Investment risk evaluation of inland floating photovoltaic power plants in China using the HFLTS-TFN method

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Investment risk evaluation of inland floating photovoltaic power plants in China using the HFLTS-TFN method
Clean Energy, 2021, 536–550


Research Article
Investment risk evaluation of inland floating
photovoltaic power plants in China using the

                                                                                                                                       Downloaded from by guest on 10 December 2021
HFLTS–TFN method
Yanli Xiao1, Xin Ju1, Bo Yu1, Zheng Wang1 and Chuanbo Xu2,*
  Economic and Technical Research Institute, State Grid Ningxia Electric Power Co., Ltd., Yinchuan, Ningxia,
China and
 School of Economics and Management, North China Electric Power University, Beijing, China
*Corresponding author. E-mail:

Inland floating photovoltaic power plants (IFPPPs) are the key to making full use of water advantages to develop
solar resources in the future. Identifying the investment risk is an important prerequisite for promoting the
projects on a large scale. This paper proposes a model to assess the investment risk of IFPPPs in China. First, this
paper identifies the investment risk factors and establishes an evaluation indicator system from four aspects.
Second, the indicator data are collected and described by adopting hesitant fuzzy linguistic term sets and
triangular fuzzy numbers to ensure soundness and completeness. Third, a weighted method combining the best–
worst method and the entropy method are utilized to determine the indicator weights under the consideration of
the impact of subjective preferences and objective fairness. Fourth, the results show that the overall risk level of
China’s IFPPPs is ‘medium low’. Fifth, sensitivity analysis and comparative analysis are implemented to examine
the stability of the evaluation results. Finally, this paper also provides some risk-response strategies for the
development of China’s IFPPPs from economy, society, technology and environment.

Received: 16 May 2021; Accepted: 3 August 2021
© The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of National Institute of Clean-and-Low-Carbon Energy
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Investment risk evaluation of inland floating photovoltaic power plants in China using the HFLTS-TFN method
Xiao et al. |   537

Graphical Abstract

                                       Identify the                                     Expert        Committee
              Stage I                   committee
                                      Determine the                         C1                C2             C3             C4
                                   evaluation indicators                 Technical      Economic            Social     Environmental
                                                                           risk           risk               risk            risk

                                     HFLTSs                                 Data collection
             Stage II
       Calculate the weight
           of indicators                                                  Convert into TFNs                              TFNs

                                                                                                                                             Downloaded from by guest on 10 December 2021
                                                              Calculate the                 Calculate the             The entropy
                                                            subjective weights             objective weights            method

                                                                Calculate the comprehensive weights

             Stage III                                     Establish a first-level indicator evaluation vector
            Assess the
         investment risk of
              IFPPPs                              Calculate the investment risk level of each first-level indicator         Fuzzy
                                                              Calculate the overall investment risk level

                                                                          Sensitivity analysis

            Stage IV
         Suggestions and                                   Suggestions                             Conclusions

Keywords: inland floating photovoltaic power plants; risk assessment; HFLTS–TFN; BWM

Introduction                                                           and demand are not balanced in these areas, so the phe-
                                                                       nomena of curtailing solar power and limiting electricity
With the rapid economic development, traditional energy
                                                                       occur frequently. However, in southern China, due to the
consumption and CO2 emissions continue to increase [1],
                                                                       developed economic industry and variable climate change,
so China is in a critical period of energy-structure trans-
                                                                       the installed capacity of the power system has difficulty
formation. The sustainable development strategy of ‘Reach
                                                                       to fully meet the demand of people’s daily lives [2]. The
the peak of carbon dioxide emissions before 2030 and
                                                                       dense population in these regions leads to a shortage
achieve the carbon neutrality before 2060’ has been pro-
                                                                       of land resources for ground-based photovoltaic power
posed. Photovoltaic generation is one of the main types of
                                                                       plants. Fortunately, there are abundant water areas that
pollution-free energy with abundant reserves. Moreover,
                                                                       can settle the conflict between the development of solar
the 14th Five-Year Plan of China proposed to vigorously
                                                                       power projects and strains on land resources so that more
enhance the scale of photovoltaic generation and it is esti-
                                                                       and more investors are focusing on the development of in-
mated that the total installed capacity of photovoltaic gen-
                                                                       land floating photovoltaic power plants (IFPPPs). However,
eration in China will exceed 1.2 billion kilowatts by 2030.
                                                                       most of the IFPPP research is mainly from the perspectives
Therefore, the development of photovoltaic power plants
                                                                       of technology and the economy, and research on project-
will usher in new opportunities.
                                                                       investment risks is still lacking. Therefore, in the context of
   At present, existing photovoltaic power plants are
                                                                       low-carbon green development, exploring and identifying
mainly ground-based photovoltaic power plants whose in-
                                                                       the investment risks of IFPPPs is conducive to improving
stallation requires more land resources, so these projects
                                                                       the research system of floating photovoltaic power plants
are concentrated in the north-western provinces of China,
                                                                       and promoting the development of IFPPPs.
such as Xinjiang and Gansu provinces. The power supply
Investment risk evaluation of inland floating photovoltaic power plants in China using the HFLTS-TFN method
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Fig. 1: An example of a floating photovoltaic power plant. Source: State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of State Council:

