KIN CLUB OF RUSSELL - House Rules Adopted 2017-11-27

KIN CLUB OF RUSSELL - House Rules Adopted 2017-11-27

    House Rules
   Adopted 2017-11-27
       ADOPTED JUNE 2019
Version        Date                              Changes

  V2      2011-12-24   Yellow highlights


  V4      2012-05-30   Fine for using acronym CF

  V5      2012-06-18   Removal of pin under club dress, removal of fines boot
                       and third was not saying occupation under introductions.
                       House rules voted upon at general meeting, passed

  V6      2013-10-28   1.4.2. Added Directors to executive to make a total of 9

                       1.4.5., 1.4.6. amended to update Directors as above

                       1.8.1 Initiation fee dropped from $75 to $60

  V7      2016-10-24   1.2.1 Approval for membership responsibility changed
                       from BoDExecutive to Club
                       1.4.5. Voting. Allocation of ballots.
                       1.8.2. Removal of projects to reduce cost of dues.
                       1.11.4. Addition of Special Project designation (ie: Sports
                       Dome) to allow committee to commit funds without
                       BoDExecutive approval.
                       1.11.8 Assets - Definition of assets for budgetary purposes
                       1.12. Change of Title to include Your Club obligations
                       1.12.4. Addition of a Communication agenda item

  V8                   1.4.3 Removal of members not allowed to hold more than
                       one executive position at a time
                       1.4.5 Removal of 1st Vice President being elected by
1.5..1 Change of definition of a quorum
             1.5.1 Removal of confirmation of amendments at annual
             1.8.2. Change of dues paying requirements
             1.8.2. Removal of pro rata payments
             1.11.2 Change date that budget is set
             1.11.7. Lottery dollars not permitted to be assessed

V9           1.4.2. Composition of the executive

             1.4.6. Duties to be assigned by the Board of Directors

V10   2019   Restructured and re-writing of House Rules for
             consideration of Executive then General May meeting.
Table of Contents
     1.1    Club Name ............................................................................................. 1
     1.2    Member Definitions ................................................................................ 1
     1.3    Rules of Order ........................................................................................ 3
     1.4    Board of Directors (Executive) ............................................................... 3
     1.5    Club Meetings ........................................................................................ 7
     1.6    Advance Notice of Motion ...................................................................... 8
     1.7    Dress Code ............................................................................................ 8
     1.8    Member Dues and Financial Responsibilities ....................................... 9
     1.9    Member Transfer/Resignation/Leave of Absence................................. 9
     1.10   Attendance at Zone, District, National Conventions............................ 10
     1.11   Finances ............................................................................................... 10
     1.12   Obligations to National District and other Clubs .................................. 14
     1.13   Amending the House Rules ................................................................. 15
     1.14   Appendix 1 – Officer Duties ................................................................. 16
     1.15   Appendix 1 – Director Duties ............................................................... 20
     1.16   Appendix 2 - Committees ................................................................... 28

1.1 Club Name
        The club is designated as “The Kin Club of Russell Inc.”

1.2 Member Definitions
1.2.1          Active Member
      The requirements to be an Active Member are:
      • Be at least 19 years of age
      • Good character and good community standing
      • Have an affiliation with the Township of Russell and area
      • Have been approved for membership by the Club
Have a Vulnerable Sector Check completed and approved, as required by Kin Canada’s          Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, Highlight
Volunteer Screening Policy Police Check complete                                            Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, Highlight
      • Have all dues paid on time

1.2.2          Life Member

        •   A member who has received the designation of Life member of the                 Formatted: List Paragraph, Bulleted + Level: 1 + Aligned at:
                                                                                            1.27 cm + Indent at: 1.9 cm
        •   A person who fulfills the duties of an active member                            Formatted: List Paragraph, Bulleted + Level: 1 + Aligned at:
                                                                                            1.27 cm + Indent at: 1.9 cm

1.2.3          Member-In-Good-Standing                                                      Formatted: Normal

       A member in good standing has full voting privileges. To be a member in good
       standing, a member shall:
       • Every member must Uphold Kin Canada’s the Association Governing By-                Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, Not Highlight
          laws, District, Zone and club House Rules . be: and fulfill all requirements of   Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, Not Highlight
          active membership.
 Every member must uphold the Association Governing By-laws, District, Zone and club
House Rules.
be: and fulfill all requirements of active membership;                                      Formatted: Normal
       • Prior to November 15thWithin a twelve (12) month period, an Active or an
          Active Life member must have who has attended at least 50% of general
          meetings in the current Kin year. (Missed meetings may be made up by
          attending Executive Executive Meetings, and Zone, or District or National         Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, Not Strikethrough
          meetings, or participatinged in a club project. )and
       • On or after November 15th, an Active or an Active Life member who has              Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, Not Superscript/ Subscript
          attended at least 50% of meetings in the current Kin year and has Have paid
          their annual Membership dues by September 15 of the year they join..

1.2.4                                                                                       Formatted: Normal, Indent: Left: 0 cm
DOUG: Were these member types not described in the membership structure that                Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, Bold, Highlight
was put forward to the club??                                                               Formatted: Font: Bold

Social Member

        A Social Member pays annual fees of $25.00. They will be invited to assist/work
        every project. They attend/help at the one(s) they want. The Kin Club of Russell
        will cover them with liability insurance for the project(s) they work. They can
        attend meetings and Kin social events (both optional). They cannot vote, run for
        executive office, compete in the awards programs or attend conventions.

1.2.5         Corporate Member

        A Corporate sponsor/member pays annual fees of $200.00 per year. They will
        receive a Kin Club of Russell plaque/wall certificate to certify they are a member
        and /or sponsor of the Kin Club of Russell. They will have their company name
        displayed on the Kin Club of Russell’s web page. Their annual donation will help
        offset projects and administrative expenses to run the club and its projects. They
        can attend meetings (optional) and Kin social events.

