THE FIRST CHURCH NASHUA, NEW HAMPSHIRE - Congregational - United Church Of Christ - The First Church, Nashua

Page created by Phillip Mack
THE FIRST CHURCH NASHUA, NEW HAMPSHIRE - Congregational - United Church Of Christ - The First Church, Nashua

                              NASHUA, NEW HAMPSHIRE
                       Congregational – United Church Of Christ

“No matter who you are, whom you love, or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.”
THE FIRST CHURCH NASHUA, NEW HAMPSHIRE - Congregational - United Church Of Christ - The First Church, Nashua
                                   May 31, 2020

                             APPROACH TO GOD
                   Let us keep silence as we prepare for worship.

                     “Bethlehem was God with us. Calvary was
                      God for us. Pentecost is God in us.”                           Robert Baer

PRELUDE              Choral Variations on VENI CREATOR                                M. Duruflé
                          Andante Religioso           (Thema)                         (1902 – 1986)
                          Poco meno lento             (Flutes, Nazard & Clarinet)
                          Allegretto                  (Gambe & Octavin with Flute)
                          Andante espressivo          (Strings & Flute)

INTROIT          Wir eilen mit schwachen doch emisgen Schritten                       J. S. Bach
                          from Cantata 78 (excerpt)                                   (1685 – 1750)

               Wir eilen mit schwachen                We hurry with weak
               doch emsigen Schritten                 yet eager steps
               O Jesu, O Meister                      O Jesus, O Master
               zu helfen, zu Dir                      to assist, to You.
                                JANET POISSON, soprano
                                ELENA DeSTASIO STABILE, mezzo soprano

