July 4, 2021 - July - the fourteenth Sunday in ordinary time - The Holy Rood Collaborative

Page created by Rhonda Simpson
July 4, 2021 - July - the fourteenth Sunday in ordinary time - The Holy Rood Collaborative
St. John                   St. Margaret
                                                      the Evangelist Parish      of Scotland Parish       St. Mary Parish
                                                      115 Middlesex Street       374 Stevens Street       25 North Road
                                                      North Chelmsford           Lowell                   Chelmsford Center

July 4, 2021
                                                      Parish Office Location and Hours
                                                      115 Middlesex Street • North Chelmsford, MA 01863
                                                      Monday, Tuesday, Thursday • 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
the fourteenth Sunday in ordinary time
                                                      Wednesday • 9:30 am - 5:00 pm
Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor   Friday • 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
except in his native place and among his own kin
and in his own house.”    -Mark 6:4                   Weekend Mass Schedule
                                                      St. John • Saturday, 4 pm/ Sunday, 9:30 am and 6 pm
                                                               • African Liturgy, 12 pm: 2nd, 3rd, 4th Sundays
                                                      St. Margaret • Saturday, 4 pm/ Sunday, 7:30 and 10 am
                                                      St. Mary • Saturday, 4 pm/ Sunday, 7 and 11 am

                                                      Daily Mass Schedule
                                                      Monday - Friday
                                                      7 am at St. Mary • 8 am at St. Margaret • 9 am at St. John

                                                      Sacrament of Reconciliation
                                                      Monday • 4:30 - 5:30 pm • St. John
                                                      Tuesday • 4:30 - 5:30 pm • St. Margaret
                                                      Wednesday • 4:30 - 5:30 pm • St. Mary
                                                      Saturday • 11 am - 12 noon at St. Mary
                                                               • 1 pm - 2 pm at St. Margaret
                                                               • 3 pm - 3:45 pm at St. John

                                                      Eucharistic Adoration
                      04, 2021
July            14th Sunday in Ordinary Time
                                                      Thursdays • 12:00 - 9:00 PM • St. Mary Adoration Chapel
                                                      First Fridays • 3:00 - 9:00 PM • St. John OPC Chapel

                                                      LIVEVIEW Devotions
                                                      Monday - Friday
                                                       3 pm • Chaplet of Divine Mercy at St. John
                                                       7 pm • Rosary at St. Mary

                                                      Prayer Line
                                                      To have prayers said for yourself or a loved one,
                                                      call the parish office and ask for ext. 223. After hours,
                                                      press 5.        *Please read en re bulle n for poten al schedule changes
July 4, 2021 - July - the fourteenth Sunday in ordinary time - The Holy Rood Collaborative
calendar                                                  Reverend Brian Mahoney, P
                                                        ext 215… fr.brian@chelmsfordcatholic.org

                                                             Reverend Patrick Alemayo, CSSP
                                                             S. J A C  C  

                                                      Reverend Arnold Colletti, S. P  R 
                                                       ext 221… frcolletti@chelmsfordcatholic.org
          Sunday, July 4                                                      

                                                     Reverend Mr. John C. Hunt, Jr., P   D 
                                                       ext 224… deaconjohn@chelmsfordcatholic.org
         Happy Fourth of July                                                 

                                                              Hung Tran, S S  
                                                        ext 234… hungtran@chelmsfordcatholic.org
     Weekend Liturgy • 7 am and 11 am                                         

         Monday, July 5
         PARISH OFFICES ARE CLOSED                     Paul Firicano, C B  M 
                                                       ext 220… pfiricano@chelmsfordcatholic.org
              Daily Mass • 7 am                                               

        LIVEVIEW Rosary • CANCELLED                        Tina Sousa, F   ! F S
                                                        ext 219… tsousa@chelmsfordcatholic.org
         Tuesday, July 6                                                      

