Item 6 : Recent developments in member States - CAHENF(2016)3 1st Meeting of the Ad hoc Committee for the Rights of the Child (CAHENF) 28 28 ...

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Item 6 : Recent developments in member States - CAHENF(2016)3 1st Meeting of the Ad hoc Committee for the Rights of the Child (CAHENF) 28 28 ...
Item 6 : Recent developments in member States

   1st Meeting of the Ad hoc Committee for the Rights of the Child (CAHENF)
                           28 – 28 September 2016
                  Council of Europe Children’s Rights Division
Albania / Albanie
• Publication/Promotion of the Strategy? Yes, used in the drafting
  of the National Agenda for the rights of the child 2016-2020

• Recent major achievements:
   1.   New draft law “On child rights and child protection”
   2.   National campaign on child protection (#IProtectChildren)
   3.   New draft Code for Juvenile Justice expected to be approved within 2016
   4.   Agreement signed between 4 Ministries for internet safety

• Current major challenges:
   5.    Violence against children
   6.    Poverty, linked to child labour and limited education
   7.    Lack of access to services, early marriages and exploitation among children
         of Roma and Egyptian origin
Andorra / Andorre
• Publication/Promotion de la Stratégie? Non. Réalisation de la traduction au
   catalan prévue avant la fin de 2016.

• Réalisations majeures et récentes
    1.   Organisation des ateliers dans le réseau des écoles associées à l’UNESCO sur
         l'égalité des chances
    2.   La première réunion de la Commission nationale pour la prévention de la violence
         familiale et l'égalité – lancement d’une campagne pour lutter contre l’abus sexuel
         dans les écoles.
    3.   Groupe de travail composé pour l’élaboration d’un « Protocole d’action en cas d’
         abus sexuels et de violence physique à l’égard de l’enfant ».

• Défis majeurs actuels:
    1. Réformer la législation dans le domaine de l’enfance et de l’adolescence.
    2. Mise à jour du « Protocole d’action en cas d’enfants en danger »
    3. Rédaction du Livre blanc de l'égalité
Armenia / Arménie
• Publication/Promotion of the Strategy? No

• Recent major achievements:
   1. Government approval for the development of a system providing alternative
      care services to children in difficult life circumstances
   2. Government approval for the development of a foster care system in Armenia
   3. Strategy on child rights protection 2017-2021 to be adopted.

• Current major challenges:
   1.   Children with disabilities (access to health, education and social protection
   2.   Children in institutions, especially those with disabilities
   3.   Violence against children in all settings.
Belgium / Belgique
• Publication/Promotion de la Stratégie? Envoyée à des collègues et à des
   parties prenantes

• Réalisations majeures et récentes
    1.   La ratification par la Belgique de la Convention du Conseil de l’Europe sur la
         prévention et la lutte contre les violence a l’égard des femmes et la violence
         domestique (14 Mars 2016)
    2.   L'Edition 2016 du festival 0>18 (« Fête des droits de l’’enfant »)
    3.   Commandite d’une étude exploratoire en matière de child-budgeting, menée par

• Défis majeurs actuels:
    4. Lutter contre les inégalités et les discriminations
    5. Promouvoir une culture des droits de l’enfant
    6. Renforcer la participation des enfants à tous les niveaux de pouvoir
Bosnia and Herzegovina /
         Bosnie et Herzégovine
• Publication/Promotion of the Strategy?
   Translated into national language(s); delivered to members of the Council of
   Children; posted on the Ministry for Human Rights and Refugees website.

• Recent major achievements:
   Several initiatives on legislative harmonisation with regard to the adopted
   conventions relating to
   1. A life free from violence for all children, and
   2. child-friendly justice for all children

• Current major challenges:
   1.    Conducting synchronised activities to promote and protect children’s rights.
         Given the complexity of B&H governance
   2.    Protection and treatment of children and juveniles in criminal proceedings
Bulgaria / Bulgarie
• Publication/Promotion of the Strategy? Translated into                  national language;
   sent to colleagues and stakeholders; Strategy-launch in Sofia. Publication online.