    As shown in Fig. 1, IFPPPs are usually constructed in res-             investment risk model constructed in this article can pro-
ervoirs, ponds or lakes, and they are also new solar power                 vide decision support for governments and enterprises
projects with several significant advantages, including                    to build inland floating photovoltaic power plants and
high power-generation efficiency, saving land resources                    achieve green and low-carbon development.
and making full use of water resources. Currently, there
are ~98 000 reservoirs and 20 000 lakes in China, most
of which are located in the southern region, providing                     1 Literature reviews
bright opportunities for the development of IFPPPs. The
                                                                           In order to better analyse the investment risks of floating
Chinese government has promulgated relevant policies,
                                                                           photovoltaic power plants in inland China, the literature
such as the ‘Notice of National Development and Reform
                                                                           review of this paper starts with the following two aspects:
Commission on Matters Concerning the Policies on the
                                                                           research on floating photovoltaic power plants and re-
On-grid Tariff for Solar Power Generation in 2020’ and the
                                                                           search on risk-assessment methods.
‘Notice on Further Promoting the Solar Power Generation
Systems’, which effectively promote the orderly develop-
ment of the floating solar power-generation industry and
reduce the financial burden for investors. Although the                    1.1 Research on floating photovoltaic
natural environment and policy conditions are condu-                       power plants
cive to developing the IFPPPs, investors face many uncer-                  The advantages of floating photovoltaic power plants
tainties due to the higher investment costs and longer                     have been affirmed by many scholars. For example, Zhou
operating period of IFPPPs. Therefore, it is of great prac-                et al. [2] pointed out that floating photovoltaic power
tical significance to analyse the investment risk of IFPPPs                plants could be integrated with the aquaculture industry
against this background.                                                   and tourism development to improve space utilization.
    According to the existing research, this paper iden-                   Cromratie et al. [3] put forward that water has a cooling
tifies the key factors that affect the benefits of IFPPPs by               effect on photovoltaic panels and cables, therefore
referring to relevant research and consulting experienced                  increasing the power-generation efficiency of floating
scholars, and then establishes the investment risk indi-                   photovoltaic power plants. Besides, some scholars com-
cator system. On the basis of the hesitant fuzzy linguistic                pared them with terrestrial photovoltaic panels and
term set (HFLTS)–triangular fuzzy numbers (TFN) method,                    found that floating photovoltaic power plants have less
the best–worst method (BWM), the entropy method and                        shielding so there is higher light utilization [4]. For the
fuzzy comprehensive evaluation, the model is constructed                   above reasons, floating photovoltaic power plants have
to comprehensively analyse the investment risk of IFPPPs                   been applied earlier in foreign countries. Phoenix Solar
in China, which provides related investors with theoretical                built a 5-kW floating photovoltaic power plant in the
support for the development and planning of IFPPPs to a                    Bishan Park, Singapore, in 2013. Kyocera TCL solar in-
certain extent. By combining the methods above, it is pos-                 vested in a 1.7-MW floating photovoltaic power plant in
sible to determine the importance of indicators, screen out                Hyogo prefecture, western Japan, in 2015. The NHPC Ltd
the key risk indicators, overcome the shortcomings of the                  completed a 50-MW floating photovoltaic power plant in
traditional subjective weighting method and improve the                    southern Kerala, India, in 2015. Although China’s floating
accuracy of the importance of risk indicators. The IFPPPs                  photovoltaic power plants started late, they achieved
Investment risk evaluation of inland floating photovoltaic power plants in China using the HFLTS-TFN method
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remarkable achievements. For example, China’s first            Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation has great superiority in
floating photovoltaic power plant was built in Zaoyang         solving multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) problems,
City, Hubei Province, in 2015. China’s Three Gorges New        so it has been widely used in risk assessment with mul-
Energy Company used the idle water of the mining sub-          tiple evaluation criteria, such as the risk assessment of
sidence area to build a 150-MW floating photovoltaic           renewable-energy island microgrids [14], the development
power plant in Huainan, Anhui Province, in 2017 [5].           trend of water-resources analysis [15] and customer satis-
   In order to promote the healthy development of              faction with online to offline food delivery [16].
floating photovoltaic power plants, various scholars               MCDM methods can effectively measure the influence
have actively contributed their efforts. Miguel et al. [6]     degree of different factors on project risk. Comparing the
presented the main design features of a floating photo-        analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method and the BWM,
voltaic cover system for water-irrigation reservoirs. Liu      which both determine the subjective weights, it can be
et al. [7] proposed and assessed an integrated floating        found that the BWM has more obvious advantages. First,
photovoltaic-pumped storage power system in electri-           the BWM can greatly reduce the amount of calculation
city generation and the conservation of water and land         in solving practical problems [17]; for the MCDM problem

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resources. Goswami and Sadhu [8] conducted an experi-          with n indicators, the AHP method requires n2–n com-
ment for 17 months to determine the performance of             parison data to obtain the indicator weights, while there
floating photovoltaic modules and their study showed           are 2n–3 comparison data in the calculation of the BWM.
that the average performance ratio and the degradation         Second, the vector-based calculation of the BWM is signifi-
rate was 71.58% and 1.18%, respectively, for the floating      cantly better than the matrix-based calculation of the AHP.
photovoltaic modules. Cazzaniga et al. [9] thought that        Third, as the BWM only needs to compare the optimal or
floating photovoltaic power plants represented an in-          worst indicator with the other indicators [18], it can reduce
dustry with great potential and introduced a meth-             the probability of judgement errors caused by the experts’
odology currently used in this industry to perform a           confusion and avoid the data inconsistency resulting from
mooring design. It can be seen from the above that more        a large number of comparisons in order to get more re-
and more scholars have paid attention to IFFFPs, but few       liable calculation results. Currently, the BWM has been
studies have conducted research on the investment risks        used in various research on the selection of sustainable
of IFFFPs in a certain region.                                 hydrogen-production technology [19], the corn-cultivation
                                                               location selection of bioethanol production [20], decision
                                                               analysis of China’s energy security [21], etc.
1.2 Research on risk-assessment methods                            However, experts’ evaluation is the core of the subjective
In the risk assessment of IFPPPs, the experts’ linguistic      weighted methods to determine the indictor weights, so
description of indicators is mostly uncertain and fuzzy.       the accuracy of the process is easily affected by experts’
Thus, it is extremely crucial to choose an appropriate         subjectivity. The emergence of the entropy method can
method to collect indicator information. Although Zadeh        solve this problem well. The entropy method is a common
[10] proposed the fuzzy set theory to solve this problem,      objective-weighted method, which determines the indi-
it has the disadvantage that a single linguistic value         cator weights by the indicators’ own information [22]. Many
cannot fully describe the ambiguity of information.            scholars have carried out related research work based on
Fortunately, this problem can be solved using the HFLTS        this method. For example, Wang et al. [23] used the entropy
method, which describes multiple variables at the same         method to evaluate the reliability of high-voltage direct-
time and obtains more realistic results. In view of its        current transmission protection systems; Yuan et al. [24]
good data-collection characteristics, the HFLTS has been       assessed the investment risk of coal-fired power plants
widely used in many fields. For example, Wu et al. [11]        in countries along the Belt and Road initiative based on
used the HFLTS to collect the indicator information of         the entropy method. Zhao et al. [25] evaluated the envir-
low-speed wind-farm projects in hilly areas. Chen et al.       onmental vulnerability of mainland China based on the
[12] calculated the possibility distributions of the HFLTS     entropy method.
to collect experts’ assessments and attribute levels to            Obviously, the following conclusions can be drawn: (i)
conduct the overall assessments.                               analysing the investment risk of China’s IFPPPs is needed
   As the evaluation environment is relatively compli-         and urgent; (ii) the HFLTS method is currently relatively
cated, it is difficult to describe information with precise    mature to improve the scientific soundness of indicator se-
real values. Therefore, TFN, which include the upper limit,    lection; TFN are widely used in risk assessment with mul-
the lower limit and the most probable value [13], are intro-   tiple evaluation criteria; (iii) determining indicator weights
duced into the investment risk of IFPPPs to describe the       by combining the BWM and the entropy method further
indicator information more comprehensively. Besides,           enhances the comprehensiveness of the investment risk
this paper also performs fuzzy comprehensive evaluation        of IFFFPs. There is currently a lack of relevant research that
based on TFN and uses mathematical logic for operations        combines the HFLTS and TFN methods to assess the risks
and related definitions for linguistic value conversion, and   of floating photovoltaic power station projects and this
then obtains the corresponding risk-assessment level.          paper fills the gap.
540   |   Clean Energy, 2021, Vol. 5, No. 3