              Daily Mass • 7 am
Mass on a Mountain • depart parking lot at 7:30 am   Heather Hannaway, D  F F F 
                                                      ext 226… hhannaway@chelmsfordcatholic.org
           LIVEVIEW Rosary • 7 pm                                             

                                                     Courtney Callanan, A D  F F 
      Wednesday, July 7                                ext 227… ccallanan@chelmsfordcatholic.org

                                                     Lynn Anne LaDuke, F F C 
             Daily Mass • 7 am                         ext 240… lynnanne@chelmsfordcatholic.org
    Confessions • 4:30 - 5:30 pm • Church                                     

          LIVEVIEW Rosary • 7 pm                        Elaine Kindler, F F C 
                                                       ext 216… ekindler@chelmsfordcatholic.org
         Thursday, July 8
              Daily Mass • 7 am
                                                         Rae Russo, Ͳ F  C 
  Adoration • 12 - 9 pm • Adoration Chapel                ext 325… rae@chelmsfordcatholic.org
          LIVEVIEW Rosary • 7 pm                                              

                                                    Donna Gambon, Ͳ A  A 
                                                       ext 248… dgambon@chelmsfordcatholic.org
           Friday, July 9                                                     

                                                       Sue Beechin, Ͳ A  A 
             Daily Mass • 7 am                             ext 236… sue@chelmsfordcatholic.org
 Baptism Prep • 7 pm • SM PC Conf Room 1                                      
          LIVEVIEW Rosary • 7 pm
                                                              Dan Heider, F M 
       Saturday, July 10                                ext 213… dheider@chelmsfordcatholic.org

         Confession • 11 am • Church                              Bob Webb, C 
          Weekend Liturgy • 4 pm                                bob@chelmsfordcatholic.org

         Sunday, July 11
     Weekend Liturgy • 7 am and 11 am                  Christine Trznadel, C   D
      Group Baptism • 2 pm • Church                     ext 214… christine@chelmsfordcatholic.org
July 4, 2021 - July - the fourteenth Sunday in ordinary time - The Holy Rood Collaborative

Almighty God
    Bless our nation and make it true
    to the ideas of freedom and justice
     and brotherhood for all who make it great.
    Guard us from war, from fire and wind,
     from compromise, fear, confusion.
    Be close to our president and our statesmen;
     give them vision and courage,
     as they ponder decisions affecting                                    Sunday, July 4
     peace and the future of the world.
    Make us more deeply aware of our heritage;
    realizing not only our rights, but our duties
                                                                        Happy Fourth of July
    and responsibilities as citizens.                               Weekend Liturgy • 9:30 am and 6 pm
    Make this land great
    and all its people know clearly your will,                            Monday, July 5
     that they may fulfill the destiny
     ordained for them in the                                             PARISH OFFICES CLOSED
     salvation of the nations,                                               Daily Mass • 9 am
     and the restoring of all
     things in Christ.            Amen                           LIVEVIEW Chaplet of Divine Mercy • CANCELLED
                                                                          Confessions • CANCELLED