• Recent major achievements:
    1. Adoption and entering into force of the Law on Pre-school and School Education –
       encouraging child participation
    2. Signing of the Istanbul Convention in April 2016
    3. Elaboration of two practical guidelines for improvement of social services for
    4. Reinforcement of the Mechanism for Crisis Intervention

• Current major challenges:
    1.   Prevention of child abuse and violence
    2.   Knowledge and capacity of professionals working with children
    3.   Unaccompanied children and children affected by the migration crisis: need for
         synchronisation of Bulgarian legislation
    4.   Child psychiatric health
    5.   Equal opportunities for ethnic minority children.
Croatia / Croatie
• Publication/Promotion of the Strategy? Organised event

• Recent major achievements:
   1. Drafting of the “Croatian Child Foster Care Development Plan” and the
      “Adoption Development Plan”
   2. Drafting of the “Protocol on Child Adoption Procedures” for standardising and
      speeding up procedures; and the “Protocol on Competent Authorities’ Practice
      in the Intercountry Adoption Procedures involving a Croatian Child”
   3. Preparation of a proposal for national indicators of child well-being

• Current major challenges:
   1. Improve reception, care and integration of unaccompanied children
   2. Improvement of the quality and material level of foster care
   3. Deinstitutionalisation; transformation of children’s care homes and other legal
      entities providing social welfare activities.
Cyprus / Chypre
• Publication/Promotion of the Strategy? Through               the Cypriot Commissioner for
   Children’s Rights website and press release

• Recent major achievements:
    1. Council of Ministers adoption of the National Strategy on the Prevention and Combating
       of Sexual Abuse and Sexual Exploitation and Child Pornography & creation of the
       Children’s House
    2. Preparation of the Strategy for the Rights of the Child in the health system
    3. Law establishing a child-friendly justice system for children in conflict with the law –
       currently under consultation.

• Current major challenges:
    1. Prioritising the promotion of children’s rights in the educational system
    2. Need for a comprehensive strategy for all children to access quality health care services
       within the National Health System
    3. Taking all necessary measures to eliminate any form of violence against children.
Czech Republic /
         République tchèque

• Publication/Promotion of the Strategy? No

• Recent major achievements:
   1. Signature of the Istanbul Convention (May 2016)
   2. Greater inclusion of children with disabilities within general education
      streams (law amendment in force from September 2016)

• Current major challenges:
   1. Institutionalised care of children
   2. Non-existence of a national human rights institute for the rights of the
Denmark / Danemark
• Publication/Promotion of the Strategy? Published on the website of
  the Ministry of Social Affairs and the Interior.

• Recent major achievements:
   1. New legislation focusing on children’s rights with regard to the use of forcible
      measures against children placed in care
   2. Focus on ensuring that municipalities properly implement legislation on the
      protection of vulnerable children

• Current major challenges:
   Lack of knowledge among children about their rights has been identified as a
   major challenge.
Estonia / Estonie
• Publication/Promotion of the Strategy? No

• Recent major achievements:
   1. New Child Protection Act – explicitly prohibiting corporal punishment of
   2. Launch of awareness-raising campaign to promote positive parenting
   3. Draft law reforming the juvenile justice system has been prepared and
      submitted for review to all ministries and other stakeholders.

• Current major challenges:
   1. Ensuring cross-sector cooperation between all service providers and the justice
   2. Insufficient competency-based training on children’s rights for professionals
   3. Availability of high-quality social and health services, particularly in smaller
      local municipalities and more remote areas.
Finland / Finlande
• Publication/Promotion of the Strategy? Sent                to colleagues and

• Recent major achievements:
   1. Governmental project “Programme to address reform in child and family
      services” and Government’s Integration Program (2016-2019)
   2. Implementation of local curricula, based on the national core curriculum for
      basic education.
   3. Entering into force of the revised Paternity Act

• Current major challenges:
   1. The public service system does not meet the needs of children and families
   2. Defects in the service system for unaccompanied minors, due to a drastic
      increase in numbers.
• Publication/Promotion de la Stratégie? Action               en cours de définition pour

• Réalisations majeures et récentes:
   1.     Création du Haut conseil de la Famille, de l’enfance et des âges
   2.     Audition de la France par le Comité des Nations Unies pour les droits de l’enfant,
   3.     Loi relative à la protection de l’enfant – création d’un Conseil national de la
          protection de l’enfance.
   4.     Adoption en première lecture par l’Assemblée nationale du projet de loi « Egalite
          et citoyenneté » - contre tout recours aux violences corporelles

• Défis majeurs actuels:
   1.     Mieux protéger les enfants les plus vulnérables
   2.     Trouver des réponses adaptées aux besoins des tout-petits dans les dispositifs
          d’accueil du jeune enfant
   3.     Réforme de la justice pénale des mineurs
Georgia / Géorgie
• Publication/Promotion of the Strategy? No

• Recent major achievements:
   1. Adoption of the Juvenile Justice Code, which meets international standards.
   2. Universal healthcare programme, making state-sponsored health insurance
      available on a massive scale.
   3. Implementation of the programme for parents “Parent Education and

