In this Issue: Burg Wheelers Cycling Club

Page created by William Mccormick
In this Issue: Burg Wheelers Cycling Club
In this Issue:

From the Chaariman ........................................................ 1
C Group MTB Report ....................................................... 2
D Group MTB Report….................................................... 3
Roadies Return & BWTT Challenge ........................... 4
Glut of Trails @Glengarry............................................... 5
How to wear cycling shorts properly ........................ 6

 Victoria Road, so we are hoping to see more of
 We are sad to announce the resignation of the elusive BW roadies soon. It’s clear from the
Hayden Hutton as Road Captain of BWCC from the BWTT results reported on later in the BT, that
end of August 2020. Hayden has served as Road some of our roadies have been training hard
Captain from November 2019 and has been at the through Lockdown. Well done on some excellent
forefront of several initiatives this year. He times.
initiated a very successful outdoor Coffee Ride This week also very sadly saw reports in the
early in Lockdown whereby riders had to ride media of the horrific attack on Nick Bester while
outdoors for two hours in their gardens or on their out training. Please always ride in groups, select
trainers. We had some very amusing responses to your routes carefully, be vigilant, and share your
this challenge. His latest challenge, the Burg location live with someone via WhatsApp. Be safe!
Wheelers Team Time Trial along the Karkloof Road
also met with some friendly banter, coffee time
war stories, and was great fun.
 Thank you Hayden for leading our roadies from
the front, guiding and encouraging the various
groups before, during and after lockdown; three
distinct phases this year.
 Taking over from Hayden is Mr T, Trevor
Thompson. Trevor is not new to this role and has
effectively taken over as from 1 September. Thank
you to both these gentlemen for their investment
into the road riders of this club.

 Trevor and
 As we have reported, this year, COVID
 Hayden together
 restrictions meant the Club wasn’t able to host
 at the end of
 our annual SPCA ride & breakfast; however we
 their BW TTT
 were committed to assisting the SPCA at a time
 when the need has increased, Thank you to all
 the club members who dropped off the R900
 worth of dog and cat food at local cycling
 shops around Pietermaritzburg. Our chairman
 Bobby Nefdt together with vice-chairman Dale
 Southern delivered this along with a cheque for
 Powered By…

 R8050 (R3000 from Burg Wheelers and R5050
 #SpringhasSprung from members) to the SPCA this week. We hope
 Although the weather has not caught on to the
 this will help with the building of new kennels for
change in seasons (some very chilly mornings),
 the puppies.
there has been a flush of growth in BT
 Thank you to everyone who contributed to the
contributions! Thank you to everyone who sent in
 BT this week; Dale, Mark R, Gert, Bex, Gavin and
reports and photos.
 Our road rides are once again taking place on
 Stay safe and sane
Tuesdays and Thursdays from Virgin Active in

