Jubilate - Church in France

Page created by Darryl Fischer
    The Magazine of the Chaplaincy of Christ the Good Shepherd,

Sunday 14th March 2021                           The 4th Sunday of LENT
Is it
     •   Mother’s Day ?
     •   Mothers’ Day ?
     •   Mothering Sunday ?
     •   Refreshment Sunday ?

MOTHERING SUNDAY or Mother’s or Mothers’ Day
Here are some of the traditions that have shaped Mothering Sunday into the
celebration recognised today:
The Journey to the Mother Church
In the 16th century, Mothering Sunday was less about mothers and more about
church. Back then, people would make a journey to their ‘mother’ church once a
year. This might have been their home church, the church where they had been
baptised, their nearest cathedral or a major parish church in a bigger town. The
service which took place at the ‘mother’ church symbolised the coming together
of families. This would have represented a significant journey for many.

A day off to visit Mother
Another tradition was to allow those working in the fields on wealthy farms and
estates in England to have the day off on the fourth Sunday of Lent to visit their
mothers and possibly go to church too. This was a variation on the theme of
visiting the 'mother' church and was a move towards a more family focussed
occasion. Before the days of cars and roads, family get-togethers were far more
rare,. In some ways this tradition is still alive today as grown up children often
visit their parents on mothering Sunday.
This Sunday, churches around the country will be sharing their own traditions,
celebrating and giving thanks to the huge impact mothers have on each of our
lives. The main service on Mothering Sunday in churches across the country is
central to the life of the church. Many people recognise “Mother Church” and
give thanks to God for the influence and care of God’s people throughout their
lives. Others think of Mary, the mother of our Lord, as they pray for her humility
and obedience
The church recognises that the day may be difficult for some people and so it is
common place for services to include prayers for those who don’t find the day
particularly easy.
Families across the country will be preparing little presents and cards and in some
churches flowers are blessed and handed out during the main service.
Families come together to have lunch, or children make breakfast in bed for their
mothers, leaving all the mess to be cleared up later! It’s all about showing
appreciation and many make a huge effort to make their mother feel special.

Refreshment Sunday: occurring in the middle of Lent, this fourth Sunday is also
known as Refreshment Sunday”, a day to allow respite from fasting and any other
penances which a believer might choose to endure during the 40 days.
So one tradition that grew up was the preparation and perhaps eating of
Simnel cake - “I thought that was for Easter”, I hear you say, but it was originally
made for the middle Sunday of Lent, Laetare Sunday; also known as Refreshment
Sunday, Mothering Sunday, Sunday of the Five Loaves, and Simnel Sunday - after
the cake. The meaning of the word "simnel" is unclear: there is a 1226 reference to
"bread made into a simnel", which is understood to mean the finest white bread,
from the Latin simila - "fine flour.
Simnel cake is similar to a Christmas cake, but eaten during the Easter period in
Great Britain, Ireland and some other countries. On the top of the cake, around the
edge, are 11 marzipan balls to represent the disciples of Jesus, but without Judas.
You can find a recipe on Page 9

The FOURTH Sunday of LENT
Bible Readings and Prayers

Numbers 21.4-9
            Psalm 107.1-3,17-22
                                           Ephesians 2.1-10
                                                          John 3.14-21
Merciful Lord,
absolve your people from their offences,
that through your bountiful goodness
we may all be delivered from the chains of those sins
which by our frailty we have committed;
grant this, heavenly Father,
for Jesus Christ’s sake, our blessed Lord and Saviour,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.

Merciful Lord,
you know our struggle to serve you:
when sin spoils our lives
and overshadows our hearts,
come to our aid
and turn us back to you again;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

                     THE ASH WEDNEDAY COLLECT
                                           (for use every day throughout Lent)

Almighty and everlasting God, you hate nothing that you have made
and forgive the sins of all those who are penitent:
create and make in us new and contrite hearts
that we, worthily lamenting our sins and acknowledging our wretchedness,
may receive from you, the God of all mercy, perfect remission and forgiveness;
through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.

Collect for Mothering Sunday

                          God of compassion,
               whose Son Jesus Christ, the child of Mary,
                 shared the life of a home in Nazareth,
       and on the cross drew the whole human family to himself:
                    strengthen us in our daily living
                        that in joy and in sorrow
               we may know the power of your presence
                        to bind together and to heal;
                through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
                    who is alive and reigns with you,
                     in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
                      one God, now and for ever.

