IPC Programme of Enquiry 2019-2020 - Franconian ...

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IPC Programme of Enquiry 2019-2020 - Franconian ...
IPC Programme of Enquiry 2019-2020

Age          Unit 1                  Unit 2                   Unit 3                       Unit 4                    Unit 5   Unit 6

EY 3         Unit Title              Unit Title               Unit Title                   Unit Title
3-4 years
             Family and Friends      Let’s Pretend            Animals                      Sand and Water

             Big Idea                Big Idea                 Big Idea                     Big Idea

             In this unit, the       In this unit, the        In this unit, the children   In this unit, the
             children are going to   children are going to    are going to be learning     children are going to
             be looking into every   be looking into          about animals and            be learning about
             family being            different stories from   where they live.             where water comes
             different and that      around the world and     Learning that animals        from, all the different
             good friendship         why they are told. We    need different habitats      ways we use water
             skills are important.   will use role-play to    to live and these            and why plants and
                                     pretend to be part of    habitats provide what        animals need water.
             Essential Questions     stories and real life    these animals need to        We will be discovering
                                     situations.              survive. Learning we         the different
             How can you be a                                 can also group animals       properties of sand and
             good friend?            Essential Questions      by looking at their          water. We also need to
                                                              features.                    be safe around water.
             What is a family?       Why do we tell
                                     stories?                 Essential Questions          Essential Questions
             Main IPC Strand
             Focus                   What are the             What are the features of     How is water
                                     different parts of       an animal?                   important to us and
             1.7 respecting and      stories?                                              the world around us?
             interacting with                                 What does an animal
             people who are          What are the ways        need to stay alive?          How are the properties
             different from          we pretend to be                                      of sand and water
             themselves              someone or               Why do animals live          different and similar?
                                     something different?     where they live?
                                                                                           How to be safe around
                                     Main IPC Strand          Main IPC Strand Focus        water?
EY 4         Unit Title              Focus
4 -5 years                                                    3.25 responsibility for
             All About Me            3.3 trying things out,   the well-being of both       Main IPC Strand Focus
                                     exploring and

IPC Programme of Enquiry 2019-2020
      Big Idea                curiosity as           the living and nonliving   3.17 enquiring,
                              important and valued   environment                researching and
      In this unit, the       ways of learning                                  exploring to draw
      children are going to                                                     conclusions about the
      be looking into how                                                       world around them
      we can use our
      body parts in
      different ways.
      That we have
      different emotions
      and they can be
      expressed in
      different ways. Our
      senses give us
      information about
      the world around us

      Essential Questions

      What are my body
      parts and what do I
      use them for?

      How do/can I use
      my senses?

      How do/can I show
      my feelings?

      Main IPC Strand

      1.7 respecting and
      interacting with
      people who are
      different from

IPC Programme of Enquiry 2019-2020

EY 5        Unit Title             Unit Title              Unit Title                Unit Title                Unit Title                 Unit Title
5-6 years
            Brainwave              The Stories People      Let’s Celebrate           Push and Pull             Communities                Flowers and Insects
            Big Idea from the                              Big Idea from the IPC     Big Idea from the IPC     Big Idea from the IPC      Big Idea from the IPC
            IPC                    Big Idea from the IPC
                                                           Celebrations are an       Every move we make        It can be fun to           Have you seen any
            Our brain is special   Many of the stories     important part of         is a result of a force.   imagine what we want       flowers today?
            because it does        that we enjoy today     human life. They are      We can call these         to do when we grow         Where did you see
            many amazing           are influenced by the   one of the things that    forces ‘pushes’ or        up. The world is full of   them? Have you
            things. Once we        stories that have       make us uniquely          ‘pulls’. You can pull     lots of different and      seen any insects?
            understand how our     been passed down        human. All people and     yourself up from your     exciting jobs. But we      Where did you see
            brain works and        through the ages. By    cultures, from every      seat and you can push     should remember to         them? Flowers and
            what we can do to      studying older          part of the world, take   yourself down again.      celebrate the things       insects need each
            make it work even      stories, such as        part in and hold          You can make lots of      we can do now –            other. Without
            better, then we can    myths and legends,      celebrations to mark      other push and pull       hobbies and interests      insects, there would
            improve the way        we can become           special events and        movements. Let’s find      that we enjoy, and the     be no flowers. And
            that we learn.         storytellers too,       special times in          out about them.           learning we do at          without flowers,
                                   writing and             someone’s life.                                     school to help us          insects would go
                                   performing our own                                Statement of Enquiry      achieve our goals.         hungry.
                                   stories to entertain    Statement of Enquiry
                                   people today.                                     An inquiry into how       Statement of Enquiry       Statement of Enquiry
                                                           An inquiry into how       every moment is the
                                   Statement of Enquiry    celebrations connect      result of a force.        An inquiry into how        An inquiry into how
                                                           people.                                             and why people             living things impact
                                   An inquiry into how                               Global Context            depend on one              each other.
                                   stories are told in     Global Context                                      another to meet their
                                   many different ways                               Scientific and            needs within               Global Context
                                   and for many            Identities and            Technical Innovation      communities.
                                   different reasons.      Relationships                                                                  Fairness and
                                                                                     Assessment for                                       Development
                                   Global Context          Assessment for            Learning Focus            Global Context
                                                           Learning Focus                                                                 Assessment for
                                   Personal and Cultural                             T1.06 Be able to          Orientation in Space       Learning Focus
                                   Expression              S1.18 Be able to          comment on their own      and Time                   S1.02 Be able to
                                                           recognize similarities    plans and products                                   pose simple
                                                           and differences                                                                scientific questions