               In Honor of the Independence Day                           Tuesday, July 6
               Holiday, the parish offices will be closed                   Daily Mass • 9 am
               on Monday, July 5th.                               LIVEVIEW Chaplet of Divine Mercy • 3 pm
               Additionally, confession at St. John will
               be cancelled.                                           Wednesday, July 7
                                                                           Daily Mass • 9 am
              Mary, Queen of Heaven Missionaries                  LIVEVIEW Chaplet of Divine Mercy • 3 pm
           On the weekend of July 17th/18th, Sr. Gliceria
           from Mary Queen of Heaven Missionaries, will be                Thursday, July 8
           speaking at all Masses hoping to gain prayerful
and monetary support of their mission.                                      Daily Mass • 9 am
Mary Queen of Heaven Missionaries was established to              LIVEVIEW Chaplet of Divine Mercy • 3 pm
address the cruelest result of impoverishment in the
Philippines… young girls being forced into the trafficking                  Friday, July 9
trade. Through perfect love and charity, the determined
nuns of MQHM have developed a 2-fold plan to combat                           Daily Mass • 9 am
these atrocities: Rehabilitation Centers and Assistance            LIVEVIEW Chaplet of Divine Mercy • 3 pm
Programs. The Home of Love is a center that                       Baptism Prep • 7 pm • NPC Mariotti Room
accommodates women and children victims of sex                                         
trafficking. After rescue, they are sheltered here and given
the opportunity to finish their education or learn a                     Saturday, July 10
livelihood skill. This home, located in Cebu, Philippines,
needs our support to help them to double the size of their
                                                                         Confession • 3 pm • Church
facility to accommodate 100 women. The Regina                             Weekend Liturgy • 4 pm
Coeli Education Assistance Program has reached a
plateau due to a lack of funds.                                           Sunday, July 11
Please find it in your hearts to share your many blessings
with children who have nowhere else to go to escape this
                                                                    Weekend Liturgy • 9:30 am and 6 pm
unspeakable situation by helping us to sustain this                     African Liturgy • 12 noon
extremely important, life-saving mission. To learn more, visit        Group Baptism 2:00 pm Church
July 4, 2021 - July - the fourteenth Sunday in ordinary time - The Holy Rood Collaborative
2021 KOC Family of the Year
    Phew! Now that COVID appears to be behind us,
    and the State of Emergency has been lifted, we
    are now able to forge ahead and get back to
    business… building community through our many
    and varying ministries!
    If you head up a ministry that meets from
    September—June, you are now able to reserve
    your space! We know there are many of you
    who have been waiting for this day, so in order
    to not burden our staff with the many, many
    requests, we are requiring THOSE WITH                   The Bishop Ruocco Council of the Knights of Columbus is
    COMPUTER ACCESS TO PLEASE MAKE YOUR                     pleased to announce that the Walsh Family has been
                                                            chosen as the 2021 KOC Family of the Year. This is a
    REQUESTS(S) ONLINE at...                                family that lives their faith; a faith of action, fueled by
                                                            the love of family, and more important, by the love of
    www.THEHOLYROOD.org/reserve-a-room                      God so very present in their lives. Dad, David and Mom,
                                                            Kristi have 3 sons—David, William, Jack—and a
    For those who do not have access to a computer,         daughter, Ava.
    please contact the parish office. Again, for those      Both Kristi and David assist with ushering duties at St.
    who do have access to a computer, please know           Mary and volunteer in our Faith Formation Program.
    that online is the most efficient way to book your      Additionally, if help is needed with a St. Mary Parish
    space.                                                  Center project, they are front and center in the offering
