January 2019 Monday 21st - Next AGM-Monday 21st October 2019 - SUZUKI 4WD Club Of South Australia

Page created by Lorraine Garrett
            Monday 21st
             General Meeting

                General Meetings
                  held on the
           Third Monday of the Month
                    7.30pm at
            95 South Tce. Adelaide
              National Council of Women
              War Memorial Fund Building

    Next AGM—Monday 21st October 2019

Topics                               Page No.

    Index                                   2

    President’s Rattle                      3
    2019 Committee                          4

    General Meeting Minutes                 5-6
    January—Special General Meeting—        7
             Where to from HERE!

    Trips & Social                          8

    Australia Day 2019                      9

    Towitta Recreation Park                 10

    Three Weeks on the Road Part 1          11-12
    Three Weeks on the Road Part 2          13-14

    Caravan For Sale                        15
    2018 Christmas raffle Winners           16
    Celebration of 4 Wheel Driving          17

    For Sale—Club Shirt, Beanie & Cap       18

    Insurance Renewals                      19
    Birthdays                               19

    Editors Report                          20
    Sponsors, Supporters & Advertisers      20

         Electric Bug                       21

January 2019
Gidday Folks

Happy New Year Folks, we hope everyone had a great and relaxing Festive Season, now
it’s back to the grind for most, even if you’re retired Ha! Ha!

The Special General Meeting on the 21st January 2019, is being devoted to the big
question “Where to from Here?”, we are going to ask what Direction you want the
Club to take? If you have an idea or thought, write it down and bring it with you, your
suggestion maybe a small point, but it maybe just what we are looking for!
See Page 7 for more information.

Don’t forget the Trips & Social on Page 10, something may interest you? Trip Sheet is looking good, keep
it up! If you have an idea for a Trip have a word to Noellene or Peter, they don’t bite! (Or do they!)

The Factory Tour of RedArc , been organised for Friday 22nd of February 2019, in the morning
(time to be Confirmed), If you would like a Lunch after the tour, it can be organised.
Peter Rawlins is the Trip Leader (More info page 10)

Please let Phill (0438 70 2503 or philaine@gmail.com) know of any changes to your
circumstances, ie Change of address, telephone numbers, email addresses etc., so we can ensure our
records are up to date

Remember a Club is only as good as its members, so become involved and become
an active part!

Please support the Sponsor who back the club, without their assistance and support, the Club fees
would be quite a bit more expensive than they are at present, so please use their services,
whenever the need arises!

If you would like to order a Club Polo Shirt, Club Cap or Beanie (Page 18), see Kyla and put your
name on the form at the front. A small part of the sale is a Fund Raiser for the Club

Don’t forget to check out our Facebook Site looks good, still 185 likes, need more likes though. It is
worth having a look at, keep an eye on it.

 One of our Prime Objectives should always be to promote the Club as a Responsible, Active,
Environmental & Friendly Club, and proud of our 40+ years, YES that’s right we are now over 40 years
young and the Suzuki 4WD turned 45 in 2017!

Check the positions page (Page 4) to find out who is responsible for what, so if you have a gripe or a
problem, please contact someone on the committee and let them know, so it can be handled swiftly.

Yours in Suzukiing & 4WDing


President                          Rob W             8254 3758
                                                               0417 86 8876

          Vice President                     Phill D           0438 70 2503

          Secretary                          Cheryl W          8254 3758
                                                               0402 07 2213

          Treasurer                          Martin F          0419 54 9217

          Membership Officer                 Phill D           0438 70 2503
          Discounts & Purchasing             Phill D           0438 70 2503

          Magazine Editor                    Rob W             0417 86 8876
          Internet Maintenance               Rob W             0417 86 8876
          Facebook Maintenance               Kyla W            0412 92 2459

          Trips & Social                     Noellene R        0428 84 2709
                                             Peter R           0428 84 2709

          Tools & Property                   Peter R           0428 84 2709

          Technical Officer
              and                            Thomas G          0412 02 2405
          Gopher & Postie                    Phill D           0438 70 2503

          Fund Raisers                       Elaine D          0412 67 0372

          4 Wheel Drive Delegate             Colin M           0423 02 2928

          Welcoming Officer                  Rob B             8250 7987

          Committee                          Colin M           0423 02 2928

Just a note for those who wish to use Electronic Funds Transfer to pay their Subs, please see below :-