IPC Programme of Enquiry 2019-2020
                                       Assessment for            between themselves         and suggest areas of      Assessment for
                                       Learning Focus            and other people           improvement               Learning Focus

                                       H1.05 Be able to
                                       order events and                                                               G1.10 Be able to make
                                       objects into a                                                                 maps and plans of real
                                       sequence                                                                       and imaginary places,
                                                                                                                      using pictures and

International   1.04 Be able to respect one another’s individuality and independence
Assessment      1.05 Be able to work with each other where appropriate
focus for
Milepost 1

Grade1          Unit Title             Unit Title                Unit Title                 Unit Title                Unit Title                 Unit Title
6- 7 years
                Brainwave              We Are What We Eat        Magic Toy Maker            Hooray, Let’s Go on       Entertainment              The Earth, Our Home
                Big Idea from the      Big Idea from the IPC     Big Idea from the IPC                                Big Idea from the IPC      Big Idea from the IPC
                IPC                                                                         Big Idea from the IPC
                                       Food plays a vital        Toys come in many                                    Have you heard the         All living things –
                Our brain is special   role in history and       shapes and sizes. They     Holidays are special      saying ‘laughter is the    plants, animals and
                because it many        culture throughout        are made of different      days when we take a       best medicine’?            people – have a
                amazing things.        the world because         materials but all are      rest from school and      Laughing and having        home or somewhere
                Once we understand     food is essential to      designed for us to have    work. Our holidays in     fun are such an            to live that we call a
                how our brain works    life. By learning about   fun with, to learn new     the past were very        important part of our      ‘habitat’. A habitat
                and what we can do     the different types       skills and to exercise     different from holidays   lives. We all love being   can be huge like the
                to make it work        and amounts of food       our bodies and our         today. Now that we        entertained and            ocean or small like a
                even better, then we   our bodies need, we       imagination.               can travel to all parts   enjoying ourselves.        leaf. A habitat could
                can improve the        can plan healthier                                   of the world and even     For a very long time,      be a forest on the
                way that we learn.     diets and enjoy           Statement of Enquiry       space, who knows          the circus has been a      other side of the
                                       longer lives.                                        where we will go for      special place where        world or it could be a
                                                                 An inquiry into how toys   our holidays in the       people from many           tree in our local area.
                                       Statement of Enquiry      are made of different      future?                   parts of the world, go     Do you know any
                                                                 materials but all are                                to be entertained,         habitats?
                                       An inquiry into how       designed for us to have    Statement of Enquiry      laugh and have fun.
                                       food is important         fun with, to learn new                                                          Statement of Enquiry
                                       around the world for      skills and to exercise     An inquiry into how       Statement of Enquiry
                                       many different            our bodies and our         one way we learn                                     An inquiry into how
                                       reasons.                  imagination.               about the world                                      all living things –

