LIAT: SVG/ Bim out Mother wants - The Vincentian

Page created by Daryl Pope
LIAT: SVG/ Bim out Mother wants - The Vincentian
FRIDAY JULY   24, 2020       VOLUME 114, No.30                             EC$1.50

                             Pastor gets         CPEA Results        Sandals is   LIAT: SVG/   Mother wants
                              30 years              Pages              here        Bim out       answers
                               Page 4               21-29             Page 15      Page 17       Page 20

                         L-R: Ajani Neverson, Matthew Wilson and Kai Francis.
LIAT: SVG/ Bim out Mother wants - The Vincentian
             2. FRIDAY, JULY 24, 2020 . THE VINCENTIAN


Mala Village resident
not fearful
DESPITE HAVING JUST           home, I saw some people      scary, but we are
ABOUT FOUR TO FIVE            in my porch and someone      still some way
FEET between his house        told me to look down         from the bank,” a
and a precipice, Mala         there (pointing to the       confident Thomas
Village, Sion Hill resident   area), then I realised       stated.
and home owner- Irvin         that something looked           Thomas said
Thomas, is not fearful of     strange,” Thomas             that his
any danger befalling his      recalled.                    confidence is
family and their property.       He noted that he          predicated on the
   Concerns about the         immediately had              fact that his house
safety of Thomas and his      summed up what had           is standing on
family were heightened        happened.                    “solid stone.”
last Saturday morning,           “I (am) living over          He related:
when just after 9, a loud     here for so many years,      “The stone below
crashing sound was            and I know it is just the    is not like a stone
followed by a land            loose mold that got away     that you can take
slippage that exposed a       and the tree that was        a pick and dig it
large rock and a section      holding it up… It is not     out… It is a stone Irvin Thomas, looks relaxed
of his house, located in      anything from under the      that runs from       with one foot (hidden) on part
Point, an area of Mala        house, that is why I am      down Roseau          of the small solid area
Village.                      not scared,” Thomas          come right up…       between his house and the
   Thomas, who has been       commented.                   That ain’t moving precipice.
living at that spot for the      He believed that part     from dey”.
past forty-six years, said    of the agitation from           Thomas disclosed that       However, amidst his
he was not home at the        others was as a result of    some years ago there        lack of fear, Thomas
time of the incident.         the view they got from       was a slippage not too      wants the authorities to
   “I was out the road        Roseau.                      far from his residence,     provide him with some
Saturday morning and             “If you look at it from   but like now, he was not six-inch blocks to “build     A view from below of the land slippage at Mala
when I was heading            down Roseau, it will look    flustered.                  up” the broken section     Village, Sion Hill, just below the Thomas property
                                                                                       near the precipice.        (left).
LIAT: SVG/ Bim out Mother wants - The Vincentian
                                                                                                                     lHE VINCENTIAN. FRIDAY, JULY 24, 2020. 3.

                                                 News 3
Ajani Neverson: Being
your own person
“AJANI (NEVERSON) really         But even in a year           There was input by        include the piano, steel
pulled out the stops. His     when it seemed that          both parents, mom            pan and taekwondo — but
Dad may have been his         COVID-19 would have          Felicia and dad Fidel,       Ajani says that he wants
inspiration, but he was his   had an adverse impact        but the credit all goes to   to become a professional
own person and he really      on life as we know it,       11-year-old Ajani.           footballer.
did it.”                      very little changed in the      “The credit goes to          And being selected to
   That’s how Felicia         Neverson household.          him for being so             the football team is one
Neverson, Ajani’s mom,           Ajani said that           persistent and so willing;   of the challenges that he
described her son’s           following the closure of     when I would say go do       has set for himself as he
disposition that resulted     schools, he kept himself     this, he would be            enters the St Vincent
in him being one of three     busy doing practice tests,   willing,” mom Felicia        Grammar School.
boys who tied as top          being inquisitive, and he    said.                           He said that he
performer in this year’s                                                                remains confident and is
                              and his mom developed a         And like any boy,
Caribbean Primary Exit                                                                  not so much worried
Assessment (CPEA)             strategy to retain           Ajani is an avid football
                              information — typing.        fan. His favourite           about what to expect as
examination.                                                                            he embarks on the next
   Ajani of the Windsor          According to his mom,     footballer, unlike many
                              by typing the notes, he      his age, is not              journey of his life. (DD)
Primary School had an
overall average of 97.8       was able to enhance his      Argentina/Barcelona’s
                              typing skills as well as     Lionel Messi, but he

                     Matthew: Keeps
   He, along with former      by having to read the        admires Kylian Mbappe
schoolmate Isabella Sam       information to type, he      (France/Paris Saint-
top scored for Language       was better able to retain    Germain).
with 98.67 percent.           the information.                His other interests

Kai Francis: Already it in the family                                                    by GLORIAH…

KAI FRANCIS said that he
                                                                                         WHEN LUKE WILSON of the St.
                                                                                         Mary’s Roman Catholic School
                                                                                         placed 1st for boys and 1st
                                                                                         overall in the 2016 Caribbean
                                                                                         Primary Exit Assessment
has a fear of heights, but                                                               (CPEA), he never thought his
there were no signs of fear or                                                           younger brother, Matthew
doubt when he heard that he                                                              Wilson, who was a Grade 2
shared the highest/top                                                                   student then, was going to
performer’s position in the                                                              repeat that feat.
2020 CPEA examination.                                                                       Eleven-year-old Matthew
   In fact, the Kingstown                                                                placed 1st for boys and 1st
Preparatory School student,                                                              overall at the June 2020
who was the Valedictorian                                                                sitting of the CPEA, and
at his school’s Graduation                                                               shared top honours with Kai
Ceremony last Thursday’s,                                                                Francis of the Kingstown
was “ecstatic” about his                                                                 Preparatory School and
accomplishment, and                                                                      Ajani Neverson of the
regarded it as reward for                                                                Windsor Primary School.
his hard work.                                                                               He totalled 489 out of 500
   And when Kai enters                                                                   marks and also gained a
secondary school August                                                                  perfect 100% score for
31, he intends to hit the                                                                Science.
road running on a path                                                                       When questioned if he had
towards expanding his                                                                    intentionally worked to
interest in Computer                                                                     achieve those positions, to
                                                                                         challenge his brother, he told THE        will be great.”
Software Programming.                                                                                                                 Coronavirus or not, Matthew had
   In addition to thanking                                                               VINCENTIAN, “I had really set out
                                                                                         to do better than my brother!”            expected to be among the top three
God for his blessings, his                                                                                                         performers.
parents, Karl Francis and                                                                    As far as Matthew is concerned, “I
                                                                                         am an excellent student. I grasp             He would like other students to
Samantha Campbell, came                                                                                                            strive to set records for themselves,
                                                                                         concepts quickly; I don’t study that
in for high praise for their                                                                                                       but warns them that they will have
                                                                                         much, but I achieve.”
guidance and                                                                                 Like all other Grade 6 students,      to, “work hard!”
encouragement throughout                   said without hesitation, “I want to           Matthew took classes online as               Matthew will attend the St.
his primary school years, and              learn more about technology, science          mandated by the Ministry of               Vincent Grammar School where he
especially during the challenging          and biology.”                                 Education as a COVID-19                   promises to be a good student. “I’ll
period of preparing for the CPEA              And he is not waiting around               precautionary measure. Unlike many        behave, study and be attentive in
exams when online classes replaced         hoping that his ‘website’ would be            students, though, Matthew loved           class,” he said, “I want to set a record
classroom, fact-to-face teaching.          automatically broadened. He intends           distance learning, “…. because I get      there of gaining high percentages for
   Teachers did not escape his             to travel around St. Vincent and the          to be home! I like to be home!”           all my subjects. I also want to be a
appreciation, and he named Suzette         Grenadines with his parents before                He recalled: “My experience with      good cricketer.”
Holder, Chantel Primus/Griffith,           school starts, and take in as much as         online learning was great; the               With his two favourite subjects
Yolande Penniston and Paul Joslyn                                                        teachers were great and it was good.      being Math and Science, and a
                                           he can, with a special focus on nature
among those who contributed to his                                                       I actually prefer online learning and     fascination with aircrafts, he will like
                                           which, by the way, should also help                                                     to be a pilot and fly huge cargo
foundation.                                his designs for t-shirts. (WKA)               if it happens in secondary school, that
   As for the future, the young man                                                                                                aircrafts.
LIAT: SVG/ Bim out Mother wants - The Vincentian
            4. FRIDAY, JULY 24, 2020 . THE VINCENTIAN