 BURG TALK | 35-2020
In this Issue: Burg Wheelers Cycling Club
having none of it. I've been watching the Renegades on
 Strava regularly doing ridiculously long rides, and I knew
 Mark Rowland he had it in him. I reminded him that he was 64 now,
 This would be the final winter ride of and needed to stop this nonsense. Crisis averted, we all
 2020 since spring, as Clive observed, is followed Gavin into the top singletrack, whose name I
 just around the corner. It was also know not. This leads into what Gavin calls the
Rod’s birthday week – Happy 64th Birthday Rod! The Underwear section, as it is marked by an old set of
previous day, I had made some instant celebrity Gavin’s red onnies hanging from a tree,
promises on the chat group on Friday, which obviously the onnies having given up the unequal struggle some
struck a chord, as the faithful arrived in droves. The C years back. Gavin assured us that this section had
drove was Team Rowland, DisaPierre, Lord Byron, Andy recently been cleared, making it Gavin’s Clean
R, Marian, Rich E and Red-Hot Rod from the Renegades, Underwear section, which name he said should cheer his
Sneaky Deaky, Ross and the ever-ebullient Gavin wife up. This was as advertised, fast, dry and
Green. When I counted the C’s for the final time, Chuck exhilarating.
had teleported in from whatever dimension Chucks exist We came out at the old Full Monty, which makes a lot
in, looking as steely-eyed as usual. There was much more sense now. Across the old dam wall, and down
happy socializing, which made for a fractured start, with the side of the valley to intersect with the new Tessie’s
Rod having to go back immediately for his water. section, build by Tessie and her Dad Dominic,
 We went into the forest via Hillside Rd, and the Wonky apparently. Good for them – it’s really great, and will be
Donkey singletrack, still pleasingly dry. Across the vlei, wonderful once ridden in. A few rocks, but nothing that
and into the forest to do the next two sections in a good medical aid can't fix. Gavin showed us the
reverse: cue grumbling from the unwashed. I had correct way around, which meant that we came out of
promised my MUCH YOUNGER wife that we would do the forest nicely positioned for the Apostrophe
Bunny Ears, so as to test her newly re-established ‘Ladies Section. Brett’s Law and Kim’s Way now lead easily into
Shortcut’. Rock-Shocks in reverse, picking up a few the new Hippo Pools section, which is already
sticks in the process. Then we cut across the valley, but compacting nicely. Out the bottom, and hard left to get
much higher up, testing a previously unused section of to the Dam Nurses via Dead Tree Corner. We saw a
singletrack that looked usable. It wasn’t, despite having group of Absolutely Motionless riders at the Dam, and
a nice bridge at the bottom. On the very steep exit, one waved gaily. The idea was to climb up Naartjie, then do
by one we either ran out of revs, or ran into the person Pack of Dogs and head home. Gavin however had other
in front, who had run out of revs. Pierre toppled gently ideas. On the way down to Tessie’s, he had noticed
off his bike onto the grass, just to make the point. This smoke coming from the trees in that area, and had
route choice increased both the pitch and volume of the already been in contact with forestry people. There
grumbling. I ignored the impending mutiny and we were already flames visible from the Nurses Dam road,
climbed up to Bunny Ears, wisely letting the snakes in and he suggested that we stay away from the area. It
ahead of me. It’s still very nice and no-one fell off that I wasn’t really a suggestion, but work with me here. The
know of. The grumbling abated. We climbed up past group took the first opportunity to the right of the road,
the Nursery. Gavin, who as most of you probably know, working down the side of the compartment to get to the
is second only to Andre in his ability to simultaneously Warriors Way ST. This is not really a route, and has a lot
cycle and chirp. Everyone got a turn. As we came past of off-camber sections, which are not Ali’s favorite thing,
the nursery he ‘helpfully’ suggested routing around the right up there with snakes and shared ablutions. There
back, which is a great idea, apart from the initial short was more mutinous grumbling, which, seasoned leader
sharp hill. Those who could still breathe grumbled. We that I am, I blamed Gavin for. We regrouped before
traversed happily [I did at any rate] along the back of going into the ST, just in time to see two motorcyclists
the nursery, and up to the top contour road, discussing come out of the Warriors Way. Gavin leapt into action,
singletrack re-opening possibilities. Gavin has an collaring the second bloke and educating him at length
extensive to-do list, and what seems like matching about the effect of heavy motorcycles on singletrack
enthusiasm. We are fortunate to have him in the club. I build by, and designed for, Mountain Bikers. It was
also found out that the Tour starts today. It’s been such educational for all of us present. They fortunately
a strange year that I’ve lost track of so many events. hadn’t done too much damage, and I was able to do a
 At the top, we had a quick photo-op, and Marion took PB, mainly by dint of not falling off this time.
off some clothing. Rod, who had been pulling amps up
the hill, tried to demote himself to the D’s, but I was

