KPS Office Update - 27th February 2020 - Success with QKR - THANK YOU FOR YOUR THANKS! - Kensington Primary ...

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KPS Office Update - 27th February 2020 - Success with QKR - THANK YOU FOR YOUR THANKS! - Kensington Primary ...
KPS Office Update – 27th February 2020
Thank you to the overwhelming number of parents for their positive reinforcement of our
approach to payment and electronic permission for excursions and incursions. The feedback has
been the streamlining of communication and the ease in our busy lives. Any parent not wishing to use QKR for
electronic payments or excursion notes are able to collect a paper copy from their child/ children’s teacher or
the office. As a school working towards practises of sustainability, we are again grateful for the support and
positive feedback from our parent community.

                                   Introducing S.T.E.A.M.
2020 will see students beginning the brand new topic of S.T.E.A.M. Also known as STEM, this subject is
about developing students’ problem solving abilities, collaboration skills and engaging deeply with the
world around them to better understand its systems, mechanics and complexities.

S.T.E.A.M stands for:

S.T.E.A.M is about providing students opportunities for deep learning in the disciplines of Science and
Engineering which are interpreted through the language of mathematics. S.T.E.A.M develops students’
capabilities to use, design and create technology. Finally, S.T.E.A.M is an excellent arena for students to
trial different ways to express their understandings through artistic expressions and presentations.

The year has kicked off with Year three to sixes participating in S.T.E.A.M classes and showing great
enthusiasm for the learning we have been doing. The Foundation to year two students will be
beginning S.T.E.A.M classes in term three and continue on to the end of the school year.

This term in S.T.E.A.M, students are being challenged to solve problems by working their way through
the engineering design process. This is a systematic approach to design and product creation that is
used worldwide by independent and global businesses alike. Students will be reflecting on how the
process supports them to solve tasks independently and improve on their own work to better meet
the challenges they face.

In term two, students will begin to learn about and apply the scientific method, to help them discover
facts about the natural and material worlds. Again, the focus will be on how a systemised approach to
learning provides us with a consistent method of discovery that ensures accuracy and can help us to
discover knowledge for ourselves.

As we move into the second semester, the F-2 students can expect to receive a similarly structured
program. Engineering and science will be key foci, driving the content of learning, with mathematical,
technological and artistic skills being developed alongside.

I am very excited about teaching S.T.E.A.M at KPS and am looking forward to sharing my passion for all
that it encompasses with the students and KPS community.

Chris Kloester (S.T.E.A.M Teacher)
KPS Office Update - 27th February 2020 - Success with QKR - THANK YOU FOR YOUR THANKS! - Kensington Primary ...
Cooking and Gardening Week 4/5

During weeks 4 and 5 3B, 4C and 3C had their turn in our cooking and gardening program.

Reflections from 3B

While the weather was a little gloomy, the rain held off for most of the morning and 3B were able to get
through lots of important jobs in the garden.

Emira – I liked cooking the best because the food was so good.
Kingsley – I loved the pita pocket, it was the best. I tried the carrots, I really liked them.
Mia – I really loved the pita pockets. I did not really like the oranges in the fruit salad. And I always love holding the
chickens. I planted carrot, sweet peas and chives. I always love cooking and gardening.
Yasin – My favourite thing I did in the kitchen was heling with the fruit salad. It was so fun cutting up the pita bread.
Millie – I loved the food that we made it was delicious, home-made is the best! We also made it by ourselves, amazing!
Isla – I chopped lettuce for the first time. We picked up rubbish. I tried hummus. It was yummy.
Sophie – What I enjoyed most in cooking and gardening is the pita patas and the fruit salad and vanilla ice cream.
Alana – I grated carrot in the kitchen. I picked up rubbish with the tongs in the garden. I tried pita with olive oil from the
oven for the first time.
Andy – I enjoyed cutting up the food. I planted broccoli.
Advik – My favourite thing I did in cooking was the pita pockets opening and cutting it. I also liked putting the pita pockets
in the oven.
Liam – I tried beetroot dip and I liked it a bit. Cooking and gardening was awesome because of the pita pockets, the ice
cream and fruit salad and the chicken coop.
Natalya – The potato salad is always my favourite to put in the pita pockets. The chicken coop is where many children like
to be because of the chickens.
Kush – We were planting rainbow lettuce in the garden. You had to get the lettuce and dig a hole for the rots then bury the
roots and water it.
Charlotte – Today we done cooking. I have never cooked lunch before. I loved the cheese.
Georgie – In the kitchen I enjoyed cutting the tomato. In the garden I enjoyed the chickens. For the first time I tasted
guacamole. I didn’t like the spice in the hummus.
Micah – My favourite food was the pita chips with dips. For the first time I had beetroot dip, I wasn’t a big fan of it though.
Henry – I was in there for like ten minutes. All I did was plant a seed and eat none of the food because I was sick.
Amari - We made a salad and I did the carrot. I planted something that looked like beetroot. It went well but I didn’t like
the hummus.
Alix – We planted three things; chives, sweet peas and carrot. I chose carrot because it is all season.
Fred – In the kitchen I served fruit salad it was yum. I loved working with my friends. I loved playing with the chickens. I got
to hold one.
Cherry – in the kitchen I made guacamole. All the food was delicious. The thing I did for the first time was making
guacamole. It was so much fun. I loved it!