2 Investment risk-evaluation system                                        facilities are relatively lagging, such as suburban waters.
of IFPPPs                                                                  In addition, photovoltaic power generation also has
                                                                           the characteristics of instability, intermittentness and
Identifying risk factors is a prerequisite for implementing
                                                                           uncontrollability. All of the above have brought certain dif-
scientific risk management. And establishing a scientific
                                                                           ficulties and risks to the grid connection of IFPPPs.
investment risk-evaluation indicator system is necessary
to obtain objective and effective risk-evaluation results.
Through combing the literature and analysing the char-
acteristics of photovoltaic power plants, this paper estab-
                                                                           2.2 Economic risk (C2)
lishes an investment risk-evaluation indicator system for                  2.2.1 High initial investment cost (C21)
IFPPPs and divides them into four categories, including                    The initial investment cost of IFPPPs is relatively high
technical risk, economic risk, social risk and environ-                    [5]. Compared with ground-based photovoltaic power
mental risk, as shown in Table 1.                                          stations, the investment cost of IFPPPs is about 12%
                                                                           higher [29].

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2.1 Technical risk (C1)
                                                                           2.2.2 High operation and maintenance cost (C22)
2.1.1 Unreasonable location (C11)                                          IFPPPs need to face more risks in the operation and main-
Site selection is a key part of the development of IFPPPs.                 tenance phases. This risk includes battery-replacement
Many aspects are involved in the site-selection process                    costs [26], external power-supply costs, dust-removal
of IFPPPs, such as light intensity, effective light duration,              costs, as well as high maintenance costs due to the impact
hydrological environment, etc. The unreasonable siting of                  of the pond environment on the floating frame [30].
the IFPPPs will not only have a negative impact on the eco-
nomic benefits of the projects, but may also cause the pro-
jects to fail to meet the requirements [26].                               2.2.3 Financing risk (C23)
                                                                           The technology of China’s IFPPPs is in its infancy and the
                                                                           consumer market for water-based photovoltaic power is
2.1.2 Improper structural design (C12)
                                                                           not mature. There is great uncertainty in the future in-
The content of the structural design includes the size of
                                                                           come of IFPPPs. Therefore, banks and other financial insti-
the photovoltaic panels, the distance between the photo-
                                                                           tutions are unwilling to take high risks to provide funds
voltaic panels, the installation inclination angle [27], etc.
                                                                           for their project construction, meaning that investors face
Design flaws or unreasonable designs often lead to eco-
                                                                           difficulties in finances [31].
nomic losses for project investors. For example, improper
photovoltaic panel structural design will lead to insuffi-
cient utilization of solar radiation and available light, and              2.2.4 Imperfect subsidy mechanism (C24)
therefore the design cannot achieve maximum production                     The integrated industry that combines inland floating
efficiency.                                                                photovoltaic generation and agriculture has photovoltaic
                                                                           power-generation subsidy standards, but it lacks incentive
2.1.3 Difficulty of integrating into the grid (C13)                        measures that comprehensively consider farming sub-
Most investors obtain investment income through grid-                      sidies. Moreover, there are regional differences and dif-
connected power transmission of the IFPPPs [28]. IFPPPs                    ferences in understanding, which invisibly increase the
are built in areas where the power-distribution network                    business risk of investors.

Table 1: The investment risk-evaluation indicator system of IFPPPs

Target layer                                     First-level indicators                 Second-level indicators

Investment risk of IFPPPs                        Technical risk (C1)                    Unreasonable location (C11)
                                                                                        Improper structural design (C12)
                                                                                        Difficulty of integrating into the grid (C13)
                                                 Economic risk (C2)                     High initial investment cost (C21)
                                                                                        High operation and maintenance cost (C22)
                                                                                        Financing risk (C23)
                                                                                        Imperfect subsidy mechanism (C24)
                                                 Social risk (C3)                       Complicated approval procedures (C31)
                                                                                        Insufficient electricity demand (C32)
                                                                                        Public opposition (C33)
                                                 Environmental risk (C4)                Severe weather conditions (C41)
                                                                                        Risk of water corrosion to equipment (C42)
                                                                                        Water ecological environment destruction (C43)
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2.3 Social risk (C3)                                            establish the investment risk-evaluation model of IFPPPs,
                                                                as shown in Fig. 2.
2.3.1 Complicated approval procedures (C31)
Compared with ordinary photovoltaic projects, the adminis-
trative approval of IFPPPs also includes procedures for com-
                                                                3.1 Data collection based on HFLTSs
prehensive land utilization and breeding. Thus, the approval
process is complicated. In addition, some power-supply com-     The problem of investment risk evaluation is complicated
panies do not standardize the grid-connected service pro-       and vague. In the process of analysing indicators, ex-
cess of distributed photovoltaic power plants, which leads to   perts may hesitate between multiple evaluation terms in
the time-consuming process of grid-connected projects.          the evaluation of a certain indicator. At this time, a single
                                                                evaluation term is difficult to accurately reflect the judge-
2.3.2 Insufficient electricity demand (C32)                     ment of experts. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce
IFPPPs are usually connected to the distribution network        HFLTSs to improve the reliability of decision-making [36].
below 35 kV for nearby utilization. When the power-             The evaluation data-collection process based on the HFLTS

