Iowagrocer - Together Again - CONVENTION ISSUE 2021 - Iowa Grocery Industry Association

Page created by Lori Shelton
Iowagrocer - Together Again - CONVENTION ISSUE 2021 - Iowa Grocery Industry Association


                                                         Together Again

A publication of the Iowa Grocery Industry Association
Iowagrocer - Together Again - CONVENTION ISSUE 2021 - Iowa Grocery Industry Association
                                                    During good times, it’s easy to keep a steady hand. But when life throws curve balls
                                     E              like the world has never seen, those steady hands can become shaky rather quickly.
                                                    At Associated Wholesale Grocers, we have thousands of examples of strong, steady


                                                    hands keeping grocery stores running, true purveyors of hope for our communities.


                                                    And there are thousands of steady hands at AWG supporting those ESSENTIAL pillars
                                                    of communities in the 28 states we serve. We’ve been constantly tracking how our
                                                    industry is changing and we’re focusing even closer on how the current situation will


            T                            E

                       E R   O W
                                                    change things even more.

                                                    We have long prided ourselves on the lowest cost of goods. But now, and in the future,
                                                    our retailers need far more than that. Everything from e-commerce to merchandising,
                                                    digital marketing to support as we navigate through any crisis together. We have
                                                    helping, steady hands for every area of your store and have prided ourselves on being
                                                    that steady hand for almost 100 years.
Iowagrocer - Together Again - CONVENTION ISSUE 2021 - Iowa Grocery Industry Association
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Iowagrocer - Together Again - CONVENTION ISSUE 2021 - Iowa Grocery Industry Association
Iowagrocer - Together Again - CONVENTION ISSUE 2021 - Iowa Grocery Industry Association

Inside this Issue

                                            18                                                                                                                                    24
                                                           Paying Tribute to IGIA’s Ribbon Sponsors............................................................... 4–5
                                                           Chairman’s Message...................................................................................................... 6
                                                           IGIA Board of Directors.................................................................................................. 7
                                                           President’s Message....................................................................................................... 8
                                                           Meet the Team................................................................................................................ 9
                                                           Online Grocery Sales Up 43%............................................................................... 10–11
                                                           Federal Legislative Outlook................................................................................... 16–17
                                                           Your Hometown Grocer: Story City Kwik Star..................................................... 20–24
                                                           IGIA Get Connected Convention 2021 Preview.................................................. 26–35
                                                               Convention Schedule...................................................................................... 26–27
                                                               Wednesday Morning: Golf & Non-Golf Events............................................. 28–29
                                                               Wednesday Afternoon: Registration/Check-in, VIP & Kickoff Events........ 30–31
                                                               Thursday: Speaker Lineup.............................................................................. 32–33
                                                               Convention Need to Know.................................................................................... 34
                                                               Convention Registration Form............................................................................. 35
                                                           IGIA Leadership Institute: Gearing up for 2021.................................................. 38–39

                                            38             Your 2021 Build with Bags Grant Winners.......................................................... 42–43
                                                           Iowa Best Bagger Is Back!...................................................................................... 48–49
                                                           IGIA Fall Golf Classic Returning to Legacy in 2021.................................................... 50
                                                           IGIA Member Renewals............................................................................................... 52
The Iowa Grocer magazine is published four times per
                                                           Welcome, New IGIA Members.................................................................................... 53
year by Grocers Services Company, a subsidiary of the
                                                           Consumers Want More from Food Brands............................................................... 53
Iowa Grocery Industry Association. The magazine is
distributed by mail to members of the Iowa Grocery         Supplier Member Directory.................................................................................. 54–55
Industry Association. All rights of this publication are
strictly reserved and no part of it may be reproduced      About this Issue
in whole or part without expressed written permission      The IGIA “Get Connected” Convention is all about making connections with
from the publisher. While the information has been         the individuals, companies and resources to drive your business.
compiled carefully to ensure maximum accuracy              After a year impacted by COVID, IGIA staff members are eager to
at the time of publication, it is provided for general     get “Together Again” and have been busy planning an exciting and
guidance and is subject to change. Entire contents         worthwhile convention experience. This issue of the Iowa Grocer magazine
are protected by Copyright ©2021Iowa Grocer                provides a sneak peek at what’s to come during Get Connected
and Grocers Services Company. Magazine printing
                                                           Convention 2021.
provided by Sutherland Printing, Montezuma, Iowa.
Iowagrocer - Together Again - CONVENTION ISSUE 2021 - Iowa Grocery Industry Association

Thank you for being a piece of the big picture!
At the IGIA, we are proud of all our members, but we are especially grateful for an elite group of companies
that have chosen to come together like the pieces of a puzzle to help paint the bigger industry picture through
IGIA Ribbon Sponsorship. We applaud their leadership, foresight and vision in lending their time and resources
for the good of the entire industry. The many unique perspectives and strengths of the companies represented
here join together to ensure a picture of future industry success.

We recognize the many companies you see here for their generous contributions on behalf of our industry.
Their support is key to the Association’s efforts to provide relevant programming and resources to its
membership. Ribbon Sponsor backing also allows the Association to execute effective advocacy efforts that
help IGIA members to overcome legislative obstacles and attain prosperity. Please consider supporting them
as they have supported the Association when selecting the businesses you partner with to supply products
and services.

As with any good jigsaw puzzle, there is great satisfaction when the final picture is complete. In the same way,
being a part of the “big picture” of our industry through Ribbon Sponsorhip provides a sense of accomplishment
as it promotes our future prosperity.


