JUNE 6, 2021 - CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Disciples of Christ) UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST - Community Christian Church

Page created by Leroy Nguyen
JUNE 6, 2021 - CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Disciples of Christ) UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST - Community Christian Church
CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Disciples of Christ)

                                                              UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST

                    JUNE 6, 2021
2647 CHILI AVENUE      ROCHESTER, NEW YORK 14624                      585.247.2494
JUNE 6, 2021 - CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Disciples of Christ) UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST - Community Christian Church
                        (Disciples of Christ and United Church of Christ)
June 6, 2021                                                                                 10:30 AM
The Reverend Steven Price                                                                        Pastor
Mr. Ron Strong                                                                           Choir Director
Mr. Frankie Bones                                                                      Church Musician
Mr. Ryan Hubbell                                                                      Technical Support
                                 Education Sunday
Words of Welcome
    Welcome Frankie Bones as our new church musician!
    As we begin our service, just some notes of preparation:
    1. For Communion: get a cracker/bread/juice/beverage.
    2. Prayer requests – type into the chat function/AAA Elizabeth Fulkerson – Our thanks to Beth for
       reading them.
    3. After the Benediction we’ll have Announcements followed by our Virtual Coffee Hour.
    4. Now take this time to center yourself as we listen to this morning’s Prelude.

Land Acknowledgment:             Our physical space stands on unceded land originally stewarded by the
Seneca people. As Community Christian Church, we acknowledge and honor the Seneca nation, their
elders both past and present, as well as future generations. As we learn and unlearn the history that has
brought us here; the lies of Christian supremacy, the truth of settler colonialism, we seek to walk a path
that leads to equality and justice for all.

Prelude                      “Toccata in C: Prelude BWV 564”                                    J.S. Bach

A Special “Thank You”                   A Video Collage of
                                   Our Christian Education Team
Call to Worship                                                           ~ written by Dedric A. Cowser
    One:       Gracious God, you have led us to curiosity
               about our creation, ourselves, and all things unknown.
    Many:      Let us never lose our sense of wonder about the world you have given us.
    One:       God of Abraham and Sarah,
               you surprise us with new understandings when we least expect them.
    Many:      Let us never see ourselves as too young, too old,
               or too wise to learn new lessons from you.
    One:       God of the prophets,
               you call us to speak truth with love to a reluctant world.
    Many:      Give us courage to judge ourselves,
               and wisdom to learn from those you send to teach us.              (continued)

JUNE 6, 2021 - CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Disciples of Christ) UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST - Community Christian Church
One:        Everlasting, ever-loving God, teacher, creator,
                giver of knowledge and freedom, fear and courage, doubt and faith,
    Many:       grant that we might always use your gifts to build a world
                where peace, justice, love, and hope reign in wisdom and in truth. Amen

Opening Hymn                 God of the Sparrow, God of the Whale                   lyrics within video
    This might just be the most intriguing hymn title ever! God is indeed God of the tiny sparrow,
    the enormous whale, and every living thing in between. The concluding words and image
    included in this hymn leave us hopeful… How do your children say Home?

Sharing with Children “Kindness Makes the World Go Round”                         ~read by Cindy Cannon
    We’d like to thank “Miss Cindy” for reading this story to us and to Declan for sharing his Sesame
    Street book with us.
Prayer: Creator God, we all have unique gifts to share with the world and for these gifts we are grateful. Today
we are grateful for those who teach and read and sing and lead our children! We also celebrate those in our midst
who are transitioning from one phase of their education to another; may their already discovered gifts be
deepened, and those not yet unearthed surprise and delight them. Amen

Anthem                              “All Good Gifts” from Godspell                       The CCC Virtual Choir
                                            Danny Dobbins, soloist

