Prayer and Ramadan - MAGAZINE - ISSUE 1, 2020 - MECO Global

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Prayer and Ramadan - MAGAZINE - ISSUE 1, 2020 - MECO Global

  Prayer and
      Partners in mission with Middle East Christians
Prayer and Ramadan - MAGAZINE - ISSUE 1, 2020 - MECO Global
Christian Prayer
                                            During Ramadan
                                                    eginning on 23 April, 1.8          One year, during Ramadan, Mushir, a
                                                    billion people around the          devout Muslim, was fasting and praying.
                                                    world identifying as Muslims       He was in a room in his home, crying
                                            will begin their annual month              out to God and asking to really know
                                            of prayer and fasting. During              Him.
                                            this month (it finishes 23 May) of         Suddenly a picture fell from the wall
Rev Richard Coombs                          Ramadan, Muslims also use it to            and smashed into pieces. It was an old,
                                            mark the first revelation of the           traditional painting that had been on
                                            Quran given to Muhammad.                   the wall for years. But behind it, was a

Contents                                    Many Christians use this month to focus
                                            prayer specifically on the Muslim world
                                            (see later - 30 Days of Prayer for the
                                                                                       picture of Jesus Christ on the cross.
                                                                                       “I was speechless, shocked, and in my
                                                                                       heart, I knew this was the answer to
3 A Day in the Life of                      Muslim World). Testimonies abound          what I asked for,” Mushir said. “I knew
  a Christian in Egypt                      of God revealing Himself to searching      that I had found God. God had shown
  during Ramadan                            Muslims during this time.                  me who He was - Jesus Christ was His
                                            Can I ask you to spend time across         answer.”
4 What Is Ramadan?                          this period of prayer and fasting to       We pray for God to work through His
6 We must not forget                        focus prayer specifically for both the     people around the world to share the
  Christians in the                         Christians and Muslims of the Middle       truth of Jesus with Muslims during this
                                            East region?                               time.
  Middle East
                                            Here are some reasons why we should        3. Jesus Tells Us to Pray for Our
8 5 Ways to Pray for the                    pray for them at this time:                Persecutors
  Middle East                               1. Christians Face Increased               Islamic extremists, such as Islamic State,
                                            Persecution During Ramadan                 are some of the worst persecutors of
9 Call to Prayer for the                                                               Christians worldwide.
  Muslim World                              Believers who live in Muslim-dominated
                                            countries say that persecution is often    Jesus tells us how we should respond:
                                            more intense during Ramadan. If they       “But I say to you, love your enemies
Editor: Richard Coombs                      decide not to fast, they stand out in      and pray for those who persecute you.”
©2020. MECO Issue 1, 2020                   their communities.                         (Matthew 5:44)
Printed by: The Wizarts
                                            “As much excitement as the Islamic holy    One believer made the following
Australia Office: MECO Australia            month brings to Muslims, it does carry     comment: “Many secret believers like
PO Box 136 Kerrimuir Victoria 3129          a great deal of burdens and concerns to
t: 03 9898 0077 | e:                                                me dare not reveal our faith because if
w:                          the Christian community,” says a local     we are caught we will be sent to Islamic
                                            Egyptian believer.                         rehabilitation centres. I’ve heard stories
For further information, contact the MECO                                              of brainwashing, torture, and mental
Australia office, or your nearest           “It is a very long 30 days during which
State representative:                       Christians in schools, work or public      abuse to make believers from Muslim
                                            spaces will receive harsh looks and        backgrounds recant their faith in Christ.”
New South Wales
John and Magda Ackad Ph: (02) 9822 2303     verbal harassments from extreme            “Our Muslim friends are living in
Email:               Muslims because of their faith. They are   darkness,” says a Christian leader from
                                            ridiculed for not fasting like Muslims.    the Middle East. “According to their
Joshua Aylward Ph: 0439 567 484             There have even been some cases            faith, they have to earn grace. This is a
Email:           where Christians have faced physical       heartbreaking fact. If we depend on the
                                            violence because they were caught          Lord God, we will start to see the rules
South Australia                             eating their lunch by their fasting
Anna Shepherd Ph: (08) 8356 9317                                                       and restrictions imposed during this
Email:                 Muslim co-workers or neighbours.”          period as opportunities to testify to the
                                            2. We Desire for Many Muslims              gospel.”
Territories, Tasmania, Western Australia
National Office Ph: (03) 9898 0077          to Come to Faith in Christ During          As you read through this magazine will
Email:                   Ramadan                                    you join me in prayer for our brothers
MECO is an interdenominational,             Many Muslims fast during this month in     and sister that they will be strong in
evangelical, Protestant mission agency      the hope of getting closer to Allah and    their faith and trust in Jesus? Pray
founded in 1860.
                                            are often more open to those sharing       also for the ‘powers of darkness’ to be
MECO Australia is a member of Missions      the truth of the gospel.                   overthrown in the lives of Muslim men
Interlink Australia and is a charity,                                                  and women that ‘the light of the gospel
registered in the name of Middle East       There are countless stories of Muslims     might shine.’
Christian Outreach (Australia) Inc          finding Jesus during Ramadan. In
                                            some countries, a high percentage of       Your brother in Christ,
                                            believers come to faith as God reveals     Rev Richard Coombs
                                            Himself through dreams or visions.         Australian Director