Suzuki 4 Wheel Drive Club of SA
Commonwealth Bank
The BSB Number is :- 065 125
The Account Number is :- 00901550
Important Note :- Any deposit to the Club Account must have a Description of what it is, for
Identification i.e. Membership!
Suzuki 4WD Club of S.A. Inc.
                       General Meeting Minutes
                       Date Monday        19 / 11     / 2018

                       National Womens’Assn,
                       95 South Tce., Adelaide

Meeting Opened:        7.40pm by Rob Wellington

Welcome To New Welcome back to Kyla.                Visitors: Leonie & John McGilin
Members & Visitors:

Apologies:             David B, Thomas G, Paul P, Ian and Meg Bath

Correspondence:        Club magazines:- Catchat – Mitsi Mag Emails In: Child protection Policy from
                       4WDSA Emails Out: Server, Suzi Mags

Business     arising   Trouble with server with mag – couldn’t send out, contact back.

Previous    Meetings ACCEPTED By: Colin M                    SECONDED BY: Rob Booth
Business     Arising Correction - Williamstown Hotel for Xmas Breakup NOT Wellington Hotel
from Minutes

Treasurer’s Report:
                       BANK STATEMENT FOR            31 / 10   / 2018

                       Opening balance:                                  $ 8,404-43

                       Paid In:                                          $

                       Paid Out: Pizza for AGM                           $    95-40

                       CURRENT BALANCE OF ACCOUNT:                       $ 8,308-03

                       TXC a/c paid by Rob W

                       Moved Treasurer’s Report be accepted :           Robert Beames
                       Seconded : Rob Booth                                    Carried:   All

Tools &       Property Gazebo out at Phill D house.

Internet Report:         Got rid of 2017 mags, looking into problem, will call back

Facebook Report:         166 likes

Magazine Report:         Rob and Terrie’s trip to NSW – part 2 coming

Membership Report:       26 – including new members

Technical Report:         Car Towing – car, caravan & trailor – NOT legal in SA even if you have road
                         train licence

Trips     &       Social Xmas Dinner – Williamstown Hotel 6.30pm, KK $10pp
Report:                  RedArc – Tour in Feb 2019
                         Aust Day – Sat 26th Jan 2019,
                         RFDS visit – next year
                         Easter 2019 – Towitta
                         Birdwood w/e – come up Saturday Free
                         June Long w/e – Holden club opens trip up to Suzi members to Mt Gambier
                         then Broken Hill
Driver Training           Hema Course 5,6,7 1st Dec 2018 $10
                         Trip Leader Course – March 2019 – Sporting Car Club

Fund Raising Report:     Lucky envelope $10:- Paul Philbrook              Made $39-00

                         Banked $29-00

The Birthday Report:      Noellene R 19th Nov, Wendy G 22nd Nov, Alex F 25th Nov, Nikki Priestman
                         27th Nov, Peter J 7th Dec, Tony S 20th Dec, Peter R 24th Dec, Trevor W 26th
                         Dec, Sandy J 30th Dec, David B 4th Jan 2019, Elizabeth A 4th Jan, Martin
                         Fordred 14th Jan, Paul P 21st Jan
Association              Report given – Much discussion on various things.
Delegate:                50mm lift now legal in QLD.

New Business:            Certificate of Corporation – Public Officer, Rob W. Colin pointed out Suzi
                         Club in “Just Cars” in QLD. 1977 soft top, LJ50 green for sale.
                         Landrover Day at Military Museum at Edinburgh – rides in tanks etc Rolly had
                         his own on display

Meeting Closed:              9pm                                    Next Meeting:     21 / 1   / 2019

                                     The Committee Minutes are Not published in the Magazine
                                     But they will be available to view if you are interested
                                                                              Cheryl Wellington
“Where To From Here” - Special General Meeting
                21st January 2019
The Committee decided at the last Committee Meeting that we needed to call a Special
General Meeting to find out what the you
Members, expect the Club to do, to move forward.

Where do we want the Club to be in:- 1 year, 2 years, 5 years or 10 years?
   - How do we attract new Members?
   - What do we need to do?
What do we need to change or amend, to move forward?

Or do we stay as we are, doing the Caravanning, Camping, Social Activities
and the occasional 4 Wheel Driving, and review the situation again in 12
months or two years’ time?
    - It will be your decision?
Planning - Month to Month or up to 6 or 12 Months in advance.

