James - What's on Politics

Page created by Margaret Shaw
James - What's on Politics

Thank you for downloading my special report. Now here are

       Things TRUMP
       TO DO
    My Vote
       To Win
 I can confidently say that I was one of then-candidate Trump’s most ardent
 supporters in the 2016 election. While I started YouTube in late 2016, my
 political activity began before that: in 2015, I took a job as the state director
 for Students For Rand Paul. I was the chair of my state’s College Republicans
 Federation, the president of my school’s College Republicans club, and even had
 the privilege of speaking at a Trump rally near my hometown in the summer of

 My support for Trump arose not out of a personal devotion to Donald Trump
 the man. His vision and message- “Americanism, not globalism, will be our
 credo”- resonated with me. His promises to end illegal immigration, secure
 our borders, bring outsourced jobs back, end interminable wars in the middle
 east- it’s like he was speaking directly to the forgotten men and women: the
 Americans left behind in a world of globalization, global war and GloboHomo.

 During the campaign, he was.

 And then, sometime after his inauguration, he wasn’t.
 Calls to pass the RAISE Act have been replaced with calls for “more people
 coming in than ever before.” The President talks up his supporters as “tough”
 fighters capable of dispatching Antifa while his FBI cites Antifa blogs and locks
 up right-wing groups for defending themselves. Executive orders are promised
 and never delivered.
James - What's on Politics
It’s all so tiresome.

 Meanwhile, here comes Andrew Yang. Sure, his gun policies are far-left and
radical. Yeah, he probably doesn’t stand a chance of winning. He very well may be
a Manchurian candidate. All of that pales in comparison to one simple fact: $1000.

You may be angry about #YangGang gaining traction. You even be angry enough to
jump into a YouTube comment section and accuse a YouTuber of being a “paid shill”
by the Chinese, Israeli, or Russian government (does it even matter?) for doing a
video comparing and contrasting Andrew Yang to Donald Trump.

But instead of being angry over red hats
turning pink, consider: why has the
meme magic changed hands? Why are the
Yangposters excited and optimistic, while
defenses of Trump seem to circle back to “but
the deep state,” “nobody’s perfect,” “have you
considered,” and “there’s still time”?

Candidate Trump was exciting and full
of promise. President Trump has had
his moments, surely- but on the most
important issues facing our country, he has
unfortunately resembled one of the “all talk
no action” politicians he spent his campaign

Far from writing him off as hopeless, I believe there are things the president can
do to help our nation and address the most pressing challenges of our time. If he
wants to win in 2020, he’s going to need accomplishments to run on- this isn’t the
Israeli election, Donald, and you’re not polling at 98%. Your constituency is the
American people, and we elected you to serve our interests, remember?

That being said, let’s look at the five ways Trump would win my vote and support
for the 2020 presidential election.

1. Follow through on promised executive orders

President Trump is like your buddy that is always talking about that sweet new car
they’re “about to buy” or project they’re “about to start.” You laugh off the first few
broken promises, but once it becomes a pattern, you grow to resent it.

Likewise, when President Trump promised to put an end to birthright citizenship
via executive order in late October 2018, I cheered: finally, the U.S. would be joining
James - What's on Politics
the rest of the world in abolishing the ill-advised and constitutionally dubious
process of granting citizenship to anybody that happens to slip out of the womb
within our contiguous borders. Currently, we are one of only two- two!- developed
countries that grant citizenship this way. The other is Canada.

Birthright citizenship is what allows for the destructive ‘anchor baby’
phenomenon- an illegal alien comes to the U.S., has their child, and that child
is instantly a citizen. That child becomes entitled to every American social
program- education, welfare, free school lunch, housing vouchers- the list goes
on indefinitely. Simultaneously, that child’s parents are often shielded from
deportation. After all, who’s going to take care of this little anchor baby, who is, by
the way, just as American as you?

Birthright citizenship is derived from a misinterpretation of the Constitution
that goes back to the 19th century. The authors of the 14th amendment clearly
intended it to apply to children of freed slaves, not illegal immigrants. It’s a process
that would be comical if it weren’t so destructive. Only in Clown County America
would this ridiculous situation be allowed to continue- so naturally, it does.
President Trump has not made any statements on this “proposed executive order”
since November 2018.