• Current major challenges:
   1. Internal displacement of persons and refugees
   2. Child poverty
   3. Roma societies living and working from the streets.
Germany / Allemagne
• Publication/Promotion of the Strategy? Preparation of translation

• Recent major achievements:
   1. Launch of the next stage of the campaign for the rights of the child on World
      Children’s Day
   2. Construction of the National Monitoring Mechanism for the UN Convention on
      the Rights of the Child

   Current major challenges:
   1. Challenges in implementing and thoroughly applying the principle of the best
      interests of the child
   2. Protecting and promoting the rights of refugee children and youth
Greece / Grèce
• Publication/Promotion of the Strategy? Dissemination                  by the Children’s

• Recent major achievements:
   1. Ratification of the Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime and Additional
   2. Elaboration of a National Action Plan on the Rights of the Child, revised in light of,
      inter alia, the refugee crisis; creation of a Special Law Drafting Committee to
      transpose EU Directive 2016/800
   3. Activation of the National Database for Foster Care; Development of the online
      platform for digital social services, E-Pronoia.

• Current major challenges:
   4. Child-friendly justice
   5. Unaccompanied minors – especially guardianship, transfer to accommodation
   6. Education of refugee children.
Hungary / Hongrie

• Publication/Promotion of the Strategy? Organised                     event; sent to
  colleagues and stakeholders.

• Recent major achievements:
   1. Amendment of the Child Protection Act to improve day-care for children,
      particularly children under three.
   2. Legal amendment obliging local governments to ensure daily free catering for
      children in need

• Current major challenges:
   1. Nationwide distribution of foster parents is not yet balanced
   2. Children’s homes for children with special or dual care needs.
Iceland / Islande
• Publication/Promotion of the Strategy? Sent                    to colleagues and

• Recent major achievements:
   1. The Family Policy of the Minister of Social Affairs and Housing expected to be
      approved by Parliament shortly – aim to fully incorporate UNCRC
   2. New legislation on immigration and approved working methods on the
      reception of unaccompanied children
   3. Preparation of a new action plan on child protection.

• Current major challenges:
   1. Difficulties in some municipalities in hiring people in low-wage jobs in
      preschools and after-school programs
   2. Preventing digital violence against children and youth
   3. Single parents and their children’s vulnerability to severe material deprivation,
      particularly poor housing situations.
Italy / Italie
• Publication/Promotion of the Strategy? Organised event.

• Recent major achievements:
   1. Organisation of events on the topic “Play your part for a better Internet!” in
      relation to Safer Internet Day 2016
   2. Agreement to broaden the use of the “Family Audit” quality mark for
   3. Memorandum on facilitating and supporting the relationship between children
      and convicted parents.
   4. (Since 2014: obligation in judicial proceedings to hear the child concerned).

• Current major challenges:
   1. Care and protection of non-accompanied migrant minors
   2. Cyber-bullying and the dangers associated with the use of social networks and
      the web
   3. Child abuse, mostly in the family context.
Latvia / Lettonie
• Publication/Promotion of the Strategy? Currently                       in translation – to be
  published online

• Recent major achievements:
   1. Various action to financially assist families
   2. Preparations for use of the Council of Europe’s Child Participation Assessment Tool
   3. Signature of the Istanbul Convention and draft action plan to prevent Criminal
      Offences against Morals, and Sexual Inviolability of Children
   4. Draft law and reform of the juvenile justice system; introduction of a child-friendly
      justice cooperation model and children’s houses.
   5. Assessment of the need to strengthen measures protecting children from online

• Current major challenges:
   6.   Child poverty
   7.   The right to qualitative education and health care for every child
   8.   Protection against abuse and neglect
   9.   Prevention of delinquency and antisocial behaviour that may lead to criminality
Lithuania / Lituanie
• Publication/Promotion of the Strategy? Sent                to colleagues and

• Recent major achievements:
   1. Law on the Child’s Rights Protection Framework No XII-1965 – those being
      hired or wishing to engage voluntarily in activities relating to children
   2. Opening of a centre for the integrated provision of services to children who
      have experienced sexual abuse and sexual exploitation, and the people close
      to them.
   3. Guidelines for the provision of integrated assistance to children who are
      potential victims of sexual exploitation.