Prayer and Ramadan - MAGAZINE - ISSUE 1, 2020 - MECO Global
A Day in the Life
  of a Christian in Egypt
           during Ramadan
           hile                  Quran out loud - especially          some time from the long hours
           Ramadan is            when it comes to reading             before Muslims can go home
                                 a passage about Christians           to prepare for the sunset
           a celebration         and Jews - those infidels who        breakfast.
for Muslims, for many            will go to hell, according to
Christians, these days           some Quranic verses. A keen          The End of the Fast
are a struggle. This             Muslim believes that by doing        The call for the sunset prayer
article illustrates              this, they may be earning            announces the permission
the day in the life of           additional points from Allah.        for fasting Muslims to eat
a Christian in Egypt             The Christian man stands             and drink after a long day of
during Ramadan.                  listening, submissively, until his   fasting. The first hour after the
                                 stop comes. There is nowhere         sunset prayer call is always
During Ramadan, all Muslims                                           a silent hour throughout
                                 else to go.
become stricter and less                                              the country. Streets are
tolerant towards Christians.     On the other hand, a Christian
                                 woman is screened by the             nearly empty; no public
The daily life challenges                                             transportation, all shops
of a Christian in Egypt in       majority of the travellers on
                                 the same bus. Because she            are closed and every public
Ramadan are not new. The                                              activity is put on hold until
practical implications differ    is not covered under the
                                 hijab, she stands in the bus,        everyone has had their long-
from one setting to another,                                          awaited meal.
yet the spirit of a strict       helplessly, as she receives
religious attitude governs the   despising looks. Although            Seeking God in Prayer
atmosphere, no matter where      courtesy dictates that a             Sometimes I use this time to
Christians live.                 woman is usually invited by          go out to our small balcony to
                                 men to take their seats on           enjoy the rare quiet moments
Christian men and women
                                 the busy bus, as a Christian         of the overpopulated busy
notice the presence of
                                 woman, such a courtesy is            capital. This is when I enjoy
Ramadan without any doubt
                                 denied her.                          the evening air, and I look
- not only by the louder
speakers of the mosques but      Both Christian men and               around and pray for the
also, by the glaring looks of    women finally arrive at their        millions of Muslims - that
fasting Muslims.                 workplace, already exhausted         God may listen to many of
                                 from the rough start to the          them who are truly searching
The Christian Commute            day. They can’t escape the           to know and serve the true
Yesterday, a young Christian     heavy thought that this is yet       God. I pray that those who
woman from my church told        another day where they will          have a true heart’s desire to
me she felt so uncomfortable     sit in an office with Muslim         reach out to God will find Him
with all those dirty looks in    colleagues who are hungry,           reaching out to them through
the bus.                         thirsty and not interested in        the love of Jesus reflected in
A Christian man rides a public   any conversations - unless           the lives of shining Christians
bus, and here is what he sees    it includes criticizing the          throughout the country of
… unlike normal days, during     Christian faith. After all,          Egypt.
Ramadan, many Muslim             provoking and intimidating a         From a worker in Egypt (Open Doors)
men and women read their         Christian is a good way to kill

