Page created by Teresa White

Junior Club Administrator Role                      3
Junior Football Overview                            3
SportsTG                                            4
Registrations                                       4
   Play Football                                    4
Junior Community Football                           5
   13s to 15s                                       6
   16s and 18s                                      7
   Junior Girls League                              7
   Junior and Girls Cup                             8
Finals                                              9
    Top Four Finals                                 9
         Hosting Top Four Finals                    9
    Junior and Girls Cup Final                      10
MiniRoos and 12s                                    11
   MiniRoos Clusters                                11
         How to set up your Cluster pitches         11
8s and 9s                                           12
   How to set up your 8s and 9s pitches             12
10s – 12s                                           13
    How to set up your 10s - 12s pitches            13
Other Variations of Pitches for Small Sided Games   14
Game Leaders                                        14
Team Nomination and Allocations                     15
Team Change Requests                                15
General Competition Information                     16
    Fixtures                                        16
    Player Registration Cards                       16
    Match Results                                   17
Complaints                                 17
    Play Exemptions                            17
    Match Cards                                18
Disciplinary and Grievance                     19
    Rule Breaches                              19
    Suspensions                                19
        Red Card                               19
        Yellow Card                            19
    Tribunal                                   19
Referees                                       20
    How Does Football West Appoint Referees?   20
What is the role of a referee?                 20
    Club Referee                               21
Competition Rules                              22
Listed Players                                 22
  Proof of registration                        22
  Top Four Cup Eligibility                     23
  Cup Eligibility                              23
Frequently asked questions                     24
Notes                                          26
The aim of this handbook is to help junior club administration navigate their way through all
aspects of junior football within Football West.
It will go through the different ages and levels of junior football outside of the NPL, how to
enter teams, make requests for current teams, and other various administrative aspects.
The club administrator’s role is to be the main point of contact for all junior matters within
your club. This includes sending any fixture changes, complaints, processing team entries,
and retuning forms requested by Football West amongst other things.
This handbook will provide a good resource as well as provide assistance when bringing in
other club administrators to assist in junior matters.

There are three main levels of junior football within the Football West competitions: NPL
WA, MiniRoos and Community. This handbook will focus on MiniRoos and Community
Junior Football.

MiniRoos and Small Sided Football
MiniRoos is a national based small sided football program outlined by Football Federation
Australia (FFA). The ages of the children within MiniRoos can be from four up to 12.

Community Junior Football
Community junior football consists of both a mixed and girls league for ages 13 to 18.


SportsTG is the program that FFA has employed for all member federations across Australia
to administer all fixtures, match results and it also powers Football West’s website.
Within SportsTG there are different levels of access that Football West can approve for
clubs. These are outlined below;

   •   Club Administrators – Full Access
           o Ability to access all team nomination information within their club
           o Enter match results
           o Enter player information (i.e goal scorers)
           o Update club information

   •   Manager – Restricted Access

           o Club administrators with full access can allow managers to have restricted
             access only to their relevant team
           o Manager can enter match results
           o Add player stats (only if approved by the club administrator)
For further information on SportsTG you can view the SportsTG Club Administrators Book at

Play Football (formally known as MyFootballClub) is the website that is used for
registrations for referees, players or coaches. Club administrators will use this site to set up
fee packages that players will register to. Whether the person is a first timer or a returning
player, they must register to the relevant club on Play Football each year.
Most clubs will have a dedicated registrar and the club will appoint approved members to
access their registration portal. However, as the dedicated junior representative it is
important that you are aware of the guidelines around registrations to ensure you can
communicate effectively with your coaches, managers, parents and players.


Prior to the season starting ensure that the registrar has provided either yourself or the
managers a copy of their team’s registration information. This can be done by running a
report in MyFootballClub and emailing a PDF version to the team managers. It is a
competition rule that if asked, a team manager must be able to provide their players’
registration information. It is also important to ensure that all players (not required for 6s –
12s) have a photo on their registration profile.


                  Community Junior Football
13S TO 15S
Divisions in the 13, 14 and 15 age groups are broken down into three parts:
Metropolitan League, North League and South League.