Assistant Pastor                                                                                                      Lawyer
jailed for 30 years                    molesters and would be child        2016, and was slapped with one
                                       molesters on Thursday with          count for each year.
                                       Assistant Pastor Delroy Frazer
                                       being jailed for 30 years on
                                       charges of unlawful sexual
                                                                              Frazer was sentenced to 22 years
                                                                           on the first count, five years on the
                                                                           second count, and three years on the
                                                                           third count. The sentences are to
                                                                                                                      ATTORNEY Grant Connell thinks that the
                                          While Justice Brian Cottle is    run consecutively.
                                       of the view that the man of the        Frazer had spent 25 days on             current procedure regarding the sampling of
                                       cloth could be rehabilitated, he    remand which was taken into                controlled drugs is highly prejudicial to the
                                       thinks that removing him from       account in relation to first count. He     defendant, and ought to be changed.
                                       society for a long period will      had no previous convictions.                  Connell challenged the procedure at the
                                       reduce the possibility of him          Frazer, 43, who was an Assistant        Serious Offences Court this week while
                                       committing similar acts.            Pastor at a Church in Canouan had          representing Javed Chetram of Grenada
                                          On July 13, at the Criminal      developed a very close friendship          and Kezroy Edwards of Rose Bank, St.
L-R: Lawyer Israel Bruce represented   Assizes,  a 9-member mixed jury     with the victim’s family, but abused       Vincent and the Grenadines.
Assistant Pastor Delroy Frazer.        found Frazer guilty on three        that trust by repeatedly having sex           The men were charged with possession of
                                       counts of unlawful sexual           with the minor in the sea, at a
Stories by HAYDN HUGGINS                                                                                              183,416 grams of marijuana with intent to
                                    intercourse with a girl under the      beach in Canouan, and he did so in
                                    age of 13. He committed the offences   the presence of his little daughter.       supply, possession for the purpose of drug
A STRONG MESSAGE was sent to child during the course of 2014, 2015 and        The victim was 5 years old at the       trafficking, attempting to export and
                                                                                time of the first ordeal. She is      conspiracy.
                                                                                now 11.                                  During his closing arguments, Connell
                                                                                   Justice Cottle said that           pointed out that the drug sampling
                                                                                instead of playing a father’s         procedure is not transparent, since it is
                                                                                role in the girl’s life, Frazer       done in the absence of the defendant or his
                                                                                abused her.                           attorney. He underscored that those
                                                                                   “This is a grievous wrong          samples are tested at the lab to verify
                                                                                that can never be righted”, the       whether the substance with which the
                                                                                Judge lamented.
                                                                                                                      defendant was allegedly found, is a
                                                                                   “It is horrible for any child to
                                                                                have to endure this”, he added.       controlled drug, in accordance with the
                                                                                   Justice Cottle noted that the      Drugs (Prevention of Misuse) Act.
                                                                                matter went through a full               “We must be certain that the samples
                                                                                trial, and the child had to           taken from the packages the prosecution
                                                                                endure the painful experience         alleges were in possession of the defendant
                                                                                of recounting the events.             are the same.” Connell argued.
                                                                                   Reading from a victim                 When contacted later, he told THE
                                                                                impact statement, the Judge           VINCENTIAN, “When taking samples from
                                                                                outlined that the child               controlled drugs, there is always the
                                                                                underwent dramatic                    possibility of the police taking samples from
                                                                                flashbacks, nightmares, and           sources other than the packages taken from
                                                                                lost confidence in all men.
                                                                                                                      the defendant, since the defendant has no
                                                                                   As a major aggravating
                                                                                                                      means to verify what was done in his
                                                                                factor, Cottle highlighted the
                                                                                fact that Frazer committed the        absence.”
                                                                                offence in the presence of his           Connell said that the packages with the
                                                                                little daughter, and even             substance are kept in the exhibit room,
                                                                                though she was small, and was         along with packages (other) cases of a
                                                                                left on the shore, she would          similar nature.
                                                                                have sensed that something               The lawyer added that sometimes police
                                                                                strange was happening.                officers return about three months after,
                                                                                   In mitigation earlier,             and in the absence of the defendant or his
                                                                                Frazer’s lawyer Israel Bruce          lawyer, take samples, and send them to the
                                                                                described his client as a family      Lab to be tested.
                                                                                man, a husband, a father, and            According to Connell, the only time the
                                                                                stepfather, who had spent             defendant sees any sample is when he turns
                                                                                considerable part of his life         up in Court for the hearing of his matter.
                                                                                with the undertakings of the             “Envelopes are then presented in Court,
                                                                                Church, but found himself in          and the Court is informed that the samples
                                                                                the tunnel of temptation.
                                                                                                                      came from the packages the prosecution is
                                                                                   Bruce hopes that his client,
                                                                                                                      alleging that the defendant had in his
                                                                                in receiving whatever sentence
                                                                                the Court imposes, would have         possession,” Connell contended.
                                                                                the opportunity to engage in             “The existing procedure is dangerous,
                                                                                the process of reconciliation         and must be changed, because if breadfruit
                                                                                with God, “So he would be able        bush or soap powder is sent to the Lab,
                                                                                to say Lord forgive me”.              that’s the end of the case,” Connell said.
                                                                                   Bruce begged the Court to             “How would the defendant know what is
                                                                                temper justice with mercy.            sent? Trust the police?” he questioned.
LIAT: SVG/ Bim out Mother wants - The Vincentian
                                                                                         THE VINCENTIAN. FRIDAY, JULY 24, 2020. 5.


‘Share info on voters
list,’ SOE urges                              According to the SOE, every time a
                                           quarterly list was published, that was
                                           an opportunity for it to be vetted.
                                              Politicians and those in government
                                           officers are the ones submitting the
                                           most queries, she said.
                                              The New Democratic Party, for
                                           example, had submitted names of
                                           deceased persons whose names
                                           remained on the list, James said.
                                              “They watch the list and they make
                                           observations and if there are any
                                           queries, they send them,” James said.
                                              “Very few times we may have
                                           someone calling to say someone’s
                                           name is on the list that should not be
                                           there,” she noted, adding, “And so, we
                                           appreciate that and we continue to say
                                           that if you have information, share.”
                                              James held aloft at the meeting, a
Dora James, Supervisor of Elections,       document which clearly carried the
holds aloft a document which               caption ‘Death List’, as evidence of her
records the names of deceased              Office’s work aimed at cleaning up the
persons whose names have been              voters’ list.
removed from the voters’ list.                If there were more names to be
                                           taken off, it was not difficult to do so,
PERSONS who find evidence of any           she assured.
irregularities and have any resulting         In 2015, the Representation of the
queries with the voters’ list, should      People Act was amended so as to
submit same to the Office of the           mandate the cleaning up of voters’ list
Supervisor of Elections (SOE).             by removing the names of dead
   This advice was given by Dora           persons and individuals who have
James, Supervisor of Elections (SOE)       remained overseas for more than five
during a Meeting of Registering            years. (DD) (Related news on Page 6)
Officers held last Tuesday, July 21.

