Lingua Franca HIGH SCHOOL - Language magazine - Bromley High School

Page created by Patricia Medina
Lingua Franca HIGH SCHOOL - Language magazine - Bromley High School
Lingua Franca

Language magazine
Lingua Franca HIGH SCHOOL - Language magazine - Bromley High School
 1.    Music Playlist
 2.    French Poem
 3.    Netflix Recommendations
 4.    Current news in Spain
 5.    Current news in France
 6.    BHS news
 7.    BHS news
 8.    German celebrations
 9.    German celebrations
 10. Hispanic countries celebrations
 11.   Opinion article
 12. Other cultures
 13. Christmas quiz
 14. Flags quiz
 15. Interview with the teachers
Lingua Franca HIGH SCHOOL - Language magazine - Bromley High School
Music Playlist
  • Jolie Nana - Aya Nakamura

  • Fever - Dua lipa and Angèle

  • Dieu Merci - Dadju and Tiakola

  • Désolée – Louane

  • Fais le vide - Bilal Hassani

  • La fête – Amir

  • La thune – Angèle

  • Amour plastique – Videoclub

  • Ma belle - Moha la squale

  • Ta reine – Angèle

  • Étrange mélange - Claire Laffut
Lingua Franca HIGH SCHOOL - Language magazine - Bromley High School
French Poem

                 Un bon ami

                  À mon avis
   Un bon ami est quelqu’un qui me fait rire,
           Qui est spécial et modeste,
  Un bon ami est quelqu’un qui a la générosité,

   Un bon ami est quelqu’un qui croit en moi,
            Qui est positif et amusant,
   Un bon ami est quelqu’un qui a la fidélité,

 Un bon ami est quelqu’un qui prend soin de moi,
           Qui est énergique et patient,
  Un bon ami est quelqu’un qui a l'honnêteté,

                    À mon avis
   L’amitié est vraiment tellement importante.

               Darcey Keegan
Lingua Franca HIGH SCHOOL - Language magazine - Bromley High School
Netflix Recommendations
Dark Review by Maria Toigonbaeva Y12
Dark is a German science fiction thriller on Netflix, consisting of three
seasons. It is about time travel in three dimensions with past, present and
future characters all connected through the chronology of their lives, in
a leap of thirty-three years. It is a series that will make you sit on the
edge of your seat, you will not want to stop watching. At times, the plot
is challenging and there are incidents where time gets stuck in loops and
it all started because of a time travel device in a cave.

The episodes always begin with missing children and what develops the
plot is the characters’ greed and wanting to live longer. Overall, Dark is
about unexpected disappearances and survival. It is a puzzle waiting to be
solved and webs of curiosity are created with each discovery. There is no
end to a beginning, life continues in the small town of Winden amidst the

   •   film = der Film
   •   season = die Staffel
   •   time travel = die Zeitreise
   •   plot = die Handlung
   •   episode = die Episode / die Folge
   •   disappearance = das Verschwinden
   •   survival = das Überleben
   •   puzzle = das Rätsel
Lingua Franca HIGH SCHOOL - Language magazine - Bromley High School
Current News
¡Vamos Rafa! by Olivia Carr Y12

Rafa Nadal es un tenista mallorquín y juega en torneos por todo el mundo.
Según la asociación de tenis actualmente Nadal ocupa el puesto número
dos en tenis individual masculino. Comenzó a jugar al tenis cuando sólo
tenía cuatro años y fue su tío Toni Nadal el que le empezó a dar clases más.
Nadal empezó a jugar en torneos de fama mundial a muy temprana edad
con su tió Toni como entrenador. Nadal sólo tenía 19 años cuando ganó su
primer torneo (el Abierto de Francia) en 2005, lo más impresionate es
que esta era la primera vez que Nadal jugaba en el abierto de Francia.
Casi cada año Nadal juega en el Abierto de Francia también conocido
como Roland Garros. Este año, en octubre, ganó este torneo en París
ganando contra Djokovic en la final (6-0, 6-2 y 7-5). Además, ¡este
partido duró 2 horas y 41 minutos! Con este partido Nadal logró su décimo
tercer Roland Garros de este torneo y también ahora Nadal ha ganado 20
grandes que es igual al récord histórico de 20 grandes que posee el suizo
Royer Federer. Sin duda Rafa Nadal es un buen modelo a seguir para la
gente de todas las edades ya que cuando juega al tenis tiene buen espíritu

