IUBH IS NOW IU SAME MISSION, NEW NAME: YOUR IU - IUBH University of Applied Sciences

Page created by John Cross
IUBH IS NOW IU SAME MISSION, NEW NAME: YOUR IU - IUBH University of Applied Sciences
IU International


We are Germany’s largest university. With a network of nearly 70,000 students and over 200 Bachelor’s, Master’s and MBA
degree programmes, we are Germany’s largest university for online studies. Our many years of successful cooperation with
over 6,000 renowned partners speaks for itself. We are celebrating our growth and importance with a new name: IUBH is now
IU International University of Applied Sciences. ​

We have grown a lot in the past years and our international network continues
to expand. In Summer, we will become Germany’s largest university with
70,000 students enrolled on our programmes. We want to celebrate this with a
stronger, more “to-the-point” name that reflects our simple mission: to deliver
quality education in the most flexible way possible to students all over the
world. IUBH is now, simply, IU.

Our goal is clear: To enable anyone to grow personally and professionally
with IU, and deliver equal access to education for everyone. Always and all
over the world.

For people already in employment, just entering the world of work, returning
to work or looking for a new direction: we ensure students have what they need
for successful careers. Our programmes deliver a combination of key academic
knowledge and transferable skills for higher employability. Overall, we ensure
every student will find a great place in the international job market.
IUBH IS NOW IU SAME MISSION, NEW NAME: YOUR IU - IUBH University of Applied Sciences
“   For our students and our corporate partners, the new name will not
    change any of IU’s usual strengths. We will continue to work hard to
    optimally align our degree offering with the needs of our students
    and corporate partners, giving more people the opportunity to grow

    personally through innovative learning formats.
                                                                                                              Sven Schütt
                                                                                                              Chief Executive Officer, IU

International, accredited, and career-focused: create your future with us.

        Over 200 Bachelor’s, Master’s and MBA programs, all                  Best career opportunities via our international
        taught in English language                                           company network

        State-recognised and award-winning with the                          Extensive international scholarship programmes
        highest teaching quality

        Innovative online learning formats for a digital,
        networked world

We are committed to digitisation and forming skilled employees for international companies,
including our 6,000 partners worldwide.

        2 campuses in Germany (Bad Honnef and Berlin)                        Comprehensive access to international talent

        Innovative degree programmes for the digital                         Further education for management and more—with
        working world of tomorrow                                            a digital edge
IUBH IS NOW IU SAME MISSION, NEW NAME: YOUR IU - IUBH University of Applied Sciences
A name change is always accompanied by questions. We have summarised the most important topics for you:

Why is the university’s name changing to IU?                     Is my Citavi account still valid if I change my email address?
We have grown a lot in the past years and our international      Any programmes, folders and accounts you previously had
network continues to expand. We want to celebrate this with      continue to exist. Your email address and account details for
a stronger, more “to-the-point” name that reflects our simple    tools and programmes will remain unchanged for the time
mission: to deliver quality education in the most flexible way   being but may eventually be updated over the course of the
possible for everyone.                                           next weeks or even months. You will be informed if changes
Does this change my student status?
Your student status is not affected by the name change. You      Will my personal folder at ProQuest / Adobe Digital / EBSCO
carry on as normal with your studies, just under the new         still exist?
name.                                                            Any programmes, folders and accounts you previously had
                                                                 continue to exist. Your email address and account details for
Is my study contract still valid?                                tools and programmes will remain unchanged for the time
Any approved contract still stands and is automatically          being but may eventually be updated over the course of the
transferred to the new company name by law.                      next weeks or even months. You will be informed if changes

  STUDENT LIFE                                                   Will emails be forwarded to new email addresses? And for
                                                                 how long?
Is anything changing on campus?                                  Your email address will remain unchanged for the time
Student life on campus stays the same apart from that we will    being but will eventually be updated over the course of the
begin the process of updating banners/logos/posters around       next weeks or even months. You will be informed when a
campus buildings in our new style.                               changeover occurs and emails will be forwarded as long as
Will I get a new student card?                                   There will be updates to email addresses for services such as
You can continue to use any student ID card that was issued      the Student Office and Examination Office. However, you can
before the name change as we will not issue new cards. After     continue to write to these contacts via their old email address
a transition period, we will begin to issue cards updated with   during the transition phase and emails will be forwarded.
new name and logo to new students but any original or “old”
ID card will not be exchanged.                                   I am writing my bachelor thesis in the current template. Do
                                                                 I need to change to a new one?
Will my matriculation number change?                             Old template, or new—right now, it’s up to you. If you have
No, your matriculation number and student booking remain         already started in the old IUBH template, that is fine but
unaffected by the name change and change of name.                feel free to use the new one with the new IU logo etc. Keep
                                                                 in mind that new IU Word templates will be obligatory after
                                                                 April 2021.
What happens to my student email address?
Your email address will remain unchanged for the time being
but will eventually be updated over the course of the next
weeks or even months. There are many factors that must first
                                                                   CERTIFICATION & OFFICIAL
be considered in order to create a smooth transition. You will
be informed when a changeover occurs. There will also be
updates to email addresses for services such as the Student
                                                                 How does the name change affect my documents and
Office and Examination Office. However, you can continue to
write to these contacts via their old email address during the
                                                                 The name change will not affect your certificates. Any
transition phase.
                                                                 certificates issued before the name change are still valid
Will the IUBH Merch Shop also change?                            and any new documents or documents received from
We will be launching new merchandise in the next few             us previously remain unchanged. The date of your last
weeks. As soon as the new merchandise is available, it will be   examination will decide what appears on your certificate. If
communicated.                                                    your last exam took place before the official name change,
                                                                 your certificate will state “IUBH”. Everything after this date
                                                                 will state “IU”.
Will I get a new certificate for a degree I already passed?         Will the KfW, SAB or my credit institute be informed?
Any certificates issued before the name change are still            The credit institutions do not belong to our business, so we
valid and you do not require a new certificate. For any             do not plan to issue any information specifically to them.
certificates that have not been issued yet, the date of your last   This should not be a problem, however, as only the name will
examination will decide what appears on your certificate. If        change, not the university, our partnerships, or important
your last exam took place before the official name change,          details.
your certificate will state “IUBH”. Everything after this date
will state “IU”. Both are valid.                                    Will I receive a new certificate of enrolment/study?
                                                                    Certificates of enrolment issued before the name change
I passed the entrance examination already. Is my pass still         are still valid. Your matriculation number will not change
valid?                                                              either. After a short changeover period, you may be able to
Any passed courses or credits you have already earned are           download a new certificate of enrolment in myCampus if
still valid after the name change.                                  required. We will keep you updated.