• Current major challenges:
   Law which prohibits corporal punishment of children still to go through
Malta / Malte

• Publication/Promotion of the Strategy? Sent to colleagues
  and stakeholders

• Recent major achievements:
   1. Positive Parenting Policy
   2. National Children’s Policy
   3. Let Me Thrive – A research study of foster care in Malta

• Current major challenges:
   Strengthening efforts with regards to children’s participation
Republic of Moldova /
       République de Moldova
• Publication/Promotion of the Strategy? Reference in TV interviews and
  relevant strategic planning processes.

• Recent major achievements:
   1. Government approval of the Action Plan for the implementation of the
      National Child Protection Strategy
   2. Government approval of the National Strategy on Positive Parenting and
      launch of a media communication campaign to stop violence against children
   3. Launch of the development of Action Plan for the promotion of child safety on
      the internet.

• Current major challenges:
   1. Weakness of prevention system related to identification of children at risk
   2. Insufficiency of professionals and services to support and protect child victims
      of violence and neglect.
• Promotion/Publication de la Stratégie? Relayée                 sur une
  chaine télévisée locale, le site Internet du Gouvernement et dans divers

• Réalisations majeures et récentes:
   1. Signature d’un accord pluriannuel avec le Conseil de l’Europe (2015-
   2. Contribution volontaire afin de soutenir les travaux du Rapporteur
      spécial des Nations Unies sur la vente, la prostitution et la
      pornographie d’enfants
   3. Journée Internationale des Droits de l’Enfant 2016, organisée par la
      Direction de l’Education Nationale
Netherlands / Pays-Bas
• Publication/Promotion of the Strategy? Sent to colleagues and stakeholders

• Recent major achievements:
    1. Additional structural budget of 100 million euro made available for 2017+ to
       stimulate sport and after-school activities
    2. Focus on participation of youth with mental health issues and prevention of violent
       extremism during the EU-presidency: now on the European agenda, and efforts
       therein are to continue during the Slovakian presidency.
    3. Focus on child poverty with intentions to build a broad alliance for furthering equal
       opportunities in education.

• Current major challenges:
    1. Prevention of child abuse and domestic violence
    2. Prevention of violence extremism
    3. Youth participation.
Norway / Norvège
• Publication/Promotion of the Strategy? Sent                  to colleagues and

• Recent major achievements:
   1. Submission of an escalation plan for combating violence against children in
      autumn 2016
   2. Pilot project launched: The Nurse Family Partnership parental guidance
   3. Government initiative to ensure that all children have an opportunity to
      participate regularly in at least one organised recreational activity together
      with others (signing of a declaration on recreation)

• Current major challenges:
   1. Violence against children
   2. Child poverty – especially for children of immigrant backgrounds.
• Publication/Promotion of the Strategy? Translated                         into national
  language(s); sent to colleagues and stakeholders; child-friendly version to be produced.

• Recent major achievements:
   1. New law on child protection approved – establishes a National Commission for the
      Promotion of Rights and Protection of Children
   2. Measures for the investment in social services and facilities for families
   3. Improved processes and increased effectiveness of social services for children and

• Current major challenges:
   1. Elaborating a National Strategy for the Protection of Children’s Rights
   2. Drawing up a multiannual plan for promoting and defending children’s rights
   3. Creation of 7 regional coordinating teams to serve as executive bodies of the
      National Commission.
Romania / Roumanie
• Publication/Promotion of the Strategy? Sent                   to colleagues and

• Recent major achievements:
   1. Prioritising the re-evaluation of the legal framework concerning the safety of
      children in the digital environment on the Government agenda
   2. Significant work on improvement of the legal framework concerning children
      with disabilities.

• Current major challenges:
   3. Continuing the process of deinstitutionalisation
   4. Rendering operational the integrated services package offered to all children
      living in at-risk families to prevent child separation
   5. Continuing efforts to support the end of all forms of violence against children.
Russian Federation /
          Fédération de Russie

• Publication/Promotion of the Strategy? Sent to colleagues
  and stakeholders; unofficial translation into Russian.

• Recent major achievements:
   1. Conception of Information Security approved
   2. Draft federal law “On Changes in the Civil Procedural Code of the
      Russian Federation” introduced to the Government – aimed at
      improvement of child participation in civil procedures
   3. Measures taken by Presidential Commissioner for Children’s Rights for
      a mechanism of cooperation of government bodies with the “National
      monitoring centre of aid to missing children and children victims”.
San Marino / Saint Marin
• Publication/Promotion de la Stratégie ? Envoyée à des collègues et
  parties prenantes.