                                                                                              E & J Gallo Winery
                                                                                                Fareway Stores
Iowagrocer - Together Again - CONVENTION ISSUE 2021 - Iowa Grocery Industry Association

                                                                     Acosta Sales & Marketing
                                                                   American Pop Corn Company
                                                                          Arctic Glacier Ice
                                                                            Body Armor
                                                                    The Boston Beer Company
                                                                          Capital City Fruit
                                               RED                     Cookies Food Products
                                                                   Crossmark Sales & Marketing
                                         Advantage Solutions               Crystal Farms
                                           Anheuser Busch                       Fairlife
                                                                      Hockenberg Newburgh
                                         Bimbo Bakeries USA
                                                                   Holmes Murphy & Associates
                                        Casey’s General Stores      Hormel Foods Corporation
                                                Certco                Hussmann Corporation
                                         Constellation Brands        Johnson Brothers of Iowa

           BLUE                             Frontier Co-op
                                                                    Odyssey/Buholzer Brothers
                                                                          Orion Land Mark
                                             General Mills            Pabst Brewing Company
           AE Dairy                          Iowa Lottery          Pan-O-Gold Baking Company
                                           Kellogg Company                     Pilgrim’s
      Associated                                                         Prairie Farms Dairy
   Wholesale Grocers                       Keurig Dr Pepper
                                                                          Premium Waters
                                              KraftHeinz                 Reynolds American
    Bernatello’s Pizza
                                              Kum & Go                    Rose Acre Farms
     Cylinder Express                          Kwik Star                       RSM US
                                                                        Russ Davis Wholesale
DFA Dairy Brands/Kemps                       MillerCoors
                                       Mueller Yurgae Associates        Sparboe Companies
  Federated Insurance
                                           Old Dutch Foods                  SpartanNash
 H. Brooks & Company                           Sazerac                      Tyson Foods
        Hiland Dairy                     Shullsburg Creamery
                                           Southern Glazer’s        Voss Distributing/Red Bull
    We invite all IGIA members              Wine & Spirits
 to be a part of the big picture and
   enjoy the elite status afforded           Versova Eggs
       IGIA Ribbon Sponsors.               Wells Enterprises
Interested? Contact Cara Corkrean            White Claw Hard Seltzer                            5
Iowagrocer - Together Again - CONVENTION ISSUE 2021 - Iowa Grocery Industry Association
Chairman’s Message

Dealing with Dynamic Variables
                                          in South America impacting the              store chains such as Albertsons are
                                          global resin supply (which is a key         posting +12% sales growth with a
                                          component to plastic bottles), we all       credit to a continuation of higher
                                          continue to do amazing work to keep         food-at-home consumption trends…
                                          business moving forward.                    and all the while, we are seeing
                                                                                      continued improvement on mobility
                                          I was speaking with Nik Modi earlier this   trends and upticks in away-from-home
                                          week (shameless plug: Nik is with RBC       consumption as vaccination rates rise.
                                          Capital Markets as a leading analyst
                                          covering U.S. Beverage, Household           Not to put too fine a point on it, but
                                          Personal Care and Tobacco; come             our industry has been killing it. We
                                          hear Nik speak at our Get Connected         have had a lot coming at all of us the
                                          Convention!) and he asked me what           last 12+ months, and I want to take
                                          my thoughts were on the root causes         a minute to again acknowledge the
                                          of some industry supply chain               incredible effort and dedication we
                                          challenges and my answer was easy.          showed as an industry to feed Iowans.
                                          Yes, there are some anomalies that
                                          are hitting certain segments hard right     As I wrap up my time here as
                                          now, but the underlying drag is not         chairman of the Iowa Grocery Industry
                                                                                      Association, I want to encourage all of

                                          “The correction after                       us to build on the great work we have
                                                                                      started together around highlighting
I enjoy speaking with a variety of        a disruption often                          and elevating our members. Labor is
business leaders throughout Iowa          requires spike staffing                     tight, but the opportunities in our ever-
to better understand the challenges                                                   changing industry are phenomenal.
and opportunities we have across the      to make up for the                          We need to continue to share the
economy. As we know, a subset of          lost time… and that                         great stories we all write each day
our industry’s business will always be                                                and continue to recruit new talented
dynamic—with variables impacting          is where every corner                       employees to our companies.
it such as food and beverage trends,      of our economy is
consumer sentiment, earning power                                                     A special thanks to the IGIA Executive
changes, weather… and the list goes on.
                                          struggling right now.”                      Committee, the Board of Directors,
                                                                                      and the IGIA staff for all their support
But now variables are popping up          having enough workers to help buoy          and guidance along the way.
that have not been as prevalent in        the business when disruptions occur.
years past. Supply chain disruptions      The correction after a disruption often     I will see you all at the Convention
are all too common these days: I was      requires spike staffing to make up for      in September!
recently meeting with a customer who      the lost time… and that is where every
owns a large boat dealership and he       corner of our economy is struggling         Sincerely,
shared with me his top supply chain       right now.
constraint impacting his inventory
shortage is a special kind of foam        Regardless, we continue to show
needed for seat cushions. Whether it      outstanding growth across our               Rob Feeney, IGIA Chairman
is a nail shortage impacting wooden       industry. This earnings season has          President & COO
pallet supply or weather patterns         showed us that publicly traded grocery      Atlantic Coca-Cola Bottling Company

Iowagrocer - Together Again - CONVENTION ISSUE 2021 - Iowa Grocery Industry Association

         IGIA Board of Directors

    Chairman              First Vice Chair           Second Vice Chair                Treasurer            Past Chairman
   Rob Feeney            Charley Campbell               Tom Laven                    Darren Baty           Steve Grolmus
 Atlantic Coca-Cola           Kum & Go, L.C.          Fareway Stores, Inc.            Hy-Vee, Inc.          North Scott Foods
     Bottling Co.


   Joel Allen         Randy Bender          Andrea Chase          Denny Dietrich           Jill Eildert          Bev Jessen
   Hy-Vee, Inc.       Bender’s Foods      Fareway Stores, Inc.      Gary’s Foods         Hometown Foods        Cylinder Express

 Brian Kessler         Dan Kramer              Gary Munson           Lisa Nelson          Tracy Prouty           Dave Ring
   Associated            SHAZAM                  Kellogg Co.         Walmart, Inc.         SpartanNash            Kwik Star
Wholesale Grocers

             Dana Sump         Amy Thompson           Jeremy Thompson           Zac Voss             Chris Yurgae
            Casey’s General    Pepsi Beverages Co.         Sazerac           Voss Distributing/      Mueller Yurgae
                Stores                                                           Red Bull              Associates
Iowagrocer - Together Again - CONVENTION ISSUE 2021 - Iowa Grocery Industry Association