Ancient Testimony                        1 Samuel 8:4-11, 16-20                        Lector: Connie Bottoni
4Then   all the elders of Israel gathered together and came to Samuel at Ramah, 5and said to him,
“You are old and your sons do not follow in your ways; appoint for us, then, a king to govern us,
like other nations.” 6But the thing displeased Samuel when they said, “Give us a king to govern
us.” Samuel prayed to the LORD, 7and the LORD said to Samuel, “Listen to the voice of the people
in all that they say to you; for they have not rejected you, but they have rejected me from being
king over them. 8Just as they have done to me, from the day I brought them up out of Egypt to
this day, forsaking me and serving other gods, so also they are doing to you. 9Now then, listen to
their voice; only—you shall solemnly warn them, and show them the ways of the king who shall
reign over them.” 10So Samuel reported all the words of the LORD to the people who were asking
him for a king. 11He said, “These will be the ways of the king who will reign over you: he will take
your sons and appoint them to his chariots and to be his horsemen, and to run before his
16He  will take your male and female slaves, and the best of your cattle and donkeys, and put
them to his work. 17He will take one-tenth of your flocks, and you shall be his slaves. 18And in
that day you will cry out because of your king, whom you have chosen for yourselves; but
the LORD will not answer you in that day.” 19But the people refused to listen to the voice of
Samuel; they said, “No! but we are determined to have a king over us, 20so that we also may be
like other nations, and that our king may govern us and go out before us and fight our battles.”

Sermon                                                                                           Pastor Steven

JUNE 6, 2021 - CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Disciples of Christ) UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST - Community Christian Church
Offertory Sentence
    Today, let us believe, and let us give with generosity
    that God’s goodness, the goodness we have known,
    may be known in the world.
While no plates are passed during the offering, your gifts are still needed and appreciated for the
continuation of our ministries. You are welcome to use the Tithe.ly app on our webpage, send a
gift via U.S. mail, or through your bank.

Offertory                                                                                 Frankie Bones

Dedication of our Offering
    Generous God, take our gifts this day and use them
    so that we may be part of your great work in this world.
    Through our giving, bring justice and love closer to all,
    not just in our community but in the world beyond these walls. Amen.

                                   Feel free to grab a cracker or slice of bread and small cup of juice
                                           before the reading of these words of preparation
                                                   and institution of the Lord’s Supper.

Blessing the Bread, the Cup
Elder 1: Kathy Schaefer
Friends, this is the joyful feast of unity.
Christ has gathered his people around the earth
to commune at tables real and virtual.
Across political lines and economic lines,
in places of power and affluence,
among the poorest of the poor, we share this meal.
We share this meal remembering and celebrating
the One who proved shalom possible.
So, come: Come with your doubts, come with your hopes,
come with your inadequacies and with your strengths.
Come, for this is a table where all are invited, and all are welcome.

JUNE 6, 2021 - CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Disciples of Christ) UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST - Community Christian Church
Elder 2: Connie Bottoni
On the night before Jesus died, He took a loaf of bread,
Gave thanks, broke it, and said,
      “Take and eat, this is my body, given for you.
       Do this, in remembrance of me.”
             The bread of Life, let us take and eat together.

Elder 1
After supper, Jesus took the cup saying,
       “This is the cup of the new covenant, poured out for you
       and for all people for the forgiveness of sins.
       Do this in remembrance of me.”
              Let us take and drink this cup together.

Elder 2
And now let us go forth with the understanding that we go
bearing the bread,
carrying the cup,
and laying the table within a hungering world. Amen.

Prayers for Our Community and the World
Continued Prayers during this pandemic:
For the way this pandemic has impacted all of creation: God we continue to pray for all
of those we love, as well as strangers, who are on the front lines and potentially in harm’s
way during this global pandemic. For health and human service providers, for educators
and all school personnel, for emergency responders, for law enforcement personnel and
for essential workers everywhere.
Hear now our community prayers read by Beth Fulkerson of the requests noted in our
chat function. After request… God in your goodness, grace or mercy… People: Hear our
Let us say together the prayer Jesus taught those he loved . . .
The Lord’s Prayer
          Our Father (or Creator) which art in heaven hallowed be thy name.
            Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
  Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.
                And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil
         for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

JUNE 6, 2021 - CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Disciples of Christ) UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST - Community Christian Church
Closing Hymn                     I Am the Light of the World                          lyrics within video
                                              Verses 1 & 2
    As you go from here, especially on this Education Sunday,
    remember what you have been taught:
    To love wholeheartedly, and
    To live as a reflection of God’s light. Amen
                                         &         &         &

