2021 New Mexico Bicycle Guide - INSIDE - New Mexico Touring Society

2021 New Mexico Bicycle Guide - INSIDE - New Mexico Touring Society
New Mexico Bicycle Guide

NM Bike Plan
NM Bike Maps
ACA Bicycle Routes
NM Bicycle Laws
US Bicycle Route System
Bicycle Events
Useful Websites
NM Businesses

Published by the New Mexico Bike Summit - A Nonprofit Corporation
2021 New Mexico Bicycle Guide - INSIDE - New Mexico Touring Society
Albuquerque City Bike Map
From the Editor
  This is the third New Mexico Guide I have published.        bike-map
The first was the Spring 2011 issue of New Mexico
Bicyclist put out by the Bicycle Coalition of New             Farmington city bike map
Mexico. Last year, I revived the guide for the New            http://www.fmtn.org/DocumentCenter/View/748/
Mexico Bike Summit. I have tried to get the most              city_bike_map?bidId=
accurate information I could, but if there is something
important out, let me know at cmarsh@nmbikesummit.org         Las Cruces City Bike Map (4.5 mb PDF, two sided)
and I will get in next guide.                                 http://mesillavalleympo.org/wp-content/uploads/
                                      - Chris Marsh, Editor   2016/01/061115bikesuitabilityfinaldraft.pdf
                                                              Rio Rancho City Bike Map
About the New Mexico Bike
                                                                (north side): https://www.rrnm.gov/DocumentCenter/
Summit                                                        View/63553/bikemap-north?bidId=
  The New Mexico Bike Summit is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit           (south side): https://www.rrnm.gov/DocumentCenter/
corporation that promotes, develops, encourages, and          View/63554/bikemap-south?bidId=
supports bicycle education, safety, and advocacy to           Santa Fe City Bike Map (7.36 mb PDF)
youth and adults in New Mexico primarily by holding
the New Mexico Bike Summit and related activities.            http://santafempo.org/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/
Look for future Bike Summit meetings via Zoom!                Front_Bikeways_and_Trails_map_2015.pdf

        2021 Bike Summit Board of Directors
                                                              New Mexico Adventure Cycling
  President: Tammy Schurr
  Vice President: Christopher Marsh
  Secretary: George Pearson                                     The Adventure Cycling Association has been mapping
  Treasurer and Webmaster: Jeff Saul                          out cross country routes in the US since 1973. They
  Member: Stephen Newhall                                     currently have three routes that cross New Mexico.
                                                                Southern Tier: The ACA Southern Tier Route is a
  Website: nmbikesummit.org                                   road route from the Pacific to the Atlantic. It crosses
                                                              New Mexico through Buckhorn, Silver City, Hillsboro,
New Mexico Prioritized Statewide                              Hatch and Las Cruces.
Bicycle Network Plan                                            Great Divide: The ACA Great Divide Route is a
                                                              mountain bike route from the Canada to Mexico. It is
  In December, 2018 the New Mexico Department of              the longest mountain bike route in the world and crosses
Transportation (NMDOT) published the New Mexico               New Mexico through Abiquiu, Cuba, Grants, Pie Town,
Prioritized Statewide Bicycle Network Plan. The plan          Silver City, Hachita and Antelope Wells.
was developed by Bohannan/Huston and Alta Planning              Bicycle Route 66: The ACA Bicycle Route 66 is their
and Design in conjunction with the NMDOT, the Federal         latest cross country route. It roughly follows historic US
Highway Administration (FHWA), Local city bicycle             66 from Los Angeles, California to Chicago, Illinois. In
advisory committees, local Metropolitan Planning              New Mexico, it goes through Gallup, Grants,
Organizations (MPOs) and Regional Transportation              Albuquerque, Santa Fe, Santa Rosa and Tucumcari.
Planning Organizations (RTPO)s.
                                                                   For more information on the ACA routes, visit their
  You can view and download a copy of the plan at:            website at www.adventurecycling.org.
