June 17th: Happy Fathers Day! - Mojave Elks Lodge #2059 - The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks

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June 17th: Happy Fathers Day! - Mojave Elks Lodge #2059 - The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks
Mojave Elks Lodge #2059

June 17th: Happy Fathers Day!

The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks
      of the United States of America
   Editors: Paul & Kira Wagner   June 2018   Volume 63 Issue 3
June 17th: Happy Fathers Day! - Mojave Elks Lodge #2059 - The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks
A Message From The Exalted Ruler                           A Message From The Leading Knight
                      Kira Wagner                                         Kira Wagner
                      Time waits for no one and boy, it is
                      flying by here at the lodge!
                      It is so easy to find fault these days
                      with what was done wrong, what
                      wasn’t done, what should have be
                      done differently…well, you get the
                      idea. We all have our own ideas of
                      “how” something “should” be and
                      too often, we are quick to remind
someone else of those “facts”.
Here at the lodge there are a LOT of things that could
be improved, just look around and you will probably
spot something that needs some attention. And that is
just what is on the surface (So go on, help us!).
Also, as a national non-profit organization, and as
committee chairs and officers know all too well, there
are dozens of reports and records that are required as
we prepare for our Association Vice-President’s visita-
tion on June 6.
As we move into summer (there are only 30 Monday’s
until Christmas!) we have the Flag Day BBQ / Flag
Retirement and Chili Cook-Off this month out at the
Trap Range, as well as food, music and friendship
happening at the lodge. These activities don’t happen
on their own so I want to give a shout out to the many
members who take the time to make it all work.
Some faces are here more frequently than others, but                     Kira Wagner, ER
all have a hand in making this lodge a place where
                                                                With Theme Child at CHEA Convention
friends can meet Veteran’s, Youth and our community
are all supported throughout the year.
When you encounter one of these folks…please take a
moment and say “thank you” - Alexa Rogers, Bob
Friend, Charlie Guest, Cindy Hodgkinson, Colleen
Heller, Dave Cleveland, Deborah Smoot, Dollie Cook-
sey, Fred Hudson, Gary Sampley, Gene Ikola, Gini
Heller, Hank Parker, Homer Hansen, Joe Hodgkinson,
Ken Miller, Kenny Heller, Leslie Rex-Smith, Mike
Mestas, Paul Wagner, Ramona Mestas, Rebecca
Watts, Ruben Andrade, Steve Rushford, Susan Bunn,
Ted Hodgkinson, Theo Miller, Todd Smith, and Warren
Guest. If I have left anyone out, please let me know
and I’ll make it up to you!

Kira Wagner, Exalted Ruler
Strengthening Elkdom through Communication and Teamwork!

                                                                   The Rally at CHEA Convention

June 2018                                                        Elks Lodge 2059 - Mojave, CA     2
June 17th: Happy Fathers Day! - Mojave Elks Lodge #2059 - The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks
For the Good of the Order
                 Joe Hodgkinson                  Soda---Ted Hodgkinson
                  661-992-7447                   Beer---Ruben Andrade
    Remember: reports of Sickness and Distress   Call---Ted Hodgkinson
    are always welcome! Please call Kira with    Well---Steven Rushford
    any updates. Thank you!

                                                 Attendance $43.02------Theodore Miller (Absent)

              On the Mend
       Monte Meeks
       Becky Watts
       Leslie Smith

            In Memorium
       James “Bo” McCloud
             1964 -2018
        Initiated Sept 1981                             May Elk of the Month: Becky Watts
                                                 Donations still being accepted for Becky and her
                                                 family at:


                                                     Initiate               Proposer

                                                 1. Edward J. Orchard Kenneth Miller
                                                 2. Ashley Wussick    Robert Friend
                                                 3. Travis Behrens    Christopher
                                                 4. Robert Peery      John Meily

       June Birthdays                            Voted on and passed
    Steak Dinner, June 2
                                                 1. Brandon Riley Carter Todd Smith
           5 PM                                  2. Jessica Smith        Alexa Rogers
            Includes New Members from