E-Bus Security System
Centre opened
Police Colin John sees
the Intelligent Bus
Management and
Monitoring System
Project as an additional
safety measure, and “an
important piece of tool
that can prevent
   He was speaking last
Tuesday afternoon at
the opening ceremony
of the E-Bus and
Security Operation
Centre, located at the            (L-R): Commissioner of Police Colin John,
Questelles Police Station.        Ambassador Calvin Ho and Prime Minister Dr.
   Through the use of             Ralph Gonsalves at last Tuesday’s opening of
strategically placed CCTV         the E-Bus and Security Operation Centre.
cameras, John is satisfied that
the Police will be able to identify areas “expanding the Police reach.”
of heightened activity and deploy             Taiwan’s resident Ambassador to
resources accordingly.                     St. Vincent and the Grenadines H.E.
   He is excited about the project         Calvin Ho, noted the safer
because of the “cogent evidence” it can environment engendered by the
provide, and described the project as      operation, and pointed to the shorter
“a quantum leap in fighting crime.”        waiting time passengers will have
   The Operation Centre is part of a       because they will be able to track the
project funded by the Government and vehicle with which they are desirous of
People of Taiwan that saw the              travelling.
installation of cameras in Kingstown          Ambassador Ho pledged his
and parts of the Leeward in the first      country’s continued collaboration with
phase. More cameras are to be              the government of St. Vincent and the
installed in due course.                   Grenadines.
   Camillo Gonsalves, the country’s           Prime Minister Dr Ralph
Finance Minister, sees the exercise as     Gonsalves,  in welcoming the system
symbolic of the cooperation in the         with its budgeted cost of $2.4 million,
battle against crime and as                described it as “essential to life, liberty
                                           and justice.” (WKA)
LIAT: SVG/ Bim out Mother wants - The Vincentian
               6. FRIDAY, JULY 24, 2020. THE VINCENTIAN


Voter registration:
Need to maintain privacy                   stakeholders last Tuesday.                 Baptiste queried.
                                              James told the gathering that she          “I do not have a law to prevent it,
                                           had visited a registering centre where     but you spoke about morally — and I
                                           she met observers.                         think it is not moral to do so,” James
                                              “There are people who are present       responded.
                                           because they have special interests.           But Bacchus-Baptiste retorted by
                                           And that is something that we              saying that the SOE was wrong.
                                           welcome…,” James observed.                     “The whole reason of this is
                                              She continued with a declaration        transparency,” the opposition senator
                                           that the observation of the registration   said.
                                           process was an exercise that her office       She added that it was going to be an
                                           welcomed, and it did not matter who        issue because they were making up
                                           was allowed to come as an observer.        rules to make it difficult for members
                                              This, James said, will assist in        of the public to participate in the
                                           verifying if individuals belong to the     registration process as observers.
                                           constituency in which they are seeking        “And unless you can show in law
                                           to become registered.                      why these rules are necessary, it is
                                               But what the SOE said was              going to be a problem.”
                                           discovered was that some people               Bacchus-Baptiste went on to say
                                           (observers) were positioned within         that recently she was informed by a
                                           earshot of the registering officer and     registering officer that he was acting
                                           registrant, and that observers wanted      on the SOE’s instructions, when he
                                           to take the names of persons when          placed the table at the entrance of the
                                           they went to have their photograph         building/room used for registration.
                                           taken.                                        James explained it had been agreed
                                              On July 8, registering in Barrouallie   registration would be done at a
                                           was brought to a premature end when        location within the centre that would
Dora James, Supervisor of Elections,       Benjamin Exeter, the NDP Central           have allowed all present to observe       Opposition Senator Kay Bacchus-
maintained that there must be a level      Leeward candidate in the 2015 general      what was going on.                        Baptist insisted that rules were being
of privacy about the registration          elections, refused to leave the               But Bacchus-Baptiste followed on       made up to prevent the public from
process.                                   registering area when asked to do so.      by saying that it made no sense when      observing the registration process.
                                              In response to this, James asserted,    there were centres where the rooms
                                           “We need to protect that space — we        were large enough to accommodate         the entrance and exit of the room
WHILE THERE is no objection to persons     are not saying that you cannot             observers.                               used, was done to prevent observers
observing the registration of persons to   observe… but there must be some               She remained adamant that the         from entering. (DD)
the voters’ list, some privacy must be     form of privacy that must be given to      table being placed in close proximity to
maintained during the process.             the persons who are registering.”
   And while there was no legislation         But Opposition Senator Kay
making it illegal for observers to write   Bacchus-Baptiste questioned what was
down the names of registrants, to do       wrong with someone writing the name
so raises the issue of ethics and          of an individual who was about to be
morality.                                  photographed.
   Supervisor of Elections Dora James         “What is wrong in law? What is
made the comments when she                 wrong morally? What is wrong as it
addressed the issue of observers of the    pertains to transparency because I do
registration process, during a meeting     not see anything wrong,” Bacchus-
with registering officers and other
LIAT: SVG/ Bim out Mother wants - The Vincentian
                                                                                                                   THE VINCENTIAN. FRIDAY, JULY 24, 2020. 7.


First draw in Digicel’s
‘Ease the Squeeze’
TRAVIS DEROCHE and           ambassadors the               and MORE.                  element of practicality in
Andrew Walkin were the       opportunity to win prizes       Digicel´s “Ease the      every prize. (Source:
lucky winners in the first   throughout the                Squeeze” campaign is a     Digicel)
draw of ‘Ease the            promotion. Andrew             consumer-focused, life-
Squeeze’, Digicel’s          Walkin, a Digicel reseller    made-easy promotion,       Travis Deroche receives
summer promotion.            of Buccament Bay, was         geared primarily towards   prize from Marketing
   Travis, a 36-year-old     rewarded with $200            rewarding users of the     Executive at Digicel, Ms.
resident of Frenches,        credit for resale, which is   brand by offering an       Caricia Taylor.
paid his postpaid bill and   essentially considered as
was automatically            $200 cash.
entered in this week´s          To be eligible to win
draw. He will receive        prizes weekly, customers
$200 cash per month for      are encouraged to Top
the next three months, to    Up, pay their postpaid
be used for a utility bill   bill, activate a plan, sign
payment of his choice.       up for home internet, or
   Travis´ number was        simply join the Digicel
randomly generated from      network. Resellers
a pool of hundreds of        become eligible to win
entries via an online        when they meet a basic
application, and             sales target weekly.
conducted live on               The ‘Ease the Squeeze’
XTREME FM´s ‘Wake            promotion by Digicel
Up Call ‘ morning show       rewards customers and
on Wednesday, July 22.       resellers weekly until
   The ‘Ease the Squeeze’    September 30. Prizes in
promotion also extends       this promotion include
across the Digicel           utility bill payments,
resellers´ fraternity,       cash, groceries, fuel,
giving these                 school uniforms, books

Winning reseller, Andrew Walkin receives his prize
from Retail Manager (The Cell) Lystra McBurnie.

ONE WORD can make a lot of difference.
   The omission of one word led to a
misrepresentation of a point made by our
Columnist Jomo Thomas, in his article ’Sledging
the poor, defending the powerful’ as carried in the
printed version of THE VINCENTIAN OF Friday
17th July, 2020.
   We printed: ”…. “….” Finally, and worse, when
sked about the female officer’s allegation that she
had sex with a high-ranking officer she would not
be facing punishment… .”
   It should have been: “…Finally, and worse,
when asked about the female officer’s allegation
that had she had sex with a high-ranking officer
she would not be facing punishment…. .”
   We apologise for the mishap and assure Mr.
Thomas that there was no ill-intent on our part.
LIAT: SVG/ Bim out Mother wants - The Vincentian
                8. FRIDAY, JULY 24, 2020. THE VINCENTIAN


             The National Newspaper of St. Vincent and the Grenadines

  Managing Editor: Desiree Richards
  Editor: Cyprian Neehall
  Telephone: 784-456-1123 Fax: 784-451-2129
  Mailing Address: The Vincentian Publishing Co. Ltd.,
  P.O. Box 592, Kingstown, St Vincent and the Grenadines.