Prayer and Ramadan - MAGAZINE - ISSUE 1, 2020 - MECO Global
What Is  T
                 he beginning of each new

                 month in Islam is marked
                 by the observance of a
          new moon. Millions of Muslims
          around the world will mark the
          start of Ramadan on 23 April. It
          will be a month of intense prayer,
          dawn-to-dusk fasting and nightly
          Here’s a look at some questions and
          answers about Islam’s holiest month:
          Why Do Muslims Fast?
          The fast is intended to bring the faithful
          closer to God and to remind them of
          the suffering of those less fortunate.
          Muslims often donate to charities
          during the month and feed the hungry.
          Fasting is an exercise in self-restraint.
          It’s seen as a way to physically and
          spiritually detoxify by kicking impulses
          like morning coffee, smoking and
          midday snacking.
          Ramadan is a time to detach from
          worldly pleasures and focus on one’s
          prayers. Many Muslims dress more
          conservatively during Ramadan and
          spend more time at the mosque than
          at any other time of the year.
          Fasting during Ramadan is one of
          the five pillars of Islam, along with
          the Muslim declaration of faith, daily
          prayer, charity, and performing the hajj
          pilgrimage in Mecca.
          How Do Muslims Fast?
          Observant Muslims abstain from eating
          and drinking from dawn to dusk for the
          entire month of Ramadan, with a single
          sip of water or a puff of a cigarette
          considered enough to invalidate the
          Muslim scholars say it’s not enough
          to just avoid food and drinks during
          the day, though. Spouses must abstain
          from sexual intercourse during the day,
          and Muslims should not engage in road
          rage, cursing, fighting or gossiping.
          Muslims are also encouraged to