New Mexico Bicycle Maps                                       Rio Grande Trail
Below are links to state and local bike maps.                 The Rio Grande Trail is a being developed under the
                                                              leadership of the Rio Grande Trail Commission. The
State Bicycle Guideline Map                                   trail will run the length of the state from Colorado to
  Interactive online map: https://nmdot.maps.arcgis.com/      Texas. It will be a multi-use recreation trail for New
apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=25379a5f300c4aafbd            Mexico residents and visitors to enjoy the natural beauty
36147c7c7127d1                                                of New Mexico and the Rio Grande and learn about the
                                                              culture and history of New Mexico. To find out more
  Two-sided PDF, 12.4 mb: https://dot.state.nm.us/            about the proposed trail go to http://
content/dam/nmdot/BPE/NMBikeGuidelineMap.pdf                  www.emnrd.state.nm.us/admin/rgtcabout.html

2021 New Mexico Bicycle Guide                                                                                 Page 2
be used in addition to the red reflector.
New Mexico State Bicycle Laws                                        B. No person shall operate a bicycle unless it is
                                                                 equipped with a bell or other device capable of giving a
66-3-701. Bicycles; effect of regulations.                       signal audible for a distance of at least one hundred feet,
     A. It is a misdemeanor for any person to do any act         except that a bicycle shall not be equipped with, nor shall
forbidden, or fail to perform any act required by Sections       any person use upon a bicycle any siren or whistle.
66-3-701 through 66-3-707 NMSA 1978.                                 C. Every bicycle shall be equipped with a brake which
     B. The parent of any child and the guardian of any          will enable the operator to make the brake wheels skid on
ward shall not authorize or permit any such child or ward        dry, level, clean pavement.
to violate any of the provisions of the Motor Vehicle Code
[66-1-1 NMSA 1978].                                                  Note that the New Mexico mandatory side path law was
     C. These regulations applicable to bicycles shall           repealed in 1997. Also note that bicycles are permitted on I-10,
                                                                 I-25 and I-40 in rural areas of New Mexico (outside
apply whenever a bicycle is operated upon any highway            Albuquerque and Las Cruces).
or upon any path set aside for the exclusive use of bicycles
subject to those exceptions stated herein.                       United States Bicycle Route System
66-3-702. Traffic laws apply to persons riding
bicycles.                                                          The United States Bicycle Route System (USBRS) is a
    Every person riding a bicycle upon a roadway shall be        developing national bicycling route network. Created
granted all of the rights and shall be subject to all of the     with public input, USBRS directs bicyclists to a
duties applicable to the driver of a vehicle, except as to the   preferred route through a city, county, or state - creating
special regulations within Sections 66-3-701 through 66-         opportunities for people everywhere to bicycle for travel,
3-707 NMSA 1978.                                                 transportation, and recreation. For more information on
                                                                 USBRS go to the Adventure Cycling website at: https://
66-3-703. Riding on bicycles.                                    www.adventurecycling.org/routes-and-maps/us-bicycle-
    A. A person propelling a bicycle shall not ride other        route-system/
than upon or astride a permanent and regular seat attached
thereto.                                                           In New Mexico there are three main routes being
    B. No bicycle shall be used to carry more persons at         studied.
one time than the number for which it is designed and            Proposed USBR 75 / Rio Grande Trail Bicycle Route
                                                                   This route follows the Rio Grande River Corridor
66-3-704. Clinging to vehicles.                                  north to south on existing roadways and trails.
    No person riding upon any bicycle, coaster, roller
skates, sled or toy vehicle shall attach the same or himself     Proposed USBR 90 / Southern New Mexico
to any vehicle upon a roadway.                                     This route in southern New Mexico connects the
66-3-705. Riding on roadways and bicycle paths.                  existing USBR 90 in Arizona to cross New Mexico and
                                                                 connect with El Paso, TX. The natural route would be
    A. Every person operating a bicycle upon a roadway           on NM 9 across the bottom of the state. This route is
shall ride as near to the right side of the roadway as           problematic: lack of access to water, food and services
practicable, exercising due care when passing a standing         for up to 80 miles; proximity to the Mexican border; and
vehicle or one proceeding in the same direction.                 the fact it by-passes two major cities, Silver City and Las
    B. Persons riding bicycles upon a roadway shall not          Cruces both of which have all the services a traveling
ride more than two abreast except on paths or parts of           cyclist would need including bike shops. NM Bike
roadways set aside for the exclusive use of bicycles.            Summit Inc. advocates that USBR 90 include both Silver