                                                            of their services. Kristi has assisted our Faith
                                                           Formation Team at every family Prayer Journal pick-up
4th ANNUAL HAIL MARY CHALLENGE                              and has made hundreds of prayer logs for our First
                                         •                  Eucharist children. David has regularly helped with an
                                                            assortment of basic maintenance concerns in the parish
    Your Hail Mary counts can be emailed to                 center office, classrooms, parish hall, and parish grounds.
    psidari@ymail.com, phoned into him at (978) 729-
                                                            David and Kristi also team up as leaders of Boy Scout
    1677, or dropped into the black drop boxes located      Troop 77, a troop sponsored by St. Mary Church. All
    at the entrance of the parish offices or the rear       three of their sons are Eagle Scouts, which only 8% of all
    handicap entrance at St. Mary.                          those in scouting in 2019 attained. Oldest son,
                                                            David, currently attends The Catholic University of
       Please remember                                      America in Washington, D.C.. Middle son William
                                                            executed his Eagle project in town, and youngest son
         to pray for the                                    David’s Eagle project can be seen at the entrance of the
    Holy Souls in Purgatory!                                St. Mary Parish Center. And let us not forget, Ava, who
                                                            could be seen alongside each of her brothers as they
    Our Lady of Fatima revealed in                          undertook these projects.
       her apparition that only the                         Additionally, the family donated flowers and prepared
     souls that are “totally pure will                      the container gardens in the front of the church this past
    see God,” and that we who are                           fall. They assisted with the return of parishioners to Mass
    on this Earth must pray for those                       and the many concerns related to this. As a family, they
      in purgatory, as they cannot                          consistently practice their faith by attending Mass
           pray for themselves.                             weekly, and you will often see them—the entire
                                                            family—at parish sponsored events, helping as needed.
     Week Ending          Total-To-                         As the kids have grown, they have modeled their
                                             %age of Goal   parents’ sense of service and join to assist.
       June 27              Date
                                                            David and Kristi are a beautiful example of what
        41,431          283,088                28.3%        commitment to the raising and forming of children in the
                                                            faith and supporting their parish community looks like.
July 4, 2021 - July - the fourteenth Sunday in ordinary time - The Holy Rood Collaborative
The Financial
The                                                          Page 
When sending in checks, please make it payable to the specific parish—St. John or St. Mary—to
whom you are making your donation. As each parish maintains their own financial entity, checks
made out to Chelmsford Catholic Collaborative cannot be cashed as the Collaborative is NOT a
financial entity. If you have any questions, please contact Paul Firicano via email or phone.
                                                                      Weekend of            Fiscal Year-To-Date         Fiscal YTD
       St. Mary Weekly Offertory                                     June 26th/27th              June 27th            Average/Week
       Offertory Required to cover Budgeted Expenses                    $15,100                   $770,100                $15,100
                                            Actual Received             $16,703                   $737,668                $14,464
                                        Shortfall/ Overage              $1,603                     -$32,432                -$636