1.2.6         Service Member

        A Service Member pays no fees or dues. They will be invited to assist/work every
        project. They attend/help at the one(s) they want. The Kin Club of Russell will
        cover them with liability insurance for the project(s) they work.

1.2.7         Honorary Member

        Each year, the Kin Club of Russell will select meritorious persons who have
        greatly assisted the Kin Club of Russell. The Kin Club of Russell will vote for
        their choices at a general meeting. Selected persons will be honoured with a
        certificate of appreciation designating them as an Honorary member of the Kin
        Club of Russell. Honorary members are designated for a one-year period only,
        unless otherwise voted. They have no further privileges.

1.2.8      Special membership
Special membership

        The Executive may, from time to time as circumstances warrant, approve
        special memberships to the club. The term of these special memberships shall
        be for a specified period, at a fee and under conditions to be determined by the
        Directors/Executive at the time of issue. Recipients of Special memberships
        shall not be granted the right to vote on Club matters, nor to participate in any
        club administrative activity.

1.2.9         Revocation of membership

•     Any member who has damaged the club’s public reputation and/or fails, without
         legitimate reason, to maintain the requirements of being an active member may
         have their membership in the club revoked.

   •     Any member having criticisms concerning the conduct of another member shall
         advise the Executive in writing.

   •     Five (5) voting members are required to substantiate conduct unbecoming of a
         KIN member, and must provide substantiated evidence of the unbecoming
         conduct in writing to the Club Executive.

   •     If the behavior is detrimental to the character or interest of the club, the Executive
         shall call upon such member to explain his/her conduct. If he/she neglects to so
         explain or, having appeared, fails to give a satisfactory explanation, the Board of
         Directors may, upon resolution duly passed, suspend such member from the club
         for a period not exceeding three months or, dependent on the severity of the
         behavior, may request said member to resign.

   •     Should he/she neglect or refuse to do so, the matter shall be dealt with by a
         special General Meeting, at which the member in question may be permitted to
         be present, but only for the purpose of submitting his/her statement or
         explanation of his/her conduct.

   •     Following the 3-month suspension, a member may be reinstated, upon a
         resolution duly passed by the Executive, wherein the member clearly
         demonstrates they now meet the Kin Club code of conduct.

1.2.10          Notices to members

   •     A notice of a meeting may be given to a member either personally or by mail
         (electronic or post) to the member’s registered address.

   •     Notice of a Meeting must include the time and place of the meeting and any
         special business to be on the agenda of the meeting, if applicable.

   •     Notice of a Meeting of any nature shall be mailed or delivered at least 2
         weeks prior to the holding of the Meeting.

1.3 Rules of Order
            All meetings will be run using the rules of order as outlined in the National
            Governing Operating By-laws, and in the Parliamentary Procedures
            as outlined in the National Governing Procedure By-laws.

1.4 Board of Directors (Executive)
1.4.1          Powers
            The Executive shall constitute the governing body of the club with
            power to appoint committees and generally to perform all such acts of
            administration as may be necessary or expedient for the proper functioning of the

1.4.2          Composition
            The Kin Club of Russell is legally incorporated and as such is required to have
            officers. The group of officers is called the Executive. The Executive
            will have Officers and Directors as follows:
        •   President
        •   Vice President
        •   Secretary
        •   Vice Secretary
        •   Treasurer
        •   Vice Treasurer
        •   Registrar
        •   Past President

            Up to 10 Directors (Youth, Membership, Public Relations, Risk,
            Communications, 2 Directors-at-Large and 2 Co-Directors of Awards, Project
            Management & Strategic Planning)

        No person who has an undischarged bankruptcy is eligible to have signing authority.
1.4.3         Term of Office
   •    The term of office shall be for two years from July 1 – June 30th, renewable for 3
        additional terms to a maximum of six (6) consecutive years.
   •    Each Officer/Director shall enter their duties on July 1st of each year (unless a mid-
        term appointment is required to fill a vacancy) and shall leave their duties on
        June 30th at the end of their term. In the event of a vacancy after
        Elections, the Officer/Director can remain in their role.
   The following Positions will be filled in EVEN years (2018, 2020, 2022);
   President, Vice Secretary, Vice Treasurer, Registrar.
   The following Positions will be filled in ODD years (2019, 2021, 2023);

Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer
   •    If for any reason an election is not held in a timely manner, the
        current executive shall continue in office until their successors are elected or
        appointed, provided always that the voting members of the club may, by resolution
        passed by a majority of votes at a General meeting called for that purpose, remove
        any Executive member before the expiration of his/her term and may, by a
        majority of votes at that meeting, elect any person in his stead for the remainder
        of his/her term.
   •    Should an office become vacant during the Kin year, the remaining Executive
        members, if constituting a quorum, may appoint a qualified person to fill the vacancy
        for the remainder of the term. In the absence of a quorum, the remaining
        Executive members shall forthwith call a meeting of the voting members to fill the

1.4.4          Election of Officers/Directors
   •    Current members of the Executive are eligible to run for re-election.
   •    No election or appointment of a person as a Executive member shall be effective
   •    He/she consents in writing or orally to act as a Executive member before his/her
        election or appointment or within 10 days thereafter; or,
   •    He/she was present at the meeting when he/she was elected or appointed and did
        not refuse at that meeting to act as an Executive member.
   •    The position of Past President will be filled by acclamation. All other Officer/Director
        positions shall be put to a vote. A Member can ‘run down’ if unsuccessful in their bid
        for an earlier Officer/Director position. The following order of voting will be used:
               •   Past President                                  •   Treasurer
               •   President (if necessary)                        •   Vice -Treasurer
               •   Vice -President                                 •   Registrar
               •   Secretary                                       •   Directors
               •   Vice Secretary                                                                   Formatted: Not Highlight

   •    The current Past President, or a club member who has been appointed to this
        position, will act as HEAD of the Nomination Committee and thus , will be responsible
        to compile a slate of candidates wishing to seek office in the clClub.
   •    Each candidate must agree to allow ing their name to be added to the slate in
        advance of it being published. This slate of candidates will be presented to the cClub
        one meeting prior to the voting. The slate of officers will be circulated to all club