Leader: When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one
        place. And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush
        of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting.
        Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue
        rested on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit.
        (Acts 2:1-4a )
People: Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful people, and kindle in
        us the fire of your love.
*HYMN #575   Come, Holy Ghost Our Souls Inspire                          VENI CREATOR
                   (the final line is sung only after the last stanza)
 We give you thanks for all the ways that you bless our lives: the beauty and
 abundance of nature, the love of family and friends, the joy of knowing you and
 hearing your word. Send Your Spirit during this time of worship so that we might
 dream your dreams and see visions of the world as you created it to be. Guide
 our thoughts and actions. Bring us closer to you so that we might do your will
 and dwell in your house forever. Amen.
           Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost
           As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be,
           world without end, Amen, Amen.
                      PROCLAMATION OF GOD'S WORD
 SCRIPTURE READINGS                                                  Acts 2:1-21
When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. And
suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled
the entire house where they were sitting. Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared
among them, and a tongue rested on each of them. All of them were filled with the
Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability.
Now there were devout Jews from every nation under heaven living in
Jerusalem. And at this sound the crowd gathered and was bewildered, because each
one heard them speaking in the native language of each. Amazed and astonished,
they asked, “Are not all these who are speaking Galileans? And how is it that we
hear, each of us, in our own native language? Parthians, Medes, Elamites, and
residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and
Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya belonging to Cyrene, and visitors from
Rome, both Jews and proselytes, Cretans and Arabs—in our own languages we
hear them speaking about God’s deeds of power.” All were amazed and perplexed,
saying to one another, “What does this mean?” But others sneered and said, “They
are filled with new wine.”
But Peter, standing with the eleven, raised his voice and addressed them, “Men of
Judea and all who live in Jerusalem, let this be known to you, and listen to what I
say. Indeed, these are not drunk, as you suppose, for it is only nine o’clock in the
morning. No, this is what was spoken through the prophet Joel: ‘In the last days it
will be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and
your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old
men shall dream dreams. Even upon my slaves, both men and women, in those days
I will pour out my Spirit; and they shall prophesy. And I will show portents in the
heaven above and signs on the earth below, blood, and fire, and smoky mist. The
sun shall be turned to darkness and the moon to blood, before the coming of the
Lord’s great and glorious day. Then everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall
be saved.’
                                                                       Romans 8:22-27
We know that the whole creation has been groaning in labor pains until now; and not
only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan
inwardly while we wait for adoption, the redemption of our bodies. For in hope we
were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what is seen? But
if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.
Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we
ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words. And God, who
searches the heart, knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit
intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.
Leader: This is the Word of the Lord.
People: Thanks be to God.
GOSPEL RESPONSE            Thanks Be to Thee                                  T. Tallis
                                 STAFF SINGER QUARTET                       (1505 – 1585)
                                 JANET POISSON, soprano
                                 ELENA DeSTASIO STABILE, mezzo soprano
                                 NICK DeFRANCESCO, tenor
                                 LARRY BALLARD, bass
ANTHEM               A Pure River of Water of Life                           A. Ridout
                                                                            (1934 – 1996)
                           We know not a voice of that River,
                           If vocal or silent it be,
                           Where for ever and ever and ever
                           It flows to no sea
                           More deep than the seas is that River,
                           More full than their manifold tides,
                           Where for ever and ever and ever
                           It flows and abides, abides.
                           Pure gold is the bed of that River
                           The gold of that land is that best,
                           Where for ever and ever and ever
                           It flows on at rest, at rest
                           Oh goodly the banks of that River,
                           Of goodly the fruits that they bear,
                           Where for ever and ever and ever
                           It flows and is fair
                           For lo! (For lo! For lo! For lo!)
                           On each bank of that River
                           The Tree of Life lifegiving grows
                           Where for ever and ever and ever
                           The pure River flows, flows, flows.
                                   (Christina Rosetti – 1830 – 1894)
SERMON              “Too Deep for Words”              Rev. Dr. Andrew Armstrong
                       RESPONSE TO GOD'S WORD
Leader: Almighty and gracious God, You have given us the Holy Spirit and so
        many gifts.
People: Forgive us when we put conditions on Your love.
Leader: You have sent the Spirit of joy.
People: Forgive us when we allow sorrow to overwhelm our witness.
Leader: You have sent the Spirit of peace.
People: Forgive us when our words and actions contribute towards conflict
        and division.
Leader: You have sent the Spirit of patience.
People: Forgive us when we worry because we do not see instant results to
        our prayer.
Leader: You have sent the Spirit of kindness.
People: Forgive us when we have neglected the needs of our neighbors.
Leader: You have sent the Spirit of goodness.
People: Forgive us when we have willfully or thoughtlessly caused pain by
        our words or actions.
Leader: You have sent the Spirit of faithfulness.
People: Forgive us when our discipleship has lacked credibility.
Leader: You have sent the Spirit of gentleness.
People: Forgive us when we have pushed and bullied others to conform to
        our will.
Leader: You have sent the Spirit of self-control.
People: Forgive us when we have hurt others by our careless ways.
Leader: Gracious and merciful God, grant us Your forgiveness and Your love
        that we may truly care for one another.
People: Refresh and renew us with Your Spirit so that we can be fruitful and
        vital disciples of Jesus Christ. Amen.
         Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name
         Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done,
         On earth, as it is in heaven.
         Give us this day, our daily bread
         And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
         And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
         For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.
CHORAL RESPONSE            Song 44 - Veni Creator                             O. Gibbons
                                                                               (1583 – 1685)
                           Come Holy Ghost, the Maker, come;
                           Take in the souls, of Thine Thy place;
                           Thou whom our hearts had being from,
                           Oh, fill them with thy heavn’ly grace.
                           Thou art that Comfort from above,
                           The Highest doth by gift impart;
                           Thou spring of life, a fire of love,
                           And the anointing Spirit art.
                                 (Hymnes and Songs of the Church, London 1623)