At CPAC in 2019, Trump
promised another
executive order: this
one defunding American
universities that did not
protect free speech on
campus. Weeks later, and
it hasn’t been mentioned

The American people
deserve better. If the President is going to promise action on issues like this, which
clearly matter- take it. Follow through on what you promise, Mr. President, or
people are going to continue to lose faith in every promise you make.

2. Instruct the FCC to begin regulating social media companies
like public utilities

There has never been a more existential threat to American free speech than
unmitigated censorship imposed by Big Tech corporations.

Our nation’s founding fathers drafted the first amendment under the impression
that future threats to free speech would come from the government. Considering
James - What's on Politics
history up to that point, that makes sense: censorship had historically come from
either the state or the church, controlling the public discourse to protect their

The founders never could have
imagined the post-Cold War
world, where censorship comes
not from Big Brother- but from
Big Tech. Instead of a party
commissar monitoring your
speech, it’s a transgender non-
binary with an Antifa furry
Twitter account doxing you and
getting you fired.

Who won the Cold War, again?
The very notion that you can be banned from the modern public space for
peacefully expressing non-violent political ideas is absurd and oppressive, but
because the modern public discourse takes place on “privately owned” server bank
and not a physical street corner, apparently there’s nothing we can do. Leftists
have all of a sudden become stubborn defenders of private property rights.

Move over, Walter Block. Conservatives, predictably, sit on their hands, bound and
gagged by their “principles” that prohibit them from even thinking about solving a
problem via state regulation.

Yeah, we’re not doing that anymore. The only reason President Trump was able to
win in 2016 was the ‘meme magic’ and camaraderie his supporters were able to
find over the internet. Had Trump’s biggest supporters been banned from the web,
a cursory look at the internet discourse would lead one to think that the entire
United States was populated by smarmy bugpeople that love watching Marvel
movies and hydrating with Soylent at “resist fascism” rallies with their wife’s sons.

The spirit of the first amendment is the protection of the American people’s right
to engage in political discussions that impact the future of their country. Can you
imagine being banned from the power company, banned from the water company,
or banned from your cell phone company for ‘wrong opinions’? Equally ridiculous
is the idea that you can be unceremoniously muzzled by a cadre of Big Tech
companies for expressing ideas they object to.

If President Trump wants to win my vote in 2020, he must take some action to
protect the free speech of all Americans- including his strongest supporters!- on
internet social media. Without that support, future right-wingers and Republicans
have no chance of winning anyways.
James - What's on Politics
3. Bring our troops home from the Middle East

We have troops deployed in Afghanistan today that were infants when that war
started. There’s not much to say about our wars in Afghanistan, Yemen, Iraq,
and Syria: we have accomplished our national security missions, to the extent
they ever existed, no Americans want our troops there, and just about everyone-
outside of a select group of political elites- agrees it is past time for our troops to
come home.

Syria has nearly been re-unified thanks to the bravery Russian and Syrian
fighters- despite the United State’s repeated strikes against the Assad regime, and
Israel’s assistance and intervention on behalf of anti-Assad rebels.

There is no compelling U.S. security interest to keep our soldiers in harm’s way in
the Middle East. In fact, it seems as though we are only keeping our soldiers there
is precisely because they are in harm’s way: one errant missile, one accidental
killing of an American soldier, and the military industrial complex media allies
will be clamoring for war.

It’s a transparent and deadly

Trump came close to pulling
American troops out of
Syria in late 2018, before
reversing his decision. His
rationale for keeping our
soldiers in harm’s way is the
need to “protect Israel.” I’m
not sure what protecting an already well-armed country with a robust military
has to do with our country’s national security. The troops currently deployed in
Syria would be doing much more to protect our country’s security if they were
stationed on the border. Move them there, or barring that, just bring them home.

4. Free your administration’s political prisoners

President Trump has a nasty habit of bragging about how “tough” his supporters
are and claiming that Antifa would have a rough time if they actually came to
blows. That’s largely true- so why is it a nasty habit?

Well, because when right and left-wing activists have come to blows, Trump’s
own justice department has acted swiftly: to investigate, charge, and lock up the
demonstrators from the right, while letting Antifa roam free.
James - What's on Politics
Not a single member of Antifa has been charged with a federal crime relating
to rioting or political violence. In fact, the charges against all J20 rioters were
dropped by the federal government. Remember Eric Clanton, the Antifa bike lock
professor that beat a conservative college student over the head? Three years
probation for an unprovoked, brutal assault. And no federal charges, of course.