COVID-19 and
elections on the side Fun in the Sun
CONTRARY TO WHAT SOME FOLKS                     etc., how prepared are we for a
overseas believe, this country was              rapid rise in COVID-19 cases over       2020 no Carnival, all we could do is
never on COVID-19 lockdown.                     a constricted period? And how           reminisce. This article starred in the
   Prime Minister Gonsalves, in                 prepared and equipped are we to         SVG Carnival Magazine 1987)
the face of overwhelming appeals                monitor those who would have
to do so, rationalized again and                been ordered into mandatory             “IT IS NOW NEARLY 41 YEARS since
again that it was going to be to                quarantine and those in self-           we have stopped celebrating Carnival on
detrimental in the long run, if                 quarantine?                             the Pre-Lenten Shrove Tuesday and
there was a lockdown.                               Need we say that ‘the mice will     shifted to a ten-day period of fun and        been the highly acclaimed “Carival Queen
   Yet, too many who remained                   play while the cat is away’? No one     frolic spanning the last and first weeks of   Show” which embraces the entire
confined to their homes, having too             watching me so I going out              June and July. The time has flown by          Caribbean Basin and would long be
dispense with their pastime                     tonight!!!                              like nobody’s business.                       identified with the electrifying
activities, hobbies and nefarious                   That is the challenge.                 The decision to make the change over       personality of our own Donna Young who
deeds, it seemed very much like                     It is only when we are assured      was chiefly motivated by economic
the country was in lock down.                                                                                                         took the title on its premiere occasion; as
                                                that we have the capacity to            considerations. From a commercial
   They said: vehicular traffic                 monitor those in quarantine and                                                       well as the “All Stars” night featuring
                                                                                        standpoint, we could not cope with the        overseas-based Vincentian Calypsonians
came to a near standstill after                 those who will go into quarantine       stiff competition coming from the
8:00pm; supermarkets and banks                  if flights are allowed, that we can                                                   and other guest artistes from abroad.
                                                                                        Trinidad extravaganza. A suitable date           More than a fringe benefit from the
adjusted their opening hours to                 feel safe welcoming flights             was then fixed that hinged together the
suit themselves not their                       especially from the USA, where                                                        switch of dates has been the great leap
                                                                                        two halves of the year, climaxing with        forward in calypso spearheaded by the
customers; churches asked                       COVID-19 rages under the watch
forgiveness for suspending                                                              twin public holidays that took in Caricom     dynamic “Man CP” and the consistent
                                                of an uncaring President.
weekend and weekday services;                                                           Monday.                                       “Scakes”. In times past, we depended on
schools went on early vacation                  Election time                              It was a nice calculation. We had to       the Trinidad calypsos. With the time lag,
notwithstanding the delayed                                                             dodge the June rains and duck the
                                                                                                                                      fans could not readily digest stale
introduction of online classes;                    And all of this unfolds in a year    Antigua Carnival in August. True, we
                                                                                                                                      Trinidad calypsos warmed over for our
government continued to wallow                  of a general election.                  ran into the Barbados Crop Over, but
                                                                                                                                      festival. In the circumstances, we fell
though decreased recurrent                         The ‘bell ringer’ has given          that poses little problem, save the
                                                                                                                                      back on a plentiful reservoir of virgin
revenue but was bolstered by                    indication that he will ring the bell   irritations suffered yearly by our in-
                                                                                                                                      sources and tapped a rather rich native
grants and concessionary                        before year end. That is enough to      transit passengers at the Grantley Adams
                                                                                        Airport. Perhaps the only disadvantage        vein in the process. Indeed, our cup
assistance to soften the ‘blow’ of              kick start the ‘carelessness’ (some
the coronavirus.                                say craziness) that has come to         to talk about concerns the fact that the      runneth over. The songs have been
   And moreover, they said: some                characterize our election               festivities fall smack into the end-of-year   cascading down from the tents which
ports of entry were officially closed           campaigning.                            session of school examinations.               generate the correct atmosphere and
and the three international                        Even though campaigning and             Change comes hard in these hide-           create the right soil for the real
airlines and LIAT that provide                  electioneering have had to adapt to     bound societies, and Bertram Arthur and       bacchanal. Here, raw talent, naked
scheduled passenger service,                    the restrictions enforced by the        the Labour Government of the day              ribaldry and sheer genius weave a mosaic
ceased flights from North America               COVID-19, i.e. heightened use of        deserve a round of applause for pushing       that captures the essence of Carnival. It
and regional embarkation points.                social media, virtual meetings, live    the idea and displaying the courage of        is the birthplace of folk-heroes, from
   Yet, all in all, the period of               streamed interviews, crafted press      their vision. How vividly does one recall     “Professor” to “Ga-O.”
‘unforced lockdown’, proved to be a             conferences, there has been little                                                       Such an appealing product over-all,
                                                                                        that first signal break with the past: De
‘blessing in disguise’ as the halt to           to convince that the culture is                                                       allied to an aggressive marketing
the inflow of overseas-based                    changing.                               Man Age leading a new generation of
                                                                                        Kaisomen with their stirring messages;        strategy and a positive tourism drive,
nationals and visitors helped to                   The incumbent, with its hands                                                      have caused thousands of people to
keep the number of COVID-19                     on the state machinery, has left        the band “Climax” producing what turned
                                                                                        out to be an anthem for the new Carnival      descend on this little spot in mid-year.
cases within manageable                         much physical works for the
                                                                                        — “Mas in July”; the great outpouring of      Leading the motley crew are, of course,
proportions.                                    homestretch. Nothing new!!
   Not until we facilitated, and                   Would this and its record over       talent by gifted masmen led by Roy            returning Vincentians spellbound by the
rightfully so, the return of our                the last 19 years be enough to          Ralph, Sheggy John and Fuzzy Knights —        mystique of the rock. Next in line come
seafarers from cruise ships far and             convince the electorate that they       making much of the six month reprieve         the Trinidadians who would not be left
wide, did we see a spike in the                 are deserving of ‘five in ah row’?      that now follows the spending-spree of        out of fun anywhere. The Vincies and the
number of positive COVID-19                        The opposition, especially in our    the Christmas -New Year holidays.             Trinies of late, walk with their own
cases.                                          case, must lift its game beyond            An attractive package had to be            competing bands.
   And then the international                   offering a new leader. That it still    concocted to hold interest at “Carnival          Then follow hordes of North American
flights resumed. Two flights from               has to fix uncertainties about          City” for the 240 hours of gay abandon.       and European visitors come to let down
Miami — the epicenter of COVID-                 simple things like candidates, flesh    At base, a cultural evening was               their hair, their inhibitions and hang-ups,
19 in the US - accounted for the                out its ‘promises’ in practical and     introduced to fertilize the roots and         and participate in the original group
largest single spike in COVID-19                ‘ready-to happen terms’, emit a         nurture the growing national festival;        therapy in its natural setting. The Arnos
cases here.                                     real sense of non-fracture, speak to                                                  Vale airstrip plays big International
                                                                                        and efforts have been made to keep alive
   The question: While we seemed                an effort to unseat the incumbent                                                     Airport during the Carnival season.
to be prepared from a health                                                            the pulsating rhythms of our native pan
                                                as still in need of vigor and                                                         Charter flights turn night into day.
response standpoint, i.e. testing,              spirited presentation.                  music, reinforcing the new development
                                                                                        with steel, as it were. Crowning it have      (To be continued)
LIAT: SVG/ Bim out Mother wants - The Vincentian
                                                                                                                     lHE VINCENTIAN. FRIDAY, JULY 24, 2020. 9.


