8-page pullout The 3 'R's to good eating - Restaurants, Reviews & Recipes

Page created by Marjorie Miranda
8-page pullout The 3 'R's to good eating - Restaurants, Reviews & Recipes
The 3 ‘R’s to good eating –
   Reviews & Recipes

    8-page pullout
8-page pullout The 3 'R's to good eating - Restaurants, Reviews & Recipes
STRIPES JAPAN                                                     STE OF JAPAN                              JANUARY 22 – JANUARY 28, 2021
                                                              A TA 2

 American craft beer
 is our specialty!
   Antenna America is just what you need to quench your
 thirst! Our Kannai, Yokohama and Shinagawa branches
 serve up American craft beer from top U.S. craft brewer-
 ies. Please go to : http://www.antenna-america.com for
 more details. Our tasting rooms have rotating taps and a
 huge selection of bottles, all fresh from breweries thanks
 to our cold-chain delivery system. Chicken wings, burg-
 ers and other American food items all made to order at
 our Kannai and Yokohama branches. We have private
 space available upon request at our Kannai branch. An-
 tenna America is family friendly, so come check us out!

                                                                                 A taste of Yokosuka
                                                                                 you’ll never forget
                                                                                   We ensure that in every dish we prepare, we add the
                                                                                 best herbs and spices specially handpicked from Nepal
                                                                                 and India. With our belief deeply rooted in the Eastern
                                                                                 philosophy, we regard every customer as a god, and
                                                                                 make sure in every way that we treat them as one. Our
                                                                                 5-star experienced cooks and chefs ensure the food
                                                                                 looks as good as it is healthy. Once you come and visit
                                                                                 us, we are confident that you will make plans to come
                                                                                 again. We eagerly await the opportunity to serve you
                                                                                 our delicacies!!
8-page pullout The 3 'R's to good eating - Restaurants, Reviews & Recipes
JANUARY 22 – JANUARY 28, 2021                                                         STE OF JAPAN                                                                   STRIPES JAPAN
                                                                                  A TA 3

      Thursday gnocchi
                              any day of the week
           STORY AND PHOTOS BY SHOJI KUDAKA,                                                                                        home cooking. In an article for The
                      STRIPES JAPAN                                                                                              Guardian, Roddy shared a Roman folk
                                                                                                                             rhyme which says gnocchi is the dish made

               hen I’m looking for a quick and easy                                                                     on Thursday “if God wants.” It was only after I
               dinner recipe, my go-to is either pasta                                                                finished cooking that I realized it was a Tuesday.
               Pomodoro or spaghetti Aglio e olio, two           treat on TV.                                            Despite that oversight, the gnocchi was great
      of my favorites. This time, I was looking for some-           It took me about an hour in total, from washing   even for a Tuesday! My dad was a little suspicious
      thing new, so I went for gnocchi, a flour and potato        and peeling potatoes to serving up gnocchi with      of the pasta, which looked more like a dumpling
      variation pasta dish.                                      sauce on a plate. Since it was my first time cook-    than anything else. However, once trying a piece,
         Jamie Oliver, the Naked Chef from TV, calls             ing this dish, and I was filming and taking photos    he liked it. So did my mother. As I looked at my
      gnocchi a “comforting midweek dinner,” so I                at the same time, it would probably take less time   parents trying gnocchi on Tuesday, I was thinking
      was ready to try making my own. It looked like it          than that.                                           about families in Rome at a dining-table, enjoying
      would be simple enough, especially after watch-               According to Rachel Roddy, an award-winning       their Thursday gnocchi.
      ing a Japanese culinary researcher prepare this            food writer, gnocchi is a cornerstone of Roman       kudaka.shoji@stripes.com

      IN G


                           Gnocchi with cheese cream for one person

      For gnocchi                                                        For cheese cream                                    Topping