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consumption capacity of the construction area of the pro-       method is as follows:
ject is low, the photovoltaic power station may run under          Step 1: Set the meaning of the evaluation linguistic
low load for a long time or be idle, causing economic loss      sets. Suppose S = {s0 , s1 , s2 , . . . , sn } is a linguistic term set.
and a waste of resources.                                       According to the investment risk rating, the correspond-
                                                                ence between linguistic variables and linguistic term sets
2.3.3 Public opposition (C33)                                   classified in this paper is shown in Table 2.
The public’s acceptance of the new technology is critical to       Step 2: Based on the relevant data information and
its smooth implementation. If the public opposes the de-        evaluation indicator system, relevant experts are invited
ployment of IFPPPs, it will cause the project to be delayed     to analyse and evaluate the investment risks of IFPPPs.
or cancelled [32].                                                 Step 3: Use the function EGH to express the evaluation re-
                                                                sults of the HFLTS method. The result of an expert’s evalu-
                                                                ation of a certain indicator may be between two linguistic
2.4 Environmental risk (C4)                                     sets, or even between multiple linguistic sets. In view of
                                                                this situation, the operation of HFLTSs can be expressed by
2.4.1 Severe weather conditions (C41)
                                                                the function EGH:
IFPPPs need to face severe weather, which includes strong
winds, continuous rain, little light duration, etc. These       EGH (si ) = {si /si ∈ S } = {si }
harsh climatic conditions may cause photovoltaic mod-                                                                 
ules to malfunction. For example, the battery needs to run      EGH (between si and sj ) = sk /sk ∈ S and si ≤ sk ≤ sj
at low power during the rainy season, which will cause the      EGH (less than si ) = {sk /sk ∈ S and sk ≤ si }
battery to wear out easily [33].
                                                                EGH (more than si ) = {sk /sk ∈ S and si ≤ sk }
2.4.2 Risk of water corrosion to equipment (C42)
The current life cycle of photovoltaic power stations is
25 years. Because the floating body frame or pile founda-       3.2 Evaluation data processing based on TFN
tion can be corroded by various microorganisms, harmful
                                                                The TFN method can quantitatively analyse the qualitative
chemicals, acid and alkaline water quality in the water for
                                                                evaluation problem that it is difficult to describe the re-
a long time, it leads to the risk of early scrapping [34].
                                                                search object through accurate numerical values in fuzzy
                                                                environmental decision-making by setting the upper and
2.4.3 Water ecological environment destruction (C43)            lower limits of the evaluation threshold function [31]. Since
In the development process of IFPPPs, it will inevitably        the qualitative linguistic terms based on HFLTSs cannot
have a certain impact on the surrounding ecological en-         intuitively reflect the evaluation values and perform
vironment [35]. For example, in the fishing and light com-      mathematical operations, this paper uses the method of
plementary project, it will cause problems such as the          combining HFLTSs and TFN to process evaluation data and
inconvenience of fishing, cumbersome feed management            quantitatively express them. The process is as follows:
and difficulty in dredging and disinfection, which will af-         Step 1: Set the correspondence between HFLTSs and
fect the development of the fishery.                            TFN. According to the meaning represented by the lin-
                                                                guistic sets and the actual type of investment risk, the
                                                                linguistic information is converted into TFN, as shown in
3 Investment risk-evaluation model                              Table 3.
of IFPPPs                                                           Step 2: Set the membership function. Suppose a map-
On the basis of combining domestic and foreign research         ping µÃ from U to [0,1] is defined on the universe U, and
on risk-evaluation methods, the data-analysis method of         µÃ : U → {0, 1}, u → Ã(u) ∈ [0, 1] is called a fuzzy set on U.
HFLTS–TFN and the BWM–entropy method are used to                And Ã(u) is called the membership function. The TFN can
542   |    Clean Energy, 2021, Vol. 5, No. 3

                                                    Identify the                                    Expert         Committee
                    Stage I                          committee
                                               Determine the                             C1                C2             C3                C4
                                            evaluation indicators                  Technical         Economic           Social         Environmental
                                                                                     risk              risk              risk                risk

                                                 HFLTSs                                  Data collection
                 Stage II
           Calculate the weight
               of indicators                                                           Convert into TFNs                                 TFNs

                                                                                                                                                              Downloaded from by guest on 10 December 2021
                                                                         Calculate the                  Calculate the                 The entropy
                                                                       subjective weights              objective weights                method

                                                                           Calculate the comprehensive weights

                   Stage III                                         Establish a first-level indicator evaluation vector
                  Assess the
               investment risk of
                    IFPPPs                                     Calculate the investment risk level of each first-level indicator            Fuzzy
                                                                        Calculate the overall investment risk level

                                                                                       Sensitivity analysis

                  Stage IV
               Suggestions and                                       Suggestions                                Conclusions

Fig. 2: Evaluation of investment risk based on the HFLTS–TFN method

Table 2: The meaning of evaluation terms

Linguistic sets            s0               s1            s2                      s3                 s4                          s5          s6

Variable meaning           Very low (VL)    Low (L)       Medium low (ML)         Medium (M)         Medium high (MH)            High (H)    Very high (VH)

Table 3: Correspondence between linguistic sets and TFN                           Besides, the related operation rules of TFN are as follows,
                                                                                  where Ã1 = (a1 ,b1 ,c1 )and Ã2 = (a2 ,b2 ,c2 ) represent TFN:
Linguistic sets                                             TFN
                                                                                  Ã1 + Ã2 = (a1 + a2 , b1 + b2 , c1 + c2 )
s0                                                          (0.00,0.00,0.17)
s1                                                          (0.00,0.17,0.34)      (7)
                                                                                  Ã1 × Ã2 = (a1 a2 , b1 b2 , c1 c2 )
s2                                                          (0.17,0.34,0.51)
s3                                                          (0.34,0.51,0.68)      (8)
                                                                                  λÃ1 = (λa1 , λb1 , λc1 )
s4                                                          (0.51,0.68,0.85)
                                                                                  Ä ä−1 Å 1 1 1 ã
s5                                                          (0.68,0.85,1.00)      (9)
                                                                                   Ã1 =   , ,
s6                                                          (0.85,1.00,1.00)             a1 b1 c1
                                                                                  Step 3: Calculate the TFN value evaluated by experts.
                                                                                  Quantitative analysis of expert evaluation results is based
be expressed as à = (a, b, c) and the membership function                        on membership functions. For example, some experts’ as-
is shown in Equation (5):                                                         sessment of ‘unreasonable location’ is between ‘very low’
                           u−a                                                   (VL) and ‘low’ (L). Among them, the probabilities of VL, L
                           b−a , a ≤ u ≤ b
                                                                                  and ‘medium low’ (ML) are 40%, 50% and 10% respectively.
(5)            µÃ (u) = c−uc−b , b≤u≤c                                                                                                      
                          0,                                                     Then the HFLTS can be expressed as HS (C11 ) = 0.4   0.5 0.1
                                                                                                                                   VL , L , ML
                                                                                  and the calculation steps are as follows:
Xiao et al. |   543

               ß           ™
 HS (C11 ) =
             0.4 0.5 0.1
                ,    ,
                                                                                     min ξ
             VL L ML
         = 0.4S0 + 0.5S1 + 0.1S2
         = (0.4(0.00, 0.00, 0.17), 0.5 (0.00, 0.17, 0.34) , 0.1(0.17, 0.34, 0.51))   wB − aBj wsj  ≤ ξ, for all j
         = (0.02, 0.12, 0.29)                                                        (11)
                                                                                     wsj − ajW ww  ≤ ξfor all j
                                                                                        wsj = 1
                                                                                                          wsj ≥ 0                for all j
3.3 Determination of evaluation
indicator weights
Determining weights of the evaluation indicators is a key                            3.3.2 Determining the objective weights through the
segment of risk analysis, so this paper starts scientifically in                     entropy method
sequence from the three stages for determining subjective                            The entropy method determines the indicator weights by
weights, objective weights and comprehensive weights.                                the data themselves, so it can avoid the influence of sub-
                                                                                     jective factors. The relevant steps are shown below:
3.3.1 Subjective weight determination based on the BWM                                  Step 1: Set the quantification standard for HFLTS evalu-