OFFERTORY             O Clap Your Hands                                          J. Rutter
                           O clap your hands together all ye people:
                           O sing unto God with the voice of melody.
                           For the Lord is high, and to be fear’d:
                           He is the great King upon all the earth.
                           He shall subdue the people under us
                           and the nations under our feet
                           He shall choose out an heritage for us
                           even the worship of Jacob whom He loved
                           God is gone up with a merry noise,
                           and the Lord with the sound of the trump.
                           O sing praises, sing praises unto our God
                           O sing praises, sing praises unto our King.
                           For God is the King of all the earth:
                           Sing ye praises with understanding…
                                                            (Psalm 47:1-7)

*DOXOLOGY #515                                                           OLD HUNDRETH L.M.
                Praise God from whom all blessings flow;
                Praise him all creatures here below;
                Praise him above, ye heavenly host:
                Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen
 Thank you for giving us the opportunity to give, which we do with joyful, grateful
 hearts. We look at the needs of the world, and our offerings are small. May
 they be like yeast, gifts that grow in your kingdom watered by the Spirit, bringing
 a rich harvest of righteousness. We pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen.
*HYMN #245   Gracious Spirit, Dwell With Me   REDHEAD No. 76

BENEDICTUS                     Cantate Domino                                        G. O. Pitoni
                                                                                       (1657 – 1743)
     Cantate Domino canticum novum           Sing to the Lord a new canticle
     Laus eius in ecclesia sanctorum         Let His praise be in the church of saints
     Laetetur Israel in eo, qui fecit eum:   Let Israel rejoice in him that made Him
     et filiae Sion exultant in rege suo     And let the children of Zion be joyful in their king

POSTLUDE                 Choral Variations on VENI CREATOR                             M. Duruflé
                                      Allegro - Final     (Full Organ)

Cover Art: Pentecost by El Greco – c.1600 Oil on canvas
Hymns are from the Pilgrim Hymnal: CCLI#3034682
Rev. Andy’s Weekly Message – May 29, 2020

When we experience pain it wounds our souls and shakes us up. Pain often expresses
itself as anger, which is a healthy response to protect our dignity and restore our personal
sense of boundaries. Jesus could get angry. You may remember that He drove the money
changers out of the Temple for defiling God’s house.

What happens when anger is denied, repressed or psychotically magnified? Rev. Richard
Rohr says that if we do not transform our pain and anger, we most certainly will transmit
our pain and anger onto others. There’s a great deal of pain and anger in our nation right
now. It’s everywhere---especially among those most heavily impacted by poverty, injustice,
and racism. Minneapolis is burning in riot following the racially charged police killing of
George Floyd. Other cities are erupting with violence protests as well. Meanwhile the death
toll from COVID-19 has surpassed 100,000 and 40 million Americans are unemployed.
Behind all the numbers are our family members, friends and fellow citizens. We are
desperate for words of assurance and guidance; however partisan bitterness from the top
on down is only adding fuel to the flames. There’s just no escaping the anger that is all
around us and within us.

We need help, all of us, to contend with our powerful feelings of anger and pain. It’s plain
to see that our nation and communities are in need of healing that must go deeper than a
rejuvenated economy or a COVID-19 vaccine (as crucial as they are). We are in need of
spiritual renewal that brings “healing on its wings” for all God’s children. The Gospel writer
John tells us that Jesus’s anger in the Temple was expressed as “zeal for God’s house.” It
was a holy moment, John implies, that motivated Jesus to rebuild God’s house. Take note-
the anger around us and within can motivate the best in us for the work waiting for us
beyond this pandemic. If, and only if, it is transformed and not transmitted with God’s help.