      † Potato (150 g)                                                   † Milk (200 ml)                                † Black pepper (as much as you please)
      † All-purpose flour (45 ml)                                         † Cheese   for pizza (Blend of gouda (80%) and † Dried Parsley (as much as you please)
                                                                           mozzarella (20%) cheese] (40g)
      † Potato starch (5 ml)
      † Flour to sprinkle on gnocchi (as much as you please)             † Powdered chicken stock (2.5 ml)                             ut more rec
      † Hot water to boil gnocchi (1,000 ml)                             † Salt (a little)                                     he
                                                                                                                                  c ko            ipe
      † Salt (10 ml)                                                     † Starch  mixed   with water (15ml)


           3                                 3                               4                                4                               6

               Presed against a fork             6SULQNOHGZLWKÀRXU          Boiled in hot salted water           Drained gnocchi                Incorporated into sauce

       1       (For precooking) Peel a potato and cut off buds. Wrap the potato in            5   In a frying pan, pour milk (200 ml) and heat over medium heat. Once
               saran wrap and microwave (600W) for four minutes. Prepare boiling                  it’s boiled, add cheese (40g) and powdered chicken stock (2.5 ml), and
               water with salt in it.                                                             stir them together.

       2       Put the heated potato in a plastic bag with flour (45ml) and starch             6   Add salt to adjust the taste. Add starch mixed with water (15ml) and
               (5ml). Knead it to mix the ingredients together.                                   stir the mixture. Once the sauce starts to thicken, add in the gnocchi.
                                                                                                  Once the pasta is incorporated into the sauce, remove the pan from the
       3       Mold the dough into small balls, each the size of one bite. Sprinkle flour          heat.
               on each piece as you mold it. Press each piece against the back of a fork
               to make dents (or grooves) on the surface.                                     7   Serve up the gnocchi on a plate and top it with black pepper and dried
       4       Put the dough into (salted) hot water and boil them over medium flame.
               Start to remove the pieces from the water as they float to the top of the       8   Bon appetite!
               surface. Drain the gnocchi in a colander.                                                              *This recipe is adapted from Kurashiru cooking website.
8-page pullout The 3 'R's to good eating - Restaurants, Reviews & Recipes
STRIPES JAPAN                                                        STE OF JAPAN                                               JANUARY 22 – JANUARY 28, 2021
                                                                 A TA 4



                                             Mainland Japan and Okinawa aren’t
                         Camu camu
                                              left out of the healthy food craze
                                       BY TAKAHIRO TAKIGUCHI,           noticed that powerful foods in the      see the foods fashionable as well as

                                            STRIPES JAPAN               world, such as maca in Peru and         healthy,” she said.
                                                                        Chinese wolfberry (kukonomi) in            How can we apply these super-

                                        ust as in America, super-       China, were improving the health of     foods daily to improve our health?
                                        foods are currently a trendy    local people.”                             “Nowadays, it is next to impos-
                                        topic in Japan.                    Although these raw vegetable         sible to avoid all foods contaminated
                                            Visit a convenience store   materials were only available exclu-    with farming chemicals and arti-
                                        or drug store, and you will     sively to locals, modern technology     ficial additives,” Katsuyama said.
                               find a rack exclusively for super-        has enabled them to be frozen or        “So, we would recommend you add
                               foods, such as chia seeds, maca and      powdered and delivered to any part      some superfoods in your daily diet.
                               spirulina. Magazines and TV pro-         of the world without spoiling the nu-   Just put some spirulina powder into
                               grams often feature these trendy         tritional quality.                      your dishes, for instance, to improve
                               foods, as well.                             So, most superfoods are actually     your health.”
                                  Despites the trend and high me-       processed products, according to           JSA actually promotes super-
                               dia exposure, some don’t know what       Katsuyama.                              foods by developing various prod-
                               superfoods are all about.                   The term “superfood” dates           ucts in Japan’s market, such as pow-
                                  “They are natural, organic foods,     back to the 1980s when physicians                                       errol
                                                                                                                ders or noodles made from acerola  ola
                               mostly vegetables, which pack a lot      in North America who were apply-        and spirulina.
                               of essential nutrients and vitamins,”    ing healthy diet in their medical
                               says Ayumi Katsuyama, managing
                               director of the Japan Superfoods
                                                                        treatment, began calling foods that
                                                                        had outstanding nutritional values
                                                                                                                Japanese foods:
                               Association. “They are usually low       “superfoods”. Then, two books, “14      superb in nature
                               in calories but rich in nutrition that   Foods that will change your life”          According to Katsuyama,
                               prevents us from forming various         (2004) and “Superfoods” (2009),         many Japanese foods can be
                               lifestyle-related diseases, such as      helped to establish the moniker.        called superfoods in their na-