    C. Notwithstanding any provision of this section, no         City and Las Cruces.
bicycle shall be operated on any roadway in a manner that
would create a public safety hazard.                               Proposed USBR 66 / "Route 66"
                                                                   This route follows Adventure Cycling’s Bicycle Route
66-3-706. Carrying articles.                                     66 and connects two of New Mexico’s major cities,
    No person operating a bicycle shall carry any                Albuquerque and Santa Fe, using the Turquoise Trail
package, bundle or article which prevents the driver from        National Scenic By-Way.
keeping at least one hand upon the handlebar.
                                                                   For more information visit https://nmbikesummit.org/
66-3-707. Lamps and other equipment on bicycles.                 usbikeroutes-for-nm
    A. Every bicycle when in use at nighttime shall be
equipped with a lamp on the front which shall emit a white
light visible from a distance of at least five hundred feet to
the front and with a red reflector on the rear of a type
approved by the division which shall be visible from all
distances from fifty feet to three hundred feet to the rear
when directly in front of lawful upper beams of head
lamps on a motor vehicle. A lamp emitting a red light
visible from a distance of five hundred feet to the rear may

2021 New Mexico Bicycle Guide                                                                                        Page 3
August 21, New Mexico MS 150: Albuquerque, NM.
Major Bicycle Events                                          $250 minimum in pledges. Website: https://
  Most of the major bicycling events were canceled in         mssociety.donordrive.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=
2020. Below is what we can look forward to in 2021.           donorDrive.event&eventID=572September
                                                              August 26 - 29, Hotter’N Hell 100: Wichita Falls, TX.
February                                                      Website: www.hh100.org
February 28 - March 3, National Bike Summit:
Washington, DC. Website: https://www.bikeleague.org/          September
summit                                                        September 18 - 19, Moab Century Tour: Moab, UT.
March                                                         Website: skinnytireevents.com

March 13 - 16, Skinny Tire Festival: Moab, UT.                September 25, Wheels on Fire 100: Tucumcara, NM.
Website: skinnytireevents.com                                 Websire: www.bikereg.com/wheels-on-fire-100
                                                              September 25, Bike Your Park Day: Explore your
April                                                         parks and public lands by bicycle for Bike Your Park
TBD, Tour de Optimism: Las Cruces, NM. Website:               Day. Go to www.adventurecycling.org/resources/bike-
lascrucesoptimistclub.org                                     your-park-day/ for more information.
TBD, Tour of the Rio Grande Century: 25, 50, 65 and           September - 29 - October 3, Tour of the Gila: Silver
100 mile options. Website: touroftheriogrande.com             City, NM. USA Cycling four stage road race that draws
                                                              many top level professional teams. Website:
May                                                           www.tourofthegila.com
All Month, Albuquerque Bike Swap: Sport Systems,              TBD, Tour de Acoma: Acoma, NM. 25, 50 & 100 mile
Albuquerque, NM. 10% of all proceeds go to BikeABQ.           routes. Website: www.skycity.com
Website: nmsportsystems.com
                                                              TBD, Chile Pepper Challenge: Mesilla, NM. 22, 40, 62
May 17 - 23, Bike Week: Different activities at various       and 100 mile routes run by the El Paso Bicycle Club.
locations. Website: www.bikeleague.org/bikemonth              Ride through the scenic and historic Mesilla Valley
May 21, Bike to Work Day: Different activities at             along tree covered lanes and lush farm land. Website:
various locations. Website: www.bikeleague.org/               www.meetup.com/ElPasoBicycleClub
May 19, Ride of Silence: Various locations. The Ride          October 2, Santa Fe Gourmet Classic: Santa Fe, NM.
of Silence is a free ride that asks its cyclists to ride no   Website: www.santafegourmetclassic.com
faster than 12 mph and remain silent during the ride.