                                                                      Weekend of            Fiscal Year-To-Date         Fiscal YTD
       St. John Weekly Offertory                                     June 26th/27th              June 27th            Average/Week
       Offertory Required to cover Budgeted Expenses                   $10,000                    $510,000                $10,000
                                           Actual Received              $7,768                    $449,500                 $8,814
                                       Shortfall/ Overage               -$2,232                    -$60,500               -$1,186

            Catholic Appeal as of June 29                                                   Grand Annual as of June 27 
                                                                                                 each parish has a goal of $60,000
                  2021 Goal        Raised     %age of Goal
                                                                                                             St. Mary      St. John
      St. Mary     $64,550        $88,290        136.78%
                                                                                                  Received   $112,402      $78,895
      St. John     $45,823        $44,450        97.00%
                                                                                            %age of Goal     187.34%       131.49%

    St. Mary                                                            St. John

    x Visit our website                                                x Visit our website at
       at www.chelmsfordcatholic.org                                       www.chelmsfordcatholic.org
       and click on the Online Giving                                      and click on the WeShare logo located in
       logo located in the right-hand sidebar on the homepage,             the right-hand sidebar on the homepage, or scan this QR
       or you can scan this QR code with your Android or iPhone.           code with your Android or iPhone. Open your camera
       Open your camera app. Hold your device so that the                  app. Hold your device so that the QR code appears in
       QR code appears in the viewfinder and you will see a                the
       notification with a link. Click on the notification to open         viewfinder and you will see a notification with a link.
       the link. You will be taken to the St. Mary Online Giving           Click on the notification to open the link. You will be taken
       site on your phone.                                                 to the St. John’s WeShare site on your phone.
    x Click on ‘Set up New Account’ and set up your payment            x Choose your Giving Opportunity and set up your
       options. If you prefer, there is a “Quick Give” option to           payments options. If you prefer, there is an option to
       make a one-time donation.                                           make a one-time donation.
July 4, 2021 - July - the fourteenth Sunday in ordinary time - The Holy Rood Collaborative
                      One of my favorite stories about         George Washington wanted to assure his men that the
                       George Washington occurs as the          greater promise was realized. 
                       War for Independence was ending. By      Christ also has made us a promise, but the difference is
                       this me the soldiers were fed up        that He will always be faithful to his promises. He also
                       with all the broken promises made by     wants to lead us to true freedom. Through his Paschal
                       the Connental Congress. The last        Mystery (his passion, death, resurrecon and ascension),
    straw came about as the promised pension for those who      Jesus promised us freedom from sin and death. But, we
    had served and sacrificed so much was going to be            need to understand that there are two ways of looking at
    scu"led. The leadership in the military was seriously       freedom.
    considering something close to overthrowing the
    government. However, a major opponent to this idea          As Americans, we believe freedom is the ability to do
    was George Washington, and so a meeng was called to        whatever we wantͶor the ability to choose. As
    discuss what they should do.                               Chrisans, the ability to do whatever we want is not
                                                                freedom, but license. The ability to choose is not
    What follows comes from Wikipedia and is a fairly 
                                                                freedom, but free will. In a Chrisan context, our free will
    accurate descripon of what occurred: “The March 15
                                                                gives us only one of two opons: to live in freedom or to
    meeng was held in the "New Building" or "Temple", a
                                                                live in slavery. Freedom exists only when we choose to
    40 by 70Ͳfoot (12 by 21 m) building at the camp. A4er
                                                                live in accord with the will of God. When we choose to
    Gates opened the meeng, Washington entered the
                                                                live contrary to God’s will, we choose to live in the state
    building to everyone's surprise. He asked to speak to the
                                                                of sin, which is slavery.
    officers, and the stunned Gates relinquished the floor.
    Washington could tell by the faces of his officers, who God’s will leads to true freedom because it is through
    had not been paid for quite some me, that they were living out our lives as He intends that we discover our
    quite angry and did not show the respect or deference as true selves. God will only lead us to what is in our best
    they had toward Washington in the past.                    interest, and through cooperang with his grace, the
                                                                truth of who we are created to be will unfold. The
    Washington then gave a short but impassioned speech,
                                                                ulmate purpose of any human life is “to know Him, to
    now known as the Newburgh Address, counseling 
                                                                love Him, and to serve Him in this world, and to be happy
    paence. His message was that they should oppose 
                                                                with Him forever in heaven.” But each of us will live out
    anyone "who wickedly a"empts to open the floodgates
                                                                this truth in different ways according to God’s will for our
    of civil discord and deluge our rising empire in blood." He
                                                                lives. The journey of salvaon, which is rooted in Christ’s
    then produced a le"er from a member of Congress to
                                                                death and resurrecon, is realized as we take up our
    read to the officers. He gazed upon it and fumbled with it
                                                                cross and follow Him according to his call in our lives. 
    without speaking. He then took a pair of reading glasses
    from his pocket, which were new; few of the men had When we reject God’s way, we become embroiled in a
    seen him wear them.He then said:                         life of sin and that can only lead to death and 
                                                                destrucon. Any choice that is contrary to God’s will for
    Gentlemen, you will permit me to put on my spectacles,
                                                                us is a choice to live in slavery to our own desires. The
    for I have not only grown gray but almost blind in the
                                                                more we look to our will, the more we reject God and our
    service of my country. 
                                                                very nature. When we choose to reject God, we choose
    This caused the men to realize that Washington had  also to reject ourselves because our very nature calls us
    sacrificed a great deal for the Revoluon, just as much as to be in proper relaonship with God. We are only in
    any of them. These, of course, were his fellow officers, proper relaonship with ourselves when our will is in 
    most having worked closely with him for several years. accord with God’s will. We can only find our true selves
    Many of those present were moved to tears, and with when we reject sin and choose to live in the freedom of
    this act, the conspiracy collapsed as he read the le"er.”  the children of God. May we come to truly live out the
    When promises are broken it can create a lot of tension promise of Christ. May we choose to be truly free.
    and discord. The people who had put their lives on the If you have any quesons about anything, please do not 
    line for many years could not deal with yet another  hesitate to ask me directly, or send your quesons to me
    broken promise. But they failed to see and understand at fr.brian@chelmsfordcatholic.org. 
    the greater promise that they had really fought for. It
    was not about pay or even land. It was about something Please keep me in your prayers.
    far greater. And George Washington understood what it
    was that they had really fought forͶit was freedom. 
From our Asst/ Director of Faith Formation From our Senior Priest                                                    