                               cancer and diabetes.”                       Categorized as foods, superfoods     ture. “Nominated as one of
                                  Today, JSA lists spirulina, maca,     are neither medicines nor supple-       the UNESCO World Heritage,
                               chinese wolfberry, cacao beans, chia     ments.                                  Japanese cuisine is superb -
                               seeds, coconut, acai, camu camu,            “As supplements contains arti-       It is tasty and nourish while
                               broccoli sprout and hemp seeds as        ficial additives, overdosing them        it has unique sophisticated cul-
                               the 10 primary superfoods.               can cause physical troubles,” Kat-      ture,” she said.
                                  “These foods have proven their        suyama said.                               What makes Japanese cuisine   ne
                               superb health effects and food safe-        Although it’s unclear what the       unique is that its depends on dashi
                               ty throughout the long history of us-    true definition of a superfood is,       stock made from dried groceries, ries,
                               age,” Katsuyama said.                    thanks to global marketing approach     such as shiitake mushroom an       andd
                                  Why are these “super” foods get-      of major food companies, today, they    kelp. These are all low in calories
                               ting so much attention these days?       are widely available in convenience     and contain a lot of superb minerals.     foods, teas, seaw
                                  “As it is getting harder and hard-    stores and grocery stores even in Ja-   Habitual drinking of green tea, in-       natural foods.
                               er to sample natural foods free from     pan.                                    stead of juices or other white-sugar      1. Fermented
                               additives, agrochemicals and con-           Health conscious American celeb-     beverages helps Japanese to enjoy            shoyu (Japa
                               taminated soil and water, we have        rities have helped them to become       such longevity, according to Kat-            kaduke (veg
                               become more aware of the relation-       popular, according to Katsuyama.        suyama.                                      led in a ferm
                               ship between our health and foods,”      “Since they started applying the           JSA categorizes Japanese super-           bran), amaza
                               Katsuyama said. “Eventually people       foods to their everyday diet, people    foods into four groups – fermented        2. Teas: macch


                                          Broccoli sprou

8-page pullout The 3 'R's to good eating - Restaurants, Reviews & Recipes
JANUARY 22 – JANUARY 28, 2021                                                     STE OF JAPAN                                                               STRIPES JAPAN
                                                                                     A TA 5

                                                                                Graphic by Annie Kamio

                                                                                                                A ttraditional
                                                                                                                      diitti   Japanese food made from fermented soy-
                                                                                                                beans and served with soy sauce, mustard and Japanese
                                                                                                                bunching onion. Along with its powerful smell, strong
                                                                                                                flavor and slimy texture, it contains a lot of protein, vi-
                                                                                                                tamin K, dietary fiber, NattoKinase, mucin, and is con-
                                                                                                                sidered to keep stomachs healthy and beautiful.

                                                                                                                Bean curd. Being basic whole food nature, it contains a
                                                                                                                lot of protein and isoflavone, and is considered to lower
                                                                                                                the risk of several chronic diseases including cardio-
                                                                                                                vascular diseases.

                                                                                                                Fermented soybean paste, which is used in soups in
                                                                                                                Japanese cuisine. Since it contains a lot of protein, vita-
                                                                                                                mins B and E, this fermented food is considered to im-
                                                                                                                prove gut health and is effective at preventing radiation
                                                                                                                sickness and preventing cancer.