In Christ,
Rev. Andy
First Church’s COVID-19 Ministries
Music Ministry:
   The First Music Concert Series is pleased to announce its May 31 closing program
     of the 2019/2020 season, “WOMEN OF MUSIC”, will be offered in an online format
     on our church YouTube presence. Dr. Jennifer Piazza-Pick has produced a
     pastiche of repertory from her three “Doctoral recitals” from the past three years,
     which represent our WOMEN OF SONG. All music by women composers, significant
     in their contributions for our music history. Dr. Piazza-Pick, new to her DMA title, will
     narrate us through this program, and a concert program with biographies will be also
     available to view with the link online.
     Soprano Jennifer-Piazza Pick and pianist Ying-Shan Su bring a unique chamber
     program for voice and piano to First Music, showcasing compositions by women
     composers. The entire afternoon will open our senses to the wonders of these
     female colleagues. Representing women of various backgrounds and eras, First
     Music’s audience will become aware of the vast opus of works these composers have
     gifted our music history. Join us for this closing concert on our “Women of Music”
     12th Season!
     The concert video will be available for viewing on the home page on our website
     under "FM CONCERT-WOMEN OF SONG, and on our Youtube channel on Sunday,
     May 31st at 2:00 PM to view at your leisure for the period of one week.
    All choir activity is suspended through June 21. We look forwarding to welcoming
      everyone back in the 2020/21 ministry season. We miss you!
    In light of the interruption of work for Music at First and the Music Committee, the
      selection of a recipient for the fourth annual Elizabeth Shirley Award for service to
      the Music Ministry is postponed until next year.
    The Summer Music Schedule for Sunday services from Father’s Day through Labor
      Day is set. Men’s Choir will not convene this season for Father’s Day worship, but a
      men’s quartet has been organized to keep part of that tradition alive for June 21. The
      entire schedule is included in the June newsletter.
    The 2020/21 Ad Campaign for the First Music Concert Series has been tabled until
      later in the coming summer.
    The 2020/21 First Music Concert Series schedule is listed in the June Newsletter.
      Concerts are scheduled to start in November.
First Church Business Networking: A registry of our members and friends’ businesses
is being established. If you would like First Church to place your business in the registry
and post it on a bulletin board (or occasional Messenger), call or email Sue Englander with
your information and send us/drop off your card.
NOTE: While the church will post, we will not promote any one business or vet them.
Facemask Ministry: First Church has established a Facemask Ministry. If you are in
need of a facemask, please contact the church office to arrange for pick-up or delivery of
one (or more).
If you would like to make masks for our church parishioners and the greater community,
please email Diane Matthes.
To learn how to make facemasks follow this link to the CDC website for instructions.
Mobile Ministry: We have members and friends who must remain isolated because of
underlying vulnerabilities to COVID-19 or are in quarantine. They have a need for
groceries, medications, and connection. We have formed a network of persons who are
willing to shop and deliver necessary food, supplies, and medications. Rev. Ken is
coordinating this ministry.     To join our team, please contact Rev. Ken at If you have need, or know someone in need, then inform Rev. Ken.
Caring Connections:
     Prayer Chain
     The prayer chain remains up and running. Rev. Jami will provide updates on a
     regular basis so we can be holding up one another and our community before the
     Lord in prayer. Please direct your prayer concerns to
Recurring Zoom gatherings:
   Coffee with Clergy meets on Wednesdays at 2:00 PM.
   Rev. Jami hosts Water to Wine on Thursdays at 7:00 PM. Contact the church office
    for the links and ID numbers. If you have attended one of these meetings previously,
    please use the same link.
Study Groups online:
   Rev. Andy’s Wednesday Morning Men’s Group continues online on Wednesdays
     at 8:00 AM.
   Women’s Wisdom and Spirituality meets every Sunday via Zoom from 1:00-2:00
     PM through June 28. Our focus is the 2019 feminist theological study Mary
     Magdalene Revealed: The First Apostle, Her Feminine Gospel & the Christianity We
     Haven’t Tried Yet, written by Meggan Watterson. Contact the church office for the
     Zoom ID and Password. After each zoom class Rev. Jami will offer a 15-minute
     guided zoom meditation for those who are interested.
Christian Education: Rev. Ken is leading confirmation classes online. Confirmation
Sunday is being postponed to a date yet to be determined, but it will be no earlier than
September 2020. Also, he and Diane Matthes are establishing an online community for
parents of youth and children to offer support, ideas, and encouragement for the challenges
caused by disruptions of all our routines.
Pastoral Care: Your ministers are available 24/7 to talk and pray with you as need arises.
Our contact information is as follows:
   Rev. Andy: 978-844-2617 (mobile)
   Rev. Ken: 203-722-4901 (mobile)
   Rev. Jami: 603-325-0772 (mobile)
Worship with us online: Worship services are posted on our website, Facebook and our
YouTube Channel each Sunday at 6:00 AM. You may watch the services at any time. A
link to your bulletin is located in the description of the Worship Service video on our website,
and in the Worship Service description just under the Youtube video.
Giving: Our financial giving remains crucial to maintain our ministry, to support the spiritual
health of the church family, and continue our Outreach to mission partners in and around
Nashua. Please mail in your offering or consider e-giving though our website at
Emergency Relief Fund: The First Church Family has established an Emergency Relief
Fund for our members, our mission partners and our ministries. Given the needs that we
see now and anticipate in the days and weeks to come due to sickness and economic
strain, we want to do our utmost to provide for the welfare and wellbeing of the congregation
and community. To this end, the monies will be placed in an account to be distributed by
our ministers with Prudential oversight. These funds are in addition to the ready cash in
The Ministers Discretionary Fund.
We are grateful that this fund has reached over $80,000. If you would like to donate, please
make a check payable to First Church Nashua, Memo: “Emergency Relief Fund.” Also,
you may go online to If you have a need, please reach out to Revs. Andy
or Ken who will handle all requests confidentially. In the meantime, should you have any
questions, please contact the office at 882-4861 or email Rev. Andy or Rev. Ken.

