Keeping Score Of FIFA's Corruption, Compliance And Efforts For Reform

Page created by Mario Neal
Keeping Score Of FIFA’s Corruption, Compliance And Efforts For Reform, Part 1

Brandon Fox - October 9, 2017

Foul Play                                                 22 members of FIFA’s top committee – the executive
The first installment of this two-part series             committee – would choose the tournament’s host
summarizes the Garcia Report’s findings of                through a majority vote. The vote often took place
misconduct. Author Brandon Fox also focuses on            over several rounds and involved a winnowing
the difficulties investigators faced as a result of       process. Initially, each member voted for one of all
leaders failing to cooperate and contrasts the            eligible bids. If no bid received a majority, the proposal
misconduct and lack of cooperation to the U.S.            with the fewest number of votes would be eliminated.
Soccer Federation’s behavior.                             The process was repeated until one bid received a
                                                          majority of the votes.
In late June, the world’s governing soccer organization
released the “Garcia Report,” which contained more        Several countries bid to be the hosts for 2018 and/or
than 400 pages chronicling the extensive corruption       2022. FIFA’s executive committee ultimately selected
and conflicts of interest that occurred in FIFA’s         Russia to host the 2018 World Cup and Qatar to host
awarding of the men’s 2018 and 2022 World Cup             the 2022 event. The Garcia Report, however, found
venues.[1] The report, authored in 2014, concluded        the vote was tarnished by extensive corruption and
that there was prima facie evidence that a dozen          collusion by executive committee members.
then-current or former executive committee members
committed ethical violations. The publication of the      That the selection process was tainted is not
Garcia Report came after other scandals by FIFA           surprising, as the executive committee appeared to
officials, including the prosecutions of high-ranking     overlook obvious problems with the winning bids.
officials in the Eastern District of New York for         For example, human rights issues clearly did not
corruption and fraud.                                     receive priority with either selection. Additionally,
                                                          the selection of Qatar in 2022 immediately left many
                                                          wondering how a country with average temperatures
The Awarding of the World Cup
                                                          greater than 100 degrees Fahrenheit in the summer
Venues for 2018 and 2022                                  (when the World Cup takes place) could win the
The World Cup is the world’s most prestigious and         bid. While high temperatures are an obvious safety
widely viewed soccer tournament. Countries compete        concern for players, coaches and fans attending the
in qualifying tournaments to make the 32-team             games, the Garcia Report found that the executive
championship tournament, which is played every four       committee simply “fail[ed] to consider the issue of
years at locations selected by FIFA’s governing body.     the temperature in Qatar.” Even a physician who
                                                          served on the executive committee did not raise
In 2010, FIFA was to choose the hosts of the 2018         concerns about the extreme heat during deliberations,
and 2022 World Cup tournaments. Although it was           according to the Garcia Report. Given the physician’s
unusual for FIFA to pick hosts for two championships      silence, it should not come as a surprise that the
at the same time, the selection process otherwise was     Garcia Report found that he had at least two conflicts
supposed to occur in the ordinary manner. This meant      of interest: First, the physician’s son received a job
that countries seeking to host a tournament would         at a hospital affiliated with Qatar’s training academy.
submit their proposals and be evaluated. Then, the

                                                                                             Reprinted with permission © 2017
Second, his close friend’s son received a “business      In addition to the executive committee members, the
opportunity” from Qatar’s bid team. But this was just    Garcia Report found that other high-ranking soccer
one of a dozen examples of executive committee           officials abused their positions by seeking benefits
members having conflicts of interest, and some were      for third parties. Notably, the Garcia Report found a
much more egregious illustrations of graft.              prima facie case of ethical violations by the chairman
                                                         of the group that evaluated bids before they came
The Garcia Report Finds the                              up for vote. According to the Garcia Report, the
Executive Committee Acted                                chairman, at the time of the evaluations, was trying to
                                                         convince a Qatar training academy affiliated with the
with Impunity                                            country’s bid to hire the chairman’s son and to find his
Many executive committee members were easy               brother-in-law a position as a tennis coach. Ironically,
targets to corrupt. The Garcia Report found that the     the chairman of the evaluation group announced
executive committee had a “culture of expectation        at the end of the process, “we have accomplished
and entitlement.” This was not because of a lack         our work in the spirit of integrity, objectiveness and
of rules governing members’ conduct. Instead, the        transparency.” As a result of the chairman’s attempt to
Garcia Report found that many executive committee        obtain personal favors, the Garcia Report found that
members displayed “a disregard for ethic guidelines      his evaluation of Qatar’s bid (the winning 2022 bid)
and an attitude that the rules do not apply to them.”    was “tainted.”