IPC Programme of Enquiry 2019-2020
                                                                                            around us is through      An inquiry into how       plants, animals and
                                                                                            travel.                   people like to be         people – are
                                                                                                                      entertained and how       connected and have
                                       Global Context            Global Context                                       over time,                a home or
                                                                                                                      entertainment has         somewhere to live.
                                       Identities and            Scientific and Technical   Global Context            changed.
                                       Relationships             Innovation                                                                     Global Context
                                                                                            Personal and Cultural     Global Context
                                                                                            Expression                                          Fairness and
                                       Assessment for            Assessment for                                       Orientation in Space      Development
                                       Learning Focus            Learning Focus                                       and Time
                                                                                            Assessment for                                      Assessment for
                                       G1.14 Be able to          T1.02 Be able to plan      Learning Focus            Assessment for            Learning Focus
                                       communicate their         what they are going to                               Learning Focus
                                       geographical              make                       G1.11 Be able to use      H1.06 Be able to          S1.03 Be able to
                                       knowledge and                                        maps at a variety of      identify differences      identify ways
                                       understanding in a                                   scales to locate the      between their own         of finding out about
                                       variety of ways                                      position and simple       lives and those of        scientific issues
                                                                                            geographical features     people who have lived
                                                                                            of the host country       in the past
                                                                                            and their home

International   1.04 Be able to respect one another’s individuality and independence
Assessment      1.05 Be able to work with each other where appropriate
focus for
Milepost 1

Grade 2         Unit Title             Unit Title                Unit Title                 Unit Title                Unit Title                Unit Title
7 - 8 years
                Brainwave              Living Together           Material World             Invention that            Chocolate                 Saving Our World,
                                                                                            Changed the World                                   the Rainforest
                Big Idea from the      Big Idea from the IPC     Big Idea from the IPC                                Big Idea from the IPC
                IPC                                                                         Big Idea from the IPC                               Big Idea from the IPC
                                       We all belong to          Hundreds of different                                Wouldn’t it be amazing
                Every day we are       many different            materials are used to      Inventions have           if chocolate grew on      Rainforests once
                learning lots of new   communities –             make everyday objects.     transformed the way       trees? Well, it does!     covered 14% of our
                and different things   family, friends, sports   Some materials occur       that we live our daily    Wouldn’t it be amazing    world’s surface. Now
                – gaining the          teams, activity           naturally, e.g. wood       lives – from the          if I said we were going   they cover less than
                knowledge, skills      groups, etc. However,     from trees while others    simple paperclip to the   to make some              5%. Every second, an

IPC Programme of Enquiry 2019-2020
                and understanding       there is one thing       are manmade in              latest mobile device.    chocolate? Well, we       area of rainforest the
                that we will need to    that every               factories, e.g. plastic.    By learning about the    are! And we’re going to   size of a football
                become successful       community has in         Some materials are          important inventions     discover even more        field is being
                adults. By finding      common – people.         magnetic; some allow        that have changed our    amazing things about      destroyed. Some
                out more about how      We must learn how        heat and electricity to     world, we can discover   chocolate…                scientists believe
                we learn, and how       to respect, support      pass through them. But      how we could become                                that, if we lose our
                we can improve our      and work with other      with so many different      great inventors too!     Statement of Enquiry      rainforests, we
                learning, we will be    people if we hope to     materials to choose                                                            might put our whole
                better equipped for     become valuable          from, how do we decide      Statement of Enquiry     An inquiry into how       planet at risk. What
                meeting the many        contributors to the      which one to use?                                    chocolate is produced     will we do to help
                challenges ahead of     communities that we                                  An inquiry into how      and the role of the       save the rainforest?
                us.                     are a part of.           Statement of Enquiry        inventions have          consumer in making
                                                                                             changed the world        responsible choices.      Statement of Enquiry
                                        Statement of Enquiry     An inquiry into where       over time
                                                                 materials come from,                                 Global Context            An inquiry into rights
                                        An inquiry into who      why and how do we use       Global Context                                     and responsibilities
                                        we are and the           them and how does this                               Globalization and         in the struggle to
                                        connections we have      affect the planet?          Orientation in Space     Sustainability            share natural
                                        to each other.                                       and Time                                           resources with living
                                                                 Global Context                                       Assessment for            things.
                                        Global Context                                       Assessment for           Learning Focus
                                                                 Scientific and Technical    Learning Focus                                     Global Context
                                        Identities and           Innovation                                           T2.02 Be able to          Fairness and
                                        Relationships                                        H2.04 Be able to give    design and make           Development
                                                                 Assessment for              some reasons for         products to meet
                                        Assessment for           Learning Focus              particular events and    specific needs            Assessment for
                                        Learning Focus                                       changes                                            Learning Focus
                                                                 S2.01e Be able to test
                                        G2.05 Be able to use     ideas using evidence                                                           G2.10 Be able to
                                        geographical terms       from observation and                                                           express views on the
                                                                 measurement                                                                    features on an
                                                                                                                                                environment and the
                                                                                                                                                way it is being
                                                                                                                                                harmed or improved

