Learning and Skills Prospectus - Greenleaf House

Page created by Russell Harmon
Learning and Skills Prospectus - Greenleaf House
Learning and Skills
Learning and Skills Prospectus - Greenleaf House

Introduction          2
Learning and skills   3
Our Model             3
Our Process           5
Assessments           6
Our team
Partnerships          11
Contacts              12
Learning and Skills Prospectus - Greenleaf House

Greenleaf is a young person’s residential                   Graeme Cooper is our Head of
care home and learning and skills provider with a           Learning and Skills.
difference.                                                 To get in touch, please contact our
Our mission is to create and maintain homes that            Head Office at:
feel like permanent sanctuaries, where every child is       Greenleaf House
safe, welcomed and affirmed, and attains a level of
                                                            100 Beith Street
breakthrough appropriate to them.
Our vision is to offer the highest quality, personalised
                                                            G11 6DQ
and intuitive care and education for every child.
                                                            Telephone No: 0141 404 6756
Our difference is that we believe in a holistic approach:
that the smallest details can mean a world of difference    E-mail: info@greenleafhouse.co.uk
to a vulnerable young person. We sweat the small stuff.     Website: greenleafhouse.co.uk
The young people in our care benefit from inhouse
learning provided by our Learning and Skills team. Our
education model is implemented in each of our homes.
Learning and Skills Prospectus - Greenleaf House
Housing                            Work


                 Support                                                                       Training

                                                    Trauma, Stress,
                                                   Attachment Issues

              Health                                                                              Finance

                                                    Sense of Identity

                                      Life Goals                        Wellbeing

                                                                                     Learning and Skills Model


Our learning and skills team is not separate from our          Each Young person will have the opportunity in-house
care team. Our staff members work together across              to achieve AQA, ASDAN and SQA Awards and
care and learning to achieve the same desired outcomes,        Qualifications to evidence their progress and certificate
supporting each other and most importantly providing           achievement and attainment.
consistent support to our young people.                        Our learning model is centred on the understanding that
Mainstream approaches to education have not worked             learning can be greatly affected by a young person’s life
for our young people and popular wisdom tells us that the      experiences. Trauma, mental health, stress, attachment
definition of insanity is to keep doing the same things and    issues all impact an individual’s learning.
expect different results. So, we do something different.       This understanding is at the forefront of our programme,
Our model for learning takes a holistic approach and           which is shaped by each young person’s needs and
focuses on adapting to each young person’s needs. Our          regularly reviewed to render it more effective and keep it
process helps us identify what works and what does not         relevant to the individual’s progress.
work for each young person and adapt our methods.
Learning and Skills Prospectus - Greenleaf House
Young people who are lifelong learners. That is young
people who are confident and secure with their own
identity, can see and recognise the potential they
have, and believe in their ability to achieve it using the
skills and qualities we have helped them develop and
others they will acquire along the way.

Our young people often have several adverse
childhood experiences, have experienced trauma,
have insecure attachments and/or have diagnosed
conditions which have made learning difficult.
In addition, many of our young people have had
interrupted, negative or traumatising experiences
of school, including bullying and exclusion.
 Our young people often have significant
gaps in their learning and feel that education is
something which is done to them or which they
are forced to endure.

Firstly, we take a holistic approach.
Our education and care are not separate but delivered
by one team who share the same desired outcomes.
We define education not as something a young person
goes off to do, something separate from “real” life, but
as everything which a young person needs to learn; not
just accumulating knowledge and acquiring skills, but
also developing qualities and building a connection
with people, the environment and the community.
Our process allows us to adapt our programme
delivery to the individual.
Learning and Skills Prospectus - Greenleaf House
ASSESSMENTS                                                 REPORTS
Our assessments help us understand the way each young       Our reports help us determine how to change and adapt
person learns and tailor our approach to their needs.       our delivery methods/bespoke programme.
Some of these assessments are: Strengths and                These reports are used both as an insight into the young
Difficulties Questionnaire, Mainstream Readiness            person’s approach to learning and our own programme’s
Questionnaire, The Boxall Profile, The LASS test, My        strengths and weaknesses.
World of Work, My World Triangle, and Wellbeing Web.
                                                            The process allows us to offer a learning programme
                                                            that is flexible and adaptable, that actively works against
                                                            stagnation and has at its centre the young person.