We are not alone, many other Clubs are in the same predicament, and some have
already closed or ceased as an active 4 Wheel Drive Clubs, or are NOW Caravanning
and Camping Clubs & Social Clubs.
Some are considering amalgamating with other Clubs, so they may be able to move
Some Clubs are opening Trips up, so other Clubs can join in and make the Trips
worthwhile. eg. The Holden Club (Robe Trip)

Please write your ideas and thoughts down, so you don’t forget them, and bring them
with you, a small idea maybe what we are looking for, and could make a big difference,
everything will be talked about and decisions will be made, to what you Members want!

What will happen with your thoughts and ideas, all aspects will to be considered and
looked into before instigating, if change is required it may appear simple at first glance,
but there may be issues we could not see in the beginning that have to be dealt with

So that the Club can move forward with a clear vision and objective to the future, with the
help of all its Active Members

Looking into the Future!

The Committee

Note for Trip Leaders
Please remember the Trip     Leader is the person in charge of the trip, so direct all enquiries to that person. They are the
person who has made the original booking or contact with the owner, and should be the only person to maintain that contact, unless the
Trip Leader so directs ie. Site or Cabin bookings Etc.
RedArc Factory Tour (Lonsdale), We have a date of Friday 22nd Febru-
ary 2019, Will be in the Morning (time to be confirmed), and maybe Lunch afterwards if you would
More Information at Monday Nights Meeting, Trip Sheet on Front Table, put your name down if you wish
to go, or contact the
Trip Leader—Peter Rawlins on 0428 84 2709 or petenoels@gmail.com
Australia Day - 26th January 2019 - Where Salisbury North - See Page 13
for more information
We are waiting Conformation from the Royal Flying Doctors for a repre-
sentative to give us a Presentation for the March Meeting
2019 Easter Long Weekend - 19th-22nd April 2019 (could be extended to the 25th
April, if you want a really good break away from City Life) - Towitta Camp Ground—Learn
how to prepare and cook using a Camp Oven
See Page 10 for more Information. See Trip Sheet on Front Table, check if your name is on it
Trip Leaders - Rob & Cheryl Wellington (0417 86 8876) & Rob & Terrie
Booth (82507987) or robin.wellington@bigpond.com
          Celebration of 4 Wheel Driving—May 18-19 May 2019
                 National Motor Museum Birdwood S.A.
                           More information on front Desk
 We would like to organise a trip next May from the 16 - 20th at the Cornish Festival
held at Wallaroo and Kadina. I have booked 6 adjoining van sites and 2 cabins at the Wallaroo
Holiday Park ( previously North Beach Park). This festival is very popular and we need to firm up book-
 ings with payment before the middle of February if any members wish to go. What do you think about
                                  Trip Leaders—Ian & Meg Bath 0417 80 8683

             For All Trips—Please Contact the Trip Leader First and then
                         Phone 0428842709 petenoels@gmail.com
Celebrate Australia Day!!

    Come to our Joint on Saturday 26th January 2019
          Address will be given out at the January Meeting,
                So make sure you’re at the Meeting

                      We’ll get some snags sizzling’
                  Some burgers burnin’ (only a little bit)
                      Some skinny steaks sauteein’
            And some onions doin’ what they do on a Barby
                     We’ll have some bread buttered
                        Some sauce for squirtin’
          There’ll be some paper plates for placin’ the above
            And implements of destruction to handle it all

                What else could you want?
                   Maybe 4 or 5 salad type plates
                 A couple of sweet slicey type things
                       Bring your own chairs

                  And of course don’t forget to bring
                   Yourselves and a coupla drinks

             All of this starts happening at Rob & Terrie’s
                    In Salisbury North from 11.00am

               Be there (or we’ll talk about you)

Towitta Recreational Park

                Easter Long Weekend 19th - 22nd April 2019
              followed by ANZAC Day Thursday 25th April 2019
            (We could make it a Super Long Weekend if you want)

           Learn how to prepare and cook, using a Camp Oven

In the Mallee area east of Adelaide at a place called Towitta Recreational Park, on a
sheep property, you hire the area, has big kitchen and 2 toilets

GETTING THERE. approx. halfway between Kyneton and Sedan. Turn left on Towitta
Road and the park is approx. 4 km's on the left hand side.

THE ROAD. Suitable for all vehicles including caravans & motorhomes.

POWER. Power is available from the shed.