Third-Party Beneficiaries                                Side Deals and Hidden Interests
The Garcia Report detailed several occasions when        The Garcia Report discussed side deals between
executive committee members sought or were offered       associations intended to influence the bid process.
benefits for family members and close associates.        For example, the report concluded that Australia
These benefits came in many forms, including jobs,       provided more than $6 million to the Oceania Football
consulting fees and sponsorship money. For example,      Confederation in exchange for its support. Australia
Australia 2022 hired a consultant who was a close        also sent and promised about $4 million to benefit
associate of an executive committee member.              a sports facility in Trinidad and Tobago. That money
The Garcia Report concluded that Australia 2022          really went to executive committee member Jack
tried to disguise its relationship to the consultant’s   Warner, who allegedly commingled and embezzled
relationship by having a company hire him as a           it. Warner was able to do this because he secretly
subcontractor to “create appearance of distance.”        owned parcels of land where the facility was built
Australia 2022 also omitted specific language that       and falsely represented to people that the facility was
would have bound the consultant to FIFA’s rules.         owned by the soccer organization that governs North
As a result, the consultant did not have to report his   America and Central America.
contacts with any executive committee member or
cooperate with the investigation into misconduct,        Additionally, bid countries paid for executive
unlike those governed by FIFA’s rules.                   committee members’ soccer clubs to travel to
                                                         tournaments and friendly matches (i.e., exhibition
Some of the benefits given to influence executive        games). While some of this was done in the ordinary
committee members were highly lucrative. The             course, not every deal was a legitimate transaction.
Garcia Report discussed how an official connected        Instead, some were much more lucrative than the
to Qatar 2022 provided millions of dollars to the        executive committee members’ clubs could have
daughter of the president of the Brazilian Football      obtained under normal circumstances. One official
Confederation. Qatar 2022 also promised to provide       stated that he viewed the arrangement of a friendly
$1 million to sponsor an event that the son of an        match as a “quid pro quo” for the member’s vote.
executive committee member was hosting. Qatar            Not only could these matches be windfalls for the
2022 ultimately withdrew its support for the project     members’ countries, but individuals who were close
after receiving advice from counsel.                     to the members also received commissions for setting
                                                         up these matches.

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Personal Benefits                                           The lack of cooperation was not limited to the sitting
Bidding countries often paid for the travel of executive    executive committee members. One former member
committee members and their families. The payments          initially ignored investigator’s requests. The former
could be astounding. For example, one country paid          member then had another person act as a liaison
$5,500 a night for an executive committee member’s          to the investigative body and demanded that all
hotel room. This was in addition to providing the           questions be addressed to both the liaison and the
executive committee member with a dedicated driver          official so they could jointly respond. This odd request
and other services. In contrast, soccer’s biggest stars,    was even more unusual because the proposed liaison
including Lionel Messi, stayed in rooms that were less      was also a subject of the investigation. The former
than $300 a night.                                          member then made public declarations in which
                                                            he said that he had no intention of cooperating,
Not every benefit was monetary. For example,                overstated the number of questions posed to him
England was asked to bestow an honorary knighthood          in writing and falsely claimed investigators only
on one South American soccer official.                      submitted questions in English and not in his native
                                                            language. After FIFA levied a provisional ban for his
All told, the Garcia Report concluded that there were       lack of cooperation, the former official submitted
prima facie cases of ethical violations by 12 then-         written answers to questions. This shows that the
current or former executive committee members.              provisional ban was somewhat effective, in that the
To put this number in perspective, FIFA only has 22         former member did answer some questions. But the
                                                            provisional ban was not forceful enough, because
executive committee members sitting at a time.
                                                            the former member still refused to answer other
                                                            questions, such as how he voted to award the 2018
Executive Committee Members’                                and 2022 World Cups.
Reactions to the Investigation
According to the findings, executive committee              While investigators were able to obtain some
members’ acceptance and solicitation of personal            information from this former member, they were
benefits was only the beginning of their wrongdoing.        only able to do so because the individual was still a
The Garcia Report found that leaders of FIFA felt the       soccer official bound by FIFA’s rules of mandatory
rules did not apply to them during the investigative        cooperation. Many other former executive committee
process either. When investigators sought to interview      members refused to cooperate, and FIFA could take
members about the allegations, many showed                  no measures to force their cooperation because
disdain for the process by acting “belligerent” toward      they were no longer soccer officials in any other
investigators, according to the report.                     capacity. Out of 11 former members approached by
                                                            investigators, only five agreed to be interviewed or to
The report discussed how two executive committee            provide written answers.
members initially refused to cooperate in the
investigation. One demanded to know who had                 These reactions show how some in positions of
initiated the investigation and tried to insist on having   power can respond to being questioned and how
the lead investigator recuse himself. The member then       essential it is to have independent investigations
refused to answer questions in a live interview. Only       when dealing with allegations of corruption among
later did the member agree to answer questions, and         executives. The inability of investigators to obtain
then only in writing.                                       voluntary cooperation shows how important it is for
                                                            an organization to have a broad policy regarding who
Another member showed hostility toward the                  must assist investigators and how they must assist.
investigators, stating it was “probably one of the few
cases where the boss is being investigated by the
employee.” As the Garcia Report noted, this was the
                                                            The United States’ Bid
                                                            While the reports were disheartening in many
wrong reading of the situation: FIFA’s investigative
                                                            respects, there was one silver lining: United States
body was independent and did not answer to the
                                                            officials were not part of the problem. Indeed, the
executive committee.
                                                            report found U.S. officials neither colluded in the