Vocabulario Clave
   • To hit the ball - golpear la pelota
   • Racquet - la raqueta
   • Forehand - derecha/drive
   • Backhand - revés
   • Serve - servició/saque
   • Volley - volea
   • Tennis court - posts de tenis
   • Tennis player - tenista
   • Net - red
   • Deuce - iguales
Lingua Franca HIGH SCHOOL - Language magazine - Bromley High School
Current News
Emmanuelle Charpentier - Nobel prize winner 2020
by Susannah Williams Y12

Le 7 septembre 2020, Emmanuelle Charpentier a reçu le prix Nobel de
chimie. Emmanuelle Charpentier est professeure et chercheuse
française en microbiologie, génétique et biochimie et elle a reçu le prix
Nobel aux côtés de la biochimiste américaine Jennifer Doudna, ce qui en
fait le premier prix Nobel scientifique jamais décerné à deux femmes. Ils
ont toutes deux découvert des ciseaux génétiques que les chercheurs
peuvent utiliser pour modifier l'ADN des animaux, des plantes et des
micro-organismes avec une précision extrêmement élevée. Cette
technologie contribue à la création de nouvelles thérapies
anticancéreuses susceptibles de guérir des maladies héréditaires.

Mots Clés

  •   Le prix = the prize
  •   Chimie = chemistry
  •   Chercheuse = researcher
  •   Aux côtés de = alongside
  •   Décerné = awarded
  •   Découvert = discovered
  •   Ciseaux génétiques = genetic scissors
  •   l'ADN = DNA
  •   Elevée = high
  •   Susceptibles de = capable of
  •   Guérir = to cure
  •    Des maladies héréditaires = inherited diseases
Lingua Franca HIGH SCHOOL - Language magazine - Bromley High School
BHS News
The Anthea Bell Prize for Young Translators
The Queen’s College University of Oxford is launching a brand
new competition for schools in Autumn Term 2020. The
competition is inspired by the life and work of the great
translator Anthea Bell who won numerous literary awards, some
of them several times, and was awarded the Order of Merit of
the Federal Republic of Germany in 2015. It aims to promote
language learning across the UK and to inspire creativity in the
classroom. The entrants will translate a passage from either
French, German, Mandarin or Spanish, and they will also have
the opportunity to submit more 'imaginative' translations, for
example a passage from a novel might be reimagined as a short
film or comic strip. Furthermore, a central aim of the prize is
international culture, and so all passages – fiction and non-
fiction – will be rich in cultural content, and creativity in the
translation will be rewarded.
Lingua Franca HIGH SCHOOL - Language magazine - Bromley High School
BHS News
French Minerva Lecture by Mariam Dabboussi Y12
James Wishart hosted a zoom Minerva lecture on Wednesday 11th
November for Y11-13 in which he focussed on the song Duo by Phillipe
Katerine with Angèle and Chilly Gonzales.

The song talks about this irregularity of pattern and tempo. The images
are shown in rhythm, the two artists dance and sing in chorus. It is a
metaphor for life as it is, but everyone has their individuality. The tempo
is the rhythm that is almost imposed in our daily lives, however we try to
adjust to it as well as possible. The pattern is what we manage to do with
this allotted time, how we manage to make good use of it, once the
constraints are removed. This is an analogous to the sculptor who
managed to free the statue from its marble, by removing all that was
unnecessary. The pattern is that useful part of our life for others, for
those we love and for us.

The constant use of the green screen forces directors to push their
imaginations as far as possible. This imagination gives the video humour
and makes it unusual, which confuses viewers. In addition, the artists
show this beautiful union of three different countries. First, Philippe
Katerine who is a French songwriter, actor and director. Then, the
beautiful Angèle who is a singer, songwriter, and Belgian actress. Finally,
Chilly Gonzales who is a Canadian jazz and contemporary musician.
Lingua Franca HIGH SCHOOL - Language magazine - Bromley High School
German Celebrations
Walpurgisnacht by Tolu Akinsiwaju Y13
In Deutschland wird Halloween sowohl als auch Walpurgisnacht gefeiert. Die
Nacht vom 30. April zum 1. Mai ist als Walpurgisnacht (auch Hexennacht)
bekannt. Die Walpurgisnacht ist ein altes heidnisches Fest. Das Fest wird im Harz
in Deutschland gefeiert. Die Hexen fliegen auf ihren Besen zum Brocken- der
höchste Berg im Harz. Die Hexen machen Feuer und tanzen. Die Kinder können
sich auch als Hexen verkleiden. Es macht viel Spaß für die ganze Familie- es gibt
Partys und Feiern. Um Mitternacht feiern sie den Anfang des Frühlings mit
Feuerwerken um die Hexen zu vertreiben.