                  Church Happenings and Outreach - New/Current
All church events are on hiatus until further notice. We will update you as more
information becomes available to us. Updates are posted each week on the homepage
of our website under “COVID-19 Updates” and in our weekly email and bulletins. You can
also stay up to date with all of our news and event updates by following us on Facebook.
To ensure our updates are visible in your newsfeed, visit our Facebook page and select
"Following", scroll down and select "See First".
If you wish to receive Rev. Andy’s weekly email message and Rev. Ken’s phone call, please
contact Dianne Smigliani.
Confirmation 2021- An informational meeting for next year’s confirmation class will be
held on Sunday, June 7, at 11:30 AM. All current eighth graders and their parents are
encouraged to attend this meeting to learn all about the program, which will begin in the
fall. If we are gathering in person for worship on June 7, the meeting will be held in the
church dining room; if we are not yet meeting together in person, this gathering will occur
by video conference. More information about this meeting will be provided in coming
bulletins and the June newsletter.
Zoom gathering for College Students - Rev. Ken is planning a Zoom meeting for all
college students in the near future. Parents, we need your help! We probably do not have
your student’s current email address. Please send it to Rev. Ken, so he can update his
distribution list. Thank you.
The June Mission Trip to North Carolina is cancelled. It is very unlikely that we will be
offering another mission trip for youth and/or adults this summer, but stay tuned for any
updates about the status of a summer mission trip.
The Nashua Soup Kitchen and Shelter continues to receive bagged lunches. No need
to sign up to participate, just make and drop off when you can. You decide how many
lunches to make. Do NOT make a special trip to the grocery store for lunch items. Pick
up the items next time you shop for your family.
Here's info on what is needed for lunches:
1. Sandwich (ham, turkey, roast beef, egg salad, ham salad, etc.) NO condiments needed.
      **Label bag indicating the type of sandwich
      **NO lettuce, tomatoes, onions, pickles --sandwiches do not hold up well with these
2. A "side" item (chips/granola bar)
3. Piece of fruit
4. No beverages - soup kitchen provides
**Drop off at NSKS at 2 Quincy St in Nashua (pull into the parking lot and ring the doorbell
near the loading dock and leave the lunches next to the door).
Financial donations are always greatly appreciated:
Donations of non-perishable items to NSKS are also needed: Beans, Pasta, Rice, Canned
food, especially fruits.
Thank you for your continued support feeding our community.
The Beauty of Flowers in Our Worship Service - Whether we gather in person or online,
a flower arrangement always looks lovely in the pulpit. If you would like to honor God and
remember a loved one or mark a special occasion with a gift of flowers, please call the
church office. Flower arrangements can be purchased from your favorite florist or created
from flowers you’ve purchased or grown.
Holiday Fair Offers Many Opportunities to Serve - The Holiday Fair is still on, as of this
point in time. The committee is working on craft items at home and they want to know what
types of items you might like to buy so they can prepare accordingly. They also are asking
folks to work at home making crafts.
Longtime bake table co-chairs, Beth Bartlett and Carol Decker, will organize the bake sale
for the last time this year. They are looking for someone to shadow them to learn the
routine for future fairs.
Jocelyn Henning is looking for someone to work with her to lead the fair next year. Please
contact Jocelyn with any suggestions or questions about all of the above information.
Music in Worship Next Sunday
June 7, 2020
Trinity Sunday
Staff Singer Quartet
                    Senior Minister, Rev. Dr. Andrew W. Armstrong,
              Associate Minister for Youth and Families, Rev. Ken McGarry,
               Associate Minister for Congregational Care, Rev. Jami D. Boyle,
                   Minister of Music, Joseph R. Olefirowicz, CAGO,
                  Coordinator of Christian Education, Diane E. Matthes,
              Church Business and Marketing Manager, Dianne Smigliani,
                      Secretary/Receptionist, Susan T. Englander,
                                              Sexton, Bruce Lund
                     Pastors Emeriti, Rev. James S. Chaloner and Rev. Dr. Jeffrey C. Evans