•   All campaigning, with the exception of speeches, shall cease when the business
            portion of the election night meeting is called to order.
        •   The removal of all campaign material is the responsibility of the individual nominees,
            and shall be done immediately upon the adjournment of the meeting.
        •   The introduction of the nominee and their speech shall not exceed a combined time
                    Presidential Candidates:            5 minutes
                    Vice Presidential Candidates:       5 minutes
                    All Other Candidates:               3 minutes
            The chief and 2 scrutineers shall be appointed by the Executive.
            Additions to the official slate of candidates presented will be allowed on the night of
            the elections, providing:
                    •   the position is vacant on the slate;
                    •   the added candidate is in attendance and;
                    •   they agree to add their name to the slate of candidates.
        •   The Nomination Committee Chair shall be responsible for providing voting
            ballots. All voting will be by secret ballot. All members in good standing shall receive
            one ballot per position, with the exception of the President who shall cast one ballot
            and a second nominal ballot to be counted only in the case of a tie.

  1.4.5       Duties to be assigned by the Executive (Refer to
  Appendix 1)
  The Executive will assign responsibilities and duties to an Officer/Executive as required.
  Please see Appendix 1 for responsibilities.
                •   President                                       •   Membership
                •   Vice President                                  •   Risk
                •   Past President                                  •   Awards & Education
                •   Secretary                                           (Director/Co-Director)
                •   Vice Secretary                                  •   Public Relations
                •   Treasurer                                       •   Web Master
                •   Vice Treasurer                                  •   Project Management &
                •   Registrar                                           Strategic Planning
                •   Communications                                  •   Directors at Large (2)
                                                                                                          Formatted: Left: 2.06 cm, Right: 2.22 cm
1.4.6           Conflict of Interest
            •   Directors shall avoid situations in which they may be in a position of conflict of

•   A conflict arises when a Director is said to have a financial interest in a decision
               where the Director stands to gain by that decision, either in the form of money or
               other special considerations. Conflicts generally arise when:
               a)    a Director transacts with the club directly or indirectly. When a Director has a
                     significant direct or indirect interest in a transaction or contract with the club;

               b)    the club conducts business with suppliers of goods or services or any other
                     party of which a relative or member of the household of a Director is a
                     principal, officer, or representative.
When a Director is aware of a conflict position, the Director must make the Board aware of the
conflict and remove himself of herself from any vote or discussion on the matter at hand giving
rise to the conflict of interest.

1.4.7          Liability
No Director or Officer for the time being of the club shall be liable for the acts, neglects or
defaults of any other Director or Officer or (employee) of the club for any loss, damage or
expense happening to the club or for any other loss, damage or misfortune whatsoever, which
may happen in the execution of the duties of his respective office or in relation thereto, unless all
or any of the same shall happen by or through the willful act, default or neglect of such Director
or Officer.

1.5 Club Meetings
1.5.1          General Meetings
               •    A general meeting shall be held every month at a date, time and place as
                    determined by the Executive.
               •    The date, time and place will be circulated to all members at least 2 weeks in
                    advance of the meeting by the registrar.
               •    All active members are encouraged to attend all general meetings.
               •    A quorum is required to transact business and to table/pass motions. A
                    quorum is defined as at least 20% of the club membership in attendance. All
                    members present who are in good standing can vote.
               •    All members in good standing present at the meeting are entitled to vote.
               •    Order of business:
                       o   Distribution and approval of previous minutes,
                       o   Business arising out of the minutes
                       o   Treasurer’s report
                       o   Reading of correspondence
                       o   Presentation and consideration of reports
o   Unfinished business
                      o   Elections at annual meeting
                      o   Other new business
                      o   Adjournment

1.5.2          Executive Meetings
               •   Executive meetings will be held every month at a date, time and place as
                   determined by the Executive.
               •   The date, time and place of each meeting will be announced at least 2 weeks
                   in advance of the meeting by the registrar
               •   All Executive members are encouraged to attend every Executive
               •   Any Active member may attend any Executive meeting.
               •    A quorum is required to transact business. A quorum is defined as >50% of
                   the Executive.
               •   All members in good standing present at the meeting are entitled to vote.

1.6 Advance Notice of Motion
1.6.1          Advance Notice of Motion (NoM)
The majority of motions may be made from the floor of a meeting. However, motions
that may have a major impact to the club require members to give advance notice that a motion
will be forthcoming. This advance notice gives members time to review and prepare to discuss
the motion. If a motion from the floor is deemed not urgent, the members present can vote to
address the motion at the next meeting.
The following is a partial list of motions that require advance notice be given to the club
   •    Expenditures equal to or greater than $1,000.00
   •    Budgetary in nature
   •    Adopting a project requiring an expenditure equal to or greater than$1,000.00 and/or 25+
        hours of volunteer work. This motion will also require supporting documents to include a
        project proposal and approval.
The Executive is empowered to require any motion that may have a major impact on the
club’s operation or future to follow this process.
Motions requiring advance notice must be posted on the club website, after approval of the
executive, a minimum of 14 days prior to the meeting and will be presented from the floor.
An e-mail meeting the same time frame must be sent to all members advising them that an
advance notice of a motion has been posted to the web site.
1.7 Dress Code
          Dress for general meetings will be our club shirt & name badge.
          More formal attire may be required depending upon the event, and as decided by the

1.8 Member Dues and Financial Responsibilities
1.8.1         New Member Application
All applications for membership shall be submitted to the Executive.
Upon receipt and to the satisfaction of the Executive, the
application will be circulated to the General membership at a
General Meeting.
Upon approval by the club, and acceptance by Kin Canada, with respect to the VSC/Police
Check, the applicant becomes a member.
Before completion of acceptance process, an initiation fee of $60 will be collected from each
new Member. This fee is required to cover the
cost of the New Members Kit, name badge and club shirt.