   •   sowohl als auch- as well as
   •   heidnisch- pagan
   •   wird..gefeiert- is celebrated
   •   die Hexe(n)- witches
   •   der Besen- broom(s)
   •   der Brocken- boulder
   •   der Berg- mountain
   •   sich verkleiden- to dress up as
   •   vertreiben- to cast out
   •   um...zu - in order to
German Celebrations
Martinstag by Sara Schneidermann Y13
    •   Martinstag wird am 11. November gefeiert
    •   Der Martinstag ist nach dem heiligen „Martin von Tours“ benann. Er war ein römischer Soldat, der nach
        seiner Taufe Mönch wurde.
    •   Er wurde schließlich von der katholischen Kirche zum Heiligen gemacht, als er seinen Umhang schnitt, um
        ihn während eines Schneesturms mit einem Bettler zu teilen und ihn vor der Kälte zu retten.

In vielen Teilen Deutschlands ist es Tradition, dass Kinder an einer Prozession von Papierlaternen
teilnehmen. Am Martinstag finden in Städten in ganz Deutschland Martinsumzüge oder
Laternenumzüge statt. Die Umzüge werden von einem Schauspieler angeführt, der als römischer
Soldat verkleidet ist und auf einem Pferd reitet. Am Ende der Prozession versammeln sich die
Menschen um ein großes Lagerfeuer, um Lieder zu singen, süßes Gebäck zu essen und Glühwein
zu trinken. Kinder machen ihre eigenen kleinen Laternen in der Schule oder im Kindergarten und
singen dann Lieder auf den Straßen. Die traditionellen Lebensmittel sind Gans mit Rotkohl und


    •   die Taufe- Baptism
    •   der Mönch- Monk
    •   schließlich- eventually
    •   die Kirche- church
    •   ein Heilige- a saint
    •   der Umhang- cloak
    •   schneiden- to cut (schnitt – cut)
    •   der Schneesturm- snowstorm
    •   der Bettler- begger
    •   teilen – to share
    •   retten- to save
    •   die Teilen – parts
    •   die Papierlaternen- paper lanterns
    •   die Martinsumzüge- St Martin day processions
    •   die Laternenumzüge- Lantern processions
    •   verkleidet- dressed up
    •   das Pferd- horse
    •   reiten – to ride (reitet- (he) rides)
    •   versammeln – to gather
    •   das Lagerfeuer- bonfire
    •   die Lieder- songs
    •   das süße Gebäck- sweet baked goods
    •   der Glühwein- mulled wine
    •   die Straßen- streets
    •   die Stadt- town
    •   Gans mit Rotkohl und Knödel- goose with red cabbage and dumplings
Hispanic Countries Celebrations
Día de los Muertos by Frida Proud Y8
Hola, me llamo Frida, de la clase de 8f. Hablo español porque mi madre es mexicana y mi
padre es inglés. Voy a hablar un poco de una tradición muy mexicana la cual es el día de

Mis abuelos viven en el estado de Michoacán, en la ciudad de Morelia y la manera que
celebran este festival es: unos días antes del final de octubre, ponen un altar con fotos de
sus familiares que ya han muerto. También ponen velas, flores de cempasúchil, las
calaveras de azúcar, papel picado, incienso. La noche del 31, se pone en el altar pan de
muertos, la comida y la bebida favorita de los muertos. Después, prendes las velas y
pensas en los que ya se fueron, para después tener una fiesta con tu familia y comes toda
la comida y tomas toda la bebida.

En el año de 2019, fui a México con mi familia y pude ver el festival en la ciudad de
Morelia. ¡Fue muy interesante y muy divertido! Lo que más me gustó fue el desfile de las
catrinas en el centro de la ciudad (la noche del primero de noviembre), porque eran
cientos de catrinas y catrines, todos con un maquillaje diferente y trajes hermosos.
Mientras veíamos el desfile, comimos churros con azúcar. ¡estaban deliciosos!