                           Metropolitan League
 The Metropolitan League is the highest standard of junior football outside of the NPLWA
      Juniors. This consists of three divisions involving teams from across the Perth
 metropolitan area. Teams in this league can be as far south as Australind and as far north
                                         as Yanchep.

         North League                                    South League
     Teams in this league are from the              Teams in this league are from the
    northern suburbs of Perth only. The            southern suburbs of Perth only. The
    number of divisions within the north           number of divisions within the south
  league depends on how many teams are           league depends on how many teams are
             entered by clubs.                             entered by clubs.

The below graphic is an example of what the divisions may look like; the north and
south divisions can change in each age group depending on how many teams club
enter into these competitions.

    METROPOLITAN                      NORTH                             SOUTH
        LEAGUE                        LEAGUE                           LEAGUE

              Division 1                  North Division 1              South Division 1

              Division 2                  North Division 2              South Division 2

              Division 3                  North Division 3              South Division 3
                                          North Division 4              South Division 4


16S AND 18S
There is no separation by north and south in the 16s and 18s age groups. The number of
divisions within these age groups will depend on how many teams have been entered into
the competition by the clubs each year.

  Division 1       Division 2      Division 3     Division 4      Divison 5       Division 6

The Junior Girls League will consist of 14, 16, and 18 age groups. The number of divisions in
each age group will depend on how many teams have been entered into that age group. The
Girls League is not separated by north and south and therefore clubs from all parts of Perth
will be able to play against each other.


The Junior Cup is a competition that runs during the regular season. The cup competition is
played on Saturday while the regular season competition is played on Sunday.
It is compulsory for NPLWA, junior and girls leagues division one teams to compete.
However for all other divisions, clubs have the choice if they would like to compete. This can
be done by returning a Junior Cup expression of interest form that Football West will send
to clubs.
The Cup fixtures are drawn out by Football West and uploaded onto the fixtures. You can
see all the scheduled dates for the cup draw on the season calendar. Football West will
email clubs as soon as each round has been drawn and fixtures are ready to be released on
the website.
It is important to note that players may only play for ONE team throughout the Cup. If a
player plays regularly for their 13s division one team in the regular season, but plays for the
clubs 13 division three team in a preliminary cup game, that player is “Cup Tied” to the 13
division three team for the remainder of the Cup. If that player is proven to have played for
another team during the Cup competition, the game he/she played in will be deemed a
forfeit and the team removed from the Cup competition.


There are two types of final series: the Top Four Finals and the Junior Cup Finals.

In both the junior and girls league there will be a Top Four Finals series whereby the top four

teams from each group play each other. The Top Four Final series begins with two semi-
finals in each age group and finishes with one final in each age group. The format of the
semi-finals is as follows: 1st place will play 4th place and 2nd place will play 3rd place.
To qualify for the Top Four Finals, all players must have played 75% of matches from June 30
with their current team. It is the responsibility of each team and/or manager to keep a
record of the matches played by each player to ensure they meet this criterion.
If a player within a team has not played 75% of games due to an injury or has been absent
through travel, the club will be able to apply for an exemption through Football West. To
apply for an exemption the player must be able to prove that he or she was away or injured
by providing relevant documentation. (Finals exemption forms can be found on
It is important to note that if it is proved that a player has played or has been listed on a
match card without having played 75% of matches from June 30, the game will be deemed a

Hosting Top Four Finals
Clubs are encouraged to apply to host Top Four Semi Final and Final, this can be done via an
online submission form that Football West will send to clubs.

Helpful Hints
    •      Ask your team managers to take a photo of their match card each round to help
           keep track of their players and how many games they have played.
    •      If a team needs an exemption for medical purposes please send in the
           documentation as soon as possible to ensure that the exemption can be granted
           with plenty of notice.


The Junior and Girls Cup final are held on separate weekends (please refer to season
calendar for dates). Clubs are encouraged to apply to host the Cup Final, this can be done
through an online submission form that Football West will send to clubs.
It is important to ensure that team managers are aware of the rules surrounding the junior
cup and do not list a cup-tied player. If they do is the game will be forfeited. This includes a
semi-final or final, it is not ideal to have a semi-final or final forfeited for playing eligible


                          MINIROOS AND 12S
The MiniRoos and 12s begin at five years old and continue through to 12 years old. It is
important to note no results are published by clubs. Results are only to be recorded by
Football West for internal purposes.