There are no sponsors and no registration fees. The ride,     October 10, Santa Fe Century: Santa Fe, NM. 100 and
which is held during National Bike Month, aims to raise       50 mile loops and 25, 50, & 75 mile "out & back"
the awareness of motorists, police and city officials that    routes. $13, $15, and $21 registration. Website:
cyclists have a legal right to the public roadways. The       www.santafecentury.com
ride is also a chance to show respect for those who have
been killed or injured. Website: www.rideofsilence.org        October 23, Day of the Tread: Albuquerque, NM. 12,
                                                              26, 54, 80 & 100 mile routes. Website:
May 28 - 30, Iron Horse Classic: Durango, CO. Tour,           www.dayofthetread.com
races and more. Website: www.ironhorsebicycleclassic.com
                                                              TBD, CiQlovia: Albuquerque, NM. Pronunced: “see-
June                                                          clo-vee-a” --it's the Albuquerque version of the global
                                                              phenomenon known as ciqlovía or open streets. The
June 4 - 6, Bike Travel Weekend: Gather up your               word refers to events where city streets are closed to cars
family and friends and go on a one- or two-night bike         and opened up to people on foot and on bike, outdoor
adventure to your favorite campground or bed and              exercise classes, public art, dancing, shopping,
breakfast during Bike Travel Weekend. Go to                   demonstration projects, live music and other activities.
www.adventurecycling.org/resources/bike-travel-               It’s an opportunity for juniors, seniors and in-betweeners
weekend/ for more information.                                to safely re-imagine our largest public space – streets!
June 6, Elephant Rock: Castle Rock, CO. Website:              Website: www.abqciqlovia.org
www.rollmassif.com/elephantrock                               November
June 13 - 18, Ride the Rockies: Durango, CO.                  November 20, El Tour de Tucson: Tucson, AZ. 40, 66,
Website: https://www.ridetherockies.com                       79 and 109 mile routes. Website: eltourdetucson.org
August 14, Stonewall Century Ride: La Veta, CO.
Website: www.spcycling.org

2021 New Mexico Bicycle Guide                                                                                  Page 4
New Mexico Maps & Tour Books                                     Bicycle Organizations
    Best Bike Rides Albuquerque and Santa Fe: The                National
Greatest Recreational Rides in the Area, JD Tanner,
Emily Ressler-Tanner, Shey Lambert, Falcon Guides,                   Adventure Cycling: Adventure Cycling inspires,
256 pages, $21.95.                                               empowers, and connects people to travel by bicycle.
                                                                 Adventure Cycling is the premier bicycle travel
  Cycling the Great Divide: From Canada to Mexico                organization in North America with 52,000 members.
on America's Premier Long Distance Mountain Bike                 Website: www.AdventureCycling.org
Route, 2nd Edition, Michael McCoy, Mountaineers
Books. 240 pages. $18.95.                                             Bicycle Adventure Club: The Bicycle Adventure
                                                                 Club (BAC) is a non-profit, bicycle touring club for
  DeLorme New Mexico Atlas & Gazetteer, Delorme                  serious cyclists with a current membership exceeding
Publishing. 72 pages, $24.95.                                    several thousand. Members volunteer to create and lead a
  Mountain Biking Albuquerque, Nicole Blouin,                    variety of bicycle tours, both domestic and foreign for
Falcon Publishing. 104 pages, $10.95.                            each other. Our heritage goes back over 40 years to the
                                                                 International Bicycle Touring Society; the club as it
 New Mexico Road & Recreation Atlas, Benchmark                   currently exists began operating rides in 1983. We have a
Maps. 96 pages, $26.95.                                          large number of members who have been with the club
  Mountain Biking New Mexico, Sarah Bennett Alley                for many years. We enjoy the camaraderie of exploring
and Bruce Grubbs, Falcon Publishing. 312 pages. (Out of          the world with our cycling friends on tours developed by
print)                                                           club members for other members. Website:
 Mountain Biking Northern New Mexico, Bob
D’Antonio, Falcon Publishing. 249 pages. (out of print).              International Mountain Bicycling Association:
                                                                 The International Mountain Bicycling Association
                                                                 (IMBA) is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit educational association
Useful Websites                                                  whose mission is to create, enhance and preserve great
  Crazy Guy On A Bike: A free site that allows bicycle           trail experiences for mountain bikers worldwide.