                     Courtney Callanan, MA   in Residence Fr. Colletti
We have now entered the first days of our new                                  This weekend we celebrate the Fourth of
collaborative, the Holy Rood Collaborative! These first days,                  July and all the events planned to
weeks, year, etc. of the Collaborative will be a meaningful                    celebrate the birth of our nation. Again,
time for our three communities. There will be many blessings,                  we think of our nation and its roots. The
I am sure; there will also be some struggles. In order to not                  main root of liberty and the guiding
lose sight of the former in light of the latter, we must                       force of this nation has been its religious
remember to keep God at the forefront of everything we                         heritage. We are “one nation under
do. To that end, I recently came across a prayer that I felt
was appropriate to this moment and time of transition. The
                                                                               God” as we say in the Pledge of
Shehecheyanu Prayer comes from the Jewish tradition and                        Allegiance (do we say this anymore?).
has been said for at least 1500 years. This prayer could be                    George Washington said in his farewell
called the Blessing for Firsts, and is meant to offer God                      address of 1796:
thanks when experiencing something important for the first
                                                                                “Of all the dispositions and habits which
time.                                                                            lead to political prosperity, religion and
The prayer is as follows:                                                      morality are indispensable supports. In vain
                                                                                   would that person claim the tribute of 
    ‫חיָֽינוּ וְקִיְּמָנוּ‬
                     ֱ ‫ה‬
                       ֶ ‫שׁ‬
                         ֶ ,‫מלֶ הָעוֹלָם‬
                                       ֶ ‫ֱהינוּ‬
                                            ֵ ֽ ‫ א‬,‫בָּרוּ אַתָּ ה יהוה‬              patriotism who should labor to subvert
                                                 ‫הגִּיﬠָנוּ לַזְּמָן הַזּ ֶה‬
                                                                        ִ ְ‫ו‬    these great pillars of human happiness…
                                                                                   and let us, with caution, indulge the 
                                                                                 supposition that morality can prevail in 
          Baruch Ata Adonai, Eloheinu Melech Haolam,                                exclusion of religious principles. 
        shehechiyanu, v’kiy’manu, v’higianu lazman hazeh.
                                                                               It is true that American democracy
      Blessed are You, Lord, our God, King of the Universe, 
        who has granted us life, sustained us, and brought                    depends on the strengths of our religious
                        us to this season.                                   institutions. We must pray that respect
                                                                               for the dignity of persons, personal and
As we move through the year, there will be a lot of big firsts                 national freedom, order and justice be
for our new Collaborative. There will be firsts for us as                      defended by us all. Our individual
individuals and firsts for us as a community. Some of these                    efforts to make America better will only
firsts will be accompanied by great joy and some we may
                                                                               be successful to the extent that we
find more difficult; some will happen right away and some
will take time to occur; some we will have expected and                        maintain our religious and moral values.
some will take us by surprise; all will mark our new reality                   Let us pray. God, our Father and Mother,
as three parishes brought together in this one collaborative.                  we thank you for the land we live in, not
In each of these moments, where we will experience change                      because it is ours to make of it what we
and transition, it will be important to keep in mind the spirit                will. Here we have our homes, here we
in which the Shehecheyanu Prayer is said. God, who is                          share life with those we love. There can
sovereign over all, has brought us to this moment. He was                      be no more compelling reason on earth
there when these three parishes were first formed. He is with                  for offering thanks to you. And there is
us now as this new Collaborative comes together. He will                       no better way of showing our thanks than
remain with us as we enter this season of change. We should                    by sharing this gift of freedom for
pause to thank Him for all that He has done to bring us to                     others. May we prove to be a people
this time and for all that He will do to provide for us as the                 responsible enough to use our freedom
future unfurls. There are many blessings to be grateful for in                 for others and to the glory of your name.
both directions.                                                               Help us, O Lord, to live out this belief
Baruch Ata Adonai, Eloheinu Melech Haolam, shehechiyanu,                       mindful of our calling. We ask you to
v’kiy’manu, v’higianu lazman hazeh. Blessed are You, Lord,                     send over us the Holy Spirit
our God, King of the Universe, who has granted us life,                        without whom our thanks to you would be
sustained us, and brought us to this season.                                   in vain.
Family Faith
              Heather Hannaway, MA
           Director of Faith Formation