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The BWM is used to calculate the weights of investment                               ation results. According to the corresponding relationship
risk-assessment indicators for IFPPPs. The BWM was pro-                              between the risk size and the linguistic set, set Si equal
posed by Rezaei in 2015 [37]. Experts first identify the best                        to i. And the quantitative value of the evaluation standard
(most important) and worst (least important) indicators                              of the calculation experts on the indicator is shown in
from the n indicators. They then use the two indicators as                           Equation (12). Among them, xij represents the evaluation
the reference standard and compare them with other in-                               value of each expert indicator:
dicators. The comparison results need to be expressed in                                                 Ü          Ü       êê
integers from 1 to 9 [38]. The specific steps of the BWM are                                  1      xij       xij
                                                                                     ej = −                 ln        pij ej ∈ [0, 1]
as follows:                                                                                 ln m     m
                                                                                                 i=1    xij       xij
   Step 1: There are m experts to select n indicators and                                                      i=1           i=1
uniformly determine the best indicators and the worst in-                            Step 2: Calculate the entropy weight woj:
dicators. The best indicator is represented by CB and the
                                                                                     gj = 1 − ej
worst indicator is represented by CW.
   Step 2: Determine the priority of the optimal indicator                                  gj
                                                                                     woj = n
over other indicators. Each expert evaluates and scores                              (14) 
with an integer ranging from 1 to 9, where 1 means ‘equally                                                                j=1
important’ and 9 means ‘extremely important’, thus con-
structing a comparison vector as AB = (aB1 , aB2 , · · · , aBn ),
                                                                                     3.3.3 Determining the comprehensive weights
and the aBj(aBB = 1) is the degree to which the ith expert
                                                                                     According to the subjective and objective indicator weights,
thinks the optimal indicator CB is better than the indi-
                                                                                     the comprehensive indicator weights are obtained based
cator Cj.
                                                                                     on the multiplication normalization method as follows:
   Step 3: Determine the priority of other indicators over                                                      
the worst indicators. Similarly, each expert evaluates                                                            woj × wsj
                                                                                                         w= n
and scores with an integer from 1 to 9, and thus con-                                (15)                     
                                                                                                                   woj × wsj
structs a comparison vector as AW = (a1W , a2W , · · · , anW ) ,                                                     j=1

and the ajW(aww = 1) is the degree to which expert i be-
lieves that other indicators Cj are better than the worst
indicator CW.                                                                        3.4 Investment risk assessment
   Step 4: According to the solution idea obtained by min-
                                                                                     The influence degree of different risk factors is usu-
imizing the maximum deviation, the following mathemat-
                                                                                     ally relative and uncertain, and it cannot be quantified.
ical programming model can be constructed to solve the
                                                                                     Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation provides a method for
subjective indicator weights using Equation (10):
                                                                                     evaluating fuzzy variables. In this paper, the fuzzy compre-
            min maxj wB − aBj wsj  , wsj − ajw ww                                hensive evaluation based on HFLTS–TFN is used to aggre-
            s.t.                                                                     gate the uncertain fuzzy numbers of experts’ judgements
(10)            wsj = 1                                                             to realize the overall evaluation of the investment risk of
                    j                                                                IFPPPs. The investment risk assessment is divided into the
                   wsj ≥ 0, for all j                                                following three steps:
Calculate the optimal weights of all indicators determined                              Step 1: Establish a first-level indicator evaluation vector.
by experts according to Equation (11), where ξ is the con-                           The TFN of all the second-level indicators under each first-
sistency index. And the closer its value is to 0, the higher                         level indicator constitute the first-level indicator evalu-
                                                                                                                                  Ä                       äT
the consistency [14]:                                                                ation vector, which is expressed as VCi = Hci1 , Hci2 , . . . , Hcij
544    |   Clean Energy, 2021, Vol. 5, No. 3

. The HFLTS Hc is an ordered finite subset of the continuous                         complementarity with agriculture and fisheries, and
linguistic set, expressed as HC = {< si , h(si ) > |si ∈ S}.The                      higher power-generation efficiency. China is also actively
variable h(si) represents the possible membership degrees                            promoting the development of IFPPPs. In order to better
of si belonging to the set Hc.                                                       promote the development of IFPPPs in China, the key risk
    Step 2: Calculate the investment risk level of each first-                       factors and overall risk levels of IFPPPs are analysed by the
level indicator. The expression WCi is the total weight of                           above investment risk-evaluation model.
the second-level indicator under the first-level indicator,
and the expression wcij is the weight of the jth second-level
indicator under the ith first-level indicator. The calculation                       4.1 Collection of investment risk data
steps are shown in Equations (16) and (17); then sort out                            To ensure the accuracy of data acquisition, this article re-
the investment evaluation risk value RC of each first-level                          fers to the data-acquisition methods of existing research
indicator:                                                                           literature [39]. Four experts in related fields are invited to
                                                    Ä                           äT   form an expert committee. These experts have the fol-
   RCi = WCi ◦ VCi = (wci1 , wci2 , . . . , wcij ) × Hci1 , Hci2 , . . . , Hcij

                                                                                                                                                      Downloaded from by guest on 10 December 2021
(16)                                                                                lowing characteristics: (i) they have engaged in or studied
                                                                                     the management of photovoltaic power plants and (ii) they
RC = (RC1 , RC2 , . . . , RCi )                                                      have a certain understanding of the field of risk assess-
Step 3: Calculate the overall investment risk level, where                           ment. According to the knowledge level and work experi-
the expression Wi is the weight of the first-level indicator                         ence, the evaluation weights of the four experts accounted
and the expression wci is the weight of the ith first-level in-                      for 0.3, 0.3, 0.2 and 0.2, respectively. Each expert uses the
dicator. The calculation is as follows:                                              linguistic sets in the HFLTS to evaluate the 13 second-level
                                                                                     indicators in Section 2. The investment risk-assessment
R = Wi ◦ RC = (wc1 , wc2 , . . . , wci ) × (RC1 , RC2 , . . . , RCi )                results of IFPPPs are shown in Table 4.
Step 4: Calculate the TFN result of the investment risk                                  According to the language sets in Table 1 and the TFN
level of IFPPPs according to Equation (19), and judge the                            algorithm in Section 3.2, the evaluation results of each ex-
closest level of investment risk of IFPPPs. The higher the                           pert for each secondary indicator and each mean value of
similarity between the judgement result and a certain                                the expert committee are calculated, as shown in Table 5.
risk level, the closer the project is to that level. Among
them, the variables Ã1 = (a1 ,b1 ,c1 ) and Ã2 = (a2 ,b2 ,c2 ) are
any two TFN:                                                                         4.2 Determination of indicator weights
                      |a1 -a2 | + |b1 -b2 | + |c1 -c2 |                              According to repeated discussions of the expert com-
Sd (Ã1 , Ã2 ) = 1 −
                                     3                                               mittee, the high initial investment cost is determined as
                                                                                     the best (most important) indicator and insufficient elec-
                                                                                     tricity demand is the worst (least important) indicator.
4 A case study                                                                       Each expert scores the remaining indicators according to
In the international context of low-carbon development,                              the relevant steps of Section 3.3. The subjective indicator
it has become a worldwide consensus to actively develop                              weights are shown in Table 6 and the consistency index
renewable energy to promote the sustainable develop-                                 values of the experts are all
Xiao et al. |   545