A warm welcome is extended to all who are attending this worship service. A special greeting to those who
are visiting or worshiping for the first time. Please sign the guest book in the back of the sanctuary or fill
out the visitor card found in the pew racks. Fill out the back of the card, and put it in the offering plate or
hand it to a minister, Usher or Deacon so we may acknowledge your visit. Join in the time of fellowship, in
Fellowship Hall, following worship. If you have any questions about the life and ministry of First Church
please seek out the individuals wearing colored nametags; they are members of the various boards and
First Church was gathered on December 16, 1685 as The Church of Christ in Dunstable. On the same day
Thomas Weld was ordained and settled as minister of the church. The current building, built in 1894, is the
tenth building to house the First Church community. In 1961, the church entered fellowship with the United
Church of Christ. We welcome into our membership any who will own the covenant of First Church and
seek to continue the ministry of Jesus Christ in the community and world. Those interested in joining the
church should contact the church office for information. The Sacrament of Communion is celebrated on the
first Sunday of the month and the Sacrament of Baptism on the last. First Church is supported almost entirely
by pledges. Every member is expected to make a financial pledge according to their ability.
                                            PASTORAL CARE
Pastoral Care is available to all in need. Please keep the ministers informed of occasions of sickness, sorrow,
and joy. Let the church office know if you or family member or friend is hospitalized.
If you have a change of address, phone number, or email address, please let the church office know so that
we may keep our records current.
All information for the weekly bulletin must be in the office by noon on Wednesday. All information for
the monthly newsletter must be in the office by 4:30 PM on the second Monday of the month.
                      All use of the building must be scheduled by the Secretary.

                                            THE FIRST CHURCH
                                              NASHUA, NEW HAMPSHIRE

                    One Concord Street * Nashua, New Hampshire 03064 * 882-4861
                             Office Hours: Closed until further notice.
                         Visit our web site at - Find us on Facebook
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