Changing Your Point of View
                                              In this issue of the magazine, you will          during a year of shifting landscapes and
                                              find several features dedicated to looking       ever-changing priorities. As in previous
                                              ahead. On page 10, you can read about            years, the Hall of Fame event will require
                                              some recent online sales trends and              a separate registration from convention.
                                              what they might mean for your business.          Watch for more details to come in the
                                              On page 53, we explore what a recent             Hall of Fame Issue arriving in August.
                                              survey reveals about what consumers
                                              expect from food brands.                         The health and safety of members, staff
                                                                                               and others will be top of mind as we
                                              Looking ahead at events                          proceed with in-person events like Get
                                              In this same vein, IGIA has taken a              Connected Convention 2021 and the
                                              proactive approach to events in 2021,            IGIA Hall of Fame Dinner. All of IGIA’s
                                              adjusting their timing to ensure the             upcoming events will follow CDC COVID
                                              best path forward for holding in-person          protocols that are in place at the time.
                                              events. As a result, IGIA has shifted its        We are confident that the new schedule
                                              2021 Events Calendar, moving most                of events will allow us to offer the safe,
                                              events to the latter half of the year.           high-quality networking, education and
                                                                                               entertainment opportunities that we
                                              One of the most exciting and noteworthy          always strive to provide our members.
                                              changes, the IGIA Get Connected
Recently while racing across the              Convention has been moved from                   Within this issue, you will also find
state between kids’ activities, it occured    summer to fall. Convention 2021 is               information about the IGIA Fall Golf
to me as I looked out the passenger           scheduled for September 1–2, at the Iowa         Tournament and the 2021 IGIA Leadership
window how quickly the landscape              Events Center in downtown Des Moines.            Institute as well as a preview of the ever-
whizzes by from that view. So much                                                             popular Iowa Best Bagger Competition.
was passing so quickly, I felt like I was     All of us at the IGIA are excited for a return
missing as much as I was taking in. But       to in-person events and eager to see             As you peruse these pages and consider
when I shifted my gaze ahead and looked       every one of you in 2021. While virtual          the path ahead with us, please add IGIA
down the road in front of me, everything      events kept us connected throughout the          event dates to your calendar to ensure
seemed a long way off from this new           pandemic, we look forward to providing           these worthwhile industry events aren’t
perspective. The long view made it much       face-to-face networking benefits to our          overlooked amidst the fast-paced day-
easier to take it all in.                     members once again. You will find exciting       to-day of our industry.
                                              details about the 2021 IGIA Get Connected
It struck me that working in the fast-paced   Convention in a special convention               Looking forward to talking with all
day-to-day of our industry can feel a lot     preview, found on pages 26 to 35.                of you face-to-face in 2021!
like looking out the side window. There
is the inescapable feeling you might be       Hosting Hall of Fame Dinner in                   Best wishes for your health and safety,
overlooking something important.              Conjunction with Convention
                                              Another big change, the annual Hall of
At the Association, we make every effort      Fame Dinner will be held in conjunction
to take the long view, to look down the       with Convention at the Iowa Events               Michelle Hurd
road and anticipate the changes in the        Center on September 2. Holding the               IGIA President
path ahead so that we might serve you         Hall of Fame Dinner on the heels of
better.                                       convention will minimize travel and
                                              provide ease of scheduling for attendees


                           Meet the Team!

                 Michelle Hurd                    Cara Corkrean
                       President                 Assistant Vice President of
                                               Membership and Operations

  Ann Seuferer                     Annie Schlink                      Audrey Comer
Communication Specialist           Events and Education             Membership and Marketing
                                       Coordinator                       Coordinator


Brick Meets Click Consumer Survey

Online Grocery Sales Up 43%
New research shows how a year of accelerated growth has disrupted the online grocery aisle.

                                                                                                 Pickup segment of the
                                                                                                 market on the rise
                                                                                                 In fact, the ship-to-home segment of the
                                                                                                 online grocery market lost 27% of its
                                                                                                 monthly users on a year-over-year basis,
                                                                                                 while the pickup segment gained 12% and
                                                                                                 delivery gained 23%, illustrating one way
                                                                                                 the pandemic has changed the way people
                                                                                                 engage in online grocery shopping.
                                                                                                 Regarding order share, the ship-to-home
                                                                                                 segment captured the largest share of
                                                                                                 orders before the pandemic and even
                                                                                                 during March 2020. However, over the
                                                                                                 past year it has ceded nearly 19 percentage
                                                                                                 points of order share to the delivery and
                                                                                                 pickup segments. Today pickup is the
                                                                                                 dominant way online orders are received
                                                                                                 in the United States.

                                                                                                 Monthly active users placed an average of
                                                                                                 2.8 online orders during March of this year
The U.S. online grocer market                  average order values are at similarly             compared to 2.5 orders a year ago. The
finished March with $9.3 billion in sales, a   elevated levels and order frequency has           12% gain in order frequency is mainly
return to January’s record spending levels,    gone up.”                                         attributed to the fact that households were
as over 69 million households placed an                                                          still largely shopping in physical stores until
average of 2.8 online orders during the        Ship-to-home segment of the                       states announced stay-at-home orders,
month, according to Brick Meets Click/         online grocery market declines                    with California being the first to do so on
Mercatus Grocery Shopping Survey fielded       The ongoing independent research initiative       March 19, 2020.
March 26-28, 2021. The 43% jump in sales,      created and conducted by Brick Meets
versus a year ago when sales were $6.5         Click and sponsored by Mercatus found             At $84, the average value for delivery
billion, quantifies the disruptive impact      that 69.3 million households placed one           and pickup orders remained essentially
of a pandemic that continues to alter the      or more online orders during March 2021,          unchanged compared to a year ago, while
way people get their groceries.                compared to 74.5 million during the same          ship-to-home declined 6% to $49 during
                                               period a year ago when stay-at-home orders        the same period. Of note, average order
“A year since COVID-19 changed how             and retail restrictions first went into effect.   values across all the segments had already
we live, work and shop, online grocery         While this represents a 7% decline in the         risen by 16% to 18% in March 2020 versus
demonstrates continued strength and            monthly active user base, the decrease            pre-COVID levels as households began
impressive staying power,” said David          was entirely driven by fewer households           buying more groceries online.
Bishop, partner, Brick Meets Click. “The       making online grocery purchases that
monthly active user base remains robust,       are shipped to the home via common or
                                               contract carriers.