Players:              4 x 4 (Max of 3 subs)
Goal Keeper:          No
Playing Time:         2 x 15 minutes halves (5-minute halftime)
Ball Size:            Size 3
Game Leader:          Yes
The MiniRoos Clusters is set out in a format where averages of five clubs are grouped
together and spend around five weeks at each club playing small round robin games.
Football West will send out cluster nomination forms. Clubs are expected to return them
within the timeframe set. Football West will use the information provided to set up the
groups and determining the hosting order. It will then be up to each host club to organise
game fixtures for the weeks they are hosting while ensuring the visiting clubs have been
clearly informed.
If for some reason your club cannot host please notify Football West as soon as possible to
ensure plenty of time to rearrange the cluster schedule.

How to set up your Cluster pitches
Field of play: 30m x 20m
Goal Size:      2m high x 1m wide
Penalty Area: None
Goal Type:      Goals, Poles, Markers


                                                           Example of goals that can be used
                                                               in the clusters format.


Players:              7 x 7 (Max of 4 subs)
Goal Keeper:          Yes
Playing Time:         2 x 20 minutes halves (5-minute halftime)
Ball Size:            Size 3
Game Leader:          Yes
The 8s and 9s age groups work in a regular home and away format.
Within the 8s and 9s age groups players and/or teams are sorted into three levels of
experience and knowledge.

            1                            2                             3

         Blue                        Purple                        Yellow
  Players and/or teams         Players and/or teams
     with the most             with some experience          Players and/or teams
   experience and/ or                                         with no experience
                                and/or knowledge
       knowledge                                              and/or knowledge

How to set up your 8s and 9s pitches
Field of play: Minimum:             40m long x 30m wide
               Maximum:             50m long x 40 wide
               Best Practice:       45m long x 35 wide
Goal Size:     3m wide x 2m high
Penalty Area: 5m deep x 12 wide


                                                         Example of goals that can be used in
                                                               the 8s -9s age groups.


10S – 12S
Players:              9 v 9 (maximum of 5 substitutes)
Goal Keeper:          Yes
Playing Time:         2 x 25 minutes halves (5-minute halftime)
Ball Size:            Size 4
Game Leader:          Yes
The 10s - 12s age groups work in a regular home and away format.
Within the 10s - 12s age groups players and/or teams are sorted into three levels of
experience and knowledge.

             1                            2                              3
   Blue, Green, Orange              Purple and Red
        and Grey*                                                 White and Yellow
                                 Players and/or teams
   Players and/or teams          with some experience          Players and/or teams
      with the most               and/or knowledge              with no experience
    experience and/ or                                          and/or knowledge

How to set up your 10s - 12s pitches
Field of Play: Minimum:       60m long x 40m wide
               Maximum:       70m long x 50 wide
               Best Practice: 65m long x 45 wide
Goal Size:     Maximum 5m wide x 2m high
Penalty Area: 10m deep x 20m wide


                                                         Example of goals that can be used in
                                                                10s -12s age groups.



              9v9                            7v7

It is up to the club on how you would like to set up your pitches for MiniRoos and clubs can
determine their own layouts dependant on your facilities. The above pitch maps are based
on clubs who uses their regular sized pitches for small sided games.

A Game Leader is someone who leads a MiniRoos match. This person can be an older
sibling, a parent or someone familiar with the MiniRoos format. The Game Leader is NOT a
referee but rather a person who teaches and helps players build the necessary skills to play
football. The Game Leader should always be enthusiastic and approachable.
It is important as a club you encourage all your game leaders to remain impartial and
remember, most importantly that it is about teaching and helping kids learn and have fun
while playing football.
To run a game leaders workshop at your club please contact Football West to have one of
our development officers to come out to your club and run a grassroots information session.