 BURG TALK | 35-2020
In this Issue: Burg Wheelers Cycling Club
Out past Nurses me. Their official explanation is that they got the D
 Dam, and into the Group and the Absolute Motion group that briefly
 singletrack occupied the same space mixed up. This explanation
 alongside, where should be dismissed with the contempt that it
 young Ross broke deserves. Absolute Motion consists of a group of
 his chain. Once professionally coached, mostly young, lean and mean
 more Gavin leapt riders that are competing for the podium places at
 into action, races. I fail to see how even a layman can get the two
 Marion removed groups mixed up. Making allowances for ambitions of
 more clothing, grandeur, there is another reason why this explanation
 and the rest of us does not hold water. The Absolute Motion group
supervised. We were soon back on the road, taking passed me on Dennis Shepstone Road. Therefore, the
Blackjack Alley and Adrenalin down to the dam. I rest of the D Group would not have been lost if they did
missed it, but apparently Ali chased Gavin all the way indeed follow the Absolute Motion group. We usually
down Adrenalin, yelling at him to go faster. He enter the Cedara plantation from the Mallory Road gate
threatened to set Bex on her. The start of Donkey Rd or Hillary Road gate but for Saturday's ride I wanted to
was quite sedate until someone got all ‘Tour’ on us and enter it from Dennis Shepstone Road. The idea was to
shot off the front, triggering a wave of sprinting. Pierre take the shortest route towards Swartkop. This also
beat them all, and was inspecting his fingernails meant that we entered Bunny Ears from the top of the
nonchalantly when the rest of us staggered in gasping hill, rather than from the bottom of the hill and from a
for breath. When I could talk again, I asked Gavin if he different entrance than the usual entrance. I decided to
knew where the rainbow coloured bridge was, and he lead Bunny Ears from the front as there are a number of
offered to take us back that way. Uneventfully. splits. After Bunny Ears I resorted to the more
 Safely back, we cleaned up and headed to Nino’s to traditional method of herding sheep which is like
RV with the D’s, and have a very pleasant breakfast farmers will tell you and even Collie dogs know, from
indeed. Apparently the forestry people got to the fire in the back, the advantage being you can spot a stray and
time, and serious damage was averted. Next week is reel it in. For most of the ride André was at the
 officially spring, and not even the front. This has two major advantages, firstly, André
 ANC can mess that up. The knows the plantation better than anyone else and,
 C& D Group move to the secondly, he acts as a cowbell of sorts. I may not always
 summer starting time be able to see him but I always know where he is at any
 of 06h30. Please given point in time. On a more serious note, I consulted
 spread the word. André on several occasions during the course of the ride
 Garmin Stats: 35,5km, on which trails are open, sneaks that we can take etc.
 590m, 2h30, 14,3, and he was always on point (thank you André, much
 7-13 degrees. appreciated). The second wrong turn the group made
 was at the 5km mark at the nursery where we turned
 sharp left up a short steep hill and followed the fence
 line instead of continuing on the main road as usual, and
 Gert Roos the third wrong turn was just after the 16km mark. This
 Liz and André Booysen, Andy Gray, Chris, Dave, Farouk, last one can be forgiven as its a short sneak only ridable
Dr Mike, Shelto and Tom joined me for Saturday's during winter because it is too mushy to ride during the
ride. Rhys could not make the start but went out later rest of the year. The sneak makes it possible to join
and found us three fifths into the ride. I tend to choose Naartjie Road two thirds up after having completed
a theme when I lead a ride. This past Saturday's theme Pack of Dogs. The basic route was Dennis Shepstone
was "And now for something (not-completely) Road, Bunny Ears, Rastafarian Tabernacle, ridge road
different". The plan was to do a mixture of trails that we (past the shower), pipe line road, single track on the left
seldom ride and trails that we often ride but in a fresh after the hairpin, Pack of Dogs, Naartjie Road, Non-stop
new way. I did not realise just how much cyclists ride on Nurses, short single track sneak to Dead Tree, single
auto pilot until Saturday. By the time I reached the track all the way out to the small dam (I have forgotten
Crossways Hotel, I had lost more than half the the name), across the wetland, Dunton's Demise, exist
group. Six of the 10 riders turned right into Old Howick Hillary Road gate. A whisker over 28Km, 2h 24 min active
Road and headed for Primula Road instead of following time, 11,66km/ h average speed, 646m accent.