International   2.03 Be able to identify activities and cultures which are different from but equal to their own
focus for
Milepost 2

IPC Programme of Enquiry 2019-2020

            Unit Title             Unit Title                Unit Title                  Unit Title                 Unit Title                Unit Title
Grade 3
8-9 years   Brainwave              Shaping Up!               Young Entrepreneurs         Explorers and              Active Planet             Bright Sparks
            Big Idea from the      Big Idea from the IPC     Big Idea from the IPC                                  Big Idea from the IPC     Big Idea from the IPC
            IPC                                                                          Big Idea from the IPC
                                   Your body is the          A business is more than                                The tectonic plates       Electricity is an
            Every day we are       most valuable thing       just a product or a         Do you love                that form the Earth’s     energy that flows
            learning lots of new   you will ever own. It’s   service. Behind every       discovering new            crust are always          along wires in our
            and different things   your job to keep your     item that we buy, every     places? Yes? Well you      moving. Even the          homes, schools,
            – gaining the          body fit and healthy       service that we use,        might just be an           smallest movement         offices, towns and
            knowledge, skills      because it has to last    there is a story. Running   explorer. Explorers are    can cause huge            cities to power
            and understanding      you a lifetime! We are    a business involves         people who travel to       earthquakes,              lights, televisions,
            that we will need to   going to find out how      many skills – creativity,   new places in the          volcanoes and             computers, cars and
            become successful      best you can do that.     leadership, teamwork,       world and discover         tsunamis that             trains, and hundreds
            adults. By finding                               communication,              new things that they       devastate                 of other things that
            out more about how     Statement of Enquiry      budgeting, planning,        didn’t know existed.       communities across        we use every day.
            we learn, and how                                design, customer            So much of what we         wide areas. If we can     Let's find out what
            we can improve our     The attitudes we          awareness and so on. If     know today about our       understand what is        we can do with
            learning, we will be   have and the choices      we want to become the       world is because we        happening                 electricity.
            better equipped for    we make affect our        successful                  have been explorers in     underground we can
            meeting the many       health.                   entrepreneurs of the        the past. Being an         learn to predict and      Statement of Enquiry
            challenges ahead of                              future, then it is          explorer is exciting but   protect ourselves in
            us.                    Global Context            important that we           scary at the same          the future.               Electricity powers
                                                             understand the thought      time. Could you be an                                our homes, schools,
                                   Identities and            and hard work that goes     explorer? Let’s find       Statement of Enquiry      cities and devices
                                   Relationships             into planning and           out.                                                 among hundreds of
                                                             setting up a business –                                An inquiry into the       other things that we
                                   Assessment for            and turning our ideas       Statement of Enquiry       movement of the           use every day.
                                   Learning Focus            into a reality.                                        planet and its effects.   Electricity can be
                                                                                         The role of explorers                                produced in many
                                   S2.01b Be able to         Statement of Enquiry        in our world.              Global Context            different ways. Let’s
                                   prepare a simple                                                                                           find out why and
                                   investigation which is    An inquiry into how and     Global Context             Scientific and            how this is done.
                                   fair, with one            why businesses design                                  Technical Innovation
                                   changing factor           and sell products and       Orientation in Space                                 Global Context
                                                             services, and the impact    and Time                   Assessment for
                                                             these have on us.                                      Learning Focus

IPC Programme of Enquiry 2019-2020
                                                                                             Assessment for
                                                                 Global Context              Learning Focus           G2.11 Be able to
                                                                                                                      communicate their          Fairness and
                                                                 Globalization and           G2.09 Be able to use     geographical               Development
                                                                 Sustainability              secondary sources to     knowledge and
                                                                                             obtain geographical      understanding to ask       Assessment for
                                                                 Assessment for              information              and answer questions       Learning Focus
                                                                 Learning Focus                                       about geographical         S2.01d Be able to
                                                                                                                      and environmental          use simple scientific
                                                                 T2.08 Be able to                                     features                   equipment
                                                                 suggest improvements
                                                                 to products in everyday