Caminando por la plaza central, vimos unos preciosos altares hechos de arena de colores,
flores, velas y esculturas de azúcar. Me fascino esta experiencia porque fue la primera vez
que pude ver la celebración. Pero mi madre nos ha criado a mi hermano y a mí con esta
tradición de poner el altar cada año y recordar a nuestra familia. Estoy muy orgullosa de
ser mexicana-inglesa porque tengo la oportunidad de celebrar las tradiciones de los dos


. papel picado = pattered tissues paper
. flores de cempasúchil = French marigolds
. el desfile de las catrinas = a catrina parade
Opinion Article
Columbus Day: Insensitive Celebration of Colonialism, or Homage to Spanish
History? by Ishaabhya Tripathi Y12

Columbus Day falls on the 12th of October and is widely regarded as the day on which Cristóbal Colón
‘discovered’ America after setting sail from Spain in hope of finding India. However, with the knowledge
that history is always written by the victors, the celebration of the conquistadors’ arrival in what is now the
United States has recently been examined under a more critical lens.

Paying tribute to Christopher Columbus is cited as one of the reasons in favour of Columbus Day. The
coloniser is seen as a symbol of national pride but considering the enormous number of indigenous people
who suffered violent deaths because of his conquests, this is quite a biased and insensitive view of history.
For this reason, Venezuela, Argentina, and Nicaragua don’t celebrate Columbus Day, and have renamed
the 12th of October ‘Día de la Resistencia Indígena’ (Day of Indigenous Resistance) instead.

The emphasis that Spanish law puts on the monarchy’s affiliation with Columbus Day makes the
celebration seem outdated and irrelevant when thinking about the history of Latin America. While some
countries in South America might honour indigenous tribes instead of the conquistadores, Cuba doesn’t
acknowledge Columbus Day at all. That isn’t at all surprising, considering the rebellion led by Che Guevara
and Fidel Castro that culminated in its shift to communism in 1965. However, it does call into question
the use of the phrase ‘celebrating Hispanic history’ that many Columbus Day supporters use in the
event’s defence.

Even in Europe, Columbus Day remains painfully reminiscent of the political turmoil of the 20th century
and the effect it had on Spain in the form of the Francoist dictatorship. General Franco didn’t hesitate to
use it as a means of promoting national unity in a way that in effect ended democracy in Spain from 1939-
75. The comparisons that the Spanish press of the 1930s drew between Christopher Columbus and
Franco as symbols of Spanish success and victory have tainted the celebration of Columbus day and only
serve to emphasise the violence and pain that both men brought about.

Various Latin American countries, the United States, and Spain observe Columbus Day, but celebrations
are on a much grander scale in Spain, where they include military parades and an air force procession in
which planes fly through the sky and leave behind coloured smoke resembling the Spanish flag. The
military march through the streets of Madrid is said to improve the public perception of the civil service
defence branch, as well as being a display of Spanish military prowess. However, the prominent
incorporation of the military into the celebrations doesn’t really celebrate the history of Spain and
multicultural Hispanic identity, so for many people it seems redundant and a waste of money. Although
history is an important part of national unity and identity to Spain as it is to every other country, perhaps
it is time to look at it in a more critical way and acknowledge the failures and atrocities as well as success
and glory.
Other Cultures
Vijayadashami by Pranavi Mondrety Y10

Vijayadashami but depending on the region is also known as Dussehra, Dasara or Dashain
is a major Hindu festival celebrated at the end of Navaratri every year. ‘Nava’ meaning
nine and ‘Ratri’ meaning night. And it usually falls in the Gregorian months of September
and October.

Depending on which region, Vijayadashami is celebrated for different reasons and in
different ways. In the northeast, south, east and sometimes in the northern states of
India, it is for the end of the Durga Puja, which reminds people of the goddess Durga’s
victory over the demon Mahishasura to restore and protect dharma (right/good). In the
northern, western and central states, it is also called Dussehra, but instead, it is celebrated
to mark the end of Ramayana and is for remembering Vishnu’s avatar Rama’s victory over
the ten-headed demon Ravana.