A year ago, online grocery shoppers faced       About the consumer research                       grocery business with tomorrow’s needs. Our
a range of challenges, including out-of-        The Brick Meets Click/Mercatus Grocery            clear thinking and practical solutions help
stocks and insufficient order slot capacity,    Shopping Survey is an ongoing independent         clients make their strategies and customer
which degraded the overall experience and       research initiative created and conducted         offers more compelling and relevant in the
led to repeat intent rates plummeting to        by Brick Meets Click and sponsored by             changing U.S. grocery market. We bring
under 43%. Today, retailers have largely        Mercatus. Brick Meets Click conducted             deep industry expertise, knowledge of what’s
addressed these issues and the effect           the survey on Mar. 26-28, 2021 with 1,811         coming next, and fact-based analysis to the
is evident. For March 2021, the leading         adults, 18 years and older, who participated      challenge of finding new routes to success.
satisfaction indicator, “likelihood to use      in the household’s grocery shopping.
a specific service again,” came in at 62%.      Results were adjusted based on internet           About Mercatus
                                                usage among U.S. adults to account for the        Mercatus is the authoritative voice for
Curbside pickup attracts largest                non-response bias associated with online          food retailers who want to strengthen
share of monthly shoppers                       surveys. Responses are geographically             their relationship with shoppers in a digital
“Over the last 12 months, consumers’            representative of the United States and           space. We help leading grocers get back
dramatic shift to online grocery shopping       weighted by age to reflect the national           in charge of their eCommerce experience,
has solidified, with curbside pickup            population of adults, 18 years and older,         empowering them to deliver exceptional
attracting the largest share of monthly         according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Brick        branded omnichannel shopping experiences.
shoppers at 53% compared to ship-to-            Meets Click used a similar methodology
home and delivery,” said Sylvain Perrier,       for each of the surveys conducted Feb.            Together, we empower clients to create
president and CEO, Mercatus. “In fact,          26-28, 2021 (n= 1,812), Jan. 28-31, 2021          authentic digital shopping experiences with
pickup continues to have stronger               (n=1,776) and throughout 2020: Nov. 11-14         solutions to drive shopper engagement, grow
consumer demand across all market types         (n=2,067), Aug. 24-26 (n=1,817), June 24-25       share of wallet and profitability, and quickly
compared to delivery.                           (n=1,781), May 20-22 (n=1,724), April 22-24       adapt to changes in consumer behavior. The
                                                (n= 1,651), and March 23-25 (n=1,601).            Mercatus Integrated Commerce® platform
Those brick-and-mortar chains that have                                                           is used by leading North American retailers,
invested in optimizing pickup services          About Brick Meets Click                           including Weis Markets, Save Mart brands,
likely will continue to benefit from the high   Brick Meets Click is an analytics and strategic   Brookshire’s Grocery Company brands, WinCo
repeat intent rate as indicated in the data.”   insight firm that connects today’s                Foods, Smart & Final and others. IG

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             Change is
             in the air
             Democratic trifecta at work
             provided by National Grocers Association

             This year ushered in a new Congress and administration, including
             changes in which political party holds the majority. Democrats now
             hold a trifecta in Washington, with a slim majority in the U.S. House,
             a 50-50 split in the Senate with the tie vote going to Vice President
             Kamala Harris, and President Joe Biden at the helm in the White House.

             Despite the continued challenges brought on by the COVID-19
             pandemic and partisan politics, NGA remains focused on advocating
             on behalf of independent grocers throughout the country, ensuring
             their priorities are heard on both sides of the political aisle.
             President Biden began his first days in office with the signing of
             several Executive Orders addressing the pandemic, including
             expanding vaccine rollout and implementing mask mandates
             on federal properties. Attention quickly turned to an aid package
             in which much of the debate centered on the scope of the bill,
             namely the spending levels and funding amounts of unemployment
             benefits. Leaning on the budget reconciliation process, Democrats
             passed a $1.9 trillion relief package, signed into law in March. The
             package extended a $300 per week unemployment benefit through
             Sept. 6, expanded the child tax credit for one year and increased
             the maximum Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
             benefit by 15 percent through September. Not included in the


The Federal Legislative Landscape

A shift in power
NGA remains focused on advocating on behalf of independent grocers throughout the country,
ensuring their priorities are heard on both sides of the political aisle.

final bill was a $15 minimum wage           for SNAP online purchasing, and the        two” plan expected to be introduced
hike. Over 100 NGA members sent             American Rescue Plan signed into law       later this spring. With expectations
letters to their members of Congress        this March provided $25 million to         that this second proposal will include
urging them to vote against the one-        promote technological improvements         a variety of hikes on individuals
size-fits-all minimum wage proposal.        for SNAP online purchasing,                and pass-through corporations,
                                            modernizing the Electronic Benefits        as well as hefty increases to the
Standing against                            Transfer (EBT) system and supporting       estate tax and lowering thresholds,
$15 minimum wage                            SNAP mobile payment technologies.          Main Street businesses could
As President Biden and Democrats            NGA will continue to provide               inevitably be hit with a larger tax bill.
pursue their agenda, efforts to raise       technical assistance so more
the federal minimum wage to $15             independent community grocers              For many businesses, including
an hour will continue. NGA opposes          can offer SNAP online purchasing.          grocers, the prospect of tax increases
increasing the federal minimum wage                                                    forces them to withhold capital that
to $15 because it would harm small          Tax increases loom ahead                   could otherwise be reinvested into
businesses and reduce food access           In April, President Biden unveiled the     their companies, preventing them
in disadvantaged communities. The           next step in his “Build Back Better”       from hiring, renovating or expanding
federal minimum wage was always             agenda, calling on Congress to pass an     their stores, or upgrading equipment.
intended to be a floor, not a ceiling,      infrastructure package. The “American      Similar to the partisan tack taken
and many states and cities have taken       Jobs Plan,” as the White House coined      to pass the American Rescue Plan,
actions to raise their minimums to          it, lays out more than $2 trillion in      many Democrats are calling for a
levels that best align with the local       federal spending on infrastructure         jobs and infrastructure package to
economy and cost-of-living conditions.      and other domestic investments. The        also use the budget reconciliation
NGA will work with Congress to identify     administration sees this as a one-two      process, making chances for
a more realistic federal wage policy that   punch to provide resources to revitalize   negotiated compromise unlikely.
allows independent supermarkets to          the nation’s roads, bridges and other
continue to invest in their companies,      infrastructure and to create jobs,         With the help of our members, NGA will
employees and communities.                  helping the country rebound from           continue working with Congress and the
                                            the economic downturn of COVID-19.         White House to gain support for relief
Making SNAP Easier                                                                     and assistance that makes it easier for
Since the onset of the pandemic, NGA        Included in the Biden plan is a list of    independent grocers to serve their
has impressed upon Congress and the         tax increases proposed to pay for at       communities. As an industry employing
administration the critical need for        least some of the more than $2 trillion    over a million workers on the front
technical assistance for independent        in spending. While the American Jobs       lines of the pandemic, it’s important
community grocers that desire to            Plan focuses its hikes on the corporate    for Congress to hear from you. IG
participate in SNAP online purchasing.      side of the ledger, raising the
                                            corporate rate from 21 to 28
The program is technically challenging      percent, attempting to close For more information on these issues
to set up, particularly for small and       international tax loopholes,                 make your
                                                                                and how you can
mid-size grocers. The Consolidated          the White House has made          voice heard       in Washington, D.C.
Appropriations Act signed into law in       clear that this proposal will
December 2019 provided $5 million           be complemented by a “part