1.8.2         Membership Dues
Club Membership Dues are set through the club’s budget process by June 30th of
each year.
Members are required to pay their dues before September 15th, or will be considered NOT in
good standing.
Any Member whose personal circumstances preclude them from submitting their dues on time
shall contact the Club Treasurer or Club President to make suitable arrangements.
Issues surrounding tardy dues remittances will be dealt with by the Executive.

1.9 Member Transfer/Resignation/Leave of Absence
1.9.1         Member transferring into Club
Upon receipt of an incoming transfer request for a member (other than Honorary) of
another club, the Secretary will inform the transferring member of the date/time and location
of the next and subsequent meetings.
The member’s transfer is not complete until they have been accepted by a motion of the club.
Upon completion of the transfer, the Secretary shall inform National/Transferring club in writing
and add Member to club roster.

If the incoming member provides proof of payment of membership dues at a previous club for
the year, they are not required to pay again; otherwise full membership dues are required.

1.9.2         Member transferring out of Club
Upon a member’s submission of an outgoing transfer request to another club, the Secretary
shall draft a transfer request letter indicating whether or not membership dues have to be paid for
the year and send it to the receiving club.
The Secretary shall request notification from receiving club of member’s acceptance. Transfer
is complete when the receiving club adds the member to their roster.

1.9.3         Member resigning from Club
A member may resign by notification in writing, and the resignation shall become effective upon
acceptance thereof by the board of directors.
A member remains liable for payment of any assessment or other sum levied or which becomes
payable to him/her by the club before acceptance of his/her resignation.
Upon the acceptance of such resignation, the resigned member’s name shall be struck from the
club’s roster by the registrar.

1.9.4         Books and Records
The books and records of the club may be inspected by any member at any time, given
reasonable notice and arranging of a time satisfactory with the Officer(s) responsible.

1.9.5         Remuneration
No Officer/Director/Member/Life-Member shall receive remuneration from the club for their
services as Kin.

1.10 Attendance at Zone, District, National Conventions
The Zone and District house rules recommend that each club send a delegate to each of the
conventions, or that a club proxy their votes. It is the responsibility of the club delegates to
represent the wishes of the club members at convention. Should the Club proxy its vote, it will
indicate how to use its vote.

1.10.1        Speakers Competition
The club will pay the registration and full single accommodation for up to two
members competing in the Speakers Competition at District Conference.
Any member attending a convention who is eligible for
remuneration will receive their reimbursement after attending all meetings at
the Convention.
In order for a member to qualify for the registration reimbursement and the accommodation
subsidy, the member must be a member in good standing.
1.10.2          President’s Alternate
If the President is unable to attend a National/District/Zone Convention, the Executive MAY
appoint an alternate to represent the club. The alternate will have the same rights as the

1.11 Finances
1.11.1          Banking
All funds of the club shall be deposited in such banks or depositories as the Executive may
direct and shall be withdrawn only upon consent of the signatories.

1.11.2          Budget
The club Finance Committee will produce a proposed budget for each fiscal year. The
Budget will be passed by the general membership prior to October 15th. The budget details all
proposed income and expenditures, as well as proposed membership dues.
The Finance Committee shall only budget for researched known expenditures. Expenditures
that require more due diligence will be presented as a separate list outside of the Service and
General Divisions of the budget.

1.11.3          Borrowing Power:
The general membership may from time to time, in such amounts or such terms as it deems
expedient, approve the Executive to:
   •     Borrow money on credit of the club
   •     Issue, sell or pledge bonds, debentures, notes of the club, charge, mortgage or pledge
         all of any currently owned or subsequently acquired real or personal movable or
         immovable property of the club

1.11.4          Financial Authority
The Board of Directors are authorized to collect or expend funds according to the approved
In addition, any member may make a motion that has financial implications. Some motions may
require advance notice.
All such motions made after the budget has been approved are submitted to the Finance
committee for recommendation.
The finance committee will
review all projects and each request that has financial implications is to be forwarded in a
report to the Executive with recommendations and its appropriate rationale.
All financial recommendations are reviewed by the Executive, which has the power to
approve or defeat the recommendations.
1.11.5          Financial Reports
The Treasurer shall produce a report at each Executive meeting that is comprised of:
   •     Accounts receivable
   •     A current balance sheet
   •     A General Division profit and loss statement to date
   •     A Service Division profit and loss statement to date
   •     A detailed list of cheques and deposits since last report
   •     Transaction detail by account
   •     The Secretary shall include the report in the Executive minutes

1.11.6          Board of Directors Discretionary Spending Limit
The Executive has a discretionary spending authority of $1,000.00 per new item, but will
inform the General membership the following meeting after.
1.11.7          Administration Fee Levy
Administration Fee Levy
The Club is entitled to levy an administrative charge on the net profit realized from all Service
Division fundraising projects. This charge shall bet set by the budget process and shall not
exceed 15%. The transfer of funds from the Service Division to the General Division (General
Division = accounts used for all business other than Service Projects) shall be done by June 30th
of each year.
The dollar amount transferred from Service Division to General Division will be the amount
calculated less any funds already paid from a Service account.
The items to be deducted from the amount transferred, if paid out of Service, include:
   •     Assessments / dues paid to National, District and/or Zone
   •     Guest meals
   •     Club clothing
Although lottery funds are included in the total Service dollars earned, the actual funds
transferred to General can only be based on non-lottery Service dollars.
1.11.8          Assets

All assets held by the club over a value of $500 shall be reported as assets in the budgetary
process and should be inspected/inventoried/accounted for each year during the audit process.
Any items under a $500.00 value shall be written off as an expense.