 BURG TALK | 35-2020
In this Issue: Burg Wheelers Cycling Club
Two Bobby’s and
 Two Others.
 Hayden Hutton
 Average Speed
 Spring is
 finally here
 Spha Ngubane,
 and to
 Willem De Wet,
 celebrate a
 Trevor Thompson,
 call was
 Bobby Nefdt
 made for
 the roadies
 to assemble
 at Virgin
 The Over 60’s
 Victoria at
 (On average )
 4.50am for a
 Average Speed 31.4kph
 town loop
 Craig Markham, Trevor
ride on 1st September. Well, it appears our roadies are
 Thompson, Bobby Nefdt
a little too used to sleeping in, or they are not yet feeling
 Hayden Hutton (The junior
the spring spirit. Or, maybe the slightly damp roads in
 who dramatically brought
the North kept some away? Nevertheless a group of
 down ave age)
about 10 riders, the majority coming from the drier
south side of town, assembled for a town loop. Notably
there were no C or D group riders....where were you?
 The freshly returned from retirement Trevor
Thompson, set a quick pace for the others to follow and
 Average Speed 30.4kph
the majority of the bunch proved their lockdown
 Andrew McFadden,
training was up to the task. It was actually a great
 Lucio Frittella,
morning to ride and most of us did around 40km, not
 Wyno Pietersen,
bad for the first official morning training ride. One
 Cornel vd Venter
observation of Tuesday’s ride I should make is that town
riding has its challenges with traffic lights and honestly
your training can only benefit by stopping and building
 Average Speed
up speed again, so please let’s stop and wait for the
group, one day you’ll be glad you did.
 Willem Kruger,
 Thanks for the ride guys, let’s get the Tuesday and
 Alec Harris, Lee
Thursday rides going again, I know my waistline will
 Dry, Allan
appreciate the calorie burn.

 Average Speed 25.8kph
 Over the past few weeks a number of teams have (Fastest mixed team)
already had a go at the Burg Wheelers Time Trial Allan McPherson, Kevin
Challenge segment from St.Johns in Howick, to the end Caldecott, Sharon Potgieter,
of the Karkloof tar road and back. Warrick Weedon
 At this stage the all time record for this Strava
Segment is held by Stuart Marais, at a blistering 38kph If you think you can beat these
average speed, and it would appear that this was a solo times, there’s still one week left
effort! to test your legs against this
 This is the Burg Wheelers TT Challenge leaderboard segment, and your fellow Burg
as it stands right now. Wheelers. There has been no ladies team entered as yet,
 hope to see that rectified by the end of the week! Get 4
 cyclists together and give it a go, entries close at
 lunchtime on 7 September.

 BURG TALK | 35-2020
In this Issue: Burg Wheelers Cycling Club
Bex van der Linde This past weekend marked the beginning of a cross
 country fundraising cycle from Lidgetton KZN to
 Jeffrey’s Bay Eastern Cape - #THEPHATGMRIDES
 Two businessmen have embarked on this epic four
 week cycling trip, which aims to end on 27 September,
 to raise awareness of the plight of our tourism industry
 as a result of the Covid Lockdown.
 Our Club Chairman, Bobby Nefdt, gave a motivational
 and inspiring presentation as part of the festivities on
 the eve of the first leg – and he and his wife Cheryl were
 hosted by Hatton’s Cycle/Giant PMB who are also
 sponsors of the ride.

 Only about an hour twenty minute drive from
Maritzburg, Glengarry is in the heart of the beautiful
Kamberg and offers a glut of mountain biking and trail
running routes. Hosts Gareth and Kelly Sivright have
clearly been hard at work during these quiet months
and spent many weeks clearing existing trails and
opening some new ones. Several Burg Wheelers once
again jumped at the opportunity for some fresh scenery
and took the day trip to enjoy what was on offer (70km
or 40km MTB and trail run options). One wonders what
the future of events is going to be as this new format of
arrive, check-in and head off in your own time with a Funds raised will be used to train new waiters and
group of friends is very appealing. Kelly had sent us the housekeepers from the local communities the cyclists
GPS route files the previous day (although we had pass through. Please follow the ride on their social
trouble loading it on our Garmin, it was a 3min media platforms-Facebook and Instagram as well as
download at the venue when we arrived) and off we visit their web page.
went to enjoy 70km of pure riding… Have fun and be safe
If the first 20km was anything to go by, we soon realised Brett Fourie
we had been given bang for buck! It was a proper
testing ride with some exhilarating trails, leg-burning
climbs and stunning views across the berg and Giant’s
Castle. Some of us were very tempted to hook the tar
road ‘home’ at the 50km mark but were ‘encouraged’ to
continue… and some 4h45 later with over 1500m ascent
we arrived back at Glengarry feeling well satisfied and
exhausted. The hundred bucks included a burger (and a
water table en route with
 coke, water, Bar-
 Ones & jelly
 tots!) so all-
 in-all an
 day’s outing
 and good old
 fashioned value
 for money.