Reflections from 4C

4C had some wonderful parent helpers and some of our Grubbies members to guide them in the garden. They
got through many important jobs in the garden and left it looking incredible.

Moetasim – I made the hummus and we got to use the blender and we got a taste test.
Adele – I liked making beetroot dip because it was fun and some people really liked it!
Ethan – In the garden we were getting some soil and putting it in other pots because some of the other planters
didn’t have enough.
Lila – I liked gardening because me and Ivy found slaters. We called them Boogie and Buddy.
Madison – I liked cooking when I cut the beetroot.
Orla – At cooking I chopped up the carrot sticks and opened the pitas.
Keira – Making pita pockets because I got that job for the session.
Ivy – In gardening I enjoyed seeing the chickens.
Tiana – I liked making potato salad and giving things a go because if I didn’t give it a go and take a risk I would
not have known if I liked doing something.
Michael – I planted seeds.

Reflections from 3C

On Tuesday 25/2 3C worked very hard in both the kitchen and garden. They planted many seeds which they are
excited to watch grow. They also tidied up in the gathering space in preparation for their shared meal.

Sudays – It was fun in the kitchen. The crackers and dippers and the carrot it was sooo delicious to eat!!!
Olive – After I finished planting my seed I saw the chickens. I stroked the white chicken. Then I picked up rubbish
with tongs. It was so fun! I wat to do it again!
Abbie – I have never ever made passionfruit slice. We cooked a lot of food. I enjoyed eating the guacamole.
Sam – I really liked chopping with the knife. I liked sweeping the floor outside. I loved eating the pita pocket
because I decided what was in it.
Mohamed – I liked making the potato salad and I liked eating the guacamole with crackers.
Gabriel – I liked cutting eggs and the lettuce. I like cutting it’s fun. I planted a sunflower seed.
Rhys – The kitchen had lots of stuff such as knives, lemon squeezers and chopping boards. The garden was fresh
and had a lot of plants.
Sunny – The kitchen had a lot of cool stuff but I liked chopping the carrots the most. I really liked the pita pocket
because of the amazing taste of potato salad and guacamole.
Stewart – It was amazing and fun in the kitchen. I did try something new. I tried celery. It tasted nice.
Jack P – At first when I entered the kitchen it was very neat. I enjoyed eating all the food because it was really
yummy and I was surprise by that the class made such yummy food.
Delilah – I liked how I go to make things in the kitchen because at home I don’t get to make things like that. It
was my first time eating hummus I actually liked it, it was good.
Maddie – In the kitchen I liked how I got to make passionfruit slice. In the garden I was happy that I got to clean
up rubbish. It was very new to me that I was using a bucket and tongs.
Chiara – I liked when I got to cut tomatoes and the garden was beautiful. I tried pitas today and it went great.
Bonny – I liked the dip and the carrots. In the garden we planted flowers and seeds, I planted broccoli.
Sofia – I liked petting the chickens and planting the plants and I planted sweet pea. I tried cutting the cheese, it
was fun!
Isobel – The kitchen was a very good environment for me and I had fun in the kitchen. I tried guacamole and it
was delicious!
Taha – I liked the cooking it was fun cutting the food and boiling the eggs and I liked going in the garden. I learnt
something new. It was when you’re feeding the hens you put your fingers down not up.
Kaliyah – It was fun in the kitchen because I got to make something I never made before, passionfruit slice. I
used the lemon squeezer it was fun and cool.
Emma – This morning my class went into the kitchen and we made some food for example me and Olive and my
mum we made some hummus to go with the crackers.
Jacob – I liked cutting the carrots because cutting carrots is enjoyable. I had carrot sticks and I had grated
carrots in my pita.
Tom – I really liked feeding the chickens. It was also fun using the knife. The best food was the pita chips.
Jack B – I liked how we got to choose if we cleaned or panted a plant. I chose cleaning because it’s fun. I swept
the floor with a broom.

A huge thank you to all of our amazing parent volunteers. Your time and assistance really helps our program to
run smoothly and is greatly appreciated.

Here’s our timetable for the rest of the term. All are welcome to come along, it’s a great morning!
3/3      Tuesday             1A

 4/3      Wednesday           2B

 10/3     Tuesday             1B

 11/3     Wednesday           2C

 17/3     Tuesday             1C

 18/3     Wednesday           2D

 24/3     Tuesday             1D

Kate (Cooking and Gardening Teacher)

Don’t forget, we are hosting a Family BBQ and Bowls to welcome new families, catch up with old friends and
have a casual family day out.