1.11.9          Donation Guidelines
Any member may receive donation requests from the community or service groups or
individuals, and these requests will be brought to the Executive for discussion and deliberation.
Donations to groups/individuals require:
   •     Individual’s previous two year’s income tax statements, if deemed necessary by the
         Finance Committee
The above documents will be reviewed by the Finance Committee and forwarded to the
Executive If approved, the Executive will:
   •     If time permits, include the donation in the budget
   •     If time does not permit including in the budget, review the expenditure and the
         rationale and make a decision
All applicants that receive funds must sign a general indemnification form releasing the Club and
Kin Canada of any liability.
All ongoing donations (multi-year commitments) will be reviewed each year to ensure the original
intent of the commitment is still intact. i.e. financial statements may be requested or an update
on the project could be presented to the club by way of a guest speaker.

1.11.10         Fines
The Chair of the meeting shall appoint a Sergeant-at-arms for each meeting. It is the primary
duty of the Sergeant-at-Arms to maintain decorum and order through the levying of fines. The
Sergeant-at-Arms is immune to any fines.
Fines other than the automatic fines listed below may be proposed to the Chair by any member
or guest in attendance. The Chair will determine if the fine is valid and the amount to be
The following infractions shall each result in an automatic $0.25 fine and are to be collected by
the Sergeant-at-Arms:
   • Failure to meet the club's dress code
   During self introductions: failure to announce executive position, life membership status or any
      guests they may have brought out
   • Late attendance
   • Walking or talking when another Kin member is talking
   • Incorrect address to the Chair
   • Boisterous behaviour
   • Bad jokes

The following infraction shall result in an automatic $0.50 fine and will be collected by the

   •   Using the acronym “CF” instead of Cystic Fibrosis
The maximum amount a member may be fined in a night is $3.00 including appeals.
Any member who wishes to appeal a fine may do so by first presenting an appeal fee of $1.00
to the Sergeant-at-Arms, and then presenting their case to the club members for a further and
final ruling. The Chair will rule on the appeal and, if the member wins the appeal, the person
who suggested the fine shall pay double the fine.
The Chair may be fined by any member in good standing after the member pays $1.00 to the
Sergeant-at-Arms and requests that the gavel be passed. The gavel will be returned to the
Chair once the fine has been assessed and paid.
All fines collected will be directed into the General account.

1.11.10       Draws at General Meetings
Members and guests may purchase draw tickets at prices determined by the Chair.
Each guest and visiting Kin will receive one free draw ticket.
Each winner may only win ONCE in an evening. Once a member wins a prize, their remaining
tickets are declared null and void and may not be donated or given to another member or guest
in attendance to be used by them.

1.11.11       Suggestions
Any member having suggestions concerning the operation of the club or a member should
advise the Executive in writing.

1.12 Obligations to National, District, Your Club and other Clubs
1.12.1 Obligations
It shall be the policy of the Kin Club of Russell to exercise fully those obligations imposed upon it
by the Nation General Operating By-Laws and the District and Zone By-Laws and the House
Rules of the Kin Club of Russell.

1.12.2 Reports
The Executive shall provide for prompt review, completion and forwarding of all reports
required or requested by the National Board of Directors and/or District Council.

1.12.3 Dues and Assessments
The Executive shall promptly pay all dues and assessments.

1.12.4 Communication
All members are expected to respond promptly to ALL club e-mail correspondence, including
“Nil Replies.”
When sending emails to a large group, and reply all is not necessary, the sender will bcc the
group, and send email to self if this option is available. Members should not "reply all" unless
directed to do so.
All e-mails should include in the subject line the time line of the required response, i.e.:
Response Required by DATE.

Good communication and respecting deadlines are paramount to an effective and strong club.
Good communication and respecting deadlines are paramount to an effective and strong club.
Members failing to return correspondence in a prompt or adequate manner may be called to
explain their inactions to the club Executive.

1.12.5 Notification of Civil or Criminal Action
If any civil or criminal action is commenced against the Kin Club of Russell, the Executive of
the club shall immediately report such action by email and letter to the District Governor and
submit a detailed report at the earliest opportunity.

1.12.6 Proposal for Action
The Kin Club of Russell shall not commence by itself or by its representatives any action, civil
or criminal, in any court without first submitting a detailed written report on the proposed action
to the National and District Risk Managers and receiving approval to commence such action.

1.12.7 Embezzlement or Defalcation
The Secretary on behalf of the Executive shall, upon discovery by the Executive, report to the
National Executive Director and the District Executive any circumstances which tend to
indicate an embezzlement of or defalcation (misappropriation of funds by person trusted in
charge) in funds belonging to the Club.

1.13 Amending the House Rules
No amendments to the house rules of the club shall be adopted except at an Annual meeting
or special General meeting called for that purpose, and then only when such amendment is
supported by two thirds of the members present. House Rules are to be reviewed annually and
all recommendations are to be presented to the Executive before the October General meeting.
House rules may be amended at any General Meeting through an advance notice of the
impending motion.

1.14 Dissolution
The following wording was approved by the members of the Kin Club of Russell at its
General meeting held on 2018-03-26 for inclusion in Kin Club of Russell House Rules

In the event that the Kin Club of Russell should dissolve, the distribution of the
organization’s assets and property held or acquired shall be distributed as follows;

1. General Accounts - All funds in the club’s accounts (everything except lottery proceeds)
   which includes, General, Service, PayPal, assets etc. shall be distributed as follows;
       a) All local bills, debts, invoices shall be paid first
       b) Any funds owing to Kin Canada shall be paid in reverse order, starting with Zone,
           then District, then National
       c) Any remaining funds shall be donated back within the Township of Russell, as
           directed by a duly called club meeting with quorum, or the club’s Board of
           Directors duly called meeting with quorum if the club is no longer in place. The
           bank accounts will then be closed.

2. Any proceeds of licensed lottery events (i.e., Catch The Ace), lottery trust accounts or
   property purchased with lottery proceeds – shall be distributed as follows;
       a) All local bills, debts, invoices arising from the lottery event (s) shall be paid first
       b) All remaining funds shall be donated to the donees listed in the lottery application
          wherever possible;
       c) In the event that the listed donees are no longer in existence or no longer require
          funds from the Kin Club of Russell, all remaining proceeds and assets shall be
          dispersed to charitable organizations that are eligible to receive lottery proceeds
          in Ontario, as decided by a duly called club meeting with quorum, or the club’s
          Board of Directors duly called meeting with quorum if the club is no longer in
          place. The lottery bank account will then be closed.