 Stop right there,
 Mr. Thomas
                                                         CBI - An
THE EDITOR, I waited a few weeks before I
submitted this ‘small piece’, in expectation that
you, Mr. Clarke of THE NEWS Newspaper or the
St. Vincent and the Grenadines East Indian
Foundation would have ‘picked up’ Mr. Jomo
Thomas on what I describe as an inaccurate
historical deduction he made in his article entitled
‘Race and Class in SVG’ carried in THE
VINCENTIAN of June 26, 2020.
   In the article he wrote, among other things,
“Persons of Indian extraction and whites who
arrived after the abolition of slavery were given
                                                         IN THE ISSUE of 17/07,       make the third party         drug dealing, tax evasion
preferential treatment. Many became overseers or         per a competitor, there      who issued the passport      and money laundering.
got other privileges which helped them to gain a         was a long, tedious and      an accomplice to any         In particular, this
stake in Vincentian society”.                            wearisome letter from        nefarious actions by         applies to both Malta          CBI for a passport. In
   I am here concerned with his reference to             Mr. Green extolling the      aiding and abetting any      and Cyprus showing
persons of Indian (to mean East Indian)                                                                                                           that, under these
                                                         “virtues” of the Citizen     illegal travel that the      proven links to the            circumstances, anyone
extraction.                                              By Investment (CBI)          possessor may try to         Russian Mafia.
   I must ask: What history did Mr. Thomas read?                                                                                                  desperate enough to
                                                         programme, in which he       undertake?                   With particular regard to      apply would also have
What facts does he hold in his safety deposit book       castigated the               If Mr. Green had made a      SVG, given the various
of information on which he based such a                                                                                                           already made ablibi or
                                                         Government for not           more thorough check on       visa inhibitions placed on     excuse as too why they
deduction? The bigger question should be: Has
the learned gentleman ever taken time out to             implementing such a          the international status     their use, I wonder why        need one. Who is to say
acquaint himself with the history of persons of          programme, blaming this      of those countries issuing   anyone would wish one -        that those applying
East Indian descent in St. Vincent?                      on their Marxist views.      CBI passports, he would      other for than                 would not be in the same
   Perhaps he can elaborate on what he means by          However, as in all           discover that almost 90%     circumstances cited in         mould as Alan Stanford,
“preferential treatment”.                                circumstances, there are     of those countries are on    my first comment.              Bernie Madorf, David
   Just a cursory reading of our true history would      both positives and           some sort of financial       Likewise, I have grave         Ames and others!!
have told him that to group the whites                   negatives to every           and political watch list     reservations that any
(Portuguese) and East Indians together is a              situation. Having            as the users of their CBI    due diligence would be         A. W. Indupp.
misrepresentation of the real deal.                      vouched for such a           passports have been          suitable to “weed out”
   Is he aware of the number of East Indians in          programme, I would ask       involved in terrorism,       anyone applying under
this country who would have suffered                     Mr. Green to explain
discrimination at the hands of the ruling politic —
dominated by persons of African descent?
   Is he at all aware, or is he failing to admit, that
what privileges East Indians might enjoy today is
                                                         how he would overcome
                                                         some (but not all) of the
                                                         negatives attributed to
                                                         this programme.
                                                                                      Big Up to the West Indies
because of hard work and sacrifice of                                                 THE EDITOR, no one           humbled the English            match played during the
                                                         Firstly, I cannot            has to remind me that        men on their home soil,        COVID-19 pandemic
unimaginable extents by their fore parents.              understand why a
   Mr. Thomas is a ‘town man’ who, for all intents                                    when the West Indies         in the first of a three-test   which, by the way, seems
                                                         national of one country      cricket teams do badly,      series.                        to be sticking around a
and purposes would have had, if he chose to at all,      would need to apply and
miniscule interaction with persons of East Indian                                     more time atrociously, I        The world, even             lot longer than we
                                                         travel on a passport         am one of the first to       though there were no           would have thought.
descent, since they were an extremely                    issued by a third party,
insignificant percent of the Kingstown population.                                    beat up on them.             spectators at the game,           All kudos first to
                                                         unless, of course, he was       But, after a long time,   would have been focused        skipper Jason Holder
And I don’t recall Mr. Thomas spending any time          forbidden either by legal
among persons of East Indians extractions say in                                      I can now put all the        on their televisions           who marshalled his
                                                         or political constraints     tamarind whips aside         screens and ears cocked        forces, and though he
Calder, Richland Park, Rose Bank, even Argyle.           from travelling on his on
   What a shame that Mr. Thomas might just be,                                        and say BIG UP to the        to their radios, since this    failed to brighten the
not unlike so many others, blinded by his own            nation’s passport. If this   West Indies Test             was the first                  match with his batting,
Afro-centricity, and has, therefore, misrepresented      is the case, does this       cricketers who just          international cricket          certainly made up for it
a part of our history.                                                                                                                            with his bowling.
Garth of East Indian Extraction
                                                         Police and the public                                                                       And Shannon Gabriel,
                                                                                                                                                  who in the past looked
                                                                                                                                                  like one of those fast
                                                                                                                                                  bowlers who was going

Tan Tan’s ‘Love Box’                                     THE MOVE to install (CCTV) cameras
                                                         in and around Kingstown is indeed a
                                                         move in the right direction. Those
                                                                                                    turns into the other lane in order to
                                                                                                    save time. The driver realizes he is
                                                                                                    wrong, begs to be pardoned in the
                                                                                                                                                  to blow himself out,
                                                                                                                                                  instead showed that he
                                                                                                                                                  is a not just menacing
THE WORRIED mom affectionately called Tan Tan            responsible for the idea must be           circumstances (re sick person), the           but can also take
was concerned about her wayward overseas son she         complimented. These cameras, we            police officer turns a deaf ear and           wickets. Kudos to him!
knew that he had a problem with women, having            hope, would help in monitoring illegal     issued a ticket. In this case, a warning         The batting is still a
multiple marriages, and his liaisons with women          activities - including criminal activity   could have been sufficient and even           little brittle, but when it
were notorious. She thought that threesome meant         and traffic infringements, to name a       help to get the vehicle back into the
that he had three wives. News carriers told her                                                                                                   combines like it did
                                                         few.                                       lane and on it was to the hospital, we
that he is reputed to have said that women can be                                                                                                 throughout the first test,
                                                            I recognize this move will attract      assume.
had at three for ten, and this broke her heart.                                                                                                   and not depend on one or
                                                         some discussion. There would be               Police officers would not always be
   She raised him up in the Church and had all                                                                                                    two batsmen, they can
                                                         negative and positive comments and         officers, thus it is important that good
expectations of him being a good boy. But what she                                                                                                give the opposition
                                                         those who would find ways to beat the      public relations be exercised. When
was hearing about him was not good at all. He was                                                                                                 something to worry
                                                         system. However, I appeal to all           there are reports of police brutality,
even going after married folks. He did not have to                                                                                                about.
                                                         citizens to give full support to this      we are quick ‘to beat’ up on them, but
take after his father.                                                                                                                               As I write this, it’s
                                                         move and trust that it will help in        when the officers are attacked,
   She prayed for him and longed to get a                                                                                                         Day Four of the Second
                                                         discouraging criminal activities.          brutalised and/or abused, civilians,
registered letter, a postcard, a telephone call, even                                                                                             Test, and the English
                                                            I have observed that there is an        most of us are quiet.
a telegram. She might not have heard from him                                                                                                     men have just bowled us
                                                         increase in police presence in terms of       Police officers are providing an           out in our first innings.
these past 4 1/2 years. As a shopkeeper, she was         monitoring vehicles and the traffic.       essential service, and with few
not a needy case, yet she yearned to know that her                                                                                                And if the Editor carries
                                                         While we commend them for doing            exceptions, are doing a wonderful job.        this in his edition of
son cared.                                               that, discretion must be exercised            Let us build a good relationship
   Knowing that Tan Tan suffered from ‘Worries’,                                                                                                  Friday 25tth July, we
                                                         when issuing tickets. There are some       between civilians and police. Let us          would have known the
the shop attendants cooked up a plan to help her         instances when a simple warning or         work together so that we can
feel better about her son. They took some goods                                                                                                   outcome of the match
                                                         rebuke, or some other means of             encourage the officers to do their job        which I expect to be one
from the shop, packed a box and had it delivered to      dealing with the situation could be        well, using discretion and be fair and
Tan Tan, telling her that that box came from her                                                                                                  in our favour.
                                                         employed rather than ticket.               honest.                                          BIG UP to the W.I.
son with love. Tan Tan was so happy with this               Let us take for example, where a
‘Love Box’ and was thus consoled.                        vehicle may stop to pick up someone        Kennard King                                  Charles - Edinboro
Anthony Stewart, PhD                                     who is sick, and it is raining, and then
LIAT: SVG/ Bim out Mother wants - The Vincentian
               10. FRIDAY, JULY 24, 2020. THE VINCENTIAN