The team nomination and allocation begin at the end of the season when Football West
begins the relegation and promotion process. Typically, the top two teams will be promoted
and the bottom two will be relegated. However, if Football West feel the makeup of the
divisions need to be altered they may promote or relegate further teams. After Football
West have finished the promotion and relegation process a first allocation draft will be sent
out to clubs during November and/or December. During this time, clubs will also be asked to
return a team nomination form which outlines all the draft allocations for the next season.
On the form clubs are asked to either accept or reject the allocations or request changes.
Clubs will have a minimum of a month to return these forms. Once the deadline has passed
and the forms have been processed Football West will send out the second round of draft
allocations. It is from this point that the sports administration program SportsTG will open
for clubs to enter their MiniRoos and 12s teams, including confirming the updated junior
allocation information. SportsTG will be open for clubs to enter their information for
approximately a month. Once the SportsTG closes Football West will then begin the fixturing
process. Please be mindful that divisions will change and the process can be quite lengthy.

You can request to change a division after SportsTG closes and even after the season
commences to request a change a club official must fill out the online submission form . It is
important to note that requests to change after the season starts will only be granted if it
fall within the below criteria:

    •   It does not interrupt the division that the team is leaving and/or division the team is
    •   Football West feels the move will be beneficial to the relevant competition.
If you require further information regarding Sports TG please refer to the Football West Sports TG
Instruction book which provides a step by step guide on how to navigate the program.


If a club would like to change a fixture there are a few factors involved;
•   Home Team
    -   Must send in writing any fixture changes prior to 12:00pm Tuesday the week of the
    -   If a club would like to change a fixture after this time it must have written approval
        from the opposition.
•   Away Team
    -   If an away team would like to have a fixture changed, they will have to contact the
        home team and request the change. If the home team agrees the confirmed
        correspondence must be sent in writing to Football West.

Football West will not change any fixtures without the request in writing. It is important to
note that no game can commence prior to 8:00am and please take into consideration the
distance of the opposition prior to requesting a change in fixture.

A registration card is a players’ Football Federation Australia number (FFA) and information,
including a player’s name, date of birth and photo. Teams are required to produce player
registration cards if asked prior to a match. Club registrars should send a copy of each
teams’ registrations cards to managers prior to the season starting. This can be done via
email in PDF format where managers can keep these on file and produce on a Smartphone,
tablet or as a hard copy if required to do so.
It is important to note that registration cards are NOT required in the ALDI MiniRoos and
U12 and under age groups.


It is the responsibility of the home team to enter the results of their games by 3:00pm the
day of the match. This is to be done on SportsTG. The home club must send in the match
cards after each round.

If a club, manager, team and/or parent has a complaint that needs to be escalated to
Football West please ensure that the complaint is detailed and sent in writing to the Junior
Football Officers. However, it is important that clubs have a complaints procedure that
enables you to deal with issues internally prior to escalating to Football West.

There are different types of exemptions you can ask for when it comes to players.
1.   Play Up
     An exemption to play up is for a player who is not age eligible but the club feels that the
     player is best suited to a higher age group.
     To apply for this exemption a club official must fill out the Application to Play Up form
     and a Development Officer will assess the player at a training session. The Development
     Officer will then determine if the player is able to play up.
2.   Play Down
     An exemption to play down is for a player who is not age eligible to play in a younger
     age group. This is best suited to players who have a medical condition that may limit
     their ability to play in their age group. Any requests to play down MUST be
     accompanied by a medical certificate, requests will not be granted without one.
     (Application to Play Down One Age Group)
3.   Play Finals
     There is an exemption available to for players to play in finals if they do not meet the
     a)    Junior Cup – A player may not meet the required games to play in the semi-final
           and/or final due to travel or medical reasons.
     b) Top Four Finals - A player may not meet the required games to play in the semi-
        final and/or final due to travel or medical reasons.
          Any requests to play finals MUST be accompanied by a medical certificate or
          supporting travel documentation.
All the exemption forms can be found on footballwest.com.au