NOTE: These House Rules compliment and adhere to all District and
National Kin Canada Rules.

Appendix 1 – Officer Duties
  •    Responsible for the overall operation of the Club
  •    Signing officer on all accounts of the club, along with the Treasurer and/or
  •    Organize Executive and General meetings; work with the secretary regarding
       correspondence and developing/issuing agendas
  •    Oversee committees: appoint committee chairs, such as Kinsmen/Kinette
       liaison, protocol and rules of order, socials, nominations, sports and interclubs,
       various major service projects, and others that your club may require
  •    Attend all club President meetings & conferences, District and National
       meetings/conventions as required; encourage fellowship and participation of
       members at District & National events
  •    Meet District & National requirements for paperwork: ensure all requests, such
       as the National Membership Fees Billing Form, are completed.
  •    Mentor the Vice President
  •    Delegate and macro manage:
       the President is not required to sit on every committee:
       request Committee chairs to provide updates and progress reports (ask for             Formatted: Not Highlight
       reports in advance, make sure they are necessary)
  •    Choose the right people for the right jobs, and then ask them to assist; involve
       and get input from all your members; be a diplomat, not a dictator
  •    Lead by example; if you want growth, bring in a member; if you want your
       club to travel, tell them you are going
  •    Set goals and communicate them to the membership
  •    Motivate! – support awards, involvement in committees, new project ideas, new
       Motivate! – support awards, involvement in committees, new project ideas, new
  •    Responsible to choose Kin of The Month and present same (never same
       person twice in one year)
  •    Support the Project Management process so that projects are documented,
       reported on and lessons learned are documented and shared
  •   When prospective Kin are in attendance, take time to explain the meeting, fine
      session and invite them to come back
  •  Provide advice and work with the President to ensure all matters are attended to
     and the club runs smoothly
  • Assist the President in both membership and program development
                                                                                             Formatted: Font: 10 pt, English (Canada), Not Highlight
  • Act in the President’s absence at meetings                                               Formatted: Font: 10 pt, English (Canada)
  Maintain and share the club calendar                                                       Formatted: Font: 10 pt, English (Canada), Not Highlight
                                                                                             Formatted: Font: 10 pt, English (Canada)
•    Chair meetings. Remember our best membership tool is a well run meeting
•   Start on time. A 15 minute delay for 10 people is 2.5 hour of lost time. Have a
    target time for adjournment.
•    Be a Member of the finance committee
•    Monitor all committees and functions of the club with an eye to the future.
•    Keep business professional and separate from fellowship
•    Keep the fines session fun. It’s not punishment.
•    Encourage enrolment in awards and other retention tools.
•    Support the Public Relations chair responsible for promoting the club in all
     aspects of the media, such as executive photos; inviting media to meetings;
     project promotions; releasing national news to the local media; using posters and
     other resources from National Headquarters to enhance the image of the club in
     the community.
•    Track the club’s progress to earning the Outstanding Club Award: Review the
     Outstanding Master Club and other awards regularly and report on progress at
     the Executive meetings. Use these as guidelines for success.
•    Read the Club President’s Manual.
•    Attend all conventions, president’s meetings, etc. as required
•    Support the Director of Project Management & Strategic Planning in
     overseeing all club projects
•    Prepare for next year! Keep ideas in a file throughout the year. Remember, the
     club is counting on you to be the future leader

•   Prepare meeting agendas in consultation with President/Chair
•   Record and publish minutes of all general and executive meetings
•   Record/read/reply to all correspondence to determine action required,
    ensure reports, minutes and correspondence are processed and directed to
    responsible Officers/Directors/Committee heads in a timely manner
•   Keep the President up-to-date on actions to be taken on club business                Formatted: Strikethrough

•   Support the Registrar in following up on member status reports:
    transfers, additions (this is the most important job of the club), and
    resignations. Ensure in consultation with the Registrar that all membership          Formatted: Strikethrough
    stats are accurately reported to District and National
    Finance Management:
    • Assist President & Treasurer with drafting of the budget                           Formatted: Font: (Default) Times New Roman

    • Keep copies of the budget readily available
    • Scan all expense claims & invoices and send to Treasurer for entry into
    • Print all cheques issued by the club (Treasurer) and ensure they are sent
        to the payee promptly

• Make bank deposits as required
    • Assist the Treasurer with monthly reconciliation of financial reports
•   Support the Director of Project Management & Strategic Planning to
    ensure that all project chairs have completed project proposals and reports for
    approved projects
•   Maintain copies of all completed project reports, membership proposals
    and approved financial requests for future reference
•   Maintain a copy of incorporation papers and send a copy to the Deputy               Formatted: Strikethrough
•   Keep copies of award affidavits available for members
•   Support the Risk Management Director to ensure that copies of the Risk
    Management Manual and forms are available for club members
•   Maintain copies of National, District, Zone and Club By-Laws
•   Support the House Rules Committee to ensure Club By-Laws are updated
•   If the club does not have a Registrar, the Secretary may be required to fill that