WATER. Please bring your own drinking water.

CAMPFIRES. A campfire is allowed in the main fire ring.

FIREWOOD. Firewood can be collected in the campground.

TOILETS. There are flushing toilets.

SHOWERS. There are no showers.

DOGS. Dogs are welcome, but must be controlled at all times as there are sheep in the
adjoining paddocks.

RUBBISH. Bins provided.

Put your Name Down on the Trip Sheet—on Front Table

Trip Leaders—     Robin & Cheryl Wellington        0417 86 8876
                  Rob & Terrie Booth               82507987

Three Weeks on the Road                    (Part 1)

Saturday 25th August we left home about lunch time for Maitland. My sister Karyn towing her A-
Van and us with the X-Country. We would be dog sitting Lindsay and Judie’s two dogs while they
were at “The Bend” for the V8 Supercars Race. They arrived home about midday Monday 27th
with their Jayco in tow. After replenishing food, water etc, we hit the road at 2pm. Kadina, Pt
Broughton followed by Crystal Brook, Gladstone and Jamestown were next in line. We had a bit
of a detour in Jamestown. Lindsay stopped outside town, so with Karyn leading we somehow
made a wrong turn. Around the block a couple times and up and down we finally caught up with
Lindsay the other side of town. (Don’t tell anyone we got lost in Jamestown) We pushed on
through Peterborough and onto where the road joins the Barrier Highway. There’s a parking area
here and this was where we met Terry and Gilda from Waikerie and their normal A-Van. We spent
our first night in the paddock at the back of the stop.

Morning saw us on the road to Broken Hill where we refuelled both ourselves and our cars. We
drove the rest of the day to about 10k’s past Spring Hill Rest Area, which was full, to a gravel
storage area back a little from the road. Some other vans joined us for the night.

Our little convoy of four were on our way again through Wilcania and on to Cobar. From here we
turned north for Bourke and stayed at Hay’s Bend about 12k’s north. We couldn’t get a spot on
the riverbank but found a good spot up the top with the dozen or so vans. A good night was had
by all with a bit of a strum and screech and just enough tonsil varnish to keep them shiny.

After the usual breakfast we headed for Dirranbandi and on up to St George. We turned easterly
and drove through Moonie and onto Dalby. From here we were on narrower roads heading
through Kaimkillenbun, Quinalow, Wutul and finally Cooyar. There is a free camp out the back of
the pub that is really great. No power or water but a really nice spot. The pub is an “Iconic” old
Queensland pub so we had to sort our tonsils out and we had a nice meal.

It was now 1st September and we didn’t have a long way to go but it was now mountainous and
would be relatively slow going. We drove through Yarraman, Blackbutt, Kilcoy, Woodford. Here
we turned south and again onto narrow roads through Mt Mee, ocean view to Dayboro. Lindsay
and Judy drove on to his mums at Strathpine and we all continued on through Mt Samson to
Samford Village then a few k’s on to Samford Show Grounds. This is only 25 or so k’s from
Strathpine and is $15 per person for power and water per day. It is really nice there in Samford
Valley with lots of things to see and do.

After setting up at the showgrounds the remaining three in the convoy drove into the village for a
look around and do some shopping. As we arrived back a helicopter with a wedding party on
board was landing for the ceremony in one of the pavilions. The celebrations continued till about
midnight. We didn’t do much next day except check our vehicles and relax. We had a BBQ for
tea, abused our tonsils, and I tried to upset our neighbours again but failed because someone
applauded. (They had no taste)

Monday 3rd September was a slow start but we all did our own thing as tourists and laundry and
reading and sleeping. I organized to meet a mate, who I hadn’t seen for about 40 years, so on
Tuesday Terry and Gilda were going to start heading south and us and Karyn and Judy were
heading north to Hervey Bay to see my mate.


Three Weeks on the Road – Part 2
Tuesday morning we farewelled Terry and Gilda, then drove into Strathpine and picked Judy up, then
North to Hervey Bay. We booked into a motel on the foreshore as we had left the caravan at the show
grounds. There was a packed van park directly opposite us which looked quite nice. We had a look
around, then met with my mate, for a few hours discussing what we’ve been up to since we worked to-
gether in the music industry. Back at the motel we got organised for an evening meal at an Asian Res-
taurant. We couldn’t do much else because most of the shops etc. closed at 3.30pm just a bit strange I

Wednesday 5th we had a bit more of a look around Hervey Bay after leaving the motel. We found a mar-
ket down the end of the esplanade, so wandered around and bought fruit and veg and marvelled at the
old hippies. Hervey Bay is almost like a retirement village for old hippies. They still dress the same and
sell the same stuff they did 30-40 years ago. Around lunch time we headed South for Brisbane, then
back to the Samford Showgrounds. For the next 3 days we played tourist or just hung around and got
ready for our homeward journey.