Table 5: Statistical table of the evaluation data

Indicators           Expert 1                      Expert 2                Expert 3                    Expert 4                    Mean

C11                  (0.10,0.27,0.44)              (0.02,0.12,0.29)        (0.02,0.12,0.29)            (0.12,0.29,0.46)            (0.06,0.20,0.37)
C12                  (0.12,0.29,0.46)              (0.27,0.44,0.61)        (0.26,0.43,0.60)            (0.12,0.29,0.46)            (0.19,0.36,0.53)
C13                  (0.32,0.49,0.66)              (0.36,0.53,0.70)        (0.36,0.53,0.70)            (0.15,0.32,0.49)            (0.31,0.48,0.65)
C21                  (0.60,0.77,0.93)              (0.58,0.75,0.91)        (0.61,0.78,0.94)            (0.61,0.78,0.94)            (0.60,0.77,0.93)
C22                  (0.51,0.68,0.85)              (0.56,0.73,0.90)        (0.58,0.75,0.91)            (0.60,0.77,0.93)            (0.56,0.73,0.89)
C23                  (0.60,0.77,0.93)              (0.48,0.65,0.81)        (0.31,0.48,0.65)            (0.39,0.56,0.73)            (0.46,0.63,0.80)
C24                  (0.39,0.56,0.73)              (0.27,0.44,0.61)        (0.32,0.49,0.66)            (0.24,0.41,0.58)            (0.31,0.48,0.65)
C31                  (0.22,0.39,0.56)              (0.43,0.60,0.77)        (0.31,0.48,0.65)            (0.27,0.44,0.61)            (0.31,0.48,0.65)
C32                  (0.26,0.43,0.60)              (0.27,0.44,0.61)        (0.32,0.49,0.66)            (0.14,0.31,0.48)            (0.25,0.42,0.59)
C33                  (0.14,0.31,0.48)              (0.26,0.43,0.60)        (0.22,0.39,0.56)            (0.15,0.32,0.49)            (0.19,0.36,0.53)
C41                  (0.34,0.51,0.68)              (0.27,0.44,0.61)        (0.27,0.44,0.61)            (0.12,0.29,0.46)            (0.26,0.43,0.60)
C42                  (0.14,0.31,0.48)              (0.05,0.22,0.39)        (0.09,0.26,0.43)            (0.10,0.27,0.44)            (0.09,0.26,0.43)

                                                                                                                                                      Downloaded from by guest on 10 December 2021
C43                  (0.02,0.14,0.31)              (0.03,0.19,0.36)        (0.00,0.10,0.27)            (0.03,0.20,0.37)            (0.02,0.16,0.33)

Table 6: Result of indicator weight calculation

First-level                            Second-level           Subjective      Objective         Second-level in-                  Comprehensive
indicators         Weights             indicators             weights         weights           dicator weights                   weights

C1                 0.30                C11                    0.52            0.71              0.62                              0.19
                                       C12                    0.15            0.14              0.15                              0.04
                                       C13                    0.33            0.15              0.23                              0.07
C2                 0.25                C21                    0.13            0.01              0.04                              0.02
                                       C22                    0.33            0.04              0.14                              0.04
                                       C23                    0.27            0.67              0.50                              0.12
                                       C24                    0.27            0.28              0.32                              0.08
C3                 0.18                C31                    0.42            0.34              0.39                              0.07
                                       C32                    0.17            0.40              0.27                              0.05
                                       C33                    0.42            0.26              0.34                              0.06
C4                 0.27                C41                    0.24            0.23              0.24                              0.06
                                       C42                    0.32            0.36              0.34                              0.09
                                       C43                    0.44            0.41              0.42                              0.11

each first-level indicator and second-level indicator are                                              Ö                 è
                                                                                                          0.26 0.43 0.60
obtained, as shown in Table 6.                                              RC4 = (0.24 0.34 0.42) ×      0.09 0.26 0.43 = (0.10 0.26 0.43)
                                                                                                          0.02 0.16 0.33

4.3 Investment risk evaluation of IFPPPs                                   It can be seen from the above evaluation results that the
According to Equation (16), the investment risk level of the               risk level of the first-level indicator RC2 is the highest and
first-level indicators of IFPPPs are calculated and the calcu-             the risk level of the first-level indicator RC4 is the lowest.
lation process is as follows:                                              Then, according to Equations (17) and (18), the overall in-
                            Ö               è                              vestment risk value of IFPPPs is calculated and the result
        Ä              ä     0.06 0.20 0.37   Ä              ä             is as follows:
RC1    = 0.62 0.15 0.23 ×    0.19 0.36 0.53 = 0.14 0.29 0.46
                                                                                                          á                    ë
                             0.31 0.48 0.65                                                                 0.16   0.32   0.49
                                                                                                            0.47   0.64   0.81
                                                                           RC = (0.30 0.25 0.18 0.27) ×                          = (0.23 0.39 0.56)
                                á                   ë                                                       0.25   0.42   0.59
                                0.60    0.77   0.93                                                         0.10   0.26   0.43
                                0.56    0.73   0.89
RC2 = (0.04 0.14 0.50 0.32) ×                         = (0.43 0.60 0.77)
                                0.46    0.63   0.80
                                                                           According to Equation (19), the similarity of each invest-
                                0.31    0.48   0.65
                                                                           ment risk level value is calculated and the result is shown
                           Ö               è                               in Fig. 3. It can be seen that the overall investment risk-
                            0.31 0.48 0.65                                 evaluation calculation result of IFPPPs has the highest
 RC3   = (0.39 0.27 0.34) × 0.25 0.42 0.59 = (0.25 0.42 0.59)              similarity with ML, i.e. the overall investment risk of IFPPPs
                            0.19 0.36 0.53
                                                                           is at a relatively low level in China.
546    |       Clean Energy, 2021, Vol. 5, No. 3