    VICE SECRETARY                                                                      Formatted: Font: (Default) Arial, Bold, Underline
                                                                                        Formatted: Font: Arial
•   Work with the Secretary to share the club's administrative tasks
•   Take minutes of all General and Executive meetings. Ensure that the
    preparation and distribution of minutes are completed in a timely manner so as
    to keep the club members informed and engaged
•   Prepare letters as required - responses to requests, sending of information to
    various places
•   Work with Registrar to ensure all new member applications are submitted
    online to Kin HQ
•   Maintain a binder with current house rules, budget, roster and other materials
    that may be required during a meeting for reference
•   Ensure that the previous year’s financial records have been audited before you
    take over the books
•   Responsible as the signing officer along with the President and/or Secretary, on
    all accounts of the club
•   Manage the Club’s financial system using Quick Books
•   Responsible to prepare and present a budget at the start of the year and at the
    conclusion of the year, with help of the Finance Committee
•   Maintain all financial records for the club with supporting documentation.
•   Create deposit slips for revenue
•   Reconcile the books with bank statements every month, with assistance from the
•   Prepare and share financial reports on a monthly basis, with the Executive
•   Issue payments by cheque, as required and issue receipts for funds received
          •   Deposit all funds promptly
          •   Collect the membership fees and send out bills to any delinquents. Let new
              members know their financial responsibility
          •   Report the club’s financial position and recent disbursements at each general
              meeting (duplicate for the bulletin editor/web master if possible)
          •   Ensure that cheques for membership fees billing forms are paid on time. Monitor
              committee expenses in line with approved budget
          •   Maintain well-documented records, receipts, etc. as the club books must be
              audited at the year-end
          •   Work in conjunction with the Registrar at each meeting to ensure that the dinner
              money, dues, fines and draw monies are collected and accounted for
          •   Monitor the Financial Activity of the weekly bingos by confirming that all Bingo
              Carriers are making deposits on a regular basis
          •   Monitor the annual project schedule to ensure awareness of all ongoing projects
              that involves the collection and disbursement of cash.
          •   Work with Director of Project Management to develop/implement a process for
              monitoring project finances, creating final financial reports, providing receipts and
              recommendations for all projects - a consistent format, deadlines, etc.

  •   Key role is to maintain complete and accurate up-to-date records of membership and
  •   Take attendance at all General meetings and report at each meeting the number of
      club members in attendance, advise membership director of which club members
      were absent
  •   When new members join the club, notify Kin HQ by completing a New Member
      Registration form online
  •   Promptly order Kin 'swag' including Kin polo shirts or other Kin wear; order new
      member name badges
  •   Call and/or email members to remind them of upcoming meetings
  •   Organize a phone tree for use when needed to contact club members.
  •   Ensure the meeting room is set up properly for meetings (flags, lectern, seating, etc.)
  •   Update club membership roster and distribute to club members


  •   Provide advice and guidance to President and Executive
  •   Chair and oversee election process for Executive elections, including nomination
  •   Oversee Club house rules - ensure they are up-to-date
  •   Assist club Executive as needed

1.15 Appendix 1 – Directors’ Duties


  •   Function as the club's central point for sending media releases out
  •   Ensure press releases are available before and after each project
  •   Follow the club calendar and reach out to chairs to assist in promoting events and the
      club overall
  •   Reach out to project chairs and remind them to post details of their event on
      RECAN. Assist them with this as necessary
  •   Remind members to take photos at all events and to send to you and to the web
      master within days of any event
  •   Invite media to Kin events/projects


  •   Act as liaison between the executive and the membership to ensure that our club's
      activities meet the needs and goals of our members
  •   Assist new members in recruiting members for their Maple Leaf Award of Distinction.
  •   Encourage members to achieve their GEM awards
  •   Meet with the Awards and Education directors to discuss member retention
  •   Meet with the Youth Director to discuss recruitment and retention ideas
  •   Follow up with Registrar to ensure that new member applications have been
      submitted to Kin HQ
  •   Provide at least 2 recruitment or retention workshops during the year during General
  •   Create welcome information package for guests
  •   Maintain or create a protocol for following up with guests ie: phone calls, thank you
      notes/emails, etc.
  •   Work in consultation with the Awards and Education directors regarding development
      and training of new members


  •   Work with co-director to develop plans for Kin education - full year plan. This can
      include non-kin related things such as how to use Survey Monkey, Dropbox, etc.
  •   Work together to ensure the appropriate club members track pertinent details
      throughout the year in order to compete for awards
  •   Work with Communications Director for method to share information with club
  •   Ensure that a New Members Seminar is offered
  •   Ensure that Executive training is offered

•   Educate the club on the Maple Leaf Award and assist members in achieving this
      award (follow the award affidavit and help members to track their achievements and
      offer them opportunities to earn this award)
  •   Gather reference materials, including copy of House Rules, Awards brochures, etc.
      and convey information of interest or importance to club members
  •   Track club progress on awards at all levels of the association
  •   Provide Executive with list of diary dates in a year-long plan for all possible district,
      national and applicable non-kin awards (Cystic Fibrosis Canada, Ontario Volunteer
      awards, Township/County, etc.)
  •   Touch base regularly with the club President on our club's progress to achieving the
      Outstanding Club Award
  •   Report at each club executive meeting on progress. Seek out new ways to present
      education information to better engage members (games, contests, quizzes…).


  •   Establish Project Management Guidelines and ensure they are available to each
      Project Team Lead. The Guidelines detail the project management processes, project
      documents, reporting, budgets, review and approval process for each project
  •   Develop a project schedule for each years’ approved projects, and present it to the
      Executive and ata General meeting.
  •   Establish approved Project Proposal forms, Project Reports, Action Lists and
      Lessons Learned forms that are to be used for each project.
  •   Assist team leads with completion of proposals, reports, budgets, lessons learned.
      Work with the Treasurer to monitor and ensure project budgets are completed, and
      Support all Project teams in developing and executing their projects, with the intent
      that they are completed on time, on budget and on scope.