8.00am on Sunday 9th we left the showgrounds to meet Lindsay & Judy at a prearranged petrol station
on our way towards Ipswich. We wound our way through outer Western Suburbs to avoid the city and
not disrupt our little convoy of three caravans. After Ipswich we passed through Warwick, Inglewood,
Goondiwindi, Boggabilla, Moree for an overnight stop at Collarenebri. Passing through Goondawindi re-
minded me of “Gunsynd – The Goondawindi Grey” who won the Melbourne Cup long ago. Also in the
70’s I was caught up in the Transport Drivers Strike and spent three days at a truck stop just North of
the town with about 150 or more other trucks. The stop at Collarenebri was a good one. It’s called a
“primitive campground” at a football ground. Free showers, water, fire, plenty of room, even a few spots
by the River Barwon, if that’s what it’s called.

Next morning we headed for Walgett (still couldn’t find Betty), then to Brewarrina and onto Burke and
the information centre. We emptied and filled up again, bought some bits and pieces and drove out to
Mays Bend and the 20 or so others with the same idea. We still had a nice fire and meal and varnished
our tonsils again.

For what ever stupid reason we decided to do the “River Run”, from Burke to Wilcannia. We decided to
drive the Northern side, so gritted our teeth and wound up the windows. It wasn’t too bad but definitely
had its moments. There was lots of dust, corrugations and a big bulldust hole which Lindsay as leader
hit quite hard. We stopped and checked his ute and van but found no problems. Pulling into Louth I
discovered Karyn’s A Van rear window had opened. Not really being meant for these types of roads, the
rattling and shaking opened the catches and let the nice red and white dust in. after beers and
coffees and road advice from a young local, we crossed the bridge over the Darling to a free camp out
the back of the Pub. It’s a nice shady spot overlooking the nice green stationary Darling “Lake”. We
stayed two nights and helped the Pub with its wages bill and had some nice fires and camp ovens. Each
day we 13watched the parade of massive carp cruising past and marvelled at how clean and tidy the
whole area was kept by the never ending procession of goats.
Thursday 13th we packed up and after I used quite a bit of Gaffa Tape on the rear
window, catches and latches in Karyn’s A Van, we continued our journey along the nice Darling Lake on
our nice dusty road. The landscape almost looks like moonscape through here. There is no green on
the ground. It’s either whitish or red depending on the colour of the soil, and what trees there are have
been eaten off level to about a meter and a half from the ground by goats and sheep. Our next stop was
Tilpa at the Irish Pub for a look and for me to add my collection of stickers. They have decorated it nice-
ly to be another one of these “iconic” Bush Pubs. Moving on we bumped, bounced and dusted our way
on to Wilcania and the Worrawong Van Park for the night. Nothing special , but, clean, tidy, lawn to set
up on and the best ablution block I’ve seen for a while. The
owners are building the same setup just outside Broken Hill on the way in from Wilcania. We used the
camp kitchen for dinner and I screeched our day to the end.

Friday 14th we left Wilcania on good black road again. The number of loads of hay heading East was
increasing. The drive from Broken hill was uneventful and we stopped to
refuel the cars and ourselves. Back on the road a head wind was beginning to make its presence felt
and the black clouds were rolling in from the North West. We pulled into Nackera East Rest Area for the
night. It’s about a kilometre of old road 100 meters from the Highway and is a bit awkward to find the
entrance but it’s OK. We had a fire to use the last of our collected wood and to ward off the chill from
the increasing weather.
Overnight the wind increased and we had some rain as well.

Saturday 15th was windy still. We had to be careful packing up our awnings once the ropes were un-
hooked, but no dramas. Next stop was Oodlawirra where we only lost a couple of unused items. We al-
so farewelled Lindsay and Judy who turned off towards Peterborough and homeward. Now our little
convoy was littler, only two vans heading for home. This part of the journey now became the most fuel
inefficient section of the trip. The wind was really strong. The only good thing was it always seemed to
be head on, not trying to blow us over sideways. Once we passed Hallett it was almost dead calm. We
made it home about mid afternoon after covering about 6,000 K’s with no problems.