                                                                   Pastor – Steven Price
  Education Sunday                                              Christian Ed Chair 2020
            2021                                                      Jeannie Strong
                                                              Christian Ed Co-Chairs 2021
Community Christian Church
                                                               Penny Cannon & Ron Strong
                                     Jess Ayers                  Sophie Wanck-Kann
                                     Patti Ayers                 Molly McGowan
                                     Connie Bottoni              Nancy Pollock
                                     Cindy Cannon                Steven Price
                                     Karen Destino               Dan Robillard
                                     Ron Herman                  Jeannie Strong
                                     Jen Kann                    Ron Strong

                         Ethan Bissinger is graduating from Gates Chili High School on June 23,
                         2021. He will attend RIT in the fall to study Advertising Photography.

                         Devin Cannon           will graduate on June 26, 2021 from Spencerport High
                         School. In the fall, he will attend Finger Lakes Community College to study
                         Psychology and to continue playing baseball.
Daniel Dobbins is graduating from Greece Arcadia High School on June 18th.           He will be attending
Wright State University in the fall to pursue a BFA in Musical Theater.

Erin Mast graduated in December 2020 from the University of Rochester with a Masters in Medical
Humanities. Erin is working as a Behavioral Therapist Technician and will continue her education.

JUNE 6, 2021 - CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Disciples of Christ) UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST - Community Christian Church
News You Can Use at
                                                 Community Christian Church
                                                  Today’s ZOOM service was recorded.
                                              To access the recording, visit our website at
                                                   It will be posted early this week.

              Welcome Frankie Bones as Our New Church Musician!
              Frankie Bones is originally from British Columbia, Canada. Frankie started playing
              music at age 5 and has been taking lessons since then! Frankie has been playing music
              in church since he was 8 years old and knows classical, jazz, contemporary, praise
              songs and hymns. He is finishing up his Masters of Music, with an emphasis on
              performance and pedagogy at Nazareth College. Frankie has been a Seventh Day
              Adventist his whole life, lives in nearby Henrietta and has been in the Rochester area
              since 2019. Please welcome Frankie to Community Christian Church.

1. HOPES and PRAYERS – Tuesdays at 10:00 AM.
   Join Pastor Steven via ZOOM for a time of sharing those things heavy on your heart as well as
   lifting up the ways God has already blessed your life or answered your prayers. A ZOOM
   invitation will be sent Monday evening.
2. COMPOSTING and CCC! – TODAY after church.
   Let's dig into the topic of composting and figure out how to make this happen for our church and
   community! Two years ago Emily Strong-Freedman brought the idea to us – but it fell off the
   COVID table. Folks using our CSA have asked about it, too! This would be a TERRIFIC inter-
   generational activity that would benefit our beloved earth.
   LET'S HAVE A ZOOM DATE: June 6 right after church... we'll create a special ZOOM ROOM. Bring
   your experience and/or ideas. ALL ARE WELCOME!
3. General Board Meeting – Next Sunday, June 13th
   All church officers are voting members of the General Board and encouraged to attend the
   meeting via ZOOM to make your voice heard. The meetings are open; all are welcome to attend.
4. Community Sponsored Agriculture (CSA) – On Tuesday, June 15th (note date change) from
   4-6 PM we will open our doors and welcome the members of Kirby Farms CSA into our building
   for the 1st distribution of food for 2021. Social distancing and the wearing of masks will both be
   required. If you’d like to participate, contact www.kirbysfm.com. This program runs through mid-
5. Red Cross Blood Drive – Our next blood drive is Friday, June 18th, 12:00 – 5:00 PM. Judi Tellier,
   our coordinator is all set for volunteers that day and is very grateful for those who’ve stepped up. If
   you are able to donate blood, log on to the Red Cross site and schedule an appointment. Just a
   reminder: we have blood drives scheduled once a month on Fridays from now through November.
   The next two are July 30th and August 20th. If you could help out, let Judi know by phone/text at 585-
   732-3991 or email at jtellier5@twc.com and she’ll sign you up. Thanks so much!