tourists to create and edit their own online tour journal,       Website: www.imba.com
complete with photos. Website: www.crazyguyonabike.com                League of American Bicyclists: The League of
  Map My Ride: A social athletic community that                  American Bicyclists (LAB) promotes bicycling for fun,
enables all levels of runners, cyclists, walkers, and            fitness and transportation and work through advocacy
hikers to track every detail of their physical activity.         and education for a bicycle-friendly America. LAB
Website: www.mapmyride.com                                       represents the interests of the nation's 57 million cyclists.
                                                                 With a current membership of 300,000 affiliated cyclists,
 Open Cycle Map: The Open Street Map of Cycling.                 including 15,000 individuals and 700 affiliated
Website: www.opencyclemap.org                                    organizations, the League works to bring better bicycling
                                                                 to your community. Website: www.bikeleague.org
 Open Street Map: A free editable map of the whole
world. Website: www.openstreetmap.org                                 People Cycling: People Cycling is a recently
                                                                 launched cycling club, which you can join for free, and is
  Pro Bicycle: Advocacy site for recreational and utility        led by volunteer ride leaders. We will be offering tours in
bicyclists that offers news, links to bike sites, safety tips,   the United States and overseas. Our tours a made up of a
and riding stories. Website: probicycle.com                      small group of participants (typically 20-30 or so) who
  Ride Spot: Discover + share Great bike rides.                  want to ride 30 to 55 miles a day over a one or two week
Website: ridespot.org                                            period in interesting regions of the world. Website:
  Ride With GPS: We empower people to get outsode,
reconnect with nature, and embark on two wheeled                      People for Bikes: Launched in 1999 as Bikes
adventures. Website: www.ridewithgps.com                         Belong, PeopleForBikes includes both an industry
                                                                 coalition of bicycling suppliers and retailers, as well as a
 Sheldon Brown’s Bicycle Technical Information:                  charitable foundation. Our foundation is where we house
Great site for mechanical information. Website:                  our major programs and engage individual members,
www.sheldonbrown.com                                             affiliate organizations, and corporate sponsors. Website:
  Strava: Building the home for your active life.                peopleforbikes.org
Website: www.strava.com                                               Rails-to-Trails: The Rails-to-Trails Conservancy is
  US Bicycling Hall of Fame: Dedicated to preserving             a nonprofit organization based in Washington, D.C.,
the sport of cycling. Website: www.usbhof.org                    whose mission it is to create a nationwide network of
                                                                 trails from former rail lines and connecting corridors to
  USGS National Map: Download lots of detailed maps              build healthier places for healthier people. Website:
for free. Website: nationalmap.gov                               www.railstotrails.org

2021 New Mexico Bicycle Guide                                                                                      Page 5
Randonneurs USA: Randonneurs USA (RUSA) is a             abilities, from beginners to experts. Club members plan
national organization whose goals are to promote             and lead one-day and multi-day road and mountain bike
randonneuring in the US and provide service to               rides. Website: www.nmts.org
American randonneurs and randonneuses. Established in            Velo NM: We’re doing our part to make the bike life
1998, RUSA doesn't actually organize any rides, but          better in New Mexico. Website:
rather, coordinates the brevets of the Regional Brevet       www.velonewmexico.org
Administrators (RBAs) and clubs who do. RUSA also
frequently acts as the interface between the Audax Club      Albuquerque
Parisien in France and American riders and RBAs,
especially with regard to ensuring correct brevet result          ABQ Co-ed Biking, Hiking & Activities Group:
processing. Website: www.rusa.org                            This is a beginner to medium level co-ed activities group
    Tandem Club of America: The Tandem Club of               that is fun for everyone.We have done things that include
America was founded in 1976 by a group of tandem             running, jogging, hiking, biking, backpacking, camping,
enthusiasts who wished to share their enthusiasm with        local festivities, trips, and much more!! Website: https://
the uninitiated and to exchange bits of information with     www.meetup.com/ABQ-CoEd-Biking-Hiking-
other tandem owners throughout the country. Back in the      Activities-Group
70's there were not that many tandems out there!                  BikeABQ: BikeABQ’s mission is to increase the