The home team is to provide a match card for each game, it is important to ensure that each
manager know how to fill this out.
This includes the below details;
         1.   Date and time
         2.   Age of team competing (e.g 12s)
         3.   Division or coloured group of your team
         4.   Venue of the game
         5.   If it is a junior match indicate if it is a League match or a Cup match
         6.   The home team fills in their club name next to “Home Team” and the Away team
              fills in their club name next to “Away Team”
         7.   Players’ shirt numbers
         8.   Players’ names
         9.   Players’ FFA numbers
         10. The team manager of each team to sign the match card next to either “Home” or
         11. Relevant team official information i.e. Coach and Assistant Coach
         12. Referee to fill out their details
         13. If there is any incident during the game you wish to note, write it in the section

It is important to note that a player who is listed on a match card is deemed to have played
the match. Please ensure that team managers are aware if they use pre-printed match lists
and a player does not play that they cross the name off to avoid any potential rule breaches.
You can also find a copy of the match card on footballwest.com.au if you need any spare


A rule breach occurs when a team does not follow competition rules; Football West will
send a notice to the club when this occurs. Penalties can include forfeiture of a game or a
fine. In cases of administrations errors Football West will send a “first and final warning
notice”. A team who breaches the same rule for a second time will be sent a rule breach
and the maximum penalty will be applied. It is important to communicate with team
managers to ensure that they are aware of any “first and final warning notices” and/or rule
breaches to avoid any potential forfeits.

Red Card
If a player receives a red card during a match the referee will send in a match report
detailing the facts of the game and incident, Football West will then send out an
“Infringement Notice”. The infringement notice will include match details and the length of
suspension for the player. There will be a suspension list posted at the end of each week
which can be found on footballwest.com.au

Yellow Card
Yellow cards are recorded by Football West and once a player reaches his/her 4th yellow
card Football West will send out an automatic match suspension notice meaning that the
player must sit out his/her next game.

Any rule breach or infringement notice that is issued can be appealed by the club. To do so
you must return a Request a Tribunal Hearing form within 5 working days of the notice.
You will then be contacted regarding the Tribunal details and any further information
Please note that all suspensions carry an AMS (Automatic Match Suspension) which in accordance with FIFA
cannot be appealed therefore If a suspension is for one match this cannot be appealed.


How Does Football West Appoint Referees?
When coordinating the referee appointments each week, Football West considers the
           - Referee’s age and experience
             -   Age of the participating teams
             -   Location of the ground
             -   Any conflict of interest
             -   Transportation restrictions
After each of the above points are taken into consideration, Football West allocates referees
to as many games as possible.

What is the role of a referee?
The referee is appointed to officiated the Laws of the Game and not administer
competitions rules. If you believe a competition rule has been breached then please inform
the referee, he/she should note it on the match card and submit a match report detailing
the relevant information. Football West then will proceed to investigate and issue a rule
breach if relevant. The referee is also responsible for addressing any concerns surrounding
pitch, light and weather conditions.



What process should my club take if an appointed referee does not attend
one of our home matches?

Clubs can appoint a club referee whom has the ability to remain impartial to games, club
referee will assume the same powers and responsibilities as an appointed referee. This
includes being able to issue yellow and red cards and in addition to providing match reports
on any incidents.

If you require any information on the competition rules regarding this, please see the
Community Competition Rules under Article 6 – Match Officials.

If your club is interested in gaining some further understanding or education for club
referees, you can contact the referee department at Football West.


                          COMPETITION RULES
Football West has competition rules for each competition, it is important to ensure that you
familiarise yourself and communicate to your team managers and coaches on competition
rules matters. All competition rules can be found on the Football West website however for
competition rules specific to junior competitions you find them by following the junior
under the Play heading section on the website.
Please see below for a few notable competition rules

Annexure 10 – Junior League
Annexure 11 – Junior Girls League
Article 5.6 – 7
    6. In fixtures in the 13s, 14s, and 15s, no more than three named substitutes may be
       listed on the team list of which a maximum of three may be used in any one fixture.
    7. In fixtures in the 16s and 18s age groups, no more than five named substitutes may
       be listed on a team list if which a maximum of five may be used in any one fixture.
Penalty - Junior and Girls Leagues
1st Offence – Warning Notice
2nd Offence – Forfeit and fine of $100