                                              Hard Seltzer
                                              As Voted by The Tasting Panel Magazine

        Source: The Tasting Panel, January 2021. Rated via blind tasting by industry professionals against
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 0 Protein, 0 FAT. Carbohydrates: Grapefruit 2.6g, Black Cherry 2.6g, Pineapple 2.9g, Watermelon 2.6g, Lime 2.3g, Peach 2.3g
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Your Hometown Grocer: Story City Kwik Star

A Sign of Good Things
Ten miles north of Ames along Interstate 35, a new pole sign stands tall
at the exit for Story City, Iowa, beckoning weary travelers to stop.

                                                                                   new waffle-chicken sandwich to
                                                                                   a fresh donut, a fruit or veggie
                                                                                   tray and everything in between.

                                                                                   Long-haul truckers are drawn in
                                                                                   by what lay beyond the sign—
                                                                                   the spacious parking lot, diesel
                                                                                   pumps, a truckers’ lounge and
                                                                                   travel center with showers and
                                                                                   laundry facilities. They will also
                                                                                   find a CAT scale, designed to weigh
                                                                                   semis before fueling to help keep
                                                                                   them within weight regulations.

                                                                                   More than a convenience store
                                                                                   For residents of Story City and
                                                                                   nearby communities, the sign
                                                                                   marks a spot where they can find
                                                                                   a good selection of fresh produce
A new pole sign stands tall at            The sign calls out to workers from       and meat as well as a variety of
the exit for Story City, beckoning        several nearby manufacturing             ready-to-eat Take Home Meals for
weary travelers to stop, fill             plants with the promise of a hot         families looking for an answer to
their gas tanks, get a bite to eat        meal or a quick snack for breakfast,     the question, “What’s for dinner?”
and stretch their legs before             lunch or supper. The choices
resuming the journey ahead.               range from fried chicken or the

     “Kwik Facts”
     ❖   Kwik Trip serves over 350 communities in
         Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa and Illinois.
     ❖   Kwik Trip is a vertically integrated company operating its own bakery,
         dairy, blow mold, kitchens, food protection laboratory, distribution center,
         ice plant, liquid propane plant, transportation company and
         health clinics.
     ❖   Kwik Trip makes and ships 80 percent of their own branded
         products, delivering fresh products to stores daily.
     ❖   Kwik Trip employs 30,000+ coworkers.
     ❖   Kwik Trip offers no-fee ATMs, complimentary air compressors, car wash
         and top tier fuels—E-10, E-15 and E-85—supporting Iowa corn growers.
     ❖   Kwik Trip also provides a customer rewards program
         offering free items, discounts and coupons.


The sign reads, “Kwik Star,” and         QuikTrip—a Tulsa, Oklahoma-            Standing out in a
marks the location of the town’s         based chain that made its way into     competitive landscape
newest convenience store.                Iowa first, several years before.      Some might say it was a bold
Built from the ground up on the                                                 move coming to Iowa. The
east side of I-35, the store opened      Contributing to the                    state is home base for some
in September of 2020 and has             local economy                          of the most recognizable
quickly become a local destination.      Construction crews, electricians,      convenience chains in the nation
                                         plumbers, brick layers, landscapers,   so the competition is fierce.
Providing options                        roofers and others began
“We get comments from the                construction of the Story City store                 (Continued on page 20.)
community. People appreciate the         in April, 2020. The new large-
convenience our store offers. They       format Kwik Star is a convenience
can pick up the staples they need        store and travel center in one
to make a meal or select a ready-to-     and occupies a massive 309,504
eat Take Home Meal, and our prices       square feet including its parking
are as good as what they can find        lot. The store itself measures
anywhere,” says Kathy Lowe, store        8,847 square feet, and the car
manager of the Story City Kwik Star.     wash covers 1,949 square feet.

Kwik Star’s Food Service District        While Kwik Star employs its own
Leader, James Ohrt, says that Kwik       contractors, each new build also
Star’s food keeps customers coming       provides opportunities for a
back. “Kwik Stars are known for          number of local contractors. The
their outstanding food selections,”      growing company’s future plans
he says. “We have become a food          include opening more than 50
destination and grocery shopping         stores this year alone, with
option for our local community           14 new stores in Iowa.
because we provide high-quality
products at competitive prices.”
                                                           Comfortable seating
Keeping prices low
                                                        offers Story City residents a place
Ohrt goes on to explain, “Kwik Trip                          to meet up with friends.
is a vertically integrated company.
It operates its own bakery, dairy,
distribution center, ice plant, liquid
propane plant and transportation
company, all of which help to
keep costs low. And, our stores
get trucks daily, which means
our products are always fresh.”

Kwik Star is not only new to Story
City but is a relative newcomer
to the state. Known as Kwik Trip
outside of Iowa, the La Crosse,
Wisconsin-based company opened
its first Iowa store in 1993 under
the name Kwik Star. The name
was changed to avoid confusion
and legal ramifications with


Your Hometown Grocer: Story City Kwik Star

“A Sign of Good Things”                                            (Continued from page 19.)

Kwik trip is working to be known as the store that helps support the
Story City community and the people employed there.