 BURG TALK | 35-2020
In this Issue: Burg Wheelers Cycling Club
not left
 (Taken from
The following advice is often what no-one shares….
 skin in the
 back. The
Skip the Skivvies
Wear your shorts sans underwear. The chamois inside
the shorts is designed to dry quickly, which not only
 of bibs is
helps keep you cool, but also prevents the growth of
bacteria that can cause rashes and sores. The chamois is
also meant to fit snuggly against your skin to prevent
friction and chafing as you pedal in the saddle. If you
wear underwear, you add a layer of extra material that
can trap moisture, bunch up, and increase friction.
Friction is not your friend, so leave the drawers behind.
 Going Long? Go With a Multi-Density Chamois
Do the Chamois Dance
 Lower-end cycling shorts tend to have a plain chamois
The fabric must be stretched smooth and taut
 pad that is uniform all the way around. Higher-end
everywhere without any sagging or bunching and
 shorts offer multi-density foam pads that place denser
having the chamois positioned snuggly against your
 padding where you need it most and thinner padding
skin. To do that, pull on the shorts and then place a hand
 where you don’t.
over the pad between your legs and bend your right leg
up and out a little, pulling the pad firmly into place and
 Try Them On
repeat with the left leg.
 Don’t buy cycling shorts even if they’re “in your size”
 without slipping them on first. One brand’s medium can
Position the Straps Under Your Jersey
 fit like another brand’s small, and not every large will fit
If you’re wearing bib shorts—the type with suspender-
 every large body the same way. You have to find a cut
like straps that hold the shorts in place—the straps are
 that works with your shape. They should be uniformly
designed to be worn under, not over the top of, your
 snug all around without being restrictive or feeling like
cycling jersey. If you’re wearing a base layer, you can
 they’re squeezing off circulation anywhere. Oh, and just
tuck that into your shorts and secure the straps over the
 like swimsuits, keep your skivvies on while trying on
base layer before pulling on your jersey. For women, the
 cycling shorts for obvious hygiene reasons.
order should go: sports bra, base layer, bib straps, then
 Care for Them and They’ll Care for You
 Finally, once you have a pair of cycling shorts you love,
Butter Up, Maybe
 a little TLC will ensure that they last. To clean your
Chamois cream is an anti-chafing balm or lotion to
 shorts, either hand wash or machine was on the gentle
further eliminate friction and reduce the risk of chafing,
 cycle. Use detergent with no additives. Residue from
especially if you’re going to be riding in wet conditions,
 these additives, as well as fabric softeners can clog up
going for a long ride or riding on gravel or rough
 the fibers and interfere with the wicking ability. Hang
unpaved surfaces where you may be shifting around in
 them to dry inside out. Line drying is fine, but don’t let
the saddle a lot.
 them bake in the sun. UV exposure can cause the fabric
 to breakdown prematurely.
Buy the Right Shorts for Your Body
We are all made differently, and there are different cuts,
 While this may seem like a lot of information for a
fits, and chamois for men’s and women’s cycling shorts.
 simple pair of shorts, one of the most important factors
Enough said….
 of riding happy is being comfortable, and the right pair
 of shorts that fit well and suit your style of riding can
Try the Bibs
 make all the difference!
Bibs have a few distinct advantages in that they’re better
at keeping the chamois in place; they eliminate
bunching or digging in at the waist when in the bent-
over riding position, and if your jersey rides up, you’re

 BURG TALK | 35-2020
In this Issue: Burg Wheelers Cycling Club
Braai Day Virtual Ride
 24 September 2020
 We Ride Together, We Braai Together!
Date: Thursday 24 September 2020
Start Time: Anytime From 07h30
Distance: 50km (MTB or Road)
Entries Close: 23h00 23 September 2020
Entry Fee: R60
Enter At:

 Special offer
 at Hatton’s
 Burg Wheelers members only!!!
 6 CO2 bombs for R100!!!

 Chairman Vice-Chairman Secretary BurgTalk
 Bobby Nefdt Dale Southern Janice Brisbane Sally Upfold
 082 082 1992 083 659 3000 083 660 9996 082 5700 851 @ BurgWheelersCyclingClub @burgwheelers

 BURG TALK | 35-2020
In this Issue: Burg Wheelers Cycling Club In this Issue: Burg Wheelers Cycling Club In this Issue: Burg Wheelers Cycling Club
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