Prayer and Ramadan - MAGAZINE - ISSUE 1, 2020 - MECO Global
observe the five daily              welcoming of others around        Increasingly common are
prayers on time and to use          them who are not observing        Ramadan tents in five-star
their downtime just before          Ramadan. They also are not        hotels that offer lavish and
breaking their fast at sunset       expecting shorter work hours,     pricey meals from sunset to
to recite Quran and intensify       as is the case in the public      sunrise. While Ramadan is
remembrance of God.                 sector across much of the Arab    a boon for retailers in the
To prepare for the fast,            world during Ramadan.             Middle East and South Asia,
Muslims eat what is commonly        However, non-Muslims or           critics say the holy month
called ‘suhoor,’ a pre-dawn         adult Muslims who eat in          is increasingly becoming
meal of power foods to get          public during the day can be      commercialised.
them through the day.               fined or even jailed in some      Scholars are also disturbed by
                                    Middle Eastern countries, such    the proliferation of evening
How Do Muslims Break                as Saudi Arabia and the United    television shows during
Their Fast?                         Arab Emirates.                    Ramadan. In Pakistan, live
Muslims traditionally break         Meanwhile, minority Chinese       game shows give away gifts
their fast like the Prophet         Uighur Muslims complain           promoting their sponsors. In
Mohammed did some 1,400             of heavy restrictions by the      the Arab world, month-long
years ago, with a sip of water      Communist Party, such as bans     soap operas starring Egypt’s
and some dates at sunset.           on fasting by party members,      top actors rake in millions of
That first sip of water is by far   civil servants, teachers and      dollars in advertising.
the most anticipated moment         students during Ramadan,
of the day.                                                           How Do Muslims Mark The
                                    as well as generally enforced     End Of Ramadan?
After a sunset prayer, a large      bans on children attending
feast known as ‘iftar’ is shared    mosques, women wearing            The end of Ramadan is marked
with family and friends. Iftar      veils and young men growing       by intense worship as Muslims
is a social event as much as it     beards.                           seek to have their prayers
is a gastronomical adventure.                                         answered during ‘Laylat al-
Across the Arab world, juices       What Are Some Ramadan             Qadr’ or ‘the Night of Destiny.’
made from apricots are a            Traditions?                       It is on this night, which falls
staple at Ramadan iftars. In        Typically, the start of the       during the last 10 nights
South Asia and Turkey, yogurt-      month is welcomed with            of Ramadan, that Muslims
based drinks are popular.           greetings such as ‘Ramadan        believe that God sent the
                                    mubarak!’ Another hallmark        Angel Gabriel to the Prophet
Across the Muslim world,                                              Mohammed and revealed the
mosques and aid organisations       of Ramadan is nightly prayer
                                    at the mosque among Sunni         first versus of the Quran.
set up tents and tables for the
public to eat free iftar meals      Muslims called ‘taraweeh.”’       Some devout Muslims go into
every night of Ramadan.             In Egypt, a common sight          reclusion during those final
                                    during Ramadan is a lantern       days, spending all of their time
Can Muslims Be Exempted             called the ‘fanoos,’ which is     in the mosque.
From Fasting?                       often the centrepiece at an       The end of Ramadan is
Yes. There are exceptions for       iftar table and can be seen       celebrated by a three-day
children, the elderly, the sick,    hanging in window shops and       holiday called Eid al-Fitr.
women who are pregnant              balconies.                        Children often receive new
or menstruating and people          In the Arabian Gulf countries,    clothes, gifts and cash.
traveling, which could include      wealthy sheikhs hold ‘majlises’   Muslims attend early morning
athletes during tournaments.        where they open their doors       Eid prayers the day after
Many Muslims, particularly          for people to pass by all hours   Ramadan. Families usually
those who live outside the          of the night for food, tea,       spend the day at parks and
Middle East, are accepting and      coffee and conversation.          eating - now during the day.

Prayer and Ramadan - MAGAZINE - ISSUE 1, 2020 - MECO Global
We must
        not forget                              Christians
            hristians in parts of     They are survivors. They grew      Recently, a Christian leader
            the Middle East are       up under Roman persecution,        commented that the Christians
            facing the threat of      dealt with invasions in the        of the region are facing the
    severe persecution - we           wars against the Persian           worst situation since the
    must pray and speak               Empire, endured conquest by        Mongol invasions of the 13th
    up for them, writes               Islam – and yet found ways         Century.
    Archbishop Justin Welby.          to live together in peace and
                                      for each other’s benefit. By       Christians in the Middle
    About 15 years ago I sat in the                                      East do not need to be in
                                      the 12th century, they were
    home of an elderly Palestinian                                       the majority to survive and
                                      producing some of the best
    Christian man in Galilee, on a                                       prosper. They have learnt
                                      scholars and theological
    hillside where Jesus himself                                         to do that as equally valued
                                      thinkers to be found in the
    may have walked.                                                     citizens. But they do need
                                      Islamic or Christian worlds.
                                      And they flourished amongst        freedom to worship – and
    Foolishly, I asked, “How
                                      warm toleration.                   security for themselves, their
    long has your family been
                                                                         children and grandchildren.
    Christian?” The man – who
                                      To this day, in countries in       They need to know they are
    was as vibrant as someone
                                      the region where Christian         not forgotten by the world,
    half his age – gave me a look
                                      communities are free and           or treated as an irrelevant
    and replied, “Since about the
                                      flourishing, they are essential    minority, a societal optional
    time of Saint Paul, I should
                                      to society. Alongside others       extra, or even a threat.
                                      they are teachers, doctors and
                                      lawyers. They own businesses       There is no uniform experience
    Christians have been in the
                                      and run them well. They hold       of life as a Middle Eastern
    Middle East for nearly 2000
                                      the memory of times past           Christian. In some places they
    years - for much of that time
                                      and land they have lost. And       live in peace and stability. In
    at the heart of its life. They
                                      at the heart of their faith is a   Lebanon and Jordan, they
    are the original Christian
                                      profound belief in the victory     are not simply welcomed and
    communities, already old
                                      of Christ over the power of        tolerated, but are an integral
    beyond memory when Islam
                                      death, demonstrated in his         part of society, with a Christian
    arrived in the region. Over
                                      resurrection from the dead.        holding the Presidency. In
    the centuries they have tilled
                                      They are community minded,         some countries they face daily
    land, built towns and formed
                                      counting their number by the       threats of violence, murder,
    large, fruitful and productive
                                      total of families more than the    intimidation, prejudice and
                                      total of individuals.              poverty. In the last few years,