June 2018
                   June and July                                                          3
June 17th: Happy Fathers Day! - Mojave Elks Lodge #2059 - The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks
Committees reporting to the Exalted Ruler
      June Birthdays        Accident Prevention        Rebecca Watts
                            Americanism                Ruben Andrade
07   Hudson, Fred           Audit & Accounting         Gary Sampley
13   Alexander, Marshall    Bulletin (Editor)          Paul Wagner
14   Boss, Steven           Business Practices         Stephen Rushford
14   Hodgkinson, Veronica   Club Room Manager          Ramona Mestas
15   Cummings, Robert       Elks Memorial Day          Susan Bunn
15   Dieter, Richard        Elks Training              Kira Wagner
                            Government Relations       Gary Sampley
15   Montgomery, Kenneth
                            House Committee            Michael Mestas
15   Velador, Cindy               Kitchen Manager      Becky Watts
19   Maute, Michael               Bar Manager          Ramona Mestas
20   Toms, Steve            Indoctrination/Orientation Kira Wagner
23   Hall, Stephen          Insurance & Safety         Trustees
23   Hokanson, George       Investigation              Leslie Rex-Smith
24   Cook, Donald           Lodge Activities           Kira Wagner
24   Taylor, Raymond        Membership                 Vacant/Kira Wagner
25   Collier, Kyle          PER Association            Ted Hodgkinson, PER
25   Monahan, Shawn         Public Relations           Paul Wagner
27   Braucht, John B        Ritualistic                Warren Guest PSVP, PER
                            Scholarship                Vacant/Ted Hodgkinson, PER
29   Given, Ray
                            Standing Relief            Chair Officers
30   Greenelsh, Patricia    Visitation                 Kira Wagner

 Annual Chili Cookoff       Committees reporting to the Leading Knight
                            Bequest & Living Trust   Kira Wagner

     June 22-23             Elks National Foundation
                            Flag Day
                            Hoop Shoot
                                                     Joe Hodgkinson
                                                     Charlie Guest
                                                     Vacant/Ted Hodgkinson, PER
                            Major Project            Joe Hodgkinson

                            Committees reporting to the Loyal Knight
                            Calendar              Kira Wagner
                            Community Activities  Cindy Hodgkinson
                            Veterans Service      Gini Heller

                            Committees reporting to the Lecturing Knight
                            Dictionary Project        Paul Wagner/Ted Hodgkinson, PER
                            Drug Awareness            Stephen Rushford
                            Youth Activities          Vacant/Kira Wagner

      June 2018                         Elks Lodge 2059 - Mojave, CA                4
June 17th: Happy Fathers Day! - Mojave Elks Lodge #2059 - The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks
A Message From The Secretary
                  Ted Hodgkinson                   Guy Aday; Drew Arnold; Norma Bradford;
                                                   John B Braucht; Sherie Buchheim;
               You will see below a summary of     Shaunte Buck; Kyle Collier; Leanna Col-
               lodge membership with 247           lier; Amy Cook; Ronald Cook; Margie
                                                   Dunbar; Daniel Duquette; John Ernst;
               members (and growing).              Richard Felter; Michelle Fisher; David
               We still have 41 members (on        Hardy; Rudolph Herrera; Richard Kee-
               the right) who are delinquent for   hmer; Dave Kipp; Curtis Lowery; Jessica
               the past 6 months. We’ve had        MacInnes; Michael MacInnes; Sybil Matz-
one death, one installation, and 6 who will be     inger; Michael Maute; Michael Michel;
initiated on our next meeting.                     Klancy Neff; Sean Nelson; Enrique Perez;
                                                   William Potter; Diane Rogers; Robert
                                                   Rush; William Shamphan; Connie Smith;
Ted Hodgkinson
                                                   Marc Sparks; Alexander Spencer; Renee
Lodge Secretary
                                                   Startup; Michael Valadez; Joan Wane;
                                                   William Watts; Michael Woodson; Michael

                                                          Big Thanks to Deborah Smoot

                                                    Deborah Smoot made her delicious and
                                                    excellent Pork Verde and Chicken Mole
                                                        for the Cinco de Mayo Festival!

                                                      Do you like to take
                                                         We need a lodge photographer

                                                     See your bulletin in full color
                                                      with the online PDF version

     June 2018                                                                                  5
June 17th: Happy Fathers Day! - Mojave Elks Lodge #2059 - The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks
The Cinco de Mayo Festival              Memorial Day, East Kern Cemetary

   Swinging at the Cinco de Mayo Piñata

   2018 Scholarship Awards

     Georgina Ocegura $900
       Edwin Ramirez $500
       Jaquelyn Perez $800
   Sponsorship Awards given by
  Ted Hodgkinson, Secetary, PER