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awarding of bids nor gave any executive committee          the investigatory body. According to the report,
members inappropriate gifts. Instead, the U.S. officials   the U.S. Soccer Federation also provided helpful
were aware of the rules and actively took steps to         recommendations on how to reform the bidding
ensure that they were in compliance with the rules.        process and mitigate the risk of misconduct
                                                           in the future.
With respect to gifts to soccer officials, evidence
showed that the USA Bid Committee did an                   Even in the aftermath of the scandal, the football
appropriate analysis in trying to find a gift that met     world cannot expect its officials to toe the line. Part
the monetary threshold under FIFA’s rules and would        2 will discuss how better leadership, stronger rules,
also be viewed as “nice and relevant to our bid.” The      a targeted compliance program, periodic monitoring
report found that the USA Bid Committee did not            and a strengthened investigatory function can mitigate
give anything of value “with an aim to influence” the      the risks of misconduct and ensure cooperation of
bidding process.                                           FIFA’s officials. It will also discuss how these same
                                                           steps and safeguards can be applied within any
The U.S.’s friendly matches also were arms-length          organization to ensure compliance and minimize
transactions free of corruption. The Garcia Report         issues in the event of an outside investigation.
found that the U.S.’s exhibition matches had
commercial terms that were “in line with the standard      [1] The most detailed and extensive report was
fees paid for such competitions” and did not serve         authored by Michael Garcia. Because Mr. Garcia was
as a way for the USA Bid Committee to make                 recused from conducting portions of the investigation
indirect contributions to third parties to influence the   that related to United States and Russia, there were
bidding process.                                           reports authored by other investigators that were
                                                           also released at the same time as Mr. Garcia’s report.
Additionally, one problem the Garcia Report found          Many news articles, however, referred to the reports
with many countries is that they gave funds to             collectively as the “Garcia Report.” To be consistent, if
executive committee members’ countries to help             not entirely accurate, this article does the same.
soccer development when they were bidding on the
World Cup. But as soon as the venue was selected,
the bidding countries would stop giving those
countries’ development funds. This made it at least
appear as though the payments were not intended
to boost the sport’s development in the country, but
instead were to influence the votes. Once again, the
U.S. was different. The report found that there were
no material changes to the U.S. Soccer Federation’s
development projects before and after the bidding
process, which showed that the U.S. did not launch
development projects with a view of influencing the
bidding process.

Accordingly, if any country was the victim of the
corruption, it was the U.S., which initially bid on both
years and received neither.

The U.S. Soccer Federation’s behavior was
different even with respect to its reaction to the
FIFA investigation. Leaders actively cooperated
in the investigation and replied to all requests by

                                                                                             Reprinted with permission © 2017
Keeping Score Of FIFA’s Corruption, Compliance And Efforts For Reform, Part 2