CPEA 2020: Solid evidence of successes in the                                         GonsalvesÊ leadership has failed
Education Revolution                                                                  LIAT and SVG
Introduction                                                                          THE CURRENT state of LIAT is due to
                                                                                      mismanagement of and political
THE RESULTS of the recently conducted                                                 interference in its operation. Dr. Ralph     his government failed to implement
Caribbean Primary Exit Examination          magnificence of these percentages is      Gonsalves, probably the worst chairman       effective policies to manage the
(CPEA) is an excellent indication of the    further appreciated when taken in the     of LIAT shareholders group, tried his        disease. Dr. Godwin Friday, president
significant improvement this country has    context of what pertained pre-2001        best to give us the impression over the      of the New Democratic Party (NDP)
made in education, specifically primary     under the NDP, when the pass rate         years that under his watch, business
                                            bordered around 38%-40%.                                                               and Leader of Opposition, wrote to Dr.
education and the resulting universal                                                 with LIAT had improved. What we have         Gonsalves expressing his concerns
access to secondary education, under           Beyond the numbers and                 presently is an airline in liquidation and
                                            percentages presented in the                                                           about the situation and made a
this ULP administration. What makes                                                   a situation in which Gonsalves has           number of recommendations to the
the results even more remarkable is the     preceding paragraph are the numbers       offered to sell his government’s shares
                                            that show the spread of the results, a                                                 government.
fact that these exams were conducted                                                  in LIAT to Antigua.                             His recommendations included:
during a Covid-19 pandemic that rocked      testament to the success of the              Under Dr. Gonsalves’ leadership,
                                            education revolution that has seen                                                     stricter social distancing controls and
the world in ways never before seen, so                                               LIAT has failed to implement a               guidelines (that) must be advocated
much so that other countries in this        quality education going beyond            number of critical decisions which the
                                            Kingstown deep into rural SVG. There                                                   publicly and enforced as best we can;
region opted to forego this year’s CPEA.                                              experts believe would have aided its         all public gatherings should be
There were many challenges leading up       were 31 primary schools that gained       survival. For instance, a few years
                                            more than 90% passes among the                                                         discouraged and reduced to only what
to this point including the sudden                                                    ago, Dr. Gonsalves announced that            are necessary to maintain essential
closure of schools that disrupted the       students who wrote the exams, with        the airline was considering moving
                                            18 of those schools having 100%                                                        public services and promote public
teaching/learning process, causing the                                                into the jet age and consideration           health; urgently enable testing for the
Ministry of Education to come up with       passes among students. The 30             would have been given to flying to
                                            schools with more than 90% pass rate                                                   coronavirus in SVG and begin
creative ways to continue the process                                                 Miami and Panama. In typical                 widespread testing; priority should be
online in the interim until a more          are spread from Sandy Bay, Park Hill      fashion, all of this turned out to be
                                            in the North East, and Chateaubelair                                                   given to those who come into contact
practicable solution could be found.                                                  empty Gonsalves rhetoric. Dr.                with persons who have tested positive
After consultation with all the             and Rose Hall in the North West to        Gonsalves also reported in 2015 that
                                            Mayreau in the South. As a matter of                                                   for the coronavirus or are suspected of
stakeholders in education and there was                                               LIAT’s base would be relocated from          being infected with it - waiting for
eventual return to school by primary and    fact, only 5 schools of the 31 schools    Antigua to Barbados; that never
                                            that gained more than 90% are                                                          symptoms to show before testing is a
secondary school students preparing for                                               materialized.                                risky approach that may create more
their external examinations, providing      located in Kingstown. Schools all            The management and organization
                                            across the country are seeing                                                          harm.
weeks of face to face instruction that                                                of the changeover of LIAT’s fleet               Dr. Friday advocated for the
was critical for their preparation. This    increased successes in the number of      (aircraft) was disastrous. At the time,
                                            passes every year, and it’s due to a                                                   country’s borders to be closed for a
decision by the ministry was met by                                                   we thought that things could not get         short period, but he made it
blistering criticism by some who referred   combination of the hard-work,             any worse, but what we ended up
                                            discipline and determination of our                                                    abundantly clear that our nationals
to the decision as “madness” and “being                                               with was the worst. Surprisingly,            should be allowed to return home.
reckless”, accusing the government and      students and the dedication of the        LIAT purchased a fleet of aircraft that
                                            teachers. One thing is undeniable,                                                        After a couple months of dormancy,
specifically PM Gonsalves of “not caring                                              was new, but not improved. The               international flights resumed at the
about peoples’ children”. Today,            there continues to be major successes     question most people asked then:
                                            in the education revolution that can                                                   Argyle International Airport in early
however, parents, even those who were                                                 Who approved that decision to                July. The first flight originated out of
apprehensive in the beginning, are          be seen in the improvement in the         purchase the aircraft for LIAT?
                                            results our students achieve in schools                                                Miami, the hotspot for the COVID- 19
excited about their children’s                                                           We also recall when one of LIAT’s         pandemic in the USA, but it appeared
performances and prospects going            across the country. No longer is there    planes was taken off its scheduled
                                            a feeling among parents, that their                                                    that the government did not have an
forward, but also are grateful in                                                     route, to take part in a political           effective plan to deal with the persons
hindsight that Dr. Gonsalves provided       primary school children must attend       campaign stunt just before the
the leadership required on this specific    “town school” to have a chance of                                                      who came into the country. As a
                                            performing well at the primary exit       general elections of December 2015 in        result of that flight and a subsequent
issue.                                                                                St. Vincent and the Grenadines. A
                                            exam.                                                                                  one, the number of COVID-19 cases
                                                                                      LIAT aircraft, flown by an all-              has increased rapidly and has caused
CPEA 2020                                                                             Vincentian crew, brought Dr. Ralph
   In the lead up to the CPEA 2020,         Conclusion                                Gonsalves and some of his family and
                                                                                                                                   some panic among the public.
the Ministry of Education took the                                                                                                    Now, the government, in its usual
                                               It is pleasing to hear some of the     his Unity Labour Party (ULP)                 reactive style, has to rethink its
bold decision to allow for face to face     biggest critics of the ULP                supporters, to an unfinished,
instruction in the classroom for Grade                                                                                             position and has implemented new
                                            government’s decision to have face to     uncertified, uninsured airstrip at           protocols for flights which are
6 students. To facilitate this, the         face instructions for our students        Argyle. Scheduled flights for
Ministry of Education in collaboration                                                                                             expected to follow. Most people
                                            under the strictest protocols outlined    passengers were disrupted as a result        believe that these protocols should
with the Ministry of Transport and          by the Ministry of Health, Wellness       of that stunt.
Works along with BRAGSA, installed                                                                                                 have been in place from the first
                                            and the Environment, to admit upon           Notwithstanding the airline’s             flight. Dr. Gonsalves has also hinted
sanitising stations at all schools to       reflection, that the Government was       burgeoning debt, the ULP government
ensure that pupils and teachers would                                                                                              that there may be a suspension of
                                            right! The insistence of PM Gonsalves     continuously pumped millions of
be able to properly sanitize before         that, decisions like these that impact                                                 flights from the United States. This
                                                                                      dollars into LIAT, to the                    shows a lack of vision on the part of
entering the classrooms. In the             the lives of Vincentians be made in       dissatisfaction of the Vincentian
classroom, seating was arranged to          consultation with the experts, using                                                   Dr. Gonsalves and his government,
                                                                                      taxpayers. Vincentians were told             and amounts to a total failure in the
ensure physical distancing, and face        the science and against a bedrock of      about the importance of LIAT to this
masks were also worn as an                  right reason was definitely the way to                                                 way the government has managed the
                                                                                      country as the justification even as         COVID-19 pandemic.
additional measure to protect teacher       go. Imagine for a second, had the         some Vincentians were calling for an
and students. The Ministry of               knee-jerk advice of Friday and the                                                        Undoubtedly, we have seen the
                                            NDP to close school for the rest of the   open sky policy, something that Dr.          incompetence of Dr. Gonsalves’
Education ensured that all protocols                                                  Gonsalves did not entertain for
put in place with the guidance of the       year been taken, what would have                                                       leadership as chairman of the
                                            been the methodology used to assign       discussion.                                  shareholders of LIAT and leader of
Ministry of Health were strictly                                                         The last set of money that was
adhered to ensure the safety of             pupils to spaces in secondary schools?                                                 this country in the time of the
                                            The days when only 800 spaces             allotted to LIAT was $2.7 million from       COVID-19 pandemic. It is an
everyone. It is generally accepted that     needed to be found for pupils (about      the government’s COVID-19 stimulus
this additional 6 weeks of face to face                                                                                            embarrassment for a chairman of any
                                            38% of students who wrote the exam)       package. The question is: Did anyone         business venture for that business to
instructions for students of Grade 6        are over, and this year, more than        know that LIAT was on the verge of
went a long way in adequately                                                                                                      collapse under his watch. Dr.
                                            1900 eligible students. Yes, the          collapse before the COVID-19                 Gonsalves has failed as chairman of
preparing the students for this year’s      education revolution in SVG that          pandemic? Now, LIAT is in
CPEA.                                       ensures universal access to secondary                                                  the shareholders of LIAT and still
                                                                                      liquidation and owes its Vincentian          does not have the vision to manage
   This year’s overall CPEA results         education is strong and continues to      staff close to $2 million. We hope that
saw 1650 of 1915 pupils gaining a           grow and improve. We are yet to hear                                                   the COVID-19 pandemic.
                                                                                      the workers are compensated as soon             But Dr. Gonsalves’ failure to
passing grade, this represents an           Dr. Friday speak to the success of this   as possible. However, it is ironic to see
86.16% pass rate, a 1% decrease             year’s CPEA, the correctness of the                                                    effectively manage, should be no
                                                                                      the mad rush by Dr. Gonsalves to get         surprise. He has mismanaged the
compared to last year’s results.            decision and congratulate our
Broken down by gender, females              students. Maybe he is reflecting as he    out of LIAT by offering to sell his          country’s economy for nineteen years.
performed better, with 870 females          did when this country became the          government’s shares in LIAT to               We have the worst economy in the
(91%) gaining a passing grade               smallest ever to be elected to the        Antigua.                                     OECS and an overall unemployment
compared to 780 males (81%) passing         United Nations Security Council. But                                                   rate of 25% before COVD-19 which,
the CPEA. By any standard, an 86%           we await! We in the ULP, like most of     COVID-19                                     according to the Minister of Finance,
pass, would be considered an excellent      SVG are happy that we have a wise                                                      has increased by 10% since the
performance and as such, we here in         PM who leads a creative and capable          Dr. Gonsalves continues to                pandemic. It’s time for the ULP to go.
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines are        team that understands the gravity of      demonstrate poor leadership during           The NDP will make SVG work for all
no less excited and proud about the         the responsibility entrusted in them.     COVID- 19 pandemic. We saw at the            Vincentians.
                                            Long live the education revolution!       initial stage of the pandemic where
performance of our students. The
                                                                                                                     THE VINCENTIAN. FRIDAY, JULY 24, 2020. 11.