                                “What separates us from our             clean, you offer them good food
                                competitors is our people,”             and snacks, you thank them for
                     1          says Mitch Schneider, Kwik Trip         coming and you invite them to
                                district leader. “Our hiring and        come back,” she explains. “That’s
                                training practices make all the         how we treat our customers.”
                                difference. Any company can
                                produce and sell products similar       As a result, keeping the store in
                                to ours, but our culture and            tiptop shape around the clock is
                                passion for guest service help          also a priority, according to Lowe,
                                us stand out. This is more than         and store procedures provide for
                                a paycheck to our coworkers, it         continuous cleaning and stocking.
                                is a career and a second home.
                                They enjoy coming to work and           Making a difference
                                truly care about our guests.”           Beyond the in-store experience,
                                                                        Kwik Star’s commitment to “making
                                Lowe agrees, adding, “We focus          a difference” as stated in its
                                on getting the right people in          mission has led the Story City store
                                place to begin with. And, we            to quickly become a symbol for
                                are continually monitoring and          community assistance. Through
                                supporting our employees’               the company’s “Neighbors Helping
                                growth and development.”                Neighbors” fund, the store has
                                                                        donated $1,000 to the Story City
                                Building upon a strong                  police department, $1,000 to the
                                foundation                              American Legion and $500 to the
                                Founded in 1965, family-owned           Roland-Story FFA as well as granted
                                Kwik Trip has evolved with an           a multitude of other community
                                emphasis on guest service, and          requests from area schools and
                                the company’s mission reflects          local clubs since opening.
                                its commitment to its customers.
                                The mission reads, “To serve            “We want to be known as a
                                our customers and community             store that helps support the
                                more effectively than anyone            community and the people
                                else by treating our customers,         who work here,” says Lowe.
                                coworkers and suppliers as
                                we, personally, would like              Based on what Story City’s
                                to be treated and to make a             mayor, Mike Jensen, has to say,
                                difference in someone’s life.”          Kwik Star has succeeded.

                                Lowe explains how this mission          Jensen recalled that he was
                                translates to her job as store          disappointed when the town
                                manager, “We treat our customers        lost a bid for a new Love’s Travel
                                as if they are guests coming over       Stop to be built on the land
                                to our house for a visit. When you      Kwik Star currently occupies,
                                entertain friends in your home,         but now he feels differently.
                                you make sure your house is


                                                                      4. The new large-format Kwik Star, a convenience store and
  1. An employee of a nearby manufacturing facility, ISPT LLC,          travel center combo, covers 309,504 square feet.
     grabs a breakfast snack and coffee.
                                                                      5. Kwik Star regulars Matt Richardson and Robert Allen live
  2. Left to right: At your service when you stop by the Story          in the area and work for Hedrick Construction based in
     City Kwik Star, Taryn Anderson; Food Service District Leader       Huxley, Iowa. Kwik Star is a part of their daily routine. It’s
     James Ohrt; Kathy Lowe, store manager; and Rae Bizjak.             their morning coffee and lunchtime stop. Allen says they
                                                                        stop every chance they get. “We like the coffee and the
  3. Certified CAT scales allow truckers to weigh their rigs before     food.” Richardson adds, “The prices are good. I like the
     filling up, which helps them stay within weight regulations.       deals and the wide variety too.”

“Kwik Star contributes to our
local food bank, has made
cash donations to our local fire                                                                                                 2
and police departments and
has worked on some school
fundraising projects. They also
keep the area looking clean
and inviting, which is important
because it is located at the main
entrance to our community.

“Our residents appreciate the
food choices like the take-home
meals made up fresh every day.
Some people purchase several to
take home and freeze, and then
serve whenever they do not want
to go out. Kwik Star has become
a hub that is busy with several
coffee groups every morning.
And, the outdoor seating area is
nice when the weather permits.

“In the long run, I think this new
Kwik Star is a great fit for Story
City. It offers more choices,
helps to keep gas prices low in
our town and is working to be a
partner in our community.” IG

   4                                                                                                                              5

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     IGIA Get Connected Convention

     Together Again
     September 1–2, 2021
     Iowa Events Center | 730 3rd St, Des Moines, IA 50309

     Join the Iowa Grocery Industry Association at the 2021 Get
     Connected Convention. After a year apart living in a virtual world,
     it will be great to see one another in person as we gather “together
     again” in Des Moines, Iowa.


                        Wednesday, September 1, 2021
     10 a.m.–3 p.m.      IGIA Golf Tournament, Beaver Creek Golf Course, Grimes, Iowa
10:15 a.m.–3:30 pm       Tour, Taste & Explore Non-Golf Event
             4 p.m.      Hotel Check-In
          4:30 p.m.      Registration, Principal Park
           5–6 p.m.      VIP Ribbon Sponsor Event, Principal Park Cub Club
           6–9 p.m.      Convention Kick-Off Event, Principal Park
           6–7 p.m.      Welcome Attendees/New Members | Recognize
		                       Committee Members/Special Guests | Dinner at Principal Park
           7–9 p.m.      Musical Entertainment by Final Mix Show Band
		                       sponsored by Mueller Yurgae Associates
           9:15 p.m.     Fireworks Extravaganza sponsored by E & J Gallo Winery

                         Thursday, September 2, 2021
         7:30–8 a.m.     Registration
              8 a.m.     Silent Auction Opens
            8–9 a.m.     “2021 and Beyond,” presented by Carlos Herrera, Chief Economist,
		                       Coca-Cola North America
           9–10 a.m.     Supply Chain Panel Discussion: “Emerging a Crisis Stronger Than Before”
       10–10:15 a.m.     Refreshment Break
    10:15–10:45 a.m.     Successful Iowa Business: Mueller Yurgae Associates
    10:45–11:30 a.m.     Legislative Update
11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.    Lunch
    12:30–12:45 p.m.     IGIA Annual Meeting: IGIA Highlights, Financial Report, Board and Officer Elections
		                       IGIA Board Member Recognition
		                       IGIA Chairman Recognition and Gift Presentation
		                       IGIA Outgoing Chairman’s Remarks
		                       IGIA Incoming Chairman’s Remarks

12:45–1:45 p.m.          “The Future is Here...Are You Ready?” presented by Nik Modi, Managing Director,
		                       RBC Capital Markets, Industry Trends
    1:45–2 p.m.          Refreshment Break
       2–3 p.m.          Closing Keynote Speaker: “The Bucket List Life,” presented by Kenyon Salo
         3 p.m.          Convention Ends

              Hall of Fame Dinner, September 2, 2021
          4:30 p.m.      Hall of Fame Registration Available from 4:30–6 p.m.
             5 p.m.      Cocktail Reception Begins
        6–6:15 p.m.      Guests take Seats
          6:30 p.m.      Dinner is Served
          7–8 p.m.       Hall of Fame program

                   IGIA Golf Tournament
Wednesday, September 1 | 10 a.m.–3 p.m.
Beaver Creek Golf Course, Grimes, Iowa
This year the IGIA Get Connected
Convention begins with a great golf
experience. Get ready for one-of-
a-kind networking opportunities,
special prizes and a great day of
golf as participants head to Beaver
Creek Golf Course, located in
Grimes, Iowa, for 18 of the 27 holes
found at this course.