Brandon Fox - October 10, 2017

Changing the Game Plan                                     FIFA also decided to change its rules to force its
In late June, FIFA, the world’s governing soccer           voting members to consider experts and objective
organization, released the “Garcia Report,” chronicling    criteria in evaluating and selecting venues. This will
the extensive corruption and conflicts of interest         increase the possibility that important issues, such as
that occurred in FIFA’s awarding of the men’s 2018         Qatar’s extreme heat, will be considered when voting
and 2022 World Cup venues. Part 1 summarized the           members select the venue.
report’s findings. Part 2 discusses how specific steps
and safeguards can mitigate the risks of misconduct        By diluting each voter’s power, FIFA has created less
and ensure cooperation among FIFA officials – and at       of an incentive for bidding countries to attempt to
any organization.                                          corrupt an individual voter. That’s not to say bidding
                                                           countries will stop inappropriately influencing the
                                                           voters. There will always be a risk of corruption. But
                                                           it reduces the possibility that future decisions will be
FIFA’s problems started at the top. FIFA’s investigators
                                                           tainted in the way the 2018 and 2022 selections were.
found an astounding number of executive committee
members committed misconduct and showed disdain
                                                           FIFA has more that it can do. While its fix may have
for the investigation. FIFA’s failures were systemic and
                                                           solved the power issue, it did not touch others.
reflected a culture of corruption. An organization’s
                                                           Surprisingly, FIFA has not changed its ethical rules or
culture cannot be fixed simply by strengthening rules
                                                           code of conduct since 2012.
or creating a targeted compliance program. Indeed,
these are meaningless if the leaders themselves are
corrupt. Executives must have integrity and show a
                                                           Strengthening Rules
commitment to everyone’s compliance with the law.          Many members broke FIFA’s rules by seeking and
FIFA needs to identify candidates for its executive        accepting benefits to influence their votes. But FIFA,
committee that have shown integrity and a dedication       like any organization discovering misconduct, must
to complying with rules and laws.                          analyze whether changes to its rules could help
                                                           mitigate the risk of misconduct reoccurring. A few
                                                           changes, such as requiring voting members to report
Limiting Power of the Executive
                                                           gifts, paid travel and income and assets, would help
Committee                                                  reduce the chance that votes will be compromised,
One of the biggest reasons the executive committee         especially if coupled with a robust monitoring program.
was so rife with corruption was that members had
incredible power. In the scandal’s aftermath, FIFA has     Requiring Members to Report Gifts
limited the executive committee’s power. FIFA diluted
                                                           Many executive committee members believed the
the committee’s voting power by having each of FIFA’s
                                                           rules did not apply to them. This is troubling because
211 members (called FIFA’s Congress) cast a vote to
                                                           senior leaders must demonstrate a commitment to
select the World Cup venue, instead of having the 22
                                                           rules and laws.
members of the executive committee solely decide
the issue. In effect, this caused executive committee
                                                           But there may have been good reason for members to
members’ votes to be diluted by 90 percent.
                                                           think the rules did not apply to them: some didn’t. For
Collectively, they went from having 100 percent of the
                                                           example, while bid teams were supposed to report
voting power to choose the venue to approximately
                                                           gifts they gave to executive committee members,
10 percent. Individually, each person now has less
                                                           those members did not have a disclosure obligation.
than 0.5 percent of the power to choose the venue,
                                                           Similarly, only bidding teams had to report contact
instead of approximately 5 percent.
                                                           with executive committee members.

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The best practice is to have both parties disclose           not solve a dilemma for gift recipients who may
a reportable event. Reporting requirements can be            not be able to determine the value of items. Some
onerous, but they are important for several reasons.         items might be worth thousands of dollars, but the
First, reports provide organizations with needed             recipients might believe they have no value and
information. With this information, organizations can        therefore accept the gifts. Others might be worth little,
determine whether gifts or contacts were proper,             but the soccer official believes the gifts are more than
whether there were any anomalies (e.g., only the             trivial and reject them. The information deficit can
receiver disclosed the gift), whether one official is        cause soccer officials to make poor decisions and will
receiving more gifts than others and whether one             still lead to awkward conversations.
entity is giving more gifts than others.
                                                             FIFA should consider amending its rules to force bid
Second, reporting requirements act as a deterrent.           teams and foreign governments to pre-clear their
An official may choose not to accept a gift because          gifts to voting members if valued above a specific
of the need to disclose it. This may be because of the       threshold. A benefit to pre-clearance is that it would
time commitment involved in filling out the paperwork.       provide everyone clarity as to whether a gift is
It may be because the report will be public and the          acceptable. It also would provide the same deterrent
official does not want the appearance that the gift will     effect as discussed above regarding disclosure
influence the official’s vote. The deterrent effect will     requirements. This is because bid teams are less
result in fewer gifts being accepted, which will lead to     likely to give extravagant gifts if they have to pre-clear
fewer allegations of corruption.                             them with FIFA. This procedure also would eliminate
                                                             awkward conversations between the soccer officials
Third, the reporting requirement also reinforces the         and the gift giver, since the soccer official can rely on
rules. An official will have to consider whether the gift    the pre-clearance disclosure to determine the value
is acceptable each time he or she has to disclose the        and appropriateness of the gift. And if an item isn’t
gift. And an improper gift creates a prisoner’s dilemma      pre-cleared, the soccer official would know to return
if there’s a dual-reporting requirement. An official         it. Since the Garcia Report found that there was
flouting the rules by not reporting the gift not only runs   confusion among the bid teams about which gifts
the risk of the organization discovering it, but also that   were appropriate and which were not, pre-clearance
the gift giver will disclose it.                             would be a valuable service to everyone.