                                                      Formaon Program
                 Courtney Callanan, MA
        Asst. Director of Faith Formation
                          Elaine Kindler
            Faith Formation Coordinator
        ekindler@chelmsfordcatholic.org                       Uniting the Heart of the Church
                      Lynn Anne LaDuke
            Faith Formation Coordinator
                                                               with the Heart of the Home
                                                   Don’t forget to take Fr. Brian on vacation with you! Cut out
                 Flat fr. Brian                    your Flat Fr. Brian, include him in a vacation photo—or
                                                   two— and submit to hhannaway@chelmsfordcatholic.org.
                    A quick link, as well as a photo album of photos submitted-to-date can be found at

                   TUItion angels
                   If mentoring or facilitating is not your cup of tea, but you still want to help in
                   the faith formation of our youth, might you consider becoming a Tuition Angel?
                 Tuition Angels are those generous individuals who make our scholarship fund possible…
                 the fund that is used to assist in covering the costs of faith formation for those families who may
                 not be in a position to do so on their own. Please make checks payable to the parish in which
                 you wish to donate, and note ‘SCHOLARSHIP FUND’ on the memo line. You can either drop
    your donation into any of our secured black drop boxes or mail to St. Mary or St. John the Evangelist/ 115
    Middlesex Street, North Chelmsford, MA 01863 ATTN: Faith Formation Scholarship Fund. Thank you!

                                                     Beginning next weekend, you will be reading the first
                                                      COMPLETEY merged Holy Rood Collaborative bulletin,
                                                      inclusive of all St. John the Evangelist, St. Margaret of
                                                      Scotland and St. Mary parish schedules, events and
                                                      With the holiday on the heels of our official start date—
                                                      July 1—we needed to accommodate the requirements of
                                                      our printer and postpone this endeavor to the following
                                                      weekend, July 10th/11th.
                                               The bulletin cover this week is a small sneak peek of
                                               what is to come: our new name; a brand new,
    fresh-looking copyrighted logo; the introduction of St. Margaret to the mix of liturgical
    celebrations. Next week, tune in for more!
    Psalm 22:11, John 10:11, Hebrews 12:2
    Heavenly Father, we are about to embark on a new chapter, and face the end to another. We ask that You lead and
    direct us as we go through new challenges during this transition. Father, stay close to us so that we do not stray from
    You or Your will for us. You are our Good Shepherd, and we are Your sheep. We need You to guide us and help us to
    keep our eyes fixed on You. Grant us what we need to be successful on this new journey, and calm our anxious minds
    through all the change. Thank You, Father. Amen.
Catholic Heart Work Camp 2021
                      Hand 2 Heart
    In just a few weeks—July 18-23—a group of teens (and           Join Deacon John on a pilgrimage to

    adults) from St. John, St. Mary, and St. Margaret parishes
    will be heading to North Haledon, NJ to serve those less
    fortunate than themselves. As you heard from our youth
    speakers last weekend, they are asking for prayerful and       September 13-21, 2021
    monetary support to the extent that you are able.                         Yes… THIS September!