Contrast that with the members of Rise Above Movement (RAM), a California-
based nationalist group that trained in boxing, martial arts, fitness and self-
defense. They traveled to Charlottesville to attend the ill-fated Unite The Right
rally- which was, regardless of your opinions about that event, a legally permitted
demonstration protected by the first amendment.

While traveling to the event, they were ambushed and attacked by a group
of leftist activists. This is, by the way, all captured on video. They fought and
defended themselves- and won. They won something besides the fight, too: they
won an FBI investigation and federal rioting charges.

Presently, eight members of RAM are sitting in prison on spurious federal charges
arising out of them defending themselves from violence perpetrated by far-left
Antifa radicals. They are in jail because the Trump administration put them there.

I understand the degrees of separation between the White House and Dino
Capuzzo, the FBI agent that investigated RAM and led to their arrest. You would
be correct to point out that President Trump is not, in fact, supervising the day-to-
day operations of each of his law enforcement agents.

However, he does have
the power to compel
the Justice Department
to drop these spurious
charges- and he should.
If he allows his Justice
Department to run
rampant and charge
people for defending
themselves against
Antifa, his rhetoric
about his “very tough
supporters” may lead
to people thinking the
president will have their
back if they are attacked-
and he won’t.
James - What's on Politics
5. Fire Kirstjen Nielsen and actually build the wall

Next to “lock her up,” “build the wall” was the second most common chant at nearly
every Trump rally of the campaign. Unfortunately, neither promise has come
to fruition. Hillary remains free and un-investigated, and our southern border
remains open to the world.

Despite Trump’s claims that new wall is being built, new wall is not being built.
According to Kirtstjen Nielsen, Trump’s ill-fitting Secretary of Homeland Security,
this administration considers the replacement of old Bush-era bollard fencing as
“building new wall.”


                                                  As Ann Coulter succinctly
                                                  states in her March 13 column,
                                                  “Trump By The Numbers,”
                                                  this administration has so far
                                                  produced the following results:

                                                  “NUMBER OF MILES OF WALL
                                                  BUILT ON OUR SOUTHERN
                                                  BORDER SINCE TRUMP HAS
                                                  BEEN PRESIDENT: ZERO.



Like me, Ann wants to see the southern border secured and our nation’s
immigration system to benefit Americans. Imagine that! And for trying to hold the
president to his own campaign platform, Ann has been derided on Twitter by the
president as a “nutjob.”

For reminding him of his own 2016 platform.

Trump needs to fire “everything is going excellently Mr. President” Kirstjen Nielsen
and replace her with someone that has a passion for fixing America’s backwards
immigration systems. A certain former gubernatorial candidate from the midwest
with a double-K alliterative name springs to mind. Or, do what Obama would do, and
appoint an immigration “czar” that can work full-time to accomplish an America-
first immigration agenda (I’m willing to wave my travel stipend, Donald.)
James - What's on Politics
In conclusion, the Trump administration began with a bang but has petered
out into a whimper. In order to rally the base for 2020- and frankly, in order to
deserve any 2016 supporter’s vote- Trump must do better, be better, and do more.
President Trump: tax cuts and repealing the individual mandate simply are not
enough to motivate your base to come back out in 2020- let alone the infrequent
2016 voters that crossed party lines to elect you. We need action on relevant
issues- immigration, free speech, censorship- and if we don’t get it, what’s the
point in voting? At least with Andrew Yang we would get $1000 while getting
demographically replaced and censored online. With Trump, all we’re getting is
boomer tweets and nicknames like “Tim Apple.”

Trump’s voters are searching for a reason to support him again in 2020. And
unless he supports them in return, he may find himself a man whose movement
has passed him by.

             What’s on Politics would like to thank James Allsup for his always honest
             incite and opinion on the current and future political landscape. The
             opinions shared here are James Allsup’s but we invite you to check out
             whatsonpolitics.com for more great reads and to check out James Allsup
             on YOUTUBE, where he as over 430,000 followers, and on Instagram,
             where he has over 12,300 followers.
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