Clarifying Limits and Pre-Clearing Gifts                     Travel Disclosures
Organizations often struggle with the right way to limit     Based on the absurd travel costs paid on behalf
gifts. Some prohibit personal benefits over a specific       of soccer officials by bid teams, the Garcia Report
dollar amount. Others will use terms that are subject        recommended limiting executive committee members’
to interpretation, such as allowing “de minimis” or          ability to travel to bidding nations. This change would
“customary and ordinary” gifts. FIFA’s rules used            not only cut down on benefits provided to soccer
terms that themselves caused confusion regarding             officials, but also on the potential unreported contact
which gifts were acceptable. Prior to 2012, officials        between officials and the bidding countries. While
could not accept anything exceeding “the average             these are obvious benefits to having such limitations,
relative value of local customs.” This was too vague         this proposal may be too restrictive without getting
and difficult to apply. Officials could not be expected      to the real issues. Indeed, travel to bidding countries
to know the “average relative value of local customs”        can be beneficial, as voting members are able to
for every country. Further, it would likely be viewed as     see firsthand the countries’ facilities, infrastructure
disrespectful for an executive committee member to           and ability to host the World Cup. These benefits
reject gifts from foreign governments if the executive       can outweigh the outright restriction on travel. A
committee member felt the gifts were excessive.              better requirement would be to have voting members
                                                             disclose all travel costs paid by third parties, similar
FIFA’s current rules, as amended in 2012, do not set         to the disclosure requirements the U.S. places on its
a monetary cap. Instead, soccer officials may only           Congressional members.
accept gifts that “have symbolic or trivial value” and
are not meant to influence their actions. This does

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Friendly Matches                                           While data storage can be expensive for
Some of the corruption issues related to the               organizations, it may take years for misconduct
scheduling of friendly matches between a bidding           allegations to surface and for the investigation
team and one affiliated with an executive committee        to be finalized. Electronic data is vital in helping
member. Some bidding teams paid more than they             prove or refute statements made by witnesses
would have in a customary transaction. Once again,         and whistleblowers. There are good reasons for an
pre-disclosure of FIFA friendly matches and their          organization to choose a data preservation policy
terms would mitigate the risk associated with using        of five years. First, this is the length of time the U.S.
friendly matches to corruptly ingratiate themselves        Department of Justice preserves its own electronic
with executive committee members.                          communications on servers. Second, five years is
                                                           the typical statute of limitations for federal criminal
Reporting Income and Assets                                charges. An organization therefore cannot be faulted
The Garcia Report found that an executive                  for limiting its storage to five years. While countries’
committee member had secret interests in sports            privacy laws might place restrictions on how this data
facilities receiving millions of dollars from a bidding    can be used, the proper collection and preservation of
country. This type of potential conflict of interest       the data ensures the data will be there if needed.
can be mitigated by requiring voting members to file
disclosure statements listing all sources of income        Strengthening Monitoring and
and ownership of companies and commercial real             Investigative Functions
estate. While this disclosure would be a burden            No matter how strong the rules and compliance
on members, it would reduce the possibility that a         functions are, it is impossible to eliminate misconduct
bidding country would intentionally or unintentionally     with 100 percent certainty. Accordingly, it is important
invest in a voting member’s business or lease the          to have strong monitoring and investigatory functions.
member’s property. FIFA should also consider
whether this disclosure should be made public or           Monitoring Compliance with Rules and Law
not. Each option has advantages (transparency)             Not all misconduct will be reported to the
and disadvantages (lack of privacy), although              organization. Instead, it may be reported too late
organizations need to consider international privacy       or not at all. Whistleblowers often choose to avoid
laws and their ability to obtain waivers if it desires a   an organization’s complaint procedure and instead
public disclosure.                                         allege misconduct in the media, to law enforcement
                                                           or in the form of a lawsuit. Accordingly, organizations
Data Preservation                                          should be proactive and engage in periodic, risk-
FIFA investigators identified a problem with data          based monitoring. This could entail occasional review
preservation. Specifically, one bidding team did not       of expense reports, emails or other transactional
provide investigators with emails because, it claimed,     documents for potential red flags. Such monitoring
the communications were not kept on its servers            has several benefits. First, it helps an organization
and were more than three years old. This raises            learn of issues and problem employees before they
issues with respect to how the communications were         become larger liabilities. Second, monitoring acts as a
occurring and how they were being stored.                  deterrent to officials who might otherwise be tempted
                                                           to engage in misconduct. Third, an organization can
Organizations should require all official electronic       point to its monitoring efforts when responding to
communications to take place on their systems. This        questions by law enforcement or the media about a
type of policy makes it easier for organizations to        whistleblower’s complaints.
review, preserve and recover those communications.
If an official receives a communication on a private       Logging and Tracking Complaints
account, the organization’s policies should require
                                                           In practice, any FIFA ethics complaint was sent to
the official to forward the communication to the
                                                           its secretary general, who would decide whether the
official’s organizational account. The organization’s
                                                           matter should be submitted to investigators. This put
policy should be broad enough to cover electronic
                                                           the secretary general in a difficult position of trying
communications in any form, such as emails, texts
                                                           to determine the merit of the complaint before any
and instant messages, in any account, website or
                                                           investigation took place. In one instance, the secretary
                                                           general did not forward a meritorious complaint