                                                                                                                B    k h      noodles are low in calories and contains a
                                                                                                                lot of lutein and vitamin B. It is also thought to help with
                                                                                                                anti-aging, preventing degenerative diseases, improv-
                                                                                                                ing blood circulation and lowering blood pressure.

                                                                                                                  i kl d plum
                                                                                                                           l    iis a traditional Japanese snack, usually
                                                                                                                dried and preserved in a salty brine using shiso leaves.
                                                                                                                Umeboshi is rich in citric acid and calcium, combats
                                                                                                                fatigue, stimulates digestion and promotes the elimina-
                                                                                                                tion of toxins. Eating a couple of them before and after
                                                                                                                a party may prevent hangover, as well.

                                                                                                                One off the most popular seaweeds in Japan, nori con-
                                                                                                                tains a lot of calcium (10 times as much as milk), cop-
                                                                                                                per, iron, vitamins A, B, C, D, E and K, and is consid-
                                                                                                                ered excellent at regulating and purifying blood. It is
                                                                                                                also helps reduce cholesterol levels.

                         Chia seeds                                                                             Nukaduke
                                                                                                                     t bl
                                                                                                                       bl picked
                                                                                                                vegetables    i k in a fermented rice bran. Since veg-
                                                                                                                etables picked in a fermented rice bran doubles or tri-
                            tea, bancha (course tea)            the contrary, amazake contains only             ples the vitamins and minerals of normal vegetables,
                        3 Seaweeds: konbu (kemp), nori,         vegetable fat and is very effective in          plenty of vitamins A and B, along with calcium and iron
                            hijiki, kanten                      protecting us from various lifestyle-           help to keep the nervous system healthy and improve
                        4 Traditional       natural    foods:   related illnesses. Plus, the price of           constipation.
                            umeboshi (pickled plum), eda-       amazake is very reasonable.”                                            – Source: “Best 50 Superfoods”
                            mame, genmai (unmilled rice),          Located in Japan, you can enjoy                    “Shokuhin Seibunhyo” and “Superfood Benricho”
                            tofu, soba, azuki                   these superfoods in your dairy diet                                    takiguchi.takahiro@stripes.com
                           Among various fermented foods,       anytime.
                        K             pointed out amazake as       “Pay attention to superfoods and
weeds and traditional   one of the best superfoods. Made        incorporate them more into your
                        from fermented sake lees, amazake       daily consumption,” Katsuyama
  foods: natto, miso,   is often compared to yogurt.            said. “This will help keep you con-
anese soy-sauce), nu-      “Yogurt, however, is a dairy prod-   scious about your health and sur-
getables pick-          uct and contains animal fat and some    rounding nature and environment,
mented rice             people are concerned that the over      and that is sure to contribute to your
 ake                    ingestion might lead them to chron-     quality of life as a result.”
ha, green               ic illness,” Katsuyama said. “On        takiguchi.takahiro@stripes.com

                                                                                                         Nori                                   Nukaduke


 wolfberry                                                                                Matcha
                                                                                                         Soba                                   Tofu
8-page pullout The 3 'R's to good eating - Restaurants, Reviews & Recipes
STRIPES JAPAN                                                   STE OF JAPAN                                 JANUARY 22 – JANUARY 28, 2021
                                                            A TA 6

 Delicious French
 cuisine in Misawa
    Join us for a wonderful French meal at North40-40
 in Misawa. Your friends and family will enjoy the finest
 dishes made with the best local ingredients. North40-40
 is within walking distance from Misawa Air Base, offers
 parking and take-out service. The restaurant has a new
 bar where you can enjoy a wide variety of beverages
 sure to please all of those in your party. Celebrating a
 special occasion? Don’t forget to pick up that scrump-
 tious dessert from our take-out patisserie to make that
 celebration all the sweeter! Visit us at North 40-40, we
 can’t wait to serve you.