International   2.03 Be able to identify activities and cultures which are different from but equal to their own
focus for
Milepost 2

Grade 4         Unit Title              Unit Title               Unit Title                  Unit Title               Unit Title                 Unit Title
9 - 10 years
                Brainwave               Space Explorers          The Great, The Bold And     Earth as an Island       Go with the Flow           Making New
                                                                 The Brave                                                                       Materials
                Big Idea from the       Big Idea from the IPC                                Big Idea from the IPC    Big Idea from the IPC
                IPC                                              Big Idea from the IPC                                                           Big Idea from the IPC
                                        We know that when                                    Islands used to be       Rivers play a vital role
                Every day we are        we look up at our sky    The history of western      isolated places, with    in shaping the             We are surrounded
                learning lots of new    we will see the Sun,     civilization begins with    unique cultures,         geography of our           by amazing
                and different things    the Moon and the         the Greeks and the          geographical features    planet, providing          materials that can
                – gaining the           stars. We take them      Romans. Their               and ecosystems. In       nutrients, habitats,       be shaped,
                knowledge, skills       for granted. But why     expanding empires           today's increasingly     transport for people,      combined,
                and understanding       are they there? What     helped to spread ideas      interdependent global    plants and animals,        condensed, frozen,
                that we will need to    do they do? How do       about architecture,         community, even the      and supplying us with      melted and burned.
                become successful       they affect the Earth?   food, entertainment,        most remote of           energy to power            In this unit, we are
                adults. By finding       Astronomy, like all      literature, science,        islands are being ever   machinery, and             going to experiment
                out more about how      sciences, is about       medicine and politics       more affected by         generate electricity.      with different kinds
                we learn, and how       asking questions. By     across the globe. As        human existence.         Rivers really are our      of materials, and
                we can improve our      becoming space           their empires ended,        Explore the impact of    most precious              become cooks,
                learning, we will be    explorers, we can        other cultures rose to      humans on islands.       resource.                  chemists and
                better equipped for     find out more about       prominence, absorbing                                                           creators of new
                meeting the many        our solar system and     and passing on their                                                            materials.

IPC Programme of Enquiry 2019-2020
                challenges ahead of    the deeper mysteries     own ideas and cultures
                us.                    of the universe.         – creating the world we
                                                                know today.

                                                                                            Statement of Enquiry

                                                                Statement of Enquiry        Islands used to be        Statement of Enquiry
                                                                                            isolated places, with
                                       Statement of Enquiry     The discoveries and         unique cultures,          Rivers play a vital role
                                                                developments of past        geographical features     in shaping the             Statement of Enquiry
                                       By becoming space        civilizations continue to   and ecosystems. The       geography of our
                                       explorers, we can        influence our lives         actions of our global     planet, providing          The structure of
                                       find out more about       today.                      community impact          nutrients, habitats,       materials can be
                                       our solar system and                                 even the most remote      transport for people,      transformed to
                                       the deeper mysteries     Global Context              islands.                  plants and animals,        produce new
                                       of the universe.                                                               and supplying us with      materials for a
                                                                Identities and              Global Context            energy to power            specific purpose.
                                       Global Context           Relationships                                         machinery, and
                                                                                            Globalization and         generate electricity.      Global Context
                                       Orientation in Space     Assessment for              Sustainability            Rivers really are a
                                       and Time                 Learning Focus                                        precious resource.         Scientific and
                                                                                            Assessment for                                       Technical Innovation
                                       Assessment for           H3.14 Be able to            Learning Focus            Global Context
                                       Learning Focus           describe how the                                                                 Assessment for
                                                                history of one country      G3.12 Be able to          Fairness and               Learning Focus
                                       T3.05 Be able to         affects that of another     enquire into              Development
                                       gather and use                                       geographical factors                                 S3.02a Be able to
                                       information to                                       and their effects on      Assessment for             conduct scientific
                                       suggest solutions to                                 people's lives            Learning Focus             investigations
                                       problems                                                                                                  posing scientific
                                                                                                                      G3.22 Be able to           questions
                                                                                                                      explain how physical
                                                                                                                      and human processes
                                                                                                                      lead to similarities and
                                                                                                                      differences between