Scholarship Fund Raiser Dinner
        Friday, June 1
     June 2018                                 Elks Lodge 2059 - Mojave, CA   6
June 17th: Happy Fathers Day! - Mojave Elks Lodge #2059 - The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks
June 17th: Happy Fathers Day! - Mojave Elks Lodge #2059 - The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks
Official Publication of:
Mojave Elks #2059
16200 ‘K’ St.
Mojave, CA 93502-0003

 Change Service Requested

 PO Box 3 Mojave, CA 93502-0003
 Office and Lounge: (661) 824-2240
 Editors: Paul & Kira Wagner (805) 300-9505

                 LOUNGE HOURS                                                          PAST
               Mon, - Thur: 3 PM - 7 PM                                                                                      1986-87 David Cleveland
               Wed, Fri:    3 PM - 9 PM                                                EXALTED                               1987-88 Louie Yette
                                                                                                                             1988-90 Mike Dwyer ++
               Saturday:   1 PM - 9 PM                                                                                       1990-91 Manny Rivera
               Sunday:      1 PM - 6 PM                                                RULERS                                1991-92 Jim Gunter
                                                                                   1957-58 Max Carol *                       1992-93 Jake Brott
                                                                                   1958-59 William Young                     1993-94 Jim Gunter ++
                                                                                   1959-60 Jake Keefer *                     1994-95 Jake Brott ++
                                                                                   1960-61 Colonel Moss *                    1995-96 Robert Gray SR.*
                                                                                   1961-63 Louie Pulos ++                    1996-98 Warren Guest ++ SVP 2014-15
                                                                                   1963-64 Colonel Moss *++                  1998-99 Jake Brott +++
                                                                                   1964-66 Mick Sherwin * ++                 1999-00 Thomas Brown*
                                                                                   1966-67 John Riggo *                      2000-01 Linda Parker
                                                                                   1967-68 Richard Willie                    2001-02 James Brott
                                                                                   1968-69 Lawrence Munschy *                2002-03 Vickie Francois-Zellner
                                                                                   1969-70 Melvin G. Miller * SVP 1974-75                DDGER 2015-16
                                                                                   1970-71 Jack Kountz *                     PSVP 2013-2014
                                                                                   1971-72 Tip Miller*                       2003-04 James Brott ++
                       Meetings                                                    1972-73 Charles Postle                    2004-06 Karen Kennedy * ++
                                                                                                                             2006-08 Jim Wachsman * ++ July 20, 2007
  Lodge Meeting: 1st & 3rd Wed of the Month 7 PM
                                                                                   1973-74 Tommy Fields
                                                                                   1974-76 Paul Beeson * ++                  2007-08 David Cleveland ++
                                                                                                                             2008-09 Amy Cook
  House Committee: 2nd Saturday 11 AM                                              1976-77 Richard Bishop *
                                                                                                                             2009-10 Charles “Eddie” Tomlin
  Calendar Meeting: 2nd Saturday Noon                                              1977-78 Richard O’Neal *
                                                                                   1978-79 Harold Howard *                   2010-12 Henry “Hank" Parker++
  Board of Directors Meeting: 1st Wed 6 PM.                                        1979-80 James Maes                        2012-13 Donald “Terry” Cook
                                                                                                                             2013-14 Henry “Hank" Parker +++
  PER Meeting: 3rd Wed 6 PM                                                        1980-81 Steve Martin
                                                                                                                             2014-15 George “Ted” Hodgkinson
                                                                                   1981-83 Henry Parker * ++
                                                                                   1983-85 Jack Craig ++                     2015-17 Todd Smith
                                                                                                                             2017-18 Warren Guest ++ SVP 2014-15
  Your input is valued. Your attendance is welcomed.                               1985-86 Ray Cramer

  Come for dinner and stay for the meetings.                                    * Deceased ++ 2nd Term +++ 3rd Term

   The Desert Crossroads is published monthly in Mojave, California as the official Bulletin of the Mojave Elks Lodge No 2059 of the Benevolent and Protective Order
of Elks of the United States of America, 16200 ‘K’ St Mojave, CA 93501.
Publication of the Desert Crossroads is an activity of the Lodge and contributions and interesting and pertinent reading material and photographs are welcomed.
Photographs MUST be identified and captioned or they will NOT be published.
Deadline for receiving ALL material for publication is the 15th of each month.
June 17th: Happy Fathers Day! - Mojave Elks Lodge #2059 - The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks June 17th: Happy Fathers Day! - Mojave Elks Lodge #2059 - The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks
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