 1. ASSESSMENT                             8. REPORT ON PROGRESS                          9. UPDATE OUTCOMES
 A full and holistic assessment            A new report highlight progress. And           A new set of desired
 will be undertaken to help us             a further report the effectiveness             outcomes will be
 understand as much about the              of the programme, using evidence               agreed
 young person as possible                  from quality assurance, data,
                                           observation and the views of
                                           relevant stakeholders

 2. REPORT                                                                                10. ACCESS
 A report highlighting the strengths                                                      ADDITIONAL
 and areas for development shown           7. REPEAT ASSESSMENT
                                           Relevant assessments will be                   RESOURCES
 as well as areas of interest                                                             A new programme and
                                           revisited or repeated at the end
                                           of the programme                               any additional resources
                                                                                          will be identified

 Following discussion of the report,
 desired outcomes, both long and           6. DELIVER PROGRAMME
 short-term, will be agreed and            Daily evidence of the
 formulated as SMART targets               achievement of, or progress
                                           towards, learning intentions will
                                           be gathered and stored

                                           5. ACCESS RESOURCES
 A programme of learning activities
                                           Resources already available will be
 will be designed to help achieve
                                           utilised and any additional resources
 the desired outcomes
                                           will be sourced
Learning and Skills Prospectus - Greenleaf House

QUESTIONNAIRE                                              • The Boxall Profile is the unique psychosocial
• Highlights emotional symptoms, conduct and peer-         assessment tool used to determine children and young
relationship problems, hyperactivity or pro-social         people’s social and emotional functioning and wellbeing
behaviour. These can be cross-referenced with the          (Bennathan, 1998).
Boxall Profile and help to inform the Resilience Matrix.   • The assessment provides teachers and professionals
• The SDQ helps us identify where a particular             working with children and young people with an insight
intervention may be needed, including psychiatric          into their world, allowing them to think about what
input, and helps us to evaluate the effectiveness          might lie behind challenging behaviour and what their
of both our direct interventions and our programme         needs might be. Once needs have been identified, the
more generally in improving outcomes for the               Boxall Profile can be used to plan and review the support
young person.                                              offered to pupils.
                                                           • The Boxall Profile is divided into two sections, each
MAINSTREAM READINESS                                       comprising 34 questions:
QUESTIONNAIRE                                              • DEVELOPMENTAL STRANDS – measure different
• Designed to tell us what aspects of a young person’s     aspects of the children and young people’s cognitive,
skillset we need to focus upon in order for them to be     social and emotional development that influence how
able to access mainstream school, we use it more broadly   well they are able to learn and function in the classroom.
to guide us on how we can best help our young people to    • DIAGNOSTIC PROFILE – measures children and
be ready for the next step, whether that be mainstream     young people’s challenging behaviours that prevent
school, college, employment, training or independent       successful social and academic performance. These
living.                                                    behaviours are directly or indirectly the result of impaired
                                                           development in the early years and can be resolved once
                                                           the social and emotional needs are identified and the
                                                           necessary skills are developed.
Learning and Skills Prospectus - Greenleaf House
THE L ASS TEST                                                    OTHER ASSESSMENTS
Often used as a screening test for dyslexia, the LASS             Resilience Matrix
test helps us to identify phonological processing and
                                                                  CAT4 Test
working memory issues which may be barriers to learning
or which may necessitate a particular style of learning or        Current Child’s Plan / EHCP / IEP
set of resources.                                                 Reports from Educational Psychologists, Occupational
                                                                  Therapy, CAHMS, etc.

 Provides interactive assessments “About Me”, “Strengths”
and “Skills Explorer” which help the young person to build
up a picture of themselves and suggests possible careers
or pathways which the young person may enjoy or have
aptitudes for. This can provide a useful starting point for
creating a programme which is relevant and engaging.

The ‘My World’ Assessment Triangle provides the basis
for holistic assessment of a child’s or young person’s needs.
It is an ecological approach to assessing him/her holistically.
How the child/young person grows and develops is
understood in relation to the care he/she is receiving from
others and how he/she experiences their wider social and
physical environment.
The interaction between the three domains and the way
they influence each other must be carefully analysed in
order to gain a complete picture of a child’s/young person’s
unmet needs and how to identify the best response to
them. Completing this assessment gives the opportunity
for the young person to fully engage in, and lead, the

The wellbeing web shows how well the young person feels
they are doing on each of the wellbeing indicators and
allows any discrepancies between the young person’s
perception and those of professionals to be examined.
This highlights areas where input is most needed, as well as
ensuring that the young person’s perceptions and point of
view is central.
Learning and Skills Prospectus - Greenleaf House