Beaver Creek features bent grass
fairways and a unique design.
Nestled among beautiful mature
trees, the course also provides
picturesque views of a great
landscape and is known for its
water hallmarks and distinctive
island green.

Wednesday, September 1 | 4–6 p.m.
Hotel Check-In: Hilton Des Moines Downtown | Registration: Principal Park
                                       IGIA Staff will be handing out
                                       name badges and “Perks Packages”
                                       so be sure to stop by the registration    Hotel Information
                                       area at Principal Park after you get
                                       checked into your hotel.                  Make your hotel reservations
                                                                                     by Sunday, Aug.1.
                                       The registration area is your one-       Call and reserve under the Iowa
                                       stop shop to get signed into the         Grocery Industry Association to
                                       Get Connected Convention and                    receive the special
                                       for information about all things                IGIA Rate of $139.
435 Park Street                        Convention-related. We are happy          Rooms are available Aug. 31–
Des Moines, IA 50309                   to answer any of your event               Sept. 2. | Check out: Sept. 3.
                                       questions and get you signed up for
                                       the scholarship auction and the IGIA
                                       Hall of Fame Dinner too.

 Tour, Taste & Explore Non-Golf Event
Wednesday, September 1 | 10:15 a.m.–3:30 p.m.
Tour, Taste & Explore | Terrace Hill, The Foundry, Valley Junction

10:15 a.m.                    Shuttle Departs from Iowa Events Center
10:30–11:30 a.m.              Tour Terrace Hill—An architectural marvel, Terrace Hill was built by
                              Des Moines millionaire Benjamin Franklin Allen, who hired renowned
                              Chicago-based architect William W. Boyington to make his dream house
                              a reality. After its completion in 1869, Allen lost his fortune and sold his
                              home to Frederick Marion Hubbell. Hubbell heirs donated Terrace Hill
                              to the state of Iowa in 1971, and it has been the official residence of
                              Iowa’s governor since 1976.

11:45 a.m.–1 p.m.             Lunch from Gateway Market at the Foundry—IGIA member
                              Gateway Market will provide a pasta buffet including South Union
                              Bakery garlic focaccia bread, salad and dessert served at the Foundry
                              in Valley Junction. IGIA member and distiller of vodkas and whiskeys,
                              the Foundry reclaimed an 1890’s railcar barn and iron foundry in
                              West Des Moines in which to house its distillery and host brewer
                              partners. The unique backdrop with its fascinating history is an ideal
                              place for IGIA members to connect!

1–2 p.m.                      The Foundry Tour & Tasting—Join us on a
                              guided tour of this one-of-kind Iowa distillery.
                              You’ll learn all about the production process
                              and visit The Hall, The Kitchen, The Alchemy
                              Lounge, The Tasting Room, The Club House
                              and more.

2–3:15 p.m.                   Explore Valley Junction—Founded in the
                              1890s, the Valley Junction historic railroad
                              district is home to more than 160 specialty
                              stores, art galleries, fashion boutiques,
                              restaurants, antique shops and vibrant events
                              with a walk-able hometown feel.

3:15 p.m.                     Shuttle Bus Departs | Returns to Iowa Events Center at 3:30 p.m.


              Ribbon Sponsor VIP Event
Wednesday, September 1 | 5–6 p.m.
Principal Park Cub Club | By Invitation Only
IGIA Ribbon Sponsors
continually go above and
beyond in supporting the Iowa
Grocery Industry Association and
its many members. Their financial
investment each year helps the IGIA
to consistently offer high-quality
programs and services, and keeps
the cost of membership affordable
for all. The VIP Ribbon Sponsor
Reception before the Convention
Kickoff Event is just one way we like
to say thank you. Watch for your
invitation to come.

               Convention Kickoff Event
Wednesday, September 1 | 6–9 p.m.
Special Welcome Dinner | Principal Park

                                        Let’s kick this convention off in        We will also recognize our
                                        style! After a day of golf or touring,   committee members and special
                                        tasting and exploring, convention        guests, and enjoy a meal together.
                                        participants will come face to face
                                        as they head to Principal Park for       Afterward, get ready for some
                                        an evening of networking and             exciting entertainment by Final Mix
                                        camaraderie.                             Show Band.

                                        We will start the evening off by         The evening will culminate with a
                                        welcoming all convention attendees       Fantastic Fireworks Extravaganza
1 Line Drive                            and new IGIA members as well as          brought to you by E & J Gallo Winery.
Des Moines, IA 50309                    first-time attendees.


                 Convention Kickoff Event
Wednesday, September 1 | 7–9 p.m.
Musical Entertainment | Final Mix Show Band sponsored by Mueller Yurgae Associates

FINAL MIX serves up the latest
in R&B, Jazz Fusion, Blues, Hip Hop,
Rock & Roll and original material.
The leader and songwriter of the
group is DEL “SAXMAN” JONES. For
Del, blowing smooth sounds from
his saxophone is as natural as his
heartbeat. After many years of
playing his soprano, alto and tenor
saxophones, this internationally
acclaimed musician and front
man of FINAL MIX is taking the
band’s sounds and high-energy
performance around the world.

Final Mix includes former members
of the James Brown Band and Morris
Day and the TIME.

From Oldies to Rock, Pop, R & B, Rap
and Hip Hop, they do it all!

                    Fireworks Extravaganza
Wednesday, September 1 | 9:15 p.m.
Fireworks | Principal Park
We plan to end Wednesday evening will a bang! After rockin’ out with Final Mix
Show Band, stick around to watch a spectacular fireworks display provided
by E & J Gallo Winery.