• Réalisations majeures et récentes:
   1. Décret sur les « Normes sur le droit à l’éducation, instruction, formation et
      inclusion scolaire des personnes porteuses de handicap » et la création d’une
      Commission technique pour l’inclusion scolaire.
   2. Adoption d’une loi pour adapter le système juridique suite à la ratification de la
      Convention d’Istanbul
   3. Début d’une campagne de prévention et sensibilisation contre les abus sexuels.

• Défis majeurs actuels:
   Garantir l’accès des mineurs à la justice et les protéger dans l’environnement
Serbia / Serbie
• Publication/Promotion of the Strategy? Translation in process – then to be
   communicated to relevant institutions and stakeholders.

• Recent major achievements:
    1. Several legal amendments being prepared; entry into force of the Convention on
       Jurisdiction, Applicable Law, Recognition, Enforcement and Cooperation in Respect
       of Parental Responsibility and Measures for the Protection of Children (1.11.2016)
    2. Significant steps towards deinstitutionalised living of children
    3. Allocated funds for setting up and developing social care services at local level

• Current major challenges:
    1. Violence against children
    2. Protection and support for children living and working on the streets
    3. Improvement of the situation of children with developmental disorders and
       disabilities who require constant care and assistance.
    4. Protection, assistance and support of unaccompanied migrant children
Slovakia / Slovaquie
• Publication/Promotion of the Strategy? Members                  of the Committee for
  Children and Youth informed; Strategy published online; translation pending.

• Recent major achievements:
   1. Establishment of the “Children’s Ombudsman”. Commissioner for Children has
      power to file complaints on behalf of a child/children before the UN Committee on
      the Rights of the Child
   2. Incorporation of the principle of the best interests of the child within the Family
   3. Events: National Seminar on Investing in Children in Slovakia; launch of campaigns
      explaining violence and development of online tools adapted for children.

• Current major challenges:
   4. Poverty, inequality and exclusion of Roma children
   5. Reporting and prosecuting cases of physical or sexual abuse
   6. Racism, hate speech and radicalisation
Sweden / Suède
• Publication/Promotion of the Strategy? Circulated                    within the

• Recent major achievements:
   1. Governmental investigation including a proposal for an act on the
      incorporation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
   2. New action plan to protect children from human trafficking, exploitation and
      sexual abuse
   3. Sweden will participate in the Global Partnership to end violence against
      children as a pathfinder country.

• Current major challenges:
   1. The rights of the child in migration
   2. The rights of the child with disabilities
   3. The rights of the child to be protected from violence and exploitation
Switzerland / Suisse
• Publication/Promotion de la Stratégie ? Envoyée à des collègues et
  parties prenantes; non-traduction de la Stratégie; communication et diffusion sur
  les sites internet pertinents.

• Réalisations majeures et récentes:
   1. Lancement d’une nouvelle plateforme sur internet consacrée à la politique de
      l’enfance et de la jeunesse (
   2. Protection des enfants et des jeunes face aux médias en Suisse: la coordination
      et la règlementation, support aux acteurs dans le domaine de l’ éducation, le
      suivi des problèmes et le monitoring des tendances en matière d’évolution.

• Défis majeurs actuels:
   1. la migration et l’intégration des jeunes étrangers
   2. médias et TIC
   3. la santé des jeunes (sport/alimentation, suicide et addictions)
Turkey / Turquie
• Publication/Promotion of the Strategy? Translated                into national
  language(s); published on governmental website.

• Recent major achievements:
   1. Publicity of children’s rights, including the handing-out of 60,000 visual
   2. Child participation educational programmes, including for Syrian children
   3. 20th November Universal Children’s Day – 45,000 materials will be
      disseminated, and public service adverts will be aired.

• Current major challenges:
   1.   Lack of knowledge and awareness of adults on child rights
   2.   Lack of coordination and cooperation between institutions working for child
   3.   Absence of a data-collection system .

• Publication/Promotion of the Strategy?
   Translated; organised event.

• Recent major achievements:
   National hotline for children

• Current major challenges:
   1. Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
   2. Supporting children in the digital environment
Mexico / Mexique
• Publication/Promotion of the Strategy? Sent to colleagues and other

• Recent major achievements:
   1. Approval of Agreement
                   the Nationalwas
                                    signedfor  Children
                                            between     Protection 2016-2018
                                                      4 Ministries
   2. Development forofinternet safety
                         a national policy instrument “25 to 25: National Goals for the
      Rights of Children”

• Current major challenges:
   1.   Creation and implementation of the Local Protection Programs for federal
        entities and municipalities
   2.   Effectiveness and operability of all state level protection systems
   3.   Generating necessary agreements to carry out “25 to 25”
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