Prayer and Ramadan - MAGAZINE - ISSUE 1, 2020 - MECO Global
in the Middle East
 they have been slaughtered        Church now face the threat of      unimaginable horrors and
 by so-called Islamic State,       imminent extinction.               threats of so-called Islamic
 and in many countries, they                                          State, is to impose a choice
 find themselves squeezed          Even where Christians are          that we would not accept
 between the upper and lower       secure in physical terms,          for ourselves, and which we
 millstones of pressure on them    tensions in the region make        should not judge too easily.
 within society and of conflicts   life difficult for them. Israeli
 that afflict the region           Arab Christians are impacted       Third, we must support and
                                   in everyday life because their     help them in every way we
 But the presence of Christians    families and communities are       can. Where they wish to
 is good – no, essential for the   broken up by the dividing lines    leave, they will be refugees
 region as a whole. A healthy      of Israel, the West Bank and       in need of asylum. Where,
 Christian presence is a sign      Gaza. This leaves them feeling     courageously and by the
 and a guarantee that religious    vulnerable, insecure and           grace of God, they choose to
 freedom is preserved for all      looking abroad for the promise     remain, they need publicity
 citizens.                         of greater wellbeing.              and external, visible support.
                                                                      Whether in large and
 Many, though, have left.          What needs to be done to           flourishing communities, such
 Hundreds of thousands have        address this deeply alarming       as in Lebanon or Egypt, or
 been forced from their homes.     situation?                         smaller, struggling Churches,
 Many have been killed,                                               they need the protection
 enslaved and persecuted           First, everyone can remember
                                   Christians in the Middle East      and encouragement of
 or forcibly converted. Even                                          governments and people at
 those who remain ask the          and pray for them. During this
                                   period of Ramadan, it’s a time     home and abroad. Without
 question, “Why stay?” The                                            this they cannot live out their
 Christian population of Iraq,     to pray with special focus and
                                   dedication for these Christian     vocation as citizens of their
 for instance, is less than                                           native lands in co-operation
 half what it was in 2003          communities. God is faithful
                                   and hears our prayers.             with other religious groups.
 and their churches, houses
 and businesses have been          Second, we must understand         Let’s renew our commitment
 damaged or destroyed. The         their plight and not present       to remember, pray for and
 Syrian Christian population has   it as simple or with obvious       speak out for the Christians in
 halved since 2010. As a result,   solutions. To ask Syrian           the Middle East.
 across the region Christian       Christians to choose between       Justin Welby
 communities that were the         President Assad, under whom        Archbishop of Canterbury
 foundation of the universal       they were tolerated, and the

Prayer and Ramadan - MAGAZINE - ISSUE 1, 2020 - MECO Global
5                    Ways to Pray
                          for the Middle East