  •   Communicate with the Project team lead and team members and monitor all projects
      to obtain updates, identify issues, delays, risks, resolve deficiencies

  •   Support info sessions and training in project management concepts and tools


  •   Ensure all projects have the necessary insurance coverage in place
  •   Liaise with project chairs to ensure any additional insurance that may be required is
  •   Obtain proof of insurance for projects as needed
  •   Identify and manage risks incurred while fundraising or doing service projects

•   Provide one educational session annually to club on risk management, insurance and
      police record checks
  •    Act as sole point of contact with the public, media, etc. on any project where an
      accident or incident may have occurred
  •   Ensure all licencing is in place for events as necessary (ie. special occasion permits)
  •   Ensure all members have completed the VSC/Police Checks as required


  •   Your key role will be sharing of information in order to stimulate attendance,
      fellowship and general interest in Kin
  •   Enhance communication within the club
  •   Ensure members are being kept up to date on news, projects, developments, etc.
  •   Act as liaison between District, National and Club
  •   Promote club, Zone, District and National events
  •   Support communications methodologies and technology


  •   Attend all meetings and assist Executive in carrying out its role
  •   Use club Calendar as a guide, ensuring we have pages on site to promote events.
  •   Find a way to promote our Corporate members
  •   Fill up the calendar
  •   Add photos
  •   Add list of Executive
  •   Add a page where members can pay their annual dues
  •   If you haven't received photos from a Kin event within a few days of event, contact
      Communications Director to chase them down
  •   Add a page for Poutmasters to accept registration and payment
  •   Provide a link to Kin Canada web site for members as well as to Kin sales
      Update Catch the Ace results every Sunday night.


  •   Attend all meetings and assist Executive in carrying out its role
  •   Be official 'greeters' at the entrance for all General meetings

Appendix 2 – COMMITTEES

    1.151.16 Committees
       •   The Board of Directors may from time to time appoint such committees as it deems
           necessary for the promotion of the objective of the club. The Directors may delegate
           any but not all of their powers to committees as they see fit. A committee so formed must
           conform to the rules imposed upon it by the Directors, and must report on all aspects and
           actions in the exercise of those powers at the earliest meeting of the Directors.
       •   At the beginning of each Kin year, the Executive shall appoint members and chairs to
           the club’s various committees.
       •   All committees are responsible to the Executive, and exist at the Executive’s
       •   Each committee shall consist of a Chair and other such members as deemed
           necessary. The committee chair and members will be appointed by the Executive.
           Their duties shall commence as soon as appointed and they shall serve until the end of
           the fiscal year or until such time as they are replaced.
       For Committees that are managing a formal project, the Project Management Guidelines
          are to be followed.

•   The following is a partial list of committees required by the club.
    The following is a partial list of committees required by the club.      Club Finance Committee
                   The Finance Committee will be chaired by the club Treasurer and will have a
                   minimum of 3 members. Ideally the membership should remain relatively stable
                   year-to-year to ensure consistency.
                   All projects with a financial impact will be submitted to the club Finance
                   Committee for review.
                   The Finance Committee will work with the Project Committee chairs to
                   ensure their proposals are complete and reasonable, before they are presented to
                   the Executive.
                   The committee will provide a report on all Notice of Motion expenditures with
                   respect to the club’s financial health.
               •   The Finance Committee will forward all submissions, complete with their
                   recommendations, to the Executive for final approval.

                                                                                                    25   Project Management Committees & Teams:
           A Committee or Project Team is established to manage each project that is
           approved as part of the annual strategic planning for the club
           •   A motion must be put forward to the Executive for each project requiring an
               expenditure equal to or greater than $1,000.00 and/or 25+ hours of
               volunteer work.
           •   For Committees/Teams that are managing a formal project, a Project
               Proposal, including a project budget, is to be submitted to the Executive for
               review and approval, prior to the start of the project.

           •   Project Reports, which must include the project budget and show the actual
               expenditures and variances for project, are to be submitted to the
               Executive at the end of the project, and are to be audited by the Finance
           •   As part of the project management process, Project Leaders are required to
               monitor the income and expenditures on their project, complete a reconciliation
               with the club Treasurer and report missing deposits and unexpected
           •   Lessons Learned are also to be submitted as part of the Project Report

           •   Project Team Leads/delegate should attend Executive meetings and
               General meetings, to provide updates and respond to any questions

           •   Established/approved Project Proposal forms, Project Reports, Action Lists
               and Lessons Learned forms are to be used for each project.
           •   Project Management Guidelines are established and available to each Project
               team Lead. The Guidelines detail the project management processes, project
               documents, reporting, budgets, review and approval process for each project.
           •   A project schedule is to be developed for each years’ approved projects by
               the Director of Project Management, and presented to the Executive and at a
               General meeting.
           •   The Director of Project Management shall post all project proposals, project
               reports, supporting documents, and lessons learned, on the designated
               Members Only Project Management page on the Club website.
           •   The Director of Project Management must maintain a hard copy of all
               project documents, in a secure manner.

•    The Director of Project Management is responsible for supporting all project
                   teams in managing their projects, in conjunction with the club Vice President,
                   Treasurer & Secretary.              Life-Membership Committee

           As required, the Executive shall appoint a committee of three members
           in good standing to form a Life Membership committee.
           At any time during the Kin year, any member in good standing may nominate any past
           or present Member who they consider to be a candidate to be awarded Life
           Membership in the Association.
           This candidate must meet the requirements as stated by the National General
           Operating By-laws.
           The Life membership committee shall review all submissions and make
           recommendations complete with rationale to the Board of Directors.
           If the recommendation is to bestow a Life membership to a member:
              •    If the Executive agrees with the recommendation, the
                   recommendation will be presented to the General membership for a decision
              •    If the BOD/Executive disagrees with the recommendation, it has the
                   power to over-rule the recommendation
           If the recommendation is not to bestow a Life membership on a member:
               •   The Executive may accept the recommendation, or it has the option to
                   over-rule the recommendation and bring it to the General membership for a
                   decision              Honourary Members Committee
           The club may bestow Honourary membership to any person whom the
           general membership deems worthy.
           The honorary membership is valid for the Kin year in which it is presented.
           As required, the Executive shall appoint a committee of at least three
           members in good standing to form an Honourary Membership committee.
           The call for prospective Honourary memberships shall be made each April.
           Any member in good standing may nominate any person they deem deserving of this
           award. The nominations shall include the reasons why this person is deserving of
           such an honour.
           The nominations are forwarded to the committee which shall review all submissions
           and by May 15th submit a report complete with recommendations complete with
           rationale to the Board of Directors.
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