the EMLs but adapted for IVDs (e.g.: often low
level of evidence, especially in LMICs, IVDs characteristics vary based on
the level of the health care facility)

           Priority disease areas for consideration in the 2nd edition of the
           EDL are Emergency tests, AMR, NCDs & NTDs

What does the EDL look like?

•   The first edition of the list published on 15 May 2018 includes more than
    100 tests

•   The preface to the EDL describes all requirements to implement the list
    and encourages member states to adapt the list to their own needs

•   Tests are separated to show which tests can be used in primary care
    settings where no labs are available, and which tests require lab support

•   For each test, a link is provided to any WHO-prequalified products if
    available, as well as any relevant WHO supporting documents

•   Dedicated page on the WHO web site will be created to centralize all
    available information supporting the implementation of the list

Sample section of the EDL

Implementation of the EDL

Member States will need to consider a variety of factors in order to adapt the EDL to local
circumstances: examples are:
•    Local demographics and pattern of diseases
•    Treatment facilities
•    Training and experience of available personnel
•    Local testing gaps
•    Supply chain
•    Quality assurance capacity
•    Local availability of treatments
•    Financial resources
•    Environmental factors
WHO plans to compile information that supports the selection and use of IVDs on the EDL,
on a single web site

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Illustrative example of a tiered
diagnostic testing system

      The types of testing that are appropriate at each tier will be country-specific and will include, among
      others, factors like access to electricity, reagent grade water, phlebotomy and specialized human
      resources more

Source: Consultation on Technical and Operational Recommendations for Clinical Laboratory Testing Harmonization and Standardization. Geneva Switzerland: World Health Organization. 2008: Available at:

24/09/2018      |   Title of the presentation                                                                                                                                                             10
Process for review of applications
  for inclusion in the EDL

 assessed by
     EDL         Successful    Submission    Submission      Expert    Assessment      SAGE IVD       SAGE IVD
  Secretariat    candidates     posted on     assessed      reviews       reports     recommend      recommend
      for         invited to      WHO        by experts    published   presented at   inclusions &      ations
completeness      make full    website for   selected by   on WHO       SAGE IVD       exclusions     presented
 & circulated   submissions      review         WHO         website      meeting        to WHO       to WHO DG
   to WHO

        Screening application received
Timeline and next steps

 2018                                                                                                   2019
 April           May         June              July   Aug        Sept      Oct          Nov    Dec       Jan        Feb     Mar       April       May

1st SAGE                                                                                                                    2nd SAGE
IVD Meeting                                                                                                                 IVD Meeting
                      Open call for                   Deadline for         Deadline for           SAGE IVD
  1st Edition of               pre-                            pre-                  full       review and web              2nd Edition of the EDL to
       the EDL        submissions                     submissions          submissions           publication of                        be announced
   announced           for 2nd EDL                     for 2nd EDL          for 2nd EDL         submissions for                   during WHA 2019
                                                                                                    2nd EDL

                                                      EDL Secretariat review of pre-                  Consultation
                                                          submissions for 2nd EDL                     with member
                                                         Invitation to selected pre-                  states, industry
                                                      submissions for full submission                 & non-state

        Call for                                        Renewed SAGE IVD           EDL Secretariat Activities:
  applications                                            commences work           • Develop lab web portal combining all WHO resources
  for renewed                                                                      • Draft guidance for national lists
   SAGE IVD                                                                        • Develop web based platform for 2nd EDL
  membership                                                                       • Update manual on labs

24/09/2018   |     Title of the presentation                                                                                                            12
Summary of information to be
included in the EDL application
1. Applicant’s information                        2. Disease or conditions addressed
• Name of WHO focal point                         • Type of disease to be addressed
• Name/info of applicant organisation(s)          • Evidence for public health relevance & necessity
• Name/info of Institutions consulted or          • Application of IVD (i.e. diagnostic testing
  supporting the application                        algorithm)
                                                  • Patient information (condition, morbidity,
                                                    mortality life quality, economic impact)

3. IVD description                                4. Evidence summary (as available)
•   Category of test                              •   Diagnostic accuracy
•   Intended use, detection target and setting    •   Summary of evaluation studies
•   Specimen type and sample volume               •   Proof of clinical evidence
•   Performance of test                           •   Summary of non-clinical data (appraisal of
•   End-user                                          quality, performance, ease of use, summary of
•   Access to IVD                                     results) and relevant references
•   Bio-safety requirements

5. Societal impact information (as appropriate)   6. Budget and resources
• Ethical issues                                  • Summary of data on comparative cost and cost-
• Human rights issues                               effectiveness
• Equity issues                                   • Resources and budget impact on health care
                                                    systems (specialised HR, training etc)
IVD web portal to support the EDL
Under construction…

Purpose of the IVD Web Portal:
One place online for all WHO information resources relevant to in vitro diagnostics to
support member states with lab capacity development

Topics to be covered:
       •     National Policies and Strategic Plans on IVD’s and Lab Services
       •     Laboratory Setup & Management
       •     IVDs in the Primary Health Care Setting (Where no lab is available)
       •     Human Resources & Skills Development
       •     Quality Management Systems
       •     Regulation of IVD’s
       •     Procurement and Supply of IVD’s
       •     IVDs by Disease Areas
       •     IVD Innovation
       •     WHO Regional Information on IVDs and Lab Services
       •     WHO Collaborating Partners on IVDs and Lab Services

                                                         Expected launch date: Sept 30th

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Expected future needs
Supporting EDL adoption

1.     Regulatory:
       Empower of countries to build regulatory
       support for market approval of IVDs
       (including regional collaboration)

2.     Procurement:
       Development of technical specifications      Experts
       for procurement of IVDs listed in the EDL
3.     Laboratory Capacity Building:
       Laboratory infrastructure, skills, quality   Funding
       management systems….

4.     WHO Resources:
       Updating of WHO documents relevant to
       IVDs and laboratory services

24/09/2018   |   Title of the presentation                      15
Conclusion: The need to
implement the EDL

                                             Ultimately, effective medical
                                             practice relies on diagnostic
                                             The EDL is only a list until it is
                                             adopted by countries to support
                                             access to in vitro diagnostics
                                             WHO welcomes your
Source: Image from

24/09/2018   |   Title of the presentation                                        16
Thank you
Xie xie


20, Avenue Appia   EDL Secretariat                 EDL website:
1211 Geneva                              
                   Email:   s/diagnostics/Selection_in-
Switzerland                                        vitro_diagnostics/en/
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