Growing curiosity                                                                          The proof of the pudding is in the eating
First published in the September 23,                                                       ‘Revolutions constantly criticize
2016 issue of The Vincentian                                                               themselves, constantly interrupt
newspaper. Repeated on 24th July                                                           themselves in their own course, return
2020.                                         hunger for newness, and determination        to the apparently accomplished, in
                                              that children appear to be born with.        order to begin anew; they deride with
“My favourite words are possibilities,        As they age it is imperative that they       cruel thoroughness the half-measures,
                                              retain that inquisitive state of mind.       weaknesses, and paltriness of their      Casino Resort in Bahamas. All these
opportunities and curiosity. I think if                                                                                             developments experienced hitches in
you are curious, you create                   That is how new ideas emerge. That is        first attempts.’ Karl Marx
opportunities, and then if you open the       how innovation occurs. That is how                                                    construction and operations. The story
doors, you create possibilities.” - Mario     inventions happen.                           EVERY ANNOUNCEMENT by the                is the same across the region, from
Testino, Peruvian fashion and portrait           Dr. Jonathan Wai, writing in 2014,        government that it has lured another     Dominican Republic and Jamaica in the
photographer.                                 provided us with seven ways to inspire                                                north to Tobago and Barbados in the
                                                                                           investor to our shores is good news if only
                                              curiosity and wonder. He encourages us       these proposed hotels or other           South. We are all vying for the same
MANY BUSINESSES are looking for               to read widely and follow our interests,     investments come to fruition. There is notourism dollar.
employees who are prepared to engage in       polish our minds with the minds of           one in this country or beyond who will      We compete among ourselves to
activities that encourage innovation.         others, visit a physical bookstore or                                                 sneer a developer and in doing so offer
                                                                                           want to see the failure of such projects. At
However, such traits are not automatically    library and browse the shelves, be                                                    enormous concessions. Sometimes we
                                                                                           the most basic level they will offer jobs as
developed. By nature, individuals tend to     willing to ask dumb questions, put a lot     gardeners, cleaners, servers, maids,     give away ourselves to gain a big-name
have an aversion to taking risk; it seems     of ideas and facts in our heads (and not                                              brand. They are given long tax-free
                                                                                           security and other such like all the way up
better and less vulnerable to play it safe    rely on Google), be an expert who is         to low and middle level supervisors and  holidays, concessions to bring in
and simply maintain the status quo.           interested in everything, and advises us     managers.                                everything including fruits and
Parents, teachers, and concerned adults       to not just focus on puzzles but on             And there are the spill offs that comevegetables so the spill off we hope for
play an important role in influencing         mysteries. Each of these seven pointers      from these kinds of businesses. Taxi     don’t often come.
whether or not the children in their care     demand an essay of their own.                drivers, supermarket owners, farmers        We did this review of our most recent
are socialised to grow or not grow their      However, readers can extract a wealth        and others may benefit. The National     attempts at tourism development to
curiosity.                                    of wisdom from simply exploring the          Insurance Service will collect as these  return to the lead quote from Marx.
   Education, in its truest sense,            thoughts that emerge even as these           businesses pay in their share of         Writing 161 years ago Marx said,
prepares citizens for life and for living.    seven “pearls of wisdom” are mentioned.      benefits. Vinlec and Central Water       ‘Revolutions constantly criticize
While it is true that the                     We can pursue each of these topics and                                                themselves.’ We don’t. ‘Constantly
                                              discover priceless “jewels of knowledge”     Authority also stand to benefit as well
parents/guardians have a major role to                                                     as these hotels and other businesses     interrupt themselves in their own
play in this process, teachers and school     as we broaden our horizons and nurture                                                course.’ We are too cocksure to every
                                              similar experiences in those around us.      consume a huge amount of water and
administrators are also considered to be                                                   electricity.                             interrupt ourselves. ‘Return to the
major contributors to shaping/moulding           It will be observed that several of                                                apparently accomplished in order to
                                              these pointers revolve around reading.          We vividly recall when Donald
these young minds. It is therefore                                                         Trump splashed into Canouan and          begin anew.’ We return alright but only
imperative that teachers make every           Reading widely is one sure way of                                                     to beat our chest. The education and
                                              growing curiosity. While Internet            announced that he was to build a
effort to encourage curiosity and critical                                                 billion-dollar development with glitzy   health and housing revolutions are
thinking in the wards that have been          searches have their value, we need to                                                 flawless. They can never be improved
                                              encourage our children to explore the        hotels, bars and gold course. Then Plain
intrusted to them. This is just as true                                                    Talk simply response was ‘All that       on. Not now or in the future. ‘They
for the kindergarten teacher as it is for     knowledge and insights gleaned from                                                   deride with cruel thoroughness the half-
                                              physical books; drawing attention to the     glitters is not Trump.’ We were
those who interact with participants at                                                    prepared to let Trump Raffles us to      measures, weaknesses, and paltriness of
the tertiary institutions. Curiosity can      fact that accessing knowledge via the                                                 their first attempts.’ No one dare to
stimulate innovation in products,             traditional books aid in the development     prosperity.
                                                                                              Later we were feasted on the image    express the slightest difference in
services, operational systems, and so         of long-term memories. Sir Ken                                                        opinion with any pronouncements or
many other aspects of life. Many facets       Robinson says it so well when he             of David Ames who came pregnant with
                                                                                           money and plans to transform the         attainments of the mighty lords.
of society improve when citizens are          explains that, “We romanticize the                                                       Truth be told, there is no better time
encouraged to use their imagination and       curiosity of children because we love        Vermont Valley. Our expectant citizens
                                              their innocence. But creativity doesn’t      were promised jobs and prosperity        than now to remind ourselves that if we
are proactively seeking to push the                                                                                                 are to be successful at what we do, only