                                                             • An online bank of challenges for learners working from
Certificate of Personal Effectiveness (CoPE) is a            pre-Entry to Level 3. This programme enables centres
nationally recognised qualification available at Levels      to meet individual needs by providing a personalised
1, 2 and 3. The qualification offers imaginative ways        curriculum for young people with SEND or those facing
of accrediting young people’s activities. It promotes,       barriers to learning.
and allows centres to record, a wide range of personal
                                                             ASDAN SHORT COURSES
qualities, abilities and achievements of young people,
as well as introducing them to new activities                • ASDAN Short Courses are flexible, portfolio-based
and challenges                                               programmes designed to accredit up to 60 hours of
                                                             activity and skills development across a range of topics
                                                             and curriculum areas.
The Employability qualifications provide a framework for
                                                             AQA UNIT AWARDS SCHEME
developing and recognising general employability skills at
Entry 2 to Level 2. They are suitable for use with pre-16    • The Unit Award Scheme (UAS) is a unique recording
and                                                          of achievement scheme, rather than a qualification.
post-16 learners.                                            It offers learners the opportunity to have their
                                                             achievements formally recognised with a certificate each
                                                             time a short unit of learning is successfully completed.
The Personal and Social Development (PSD)
                                                             • There are no limits on:
qualifications offer imaginative ways of supporting young
                                                             • what can be accredited, as long as it is worthwhile and
people in:
                                                             meaningful for the learner
• becoming confident individuals who are physically,
                                                             • who can achieve, in terms of age or ability
emotionally and socially healthy
                                                             • how long it takes to achieve or when this takes place
• being responsible citizens who make a positive
                                                             • how learning can be evidenced.
contribution to society and embrace change
• managing risk together with their own wellbeing            SQA QUALIFICATIONS
• as well as introducing them to new activities and          We offer a range of SQA National Qualifications in core
personal challenges.                                         subjects, both as a registered centre in our own right and
ASDAN PERSONAL PROGRESS                                      with our partners

• The Personal and Social Development (PSD)
qualifications offer imaginative ways of supporting young
people in:
• becoming confident individuals who are physically,
emotionally and socially healthy
• being responsible citizens who make a positive
contribution to society and embrace change
• managing risk together with their own wellbeing
• as well as introducing them to new activities and
personal challenges.
Learning and Skills Prospectus - Greenleaf House

NAME             POSITION              QUALIFICATIONS               EXPERIENCE

Graeme Cooper    Head of Learning      MA (Hons) in English         Teaching for 22 years
                 and Skills            PGCE Secondary English       Former Head Teacher at
                                       GTCS registered              Applied Care and Development
                                       Designated Child             Former Drama Teacher
                                       Protection Officer Trained   Former chair of National
                                       SQA verifier                 Quality Assurance Group at Education
                                                                    Former Principal Teacher Pupil Support
                                                                    at Annan Academy
                                                                    Former member of Dumfries and
                                                                    Galloway Literacy Steering Group

Kelly Breckney   Lead Co-ordinator     BSc Honours Psychology       Animal therapist 17 years as
                 of Learning and       GSVQ Health and Social       Classroom Assistant at specialist
                 Skills                Care; HNC Health and         autism school
                                       Social Care; NVQ/SVQ
                                       Health and Social Care 3;
                                       SVQ Social Care Adults
                                       L&D Assessor

Colin Mackin     Skills Practitioner   NC, HNC, HND                 3 years residential care

Jan Jeffrey      Skills Practitioner   NC, HNC                      6 years as Learning Support
                                                                    Assistant (ASN & ASD)

Sara Allen       Skills Practitioner   NC, HNC, BA                  18 years in childcare and
                                                                    education from toddlers to
                                                                     Authority Schools
PARTNERSHIPS                                                         Our young people
                                                                   are enrolled at a local
                                                                   authority school but
                                                                    they complete their
                                                                     learning inhouse.

                                                                                             Education Providers
                                                                                              We make sure our
                                                                                              young people have
                                                                                              access to outdoor
                         CARE                                                                 education through
                                                                                               our partnerships.
      We take a holistic approach
      to care. Our team is highly             PARTNERSHIPS
   trained and trauma-informed.
                                              Our partnerships enrichen
          Specifically trained staff
                                              the experience of our young
   deliver therapeutical activities                                                                       Employers
                                              people within their learning
    (e.g. animal assisted therapy)                                                                    These partnerships
                                              and skills development.
            in each of our services                                                                 offer opportunities for
                                                                                                     our young people to
                                                                                                     explore and develop
                                                                                                      their employability
                                                                                                            and skills

                     LEARNING & SKILLS
                We develop and support the developmental                                          Higher Education
                   and experiential learning of our young                                           and Voluntary
                 people. We also plan and support gradual
                  transition to adult like, ensuring that all                                  We partner with higher
                                                                                              education establishments
                young people have the skills and confidence                                  and voluntary organisations
                      they need to take the next step.                                       to expand the opportunities
                                                                                                available to our young

      T: 0141 404 6756
E: info@greenleafhouse.co.uk
   W: greenleafhouse.co.uk
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