                                Speaker Lineup
Thursday, September 2 | 8–9 a.m.
“2021 and Beyond,” | Carlos Herrera, Chief Economist, Coca-Cola North America

Carlos Herrera, chief economist        Herrera regularly shares his
for Coca-Cola North America            insights regarding the impact
Foodservice and On-Premise             of the economy on consumers
division will be exploring the path    and the restaurant industry with
forward for consumers’ changing        the executive leadership, boards
food spending behaviors, what’s        of directors and franchisees of
driving them and his predictions       foodservice companies around
for the future during his              the world.
presentation “2021 and Beyond.”
                                       He has spent the last 27 years at
The thrust of Herrera’s work is to     Coca-Cola North America serving
increase the visibility of ‘what’s     in various capacities in Operations,
to come’ through a deeper              Finance, Marketing and Strategic
understanding of the foodservice       Planning. Prior to that, Carlos
industry from an economic              worked for eight years at Federal        He also is a member of the National
perspective. His forecasts are a key   Express and holds a Master’s             Business Economists Issues
component of developing strategy       Degree in Industrial and Systems         Council and the Harvard Industry
and operational plans.                 Engineering from Georgia Tech.           Economists Discussion Group.

Thursday, September 2 | 12:45–1:45 p.m.
“The Future is Here...Are You Ready?” | Nik Modi, Managing Director, RBC Capital Markets
                                       Author William Gibson once               Care, Packaged Food and Tobacco
                                       said, “The future is already here.       industries. The companies under
                                       It’s just not evenly distributed yet.”   his coverage total more than $1
                                       During his session, RBC Analyst          trillion in combined market value.
                                       Nik Modi will discuss his thoughts
                                       on how the world could look in           Modi has consistently been ranked
                                       2025 and which capabilities and          as one of the top analysts across
                                       competencies companies should            the consumer space by Institutional
                                       build to be prepared.                    Investor’s All Star Analyst Survey.
                                                                                He also has been top-rated across
                                       Managing director at RBC                 various analyst polls, including the
                                       Capital Markets, Modi covers the         Wall Street Journal, Fortune
                                       Beverage, Household Personal             and Forbes.


                                  Speaker Lineup
Thursday, September 2 | 10:15–10:45 a.m.
Successful Iowa Business | Jeff Yurgae, President, Mueller Yurgae Associates
Mueller Yurgae Associates was           at the time—Amurol Candy
founded in 1975 by Fred Mueller         (now owned by Wrigley),
and Phil Yurgae. Both were working      CeDe Candy (still a MYA
for E.J. Brach Company—Mueller          principal), Switzer Licorice,
was a divisional sales manager and      Bachman Pretzel and
Yurgae was a salesperson—at the         Hinckley & Schmitt Water.
time they decided to start their own    The first office was an
food brokerage company.                 800-square-foot, second-
                                        floor suite located at 8527
When Mueller Yurgae officially          University in Clive, Iowa.               five office locations and represents
opened, it had just five employees,                                              a lot more than five clients. Learn
including company partner               Fast forward 46 years and things         more about the company’s 46-year
Tom Devereux in Omaha. They             have changed dramatically. MYA           success story during this engaging
represented a few manufacturers         now employs 230 associates, has          presentation.

Thursday, September 2 | 2–3 p.m.
“The Bucket List Life,” | Kenyon Salo
Kenyon Salo, known as the “James        ending with a soft tip-toe landing
Bond of Speaking,” shows you how        on the 10-yard line. He brings to the
his three simple concepts of living     stage over 20+ years of successful
“The Bucket List Life” will guide       audience engagement through
you to fulfillment on your life-long    humor, awe-inspiring moments,
journey. During this highly energetic   prolific storytelling and ‘edge-of-the
and engaging presentation, you will     seat’ content.
learn how to create phenomenal
experiences, share powerful stories,    With over 6,000 sky dives under his
and help others along the way.          belt and travels that have taken him
                                        around the world, he’s determined
Salo is one of the top keynote          to live life to the fullest and help
speakers and trainers in the fields     others do the same. Through his          to deliver a powerful and heart-
of inspiration, leadership and          passions for adventure, storytelling,    touching message on the possibility
adventure. One of only five members     and connecting with people, he           of how amazing life can be through
on the Denver Broncos Thunderstorm      found a simple process to guide          providing actionable steps that will
Skydive Team, he is seen each week      others on a path to what most of         help any audience, both personally
during game season flying into the      us crave—living a more fulfilled life.   and professionally, embark on a
Denver Broncos Stadium at 60+ mph,      His goal through his engagements is      path to achieve anything they desire.


                 What You Need to Know
IGIA Registration Table
When you are done golfing or           hotel room. You can also pick up       Let the registration table be your
touring, tasting and exploring on      an event guide with the convention     one-stop shop for information
Wednesday, IGIA Staff will be at       schedule and get signed up for         about all things Convention-
Principal Park handing out name        IGEF Scholarship Auction bidding       related. We are happy to answer
badges and “Perks Packages” so         on your mobile phone as well.          any of your event questions and
be sure to stop by the registration                                           get you signed up for the IGIA Hall
area after you check into your                                                of Fame event too.

Dress Code
The convention dress code is           crop pants and shorts are also         comfortable walking shoes and an
business casual so feel free to be     acceptable. We recommend               umbrella for outdoor activities.
comfortable in khaki pants, slacks     dressing in layers or bringing along
and short-sleeved shirts. No suits,    a light sweater as temperatures        For those who have registered
ties or jackets needed. Depending      vary in meeting rooms. We also         for and plan to attend the Hall of
on the temperature, dresses,           suggest packing bug repellent,         Fame Dinner, the suggested dress
                                       sunscreen, a jacket, sunglasses,       is business attire.

                         Hall of Fame Event
Thursday, September 2 | 5–8 p.m.
Honoring the Heroic Efforts of an Entire Industry | Iowa Events Center
This past year has been a time         an industry to keep our employees      Fame Dinner. Instead, it would be
of unprecedented challenges. Our       and our customers safe.                best to honor our entire industry.
industry was tested as never before.                                          IGIA staff members are currently
                                       Doing the extraordinary became an      planning an outstanding lineup
We changed the way we source           everyday event and the efforts of      of state, national and industry
products and the way we operate        all our members were nothing less      dignitaries and recognition activities
overnight to supply our communities    than heroic.                           to honor our industry’s efforts over
with essential goods and services in                                          the past 18 months.
a time of need.                        Given the outstanding performance
                                       of so many during this time of         Please join us in a salute to the
We worked round the clock and we       national emergency, the IGIA           grocery, convenience and food
had to look to one another for help    Board decided it would be unfair       industries at our annual Hall of Fame
and support. We came together as       to recognize a single individual or    Dinner in 2021.
                                       company during the 2021 Hall of
You can also read