Website: www.tandemclub.org                                  number of bicyclists in Greater Albuquerque for
    USA Cycling: Located in Colorado Springs, Colo.,         transportation, health, and recreation. They provide
USA Cycling is recognized as the national governing          education, advocate for the rights of cyclists, and work to
body of competitive cycling by the United States             create and preserve safe biking environments. Website:
Olympic Committee and the Union Cycliste                     www.bikeabq.org
Internationale (UCI). Website: www.usacycling.org                 Cycling Peeps: We are a group of women of all ages
                                                             (over 18) in Albuquerque & vicinity who love to ride our
State                                                        bicycles! We enjoy providing opportunities for all
                                                             women to learn to ride bikes safely, skillfully &
     Free Bikes 4 Kids NM: Free Bikes 4 Kidz is a            efficiently while improving fitness and having FUN!
nonprofit organizaion geared toward helping all kids ride    Cycling Peeps offers road, dirt & adventure rides of
 into a happier, healthier childhood by providing bikes to   various levels year-round, including weekly coed rides
those most in need. Website: fb4knm.org                      because we also love our men. Website:
     NM Adventure Racing Club: The NMARC was                 www.meetup.com/CyclingPeeps/
formed to increase the knowledge and skills among club            Duke City Wheelmen Foundation: The Duke City
members, from beginners to advanced racers, to               Wheelmen Foundation is a registered New Mexico non-
successfully allow them to participate in the growing        profit corporation, and is recognized by the IRS as a tax
sport of Adventure Racing. NMARC organizes training          exempt Public Charity under section 501(c)(3) of the IRS
and social events, as well as intra-club races to develop    code. The Duke City Wheelmen Cycling Team exists to
our individual and team skills. Website:                     help promote the activities of the Foundation and help
nmarc.wordpress.com                                          bridge the divide between the cycling advocacy
     New Mexico Bike Summit: The New Mexico Bike             community and recreational (especially racing) cyclists.
Summit is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation that             Website: dukecitywheelmen.org
promotes, develops, encourages, and supports bicycle
education, safety, and advocacy to youth and adults in            Rio Cycling Club: The RIO Cycling Club is made
New Mexico primarily by holding the New Mexico Bike          up of a highly diverse and growing number of
Summit and related activities. Website:                      Albuquerque cyclists. Our objective is to provide a fun,
nmbikesummit.org                                             safe, and inspiring atmosphere for local cyclists to get
                                                             together and go for a ride. Some members race, but most
     New Mexico Cycling: The mission of the New              do not. Either way you're welcome. We have group rides
Mexico Bicycle Racing Association (NMBRA) is to              flexible enough to meet your needs whether you are
promote and support bicycle racing of all kinds in the       training for the next fundraising tour, trying to upgrade
State of New Mexico and El Paso. Website:                    as a racer, or just want to get outdoors and ride with a
www.nmcycling.org                                            group of friends. Website: www.riocyclingclub.com
     New Mexico Rails-to-Trails Association: The New              Slow Roll 505: SlowRoll 505 is a free and inclusive
Mexico Rails-to-trails Association works to convert          way to bring Burqueños and visitors of all ages, walks of
abandoned railroad lines located in the Sacramento           life, and various cycling experience together for a large
Mountains into multi-use, multi-access recreational          group bike rides.Website: slowroll505.com
trails. Website: www.nmrailstotrails.org
      New Mexico Touring Society: The New Mexico
Touring Society is the largest bicycle club in New           Hobbs
Mexico and is a recreational club for riders of all             Southeast New Mexico Cycling: Southeast New
                                                             Mexico Cycling exists to support cyclists and to
2021 New Mexico Bicycle Guide                                                                                Page 6
encourage increased, safe cycling in Southeast New               healthy, affordable, environmentally-sound means of
Mexico. Website: www.senmcycling.org                             transportation and recreation. Website: bikesantafe.org
Las Cruces                                                           Santa Fe Fat Tire Society (SFFTS): The SFFTS is
                                                                 dedicated to the sport of mountain biking and to
     Bike & Chowder Club: A very informal group of               providing riders of all levels the opportunity to meet,