International   3.05 Be able to explain how the lives of people in one country or group are affected by the activities of other countries or groups
Assessment      3.06 Be able to identify ways in which people work together for mutual benefit
focus for
Milepost 3

IPC Programme of Enquiry 2019-2020
Grade 5         Unit Title             Unit Title              Unit Title                  Unit Title                 Unit Title                  Unit Title
10 - 11 years
                Brainwave              Here and Now, There     Fascinating Forces          Climate Control            Switched On                 Growing Up
                                       and Then
                Big Idea from the                              Big Idea from the IPC       Big Idea from the IPC      Big Idea from the IPC       Big Idea from the IPC
                IPC                    Big Idea from the IPC
                                                               Forces are pushing and      We all have a vital role   Control systems are         As we grow-up, we
                Every day we are       Some of you are         pulling at everything in    to play in protecting      all around us, from our     need to understand
                learning lots of new   lucky enough to have    our Universe. Even as       and preserving our         mobile phones and           our bodies and the
                and different things   had the chance to       we sit in our classroom,    environment. As our        MP3 players to              changes that will
                – gaining the          live in more than one   the walls and the ceiling   population continues       computers, consoles         happen, both on the
                knowledge, skills      country. You can talk   are pushing and pulling     to grow, putting           and televisions. In fact,   inside and the
                and understanding      about your ‘host        at each other, while        increased pressure on      there are so many           outside, as we
                that we will need to   country’ and ‘home      gravity and friction hold   valuable resources, we     control systems in the      prepare to enter into
                become successful      country’. You will      us in our seats. Let's      – as global                world, we may not           adulthood.
                adults. By finding      have learned so         find out more about         ‘caretakers’ – must        even realize how much
                out more about how     much from this          forces!                     act responsibly and        we take them for            Statement of Enquiry
                we learn, and how      experience – let’s                                  with care to safeguard     granted. However, as
                we can improve our     find out what you       Statement of Enquiry        our planet for future      technology develops         An inquiry into the
                learning, we will be   know and what more                                  generations.               and control systems         changes that will
                better equipped for    there is to learn …     An inquiry into the many                               become more                 happen to our
                meeting the many                               different forces at work    Statement of Enquiry       intelligent, we have to     bodies, on the inside
                challenges ahead of    Statement of Enquiry    in our Universe.                                       ask ourselves what          and the outside, as
                us.                                                                        An inquiry into Climate    our society will be like    we prepare to enter
                                       An inquiry into our     Global Context              change and the vital       in 50 or 100 years          into adulthood.
                                       ‘Host’, ‘Home’ or our                               role that we must play     time. Will robots do
                                       ‘Adopted Country’,      Scientific and Technical    to protect and             everything for us?          Global Context
                                       and what more there     Innovation                  preserve our
                                       is to learn.                                        environment.               Statement of Enquiry        Identities and
                                                               Assessment for                                                                     Relationships
                                       Global Context          Learning Focus              Global Context             An inquiry into
                                                                                                                      technology and              Assessment for
                                       Orientation in Space    S3.02c Be able to make      Fairness and               control systems and         Learning Focus
                                       and Time                systematic and              Development                the impact they have
                                                               accurate                                               on today’s society and      S3.03 Be able to
                                       Assessment for          measurements from           Assessment for             in the future.              gather evidence
                                       Learning Focus          their observations          Learning Focus                                         from a variety of
                                                                                                                      Global Context              sources
                                       G3.24: Be able to                                   G3.14: Be able to
                                       communicate their                                   collect and record         Globalization and
                                       knowledge and                                       evidence to answer         Sustainability
                                       understanding of

IPC Programme of Enquiry 2019-2020
                                       geography in a                                       geographical              Assessment for
                                       variety of ways                                      questions                 Learning Focus

                                                                                                                      T3.06 Be able to
                                                                                                                      devise and use step-
                                                                                                                      by-step plans

International   3.05 Be able to explain how the lives of people in one country or group are affected by the activities of other countries or groups
Assessment      3.06 Be able to identify ways in which people work together for mutual benefit
focus for
Milepost 3

You can also read