General Competition Rules (Article 10 1-3)
   1. My Football Club must be used to generate proof of registration including a player
      photograph for every player participating in a match with the exception of MiniRoos.
   2. Evidence of registration without a player photograph is not acceptable as proof of
Penalty - Junior and Girls Leagues
Forfeit and fine of $50


Annexure 27 – Junior Boys Top 4 Cup
Annexure 28 – Junior Girls Top 4 Cup
(Article 3.1-3)
   1. A player may not participate in more than one Top 4 Cup competition.
   2. To be eligible to participate in a Junior Top 4 Cup match, a player must have been
      named on a team list and eligible to play for the team in question for at least 75% of
      matches after June 30, 2017. Any such matches may include Junior Cup matches.

   3. Clubs are responsible for tracking their eligibility.

Penalty - Junior and Girls Top Four Finals

Annexure 25 – Junior Cup
Annexure 26 – Junior Girls Cup
(Article 3.1-2)
   1. A player may not play for a team in the Junior Boys Cup if, in the same season, he has
      previously played for:
           a. a different team in any cup competition

   2. To be eligible to participate in a semi-final or final, a player must have played in a
      minimum of 5 different matches for the team in question prior to that semi-final or
Penalty - Junior and Girls Top Four Finals


1.   How can we find out where we are playing each week?
     All fixtures, ladders and results are available on the Football West website.
2.   Can a coach or manager request to change a fixture?
     If you need to change a fixture there are a couple of options;
     If you are the home team and it is before 12:00pm on the Tuesday prior to the game,
     you can ask your club official to request Football West change the fixture.
     If you are the home team and it is after 12:00pm on the Tuesday prior to the game, you
     will have to ask your opposition for approval to change a fixture.
     If you are the away team you will have to ask the home team for approval regardless of
     time or day, who will then contact Football West to ask for the fixture change.
3.   How do I know if my game will have a referee?
     The referee allocator will publish a list of games that have not had a referee allocated
     on the Football West website on each Friday after 5:00pm.
4.   What happens if a referee is not appointed or does not turn up to a game?
     If the match referee does not turn up to a game, the home team will be required to fill
     the role with a club referee.
5.   Can a club referee request payment?
     Both teams have to agree on whether the club referee is to be paid. In the Community
     Competition Rules Article 6.2 it states that it is at the discretion of the club(s) involved
     as to whether to make requested payment.
6.   What are the referee fees?
     Please see below for the referee fees;

                            13s & 14s               15s               16s               18s

         Referee              $46.00             $52.00             $58.00            $68.00

         Assistant            $23.00             $26.00             $29.00            $34.00


7.   When should I pay the referee?
     The referee will usually ask each team for payment prior to the match.
8.   What if there is a strip clash on match day?
     In any fixture, if the shirts of the participating teams are similar, or are in the opinion of
     the referee likely to cause confusion, players of the home team will be required to
     change their shirts. If there is disagreement over the existence of a clash, the referee’s
     decision is final.
9.   What if there is an incorrect score on the website?
     You can contact your club’s designated junior club contact who will inform Football
     West and they will check the match card and update results.
     Please note that NO ALDI MiniRoos or 12 & under results are to be posted on any form
     of social media and websites
10. My team has had their fixtures change and we are now playing one less game then
    everyone in our division. How can we fix this?
     Please let your club officials know to contact the Football West Junior Football Officers
     to confirm this and then a catch-up match can be organised. Catch up matches can be
     organised for any stage during the season including the bye round prior to the top four
11. What are the requirements for match balls?
     All home teams are responsible for providing match balls and ensuring that they are of
     the correct size. Football West recommends using “Select” match balls.
12. A player in my team was shown a red card but has not been notified of their
    suspension officially. Can they play?
     NO. If a player is red carded thy will automatically miss their next fixture no matter
     what the charge is. A club who plays after receiving a red card will be subject to a

Football West
Unit 94/262 Lord St, Perth
WA, 6000
P: 08 6181 0700
E: Monique.daysmith@footballwest.com.au
E: Katrina.mcgrath@footballwest.com.au
W: www.footballwest.com.au

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