For Sale
We wish to sell an off-road caravan that a member of your club might be interested in buying. In 2004
we bought a 14ft Supreme Getaway van to travel around Australia. Now we are in our 70s and can no
longer go out on the road.

The Getaway is purpose built for off-road use with a very rugged checker plate frame and suspension.
Our van has a solar panel, a 100 amp hour deep cycle battery and two water tanks protected by sheet
steel. We have added a few extras like a reverse cycle air conditioner, a table which can be converted
into a bed or couch, a 12 volt pump for filtered drinking water and a recovery point at the back of the
van. It has been well cared for and always kept under cover when not being used for travel or camping.
It has been modified and serviced by Darios Caravans, St Marys.

We are selling the van with ALL necessary equipment, such as Treg 4wd hitch, Hayman Reese weight
distribution system, Prostar controller, full annex plus shower annex, Maco Mule traction wheel, built-in
microwave, drinking water hoses, sullage pipes, 15 amp cable, extra jockey wheel and chocks.

We can be contacted by phone at either or these numbers or by email. We live in Encounter Bay and
the van is stored a few minutes away near Port Elliott.

                0415 023 672 - Ken Sievers khsievers@gmail.com
                0421 173 625 - Jean Sievers

I will have more photos of the van at the meeting

2018 Christmas Raffle Winners

     1st Prize   Terry Booth        RedArc Brake Controller & Mug

     2nd         Leonie M           Air Compressor

     3rd         Hayley Cox         Light Bar

     4th         Tash Fordred       Basket of Wines

     5th         Rob Wellington     Night Vision Camera

     6th         David Senco        $30 Gift Voucher

     7th         Peter Murgatroyd   $50 Car Wash Voucher

     8th         David Bradshaw     Gift Basket & bag

     9th         Derek Miller       Gift Basket & bag

     10th        Trevor Wrigley     Gift Basket

     11th        Phil Gotham        Ice Bucket

     12th        Rod Worthy         Bottle of Wine

     13th        Julie Beames       Bottle of Wine

     14th        Thomas Grafton     Bottle of Wine

     15th        Nick Davies        Candle Holders

     16th        Thomas Grafton     Bottle of Wine

     17th        Colin Mugford      Auto Lamps

     18th        Kyla White         Box of Chocolates

     19th        Nick Davies        Headlight/Stubby Holder/Keyring

     20th        Colin Mugford      Headlight/Stubby Holder/Keyring

     21st        Janne Lundquist    Boogie Board/Floaties/Umbrella

If you would like to order a Polo Shirt or Cap please put your name down
                       on the order sheet or see Kyla.

                              Cost :- Shirt $30.00
                                      Cap $15.00
                                     Beanie $20.00

             These articles are also a small Fund Raiser for the Club

     Front                             Back

                           Suzuki 4WD Polo Shirt

21st January 2019         To      18th February 2019


21st January 2019            to         18th February 2019

January 2019                          February 2019
Paul P       21st January         Robert B          7th February
Meg B        23rd January         Stephen “Rolly” R 18th February

           H appy B irthday F olks—
                              olks — H ave a G reat D ay

Gidday Folks

               Thanks to everyone who has given me things to publish.
Ok –some formal stuff. Should you need anything amended (i.e. email and any other updates
please contact the Membership Officer, so he can amend the records.

He will, then let me know or email me the appropriate updates to publish.

The Reason being is that…...
1. Our records remain up to date.
2. Some of the documents I get can’t be edited by me without great
If it is really last minute, still let me know and I will do my best to make sure it makes the magazine
                                   but also liaise with the appropriate person.

         The Magazine is produced in Microsoft PUBLISHER and then Converted to PDF
                                    Format for Publishing

                All articles for the February 2019 Magazine are

                 Due by the Thursday 14th February 2019
                                    Contact me at any stage on
                                 Rob Wellington on 0417 86 8876
                               Email:- robin.wellington@bigpond.com

What we need is articles on anything, if it interests you, the possibility is someone else
could also be interested. So come on Folks—Articles Please

                                   Electric Bug—Page 21

Post Box
    has been

Snail Mail Address—3 Burwood Road
  22               Munno Para West   5115
You can also read