                                                             Pray For:

          earn how to           diverse platforms in the     1. Peace. Ask God to end the
          pray for the          Middle East to share the        violence. Pray for political
                                love and peace found            leaders and structures to
          Middle East,          in Scripture. Through
    one of the most                                             bring peace to the region.
                                satellite television,
    dangerous regions           Scripture can now be         2. The Church and Believers. Ask
    in the world.               shared in a way that            God to protect those bringing
    The Middle East             does not pose a risk            God’s Word in different
    continues to be one         to the safety of those          ways and those engaging
    of the most turbulent       engaging it; Christian
                                satellite television is
                                                                with it, especially amidst the
    regions in the world.
    The frequent violence,      bringing a message of           threat of persecution and
    including acts of terror,   hope to millions, right in      strict restrictions against
    bloody civil wars, and      their homes. Children’s         proselytising.
    religious oppression, has   Bibles, published
                                                             3. Wisdom. Pray for effective
    an enormous spiritual       in Arabic, bring the
                                good news of Jesus,             collaboration among Christian
    and emotional effect
    on the people who           encouragement and               leaders and organisations in
    experience it.              strength to those who           the Middle East that provide
                                have experienced                support and resources across
    As a result, there is a     emotional and spiritual         different nationalities.
    great need in the Middle    pain.
    East for the hope and                                    4. Open Hearts. Ask God to
    comfort found in God’s      As this important work          open people’s hearts to both
    Word.                       continues, here are five        the workers and the messages
                                ways you can pray for           of Scripture, even in the midst
    MECO has joined with        the Middle East:
    local ministry partners,                                    of chaos.
    to produce and use
                                                             5. Current Efforts. Ask God to
                                                                multiply the impact of current
                                                                ministry efforts so that people
                                                                living in that region can find
                                                                refuge and strength in Him.

Prayer and Ramadan - MAGAZINE - ISSUE 1, 2020 - MECO Global
Call to
          for the
Please join millions of
Christians around the world
for 30 Days of Prayer, an
international movement that
seeks to reach out to Muslims
during Ramadan from 24 April
– 23 May.
Ramadan, a key month of
religious observation on the
Islamic calendar, gives us, the
body of Christ, a prayer focus
for compassion, understanding
and respect for our Muslim
neighbours, so that they may
know God.
The 30 Days of Prayer for         topics and people groups living “Devote yourselves to prayer
the Muslim World booklet          around the world.               with an alert mind and a
is now available to support                                       thankful heart.” Colossians 4:2
intentional prayer for Muslim     Distributed by OM Australia,
families, providing context.      you can order your copies       30 Days of Prayer is an
The booklet contains daily        online at       opportunity to show God’s
articles, photos and prayer       au, or if you have an enquiry,  love and share our faith. We
points highlighting different     please call OM on (03) 8820     can make a difference through
                                  3200.                           prayer.

Arabic Literature
     W      e were delighted to     Not only did the children       This book is to be
            be able to forward      enjoy putting the puzzles       distributed to parents
     the costs for printing         together and reading the        through schools, national
     5000 copies of the first       stories but it also brought     day events, and parents’
     two books in a series          the whole family closer as it   focus groups. The tips will
     of six. The books were         was an opportunity for all of   impact and create healthy
     titled 100 Days of School      them to take part together.     parenting styles in the
     and The Lion Story. This       He also said that after         parent-child relationship,
     series is part of our          completing the puzzles they     character development,
     support to the church          often opened their Bibles       healthy habits, emotional
     in Middle East.                and read the whole passage      expression, discipline, social
                                    together, something they        skills, anxiety, learning
     The response to these          had rarely done previously.     strategies, fostering
     books has been very                                            autonomy, sexual wellbeing,
     positive and work is           We are looking for support      and self-care. The cost of
     beginning on Books 3           of $7,500.00 so that we         translating and publishing
     and 4, which are expected      can help support the            this resource is $7,500.00.
     to be published in the next    publication of books 5 and 6
     2-3 months.                    to complete the series.        If you would like to support
                                                                   these two projects, send
     This series of six books       A second project that we       your gift to MECO Australia
     is for children aged from      have committed ourselves       earmarked for ‘Arabic
     5-7 and 7-10. While each       to is the publication of an    Literature Projects’.
     is written from a Biblical     Arabic book for parents -
     perspective, they are          Wise Parenting Book: 60+
     suitable for children from     ideas for tackling common
     any religious background.      childhood challenges. This
     The less overt approach to     book is a culturally sensitive
     sharing our faith means a      pocketbook which includes
     wider prospective audience     tips that parents can read
     for these important topics     in one minute about any
     and will allow our partners    challenges they might face
     to distribute in countries     with their children including
     normally closed to Christian   boosting the child’s self-
     resources.                     esteem, responding to grief,
                                    bullying, stuttering, poor
     A parent commented how         academic performance, and
     blessed they had been by       many more!
     the children’s Puzzle Bible.