When:                   Saturday 29th February
Where:                  Kensington Flemington Bowls Club, Smithfield Rd.
What time:              3:00pm till 7:00pm, BBQ from 4:30pm.
Who:                    Mums, Dads, Kids, Grandparents….
How much:               $15 for adults, $5 kids or $40 family ticket.
What do I get:          BBQ dinner, Bowls, games and fun!

Have a casual bowl or make a ‘Team of 4’ to compete for the title of KPS Bowls Champion


                              Do you have a passion for running? Fitness? Getting kids
                              If you answered YES to any of the above, the Fundraising Team needs your help
                              with the KPS Fun Run, including: logistics, planning an obstacle course / warm-
                              ups, admin, advertising in the school community and volunteering on the day.

The Fun Run is currently planned for a Friday in late April, and we will need your help from now (March) until
the event (end of April).

If you can assist in any way, please leave your details at the school office or email

Together, we can make the Fun Run happen.

Thanks, Annie, Marta, Mary and Rachael

To ensure that communication is clear and responded to in a timely manner families are asked to email with the teacher’s name in the subject box. Emails will be responded to in
24 hours. If the matter is of an urgent nature please ring the office. In the case of further action being required
in relation to student well-being and learning parents/guardians are asked to contact the learning specialist
overseeing the team to assist with the rectification of any concerns with students and learning. If the matter is
of a sensitive nature in relation to student well-being and learning a meeting is to be scheduled with the
assistant principal or principal.

Staff members participate in 2 official weekly meetings, professional learning takes place on a Tuesday after
school and team collaborative planning occurs on a Wednesday after school. Staff must attend these meetings
so we ask that any parent meetings be organised on another evening or in the morning.

Lunch orders are available from Classroom Cuisine on Wednesday’s and Friday’s. Please order register and
order online via the following link:
February    Fri 28th             9:30 – 11:00am   Yr 6 Interschool Sport – KPS V Ascot Vale PS - away
            Sat 29th             3:00 – 7:00pm    KPS Family Lawn Bowls afternoon
March       Tue 3                9:00 – 11:00am   Cooking & Gardening 1A
            Wed 4                9:00 – 11:00am   Cooking & Gardening 2B
            Fri 6th              9:30 – 11:00am   Yr 6 Interschool Sport – KPS V MPW Gold PS – home
                                 3:00 – 3:20pm    Assembly 1A & 1B
            Mon 9th                               Labour Day Public Holiday – no students to attend school
            Tue 10th             9:00 – 11:00am   Cooking & Gardening 1B
                                 3:40 – 6:30pm    Meet the teacher
            Wed 11th             9:00 – 11:00am   Cooking & Gardening 2C
                                 3:40 – 6:30pm    Meet the teacher
            Fri 13th             9:30 – 11:00am   Yr 6 Interschool Sport – KPS V Ascot Vale West PS - home
            Tue 17th             9:00 – 11:00am   Cooking & Gardening 1C
            Wed 18               9:00 – 11:00am   Cooking & Gardening 2D
            Fri 20th             9:30 – 11:00am   Yr 6 Interschool Sport – KPS V Avondale Heights PS – away
                                 3:00 – 3:20pm    Assembly 1C & 1D
            Mon 23rd             6.00 – 7.00pm    Annual General Meeting
                                 7.00 – 8.00pm    School Council Meeting
            Tue 24th             9:00 – 11:00am   Cooking & Gardening 1D
            Fri 27th             9:30 – 11:00am   Yr 6 Interschool Sport – KPS V Flemington PS - home
                                                  End of Term 1
                                                  End of term assembly
April       Tue 14th                              Start of Term 2
            Thu 30th                              School Photos (please note there is no extra makeup day)
May         Fri 1st              3:00 – 3:20pm    Assembly 3A
            Fri 15               3:00 - 3:20pm    Assembly 3B
            Fri 29               3:00 – 3:30pm    Assembly 3C
June        Fri 12th             3:00 – 3:30pm    Assembly 4A
            Wed 17                                Yr 4-6 Athletics
            Fri 26th                              End of Term 2
                                                  End of term Assembly
July        Mon 13th                              Start of Term 3
            Fri 24th             3:00 – 3:20pm    Assembly 4B
            Wed 29                                Year 5/6 Camp
            Thu 30th                              Year 5/6 Camp
            Fri 31                                Year 5/6 Camp
August      Fri 7                3:00 – 3:20pm    Assembly 4B
September   Mon 14th                              Year 3/4 Camp – Lady Northcote Recreation Camp YMCA
            Tue 15                                Year 3/4 Camp – Lady Northcote Recreation Camp YMCA
            Fri 18                                End of Term 3
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