Special Bible Readings for Mothering Sunday:

  Exodus 2.1-10       or      1 Samuel 1.20-28
  Psalm 34.11-20      or      Psalm 127.1-4
  2 Corinthians 1.3-7 or      Colossians 3.12-17
  Luke 2.33-35        or       John 19.25-27

Special Prayers:
   • Give thanks to God for mothers, especially our own
   • Pray for wisdom, guidance, patience and strength for all mothers
   • Pray for devotion and dedication for single mothers
   • Pray for those who struggle with parenthood
   • Pray for comfort and God’s support for those whose mothers have died
        or who never knew their mother
   • Pray for mothers who are separated from their children or who have
        endured the agony of their child’s death: may God give them his help,
        his solace and hope for the future

                   LORD, in your mercy, hear our prayer

SUNDAY WORSHIP today is using
              The starting time is 10.30.am
Here’s how to join in:

                             Ideally, download “Zoom” beforehand

     At about 10.15 turn your computer on !

           Either a) Highlight, copy and paste this link into your

           OR b)
     1.    Type in “zoom.us” and press Enter
     2.    On the ‘Zoom’ page, click on JOIN A MEETING
     3.    Type in the Meeting ID which 817 3433 4550
           Click then type in and click on the Password WORSHIP
            You should have arrived in the Carters’ kitchen to join in coffee
           the service celebrating Mothering and the 4 th Sunday of Lent.

           In emergency, telephone Roy & Carolyn Carter: 05 45 84 19 03

          You made it ? - Give thanks that the Age of Miracles is not ended



Does anyone have a gite that I could rent for May, June and all or part of July?
I cannot cope with steep stairs, or stairs without a handrail, and I would also need to
have a walk-in shower.
And just to make life really difficult, I will be accompanied by 2 cats (who I will be
trying to keep indoors in order not to lose them !) and a dog.
The exact dates are a little uncertain at the moment due to such
unknowns as Covid restrictions and the availability of ferries to the UK.

If you are able to rent a gite to me, or know of anyone who might be able to, please
contact me either by phone 0549 60 48 56 or by email at

                                                Many thanks, Ann           White


          Concerning Holy Communion services on EASTER SUNDAY
   Hope everyone is keeping safe and healthy in the present situation.

   Rev’d Nikola Marshall is planning to hold 2 Communion services on 4th April, the
   first at 10.30 in Courcelles Church, the second at 3pm at the Temple in Cognac.

   It is imperative if you intend to be at either of these services that you
   send your name, and numbers hoping to attend, to Nikki at
   nikthevic1@yahoo.co.uk before the event.

   Strict safety guidelines will be in place.

   Regards, keep safe                 Ray

HOW TO EAT AN ELEPHANT (with apologies to elephant lovers)

    •   Cut it into small pieces
    •   Cook it slowly and for a long time
    •   Chew it properly

Using the above principles, we are trying to read the whole Bible in one year.
To make it easier (maybe) and certainly different, we are reading it chronologically.
So far we have read through the books of Genesis, Job, Exodus, Leviticus and
Numbers, with occasional help from 1 Chronicles. We have just moved on to the
Book of Deuteronomy where this week’s Readings can be found:

TODAY (Sunday 14th March):      Deuteronomy 3:12 – 5:33
Monday 15th               Deuteronomy 6:1 – 8:20
Tuesday 16th              Deuteronomy 9:1 – 11:32
Wednesday 17th            Deuteronomy 12:1 – 14:29
Thursday 18  th           Deuteronomy 15:1 – 18:22
Friday 19th               Deuteronomy 19:1 – 22:30
Saturday 20 th            Deuteronomy 23:1 – 26:19
Next Sunday 21st          Deuteronomy 27:1 – 28:68

The order of reading is taken from “ The One Year Chronological Bible” .


Your comments about reading the Bible in this way would be very welcome.
If you would like to submit a prayer, or a favourite hymn (saying why
it’s your favourite) or a meditation, or maybe a photo of your Simnel
Cake (!)

please send your contribution to:


Occasionally we give you a hymn to read, think about and sing.
This week it’s a “Golden Oldie”, first being found in the Geneva Psalter of 1561;

It might be regarded by some as old-fashioned. But just read it again.