4.4 Sensitivity analysis                                                         4.4.1 Fluctuation of indicator weights
                                                                                 To examine the stability of the evaluation results, the
The results of risk evaluation are easily affected by indicator
                                                                                 sensitivity analysis of the influences for the first-level
weights and the number of experts. Thus, it is necessary to
                                                                                 indicator weights of the IFPPPs site selection will be im-
conduct a sensitivity analysis of the above calculation results
                                                                                 plemented. Four criteria, namely technical risk, economic
in two different ways to test the stability of this framework.
                                                                                 risk, social risk and environmental risk, all take 10%, 20%
                                                                                 and 30% less and more weight than the initial weights. The
                                     1                                           variation results of each investment risk level similarity
                                    0.8                                          are displayed in Fig. 4.
                  VH                                         L                      When the C1 or C4 weight fluctuation is from small to
                                                                                 large, the similarity values of ML gradually increase. On
                                    0.4                                          the contrary, the similarity values of ML decrease as C2
                                    0.2                                          or C3 increases. The similarity values of VL and medium
                                                                                 high (MH) are equal when the C1 weight increases by 10%

                                                                                                                                                Downloaded from by guest on 10 December 2021
                                                                                 of the original value or the C2 weight decreases by 10%
              H                                                   ML
                                                                                 of the original value; regardless of how the weights of C3
                                                                                 fluctuate in Fig. 4, the similarity values of VL and MH are
                                                                                 nearly equal.
                                                                                    Taking a closer look at these results, the similarity
                          MH                        M                            values of ML are always the highest; the similarity values
                                                                                 of very high (VH) are always the lowest. It can be seen that
Fig. 3: Investment risk similarity value of IFPPPs                               the variations in the first-level indicator weights within a

                                      C1 weight fluctuation                                      C2 weight fluctuation
                  1.00                                                           1.00

                  0.90                                                           0.90

                  0.80                                                           0.80

                  0.70                                                           0.70

                  0.60                                                           0.60
                  0.50                                                           0.50

                  0.40                                                           0.40
                  0.30                                                           0.30
                          –30% –20% –10% 0%             10% 20% 30%                     –30% –20% –10%    0%   10%       20%   30%

                               VL              L        ML         M                        VL       L         ML          M

                               MH              H        VH                                 MH        H         VH

                                          C3 weight fluctuation                                  C4 weight fluctuation

                  1.00                                                           1.00

                   0.90                                                          0.90
                   0.80                                                          0.80
                   0.70                                                          0.70
                   0.60                                                          0.60
                   0.50                                                          0.50
                   0.40                                                          0.40
                   0.30                                                          0.30
                          –30% –20% –10%           0%   10%       20%      30%          –30% –20% –10%    0%    10%      20%   30%

                               VL              L        ML             M                   VL        L         ML          M
                               MH              H        VH                                 MH        H         VH

Fig. 4: Sensitivity analysis results of indicator weights
Xiao et al. |   547

certain extent have no significant impact on the final re-        5 Suggestions for the development
sults. Therefore, the results obtained by using this model        of IFPPPs
are correct and scientific.
                                                                  The construction of IFPPPs is conducive to alleviating the
                                                                  contradiction between the increase in energy demand and
4.4.2 Fluctuation in the number of experts
                                                                  sustainable development. Compared with the construction
As the number of experts may have an impact on the
                                                                  of traditional photovoltaic power stations, areas with high
results, we invited more experts in risk management or
                                                                  energy demand and abundant waters such as southern
photovoltaic power plants. In this part, we sent out ques-
                                                                  China are more suitable for the development of IFPPPs. In
tionnaires to these experts and collected their answers.
                                                                  order to effectively avoid investment losses, the relevant
Considering that too many experts are likely to cause in-
                                                                  risk-response measures are proposed as follows.
ternal confusion among the decision committee, increase
the difficulty of data collection, increase the error rate
and other issues, too few experts may cause inaccurate            5.1 Economic aspect
evaluation results due to insufficient consideration or

                                                                                                                                      Downloaded from by guest on 10 December 2021
large deviations, so the sample sizes are 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and    Economic risk is the highest risk for the development
10, respectively. And the detailed results are shown in           of IFPPPs. High initial investment costs, operation costs
Table 7.                                                          and maintenance costs are key factors hindering the
   It can be seen from the results that the evaluation re-        development of IFPPPs. In terms of investment costs,
sults will also change when the total number of experts           investors can increase their efforts to develop new tech-
changes within a certain range. This means that the re-           nologies to improve the level of floating photovoltaic
sults vary depending on the attitudes of different experts.       technology; at the same time, investors should quantify
But no matter how the total number of experts changes,            production based on the actual conditions of IFPPPs, im-
the risk-evaluation level is consistent, which illustrates the    prove management levels and reduce the marginal cost
robustness of the framework.                                      of project investment. From the perspective of operation
                                                                  and maintenance costs, the operation and maintenance
                                                                  of IFPPPs are much more complicated than those of trad-
4.5 Comparative analysis                                          itional photovoltaic power plants. Investors can adopt
To verify the reliability of the risk-evaluation results, we      intelligent operation and maintenance methods as
use the matter-element extension method [40] to conduct           much as possible to reduce the high labour costs caused
the comparative analysis. We divide the effectiveness into        by traditional operation and maintenance methods,
seven levels: VL, L, ML, M, MH, H and VH. The classic do-         such as establishing an operation and maintenance
main and segment domain of each indictor are shown in             platform, using visualization technology based on the
Table 8.                                                          combination of building information management and
   First, the indicator information is collected to get the       geographic information system, and utilizing robot-
score of each expert. Second, according to the relevant           inspection technology.
definition of the matter-element extension method, the
evaluation level of each indicator is calculated, as shown
in Table 9. Next, we can get the comprehensive correl-            5.2 Social aspect
ation degree of each evaluation level, as shown in Table          Factors such as complex approval procedures at the social
9. Then, according to the principle of maximum correl-            level, insufficient power demand and public opposition
ation, we can get that the investment risk level of IFFFPs        have a greater impact on the investment and operation
is ML. We can find that the above results are consistent          of IFPPPs projects. Complicated approval procedures have
with the results in Section 4.3, so the evaluation result is      the greatest impact on the investment risk of IFPPPs. In
scientific.                                                       order to further promote the development of IFPPPs, the

Table 7: Sensitivity analysis results in the number of experts


Number of experts    Comprehensive evaluation values      VL      L       ML      M       MH      H       VH       Evaluation level