cyclists interested in cycling and eating -- not necessarily     socialize, improve their skills, and most of all, to have
in that order -- and spouses who are interested only in          fun. Website: www.santafefattiresociety.org
eating. Website: www.bikeandchowder.org
                                                                     Seniors On Bikes (SOBs): Seniors on Bikes are a
  Velo Cruces: Velo Cruces is a 501(c)(3) public charity         group of road cycling enthusiasts who meet at least once
formed in 2015 with the mission of transforming Las              a week, typically on Thursday mornings, to ride the
Cruces into a great bicycle and pedestrian community.            Santa Fe area. Our trips are in the order of 30 miles, but
Website: velocruces.org                                          opportunities always exist to extend, or to turn around at
  ZiaVelo Cycling: ZiaVelo Cycling exists to promote a           any point along the way. Website: www.santafesobs.com
healthy lifestyle and an arena for competitive road and
mountain cycling, recreational cycling, and cycling              Socorro
education. Website: ziavelocycling.com
                                                                      Socorro Striders and Riders: Website:
Los Alamos
    Tuff Riders Mountain Bike Club: The "Tuff" in                Taos
Tuff Riders Mountain Bike Club name comes from the
surface of rock that we ride on; not because we're                   Taos Mountain Bike Association: Taos Mountain
"tough". The Pajarito Plateau is the home of the Tuff            Bike Association (TMBA) creates, enhances, and
Riders Mountain Bike Club. The plateau is capped by a            protects riding opportunities in and around Taos County
geologic formation called the Bandelier Tuff.                    and Northern New Mexico. We are backed by the
Website: tuffriders.losalamos.com                                International Mountain Bicycling Association, and are
                                                                 committed to organizing riders and advocating for
                                                                 mountain biking locally and regionally. Website:
Santa Fe                                                         taosmtb.org
    Bike Santa Fe: Bike Santa Fe strives to raise
awareness and educate the public about cycling related
issues. Our goal is to create community and encourage
safe, accessible cycling and to promote bicycles as a

                                    New Mexico Bicycle Businesses
Alamogordo                                  Esperanza Bicycle Safety                 Routes Bicycle Tours and Rentals
                                            Education Center                         2113 Charlevoix St NW,
Outdoor Adventures                          5600 Esperanza Dr NW,                    Albuquerque, NM 87104
1516 E 10th St                              Albuquerque, NM 87105
Alamogordo, NM 88310                                                                 Sport Systems
                                            Fat Tire                                 6915 Montgomery Blvd, NE
                                            421 Montano Rd, NE                       Albuquerque, NM 87109-1409
Albuquerque                                 Albuquerque, NM 87107-4945               Trek Superstore
Bike505                                     Fixed and Free                           5000 Menual NE
4601 Lomas Blvd NE, Albuquerque,            114 Tulane Dr SE                         Albuquerque, NM 87100
NM 87110                                    Albuquerque, NM 87106                    Two Wheel Drive
Bike Coop                                   High Desert Bicycles (2 locations)       4001 Central Av. SE
120 Yale Blvd. SE                           6624 Caminito Coors NW                   Albuquerque, NM 87108
Albuquerque, NM 87106                       Albuquerque, NM 87120
Bike Works                                  8110 Louisiana NE, Suite A
                                            Albuquerque, NM 87113                    Aztec
2839 Carlisle Blvd NE
Albuquerque, NM 87110                       The Little Bike Shop                     8C Cycles
                                            2209 Central Ave NW Suite A,             99 CR 3000
Dicks Sporting Goods (2 locations)                                                   Aztek, NM 87410
3550 NM 528                                 Albuquerque, NM 87104
                                                                                     Evolution Outdoors
Albuquerque, NM 87114                       REI - Albuquerque
6600 Menaul Blvd. NE #2000-1                150 Mercantile Ave
Albuquerque, NM 87110                       Albuquerque, NM 87107

2021 New Mexico Bicycle Guide                                                                                    Page 7
Bloomfield                             NMSU Activities Center Bike              Mellow Velo
                                       Shop                                     621 Old Santa Fe Trail
Sandstone Cycles                       575.646.2885                             Santa Fe, NM 87501
310 N 1st St                           Outdoor Adventures                       REI- Santa Fe
Bloomfield, NM 87413                   1424 Missouri Ave.                       500 Market St.