Vijayadashami celebrations include: the burning of a giant Ravana effigy, dissolving a clay
Durga effigy or simply just doing puja. The festival also marks the start of preparations for
Diwali (Festival of light), which is celebrated 20 days afterwards. Due to covid 19, these
celebrations cannot take place as they usually would, well at least in the UK anyway, as
the coronavirus cases only seem to be growing in Kent. So people have adapted to simply
just doing at home and not doing it as grandly. In India they have put in place social
distancing measures in temples and festivities will most likely take place on a smaller
scale.           Telugu vocab

   •     � ��… - My name is...
   •     � ��ం� - What is your name?
   •     �� ఇం��ండ్ �ం� వ�� � - I am from England.
   •     �� ఎక� � �ం� వ�� � - Where are you from?
   •     � వయ� 15 సంవత� �� - I am 15 years old
   •     �� ఈ �ళ దస� పం�గ జ����� � - We celebrated
         Dussehra today
   •     �� ఈ �డ ��� �జ ����� � - Today, we did the
         Durga Puja.
   •     ఈ �ళ మం� ��కర�న �ం� వంట� ����� � -
         Today, we made delicious food.
   •     �� దస� � ఏం ��� - What did you do for Dussehra?
Christmas Quiz
 1. In what country does Nikolaus travel by donkey in the middle of
    the night on December 6 and leave little treats like coins,
    chocolate, oranges and toys in the shoes of good children?
 2. In what country was a log carried into the home on Christmas Eve
    and sprinkled with red wine to make the log smell nice when it was
 3. In what country do their Nativity scenes have extra 'everyday'
    people and objects (such as houses, waterfalls, food, animals and
    even figures of famous people and politicians!)?
 4. In what country is Christmas celebrated from December 12th to
    January 6th?
 5. In what country is the traditional Christmas cake called 'Bolo Rei'
    (which means 'King Cake') in which traditionally a broad bean and a
    gift are hidden in the cake. If you get the gift you can keep it. But
    if you find the broad bean, you must pay for next year's Bolo Rei?
 6. In a region in what country are children’s presents delivered on
    Christmas Eve by a magical man called Olentzero. He is a big,
    overweight man wearing a beret and smoking a pipe?
Flags Quiz
Circle the correct answer.

                             • Belgium
                             • Germany
                             • Romania

                             • Hungary
                             • Mexico
                             • Cuba

                             • Austria
                             • Poland
                             • Monaco

                             • Uruguay
                             • Paraguay
                             • Argentina

                              • Russia
                              • Luxembourg
                              • Netherlands

                              • Italy
                              • Ireland
                              • Ivory Coast
Interview with the teachers

Mrs Oblikova

  1. Can you speak any other languages if so which and if not, are there any that
     you would like to learn? At school till the age of 15 I studied Russian, Latvian,
     Spanish and English. I can speak/write/read Russian as this is my first
     language of which I studied till the age of 15. I also studied Spanish and
     English as my foreign languages at school. I studied Latvian as I was born in
     Latvia and had to study it, I was fluent in it, but have now forgotten a lot
     since I do not use it at all. I continued to study Spanish at University here in
     the UK, and enjoyed it very much. I have excelled in English as I have moved
     here to the UK and have continued my education here in English language. I
     studied a bit of French but found it difficult.
  2. Were you or any of your family members born/from another country? I was
     born in Riga, Latvia, which was part of the former USSR. My parents were
     born in the USSR too, and their roots go back to Latvia, Ukraine and South
  3. Did you study any languages at school/university and if so which? In School
     I studied Russian, Latvian, English and Spanish. In University I did a maths
     degree, but chose Spanish as an additional course, and I also did a bit of
     French, but I prefer Spanish.
  4. Your favourite place abroad that you have visited and why?      I have visited
     South India several times, Tamil Nadu and Kerala. It is very vibrant,
     beautiful, interesting, and I love the food and enjoy meeting people, who are
     always happy. I would go back again to see more of the tea estates and see
     how tea is harvested, also to see Indian tigers in a national park, to donate
     clothes/toys to local charities (I take summer clothes and my children's toys,
     pencils etc there and donate to local poor families) and of course to eat
     more Indian food!
Mr Potter

  1. Can you speak any other languages if so which and if not, are there
     any that you would like to learn? I can speak French and I know a
     few words in Swedish but I would like to learn more Swedish.
  2. Were you or any of your family members born/from another
     country? My Grandmother is from Sweden and that is the main
     reason as to why I would like to learn Swedish properly.
  3. Did you study any languages at school/university and if so
     which? In School I studied French at GCSE level and then I
     studied Latin and Greek at A level and I can read both.
  4. Your favourite place abroad that you have visited and why? My
     favourite place abroad to visit is Rwanda. I lived and taught in
     Rwanda for 2 years and over that time I acquired a greater
     understanding of the country. In addition, Rwanda is an incredibly
     beautiful place in which you can see mountain Gorillas which were
     extremely fascinating, and I also made some great friends and
     memories there.
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