                    All people that on earth do dwell,
                   sing to the Lord with cheerful voice:
                 him serve with mirth, his praise forth tell,
                      come ye before him and rejoice.

                     The Lord, ye know, is God indeed;
                      without our aid he did us make:
                      we are his folk, he doth us feed,
                     and for his sheep he doth us take.

                    O enter then his gates with praise,
                    approach with joy his courts unto;
                 praise, laud, and bless his Name always,
                          for it is seemly so to do.

                    For why? the Lord our God is good,
                          his mercy is for ever sure;
                     his truth at all times firmly stood,
                     and shall from age to age endure.

                      To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
                  the God whom heaven and earth adore,
                     from men and from the angel host
                       be praise and glory evermore.

(copied from https://www.bbc.co.uk/food/recipes/simnelcake_792)
   For the almond paste
   250g/9oz caster sugar       250g/9oz ground almonds
   2 free-range eggs, beaten   1 tsp almond essence
   For the cake
   175g/6oz butter or margarine, plus extra for greasing                   175g/6oz soft brown sugar
   3 free-range eggs, beaten               175g/6oz plain flour            pinch salt
   ½ tsp ground mixed spice (optional)           350g/12oz mixed raisins, currants and sultanas
   55g/2oz chopped mixed peel                                   ½ lemon, grated zest only
   1–2 tbsp apricot jam          1 free-range egg, beaten for glazing

   1.   For the almond paste, place the sugar and ground almonds in a bowl. Add
        enough beaten egg and mix to a fairly soft consistency. Add the almond
        essence and knead for 1 minute until the paste is smooth and pliable. Roll
        out a third of the almond paste to make a circle 18cm/7in in diameter and
        reserve the remainder for the cake topping.
   2.   Preheat oven to 140C/120C Fan/Gas 1. Grease and line a 18cm/7in cake
   3.   For the cake, cream the butter and sugar together until pale and fluffy.
        Gradually beat in the eggs until well incorporated and then sift in the flour,
        salt and mixed spice (if using) a little at a time. Finally, add the mixed
        dried fruit, peel and grated lemon zest and stir into the mixture.
   4.   Put half the mixture into the cake tin. Smooth the top and cover with the
        circle of almond paste. Add the rest of the cake mixture and smooth the top
        leaving a slight dip in the centre to allow for the cake to rise. Bake in the
        preheated oven for 1¾ hours. Test by inserting a skewer in the middle – if
        it comes out clean, it is ready. Once baked, remove from the oven and set
        aside to cool on a wire rack.
   5.   Brush the top of the cooled cake with the apricot jam. Divide the remainder
        of the almond paste in half. Roll out a circle to cover the top of the cake
        with one half and form 11 small balls with the other half. Place the circle of
        paste on the jam glaze and set the balls round the edge. Brush the cake
        topping with a little beaten egg.
   6.   Preheat the grill to high. Place the cake onto a baking tray and grill for 1–2
        minutes, or until the top of the marzipan begins to brown. Alternatively,
        lightly heat the cake topping using a cook's blowtorch, until the marzipan
        is golden brown.

                               EAT IT AT EASTER

“Zoom”ing around ---

Chaplaincy events coming soon
Monday 22nd March: Chaplaincy Council Meeting in the morning

MONDAY 22nd March: QUIZ in the afternoon

Tuesday 20th April: Chaplaincy Annual General Meeting

See next week’s Jubilate for more information on all three

        Chaplaincy of Christ the Good Shepherd, Poitou-Charentes
                          Email: office.goodshepherd@orange.fr
                            Admin. Assistant: Valérie Pétry

                        Chaplaincy Poitou Charentes
                      12, place de Gaulle, 86400 Civray.
                                Tel: 06 21 32 31 28

       Temporary Website: www.church-in-france.eu5.net

    The Wardens

    Margaret Mace                                         Charlie Wilcock
    05 49 29 97 81                                        05 46 91 07 71
    margaretmace@icloud.com                               charliedoc22@gmail.com

                      Jubilate contact : david.hawken@orange.fr

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