6. Best Wishes to those Celebrating This Week . . .
        Birthdays                                 Anniversaries
            June 6       Becky Geer                   June 6     Beary Thazhathu & Neha Saad
            June 7       Dan Langdon                             Al & Donna Nobrega
                         Luz Cruz
            June 8       Penny Cannon
                         Cyril Waugh
            June 12      Sarah Judkins

    7. Budget Tracking Update as of May 30, 2021

              2021 YTD Budgeted
              Receipts                            Plan         Actual        Variance
              Loose/Donations                        $423           $350           ($73)
              New Growth                               $0             $0              $0
              Use of Church                          $127             $0          ($127)
              Interest                                 $6            $11              $5
              Misc. & Prior Year                       $0            $99             $99
              Other Envelope Giving                    $0             $0              $0
              Intent To Give Contributions        $65,295        $62,561        ($2,734)
              Fundraising Income                   $1,300         $3,426          $2,126
              Prior Year Surplus                   $9,250         $9,250              $0
              Unpledged Giving                     $1,269         $3,050          $1,781
              Total Budget Receipts               $77,670        $78,747         $1,076

                               ¿ THIS WEEK AT A GLANCE ¿
Today, June 6th           11:30 AM   Virtual Coffee Hour followed by Break-Out Rooms
                          11:35 AM   Composting & CCC - Special ZOOM ROOM
Tuesday, June 8th         10:00 AM   Hopes and Prayers (ZOOM)
                          12:00 PM   Deadline for bulletin announcements
                           6:30 PM   Girl Scouts – FH
                           6:30 PM   Stewardship Meeting – ZOOM
Thursday, June 10th        7:00 PM   Chili Democratic Committee (ZOOM)
Sunday, June 13th         10:30 AM   Worship via ZOOM
                          11:30 AM   Virtual Coffee Hour – Short!
                          11:35 AM   General Board Meeting – ZOOM

Seeds of Hope presents
                                                   How We Can Save Our Soil:
                                                Be inspired by local green thumbs
                                                1:30-3:00 PM EDT Sunday, June 6, 2021
                                                          A free online event
                               Every spring and summer, plants draw huge amounts of CO2 from the
                               atmosphere through photosynthesis, and sequester it in their own cells or
relay it to the microbes in the soil below. This has helped stabilize our climate for eons. But modern
farming has resulted in the loss of ⅓ of the topsoil of our country’s corn belt, and has severely depleted
most of what’s left. Further, heavy use of pesticides and herbicides have killed the vital microbes in the
soil and decimated the pollinators on which most plants depend. As the soil goes, so goes our planet’s
ability to sustain life.
At May’s Seeds of Hope, we learned about the small but growing regenerative farming movement, which
can play a crucial role in reversing global climate change. (You can watch the inspiring movie on this,
“Kiss the Ground,” on Netflix, or for $1.00 at https://vimeo.com/ondemand/kisstheground.) The good
news is that we consumers and gardeners can also play a crucial role in saving our soil and the life that
depends on it.
On June 6, four local experts will share very practical, “down to earth” ways that we can build the soil in
our own back yard, garden sustainably, reduce food waste to reduce big Ag’s toll on the environ-ment,
compost what we don’t eat, provide food and lodging to our threatened pollinators, and steward our
lawns and gardens in ways that contribute to our local ecosystem instead of weakening it.
The event is free and open to all, so feel free to invite others. Each participant needs to register in ad-
vance HERE.
Please have paper and pencil handy to take notes and to write down questions for our presenters to
answer at the end. And come prepared to learn how you can be a better lover of the land and steward
of our soil.
                Seeds of Hope is a project of Pachamama Alliance of the Rochester Area
         (https://www.pachapeopleroc.org/), which is part of the global Pachamama Alliance

                                  ¿ OUR CHURCH AT WORK ¿

   READY TO SERVE:        The Reverend Steven Price, Pastor
                          Pastor Steven can be reached at 733-7121 or RevStevenCCC@gmail.com.
                          Sandy Hubbell, Office Administrator
                          Sandy can be reached at turkielegs@aol.com or if you need immediate assistance,
                          call her at 617-4009 and leave a message.

                                 COMMUNITY CHRISTIAN CHURCH
                     2647 Chili Avenue † Rochester, NY 14624 † (585) 247-2494
              e-mail address: cccopentoall@aol.com web page: www.cccopentoall.org
                           The Reverend Steven Price, Pastor (585) 733-7121
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