                                                                               It tastes as good
                                                                               as it sounds
                                                                                  Beginning with an Eric Clapton guitar, Hard Rock Cafe
                                                                               owns the world’s greatest collection of music memora-
                                                                               bilia, which is displayed at its locations around the globe.
                                                                               For fans of music, great food and good times, Hard Rock
                                                                               is the go-to restaurant to get that authentic American
                                                                               diner-inspired cuisine wrapped in a unique musical ex-
                                                                               perience. So, it’s time to strike up the band! Events, like
                                                                               great music, are born to inspire others. At Hard Rock
                                                                               Cafe, we pride ourselves on delivering an exceptional ex-
                                                                               perience with a rock ‘n’ roll twist for each and every one
                                                                               of our guests.
8-page pullout The 3 'R's to good eating - Restaurants, Reviews & Recipes
JANUARY 22 – JANUARY 28, 2021                                                 STE OF JAPAN                                                                       STRIPES JAPAN
                                                                          A TA 7

                                             N D Y U M          M    Y
                         F A S T Q U IC K A
          A K E B R E AK
        M                          R  E C IP E S                 by DEC

                               S E

                  W IT H T H
                                                    R e c ip

                                                                                           t B   itos
              n Pancakes                                                           Break
         Germa                                                     Ingredients:
                                                                   • 4 large eggs
          Ingredients:                                             • 2 tablespoons milk
          • 4 eggs                                                 • Scant 1/4 teaspoon salt
          • 1/2 cup flour                                           • 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
          • 1 cup milk                                             • 2 slices American cheese
          • 1/2 teaspoon salt                                      • 3 tablespoons salsa
          • 1 tablespoon sugar                                     • Salt and pepper
          • 1 teaspoon vanilla                                     • 6 (6-inch) flour tortillas, warmed

          Directions:                                              Directions:
          1. Place a 10-inch cast iron or heavy oven-safe frying   1. Break eggs into a small bowl, add the milk, salt and pepper and beat with a fork until
             pan in the oven and preheat to 425 degrees.              egg yolks and whites are combined and the milk is well blended.
          2. Beat eggs and flour together; add milk, salt, sugar    2. Spray a skillet with cooking spray and set over medium-low heat until warmed.
             and vanilla and beat again.                           3. Pour in the egg mixture, and use a metal spatula or spoon to gently lift and fold the
          3. Grease hot frying pan with butter or margarine.          mixture until eggs are almost set.
          4. Pour egg mixture into pan and bake for 15-20          4. Tear the cheese slices into pieces and fold into egg mixture until melted; stir in salsa
             minutes until puffed and golden brown around             and cook until mixture is heated through.
             the edges.                                            5. Divide egg mixture evenly among the six warmed tortillas, placing it in a column
          5. Remove from oven and cut into wedges. Serve              down the center of each. Fold one end of the tortilla over the egg mixture to form the
             immediately with butter and syrup.                       bottom of the burrito, fold in one side and roll to opposite side to secure.
                                                                   6. Serve with additional salsa if desired.
          Yields: 4 servings
                                                                   Yields: 6 servings

                                                                                                                            20% off
                                                                                                                   with military ID.

                                                                                                         Café offers a taste of
                                                                                                         American diner
                                                                                                           TAK the owner of CAFE PX wants military members
                                                                                                         to have fun and remember their lifestyle in the United
                                                                                                         States, enjoy their lives and meals by coming to CAFE
                                                                                                         PX while they are stationed in Japan. He was also a cook
                                                                                                         at the old Negishi housing “All Hands Club” so he knows
                                                                                                         how to make great American-style food like B.L.T, om-
                                                                                                         elets, pizza, burgers, hotdogs, milk shakes and more. He
                                                                                                         wants to create an American hometown neighborhood
                                                                                                         diner, style and feel so his customers can relax, eat and
                                                                                                         enjoy his hospitality.
8-page pullout The 3 'R's to good eating - Restaurants, Reviews & Recipes
                A TA 8
8-page pullout The 3 'R's to good eating - Restaurants, Reviews & Recipes 8-page pullout The 3 'R's to good eating - Restaurants, Reviews & Recipes
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