 4                   (0.228,0.387,0.557)                  0.666   0.779   0.949   0.881   0.711   0.547   0.441    ML
 5                   (0.229,0.390,0.559)                  0.666   0.779   0.949   0.881   0.711   0.547   0.441    ML
 6                   (0.233,0.395,0.563)                  0.660   0.773   0.943   0.887   0.717   0.554   0.447    ML
 7                   (0.234,0.394,0.563)                  0.660   0.773   0.943   0.887   0.717   0.554   0.447    ML
 8                   (0.229,0.388,0.557)                  0.665   0.779   0.949   0.881   0.711   0.548   0.441    ML
 9                   (0.231,0.390,0.559)                  0.665   0.779   0.949   0.881   0.711   0.548   0.441    ML
10                   (0.242,0.410,0.588)                  0.643   0.757   0.927   0.903   0.733   0.570   0.463    ML
548   |   Clean Energy, 2021, Vol. 5, No. 3

Table 8: Classical domain and segment field of each indicator

                                                                Classical domain

Indicators       VL            L                  ML               M                 MH               H             VH           Segment field

C11              [0,0.14]      [0.14,0.28]       [0.28,0.42]       [0.42,0.56]       [0.56,0.72]      [0.72,0.86]   [0.86,1]     [0,1]
C12              [0,0.14]      [0.14,0.28]       [0.28,0.42]       [0.42,0.56]       [0.56,0.72]      [0.72,0.86]   [0.86,1]     [0,1]
C13              [0,0.14]      [0.14,0.28]       [0.28,0.42]       [0.42,0.56]       [0.56,0.72]      [0.72,0.86]   [0.86,1]     [0,1]
C21              [0,0.14]      [0.14,0.28]       [0.28,0.42]       [0.42,0.56]       [0.56,0.72]      [0.72,0.86]   [0.86,1]     [0,1]
C22              [0,0.14]      [0.14,0.28]       [0.28,0.42]       [0.42,0.56]       [0.56,0.72]      [0.72,0.86]   [0.86,1]     [0,1]
C23              [0,0.14]      [0.14,0.28]       [0.28,0.42]       [0.42,0.56]       [0.56,0.72]      [0.72,0.86]   [0.86,1]     [0,1]
C24              [0,0.14]      [0.14,0.28]       [0.28,0.42]       [0.42,0.56]       [0.56,0.72]      [0.72,0.86]   [0.86,1]     [0,1]
C31              [0,0.14]      [0.14,0.28]       [0.28,0.42]       [0.42,0.56]       [0.56,0.72]      [0.72,0.86]   [0.86,1]     [0,1]
C32              [0,0.14]      [0.14,0.28]       [0.28,0.42]       [0.42,0.56]       [0.56,0.72]      [0.72,0.86]   [0.86,1]     [0,1]
C33              [0,0.14]      [0.14,0.28]       [0.28,0.42]       [0.42,0.56]       [0.56,0.72]      [0.72,0.86]   [0.86,1]     [0,1]

                                                                                                                                                  Downloaded from by guest on 10 December 2021
C41              [0,0.14]      [0.14,0.28]       [0.28,0.42]       [0.42,0.56]       [0.56,0.72]      [0.72,0.86]   [0.86,1]     [0,1]
C42              [0,0.14]      [0.14,0.28]       [0.28,0.42]       [0.42,0.56]       [0.56,0.72]      [0.72,0.86]   [0.86,1]     [0,1]
C43              [0,0.14]      [0.14,0.28]       [0.28,0.42]       [0.42,0.56]       [0.56,0.72]      [0.72,0.86]   [0.86,1]     [0,1]

Table 9: Indicator evaluation results and comprehensive evaluation level

                                                                        Correlation coefficient

Indicator                                VL            L           ML            M           MH           H         VH         Evaluation level

C11                                      –0.068        –0.021       0.027        –0.045      –0.081       –0.103    –0.289     ML
C12                                      –0.015        –0.007       0.008        –0.006      –0.014       –0.020    –0.023     ML
C13                                      –0.029        –0.021      –0.009         0.010      –0.008       –0.020    –0.029     M
C14                                      –0.015        –0.014      –0.013        –0.011      –0.006        0.006    –0.004     H
C21                                      –0.028        –0.026      –0.022        –0.017      –0.006        0.009    –0.011     H
C22                                      –0.079        –0.071      –0.059        –0.040      –0.002        0.003    –0.038     H
C23                                      –0.035        –0.026      –0.013         0.008      –0.007       –0.022    –0.032     M
C24                                      –0.029        –0.021      –0.010         0.010      –0.008       –0.020    –0.028     M
C25                                      –0.020        –0.013      –0.001         0.001      –0.012       –0.019    –0.024     M
C31                                      –0.023        –0.012       0.010        –0.007      –0.020       –0.028    –0.034     ML
C32                                      –0.025        –0.017      –0.006         0.007      –0.010       –0.020    –0.026     M
C33                                      –0.030         0.000       0.000        –0.030      –0.045       –0.054    –0.060     L
C34                                      –0.028         0.048      –0.026        –0.054      –0.068       –0.076    –0.082     L
Comprehensive index relevance             0.577         0.891       1.000         0.832       0.690        0.574     0.000     ML

government functional departments should optimize the                        one hand, investors should give priority to choose areas
work process, improve the efficiency of approval and re-                     with a relatively good power infrastructure to reduce the
lease relevant information in a timely way; besides, in-                     risk of project connection to the grid; on the other hand,
vestors should reserve enough time for approval and can                      investors should conduct research on the power market
also hire professionals to carry out project applications to                 and choose a suitable installation for the local power-
reduce errors in the application process that are due to in-                 market demand. In addition, it is recommended to build
sufficient professional knowledge reserves.                                  corresponding energy-storage equipment to improve the
                                                                             utilization rate of photovoltaic power generation.

5.3 Technical aspect
With the continuous development and improvement of                           5.4 Environmental aspect
photovoltaic power-generation-related technologies, the                      According to the results of the case study, environmental
possibility of technical risks such as unreasonable site se-                 risks such as severe weather conditions, corrosion risks
lection, improper structural design and difficulty in grid                   and damage to the aquatic environment have the least im-
connection is relatively low, and the impact on the invest-                  pact on investment in IFPPPs at this stage. Therefore, in-
ment and operation of IFPPP projects is relatively small.                    vestors can identify environmental risks at the end of the
According to the analysis of the fuzzy comprehensive                         project-development stage based on the selected IFPPPs,
evaluation results of sub-indicators at the technical level,                 including meteorological conditions, hydrological envir-
the main technical obstacle hindering the development of                     onment, etc. Investors also should actively use new anti-
IFPPPs is the difficulty of grid connection. Therefore, on the               corrosion technologies to reduce the corrosion risk and
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