    What is a Prayer Sponsor?                                      $2,499 per person, double occupancy
                                                                            from Boston
    Prayer Sponsors are asked to commit to a number of             Optional Tour to Dubrovnik
    hours in which to pray for the campers during the week         September 21-23/ $499 per person
    they are away—July 18th-23rd. Pray not only for the
    safety of the crew, but for their faith journey and that       For information on this, and other ‘Deacon John
    their actions make a positive difference in the lives of       Pilgrimages,’ visit...
    What is a Monetary Sponsor?
    Monetary Sponsors can make their financial donation in
                                                                              well worth
    one of a few different ways:
                                                                                 the mention
    x   Online at www.saintjohnchelmsford.weshareonline.org                    Beginning in July, the Blessed
    x   Mail/deliver it to the parish offices
                                                                                Sacrament will be exposed
                                                                                during weekday confessions.
    x   Drop it into the offertory basket [or any of our secure                [see calendar for schedule]
         black boxes] in an envelope clearly labeled with
    If donating via check, please make it payable to St. John          St. John’s Beautification Offering
    the Evangelist and note ‘Hand2Heart’ in the memo line.
                                                                   This offering funds the beautification of     our
    Whether you sponsor through a commitment to pray, a            Altar. Your voluntary donation can             be
    monetary donation, or both, we ask that you complete the       accompanied by the request that it be         “In
    form that can be found at www.chelmsfordcatholic.org/          Memory/Appreciation Of”, or “For              the
    hand-2-heart. The link to online payments can also be          Intentions Of” someone. 
    found here.                                                                   Danny Calnan
    We are looking for 1000 helping hands in this year’s                         Barbara A. Regan
    ‘Hand2Heart’ campaign—500 prayer commitments and
    500 monetary donations in the amount of $10 each.
    Whether these hands are extended in prayer, offering
    financial support, or both, they will lift up our campers
    and those they will be serving.
    We thank you for your support of our youth through this
    year’s Hand2(Catholic)Heart Campaign.
    Questions? Contact Courtney Callanan!
Rose for Life
                                                                      Is there someone special you’d like
                                                                      to honor? You can do that by having
                                                                      a rose signifying your intention placed in
                                                                      either church, as well as having your
                                                                      intention published in the bulletin.
                                                                      To book a Rose for Life, contact the parish
                                                                      office. The suggested offering is $5.
    If you would like to request that a Mass be celebrated for a
    specific intention or person, please call the parish office. A     This week’s St. Mary Rose for Life:
    donation of $10 per Mass Intention is requested to be made         For the Protection of the Unborn
    at the time you schedule your intention.                            St. Mary Rose provided by JuJu Buds

         St. John                                                    St. Mary Memorial Altar Flowers
                                                                                   Parishioners are invited to
                                                                                   donate a floral arrangement, to
                                                                                   be displayed on the altar in
                                                                                   memory of, or in honor of, a
                                                                                   loved one. The requested
                                                                                   donation for an arrangement is
                                                                      $40. If you would like to donate altar
                                                                      flowers, call the parish office. Please note
                                                                      that we require a 2-week notice for your

                                                                                            recently celebrated
                                       St. Mary                                           May the souls of the
                                                                                          faithful departed,
                                                                                          through the mercy 
                                                                                          of God, rest in peace.
                                                                         Patrick Walsh ● June 28 at St. Mary
                                                                      John LeBlanc, Jr. ● June 30 at St. Mary
                                                                          Colin Palmer ● June 30 at St. John
                                                                       Richard Derosas ● July 1 at St. Mary
                                                                      Grace McAndrews ● July 2 at St. Mary

                                               “The Lord’s call is not an intrusion of God in our freedom;
                                                       it is not a “cage” or a burden to be borne. 

                                     On the contrary, it is the loving iniave whereby God encounters us invites us
                                      to be part of a great undertaking. He opens before our eyes the horizon of 
                                                          a greater sea and an abundant catch.” 

                                                                                   ͲHis Holiness, Pope Francis
    1208 Gorham St., Lowell, MA
                                                                                           Pray For Our Priests

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  35 B Hunt Road
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          Ad info. 1-800-477-4574 • Church Support 1-800-888-4574 • www.4lpi.com   Holy Rood Collaborative   03-0756
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