                                       Las Cruces, NM 88001-5330                Santa Fe, NM 87501
Carlsbad                               Ride on Sports                           Rob and Charlie’s
Breaking Chains                        2001 East Lohman Ave.                    1632 Saint Michaels Drive
2302 W Pierce St                       Las Cruces, NM 88011                     Santa Fe, NM 87505
Carlsbad, NM 88220                     Two Wheel Tammy Tours                    Sincere Cycles
                                       575.640.8898                             411 W. Water St., #B
Cloudcroft                                                                      Santa Fe, NM 87501
High Altitude Sports                   Los Alamos                               Sirius Cycles
310 Burro Ave                                                                   2801 Rodeo Plaza
                                       Beanie’s Bike Shop                       Santa Fe, NM 887507
Cloudcroft, NM 88317                   2101 Trinity Dr, #A
                                       Los Alamos, NM, 87544
Farmington                                                                      Silver City
505 Cycles                             110 Eastgate Dr.                         The Bike Works
4301 E Main St.                        Los Alamos, NM, 87544                    914 N. Pope St.
Farmington, NM 87402                                                            Silver City, NM
                                       Keep It Rolling
Dicks Sporting Goods                   2820 Arizona Ave.                        Gila Hike & Bike
5050 E. Main St.                       White Rock, NM 87544                     103 East College Ave.
Farmington, NM 87402                                                            Silver City, NM 88061
                                                                                Twin Sisters Cyclery
Hub Bicycle Shop                       Rio Rancho                               303 North Bullard
705 S Allen Ave.
Farmington, NM 87401                   Orange Cyclery                           Silver City, NM 88061-5309
                                       2196 Monterrey Rd. NE
                                       Rio Rancho, NM 87144                     Taos
                                                                                Gearing Up Bicycle Shop
Sports World                           Santa Fe                                 616 Paseo Del Pueblo Sur
1500 S 2nd St. #5862                   Bike ‘N Sport                            Taos, NM 87571
Gallup, NM 87301                       504 W. Cordova St.                       Taos Cyclery
                                       Santa Fe, NM 87505                       1103 Paseo Del Pueblo Norte
Las Cruces                             Broken Spoke                             Taos, NM 87571
Dicks Sporting Goods                   1426 Cerrillos Rd.
200 North Telshor Blvd.                Santa Fe, NM 87505
Las Cruces, Nm 88011                   BTI
E-Bikes of Southern New Mexico         33 Velocity Way
575.635.9961                           Santa Fe, NM 87508
The Hub Community Bike Shop            Butts on Bikes
205 East Lohman Ave.                   1929 arroyo De Las Cruses Rd.
Las Cruces, NM 88001                   Santa Fe, NM 87507

                                 Want to advertise your business or event in the
                                 2021 Bicycle Guide? Commercial ad rates are $10
                                 per column inch, per issue, paid in advance.
                                 Larger ads costs are: 1/4 page-$50, 1/2 page-$100
                                 and full page-$200. Contact Chris Marsh,
                                 cmarsh@nmbikesummit.org, (505) 891-3464 for
                                 more information.

2021 New Mexico Bicycle Guide                                                                               Page 8
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