boundaries of science, the arts, and so       happen in a void. Successful innovators      galore. This was never completed and
                                              and artists amass vast stores of             was forced to close 4 years as creditors the boldest constructive criticism will
on.                                                                                                                                 help us to chart a course that allows us
   Our children have a natural tendency       knowledge which they can then draw on        and law enforcement closed in on the
                                              unthinkingly. Having mastered the            crook David Ames. Rather than            to avoid past errors and emerging
to be curious. They enjoy investigating                                                                                             pitfalls.
their surroundings. This curiosity, if        rules of their domain, they can              assisting this country, Ames designed a
                                              concentrate on rewriting them. They          Ponzi scheme and feasted on us. When        We have to put in place structures
properly harnessed, can lead to many                                                                                                and measures to ensure that we do not
useful inventions. For example, it was        mix and remix ideas and themes,              the authorities allowed him to skip
the harnessed curiosity of young Grace        making new analogies and spotting            court thus providing the time for him to over invest in the David Ames’ of this
Brewster Murray Hopper (1906-1992),           unusual patterns, until a creative           slip out of the country, he owed the     world, that we don’t allow for the
née Grace Brewster Murray, as she             breakthrough is achieved.” He                Vinlec an estimated $1 million dollars   emergence of racist enclaves in our
dismantled and reassembled the alarm          continues by stressing that, “Anyone         in unpaid electricity bills, CWSA        country particularly in this
clocks in the house (at age 7) that           who stops learning facts for himself         $500,000 and the NIS $5 million.         consciousness raising era in the wake of
provided her with the confidence to           because he can Google them later is             We still recall General Secretary     the international emergence of the
pursue studies in the sciences. She           literally making himself stupid.             Julian Francis telling his Star radio    Black Lives Matter movement.
specialised in Mathematics and Physics        Children who aren’t encouraged by            audience that Bucama Resort is the          Every announcement by the
at Vassar College before obtaining her        adults to commit information to their        quintessential ULP project, and the      government that it has lured another
Ph.D. in Mathematics at Yale                  long-term memories are having their          party and government stand firmly        investor to our shores is good news if
University. Grace was later part of the       potential damaged and their desire to        behind Ames and Bucama. Workers          only these proposed hotels or other
team that invented the Common                 learn stymied.”                              were encouraged to see party officials   investments come to fruition. There is
Business-Oriented Language (COBOL)               It must be stressed that this writer is   especially Francis and PM Gonsalves in   no one in this country or beyond who
in the early 1960s - the first user-          not advocating the discontinuation of        the event of troubles. The scheme        will want to see the failure of such
friendly business software programme.         searching for knowledge via the              crashed and workers were left without    projects. At the most basic level, they
Such an outstanding example                   Internet. Certainly not. The take-away       salaries and severance pay. Neither the  will offer jobs as gardeners, cleaners,
encourages us to invite children to           lesson from the foregoing paragraph is       ULP nor government stood with them to    servers, maids, security and other such
explore and invent — to grow curiosity.       that while a vast amount of knowledge        ensure that Ames either pay or go to     like all the way up to low and middle-
   It is most unfortunate that adults         can be gleaned from the Internet via our     jail for his crimes.
                                              computers, androids, and cell phones,                                                 level supervisors and managers. The
(especially parents and teachers)                                                             Then there was the grand              same tourism dollar.
periodically unwittingly discourage           this should not occur at the expense of      announcement of the Black Sands
                                              the traditional books. Books still play a                                                We should insist and ensure that
curiosity. This is often as a result of our                                                Resort at Peter’s Hope. Government       developers do not import fruits and
not wanting to have children exposed to       major role in transferring knowledge         turned over to the developers 26 acres
                                              and growing curiosity. Both modes of                                                  vegetables that are locally grown. Most
physical and/or emotional dangers. This                                                    of land at the fire sale price of EC$6   importantly, these developers should be
is quite understandable (in relation to       accessing the information/knowledge
                                              highway are important. They both             million. Prime sea front land for        made to pay their bills. The poor are
their safety). Sometimes we are                                                            peanuts. When ground was broken in
impatient to have them discover various       provide opportunities for us to develop                                               disconnected if they miss one or two
                                              depth and breadth of knowledge; they         2017, the Canadian developer promised    payments with our utility companies.
aspects of life and knowledge for                                                          to take 24 months to build the 400-room
themselves. In our hurry for them to          ignite curiosity; and curiosity becomes a                                             Under no conditions should Beaches
                                              useful and priceless conduit to              hotel. It is now more than 42 months     Sandals or another developer be allowed
gain the knowledge and insights, we                                                        since ground was broken and all we
provide them with the answers. There          innovation. Curiosity creates                                                         to owe millions and refuse to pay
                                              opportunities and those opportunities        have is a few concrete shells.           workers benefits into the National
may be a host of other reasons why we                                                         The proposed hotels at Mt Wynn and
gravitate to providing solutions rather       can blossom out to generate rich, noble,                                              Insurance Service.
                                              possibilities. As we seek to improve         Diamond have not yet started, while the     Only time will tell if the touted
than have them explore — to discover                                                       resort planned for the property formerly
the “pearls of wisdom” with limited           living conditions for all of our citizens                                             benefits from these developmental
guidance. However, we must avoid              we have a responsibility and privilege to    owned by Ken Boyea is making some        projects will be realized. As the elders
going so far overboard that we stifle         grow curiosity.                              progress.                                say, ‘the proof of the pudding is in the
their natural inquisitiveness.                                                                Across the region governments are     eating.’
   We have a responsibility to encourage           Send comments, criticisms &             pinning their hotels and dreams on
curiosity in our wards. Curiosity                         suggestions to                   Hotel development. In Grenada, there is
                                                                                           the Kawana Bay Resort, Singulari
                                                                                                                                            Send comments, criticisms &
embraces the quest for intelligence, a                                                                suggestions to
                                                                                           Resort in Antigua, and Baha Mar
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