Does the name change affect my programme processing /               Do I need to adjust my standing order/direct debit? I have a
booking / examination?                                              SEPA, should I change the payee?
No, it does not affect this. The change refers purely to            For any standing order or direct debit, the important account
the name of the university, not to the study programmes,            details remain the same. Payments will continue to work via
study content, or examination naming and content. Any               the old name but we will also be informing our banks, so feel
applications or bookings made will still be processed or            free to change the name.
booked according as usual.
                                                                    Will there be any changes I need to know for my bank
I have just enrolled at IUBH, will I then also receive a            account?
certificate from IUBH?                                              For any payments, standing orders or direct debits, the
The date of your last examination will decide what appears          important account details remain the same. Payments
on your certificate. If your last exam took place before the        will continue to work via the old name but we will also be
official name change, your certificate will state “IUBH”.           informing our banks, so feel free to change the name already.
Everything after this date will state “IU”. Either way, your
certificate will be valid.                                          Does the BAföG office know? Do I have to submit a new
I have a signed contract/offer for a scholarship with IUBH. Is      The BAföG Office, that provides funding for students in
this still valid?                                                   Germany, is informed of our name change. Applications
Any signed contract or granted scholarship from IUBH                submitted before the name change remain valid and you will
remains valid. You will still study with the terms that have        not need a new application.
been offered and signed by us.

I’m in the process of getting a study visa or have applied for        UNIVERSITY SPECIFIC
a post-study visa and have used “IUBH” on my forms. Do I
need to inform the government?                                        FAQS
As it is only our name that has changed and nothing else
about our institution, it should not pose a problem. We highly      Are all study programmes still accredited?
recommend that you should talk to the foreigners office and/        Yes, all accreditation of programmes, whether confirmed or
or local government where you obtained the document. Our            still processing, remain the same. The change refers purely
team are happy to advise you further and provide anything           to the name of the university, not to the study programmes,
you need. Reach out if you are unsure.                              study content, or examination content.

I have planned a study exchange with “IUBH”. Does anything
                                                                    Are you still accredited by all the same councils and
change? Do my forms need updating to IU?
                                                                    awarding organisations? Are your ratings and awards still
Forms that you obtained before our name change remain
valid and so you should be able to start or continue your
                                                                    Yes, nothing other than our name is changing. Officially, in
study exchange with no need to update forms. If you are
                                                                    this topic, we are legal “successors” of IUBH International
unsure, talk to our team.
                                                                    University of Applied Sciences and so all of our ratings,
                                                                    ranking, accreditations, and awards are maintained.
Will the study scripts also be changed?
The presentation of study scripts will be continuously
adapted and updated with new naming. However, the
important content of study scripts remains the same.
Are you still partnered with the companies and universities    Who makes up the 70,000 students? Where are they
on your partners page?                                         studying?
Yes. Nothing other than our name is changing. Our official     Currently, our university as a whole has almost 66 thousand
partners, both corporate partners and partner institutions,    students and is set to have a Summer intake of 70,000.
are being informed about the renaming. The new name has        This will position us as the largest university by intake in
no negative effect on our existing partnerships.               Germany. Of course, most of these are online students so do
                                                               not worry about campuses becoming overwhelmed.
Will my degree from IUBH lose its value?
Of course not. The name change does not affect our study       Where do the “200 programmes” come from?
content, our programmes, our teaching methods, or the          You might see the figure “200” programmes online and
partnerships we have with companies and institutions. We       wonder why these are not offered to you. This number
continue forward with all the same strengths and goals         includes all programmes from all IU units, in English and
and your certificates, achieved previously or in the future,   German, for distance learning or for on campus that are
will maintain the same value. Your existing degree from        offered to different types of students. Unfortunately, not all
IUBH is valid and valuable and so will be any future degree    programmes can be offered in your area.
certificates gained from IU.
                                                               Will the postal address change?
How is IU counted as the largest university in Germany?        Our postal address remains the same, but make sure to
This figure takes into account all units of IU International   change our name to “IU International University of Applied
University, including our distance learning students in        Sciences”.
Germany, international students studying online or on
campus, dual studies students who learn alongside work
placements, and corporate employees who have training or
short courses in the workplace.
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