  Darren is enjoying his                Rebecca is teaching at the                As mentioned previously,
  teaching and ministry role at         ‘School of the Constant                   Perry and Karen are now
  the ‘School of the Constant           Lighthouse’ in Lebanon. She               residing in Sydney. Continue
  Lighthouse’ in Lebanon.               is continuing to develop                  to pray for them as they
  With the recent ‘lock-down’           relationships with the                    settle back into Australian life.
  of the country because of             mothers of the children                   Perry is working with Morling
  Caronavirus, he has used              in her classes. With the                  College for 40% of his time
  the opportunity to continue           school closed because of the              and will continue to consult
  discipling and also distributing      Caronavirus, Rebecca is able              and travel to Theological
  food and other necessities to         to have more time in learning             Seminaries in the majority
  Syrian refugee families.              Arabic.                                   world. Karen is looking for
                                                                                  pastoral opportunity in west
  Vicki has recently been               Noel and Ros Uebergang                    Sydney. They are continuing
  speaking with government              (Perth) continue to have                  as Associate Members with
  officials in Europe with regard       excellent opportunities in                MECO Australia. Phoebe
  to our persecuted brothers            their ministry among people               is engaged to be married
  and sisters in the Middle East.       from the Middle East. Folk                later this year. Chris is back
  She has had very positive             can help with their support by            in Melbourne with new
  responses from a number               forwarding gifts to our office.           employment.
  of Parliamentarians. She is
  currently living close to the   John and Magda Ackad
  MEC (Middle East Concern)       (Sydney) are continuing their                      PLEASE NOTE:
  office in Luton, UK.            ministry to Muslim people.                         Due to Victorian Government
                                  They can be contacted                              stage 3 restrictions in place
  Ivy is in Jordan and continuing on (02) 9822 2303 or                               due to coronavirus, the office
  her language study as well      0404 058 569. Folk can                             is not open and there will
  as engaging in ministry to      help with their support by                         be a delay in responding
  women and families.             forwarding gifts to our office.                    to donations and phone

Donations and Support
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                                           Account: 100009416
   by calling 03 9898 0077                                                           of the next issue by email let us know.
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Legacies – Legacies are a significant way for Christians to continue support of
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Why Pray
     God loves Muslims. He LOVES them! He
     loves them SO much that He came to the
     earth as a baby, lived a perfect life, gave His
     own life as the perfect sacrifice for their sins,
     and then raised Himself from the grave!
     And He wants all Muslims “to be saved and to come
     to the knowledge of the truth.” (1 Timothy 2:4)
     Jesus said “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one
     comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6)
     Praise God, that is exactly what is happening today! More
     Muslims have turned to follow Jesus in the past 15 years than
     in the previous 1400 years combined!
     But our hearts are still heavy because 1.8 billion Muslims are still
     living without a saving relationship with Jesus Christ.
     And so we PRAY!

 • Prayer  Points – monthly Prayer
   Points for the Middle East are
                                                 • Prayer for the Persecuted Church
                                                   through our partnership with Middle
      distributed by email and print. We             East Concern (MEC) we get regular
      would be delighted to add your                 up-dated prayer requests for people
      name to our list – please forward              in the Middle East who are in difficulty
      an email to:                with the authorities. If you wish to
      requesting the Prayer Points and               be part of this prayer ministry, please
      specify how you would like to receive          request to be placed on the mailing list
      them (email or print).                         –

12                                          MECO Australia –
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