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to investigators, who learned of the misconduct            provision. Organizations should negotiate mandatory
during a separate investigation. FIFA – and other          cooperation as part of a severance agreement,
organizations – should have rules that call for all        whether or not the employee is a whistleblower. And
complaints to be forwarded to investigators without        any nondisclosure term should specifically state it
an initial assessment of merit. Investigators should log   does not apply to internal investigations.
the complaints, explain their reasons for acting or not
acting on them and track the investigation’s progress.     Definition of Cooperation
                                                           The definition of what amounts to cooperation is
Institute Third-Party Safeguards                           important to include in organizations’ rules. For
Organizations often find that corrupt transactions         FIFA, cooperation meant that the soccer officials
involve third parties, who may be used as conduits         could refuse to answer questions unless submitted
for improper payments. The Garcia Report found             in writing. Being able to avoid a live interview by
some bidding teams and FIFA officials engaged in           demanding written questions does not help the
corruption through third parties. One bidding team         truth-finding function of the internal investigation.
caused a contractor to hire a FIFA official’s close        Soccer officials used this provision to delay their
associate as a subcontractor. As a result of this          responses to questions, to involve other witnesses
multiple-layered relationship, the associate had           in coming up with answers and to avoid follow-up
no reporting requirement when it came to gifts or          questions. Organizations should instead leave it up to
contacts with executive committee members. This            investigators to determine how to conduct
concealment also caused problems for investigators,        their inquiries.
as the associate was not obligated to cooperate
with FIFA’s investigatory body. To reduce the risk of
similar conduct, FIFA’s rules should require bidding
                                                           While organizations can never guarantee that their
teams to identify all members of the bid team,
                                                           officials will abide by ethical rules, organizations can
including advisors, consultants, contractors and
                                                           mitigate the risks of conflicts of interests and improper
subcontractors. Everyone working with bidding teams
                                                           influence with strong rules, disclosure requirements,
should sign and file statements certifying that they
                                                           compliance efforts and investigative functions.
have read and understand FIFA’s ethical rules, agree
                                                           That the Garcia Report found so many high-ranking
to be bound by them, will provide FIFA with the right
                                                           executives who engaged in improper behavior and
to inspect their books and records and will cooperate
                                                           refused to cooperate with the investigation shows
with an investigation.
                                                           FIFA needs to revisit and strengthen its rules.

Mandatory Cooperation
Organizations have vital interests in officials’
cooperation in investigations of potential misconduct.
In addition to being expansive in defining who must
cooperate, organizations should ensure that failure to
cooperate will have consequences. For employees,
this could mean suspension and termination. For
contractors, this could mean the termination of a
contract and potential disgorgement.

It also is important to have clear and expansive
language in severance agreements. One FIFA
whistleblower initially refused to cooperate based on
concerns she would be breaching the nondisclosure
term of her severance agreement. The whistleblower
did not cooperate until the bidding team waived this

                                                                                             Reprinted with permission © 2017
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